Malaya Tribune, 29 July 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 57 1 MALAYA Tribune SFSFS LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines f uoJMea «m«itanetms»v at rtmyupore, Kua*u L,umpur, Ipoh and Penang. TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover, Malaya Tribune Office, Fleet Street, London, E.C.
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 1 Mademoiselle Mad y Geawnn\ a w i i private ver?tarv, MM ol ihr.e |#<-t»|>*»- who nap 1 wttli a shaking their Avru Anson aircraft had a taxiing accident at Ualiang yeataas: ray, is Beer here e'imbing t.nt af the damaged airiraft with hardly a hair Mt oi plac-. The
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  • 48 1 Reuter. INDORE, Central India. Thur.-. On. hundred anr". :nty pilgrims were feared drowned when two country banal capsized in the Narbad i water near here yesterday. R r port- received here today ■aM Ike boats were caught in a who! poo! and capsized.— ft Btl r.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 50 1 Australian Loan? U.P. CANBSKRA. -Tlraraera Infotmed sojrces said today that Austtalian government leaders weie discussing the possibility of an American loan or sale of part of the country's gold reserve. The scuiccs said the proposals are part of plan:-: being worked out to meet the country's doliai shot.age. I .P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 101 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday.—The United States Tariff Commission today issued a statement explaining President Truman's action making it cheaper by two cents per pound to process Philippine coconut oil in the United States than coconut oil from other foreign countries. It said the President's proclamation took
    U.P.  -  101 words
  • 109 1 Members of the United Kingdom Commission which is to go into the question of the salaries of civil servants working for the Services in the Far Fast arrived by air this morning at Tengah. The Commission is expected to get down to work as soon
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  • 42 1 U.P. PERUGIA, Italy. Thurs.--Carlo Scorza, last secretary of the Italian Fascist Party, and nine other former fascists f crt eianted an amnesty last night after being found guilty of the unpremeditated murder' of Giovanni Amuadola an anti-fascist d-puty, :a 1025.--U.P,
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 26 1 U.P. BUENOS AIRES, Thurs.--Ncar'y 30.000 stevedores struck today partially crippling operations in the port of Buenos Aires, one of the largest in the wor'd.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 122 1 A.P. rpOKYO, Thurs. Typhoon I "Gloria" brought death to at least 75 persons in Okinawa and China. Maj. Gen. Doyle Hickey of the U.S. army who visitod Okinawa after the worst storm in several yea;s, told The Associated Press 38 persons were killed there Thirty-six of
    A.P.  -  122 words
  • 33 1 U.P. MAPLE SHADE, New Jersey, Thurs. An elaborat big-time gambling casirv equipped with a steel look-on v tower was raided today by State Police, who arrested 16~> men and seized $3*.TOO.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • 285 1 Reuter. HONGKONG, Thursday. CHINESE Nationalists are preparing to evacuate their Government h«ul--1 quarters from Canton towards which the Communist armies continue their sweeptng advance through Central Chin«, according to Chinese reports reach ing here today. o,„^„ In the last 48 hours British and United States
    Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 45 1 STOP PRESS Police and Malay L-E.P.s wrre involved In a riot at Nee Soon Village last night. Morn than 100 persons were eon 4 «rned. The police charged the L.E.P.S and arrested 16 persons. Stones were thrown, but nobody was injured.
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  • 72 1 Reuter. MELBOURNE, Thurs. Sum OOjoses aie to t>o issued und. .be essential Services At igainst miners and some unio micials ut Wonthaggi Vict •ia'a only hard coal mine—fc .aking part in the nationwu c 1 strike without first holding a secret ballot. Opencast mines of New South
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 78 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs.—Sixteen British children who left Southampton by flying boat today for Calcutta, Bangkok and Hongkong found gallons of ire cream, plenty of soft drinks, and plies of games and coming magazines waiting lor them In the aircraft. ibelr marrtc carpet waft a "hc-!M»?y ."peris!' ot
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs. —Asked in the House of t ominous toda;. what ael'on he proposed to take over the |wtition by six Penang members ot the Federa! Legislative Council of Malaya lor restoration to Penang of crown colony status, Mr. Arthur Creeeh Jones, Colonial Secretary, said he
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 478 1 Echoes Of 1947 Shooting Incident MR. John A. Thivy, Representative of the Government of India in M«laya, h«s been served with writ* for libel by Mr. R. S. Herring, Manager of Dublin Estate. Kulini. Kedah, and Mr. P. A. Gouldsbury. OSPC,
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  • 59 1 HONGKONG. Thursday. —Mi. I la'co'm Mac Donald. British 1 .ommissioncr General for ioulb-East Asia, said hen oday that if the necessity arosi Jingapoic would act as a iOlirCQ and base of reinfoiceuenta foi Hongkonj both In neu and 11 rai Mi M?cDc~-'-d 13 on a! 1
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  • 57 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thur*.— lA. (Jen. Sir -»ohn Harding left London by air for Singapore today tn take ap his appointment of Commander-in-Chief, Far ast I,and Forces. "I have every eonfidcace that British troops under my command can deal ably with the disturbances in Malaya and situation that
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 46 1 LONDON. Tuns. The House of Common.- voted apptoval tonight of a suggestion that the British Press establish a genet a i council tc keep its house in order. Specifically the House voterl to approve a Roy 1 Commi.sicn Press investigation report.
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  • 190 1 SINGAPORE'S Labour Party Commissioner, Mr. Pit Johnson is expected to steal the show at this afternoon meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, which will be recoided in a fi'm documentary being produced by the Arthur Rank organisation in their "This Modern Age" scries. Mr. Johnson will
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  • 43 1 Reuter. LONDON, Thurs. Grain production will be increased by 500.000 tons this year in Communist held Manchuria with the completion of two new irrigation projects from the Liao and Sungari Riven according to the Chinese Communist radio picked up here. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2 1 SFSFS TIGEJtJ^S
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    • 93 1 9b ty*^^' wfl TONG GUAN H Wk\ 23HC COLEMAN STREET. HI SINGAPORE gk GENUINE DUTCH ROLLED OATS lill l^j^A^j Urns of nniin PjP>V spo iahsts on foodstuff* Ja*^*^^^^^^^ the manufacturers «»f the genuine I Butch "Lassie Brand" RnMed Oats uhirh ran lw used for several dishes. Fur soups, nw>a»s, puddings,
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  • 538 2 Is Johore Sultan Sovereign? THE Full Court of Appeal yesterday decided to address the Secretary of State for Colonies on the question of the sovereignty of the Suli m of Jofcore and the Jurisdictional immunity v/hlch he enjoys Ihi decision was taken following the criticise of
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  • 242 2 MlbS Efigenia E. Catig, a 27-year-old Filipino nurse who left for America on a scholarship and has since travelled round th° world on her earnings is now in Singapore on the last leg of her journey to her home in Manila. Miss Catig was
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  • 33 2 Mr. E. Jago. representative of the British Rubbei Develcpment Beard, at piesent in Malaya will broadcast from Radio Malaya tonight at 8 p.m. on the Boaid and plans for rubber.
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  • 17 2 Nocturne Programme at 10.30 p.m. this Sunday will be devoted to Malay music and paniungs.
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  • 94 2 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned at the inquest of an English boy. Christopher John Oliver, aged two. who fell off the ba'cony a iiou.'.e at Rochelle Drive on July 0. Chris-toph r was flaying on the balcony wit.i two otfcttr children. An
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  • 87 2 The passing out pelade of No. 95 Squadron of the R. A. F. Regiment (Malaya) will be held on August 5 at R, A. F. Station Sembawang when the salute will be taken by the A. O. C. Malaya Air Vice Marshal F. J.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 149 2 OPENING TO-DAY! 3 Stews S, 3.15 A 9.15 p.m. The king of the jungle's most astonishing adventure! "TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" starring Lex BARKER, Brend JOYCE. An R-K-O's Radio Picture! To-Morrow tat Mid-Nite Warner Bros' 44 Two Texas Knights" j in TECHNICOLOR j NEW STAR CINEMA' I'iisir P;mjang— Tonight 'iomorrov. ai
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    • 56 2 Today: 3 shows 3.30 —f,.30 —9.30 p.m. REHNA, V. H. DESAI Ml "VITAZ ALI in "ROSHNI" (Hindustani) Tomorrow 11.00 a.m. Matinee Buck Jones in 'Y\ HITE EAGLE" (Complete serial) j GREAT WORLD I Atlantic 7—9.15 "TARZAN THE A REMAN" NEW WORLD j i Lido 7—9.15 I ATTAIN FROM CASTILE" in
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    • 134 2 j AUGUST BANK HOLIDAyTvT 5 SHOWS ~a m U5 TO-lIA V 4, 6.30 9.30 tfaftitol TtiedtJk LCLUM&.A P.iTUnti f.c-c:.'.: JUMCIE JIM *,nmg JOHNNY WEISSMUUER HiS NEWEST BEST Also, TdE LATdST 3 STOOGES Special Show :;unda> at "MOTUKK WORE TIGHTS'* in T* I Reduced Prices: I p*tair> $1.00 —Douiisluir-, ata. TOMORROW
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 294 2 KUJfc NM WOKh for n jr; ,n tv IV th si close 10 >3«V«» PKOfiK \MMK I 10.00 .\.M, NrwK from Kuala I>.Q5 Popular Sonr, (r,vorrt.rt, 10..-.0 am to l" mi 1 I mi' ii v v if v I'rogramni*, Summary, l.tG l'i.4.*> p.m. Sir. Tu:i«> Onrnim played i,7'(he Son.°h
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  • 1377 3 BITHED in the bright light of four special rioodlamps, mounted m the jgallerj by Mr. J. Arthur Rank's "This Modem Age" film unit, the Le,jj Jy. i ..iincillors of Singapore yesterday sat through one of the dullest meet"intj, for ma»y months. Hie meeting was
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  • 106 3 The Singapore Legislative bunoil 'got BYtm' with the City Fathers \rstenla.v when tea and take was served at the Legislative C ouncil meeting. This has long been a practice with the Municipal Commissioners, hut until yesterday, the I gislative Councillors NtiVC gone t< a-lesv The new innovation
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  • 249 3 THE Legislative Council uuaiumously approved a gift of $4,285,715 to the Federation as a measure of practical sympathy and a gesture of goodwill. The Governor. Sit Franklin Gimson lauding the Council on its decision said it was a concrete example "that there is definitely a Malayan
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  • 319 3 fF pressed hard enough, the Republicans might b? forced" to co-operate with the Commu nists, Dr. 1.. N. Pulur, Representative ?f the Republic 01 Inabnesi» to the U. O. told the press yent ere'.by Dr. Habu who, during the war. had fouglit with the
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  • 133 3 THE MomUbaUcn P*«4» ls <-° close its restaurant ami danec floor and a faiewcli ikruWfi and dunte. syill be held toruynow tv *****U tii>' passion of tin: for tho rvu-- s, in SingaporeBpgr mpiv than three yeart thti Clun has Seen tin- rendezvous for
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  • 52 3 The Pouts and Telegraphs Sports Club Will It holdilU; .1 sooui! at their Clubhouse. Sciangoon Koad, tomouow night. Dancing commences at h p.m. and music will be iendcred by the Kaoloa n Bsnd Lany Fenton and hi.- Tipcan Tatedon, winneis Of th. iccent Tahntime finals, will entertain
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  • 32 3 Lav Cheng Hiasf, anu ran Si.' Ann appealed before thl Fourth Police Magtsfrat yesteiday on a charge of -tealinj; MB6 kattws of Goveinment rice. Lav and Tan elaime«l tiial.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 464 3 SIT: VACANT j WANTED 1 uuaructois lo leach:| ,(1> Malay. (2> Frere-h. (3> guan-1 lily Survey, <4) Draftsmanship, appl) S pore fnetitute of Com•'•••i- Middle Road. (Z. 167. WANTED an experienced cho k with knowledge cf correspondence. ■CCOunta typ« writing. hox A2UL M.T. S' rT4tt) wan'iki > ahireajaa i.«.iv
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    • 746 3 IT'S HERE BOND STREET" YOUR j ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEKEND. TODAY FOUR SHOWS §A¥!IJ§P 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 p. m. w«Swnloli r Phone 6903 'BoHct I The most glamorous thorough fare in thr rT\ vorU... psaed with riches and poverty, comedy fVi 1 and tragmty. romance and* heartaches,' T 1 mmv ic*te*n*rs taaoucnoH JEAN
      746 words
    • 383 3 EUICK special. N<M here diiriß r occupation. LjcHlent condition. jutt i>\t rhat.l. il and d. carbonized .*i:;i«> ,>i nearest Box A.J6M. M.T.. Hpori <Y TRjrMCM 1 6 Appearance at d M Imi iral rondii pa, exit llfiu. Appot'i!men" Phot.e *56b. ui 3532. iY.147». FORP-10 converted into l?<s «iiodil in first
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  • 580 4 MR. Cheng An Lun, principal of the Singapore Chinese High School, is concerned because books by Marx and Lenin and other works which might be deemed Communist are being openly sold at Chinese book-stalls. He wants Government to issue a "black list" of such literature. Come, come
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  • 1831 4  -  STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER Like many people, Mencius finds that the great Natural vs Synthetic fight disturbs his sleep. In fact/ it gives him nightmares and this week we publish one of them. By Meneins I was in an enormous hall I
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  • 211 4 Sir, Why do all Singapore telephone users seem to bellow 'Hello' at one another at the start of a conversation They seem to do it ad nausea—and ad dementia. Wherf I was in the Army. I was taught to lift the receiver when the
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  • 402 4 THE PEOPLE'S POSTBAG Sir, M,ay, I, through the courtesy of your columns draw the attention of the public to the indifference displayed by certain Government ofLcials who are responsible for the undue delay in finalising the salary revision a delay which is causing undue anxiety and
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  • 445 4 Sir, We are continually being reminded of the heavy cx. pense incurred by the present security measures. We are. of course fully aware of this. The next thing to do is to look round for a means of meeting this cost How can it be done? We
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  • 206 4 Sir. 1 cannot say that I have noticed any overpowering evidence of great thought behind this city's traffic police, but surely the prime example of confused thinking lies in the control of the parking routine in Raffles Place. The cars are parked in two loies down both sides
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  • 219 4 Sir. In his article last week Mencius made certain unsupported allegations against a dentist. From the description of the case given it would appear that the dentist referred to was not one who has undergone a College or University training. Even so, is it not perhaps
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  • 252 4 oir f Referring to the Associated Press report, appealing m the Malaya Tribune of July 22, under the heading "Chinese Leading Malays to Marxism, Charges Alsagoff." of an interview 1 had in Cairo on the eve of my departure, I would like to state that the interview
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 For Everybody's Book of Letters Torn Thumb Essays College Essays ami all other School Oo t»JPaWEB CHONG S 82-2, Bras Basah Road, Singapore and at Malacca, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang. ■at NEXT in the GREAT series of I CLASSICS JUuMtated Comes SILAS MARNER by George Eli'et Paramount Traders Ltd.
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    • 1 4 SFSFSF
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  • 1758 5 BERNARD SHAW ON Shaw, in two articles, gives the benefit of a long life's experience to those who produce piny:. Evcii when he is writing a text-book for producers, the Shavian wit and irony gleams through the lines. PLAY producing, like orchestral conducting, beetme a
    Reuter.  -  1,758 words
  • 112 5 Reuter. LONDON. Uim Edith Shand. an invent*,- like her fatner and grandfather befoie her. i:> working on a collapsible pram weighing «our and oik- half ounds Her othci mv.rtions inC M] o plastic sun-shield to pi c vent dazsle on glasses and a horecehoe th?u will not slio
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 704 5  - EXAMP LE FROM SIANG LIM PARK ESTATE By Oscar Fernandez rR more than three years the children of Siang Lim Park spent their leisure aimlessly dashing in and out »Of homes, chasing one anothe: through traffic laden streets and causing parents anxiety by often running well away from their home*
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  • 346 5 Sailing into thi harbour of Keclung, in the setting sun lent n sheen of gold to evcrythmQ In thr the harbour, from th* most insignificant fishing dori to thr lai iicst mirehant in the port, and there One mang such. Anchored in double h inn m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 The best cigarette NEWS for over 40 years THE FILTER TIP protects effectively retains irritants. It is not enough lo remove impurities n guards physical fitness. from the cut tobacco leaf—all reputable I* brings out the flavour and makes the smoke de* manufacturers do this. But irritants u&htfuUy sweet and
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  • 332 6  -  TALKING FILMS... by OSWALD HENRY "\TASIB" the latest locally-produced film to come from W the studios of Shaw Bros—is the current attraction at the Rex where it is drawing MS crowds. Made in Malay, it is by far the most ambitious production to date, showing
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  • 275 6 rrtHE story of "Nasib "(Malay A fo: "Fate") is a rather curious mixture of a page from tie Arabian Nights and something Of more recent vintage. For a moment, I felt 1 was seeing the story of AJJbabh being unfolded on the screen, but the impression was short-lived.
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  • 111 6 TOPPING all the characterisations is that of Bujang, the pirate chief as given by Jaffar Wiryo. His is a most convincing portrayal in which he steals the thunder. His laugh is reminiscent of Rex Ingram's fearful thunder at the genie. As another milestone in the progress cf locally-produced
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  • 85 6 HC. WITWER'S frimea "Leather Pusher" stories never had more sluggings than Columbia's new romantic drama which DXIESN'T deal with the squared circle. Literally, there art, eiglt punch" situations ill the Paul"tte Goddard. ni (1 or, "Anna Tjucastn Oeoor ii< n-oika slaps Pa* toffs. Bmtterinn Crawford cuffs Whit Bis.seli; Johe.
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  • 545 6 DOROTHY LAM OUR is the gir! with big b!ue-gray eyes who made the wcrd sarong a by-word the world over. She's the girl who became third of the famous team of Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour and she is also the girl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 39 6 in its fine wood cabinet, this GEC Bandsprtad f superhet receiver is conditioned for tropicil service, with 1 easy Bandspread tuning for world reception. ATJVT. Or IHi GENfcRAL ELECTBIC CO LTD., OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE MALACCA hi ALA LIMPID. IPOH—PENANG
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 730 7 r the war. when V round our town la no longer we notice that id husines.-s pre- ihiminatcd by v bright and pleand what is per;::ng about this ;ht is its h'tharcbJteetonle I it i no exaggcratio i luorescent lightMi name given kind of lighting a revolution
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  • 728 7  -  By CAPEL BOURNE HAVE you ever met a man. or a woman, whose eyes are each a different colour? It sounds a queer sort of question. But such odd-eyed people do exist, both in the East and the West. If you cared to probe into
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Ltd. (Incorporated In India) are pleased to open SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest allowed. Branches in India, Malaya, Ceylon, Burma and Siam. Agency arrangement all over the world. No. I. Collyer Quay. SINGAPORE Phone. 2626
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 170 7 IK S iJ.VI by Mirheal O'Mullvy and Italpli Lan« r HHiQ f you said T you're not built for it, BAsco.w?! &nd in Fo£ Channels office... ESKIiSrW' ,T VVAS 0000 eAO,/ ISS FLINT, i IT, MR. PONO. 10VER. GET UP/ WE'VE GOT TO FIND 2 "ZSsr <3 fBK&L&m** 01 AKD
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    • 739 7 HADIO DEFECTS WHEN trying to pick up an for the inexperienced listener shortwave range is notched u'tra-short wave station on to pick up and tune in pro- at certain places and when th<~any of the older tvpes of radio perly to any station also on notched part is turned into
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  • 791 8 6 SAN FRANCISCO THE SPAULDINGS ARE NOT WILD Jim Spaulding and his family are, of course, fictitii>us. Nevertheless, they represent d typical family living in a large western citjy. Onh) in the movies do we have a ivild and wooly West where all of the inhabitants wear
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  • 844 8  -  By Carol Bilba IF you consider malversation as a two way traffic, you ordinarily have no trouble following the rules of the road. But it's when you drive on the super six-lane express highways, that you find yourself getting mixed up on the turns, often
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 52 8 rty non-stop SIN6APORS jj| OAS', i If ,C OVERSEAS AIRUWES (S.AH) LTD] FOR AND SAFETY Luxurious Dakota and Skymaater service leaves Singapore every Monday IMi hrs. every Thursday 088* with through connections to Europe and U.R. by BRAATHENS S.A.F.E. agents (CriCbtHll >« «OBjhsok aoao s-»»oa« T.k: Cirt OHi««. 7102 *i«M'»
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    • 135 8 Vigour Glands Mads Young la 24 Hours It ta a* lor g*r <-.... fTnmioss of U*our anu mar. yj memory and body., > i pure blood. »,< Doctor <1 i a quJcl ri2way to end these This dis<o >iy ,:r.,r t I tn-take tablet for 7 I harmless. Ho*
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  • 691 9 HJK. A. Bland Calder IT.l T S. Consul in charge of the Economic Section at the American Consulate Singapore told a meeting of rotarians yesterday that natural rubber had a rosy future. He listed the following factors: (1) A steady increase in the
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  • 80 9 Tht T.y. Song Rubber FacBukit Timah Road sidering the re-opening t~ nulling engine whose °h t lown in May caused un- to a;>out 80 of its vof sufficient supi. 0 f rubber for milling was EJen as the reason for reMienine the engine. The "re-opening
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  • 65 9 and bad news for 600 X', Rubber Commission agents Labour Union. Singapore y< sterday agreed to it 30 to 40"per cent cuts in handling charge** for some gag i,f Ra members. Ite new rates will be effeeI August L The Union's decision was announced at a meeting belt- representatives ana
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  • 76 9 Empire Hamhle (Sheers Wharf); Overijeel—Bentong (42 43); Noreverett (40 41); Wo Sang (38 39); Malaya (36 37); Benreoch (33 34); Steel Admiral (31 32); Manoeran (17 18); Kajang (19); Frederick Clover (21 22); Pacific Stronghold (23 24); At revs (25 26); Belorussia (27 13); Benlawers (29 30);
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  • 162 9 Singapore, Thursday WITH upcountry markets still closed for the holidays, the local share market both in tin. 1 and industrials remained steady but very quiet. The following are the price changes announced by the Malayan Shar(brokers Association. Pref. 2.45 2.55 Ords. 2.00 2.10 Ord. 13/- 14/ Dispensary
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  • 128 9 ALTHOUGH the rubber commodity market was quiet yesterday it was extremely steady. Dealers were awaiting developments from pversea and the outcome of deliberations in the U.S. Congress on stockpiles following a report submitted by the US Munitions Board of the National Military Establishment. The recprt implies emphatically that
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  • 30 9 There were no price changes in the produce markets yesterday except in coconut oil, which gained a dollar reaching $49 per picul f.o.b. Most produce markets were quiet.
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  • 55 9 Air Mail la expected today from Aden, N. S. America. W. Indies, Europe, Africa, Eire, Gt. Britain, Etrypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, U. S. S. R. Hongkong, Korea. Macao, China, Manchuria, Formosa, Japan, Phillipines. Palembang. Latest time of posting at the G. P. O. to Australia, K. Zealand, Medan.
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  • 179 9 1. Voice For Malaya IX the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday, Councillor for Rural West, Mr. Balwant Singh asked for Singapore's representation in all negotiations on trade agreements which the United Kingdom Government makes with other countries. The British Government should concede the principle that where the
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  • 43 9 On the threat of synthetic rubber to Malaya. Mr. Singh asked if Government was alive to the potential menace and to the fact that synthetic plants may eventually be run by private industry in the United States of America.
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  • 37 9 Turning to rice lationinsr. Mr. Singh said "There is irrefutable evidence to show that best quality Siamese lice under International Emeigency Food Control allocation does net exceed 26 cents per kati." 'Your Excellenc> knows
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  • 23 9 CHASE-CC'RRIER: William (of Tekong and Ponggol), dear friend of all. Aged 51. Funeral today. cortege leaving General Hospital 4.30 p.m. for Bidadari.
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  • 99 9 Two brothers, a former police inspector and ex-Police magistrate from the Sarawak Government service met in Singapore yesterday to travel together to Mecca on a pilgrimage. Both resigned from Government in 1947 because they refused to sign "Circular 9" undertaking a promise not to take
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  • 69 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. —There have been 188 arrests in the Federation for the week ending July 27. During this period there have been one arrest in Penang while four were made in Kedah/ Perils. In Perak 77 arrests were made while 36 arrests were effected in Pahang. In
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  • 180 9 WHEN 26 year-oid Peggy Gillespie, Pan American Air ways purser stepped off the plane at Singapore yesterday she admitted that this was the fust time she had flown as a passenger' while in her light-blue uniform. Miss Gillespie has done 5.000 flying hours during her
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  • 441 9 Mr. T. P. F. McNiece, Singapore's Secretary for Social Welfare in a talk over Radio Malaya last night revealed that under the five-year Social Welfare plan the Social Welfare Department will work not only in close association with the Colony's Medical. Fducation
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  • 21 9 A Session of Assize will be held at the Supreme Court on Tuesday, August 2, at 10.30 a.m
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  • 103 9 Kuala Lumpur, Thurs. Bi its fired on ;> military when they were crossin ream in the Tapah aret ye < day and shot dead th p ide. Two Guar ds- ''v wounded and (,:ie '•.T.dit was ki le<! in KuVt T*i **r Sungkai p n-i 1 r
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  • 32 9 His Excellency the Com-missioner-General for the United Kingdom in S. E. Asia, has appointed Mr. A. D. York, M. C. S.. to act as Deputy Commissioner-Genera! for the Colonial Affairs.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 55 9 available from I P>«««^MVr^ri. I ||h 'm I SW, Serangoon Rd. y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y Tel. ***** For ACCOMMODATION visit KATONG REST-HOUSE A Health Resort by the Sea with FIRST CLASS BAR RESTAURANT at your service From 9 a.m. till Midnight EXCELLENT FOOD DRINKS TO-MORROW NIGHT DANCING ADMISSION FREE. Schoon and his Hawaiian
      55 words
    • 207 9 i I WITH OB WITHOUT LOCJLS I STURDILY BUILT H/R LASTING SERVICE I lorries EaiPMcnn 1 i«o CMULIA ST, MBMHI J NOTICE. I NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH WAIL S.S. "ROEPAT" due Singapore I about 13th August, 1949. (Loading cargo alongside S.H.B. wharves for:— Port Sudan/Port Said/ Amsterdam Rotterdam i also
      207 words

  • 293 10 Malayan Lawn Tennis Championships WITH such a record number of overseas entries today's first round ties of the Malayan Tennis championships to be played on the S.C.C. courts should prove to be the most interesting seen for a long time. The championships open with the junior
    293 words
  • 174 10 Reuter. RELFAST. Fri. An twU; ing international atruggle anion., representatives of England. Ireland. BeJgJum and Sput'i Lfrk-a is devt loniro; in the Ir».-h open gall ehaaurioachip. tne second round of whnh waa play- ad today on the Belvoir Park j i ottrsi here. At
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 87 10 AC. B, l'aku became the .1949 V.M.C.A. champion, vesteidu when he defeated Lim Hex' Chin 2-6. 6-2. 6-2 in the men's cpen nnglns of the V.M.C.A Lawn Tennis Championships. Ful' i esults MFN'P OI'KN BINGLEB FINAL: A. G. B. Pakit beat Lim Hee Chin 2-6. 6-2.
    87 words
  • 101 10 A.P. GOODWOOD, Fri.— Hornet the Third wiU go down In racing history a* I In- horse that hint a j photo tini»h. The stewards of the i British «lockey Club an- nouneed yesterday that i the jndge miHread the pie t nr.- on Wednesday when
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 36 10 SUSSEX, Fri. Lord Derby's AJycidon won thr Goodwood Cup run over two milt s five- furlongH ben- today. Sir Percy Loraine's Ridini; Mill wa.s second and Lord Dciby's Stockbudgr thiid. Five ran.
    36 words
  • 32 10 Tonight'! boxing pioiiramme at the Har»p> World Stadium has been postt>oned l<> Auk:. 5. The two Java boxer*. Bobb> Njoo and Tati Wwa Peck may arrive this afternoon by air.
    32 words
  • 242 10 Reuter. SHEFFIELD, Friday. AN attracti\e century by former England captain ft Norman Vardley, his first of the season, and an aggressive innings of 51 by young Brian Close helped Yorkshire to gain a first innings lead of 60 against the New Zealanders after half the side
    Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 166 10 The rai Ka«t Ah force cticket and football teams will leave by ait for Batavi; and Souiabaya on Aug. B to play set ies of games against the Royal Netherlands Set vices and othet team* The cticket team captained by Flight Lieutenant B. Kenyon
    166 words
  • 355 10 THFKF will be only seven races for the last day of the Penang Turf Club s Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting on Monday, Aug. 1. The otiginal schedule was For eight races but the Club Committee decided to scrap on<* race when it became
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  • 407 10 ATI -J MATES of the Singapore Amateur Football Association desirous of sponsoring tours should in future approach the S.A.F.A. in the initial stages of their plan. This was decided at a Coun ci' Meeting of the S.A.F.A presided by Mr. W. McGregor Watt at
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 711 10 MANSFIELD CC. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carrier*' option to proceed via other porta to load and discharge cargo. Sailings from U.K. to L.SA. "Maron" from U.K. r Jul >' 29 TClrjenor" from UK Aug. "Astyanax" from U.K. Aug. "Titan" from U.K Aug. 10 "Tydcws" from U.K. Aug.
      711 words
    • 108 10 THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. 65. CHULIA STREET, jap PHONE 39*4-3 (Incorporated in Singapore! PAfiU&ENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES To HONGKONG, SWATOW, AMOY, PENANG, RANCOR PALEMBANG, DJAMBI, PAKAN BAROE, RENGAT and BAG AN SI API API. "Ilong Slantr" Sails for Hongkong. Swatow Amoy Aug. 2 Hung Ann" Sails for
      108 words
    • 578 10 S HIP P IN <, BOUSTEAD CO., LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE AOUBPTINQ FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. Due GLEN< JARRY < Calls Alexandria! Gdn. 13/14 ,i uU RADNORSHIRE (Calls Alexandria Genoa) Aug. 7 u GLENOYLE (Calls Casablanca* Au<_ ,7, FROM U.K. FOR.
      578 words

  • 4904 11 Third Day Of Penang Races 5 Div. 1-6 Furs. I'AMARY (late U.tvvatlon( 9.0t htm r;-«-49 Ipea 8.12. 'Little) Div. 1 Won by Going Good. 1 \>i 25-« 49 Ipoh 8.05. 6 Furs. v. 1 Won by Greetings Going Good. H.'N 23-7-49 Penang. 8.05 5* (Bagby) Div.
    4,904 words
  • 725 11 Below are the probable runners for tomorrow's races, the third day of the Penang Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting with their owners and trainers: HORSES CLASS :i. DIV. 1—« FIBS. Paniarv (late Waveation) S.ihi C. Prosper Liston Lewi-: Trnln« 8.1? "Mr. Alladin" Mr Yea©*' Davie* Advantage
    725 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 27 11 M'NITE ENTERTAINMENI f I CATHAY Phone ***** For Reservations M'NITE TOMORROW! 9Ea Paromount preterits *\m Willmn HOLDEN Wfl^SR 1 fyl William BENDIX MacdonaW CAREY Mima AT M'NITE
      27 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 166 12 All Over A Hill Reuter. SEOUL, South Korea, Thursday. A PITCHED battle appeared irruniitent between at A least 1,000 South Korean troops and as many North Koreans in the Kaesong area, 25 miles north of here on the border between the Soviet-supported Northern republic and the
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 86 12 SEOUL, Thursday.- Throe thousand embittered Korean women matched through the capital today to demand a purge of all government officials who keep harems. Typical of the average man's reaction was the comment of ODI bearded Korean who surveyed the line of determined women and remarked "there
    86 words
  • 125 12 Mr. C W.Li, an outstanding leader oi Young Men s work in the World's Alliance of Y.M.C.A's will be visiting Singapore and probably (the Federation of Malaya prior to attending the Y. M. C. A. S-East) Asian Conference in Bangkok in August. He is concurrently the
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  • 50 12 The Government of the Colony of Singapore will invite tenders for an issue of $14 millions by Treasury Bills on August 10, subject to the general conditions governing the issue and repayment of Colony of Singapoie Ticasuiy Bills. Tenders will be accepted up to August 6. 1949, inclusive.
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  • 117 12 A.P. HAMILTON. NEW YORK. Thurs. —Governor Dewey called today for immediate U.S. aid to Nationalist China to "save and preserve onelifth of the world's people" from Communism In a speech prepared for delivery at the first annual conference on American foreign policy at Colgate University, the 1948
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 136 12 A.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Thursday. THE United Nations has asked the six countries of the Atomic Energy Commission to confer at Lake Success beginning on Aug. 9. an informed source said today. The consultations will be an attempt to end the three-year impasse between east
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 148 12 Three people escaped unhurt when thin twin" eng.ned Am Anson transport plane on a delivery Hißht from Sydaey 'o India ran off the runway while taxiing at Kallang airport yesterday H'ld crashed over the fivefoot seawall onto the beach. The occupants were th a I
    148 words
  • 45 12 Reuter. TOKIO, Thurs. Two thousand more Japanese prisoners of war arrived from Siberia today in the sixth ship of the second round of this v< ;ir n patriation programme. Unlike the passengers of the Shinyo Maru. however, they caused no trouble. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 123 12 Reuter. LONDON, Thursday. THE House of Lords today decided to stand firm on its demand that operation of the Government's bill to nationalise steel would be postponed until after next year's general election. Lord Salisbury, leader of the Opposition, announced this today when the Lords
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 134 12 U.P. QUEBEC. Thuis. A miner who threw himself on a stick of dynamite a few seconds before it exploded was credited today with saving six companions in a caved in mine shaft. A second miner wa.s !;i !ed by the cave in. The miners.
    U.P.  -  134 words
  • 144 12 U.P. —Said Yes Twice BERLIN, Thurs. The Russians agreed to two Allied demands today and said thev would consider a third in what Western officials described as the ".most polite and cordial meeting of the Berlin commanders since the war. Soviet Maior General Alexander Kotikov told
    U.P.  -  144 words
  • 186 12 A.P. MADERNO. ITALY. Tues Photographers won their battle yestctday to snap Winston, Churchill in a bathing suit* Hiring a motor boat they bypassed on water the obstruction of a police road block and cornered the former British Prime Minister just as he was about to
    A.P.  -  186 words
  • 49 12 A.P. HONGKONG. Th, steamer Maxwell Brandei ha 3 arrived in Hongkong from Singapore with R4O 1 oi military equipment a tons of ammunition foi torcement of the locs son The material follow,,' one day the arrival troopship Empire with additional ments from Englar, p
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 25 12 General a.m. W< 5 A 15 r 10.30 a.m and 5 p.„.. «m< Kaffies Quay WESLEY MYK: H, Meeting 4. Fort Can:
    25 words
  • 182 12 CATHAY: "Wake .>( i. Witch Gig Y(»un' j, Mara, Luther Adle: 1.4u, 4.15, b.45 9.3 1 CAPITOL: "Jungle w Johnny Weissmuller r L45, 4. 6.30 9.3n pn, PAVILION: "Bona olrP r with Jean Kent. Roland r Kathleen Harrison. Der.-k Fan and Hazel Court with p a Velkenska. 2. 4.15.
    182 words
  • 18 12 ATHLETICS: ,rc A A.A. Championships Jaiaii Bcsar 4.30 TENNIS Malayan L.T A. championships S.C.C. 2 15.
    18 words
  • 134 12 Reuter. LONDON. Thurs. Brant Government stocks atrain dominated attention in the London Stock Exchange today. H and occasional panic MUiag a' the start of dealinu.-- touched off fresh declines of MO and percent. Later. however rallied and dealing became steadier on a strem M small buyine order.- which
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 883 12 SIT. VACANT The Singapore Improvement Trust has .jjg vacancy for a sa lary $80/* p.m. plus 60 << Cost of Living Allowance. School Certificate essential. Applica tion stating age, qualifications and experience to be forwarded to the Acting Secretary, Singapore Improvement Trust, P.O. Box 702, Singapore by 6th August. 1949.
      883 words
    • 154 12 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 Notice is hereby given that any person or persons having a claim to the property described in the Schedule hereto aj;e requested to forward such~"claim o the Custodian of Property, Supreme Court Building,
      154 words
    • 86 12 New Happy Theatre TOMORROW MATINEE at 2.30 P.M. Bud Lou ABBOTT COSTELLO in "WISITJL WIDOW I OF WAGON GAT" 1 Sunday Cheap Matinee at 2.30 P.M. "IRON CLAW" (Whole Serial) A Columbia Serial! SUNDAY "SON OF ROBIN HOOD" in Technicolor! I Prof. ILMUDDIN ALAHL (Astro-Palmist and Horoscope Reader) ®Many years'
      86 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous