Malaya Tribune, 6 August 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 182 1 THE Sirvgapore Medical Services Unioivwill press Government to make available to local men prize appointments in the Medical Services now being "monopolised" by expatriate officers. This is contained in a memolandum the Union is preparing for submission to the Benham Committee that wtP examine the
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  • 29 1 Reuter. LONDON. Fri. Reports from many world centres today blamed sun spots for j almost world-wide interfer- ence with shortwave broadj casts during the past 24 hours.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 28 1 A.P. COLOMBO. Fri. -A bilateral air agreement was signed in Colombo today between Britain and Ceylon, covering routes between London and Sydney via Colombo and Singapore.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 31 1 Reuter. PARIS. Fri. The preparatory meeting of the Council of Europe held here today to preps re* for Europe'-* first "Parliament" due to open at Strasbourg next Wednesday. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 99 1 \TVI TOM (HAI, Ml 10--i» ese l)>)\« r, was c lurried unconscious from the ring at the Hupp;, Y\ orld Ntajiuin, after he had been knocked <>w. l»y M tk Kai Khoon. He uas ti»k -:i to th* General Hospital where an hour later ite
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  • 113 1 LOS ANGELES. Fri. Tt I wi'l be 10 to 20 years befoie useful civilian applications of i atomic power can be expect- cd. But tight now Canada is j ahead in that field, said Dr. Lawrence R Hafstad. direct- I or feactor development fo r
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  • 126 1 Reuter. PARIS, Friday. Eight thousand steelhelmeted police and security guards with rifles, tommy guns and tear gas equipment guarded the centre of Paris today against a threatened Communist demonstration directed against the three American Chiefs of Staff. Armoured cars, police and military radio cars
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 97 1 A.P. LONDON, "Fri. Britain America, France and Canada have been nominated to foim the Supreme Defice Counoi' of diplomatit officials qwqjjteai Merc today. The tj COun cjl's he t< lircct the rnilitajp and strate qic programme* of the 12 i Nation Atlantic Alliance. Preliminary British anr
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 445 1 ACHESON CALLS FOR FREEDOM, LNDEPENDENCE' Reuter. WASHINGTON, Friday. United States Secretary of State Dean Acheson today advanced a five-point programme to encourage and support "an independent, libera Uv governed and free China." Mr. Acheson submitted the plan a* a press conference after issuing the
    Reuter.  -  445 words
  • 230 1 U.P. LONDON, Fri.- Representatives of British commercial concerns in China are pressing the British Foreign Office to order the Royal Navy to escort merchant shipping into Nationalist-blockaded Shanghai, it was reported today. A committee of the representatives called at the Foreign Office and later
    U.P.  -  230 words
  • 29 1 America's policy in brief: The spread of Ked control beyond the borders of China will be considered as a threat to international pepce.
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  • 252 1 LI'S MAN TELLS U.S.'Burma, Indo-China, And Siam Next' U.P. NEW YORK, Friday. Acting President Li Tsung-jen's personal representative in the United States," Dr. C. H. Kan pleaded today with the United States to gamble on the new regime of Li Tsung-jen, and warned that failure to halt Asian Communists now
    U.P.  -  252 words
  • 64 1 Reuter. CANNES, Fri.—The French police are expected to make an today in the ease of the Aga Khan jewel robbery, semi-official sources said. Two police superintendents working on the case since the hold up on Wednesday, jumped into a motor ear here last night and headed for Marseilles
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 9 mmmmmmmmm I Teakwood Chests Of superb eastern craftsmanship, our teakwood chests have that distinctive quality so much desired by people of good taste. Phone 2867. The Old Capital 31, Stamford Road, Spore. j CARGO, coring j j forwarding V* j j PACKING t Fully fashioned NYLON S"T O C
      75 words
    • 146 1 RIGHT ON TIME! with a watch or clock serviced by YICK WOH HING 439, North Bridge Road, Singapore Phone 7922. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★-A I COLUMBIA STARS.... j \i DINAH SHORE 3 r* j *fc How Soon. DB r I've Got You Under Mv Skin. 2383 if if FRANK SINATRA if I Only
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  • 58 2 A ceremony to mark the beginning nf Singapore's Iln\s" Town was held yewterda\, when its patron Mr. C M is,: v planted a tree on the l'J-acre site. Pictured here (Irani tta »ft t are: Mr. Nttßoy, Mr. W. T. McDermott, liishop O'eomendy of Malacca,
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  • 431 2 THE Singapore Admiralty Local Staff Union, in its memorandum to the Admiral Superintendent, H.M. Dockyard, Singapore, condemned as "unfair and unjust" the revised salary-scales approved by the Admiralty and urged for an "upward revision of salaries" for its members. The Union had accepted
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  • 81 2 The FAO and ECAFE will held a jcint exploratory meeting of officials in Singapore on October 1, and 3. immediately following the FAO pie Conference Regional meeting. The purpose cf the meeting will be to ascertain wheth. i the Gevernmert* in the Region desire
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  • 90 2 Mi. Carl de Souza of the Social Welfare Department, in a broadcast over Radio Malaya, last night, said that people in England took keen interest in Malaya. Mi. de Souza who has just returned after a two-year Social Welfare course in England said. "It is
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  • 31 2 Tuberculosis caused 29 deaths last week, pneumonia 29. enteritis 23 r.nd crr.vulsirns 16. One hundred ninetynine people died last week Trie!* «rerc 546 births during the same period.
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  • 72 2 Mr. Nancy H. Young (carrying her son Steven) and Mrs. Dorothy C. S. Chang, two (laughters of Major Wee Kuh Kiat, Commandant, Singapore Specra' Constabulary, returned to Singapore from HonoHi'n in the President Monroe yesterday. They have come here to say ''hallo" to their father and to stay a lew
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  • 170 2 I(uala Lumpur, Friday. The Arbitration Board may publish its findings before the cut in tappers' pay announced by the Malayan Planting Industries Employers Association comes into force, an official of the Labour Department told the Tribune today. The cuts were announced by the M.
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  • 34 2 Tne fcJi other Director and Staff of St. Joseph's Institute will holo a Variety Conceit in the School Hall today at 7 p.m. in aid of the School Laboratory and Rehabilitation Fund.
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  • 445 2 GOVERNMENT aid next year for the industrial side of Singapore's Boys' Town was promised by Mr. A. W. Frisby, Director of Education, yesterday. Mr. Frisby spoke at a ceremony marking the commencement of Boys Town at the 0 1 L > milestone Bukit Timah,
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  • 86 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. j Prompt action by a rail worker saved the" northbound I Kuala Lumpur night mad from a bad smash eaily yesj terday morning near Kendong seven miles north of Tampm. A motor van had swerved off the road to avoid the clos- ed
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  • 62 2 Lav Cheng Hiang, 34, was sentenced in the Fcuitli Police Court yesteruay cO six weeks rigorous imprisonment for stealing 5.590 katties of Government rice worth $1,677. Tan See Ann, alleged to be his acccmptlco, was acquitted. Lim MtJt Lye, 41. was sentenced to six weeks hard
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  • 100 2 Singapore will lie, under the shadow of electricity blackouts for the next three years. In his annval report for 1948, the Municipal E ectr'c Engineer, Mr. C. C. Payne states that difficulties in carrying peak loads would oe experienced during the next two or three years. For
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  • 71 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. One thousand five hundtct: people were screened yesterday, in Temoh Town, in the Tapah area. Seven Chinesr were arrested undei th' Emeigeucy Regulations. In the Kroh area, anothe: 1,000 people weie screened in Klian Intan village. Twenty six people have been detained for furthei
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  • 32 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. There have 45 ar rests in the Federation during tin week ending August Chinese and 8 Malays in Pahang. 34 Chinese and 1 Ma*«w in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 125 2 TUAN Sheik a y m Sheik Musi sentative of th -an the Board of Uw Rubbei Research Institut, w a broadcast ovet Malaya last HagM Ui p,, c of rubber will no* Wtw uses for found. SmaUhcliN'! v feeling the effect of t w price
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  • 440 2 ABDUL Samat bin Amjah has won his appeal in Sydney to the Quarter Sessions Appeals Court against an order declaring him a prohibited immigrant and also a sentence of six months gaol pending deportation. On May 31, Mr. Isles, S. M., sentenced Amjah
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  • 94 2 A million square feet, of coveted floor factory space has been devottd by the Indian Government to a factor, in Bangalore, which will produce Indian-:i;adt an craft under the sup?;vi- on of Nh S. H. Campbell Mi Campbc'.l has been appointed sales and commission agent
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  • 59 2 In the Fourth District Court yesterday. Cheong Ens Hni of Racecourse Etc d w I acouitted on grounds of insufficient evidence. Cheone. had been charged with voluntanly assisting m the disnosal of Itolea ginfc His wife. Agatha Lim. will go to court
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  • 79 2 Mr. Justice Evam reaersw judgment in the High Cou! yesterday in the d' vorr case in which Kannoo Sam> Joseph. i wife. Cecilia Jo Mpi dissolution of bis on the grouno ot tM i u i tf V with M. Lctchemanan taw tiar, of Johore Bahru Kannoo Sair%
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  • 36 2 Ong Ciu'G Siom n Sec Seng. .38 we, >; the Second Pcii. terday with ceil. under the pi 1 01 bra ting" "Fob. all soul, d The men pi penteoce wsj dcfei »w gust 12.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 121 2 YOU'LL GO WILL) IF YOU MISS... m I i' ai wm 11: :VIS. In view of the Terrific Suspense of this melodrama, no one will be seated during the last few minutes of the picture! g \alhambra I (Air-Conditioned Tele. 6909) ATOW SHOWING! j 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 and 9.30
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  • 322 3  -  Says C. C. Tan MR. C. C. Tan, president of the Progressive Party, in a statement to the press last night, said that Singapore would have nothing to fear from the development of the Federation ports of Penang and Port Swettenham. He was
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  • 93 3 General Sir Neil M. Ritchie, eonimanilei-in-chief nf the Far Ea-t Land Forces, hai handed over ni fe command to Lt.-Ck*nera! Sir .Tohn Hardin?- I General Ritchie will sail for England on September S. I'ntil then he is expected to spend some time on leave at j a
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  • 38 3 All government rice retailers will close their shops i n Friday. August 12. Hi celebration of the third ansary of the Singapore Licensed Rice Retailers Association. The association control- almost a thousand govi rnmcnt rice retailers.
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  • 21 3 The Directors of the East m United Assurance Corporatlon Ltd. have donated SlO,--00Q ti- the University of MaEndowment Fund.
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  • 181 3 CVWGAPQRE is a "magic word" to Australians, said Mi. Bennett Dremner. Qantas Empire Airways Publicity Manager, now visiting Singapore. He revealed that the- Airway- was investigating the possibility a twoway tourist trade between Australia and Malaya. "Australia will welcome Malayans as tourists." Mr. Bremner
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 3 Air Vice Marshal P. J. Med. rsh, A. O. C. the R \l M.i ht/, a, presenting a tropin to AC2 Mohano'd Voor hln Hussuin for th- -.t bMM competition after the paw In out pure A- «fui\ U'i.n of Mi \.K r: •tn >ni (MaLt. *daj >hhitaniu.:
    50 words
  • 240 3 AIK Vice-Marshal F. J. Mellersh, Air Officer ComA manding R. A. F. Malaya, told 96 men of No. 95 Squadron R. A. F. Regiment (Malaya) yesterday that the Regiment shared the responsibilities of the R. A. F. in the F,ar East never more so than in
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  • 79 3 linfoicements for the Fa: Be I aircraft strength will shortly take the air here, after the technical RAF stuff at Tengah have re-as-sembled over 20 Tempt t single-seater fighters which have been delivered to the Colon\. The R. N. aircraft-carrier, Ocean, will shortly arrive in
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  • 69 3 The theft of $6.000 woith ol m< dical drugs from an Army medical store at Pasn Panjang during the night of Api ii 2 last was revealed in the Assise Court yesterday when three Chinese were charged with retaining stolen medical diugs. The thiee Chinese are
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  • 37 3 The Pasij Panjang Rural District Committee wnl give a tea pai ty at the Hwa Chiow Boy's School in BaKau Lane tpdey at 4 30 p ill, to commemorate the second anniversary of toe committee.
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  • 20 3 Mr. HE. Noble ab4 MrHpilington Cboong have been appointed assistant Immigra- tioa Qfficerts foi th, fWnOY of Singapore.
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  • 55 3 Admiral Sit Patrick Br md commander-in-chief of the Far East Stat-on. returned by air to Singapore yesterday after I cruise in Japanese waters. While in Japan. Su Patrick had discussions with General Douglas MacAithur. ViceAdniu al Berkey, r.s.N.. C'ommandei Forces. F.K.. and iem ral Robertson, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 3 Miss Kathleen nempson, 21-year-old American who accompanied her parents on their six-month hoUday trip to the Lnited States, has returned to Singapore .n the President Monro,-. With her is her nance* Mr. R. S. lack, an engineer vMth the Sheli OM Company, Singapore, who was there tv meet
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  • 132 3 THE President Monroe, President liner came with 85 passengers. globe-girdling American into Singapore yesterday The ship loft San Francisco on her p»esens voyage on Jan. 7 and has call d at Honolulu, Yokohama. Kobe. Hongkong and Manila. Fifteen passongeis fiom San Francisco and Honolulu got
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  • 43 3 MALACCA. Fri. The l*cnang artist. Mun Sen. has ju t concluded a foui-day exhibition of his water-colour paintings at the Mcng Seng Chaiitable Association. Twenty per cent, of the gross receipts fiom sales will be donated to the Malacca antiT. B, fund.
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  • 40 3 MALACCA. Fri. The titulai feast of the Church of St. Phllcmena, Tampin. will be celebrated on Suuday. Aug. 11 Special buses will run from Malacca that day. starting from St. Fiancis Xaviet Chu cb Mnt.itVM. 'it 6.45
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 BETTER BRIGHTER uith EVERY SHOW! lrV^H < aai^iii-si*T. -al Today: M.l.i (>.:;<) i.IS p.m. Egypt's All Singing Dancing Picture! "AHLAM EL-SHABAB" with FARID EL-ATARACH (Siucing Hero of "BTJLBULE EFFENDI") TAHIA t ARIOC'A (<hie<n «»f Hip-Swayt»rs) Bfeaara V. akini A Madiaa Viisri Tomorrow Morning slum I i a.m. WHITE EAGLE" (Complete
      131 words
    • 193 3 TO-DAY-TWO SHOW S 2*B p.m. Whol. Serial KifiG QF JUNGLE %&k in 16 chapters. i i: i; TODAIi .i.OO. OJiO A' ».15 P.M. j \rlhur Lake Lon Lhanex in "1H FATHOMS DEEP" (In Asjsec Color) Spim-Chttting I n..Tomorrow At 11.00 A.M. "ARABIAN NIGHTS" in Color j ORE VI WORM) Atlantic
      193 words
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  • 338 4 llritl».», < b r g o II ullidr»"» lttodl'riek »»rs»»l <lVj pbutogr»pbed at »lu« n»lllll» be»ll m»l»rt»>r», «bortlv l»tt«»r ldx l»rr» «l l»«b»»r per»«nn» ln < l,l»lur«« «re. lll««u,ur lllme», bus» ot 5Vb>d. ot tbe < lorl»»«r lXlnz ut lin ot lb» »sitl«b lnlornn»tlon «Me»> i III l4uelu,r«»«t
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  • 493 5 THE INSIDE STORY OF CHINA (AMERICAN VERSION) WASHINGTON, Friday mfE United States, in its long-awaited white paper on China made public today, drew a definite line against Communism in Asia. It declared that the American government would consider the spread of Red control beyond f
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  • 265 5 A.P. The white paper also reveals that, during the war with Japan, when President Roosevelt was concerned io Keep nil China in the light, he tried to get tienera'lsslmo Chiang to name the late Gent rat Joseph VT. Stilwell as Commander-in-Chief of Chinese and American iorees.
    A.P.  -  265 words
  • 81 5 A.P. OTTAWA, Fri.—More efficient jet engines may be the result of experiments being carried out in Canada under direction of the National Research Councd. Present day tendencies towards the use cf higher oper- j ating temporatures, as in jetpropelled aircraft, and n many metallurgical processes, mean
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 167 5 A.P. MOSCOW. Fii. The mortal was invented by Russian sailors. This claim was advanced in Red Fleet which said For a lone; time priority in the construction of the mortar has been ascribed to the Japanes. Soviet research, workers have rejected this falsehood. Material
    A.P.  -  167 words
  • 137 5 A.P. NEW DELHI. Fri. -Abdul Wahab Mustapha, Head of Technical Schemes, Egypt, has presented Indian Prime Minister. Pandit Nehru, a copy of his book "The Immortal Faroukite Message In his letter to Nehru, Abdul Wahab said that during the pilgrimage of 1367 (Muslim calendar, English calendar
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 77 5 Reuter. NEW DELIHI, Fri.—Special independence day envelops with the imprint of Lord Vishnu. "The Preserver and Attainer." will be released by the Indian Postal authorities during the second week of August. The issue, marking the release of India's archaeological series of stamps, is intended for
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 152 5 A.P. CHIv" (en lour Phirs reported may b e caused by f rimless spec. light on the roodttton involving skin l «M the eyes were ™m r> s Edward F. y- M Knoll. rnbe, and i r the De- r^nnauSjHM Jefferson Medical College. Writing in
    A.P.  -  152 words
  • 68 5 Reuter-AAP ADELAIDE, Fri. A piglet on an estate at Suttontown, South Australia, was reared by a two-year-old sheepdog, the estate manager said recently. The dog had a litter of eight pups when given a piglet to rear. The piglet was the sole survivor- of a littei of
    Reuter-AAP  -  68 words
  • 34 5 Reuter. TOKIO, Fri. Mr. Edwaid F. Walsh chic- of SCAP\s% anti-trust and cartels division warned the Japanese against the danger of permitting monopolies to revive again following the break-up of Japanese cartels. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 187 5 A.P. NEW DELHI, Friday. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, declared today that the Communist policy aimed at creating chaos in India through violence and terrorism has been unsuccessful. The Prime Minister made the statement at a press conference reviewing his Government's achievements up to the second anniversary
    A.P.  -  187 words
  • 37 5 IMPORTS CUT Reuter. CANBERRA. Fri. -Prime Minister Joseph Chifley announced today that a Cabinet sub-cemmittee had approved of reduction of dollar imports for the September quarter to the maximum extent practicable without seriously disrupting Australian tconomy. Reutei.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 29 5 A.P. PUNCH AL, Madeira. Fri. Britain. Africa and Central America are the three leading customers for the fruit and vegetables grown in the island of Madeira. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 104 5 Reuter—AAP. TOKYO, Fri.—A youthful pickpocket learned that there are dangers to the trade besides policemen. Operating at the. busy I meda terminal in Osaka recently, the 16-year-o!d 1 lad successfully stole <>ne watch and put it in his no tilth while he at- j tacked another
    Reuter—AAP.  -  104 words
  • 36 5 A.P. WARSAW. Fr. Youth brigades from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France. Austria, Norway and Sweden are working in Warsaw this summer. They are helping to clear away rubble to provide sites for now homes and buildings—A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 175 5 A.P. BERLIN. Friday. GERMAN Communists ate telling other Germans to look upon Soviet men as model husbands Many Germans are still treating their wives like servants. Neves Deutschland. Ccmmunist Party newspaper, complained recently. "Soviet men do not let their wives do all house woik alone." The
    A.P.  -  175 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 442 5 j SIT. VACANT WANTED a Delivery Van Clerk I with Driver's Licence, apply to I Box A 2673 c o M.T. Spore. <H.220> WANTED residential sales rt- preventatives, one in ench city via Koala Lumpur. Ipoh, IVnans. KiMhtng, Jesselton, Bangkok and Hongkong with promotion übranch manager for suitable persons. Applicant?
      442 words
    • 252 5 /WNl^MWW? MASSAOIST: Das L. P. M. E. (I,ond CM. (Eng.). 25 year- perienee in OU-me*sag°. Electric Hot-water bath treatments. Aurora Physio-Therapeut>C CTttMC 421. C.-ylang Road. Te! Mt» fJ< VF.HS: FOB «AMC RENAULT 12 Model i 940 overhauled and sprayed only. Phone 7062 or view 46. Orchard Road. 21 >•
      252 words
    • 152 5 <JrT- v \vrn CHINESE tcTcTs. Dioio>na d7--sir.-s secretarial position. Executive ability handling correspond ence. accounts. compr.rv work. Knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Reply Box A.2672. M.T. Snore (H. 221) MAN. 3,. expert publicity, publirelations and printing, seeks full or part time employment: anything considered. Box A.2f«68 M.T.. Spore. (G. 212).
      152 words
    • 681 5 H f% V MADE IN ENGLAND CHOy BROTHERS(fc^ITB. THE HAPPY WORLD CABARET. The Last Final Night of TOXIC.IIT. IHE ELI CTION OF THE 1949 HAPPY'S QUEEN. Send in your last votes before 11 p.m. Special Pir- S* R iGrwi Fbar Shows by Miss Kitty Hong Hse Lin Kuen. The Final
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  • 568 6 QUOTE, from this column yesterday: "Do we want a free, united and democratic Malaya, or don't we? If we do, then we have got to one people with a common citizenship, sharing our profits and losses." QIJOTE, from the Revised Constitutional Proposals, July 21,
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  • 964 6  -  When the Arab League was formed four years ago it enshrined the fondest hopes of the Arab people. Today the League has become a facade with nothing behind it. The solidarity of the Arab states is a myth. by Haig Nicholson Reuter. CAIRO. MIDDLE East
    Reuter.  -  964 words
  • 734 6 HAL BOYLE gives some tips to those who want to visit the United States. You can have fun on a small budget because tlie A.P. NEW YORK. SO you're coming to visit New York this summer for the first time? And your ailing
    A.P.  -  734 words
  • 652 6  -  THE EMPIRE OR NO EMPIRE By KENNETH LIKES A.P. BAT A VIA IF a political settlement and peace come to Indonesia and the Dutch army pulls out, few heic will he happier than the Dutch soldiers themselves. Holland's average soldier fed up with his
    A.P.  -  652 words
  • 779 6  -  By A CORRESPONDENT rpHE Kremlin first and China I second —that is the real meaning behind the recent policy-making statements of Communist Chinese leaders. In fact, it Is the only possible line that a Communist so avowedly and strictly orthodox as Mao Tsc Tung can
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 Waterproof watches from $34 Write for price list 16, Collyer Quay Singapore. LETTER TRAY iM RO6INSOS jMPti} TEL 6480 ALSO AT KUALA t PEN AN S (ItTAAUSHI £> 40 TIAAS I» MAUUULI V i
      33 words
    • 48 6 ALWAYS REMEMBER TO SAY 1 COURVOISIER Honoured by the Warrant of Supply t George V. and H.M. King George VI. Co* reteived similar distinctions from tie Court of France and from King Ctmmtaf I Sole Agents for Malaya, British North Borneo 1 LOW TANGCHANG LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore).
      48 words

  • 147 7 A.P. LONDON. Friday.—Ameiican tourists made Britain's cash registers Jingle to the tune ol* £4,000,000 during June, the Travel Association said yesterday. The flow of American dollars came from the pockets of 15,153 American visitors who arrived that month and 3,375 others who passed through the
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 88 7 Reuter-AAP. aIO. Fri. Japanese inles have been makt profitable business out of trsein? and recovering r:al concealed from Allied authorities in the of confusion that folia pan's surrender Tokyo Industrial Com- Cently uncovered 3.500 n trea of cable which had buried in Kanagawa PrefectMte. Thf company spent
    Reuter-AAP.  -  88 words
  • 94 7 LONDON. Fri. Britain wo fcwci millionaires— fined by the Income Tax tor as men who earn than $100,000 a year. 1 *»i yeai there were 56.'Now Inert are 54. it revealed by the rethe Inland Revenue m rs. It shows, too, it ii r. are only 70 people tain
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  • 74 7 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Fri. Actress Silan Chen, (laughter of the 'a*" diplamat, Eugene Chen, has been engaged for a role in the Universal-Inter-national movb- "East of l Java." i Mias Chen, who is also a dancer specialising in < Javanese rhythms, is j married to Jay
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 35 7 Reuter. SAN FKANCiSCO. Fri. /ommunist Pciping iadio tought claimed that six Nation\list major generals and 11.000 ;ther ranks have been captured ince the opening of the now "ommunist offensive on July IC—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 32 7 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, TO. Art Black, an assistant director for m.B.m. left Hollywood for Nairobi, British East Africa, to prepare for producer Sam Zimbalist s picture 'King Solomon's Mines." —A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 169 7 U.P. CHICAGO, Friday. Schools are being closed and public gatherings are being banned by many Chicago communities as the result of a sharp increase in the number of poliomyelitis infantile paralysis cases in the past week. umcago puDiic neaitn officials have issued a special
    U.P.  -  169 words
  • 37 7 TOKYO. Fri. William Olive, American vice-consul in Shanghai, and his wife arrived here today on the first leg of their return journey to the United States after more than two months in Communistdominated China.
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  • 57 7 A.P. TOfUO*. Fri. In a new move to reduce the number of persons on tb> pub!ic payro", the Government Is to discharge 18.000 te'ecommunlcation* and 7,000 p»wt orHoe employee* this month. The* j two departments have mare than 400,000 workers. A total off 97,000 Government railway employees
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 45 7 A.P. HAMBURG. Fri. The British Military of Education hat- offered 22 appointments in British secondary schools to Germans for the year 1949-1950. The Germans chosen will be teachers of English most likely to benefit from a stay in the United Kingdom.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 77 7 Reuter-AAP. PERTH. Fri. Former bomber pilot Reginald Matthew Gillett. who did a threeyear correspondence course, has passed an accountancy examination and said he would start, his own business as a public accountant at his home. Gillett .contracted arthritis in his spine and both hips after two crashes
    Reuter-AAP.  -  77 words
  • 28 7 U.P. CANTON. Fri. ChinchCommunist forces reportedly captured the stronghold of Su.chan today and rolled toward Kanchow, eastern anchor of the defence line that guards Canton. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 190 7 A.P. OTTAWA, Fri. Visual j Education the use of films I to supplement oral lectures I is helping India to learn of other countries despite her, problem of illiteracy, said Mr. Verrketrno Pillay of Bombay, i "Films have no language 1 difficulty and the differences between
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 53 7 A.P. WASHINGTON, Fri. American Fishery Industries are "uncertain of the future and for the most part rather pessimistic the U.S. Fish and Wild Life Service has reported. Unfavourable factors include "continued pressure of imported fishery products, prospects of a continuing low level of foreign demand, and declining consumer
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 131 7 A.P. MOSCOW, Friday. The Moscow Film Studio will from njw on produce only coloured films. The Paper Soviet Ait recently announced that this leading film production centre of the country was now in the process of shooting the last scenes of its last black
    A.P.  -  131 words
  • 111 7 TOKIO, Friday. Suicide music was the "scoop" given to a Japanese news agency at Osaka by a lovesick* youth, Asahi reported today. Gen Okamura. son of Yuji Okamura of Osaka stepped into the office of the usaka branch of the (Kyodo) nrws agency and
    111 words
  • 52 7 A.P. Beside the phonograph was a note book empty except for these words on the first page "Why I'm going to commit suicide even I don't know. I need not be interested in things after my death." Asahi said the police learned Gen. Okamura had been disappointed in
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 99 7 A.P. NEW DELHI. Fri.—The Government of India has decided to open a National Museum to develop and co-ordi-nate cultural studies in and about India. The Museum will be temporarily located in Gov- ernment House. The collections will include archaelogy, history, anthropology and art. The Government has
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 25 7 j SILVERWARE I JEWELLERY j WATCHES I i t S. P. H de St Iva 45, HIGH STREET J SINGAPORE. Branches m Kuala Lumpur Ipoh
      25 words
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 1723 8  -  by OSWALD HENRY RATING: Fait; Good; Very Good, Excellent PAVILION RATING: FILM: "The Passionate Friends" STARS: Ann Todd, Claude Rains, Trevor Howard, Isabel Dean and Betty Ann Davies. rO rarely nowadays does one get the chance to enjoy such a film as this. As far is the
    1,723 words
  • 295 8 A.P. LONDON. Fii. Scientists j of three nations are going to the Antarctic this year to look among the eternal J glaciers for a warm land on which men have never set foot. Their object is a land warm enough so that possibly
    A.P.  -  295 words
  • 128 8 Reuter. LONDON. Fri. Many of London's women—particularly those who go out to wotk as well as running homes are too tired to do anything at the end of the day except go to films, according to a social survey here. The survey was prepared
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 129 8 A.P. OTTAWA, Fri.—Canadian postmen complained that they were not allowed to remove their tunics or neckties during hot weather. The post office did not Hhe the Idea and decided to issue bow ties, clipped to the colla: without going all the way around. "That," said an
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 32 8 MANILA. Fri. Every Filipino worker should iav.* refrigerator and live in ccmfort >«id a Yale University prefcusor who is tra to sec how the world is applying modem techniques."
    32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 659 8 SHIPPING A For London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg ft Hull:— Spore: Ft. Swet. Penang. BENLAWERS sails 6 Aug. 7— 8 Aug. X BENLOMOND 13-19 Aug. 20—21 Aug. 22—24 Aug. 6 BENVORLICH 27 Aug. 2 Sept. 20—22 Aug. 4— 6 Sept. EENCRUACHAN 12—19 Sept. 20—21 Sept. 22—24 Sept. X Alko calls D|eddah,
      659 words
    • 523 8 shipping BOUSTEAD CO., LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railway* GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. Do* RADNORSHIRE (Ca!ls Alexandria Genoai Aug l] GLENGYLE (Calls Tangier Casablane i Aug. 2 FROM U K. FOR BTRAITB, HONGKONG, S3ASG} JAPAN. Due salli GLENROY DENBIGHSHIRE August 2*> CARRIERS
      523 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 374 8 On You r Radio Today BLUE NETWORK <•*> r ,nm r M x i-u<w v iMui'« mary; Interlude; 7.10 Mu.rST', ,SH i K 'Jr..!, «fLu luWiiHiut ay Suara Har--10.00 J"™ *5J3 «iam Party-; New■ 8.30 Lumpur; 10.0., (appro*.> Close "SHftnj nijfht at UTS MlI tt* Fwamrne summary cl Dowtt
      374 words

  • 173 9 RUBBER MARKET THIS WEEK gINCE last week's report, the cessation of E.C.A. buying caused prices to sag but after a slight decline, and in spite of lower advices from London and New York, the local market has held remarkably well and finishes the week with
    173 words
  • 80 9 194?' lowest pr,c s dl,rf »K «he week Auxust 5. Highdit I.owes) I lotintr buyer* Moon RWA R S S* POP a UKU8 33 9/16 32 15/16 S \,K R:S:i: 3 S&§: f:8:i figs 2 Si 5 J fi i8?3 K M A Rla r ke p' An
    80 words
  • 53 9 Foreign expert* of tin metal from Malaya almo.-it doubled in July as compared wit 1 June. The for July was 4.617 tons and for June 2,891 too*. I Of the total, 4.000 tons went to the United States 425 tons to the European Continent and 14S tons
    53 words
  • 32 9 Price* in the Singapore Produce Markets were unchanged yesterday. Little or no business was transacted in {.coper. London was interested in copra only at prices lower than offers from Singapore.
    32 words
  • 34 9 NEW DELHI, Fri. A deficit of Rs. 15.000,000 in India's tiade with Czechoslovakia has been replaced by a provision for balanced trad*' between the two countries of approximately Its. 32,--500,000 each way.
    34 words
  • 36 9 Singapore, Fri. There was still very little doing in the local share market, but prices were very steady. Industrials were quiet. Conditions overseas are also quiet, probably because of Ihe usual August iiclidays.
    36 words
  • 813 9 Singapore, Fri. Buyers. Sellers atlas Ice 15.50 16.50 Alex. Brick Pief. 2.45 2.55 Ords. 2.10 2.20 8.8. Petrol 36/9 37 i) B.M. Trustee 7.50 8.50 Cons. Tin Ord. 13/- 14/--do. (P) 21/- 22/E. Utd. Assur. 40.75 41.75 -estate Trust 7.00 8.00 Federal Dispensary 6.70 7.00 r. n.
    813 words
  • 85 9 THE rubi>er commodity market ruled very steadily yesterday and theie was fair huying in evidence with sellers rather reserved. Closing prices were: Buyers. Sellers. No. 1 Aug. RSS 88% 33% No. 2 Aug. RSS 81% No. 3 Aug. RSS 28' 4 28% On registered tender: Aug.-Sept. 88%
    85 words
  • 78 9 Ij»OREIGN exports of rubber from Malaya increased in July by 15.442 as compared with Jun»The total exported in July was 73,417 tons as compared with 57.975 in June. Shipments to the I'nited States 101 l from 17.798 tons in June to 15,499 tons in July. Shipments to
    78 words
  • 81 9 Bldor (44); Empire Humble (Sheers Wharf); Astyanax (42 43); Fuklen (40 41); AmsteldJjk (88/89); Elpenor (86 3;); Pangkor (34); Sirdhana (33/34); Rupana (31/ 32); DeucaMon (17 18); Tjibodas (19/20); Sansapor (81 IS); Mandeviite (23 *J4); I Orestes (25/26); Hoegh Silvererest—Kamuning (37 28); keponjf (29); Merhmau (;;.»>; Relau
    81 words
  • 120 9 Latest times of posting to Aden Afghanistan. Alaska, fchuope Afrna, South America, Persia, West Indies. Canada. Uffypt, Eire. Abyssinia. Uriin 1 rv..,_ doiii. Iceland. India. 1 ida as car, Pakistan. Palestine. s\ na. U.5.8.R., U.S.A. Pa. in.- [Hands, New Zealand and AusirSitS will be 6 p.m. Airmail Oi
    120 words
  • 139 9 New Britain India Finance Measures LONDON. Fr>. The new financial arrangements between Inrti and Britain wer outlined today in a White Paper which published letters exchanged between Mr. Harold Wilson, Pi evident of tho Board of Trade, and Mr. Mr. Krishna Menon, High ComtaiaakMsei fo: India. The new agreement does
    139 words
  • 71 9 WASHINGTON. Fit John R. Steelman the Assistant to President Truman has announced the establishneit of an interagency advisory ctmmittee on synthetic rubber legislation. The Committee is composed of representatives of interested Government agencies, and will prepare for the President's consideration draft recommendations on legislation for the disposal
    71 words
  • 76 9 HONGKONG. Fri. —The gold market was easier duiing the past week, according to the Far Eastern Economic Review. Factois contributing to the easiness, according to the Review, were "the seem er stand of the colony, improved military protection and better- communications with the People's Governof China." The money
    76 words
  • 44 9 U.P. BAHIA. Fri. -Cocoa producers went on an unprecedented strike yesterday when they refused to deliver the produce at the previously contracted prices on the ground that the quotations in the New York market were almost double the prices paid here. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • 51 9 P. NEW YORK, Fri. To find out if enough European and other industria'ists are interested in holding an international trade fair in New York City in the autumn of 1950, an advisory committee has been organised here headed by James S. Carson, vice chairman of the Colonial Trust
    P.  -  51 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 245 9 BANGKOK kite j "tWffl&S MAN'S EVERY MONDAY AT 12.30 p.m. Normal Thursday Service at 0830 Hrs. As Usual) j l. sh\MASTER or DAKOTA. SKiO With through eonn«*etlons to Hong Kong and Manila iaa twice wewkiy to U.K. and America by Pa* American World Airways t OLncbton c,m vm 14 KoMasoa
      245 words
    • 580 9 THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Sarawak) Waekly passengers freight aervieea to Kuching Rejaag River Porta and Bintulu (with transhipment at Kuching) Due Sail" "Bruaa" for Kuching In Port 10 a.m. Aug. 1. Angby for Kuching August 8 August 13 Belaga" for Sarikei, Binatang, Sibu August 9 August 13
      580 words

  • 278 10 The following lies in the B< >DCA Junior Badminton Cham- Kinships will bo played ofl during u> x! \\-ck in the Victoria School Hsb at 2.1") p.m. WEDNKSIIAY, 11l Jacob Thy <2 S n *lo) s-. Chean*; Kens H<x k (2 S B GS). Beau Sol Soon
    278 words
  • 35 10 Mi. Koh Beng Sum. vice-pre.-idt nt of the Social Athi'tic Patty, passed away at his residence at 116 Croaa Street yesterday morning. The funcial will take place tomoriow at 11 a.m.
    35 words
  • 20 10 Merrytfme PP. defeated Spotttgfcl B.P at badminton at the Happy World on Thursday o> four games to Hwe<.
    20 words
  • 71 10 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. I ri.—A fpU I player brought off most j onorthodov shot when playing in a mixed fourbrdl e\ent at a Sydney 1 •;olf »nil recently, hut »ne shot led to disuuniitbatlon. Wlun Iv partner cut Imt drive behind a tree, the golfer played hts s:.ot. ihe
    Reuter-AAP.  -  71 words
  • 348 10 WORLD'S GREATEST WRESTLER A.P. ISTANBUL. VASAR DOGU, a Turkish skilled worker f and father of three chil- dren, is unquestionably the world's greatest middleweight wrestler. His countrymen adore j him. His opponents res- > pect him to the point that they take defeat for
    A.P.  -  348 words
  • 617 10 THE Colony's football giants Singapore Civilians and the Army-Navy clash at Jalan Stadium tomorrow in their long awaited replay to decide which team will meet Selangor for the Malaya Cup at Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 13. The Singapore coach, Choo Seng Quee
    617 words
  • 224 10 A.P. SUMMIT, New Jersey. Friday. DfcTTEK late than never. That is Gils .Lesnevich's motto as he prepares for a delayed shot at the world heavyweight charapioiLship American version. Gus. now 34, has started ttaining for his August 10 Yankee Stadium date with Kz/.ud Charles.
    A.P.  -  224 words
  • 44 10 DON Fl.Si.A'k, nearest camera, won this heat and the final to c1om» an IMustriou. career by taking the 120-yard hurdles in A. A. A. cl ampionships at White City Stadium. The stouted-hearted wing commander, now i'l, plans to retire.
    44 words
  • 228 10 A.P. NEW YORK, Fri.— Japan is making every effort to be represented in the 1952 Olympic Games at Helsinki, Finland, reports Dan Ferris, Secretary Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States. Ferris said there was a possibility Germany also may
    A.P.  -  228 words
  • 110 10 Latest amendments to the S.R.A. classifications are: TRANSFERS: From Class 3 to 2—Abby Kay and Pamarv (late Waveationi. NEW classification;-: French Custom, be g. by Legion of Fiance —Buttozenavant. RE-INSTATED: Class 5— Ycma. CHANGE OF NAME Class 2 —Happy Lass changed to Epsom Downs: Class
    110 words
  • 99 10 The Tiger Spoiting Association, favourites for the title 111 the Senior Inter-Club Cham-pion-hip of the Singapore Table-Tennis Association this yoar. will meet the Chin Woo Athletic Association, runners-up in IH4B, in a key championship tie at the Great Woild Park tonight. The line-up for both
    99 words
  • 170 10 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO. Fri.—One of Japan's best known pre-war athletes, Shigcru Mizuhara. who returned, husky and bronzed, from Siberia, admitted to reporters that he had Joined the Communist Party while a prison-of-war. "I had to Join to return to Japan," Mizuhara, one-time captain of the Tokyo Giants
    Reuter-AAP.  -  170 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 229 10 No Modem Sanitation? ELSAN CLOSETS SOLVE IT! Prevents common sewage infections. r Dysentry Typhoid and other Dangerous Maladies. Maintenance—A Dollar A Month, J| W ELSAN CHEMICAL not only den- S fc troys Micro-Organisms but nlsa prevents foul odonr offensive appearance. AWARDED 8 MEDALS BY THE ROYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE. Full particulars
      229 words
    • 204 10 WULULIY FOB USED STjl2 40c. r > tamp.- <soak..l o ff tTL- 11 3 rradin a Co.. "t »1 ?anada. Stan p ft'e buy vi ki: MEDICAL n«S FAMOUS Hvkmu give* relief ln cor Tt about kidney? T. LiM St.. Biarapor, For Ever>» Letter* Tom Th\;n fe ban Collrge Essay*
      204 words

  • 622 11 T.K. O. After 4th Round UOBBY NJOO, lightweight champion of Java, won the he»rt»» of local boxing fans when he fought his way to a brilliant technical knock-out over jimiii v well, middleweight idol of the Royal Navy, iv Happy World covered stadium, last
    622 words
  • 91 11 11m following nro UM badminI It be played off at the .-r.s.A Indoor court at No. v». Teasensohn Road: SATI MAY 7.:0 p.m. Open Suvrtes .vir. L. c. Cub A Thambiayab X! n Hong: Hg Lianir Thtian vs. Omar b. Osmah: Lini Lock vs. Lim Y«-w Bock; Yap
    91 words
  • 47 11 The following will represent Lads r:.P. against C R.E. badminton at tli« Happy I 1 >>,tJinm on A-.a. 8 a*t George Tan. Ohi« Ss*i H k, Lim One Huat. Koh Ben* Swee, Lim Hu Beng. T X HwSe. Robert L,ai unci Wot Te.-k Yean.
    47 words
  • 143 11 Reuter. LONDON, Fri. When Stratford-on Avon ptdioe eriekei team played Warwick police here yesterday Stratford v. on the toss and decided to bat. ithin a few minute* all 10 wickets had iallen for no runs with no extras. Inspector Pereey Morgan opened the bowling for
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 50 11 Leow Kwong Seng meets Swaran Singh in the main event at the wrestling at the HappyWorld tonight. They will be supported by Ho Wah Ping and Cotinho in the second event. In the preliminary bouts Mintc Jaik wrestles with Sarnian and Thomson opens the card with Wildcat Hassan
    50 words
  • 28 11 The cricket match between the Police Sports Club and the Non-Benders Cricket Club scheduled to be played at tlie Police Depot, Thompson Road tomorrow is cancelled.
    28 words
  • 104 11 U.P. SOUTH ORANGE, New Jersey, Fri. —Arthur Larsen of San Francisco and tiny Felicissimo Ampon of the Philippines sprang major upsets today to win their quarter fina 1 matches in the man's singles in the Eastern Grass Courts Tennis championships. Larsen downed fellow San Francisco .Earl Cqchell
    U.P.  -  104 words
  • 196 11 A.P. BUDAPEST, Friday. ABOUT 1.&00 boys and girts, representing the sporting youth of IB nations, will meet in Budapest for tin* tenth university' games from Aug. 15 to 31. They will come from England, France. Belgium. Scotland, Poland. Albania.
    A.P.  -  196 words
  • 108 11 Entries are invited from all badminton players of Pnlau Brani and Blukan Mati for the badminton tournament this Closing (bite is Au*. MS Knirv fees are %'2 for Men's Singles and $3 for Men's Doubles. The following gentlemen will present Cups and Medals to winners and
    108 words
  • 73 11 MALACCA. Frit Tan Kits Hoe won the singles title ni the Shamrock Badminton' Party tournament just ended. Tan also won the Tan Kirn Tarn Challange Cup for the first tune. RESULTS SINGLES: Tan Kirn Hoe beat Tana Wen* Hon 15—6, 15—7: Handicap Sineles: T arn Wena; Hon (—7>
    73 words
  • 187 11 DONCASTER, Sunday. THE heavyweight contest between Bruce Woodcock, the British champion, and Lee SavoM, of the United States, for the British version of the world heavyweight title arranged for the White City, London, on Sept. 6, has been postponed. A new date is
    187 words
  • 153 11 DULAU Brani United 1 held the Tamil Brotherhood Association to a one-all draw in a Senior League S.A.F.A. soccer fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium, yesterday. At the beginning, the Tamils, through tight-wing Pa ram, made several attempts at the goal, but failed. Later. Osman. left-wing,
    153 words
  • 115 11 Playirur for the Fraser Wave Sports Club. Ong i\>h Lim beat Ismail bin Marjan ot the Shell Kinirts Club S ll 9 -15. 15 9 when the Clu'j met at badminton on Thursday. F. N. won by three K»m< to two. Result? tW. N. playerp
    115 words
  • 46 11 In a friendly match of soccer the Social Athletic Party defeated the S.R.C. by five goals to one played at the S.R.C. ground on Thursday. Scorers were Meng Chong (2); Boon Lay (2) and Chong (2); Boon Leng (2) and Chong Jdun (1).
    46 words
  • 129 11 This One Is Cancelled For Good Reuter. LONDON. Fii. The British Empiie flUl Hi Ijht championship match between Ronnie Clayton cf England and Eddie Miller of Australia, due foi Liveipool Stadium next Thuisday, has been cancelled. The piomotcis lefused Cayton's demand for a purse increase and Miller will now meet
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 HAPPY world; TO-NIGHT AT 9 pJD »n al siar Action Card. h- *f \s. Swam Singh (fMavac Champ) (Indian Star) A chal'cnge return contest Ho Wah Pin vs. (outinho M.n tf Jink vs. Sarnian IkMMoa ns. Wildcat Hassan *'»Mlv,io.N: *2.00 A $1.00 Quick From AX h l-.iwdcr form. Ac, a*i
      60 words
    • 239 11 MERC A XTILE INBTTTLTION 209, Queen Street, Phone »870. HIGH SPEED ASPIRANTS: Fresb rtpeed classes will commence from August for hiith .speeds. For Theoty (Pitman Gregg) Book-Keeping. Mathemat!< s. Practical English and I Commercial Correspondence Classes will receive new students. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Low Yeq Lim of
      239 words
    • 803 11 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that John Lee Bang Hang of No. I Hamilton Road is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, (and that any person who knows any reason why naturaisation should not be granted should send a written signed statement of the facts to thp I Colonial Secretary,
      803 words
    • 160 11 heath SojrTsOO KIONG, age 70, No. 116 Cros? Street, Singapore, passed away on sth. August. 1940. at 6.00 a.m. leaving behind four sons, Koh Beng Siong. Koh Beng Tong. Koh Beng Sum. and Koh Beng Wah, 2 daughters Koh Tee Tee, Koh Ah Loo, a son-in-law Chua Eng Cheong and
      160 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 54 11 *tl Fa tLtL°J* N 2 ST/U /N \f~HE Pojjce are surej'mgmty\ \smcMe*e/n ms,ory/sW££fi\ fiVE got /t: ru too*t£mJaTW \>?,r?ni-A- PMDOiSN'r THEY SEEM TO TWNR THEY//AVE J \mW/S 6U/ITY... BurmW&mr MYSELF. AND iWQWT &VEUP li mT CLEAR ME, EVERYONE MLij ALL WE EWENCE T//EY/VEEP [worm FOR WM TILL l\f^^i^%^^J^T' (I'ltM EXCEPT
      54 words

  • 511 12 MORE DRASTIC MEASURES TO END TERROR H& W. N. GRAY, the Commissioner of Police in the Federaticn, told the Press in Kuala Lumpur yesterday that the efforts of the Malayan Chinese Association in the common fight against the bandits has been "disappointing.*' He
    511 words
  • 89 12 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Fri.--Australian troops arc to work eightstrike bound underground coal mines as well as opencast fields, it was announced today by the Fuel Minister, Senator William P. Ashley. The mines have been idle for ?Lx weeks. About 1,830 servicemen would wcrk them in two
    Reuter-AAP.  -  89 words
  • 84 12 Reuter. RANGOON, Fri. Burmese Premier Thakin Nu told civil and military officers here to night "the danger mark in th insurrection in Burma has bee; passed." "No one can yet say how ionj it will take to achieve compleh victory." he said. "The enemy la continuously on
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 69 12 FRANKFURT. Fn.-Am rican authorities Friday impounded a Jewish ship at Bremen. when huge quantities of alleged contraband were said to have been founc 1 aboard. The ship was due to sail from Bremen to Palestine, Army authorities announced. The ship, the Drogit, was alleged
    69 words
  • 42 12 WASHINGTON. Fri. The U.S. Agriculture i epurtn.c said two new synthetic fibre have been produced caperimentally at its research laboiator in New Orleans. One is mad from cottonrerd protein anthe other from chemically mod fied wood or cotton cellulose.
    42 words
  • 74 12 U.P. LON ANGELES. Fri —Los Angeles police were inundated with telephone calls from people wonaering whether they should pack, up their belongings end dy when mysterious clouds o f sickening smelly gas swept over the city area lor the second consecutive day. Many residents thought
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 83 12 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Fri. President Truman today sent to Congress a revised foreign military aid bill without the controversial clauses giving him power to dec de when and where aid should be given. The new bill specific? that re-armament assistance should be given to nation" which signed
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 323 12 Reuter. LONDON, niuVi. JjIDDLESEX strengthened their position at the top of the County cricket championship table with ft fine victory over Kent at Canterbury tod»v following their defeat at the hands of Sussex eWlier in f he week. Middlesex row lead by 20
    Reuter.  -  323 words
  • 73 12 A.P. BELGRADE, Fh. in v blunt and bitter protest, Yugoslavia has formally accused Russia of "selling out" Auscrians and Slovenes -Canncnians and of attempting tc 'cover up" the deal with slanders. The Ministry of Informaiio.. Friday night made public a note which was sent two days ago to
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 38 12 A.P. ROME, Fri.—lngrid Bergman announced today she will divorce her husband, Dr. Peter Lindstrom, and quit the movies. Sources close to the Swe-< dish star reported she intends to marry Italian director Roberto Rossellini.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 33 12 A.P. PARIS, Fri. The rewara "iffer for information leading to allies on the £300.000 worth ot jewels stolen from tne Aga '<han and the Begum increased Friday by 5,000.000 francs.— A.P,
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 44 12 A.P. WASHINGTON. Fri. Per I fume at US$lOO an ounce will J be sold by Wolf Frcrcs through stores throughout the United States. The perfume, called "Crisancc," comes packed in handmade glass flagons, only 500 of which will be available In a year.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 261 12 BIRMINGHAM, Friday. |HE match between Warwickshire and the touring New Zealand side ended in a tame draw, the only noteworthy feature today being a fine century by New Zealander J. Reid, who completed his 1 000 runs for the tour. At *he start
    261 words
  • 33 12 U.S. CUTS A.P. KARACHI. Fri. Pakistan tas accepted a proposal to cut her dollar expenditure by 25 >er cent, as suggested at a conference of British Commonvealth Finance Ministers in -ondon last month.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 44 12 U.P. NEW YORK. Fri —The International Boxing Club announced today that Jake Lamotta will defend his world middleweight title in a 15-round bout with Marcel Cerdan from whom he won it. at the New York polo grounds on September 28.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • 96 12 THE Ami f h v jr red by t teaiaaaJhl shell-fire, again alter her hist trie dash down the aag i.n r the Ked gn through the having mdc iter i vous with thi < rah rh> maica. Left: The feaJßf faces f the Aaeethysf tewmm look down
    96 words
  • 134 12 CHELL Company have got two Sea Otter amplibian aircraft to improve their communications with Borneo. The first one, has arrived in Singapore and will be used by Sarawak Oil-fields Limited. It was assembled at Kallang Airport by Qantaa Empire Airways. The Q. E. A.
    134 words
  • 83 12 LONDON Fr Mr D Maung Dameae Wprdfji Minister, arrived here hgr air today. He iluvo «t:a;:r.t'3 tiv Foreign Office to See Mi. Hector McNeil British Miniter of State, who b Mtßf I gn oeereiary Er i Bevin. FIGHTI\(i ESm SEOUL. trt •nd South Korean trarjr
    83 words
  • 756 12 General TODAY BOYS BBK.Ant: gth Company Cinema Show. FairtiHd Girls" School. Neil Road 7 in p.m. ANSON ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: Monthly general meet ins. 52A Nelson Road. 7.30 p in CONCERT: St. Joseoh Ins.: Concert.—7 p.m. TOMORROW INTERNATIONAL RHYTHM CLLB: "Swini; Shop" dancing to the Club's Swir.„' Group Carlton
    756 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements