Malaya Tribune, 5 August 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 351 1 $12 Million Dea I Closed SOVIET Russia is expected to buy about l(i,000 tons of rubber worth more than $12*4 million, I from Malaya this month. This will be the highest montvily total for Russian buying of Malayan rubber in the past nine months. It
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  • 111 1 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Thurs. Fights broke out today between Right and Leftwing groups of miners at Lithgow. New South Wales, during a Com-munist-organised meeting in protest against the use of troops to break the six-week old Australian coal strike. At the same time conference of miners'
    Reuter-AAP.  -  111 words
  • 85 1 Reuter. MADRAS. Thurs.Lieut. Col. G. S. Gill, Madras Inspector General of Prisons, among the 20 prison officers injured in a disturbance at Ye lore central gaol last night. I About 200 Communist prisoners resisted prison officers searching the cells. Barricading themselves behind tables and other
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 102 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs. Simon, the eat aboard the Kritish frigate Amethyst, who received shrapnel wounds during the ship's **>ploits on the Yangtse -liver, is to be awarded the "Animals' V.C."—the Dickin Medal. Announcing this today, People* Dispensary faf Sick Animals said that, as soon as new*
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 135 1 Reuter U.P. HONGKONG, TAUTB. There were eight Chinese employes among the Amethyst's complement of 83 who survived their 14 weeks ordeal in the Ytngtse. Three Chinese were cooks, two r.:css boys, two laundryrien anu a steward. The steward acted as interpreter to Lt. Cdr. John
    Reuter & U.P.  -  135 words
  • 29 1 Reuter. NEW DELHI, Thurs. The Indian Government is to remove licensing restrictions on diipments of jute goods to lard currency areas, the Commerce Ministry announced today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 317 1 JOGJAKARTA, Thursday. Prime Minister Mohamed Hatta of the Indonesian Republic told Reuter today on the eve of his departure for The Hague round-table conference: "The future United States of Indonesia would specifically seek to achievt, peace and act as a stabilising factor in the
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  • 97 1 A.P. 1 LONDON, Thins. H« I Cldesty Que <n ceh Mated her 49th birthday toda 1 vith a visit to the theatre. j Accompanied by the Kinj nd Princesses Elizabeth am' 1 Margaret and the Duke of I Edinburgh, she went to see the Vmeiican
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 67 1 COWES. England, Thurs.Shielded from spray by in ex-service army battle drest blouse, Princess Elizabeth took her first cruise in her Dragon Class boat the Bluebottle yesterday. The boat, 29 feet thror inches long, was a gift of the Island sailing club of Cowcs last summer. The
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  • 36 1 U.P. UAD2 COUNTY, Georgia. Thurs.—A Federal Grand Jury yesterday indicted twelve white men. including the sheriff and three deputies of Dade county, in connexion with the masked flogging of seven Negroes at Hooker. Georgia.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • 206 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday. President Truman announced today that the State Department will issue a lengthy "white paper" tomorrow on the United States policy in recent years toward China. The "warm" friendship between America and China is "as strong today" as ever, the President said. Truman
    U.P.  -  206 words
  • 192 1 U.P. NEW YORK. Thurs. i Alfred Biidbaum. 27. and his pretty bride would give anything in the world to get rid of the $15.000 house they won with a 50 cents raffle ticket. They are so desperatje, that they want to demand their half-dollar back
    U.P.  -  192 words
  • 181 1 A.P. LONDON. Thurs.—The Duke r f Edinburgh was today ordered on active duty with the Roy d Navy's destroyer force in the Mediterranean. The Duke wiil join the flotilla leader H.M.S. Chequers at Malta on October 17. Princess Elizabeth and baby
    A.P.  -  181 words
  • 390 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A YEAR-OLD hitch over the site for the proposed modern tuberculosis sanatorium near Johore Bahru is bogging down the progress of the million dollar scheme. The hitch is over the question as to who owns tbte piece of land ear-marked for the
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  • 35 1 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Thurs. Jaya- jrakash Narain. Indian Social- l st Pcrty leader, today urged 1 .hat Prime Minister Jawaharlal Vehru should leave the Indian National Congress and join the Socialist Party. -Reuter
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 41 1 Municipal Health authorities condemned as unfit foi human consumption the following quantities of foodstuffs during last year. i wnve Ctated ox potatoes, 80 bags of onions, 59 cases. 210 packets. 311 bottles 77,--966 tins and 54 tons of assorted ptovisions.
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  • 70 1 Reuter. CANTON. Thurs.—A Chinese military spokesman in Canton commenting on the report that Changsha had been occupied by the Communists, said Nationalist rearguards were still in the city last mgnt. He had received no report today. Communists had recaptured Suichuan in Southern Kiangsi, about 150 miles
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 cancelled! —CHUM CHONG day -^^^BP^^n vTlGEpfflffl
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    • 154 1 If TOM66UAH 6 H 25H0.COLEMAM STREET. lW SINGAPORE. The best cigarette NEWS for over 40 years THE FILTER TIP II i» not enough to remove R ttu **Wl&*wM method of preventing impurities from the cut tobacco wmmW* throat because it leaf—all reputable manufacturers effectively retains irritant t do this. But
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  • 226 2 Two Scholarships By She 11 Company .A- V THE Shell Company, Malaya and Singapore, and the 1 Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co (Eastern) Ltd., have between them donated $100,000 to the University of Malava Endowment Fund. Mr. T. W. Pennington, general manager of the Shell Company here, told the
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  • 154 2 CHARGE I Chcong Eng Han of Racecourse Read, was charged in the Fourth District Court yesterda\. with voluntarily assisting in disposing of stolen property to the value Ot 52.033.20 cents. It was alleged by the Prosecuting Officer that on March 17. Cheong, accompa- nied by
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  • 137 2 MALACCA, Thurs.—Written judgment is to b e given in the appeal cf Omar bin Haji Gendot. which was argued in the Malacca Appeal Court before Mr.. Justice E. O. Pretncroe, yesterday. Omar, a former Malay school teacher, is appealing against a decision of the Alor Gajah
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  • 16 2 JOHORE BHARU, Thurs.— Two iron lungs arrived yesterday for the General Hospital, Johore Bahru.
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  • 92 2 In an action by an infant to get vacant possession of certain houses, the Chief Justice yesterday dismissed the suit holding, that under the Guardianship of Infants Ordinance 1935. the proper person to sue was the guardian and not the infant. The plaintiff in this
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  • 33 2 A Sikh watchman will be charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder cf anothet Sikh watchman. to died a few days after a fight at Changi Airfield last week.
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  • 34 2 An Indian clerk. Balakushnan, was gaoled for five months; to be followed by six 1 months police supervision, after he pleaded guilty in the Fourth Police Court yesterday to misappropriating $378.
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  • 27 2 For stealing tive pairs of seeks v/orth $4.50. Mohamed bin Said. 22, was sentenced by the Third Police Magistrate yesterday to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 108 2 fO ease the congestion at the dispensary in the 1 Municipal building, the Health Department will be opening a new dispensary for labourers at Jalan Besar. The Senior Assistant Health Officer, Dr. W. H. Morrison 1 told the Tribq|e yesterday j that the new dispensary
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  • 47 2 Wong Tuck Seng, a 30-year-old salesman stated in th? Second Police Court yesterday that he misappropriated $165 from V. R. Vicks and Company to pay for the funeral exoense:- of one of his relatives. He was, fined $300 {or breach of trust.
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  • 46 2 Mr. J. A. E. Martin ol The Borneo Co Ltd., with his wife and children, John, Michael and 4'eter, photographed ait. r I'eter's christening recently at Wesley Church. The photograph vas taken at a small christening party held at their home in Chancery Lane.
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  • 264 2 CLAIMING damages in the sum of $5,000 against M. Letchumanan Chettiar. an Indian clerk Kannoo Samy Joseph sued his wife, Cecilia Joseph, in the High Court yesterday for a dissolution of his marriage with her on the ground of adultery. Cecilia Joseph, who gay* her
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  • 77 2 INDONESIAN Hanny Tumbelaka. from Celebes, who is en route fiom India to Batavia to take up Y.W.C.A. work on a scholarship financed by the World H.Q. of the Y.W.C.A. in Geneva. Hanny is also a lawyer, having studied at the famous Dutch law school at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 205 2 '♦Forasmuch as Van and June Vy have consented together in Mm UPROARIOUS MIRTHUK K. a«d t pronounce Cfjr] k\ that they give the biggest laughs U and joy to afl their fa^!^ S puts »nts in J If their plans! Z I STARTS TODAY! j I 11 a.m; 1.45; 4.15;
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    • 100 2 ISA LUPIMO CBRttEt WIUF wllh ,n< si, n ,ati,,n His--20. "AGAIN" Special Morning Shows at 9 a.m. Tomorrow: "RED RIVER" Simaa.v: "GARDEN or ALLAH" in T-rhnico(,, r Reduced Prices: I pslairs SI.OO/- Downstairs .50 eta. MIDNIGHT TOMORROW! ROD CAMERC V is JRef..iblie's Ail-Action, ™^~gH^ A SUPERB EFFORT FROM RANK'S STUDIOS.
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    • 417 2 i»f if NFT WORK l»aneJng il |Di < lose Dow i lin •mgnal A Nws; 4u Li> IM.UE. UWI MALAY PROGRAMMES tejners' Choir*; 6.5.* Closing ENGLISH PBO(iBAHMt> An net. wit* Sijr. Tune; 7.00 10»m News from Kuala Lum- liM m Mini- < lane Down, pur; 1005 X Down. THINEgK PROGRAMMES
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  • 489 3 Half-Yearly Rice Exports Touch 865,300 ions DfJKMA'S nee growers have eoufounded the prophets of evil by exporting D tons of rice till the end of July. Thailand has exported 804,--!W»o tons in the sjMiie period. The Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm M*cDon«Jd. ?»nnouneed these ftfiires yesterday when owning
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  • 195 3 niNGAPORE fishermen and iJ other watchers who saw the Naval cruiser, H.M.S. London. Icnvmg th« Dockyard to. ber way home to the U.K. y. sterday. B&W RAF aircraft tin IB rwtutf over tin> ship, and wondered what the imtmtmmty tang white flag that •at* 1 red in
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  • 66 3 The Government of Singapore has authorised an alteration in the rates of fees in Government Afternoon Schoo'.s to bring them in line with fees in Government and Aided Morning Schools. A« from January, 1950, the following will be the rates Of fees for Government Afternoon Schools: Primary to
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  • 48 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tlicie will be no district agricultural show for Scrcmban, this year, but a mukim show will be held at Labu on August 20. The mukim of Labu show is being organised by a committee led by Mr. E. D. Windsor, a Nilai planter.
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  • 39 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Thui There have been 130 arrests for the week ending August 3 in the Federation: 64 in Porak. 8 in Trengganu. 12 in Penang, 22 in Selangor, 12 in Kedah Perlis and 12 in Malacca.
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  • 20 3 A Malay cyclist was -town by a 16Try "yesterday afternoon at Kallang Ponrl He •'on the spot.
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  • 95 3 The Municipal Services I'nion is now studying the implications of their revised pay code recently approved by Government. A special committee has been formed to make recommendations on the basic salaries drawn up by the Municipal Salaries Revision Committee. This committee will give consideration to
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  • 60 3 Members of the east of the first ptaj to be put on by the Y.W.'.\. Dramatic Group. The one-act play "A Cottage to Let" will lie staged toda\ at 5.80 |i in. at the Y.W.C.A., at Collyer's From the left, Mrs. I. Pauhisz, Miss Maureen Onrke. Miss Mabel Mitchell. Miss
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  • 45 3 The Sikhs of Singapore will eclebr ite Indian Independence Day on Morday. August 15. The usual relieious prayer meeting will be held at the Sikh T« mple if. Queen Street. The poor of all communities prill he fed on this day.
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  • 166 3 gO AC Lancastrian aircraft on the SingaporeColombo service with connections to will be replaced by Argonauts this year. the Tribune understands. Twenty two Argonauts, form rly known as Canadairs. a modified DC-4 Skymaster w-tli Rolls Royce Merlin engines, are on delivcrv to BOAC for their Far
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  • 109 3 MR. Claude Massey, Australian Commissioner in Malaya, planted a tree this morning on the site where Singapore Boys' Town is to be built, at the* w\k mile Built Timah. Mr. Massey is the patron of the Town, which will cost about $300,000. It will house more
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  • 39 3 Mi." Carl de Souza of the Department of Social Welfare, who has just returned after a two-year Colonial De velopment and Welfare Scholarship, will broadcast his impressions of the United Kingdom from Radio Malaya tonight at 8 o'clock.
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  • 22 3 A Chinese woman was knocked down by a lorry yesterday morning at New P.ridge Road. Bhc wn rihrn to hospital.
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  • 147 3 helicopter is the answer to M braaaportation needs especially in the. < h I l imes, said Mr. A. F. W. Andren, Chi n< r and Licensing Officer. Department of Civil Vviation, who is in the United States, studying lice, jing and maintenance regulations 01
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  • 71 3 The Singapore Cinn< sc Dentist Association celete.itcd Dentists Day yesterday with a luncheon party at the Catha\ Kcstauiant. Th,- Chinese Consul Generat Dr. Wu Paak Shing was ptesent at the party. Dentists' day Is celebrated on August 4, because this •ma the day when China was Invited
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 1 Hi I TtL m A V a dTiTiy* 70 FOB TO-du 0.V1.v: 3 SHOWS:— 3. iJ.lo A 9.15 P.M. (Tatted Artisls "AN INNOCENT AFFAIR Fi (1 Mac Murray Hndlfl 1m GbasjoM OPKMNG TOMORROW Mnh (Vn'ur\-l'o\\ "FOREVER AMBER" 'X TW H.VK 01-OK tomorrow t mm wrrr Hud Abbott Lea CbeteQo
      200 words
    • 460 3 SIT: \ACANT WANTED residentiaJ tales representatives, one in etch nty \ir Kuala L rmpur, Ipoh, P. nang. Kucliing, Jesselton, Bangkok and/ with promotion a-- branch manager for suitaMa perMBS. Applicants must ha\e experiences in textiles, luxury good* x I 'c*. himwiiji, building >i lectrfc als, provu ions confectionery, tobacco, lienors
      460 words
    • 309 3 AEA I WANTKU WANTED to buy. Lands, houses, Iwild animals, lungle pi >dv« Also Ixtok "Malay BfSCic" by \v. W. Skeat. P.O. Box 07.». B'pere. tSkISS). WANTED Harbour lisuncbss tt Motor TrmksngS 7-10 tons >f»'?0 H.P. Good condition offers to t; No. A26CI M.T. Spore. t8.170. VEHS: FOR SALE J
      309 words
    • 189 3 »1T: WANTED >L\.\. :;7. expert publicity, i relations and printing, seeks full, jor part tune employment: am i tbiut; considered. Box A.i'tjtiv M T S iKjre. (QJUi)'. I WAN' 1 El> Part-time job B p.m 1 9 p.m. Except week ends. AcI count t. c. Typs writing, experienced rfook-keepei Write
      189 words
    • 494 3 FZy SINGAPORE BY 5> 2 hour flight Fare $160. FYFRY MONDAY 12S0 hrs., THURSDAY UBSO hrs. with through connections to Europe and I.K. by BRAATMENS S.A.F.F. TeL 7302. Airport Office: Tel. *****. Re YJEO JOO ENG Deceased. j All persons having any i claims against the estate of the abovenamed
      494 words
    • 605 3 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY, SINGAPORE. CLAIMS AGAINST GERMAN DEBTORS. To enable the C. E. P. to confirm his records of debt against Germans it is requested that persons having claims of the nature shown belov. against Germans should notify the Custodian of Ih-operty. Supreme Court. Singapore, of the same. Notification should
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  • 1486 4  - WHY NOT GIVE OUR YOUTHS A COURSE IN MARXISM STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER |»> MENCIUS THERE" is an old Christian saying, that blood martyrs is the seed of the Church. It means that the most convincing argument in favour of a man's opinions is that he is willing to die
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  • 569 4 CEPARATIONTST feeling is growing in the a Federation. It has reached such momentum that now on every issue affecting the two territories, the Federal and Singapore Legislative Councils find themselves divided, with the Federal Council invariably adopting an attitude of "Take it or leave
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  • 177 4 Sir. I found your article on the "Confessions of Bobby-Sox-ers" very interesting. The statement by one of the bobby-Soxers that there is no harm in being kissed has set me thinking. Now I admit that kissing Is part and parcel of bobbysoxerhood but the respectable bobby-soxer
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  • 116 4 Dear Meneius, Permit me to bow to you. You are on the right track and coing a great service to the people. As human beings, we 1 aye faults, but faults born out of sheer selfishness and stupidity can and should »><• corrected. And the sooner such
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  • 144 4 SHAME ON j YOU j Sir. I and my fellow clerks employed by the Municipality agree with Mr. Pat Johnson in what he had to say about "discrimination" in regard to medical attention for Municipal employees. To those Commissioners who opposed him we say with Mr. Johnson: "More shame on
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  • 259 4 The People's Postbag Sir, The behaviour of my compatriots when shopping makes me blush with shame. Their behaviour may be a violent reaction after years of queuing and shortages at home. This is no excuse, but it may be a cause. It is no good
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  • 105 4 Sir, Very little progress has been made in curbing the Ticket Rackets in S.T.C. buses although an army of white uniformed workers have been mobilized for active, service. Bravo to them, but they have only slightly improved the situation. May I therefore .suggest '.he following remedy.
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  • 239 4 Sir, The Government Temporary Officers' Association has now been formed for about one year. In that time, in addition to our head-quarters in Kuala Lumpur, we have formed Branches in Ipoh, Penang Seremban. and Malacca. It is our intention to start Branches in Johore Bahru and
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  • 92 4 Sir, Critics of "Lotteries My Foot" maintain that the public will benefit from Public lotteries because the proceeds can be used to build more hospitals and clear the slums of Chinatown. But what will happen is that the poor will gamble away what little money they have. Their families,
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  • 127 4 Sir. —It has been pointed out in the Legislative Council that there are grounds for reconsidering the Salary Scales of some posts. Instances of these are the Health and Sanitary Inspectors. Hospital Assistants, Laboratory Assistants, and interpreters. The Councillors recommended that these inequalities and anomalies
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  • 141 4 Sir, Would somebody please enlighten me as to the purpose of the ridiculous post-haircut manipulative surgery to which patrons are subjected in most tonsorial establisnments in Singapore? The first time I went to a barber's shop here, I was seized with a fit of helpless giggling
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  • 96 4 Sir, Now that all the other buildings in the Empress Place area have been given a coat of battleship grey, with matching green windows, the Singapore Cricket Club presents a strange, "gingerbread house" appearance with its chequered red brickwork. I wonder if the immensely wealthy Turf Club, which
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  • 79 4 Sir, We what a plain answer by Government as regards its plans for better living conditions for the people. It has been a very long time since the revision of salary scales for Government servants was made but it has not yet been implemented. Many commissions and committees
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  • 217 4 Sir, I have been a resident of Dunman Estate for a number of years, years in which I and my family have had a 'curse' imposed on us. This is the Singapore Flying Club whose planes, fly indiscriminately over the bungalow area as and when they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1961 5 iU'ltXAltll SIB AW concludes his notes on play production by reminding the would -be producer, that a good actor can be drunk and yet act sobriety en the stage. Reuter. THE note? taken by the producer as he silently the players are a
    Reuter.  -  1,961 words
  • 43 5 ADELAIDE: Australian travel and skipping authorities have stated that they are preparing for the biggest boom in Australian travel abroad since before the war. The boom would occur in 1950. Ships leaving between January and May had been almost booked out
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  • 1006 5  -  By Ho Kam Koon IF you go to one of the village;? in the Federation of Malaya and if you come across an ill-fed looking Chinese whe is poorly but neatly clad, and whose rritellrgent face is marked by deep lines of bitter
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  • 442 5 A.W. A CAVEMAN* sat in his Adesasghty home 20,000 years ago and, out of sheer boredom, scratched on the wall the* forerunner of today's comics. The reindeer age art'st wiih the underslung jaw did u>t realise it hut he touched ufi a eontrover*.., that has his
    A.W.  -  442 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 Tb %xo&lfo&oob PiANO In the family cire'e icr those who desire iw-tru- j^ft to!e agents THE EAGLE PIANO COMPANY 328, Serangoon Road, Singapore Tel. i.>S6i. THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Ltd. (Incorporated in India) are pleased to open SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest allowed. Branches in India, Malaya, Ceylon, Burma and Siam.
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  • Article, Illustration
    755 6 Meet your neighbours The Brown Family's Favourite Dish "Bubble And Squeak" LONDON may change, old buildings- oe pulled do>vn and rew ones built in their places; its government may change, its weather certainly does, ana some day we might even get a system of central heating to keep
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  • 851 6  -  By CAROL BILBA FR you who this summer may be taking a job for the first time, there are a tew work-world items to be considered before you report to work. The job you get will perhaps be the one you would not have
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  • 540 7  -  TALKING FILMS... By DAVE DULES on ways and me?ns of crrushing Hollywood are varied, but Liz-betli Scott is vivid proof rulebreakers st*»nd as good a chance as those who foi- I low directions word for word. Liz Hughs at the old malarkey about
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  • 357 7 \ersatile young: Paramount actress, is P "growtog up" in bar screen roles, but in pub■s welL She has now reached stardom. Sua sfiil in kid sister h.ilf-oo *,en pictci starting her in 1943, the petite youtfg actress has been (WWled full co-star statu.s with V
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  • 53 7 DENNIS MORGAN, Warner Bros, star, has had to circle his large La Canada estate with a higrh, and highlycharged electric fence. This season's unprecedented dry spell has driven many hungry coyotes from the nearby Sierra Madre range, i and they were eating him out of his chickens, ducks
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 22 7 ■"he modern antiseptic; ln minor accident and maior *PNation; whenever, infection threatens; "'shield and safeguard 25*»«P«ic infection. i 1 86 l
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    • 200 7 Gland Discovery Restores Youth in 24 Hours Sufferers from low of vigour, ousness. weak body. impura falling memory and who worn-out before their time will be <U'lghted to learn of new (land mm•overy by an American Doctor. This new discovery make* it pmlible to quickly and ■g» g vigour to
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 563 8 MANY listeners who like to tune in to stations on tiie Ultra-short wave range have found that, during the first hour after switching on. a station that has been tuned in .-slips avVa:,. This is at phenomenon that Ktfe nothing, to do with
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  • 543 8  -  By J.W. TAYLER Anew era of coin-in-the-slot machine trading and recreation is dawning in Britain now that certain materials for the manufacture of new models are becoming unrestricted. Not only are firms at present busily engaged on renovating machines that have stood idle for 10
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  • 750 8 SCIENTISTS often tell us that we aio largely made of water, some thiee-quarters of the human body weight l)i mg nothing moie. But that is really hardly surprising when you look at the pciccntage cf water in the food we eat. Vegetables and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 148 8 RAFFLES HOTEL ANOTHER SPECIAL CONCERT FOR ALL MUSrf LOVEHS BY POPULAR REQUEST SUNDAY 7th A'JCUEST at 9.30 pm RAFFLES CONCERT ORCHESTRA (30 MUSICIANSLeader: Cor Ryf Conductor Frank PfefcM Music by Beethoven Gounod Puccini f'rieg Benatzky Richardson Jincke BOOK EARL V THE ROCHE MIX WAY me cent a day Znxick l/oux
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 162 8 tIC FLIXT by Micheal CTMalley mid fial|ik Lant r ßOssuM took w W'then we fnw opeh^/T^F 7 /3 <ftt Fo£ Channel's Farm... JT shall i "^SĔB^^M^ 1 CAR TO DRIVE THE TOPcN A FEW 1 THE BOXES, T 1-7 1 HELP YOU PONDS' SERVANT STAFF STRONG BOXES j BUGS, AND
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 9 IS BRIEF Miss Pans, ;z months, raises her .iand in victory after winning the title in a baby contest „n th.- hamps Llysees. But Mr. Paris finds he needs both of his—md then some—in order to keep his scanty panties fro m taking French leave in front of the judges.
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  • 102 9 A.P. KHARTOUM, ANGLO-EGYPTIAN SUDAN. Thursday.—For centuries people crossed the great Gash River by having four West Africans carry them across on angarees native beds. Many fell into the stream. Now civilization has ended the duckings. A new 433--foot reinforced concrete bridge vith six spans and
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 73 9 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Thurs.—The teport of a snake-elephant battle in a village in Assam has just been received here. A ten-foot-long snake attacked a baby elephant, whose -huek brougntthc motnei elephant on the scene. The big elephant attacked the snake from the flank, fought the reptile for
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 59 9 A.P. LONDON. Thurs. Miss Milheent Theresa Gordon, who would have been 105 on August 25, has died at Hampton Couit Palace. West London, wheie she had lived foi more than a century. The oldest person listed in Debretfl Peerage, she was tl laughter of the late Lord Henry
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 28 9 A.P. HAMBURG. Thuis. Carl Eduard yon Sachsencohburg a great grandson cf Queen Victoria of England, was declared a Nazi follower by'a Hamberg court of appeal A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 55 9 A.P. BERLIN, Thurs.—Corn-flower-blue hair, a fad started by a young gTrl in Kiel, is the latest b-Minine innovation. A newspaper described the new colour as "by no leans a b'ue such as s< nietimes appears in natural black-blue hair, but a bright blue so far reserved to the
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 45 9 i'ARIS. Thurs. Three big Paris fashion houses tomj;h: came to teims with their sti iking midinettes (sewing girlsl soon after some autumn and winter fashion shows had begun, according to an announcement by the committee which has led 12,--000 Midinettes in a weeklong strike.
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  • 106 9 Reuter. DUBLIN. Thurs.—Most disappointed man in Ireland is 55-year old Patrick O'Reilly, Dublin's cultured dustman who is known among his friends as "George Bernard Shaw" because of his admiration for the playwright. O'Reilly campaigned for a long time to raise funds to erect a maible plaque outside the
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 319 9 U.P. SHANGHAI, Thurs. Liberation honeymoons are over for a part of the population of Shanghai but it's still on for the rest. Businessmen are disappointed but workers are happy. The employer is having a hard time because he has to pay out heavy payrolls.
    U.P.  -  319 words
  • 34 9 UP MANILA. Thurs. -The Manila Chronicle said today that President Quirino may be honoured with the honorary doctor of laws degree hy Fordham University during his visit to New York. -UP
    UP  -  34 words
  • 120 9 Reuter—AAP. CANBERRA, Thurs.— There is one Canberra resident who Is emphatic that women should not smoke cigars. The reason: His wife v.lis polishing the floor, •ad stopped to smoke a cigarette, but could not fttai one, and decided to try one of her husband's cij.ars. (The
    Reuter—AAP.  -  120 words
  • 67 9 A.P. BERLIN, Thurs. —A farmer in Russian-occupied Saxony faced trial before the provincial court recently, charged with failure to deliver the obligatory quota of his berry crop. In defence, he claimed Russian soldiers had tramped down his beds and plucked the fruit. He was sentenced to
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 117 9 A.P. NEW YORK. Th.:t Among oddities seen in New York is a double-nosed automobile. "It goes as it cornea," explained its owne; Jr'm Senior. 23-year-old medical student at Western Michigan College of 'Education. He built it with the aid of two friends. Actually the cai.
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 40 9 Reuter. BERLIN. Thurs Fiau Raeder, wife of Brick Raeder, Hitler's navy chief, now serving a life imprisonment tern in Bpandau Prison here, has fled from the Soviet zone to Western Germany. the American controlled Berlin ladio icported tonight. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 79 9 NEW DELHI, Thursday. A party >f 20 Rover Scouts of the Indian Boy scouts Association recently left Bombay by sea to attend the fourth -World ftov*f Moot hi Otlo, Norway. The p*ui> 'U.,en from difleteat provlHetp and princely states and a'CI section of
    79 words
  • 67 9 A.P. BERLIN. Wed. A Dortmund school teacher gave his gold watch to a French watchmaker for repaii in 1944, when he was in France with th< German army. Recently, a Berlin newspaper reported, the Frenchman returned the property, asking the teacher to forget about payment and adding the
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 48 9 A.P. HEKLiN. fnuis. A goosJ a tited her eggs in Loiching. Bat aria, just a few houis bef were to hatch. The wife waa ill at the tone, BU Use farmer put the egg i" n<l Wlth a wa;nihftfl iieicie long six geese hatched out. A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 403 9 BALDNESS jjjjt HAIRFALL Vr se r»r. Lavia'a I Pomade CAPJLLQGENA Caplllogena combats baldness, dandruff, etc., pnKures new growth of hair, 52.50. ftof colouring grey hair nne Dr. XI GUIS COMB It/-, or 'RIVIVLV $6/-. For destroying superfluous hair from face or body use TKICHO WATER No. 1 RS/M each and
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • 1231 10 11« Selling. TIXJ»-l»ric«' I m-«'rt»iii<v. 11l ItBLII*Tp» Low- Slrnd>. (By A Market Correspondent) THE downward trend in industrials which began in 1 June 1948 continued through the half year under review. This decline can be attributed mainly to heavy setting of Malayan dollar stocks by
    1,231 words
  • 68 10 Lantthri* (46); liulo.i (41); j Empire HambJe (Sheers Wharf); New Echota (42/43); Fukien (40/41); Amsteluijk (38/39): Elpenor (86/37): Sirdhana (88/84); Rapana (81 M 2); Deucalion (17/18); Tjibodas (19/20); Empire CaicoH Sansapor (21 22); Mandevttle (23/24); Bengkalis Orestes (25 261: Hoegh SUvercrest (27/28); Island Mall (2C/30); Astyanax (15/ 16);
    68 words
  • 169 10 INDUSTRIALS The followinir la a list of preventative stock* with their •pealS l'iUe,l, 10w,,' and ck»sGg .pe.U.Uuns INDUSTRIALS hit Jan. IVI9 Heft Lest 30th June rr.,er Neave Ord. jf« |gi ,I urf ank <C010,,,: 1 KkUH WQ.OO BMM» P20.00 Malayan Brewrri— £.J7, u.»v Malay." Collieries 2.J6 l.g»
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  • 197 10 The rubbei commodity market opened quiet yestcrdav but with good buying interest the market steadied towards the close. A fair amount of business passed and sellers were slightly reserved. Closing prices were Buyers Seller-;. No 1 Aug. RSS 33 1/8 33 3/8 No' 2 Aug. RSS 31 5
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  • 81 10 Singapore Thurs. DULL and idle conditions continued in thi' local tin share market today. Industrials v ere steady. The price changes announced today by the Malayan Sharebrokers Association were: \lex. Brick Ords. 2.10 2.20 Federal Dispensary 6.70 7.00 r. n (O) stk. &3fta 3.40 Aust. Amal. 8/I*2
    81 words
  • 78 10 LUest IiBM of pasting to the Pacific Islands, Australia, New Zealand. Burma, Thailand, O>lon, Batavia, sledan, and Paa- tiii»; trill be S.OU p.m. today. Airmail posting for the Federation i will lose a: fi.'Hl p.m. todaj. Mails are expected from Aden, Afghanistan. Alaska, BoPope, Africa. South America, Persia,
    78 words
  • 30 10 Surface mail will arrive at the CJ. I*. O- today from Aus- j tralia. latest time for posting for Sarawak (except Miri) ami Java will be noon today.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 659 10 SHIPPING IIIANSmD"& CO. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carrier*' option to proceed via other porta to load and discbarge cargo. Sailings from U.K. I S.A. "Titan" from U.K. Aug. 19 "Tydeus" from U.K. Aug. 21 "Calchaa" from U.K./Cont Aug. 21 "Euma'eus" from U.K. Sept. 1 Saltings tor LIVERPOOL
      659 words
    • 101 10 ISTHMIAN S. S. CO. To HALIFAX, BOSTON, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE A MONTREAL via SUEZ direct. Also accepting cargo for Onlf ports. Spore P. S'hain I'enang "Steel Rover" 8/12 Aug. 13/14 Aug. 16/17 Aug. "Steel Vendor" 22/27 Aug. 28/29 Aug. 31 Aug./l Sept. •Steel Traveler t 6/11 Sept. 12/13 Sept 15/16
      101 words
    • 483 10 s it i p pi a BOUSTEAD CO., LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railway GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR LONDON, ANTWERP ROTTFKtu* HAMBURG. Ul RADNORSHIRE (Calls Alexandria Genoa> Al n I* GLENGYLE (Calls Tangier Casablo- 1 FROM U K. FOR STRAtTB, HOSiiKONG, SUaNGHai JAPAN. Ai DENBIGHSHIRE GLEN
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  • 720 11 Classes Four I And Five TOTAL of 15« entries from Class 4 and Class 5 horses have boon rooeived for the Kelangor Turf Club's Autumn Mooting to be ruu on Aue. 18. 17 »nd 20. There will be eight races starting at 2.30 p.m. each
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  • 34 11 playing in the doubles at the Y.C.A. tei nist..lll.UU i'l om Wedne»da>. iie and L'mi Hee C hin mmi Ba«l healing I.A. Aisugoft" and 11. mAWm li-ii, I t <a.i K-o.—Tribune Pit-lure. Tribune Picture.
    Tribune Picture.  -  34 words
  • 284 11 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs. Today* County Cricket close* •re At f hesterfield: Derbyshire vs. Gloucestershire. Olom Ifa and 302, (Emmett 92. Allen 60. Carr. left-arm slow, 6 for 111). Derbyshire 149 (Cook h it-arm slow. 5 for 40. Goddard right-arm off-spin. 3 for 24). and 6.1 for 4.
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 343 11 A.A.A. MEETING AT K.L THE Mcd foi greater attention to be paid f> the trailing ol athletes, especially promising sihoolboy>. ii is stressed at the meeting betweet the Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya anj the Singapore A.A.A. at Kuala Lumpur, recently. meeting deplored the tendency
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  • 249 11 Thursday. A SECOND century stlnd between Ord and Dollery, who put on 116 before tie latter was caught, enabled Warwickshire t> leal the New Zealanders by 'SO runs at the close kf plat here today. The tourists coald add onli j cne run to
    249 words
  • 111 11 Reuter. fcOKCASTEIL Than. I f owing an X-ray and ib «urgewi'». eaanataatiM o KrwY Woodcock at the Royal lsJtrruary hei ttris afternoon, It y oikehili> stated that he vas suffering from ttiefcffer effects of Ms t <>a-incident, but there 1 \.erno broken hones or nteial injuries.
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 39 11 An extr ordinary general meeting othe Junior Dynamos XI will on oiindav. at the premip#of Willkun Fox. 80. Karikal La. off EtuU Coast Road, a* 1(\ a.m. AU members in.' request to be present at this meetiri
    39 words
  • 264 11 The RAF Cup for golf will be played for an Saturday afternoon and Sunday marping. Play will be over SI rej* stroke play under Stabieford conditions (seven-eighth's of handicap): maximum handicau 18. Following la the -traw for partners and starting times for Saturday
    264 words
  • 266 11 ■PHE ol a.<-..«? cf horses tunning I in Cup races a l present is wary disappointing and this must cause some uneusincss to clubs who arc providing. t!ie main races on tne Malayan tun Does the Strait* Racing Association t -alise fully the seriousness of
    266 words
  • 435 11  -  From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Thursday. THE horse of the Penang Gold Cup Meeting just ended, is undoubtedly Madasari. He won very stylishly over seven furlongs the first run, then capped this performance by taking the main race the Penang Gold Cup, over
    435 words
  • 199 11 The latent position among jockeys and trainers tor the year linelndiag- the reoeut Penang -i'HK is a« foUows: JOCKEYS Walls Bagby Is the le*-'in» nder, one win ahead of Jack r onew whu in foliow e4 b> Frank ■Tannery bait a win behind Ist 2nd 3rd unpl.
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  • 16 11 MALACCA. The Savoy B.P. heat the Setia B.P. 5—2 at badminton on Monday.
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  • 35 11 1 CAITHNESS Tb« funeral f of th? late C&pt. F. Caithness, i \\Jh> died in Bangkok on the )81st -July, will take place at Bidadari Cemetery on Sunday, 7th Auffust at 4.15 p.m. I
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 42 11 WWW FLORENCE I your future oy E,^' onrt "fui power fjf 52? Ji" to admL helped thou--every waUt <* J» -warned 1, Fore-armed, you ie r t0 >»te to he«p T °5 consulting her. oSra''l; B mm building U )a<l (phone g2^ 3)
      42 words
    • 814 11 Haulage permit Take notice that I. CHEW CHENG FOO, T/A Chope Hoc Leong of 77 Jalan Endau. Merging, Johore, holder of Haulage Permit No. 639 C authorising me to use a vehicle J1940 for the carriage of my own goods in .he area between Scudai Police otation and Johore Bahru.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 45 11 fry 7 ,V r E n^T- 80 6 F R N0 rGEE.COILY-IKNOWPISTIMI F FOR6IVEME, HAPPY-I'LL7 OX COILY-1 IIPhAS W MOT *r S£ft 1 L \">^li^ U HORN BUSINESS IS ON YOUR TRY TO 00 BETTER...But) BUT, JUST A TWlM<WlSeisc 2£, W A j KAVOT jy^^^
      45 words

  • 242 12 Chiang Arrives For Talks Today Reuter. SEOUL, Thursday. TROOPS from Northern Korea today invaded the southern zone on the eve of a visit, here by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to discuss Pacific anti-Communist measures» South Korean army sources stated. The Chinese leader is due to start
    Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 189 12 ONE of Slam's two members of the terpiilar Club, an organ!- I sation lormed in England during the war for pilots who owe their lives to the parachute, is In Slnga(Hire on a weed's islt of ii.c civil aviation organl- 1 sution. i He is
    189 words
  • 306 12 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE late introduction of education for girls in Johore is one of the reasons advanced by Dr. J. M. A. Lowson. Principal Medical Officer, Johore, for the acute shortage of nurses and doctors in the State. Dr. Lowson said: "As far as
    306 words
  • 204 12 MUAR. inurs. Troop.; drawn from the 16th Field Battery, the Ist.. 2nd Gurkha Rides and the Singapore Royal Artillery and Po*.ice Jungle squads participated in a big sweep in the Tangkak District yesterday. This was one of the biggest anti-bandit campaign conducted in North Johore and it
    204 words
  • 274 12 Reuter. LONDON, Thursday. THE Aga Khan, in a telephone interview today with 1 the Cannes correspondent of the London evening newspaper, The Star, said: "Now lam a happy man I have no more valuables left to steal." "I can now go about without
    Reuter.  -  274 words
  • 62 12 MANILA. Thurs. The Thiiland Government yesterday formally denied reports published in Manila a tew weeks a.?o that a Sia.nes. woman had offered to sell Siamese nee here In a blac:-:-market deal. In a note to the Foreign Office Thai Cousul General Eugene Perkins said the
    62 words
  • 106 12 Wine, Women Song Blamed U.P. rKYO, Thurs.- Japan's tax payments are Y156 000.000 In arrears, the National Tax Board reported and simultaneously gave three reasons why tax collectors take graft. They are "drinking, gambling and women". Tfie Board released the findings of two independent surveys which showed 1. Japanese owe
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 234 12 Reuter. HONGKONG, Thursday. TENSION in Shanghai between Communists and British residents Mre*uiv serious worsened tod;\v f»f*er the arrival of first survivors of the Chinese ship Ki<*ngl'ng Liberation, which the Communists say was sunk by the British frigate Amethyst. Workers of many trades held
    Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 30 12 The 6,635-ton coal hulk, Owcar III. "dn»iw«l" 'U 4 tat* nthiT nhipi in >*«•- lurtlky tin the ocowMo» •>* qu«»*n UlinttbHir* »«lh hlrth- £>-. Mi»» nm.v b." turned Into wrrap.—Tribune Hclur»'. Tribune Picture.
    Tribune Picture.  -  30 words
  • 90 12 Trial Held Up SAN FRANCISCO. Thurs.— Mrs. Iva Togun Daquino fell ill with intestinal influenza yesterday and her treason trial wa>" recessed until she feels better. Her Attorney. Wayne Collins, notified Judge Michael Roche ft* the 23rd day of the trial era* about to get under
    90 words
  • 133 12 Reuter. —BUNCHE LAKE SUCCESS. Thurs. Dr. Ralph Bunche. the acting United Nations Palestine mediator, urged the Security Council today to lift the embargo on the importation of aims into the Middle East. Without making specific mentioned of the arms embargo. Dr. Bunche e aid that all restrictions,
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 305 12 THE Coal Hulk fanjiar landmark to all skippers who have visitedfcis port for the last 20 or 30 years is no more. The Oscar 111, ft of the Singapore coal hulks, was towed into th«fsingapore Harbour "Laid-up" anchorage by a coif c of
    305 words
  • 277 12 Reuter. NEW YORK, Thursday. THE independent internarionaJ affairs magadax I n ted Nations WoHd, today Isted five vuv-W *ions for world peace which it mid were hid d ()Hn i «st summer by N<nU St?Un through ML Andrei G"omvko, Soviet Deputy Minister lor Foretn
    Reuter.  -  277 words
  • 99 12 Reuter. PARIS Thurs. The tnree United St tes chiefs of start arrived hfe today for tne third sta£ of the Atlantic Pact nn tary talks with Western Euiopean defence leaders. They <*mpletcd their L-o.n--talks todJy on puposals foi the AtJntic Pact mihtaiy organisJion. The plan was
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 112 12 BUT TITO DEFIES MOSCOW Reuter. rjELGRADE. Thurs. Ma:D shall Tito is DtgMMa* a movement among dissinom communists behind the ron curtain to defy Moscow leaders, according to dijiomatir observers in Beliraied Tito is at nresoM rnlml with dissident Ore. k commu nista at Stopljc. capita! 0 t Yugoslavia, which borders
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 29 12 U.P. NEW YORK. Thur« Two leaders of the Lutheran Church in America today charged that the C7.cchos'ovak Government ha.s placed restrictions on Protectants as well as Catholics.—l*.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 32 12 A.P. WARSAW. Thurs. a Wm.saw Tribunal has ser>ncrd Vndrzej Plucinski a Polish •ctor, to fou: fean i:nent for collaboration with the N T B2is during their occupation f Poland. A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 77 12 General FOORMAN'S Ml <1C STIDIO Fortnn-'htly Piano rental In Otto Foorman. Admi--:on fnv against invitation oniy. at Ufc Moulmein Road. 9 p.M. Y.W.C.A.: Busine.v and Professional Women's Club s Dramatic Section presents Mrs. Dorothy Hopkinson's one act p2ay, "A Cottasrc to Lei at i> Raffles yuav 6.3"
    77 words
  • 164 12 CATHAY: "The Rnd* Of Wild" with Van Johnson. J'_rac Allyson. But<h Jnk.n? and Vna M<*rkcl. 11 a.m. 1.45. fi.te »nl 9.30 p m. CAPITOL: "Road Ho if Id? Lupmn. Cornel W Celeste Holm and WKmark.—11 a.m.. 1.1-. 4. 6." aiil 9.30 p.m. PA v ILION: "Th< FYi*-nds" with Ann
    164 words
  • 131 12 Reuter. LONDON. Thurs.—Tr f 3 •J •Tilt war loan the chief tare* «f L' ndon Mack v r ihis ptoefc to* < ..:«d--•round «5?. Other h- p lf d were GeatWSOta fractional s ,ork Other sections ol t Exchange were supoor: prod wed anions industrial H aniisc«»Uan*»ous '<■■<
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 468 12 By Order of the Assistant Comptroller of Customs, S«ng;\pore. AUCTION GALE OF One "Ford" riloon' No. S-6f*os. To Be He'd At Th- Back Yard of ll.m. Cv? toms* Office, Maxwell Road. On Monday Bth August. 1940. At 1100 a.m. ON VIEW DAY OF SALE. Singapore Crd Aueust, lfM9 Cheong
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous