Malaya Tribune, 27 July 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • 31 1 A.P. INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, Tues. —Film actor James Stewart will marry Mrs. Gloria Me Lean, a former model, on August 9 in Brentwood, California, his father -aid here today.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. AMSTERDAM. Tues.—The ■flhq of the victims of the KLM Constellation plane crash at Ghatkopar. Bombay, on July 12 arrived at Schipol airport today in a special plane. Forty-ve people, including 13 American journalists, lost their lives when the Constella tion. flying from Batavia,
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 22 1 Reuter. MADRID, Tues.—Twentyfour people wire and over 00 vcre injured when i military gunpowder magazine exploded today in Cuenca Province.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 264 1 -y^iff* l 1 Tuesday—The United States Government is about to hTnL?a!iHTI the of synthetic rubber which must by law be used iv motor tyre inner tubes from 60 to 45 per cent Mr. Warren Lockwood, Director of the Rubber Development Bureau, disclosing this today,
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  • 116 1 The Federation and Singapore Governments are to be asked to give a joint guarantee to the Malayan Rubber Fund. A motion to this effect WIH be tabled at the next meeting of the Federation Legislative Council to be held on August 3. I If the guarantee is
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  • 184 1 A.P. LONDON, Tuesday. The vicar of London s famous Old Bow Street church refused today to marry actress Angela Lansbury and Peter Shaw, because Miss Lansbury had mamed before She flew to London with her fiance, a Hollywood set designer, Tuesday. She promptly telephoned the church
    A.P.  -  184 words
  • 35 1 U.P. LONDON. Tues.—Miss Li- lian Bowes-Lyon. poet authoress cousin of Queen Elizabeth, was found dead in her bed ycstertiay <t her borre in Kensington, I < n I >n. Sic was aged 53 —U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 218 1 Reuter, A.A.P. MELBOURNE, Tuesday.—Trading bank circles here were jubilant today when news came through that the British Privy Council had upheld an Australian High Court decision that the Government's Bill to nationalise Australian banks was unconstitutional. Mr. Leslie James McConnan. Chairman of Associated Banks. Victoria. s
    Reuter, A.A.P.  -  218 words
  • 43 1 U.P. PARIS, Tues.—The health of Marshal Henri Phillippe Petain, 93, head of the wartime Vichy Government of France, has deteriorated rapidly in the past 48 hours, the newspaper Paris Presse reported today. The report was denied by a Government spokesman. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 40 1 U.P. CAPE GRIS NEZ, Tues.— Mrs. Willi Crocs Van Rijsel, a 22-year-old Dutch housewife entered the choppy waters of the English Channel today and became the first woman to attempt to swim from France to England this season.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. BARL'CH NEW YORK. Tues. Mr. Bernard Baruch, United States elder statesman, who returned today from a European tour, said Britain was spending too much time on nationalisation and not enough, on developing her production. Mr. Baruch also said "Britain has got to get rid of the
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 100 1 A.P. SHANGHAI. Tuesday. Shanghai's worst typhoon for years has killed 29 persons, injured 23 and left upwards of 200,000 homeless, officials reported today. Fourteen died when a house collapsed, 10 lost their lives in a series of fires and five others were electrocuted by powerlines
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 80 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. The hull of the world's biggest flying boat was launched at Cowes. Isle of Wight today. This is the first of three Princess class flying boats designed by Messrs. Saunders Roe for BOAC. It wdl be equipped with ten turbin propelled engines
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 52 1 Reuter. VALETTA. Malta. Tues. Extensive two-day exercises to test Malta's defences i started here today With all three British armed services taking part. The RAF has been rein- forced for the occasion. The exercises include submarine and E-boat attacks and coastal landings by raiding parties and
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 55 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Tues. Israel today served notice that "if the Arab countries, continue to re-arm heavily, Israel will not allow itself to be overtaken." Announcing this Mr. Aubrey Eban, Israeli United Nations delegate, told reporters that Israel and the Arab countries would probably be living under the
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  • 60 1 William Pringle, of Johannesburg, South Africa, who has just celebrated his 119 th birthday is the oldest white man in South Africa. He Is still active, has a good appetite. When people joke about his age he remarks, "If you are not careful, one of
    A.P. Picture.  -  60 words
  • 37 1 Sir Sydney Palmer will move at the next meeting of the Federal Council on Aug. 3 that Malaya should have the right to appoint her own representative to all meetings of the Rubber Study Gnbup.
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  • 103 1 Reuter. PARIS. Tues. Deputies fought wiMi their f.sts in the lobby today while 'he Fiench National Assembly deoatcd ratification of the Atlantic Pact. I Communist Deputies came to blows outside j with M. EdmonflrPWlchelet. Gaullist. and some of his friends. Ushers quickly separated the two groups.
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 477 1 $25 Million Plan For Whole Industry (TRIBUNE STAFF REPORTER) THE Singapore Government is preparing a $25,000,000 scheme to modernise the Island's fishing industry and to develop self-sufficiency in this staple food. The Sunday Tribune recently revealed that a Singapore monopoly is keeping the fishermen in
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  • 61 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues The London dock strike delayed some shipments of heavy equipment to Hongkong by as much as three weeks, War Minister Emanuel Shinwcll told Parliament today. Nevertheless the large bulk of this equipment should be in Hongkong within two and a half weeks of the arrival
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 88 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tues.—Mr. Samhasivan, Indian trade unionist sentenced to death under the Malayan emergency regulations for carrying arms, was today granted leave to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The Johore Government last month stayed the execution aiter Mr. John A. Thivy.
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 222 1 Reuter. HONGKONG. Tuesday.—A major offensive by Chinese Communists on two fronts in South and South-west China appeared today to be well under way. Half a million well-armed Communists were said to be engaged. They were making a general advance south along a 500-mile front
    Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 28 1 From ALLAN LEWIS The going for today's races at Penang will be soft,However, the tracks have dried up and »he condition may gradually impr.rve.
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  • 48 1 A.P. KARACHI, Tues. Complete agieement on the ceasefire line in Kashmir was reached between India and Pakistan at the joint military I talks which resumed in Karachi today. The truce sub-committee of the U. N. Committee for India and Pakistan attended the talks. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 58 1 A.P. QUITO, ECUADOR, Tues. 1 —President Galo Plaza smashed an attempt at a re- volution today. The revolutionaries led by Colonel Cailos Mancheno. a former dictator, tiied to attack the Palace. and seize j contiol of a group of army tanks. Both manoeuvres were defeated by quick action
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 WIRES CABLES < FLEXIBLE CORDS. A fojftfle Distributors for Malaya:— j Wan CHENG MOII Electric Co. 152, CROSS ST., TEL: 3064. SINGAPORE. I lj T £f An "H.S.B" in ycur hand, Is your passport to any Band. MODELS HUHNER "H.&8." HARMONICAS. HSBI 40 hole. 40-reed, Tremolo tuning $6-00 HSB2 40-hole,
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    • 0 1
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    • 70 1 Ijf TOMG6UAM f: Bl 25H0.COL£M*K STREET. AH, for Your Enjoyment flayer's quality Is always present, always there for your enjoyment. The pleasure of a Player's results from expert and constant attention to many things, from the growing of the leaf, its choice, to Us blending and its packing. The little
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  • 213 2 AIR Vice Marshal R. IRagg. C 8.. C. B. E F C. new Senior Air Stan Officer Headquarters, Far East Air Force. arrived in Singapore in the Carthage yesterday. Air Vice Marshal Ragg joined the R. A. F. in 1921 and was an expciimental
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  • 35 2 The Hindu staff >n the Government Departments wi'.l observe "Sathurthi" Day Fourth Day after New Moon) at the Sree Scnpaga Vinayagar Temple, 19 Ceylon Road. Katong, this Fiiday, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
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  • 732 2 Colonial Secretary 4 LETTER addressed to the Secretary of State for A the Colonies (Mr. Creech-Jones) by the Sultan of Johore on June 28 last regarding his status in the State and a reply to it, accepting the ruling ot Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith that the Sultan
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  • 149 2 in N026 !)5l'N sot »n motion alter lonss 6el!i.v in Klmnl »Ml unction »N< new clun nous<. The new building will be the third premises of the Dutch Club in Singapore since it was first formed in 1906. and will have a dance floor,
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  • 41 2 Pilgrims from Bangkok me expected for the Titular Feast of the Church of St. Anne, Bukit Mertajam, which begins this Sunday Confessions will stall on Saturday and the Feast will wind off with a mass and procession on Sunday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 2 Miss 7. IL SuiUvaa Wl to us? tin c»p aad SJ n while Mis. K. ;V (1 finds it easier tn sse n r ringers at the dinm r gfvea h> the Asian member* (antral Registry, (.HQ PAR ELF, r-c-ntly. Others al u_* were (£tmb the < ajlt-
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  • 451 2 THOMAS JOHN DAVIES, 20-year-old European, was committed for trial at the next Assizes following a preliminary inquiry at the Second Police Court yesterday where he was charged with forging a document for the purpose of cheating. Davien conducted nu own cross-examination, it was alleged that on
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  • 119 2 Quietly, and wiLhout adveitisement. the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company opened a night trunk call-bo\ j in theii building in Hill Street on Monday night. I In darkness, the box did no business at all for some time. Then the jaga switched on
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  • 60 2 Three men, Chng Beng Ciioon. 13. Lav Sen Poo. 40. and Lew Tuah Hua. 38. were I guilty in Lhc FouiL. I PcHc? Couit yesterday of I stealing 1.070 katties of Gov- < einmeot lice worth S-321. Lav war, sentenced to throe months hard laHour. Low
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  • 41 2 JOHORE BAHRI' tm A car driven by an Atmy captain collided with I civi. lian car. somersaulted am; hit anrthei car at Jalao Ah F Monday night Ali three drivvr.. c-capod injury but the ears wen badly damaged.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 NOW SEE IT THRILLING TODAY! I THOUSANDS Mf^ m j5 TIMES 4.00-0.30 starring SPLIT SERAVv AX RGOMAI NOR Shaw Bros. Studios' latest Local Malay Product urn. NEXT ATTRACTION! j annblyth mmm^SBBBA GEORGE njf.TJiJfflJZTi'Jkl j x I Show* ihUly: 2, 5.30, 9.15 p.m. Ki:ri lii.v s Sensational Serial! "TIGER WOMAN" i
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    • 203 2 SELAMAT HAlil i. A\ A 11 ASA TO M.I (»1 P4JBONB! Today B| am. ifpecia! **3 STOOGES" di»rt«: 50 <-»s. lo all _eata! Today 4 sfcMM at: I 1.00—.i.30— 5.n %M i».m. KEHAXA, V. H. DESAI A Ml MTAZ ALI in ,-KQs■ IS I" (IliiiilniMil i P!*»a.s« book your .nits
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 357 2 I NETWORK i *u^ ./.^^^^l ENOUSH PROGRAMMES 85 *5 iteM 10.(W A.M. New, from Kiv.l;. m,,s,c K lir r ,'M. M,, A: > s < .hed».e 1.30 K2H »J T™!mB2Lc Se£ I T A News. 1.45 Light m^ Bft Vi-SSS I music. >00 Close Down. p Cwxv m!- m H
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  • 134 3 O\F. THOUSAND workers of th- 13 Singapore sawrhil's have fin,' lly accepted new Wage-cuts proposed by the, smuapore Sawmillcrs' A.;- ition becawge of continued iechnc in expert demand for The new cuts will be between 10 and 12 per cent ow their current earning:-', nd effective fiom
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  • 65 3 Seen in Singapore yesteriv afternoon near the Capitol Cinema was a brand-new black Ford .edan, with I I '.speaker on the front. The drivei must have been uzzk-d to look in his mirror tec passengers in cars that wcie following laughing .nd pointing. The reason? On
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  • 103 3 The following Hari Raya message has been given i y the Sultan of PcraK We wish one and all. and ticotarly our Muslim Subjects, Selamat Han Raya To those Muslims who are in the Security Feces .:nd v/h-i. tug the irng fasting month been on active
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  • 231 3 Debentures To Raise $5 Million Capital KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. The formation of a Building Trust, with a g-overnment-donated capital of $5 million, which would be raised by debentures, is the main suggestion of the final report of the Malayan Union Housing Commits which will be
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  • 46 3 Four persons died of beriberi the week ending July 10 according to a Municipal Health Report issued yesterday. There was an increase of 17 deaths this week, the report states, when compared jeets, Selamat Han Ray a. with the p.evious week's figures.
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  • 22 3 Twenty boxes of motorvehicle spare parts, valued at 51.560. disappeared from 223 B O D. Sub-depot, Kranji. between January and July.
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  • 14 3 A Tamil found two rounds of 303 ammunition at Bukit Timah Road yesterday.
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  • 139 3 Legislative Councillor Mr. Lim Yew Hock yesterday pro- I mised 200 peop'e of the Singapore Medical Services Union that if they ever held in protest march, he would carry a placard and marfch along with them. Said Mr. Lrm: I fully support your resolution on
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  • 169 3 The following members cf I the Guild of Graduates have been elected to represent the Guild in the Court and the Counci' of the University cf Malaya. The Court Dr. I. S. Abraham. L.M.S Medical Practitioner. Sungei Patani: Mr. Chang Mm Kee, Diploma in Aits, Education Department.
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  • 42 3 A valuable thrce-'.ensc microscope valued at $"00. the property of St. Patrick s School, was yesterday reported stolen by thieves who broke into the Brothers' study room. The thieves also stole four fountain-pens, a wrist watch, and a torchlight.
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  • 103 3 HtR-h Commissioner Sir Henry Gurnev prwntfd r wards by His Maiesty the King to four person* at a eeremonv held recently at the Malacca Club I'atlane;. Picture shows (from the left): Mr. Tan Hoon Siaae; (next of kin of th«- late Madam Tan hay Van) M. B.
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  • 72 3 The Young Mens Muslim Association will hold a dinner on Saturday night in celebration of Hari Raya Puana. The dinner will be held at tlx- premises of the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society. 31 Lorong 12. Geylang at 7.30 p.m. On Sunday, the Association will hold
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  • 152 3 I THE Far Eastern Regional Office of the Food and l Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, based on Bangkok, will hold a special three-day regional conference in Singapore's newly decorated Victoria Hall on September 27. This conference will be a curtain-raiser to the
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  • 185 3 fail F. Uc Souza. quiet and unassuming Singapore Eurasian who was the only <tudent out of 26 to pass v.ith distinction a Social Science and Administration Examination m the United kmdrum returned to Singapore in the Caithage yesterday. Mi De Souza went to the Uttltcd Kingdom
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  • 64 3 Lady H. Son-. -vtdow of the late Sit Ong Siaug Song, the fiist Chinese in Malaya to receive a knighthood, ictuined to Singapore in the Carthage yesterday. Ludy Song left Singapore last September foi a holiday i in Englanu. Among those who met Lady Song were Sii
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  • 19 3 One Khek Chinese was arrested yestcrdav on suspicion of being a member of the Malayan Communist Party.
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  • 172 3 in'ALA LUMI'UR. Tuesday Mai or General C. H. Boucher, G.0.C., Malaya District, will inspect the parade and take the general salute when 80u police recruits take part in the last big pass ing out parade al the Police Training Depot on Saturday. Malor General
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  • 69 3 The Singapore Co-operative Store;; Society is holding a two-week clearance sale to cover the Hari Raya and August Bank Holiday periods. For the first time in its history, the Co-op. decided to throw these sales open to nonmembers "The first two days of the sale
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  • 56 3 SEGAMAT. Tues. A Police patrol operating in the Labia area yesterday located and destroyed five bandit camps which consisted of 86 h an-to huts with accommodation for about persons. All the camps were connected with each other by means of well-camouflaged paths. A number of important documents
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  • 17 3 A total of 14 Chinese men were arrested yesterday for being members of unlawful societies.
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  • 223 3 tHE world today is bewildered and defeated by its own scientific advances. This was the opinion expressed in Singapoic yesterday by Pastel R. S. Watts, leading Am. lican ladio evangelist and Bible lecturer, who Li lv te to conduct a two-Week series <>f lectures Ofl
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  • 29 3 The train shot at by banflits, as icpoitod in the press on Monday, was not a mad train but a pilot tiain. it is ollicially stated.
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  • 171 3 Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday: The name of the Kuropean survrvoi who was killed in the river ambush on the Kemaman River Yesterday h Mr. A. C. Amies of the Geological Survey Department. His body which was mi.-sing I since the shooting has now been found
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 ALHAMBRA (Atr-CondMoned Tele. 690») SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ALL Ol R MUSLIM PATRONS TODA V ft.45 :«ml 9.30 P-M. WEISSMULLER M **\*tom«* f- Maureen *~~wßr O'Sl LLIV VN SECVtCY <»i fffi i :u> iREIISIIIW
      34 words
    • 145 3 SELAMAT H\Rj HAYA TQ Ml OUR h iL'SUM PATRONS. lIAILY FIVE MlOlY* I In. in; 1.45; llx 145 Of 9.30?.*. WftfiOO M9NIAIIAN ANN MRLES CYO CfittlST NEXT CHANGE rROM GARLAND ROARK'S BOOK THAT SOLD A MILLION COPIES IT /MA JOR 1/. /77C /rjtr» w v/ft* vet* LAST FOURIKT)WS'fM/i3 jM 2-4.15-6.30-9.38
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  • 856 4  -  More Units Being Formed In The Federation By HARRY FANG TODAY. there are 8.319 Kampong Guards spread all over 130 kampongs in the State of Johore. These men are rubber-tappers, smallholders and farmers, who havi an wered the call to defend their kampongs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 POISONED WOUNDS ■fc^l Cuts, Scalds, Burns I J' j JCj* For safe, quick healing, use /ja^f^\ Zam-Buk. the greatest antisep- I He skin ointment. The refined m/J i A ySJA J j herbal oils in Zam-Buk are Hmm i V I 1 \\l wonderfully soothing. They V 4 j 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 5 1 his \*iung Catholic couple, Dtms Coulombe, 22, of Hrooki,<:, and Thomas Sennot, 28, of Arlington, have appealed to p« i'lus. through the Papal Delegate in Washington, for vion to wed. They say their intened marriage is preU I because of a ban which resulted Irom a
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  • 227 5 LONDON, Tuesday. In a remote cottage in shin-. GBTH and just a couple of hams" (amateur wireless enthusiasts) were having the talk of their lives, while their wives QBTH v. as Mr. George Guy, year-old machinery salesi. of New Cottages, \hurst: ZL3AW was Mr.
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  • 94 5 U.P. j JOGJAKARTA, Tues. i Indonesian government today announced that it' 1 would support a provisional United NatictM plan which pn vides for a Dutch withdraItej, üblican territory arlaltc for implcntation of a cease-fire ag- I ernent. decision was taken after til_- t- T e>
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • 21 5 I'll» l^oi'> »l,<.v :»r«' sllNrn'MF l»r^' «o ill t»n« l'.s»t,H!l p«»plc do «nt live. >!u'. ?K> tll! »0«e
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  • 189 5 Warned Of Red Treatment I WASHINGTON, Tuesday, j THE State Department announced today that the I United States Embassy in Canton had warned I all Americans living in five southern Chinese provinces to leave for safer areas in view of the re- newed Communist
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  • 78 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Tues.—The US Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday approved a 1'5|16.000.000 aid programme for American educational and I charitable institutions which suffered losses in the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. The bill, sponsored by Senatcr McGrath, Rhode Island Democrat, would provide payments tor the American
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 98 5 Reuter. POONA. BOMBAY PRO- VINCE, Tttes. Real social- bjaiian can best be achieved j only through the spread of I the co-operative movement in India, according to BomI bay's Minister foi Finance I and Co-opcratio;:, Mr. W.ikunt Mehta. j Reviewing the growth of the co-operative movement in lire
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 155 5 A.P. OTTAWA, Tuesday. Appointment of three new Canadian Military observers to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan was announced by the Canadian Defence and External Affairs Department. Appointed were Lt.-Col. A. < G Wygard of Ottawa. Maj. W. T. Thompson of Toronto
    A.P.  -  155 words
  • 114 5 mmO d >zen very special ha ehing eggs arrived by 8.0.A.C 1 recently at London Airport, consisted to an Agricultural m in ShrojKskire, England. The egg* are stated to have J i by wingless hens developed by a farmer in lowa i In Uniti State*
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  • 148 5 Reuter. OXFORD, Tuesday- The greatest postwar international Assembly of the Blind in which 18 countries will take part will open here on Aug. 4. The conference, to discuss "the place cf the .blind in t'ae modem wot Id." will .aim at flaming a
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 109 5 "Strachey Had A Party" "I WAS working late at I the Food Ministry J and Mr. Strachey had a I bit of a party," naid a man who was fined sk. at I Bow-street today for J being drunk. Ihe magistrate (Mr. J. F. Eastwood, K. C): Were you trying
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  • 32 5 A.P. LONDON. Tues. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, bei husband Prince Bernhaid ar.d their daughters and liene, lunched with King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace yestciday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 174 5 U.P. BOSTON, Tuesday. SECRETARY of Commerce Charles Sawyer, start- ing a nationwide unemployment survey, said last night that a serious national depression was "practically impossible unless people are scared." In the midst of a two day visit to New Zealand. Sawyer said "there is nothing
    U.P.  -  174 words
  • 313 5 LONDON, Tuesday: Rush of Americans to Britain in the last six weeks is believed to have pushed dollar earnings from tourists to more than £6,000,000 this year. Latest official figures show that 24,008 American visitors came here in the first five months of 1949. This was
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  • 160 5 A.P. PARIS. Tues. There Ls no chance of Germany being included as a signer of the Atlantic Pact. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman said yesterday. Schuman tOiu the National Assembly, in urging French ratification of the pact, "Germany <iocs not have any army, and won't have
    A.P.  -  160 words
  • 37 5 Reuter-AAP. I SEOUL, Tues.- Mr. Snao I Yu-lin, Chinese Ambassado. j to Korea arrived last night at I Kinpo airfield, near Seoul. Mr. Shao flew to Seoul from Canton via Hongkong and Manila. -Reutoi-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 5 Shirley May France, 16, rur.s irom the water near Coney Island, N.Y., looking like she'd just had a nice, invigorating dip. Actually, the Somerset, Mass., swimmer had done a 12-mile practice run, irom New York's Battery to Coney Island, in 5 hours 40 minutes. She's tuning up
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 516 5 SIT: VACANT WANTED Eurasian Lady T- > lor cliildr.n aged 6 and 7. Hoard and Lodging provided. State salary required lo Box No.A.stl2 l**T. Snore. IX.VP' WANTED by we>l-kno*n Chinese (~oDi.ern a Qualified «xj«wiHri, »-v Hhinese Accountant, whn Acroun:iney Degree, and able to speak Uokkien dialect, for full time errDloyment.
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    • 695 5 USE THE CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS PETS FOR sale nisle and female Attafttn* six months old register id M.X.A aellintt cheap api>ly 1". Elliot Wa*ad Siylsp. nrjatsi I WANTED V/ ANTED a 1947 48 Model Asf» c.r. Twin M cycie. Al-o Pn >VMT 8 H.P. Car. tiiv«- pari i. u.ars -eid
      695 words
    • 451 5 V LIIS: FOR SAUK •-TA.VDARD 8 Coupe. F;rst registered April 1947. Excellent condition. looi>.i miles. $2,000 Dr. Dencer Tel. 5421. Spore. (V.155). BUICK special. Not here during occupatioa. Excellent condition, tncine just overhauled and de carbonised $1300 or nearest Box A.2644. M.T.. Spore. (V.148; TRIUMPH Speed Twin. 500 c.c. Appearance
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  • 573 6 SINGAPORE'S Councillors and Commissioners will make their bow to the world this week by courtesy of Mr. J. Arthur Rank, who has sent one of his film units here to record the Malayan way of life. And a most impressive bow it will be. ihe orders have
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  • 1450 6  -  by LOUIS HUNTER Reuter. NEW YORK. THE name of Wall Street with all that it symbolises Ii famous throughout the world. Today. more than ever m the still unsettled postwar .ears, anxious eyes everywhere are watching business and financial developments in the country as they
    Reuter.  -  1,450 words
  • 472 6  -  BLUNDER IN THE FAR EAST-2 by BURTON HEATH BEFORE the end of 1949, the Indonesians probably will be free, after more than 300 years as a Dutch colony. Their freedom will be complete end unconditional. It will be at least five vcars, after that,
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  • 757 6 Reuter. BOMBAY A QUESTION mark hangs over the future of the English language in India. Indian politicians, scholars and philosophers have been busy for the last several months, arguing on the merits and demerits of the continuance of English as the official and
    Reuter.  -  757 words
  • 258 6 fIE Scottish Lybster to Wick train is timetabled to start at 8.45 a.m. every week-day. And for the last tive years the 8.45 a m. has promptly left Lybster railway station for the Wick daily run—but no one has seen the train. Indeed It never shows
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 ROSS (Tropical) BINOCULARS Gtve Better laion and Valu. I New China Optical Co fl, FOx-h Rt. B'poro. Phone. *5W Body Vigour j Quickly Restored j By New Compound m-JL m „ltm rum— neu of n.-rtK-aT that ran br'n* nrw .J/o.d. th- f-r»1. ntmn A«-J*£ DnrU* wi'h n vrarj M«trt»M on,
      103 words
    • 62 6 Almost Unbelievable I but absolutely true Cooks in a fraction of he peas m i MiM-iEs KAMCO Cooking the NAMCO way saves PRESSURE Time, Money, Energy and rotates COOKING anim con t« n t. DEMONSTRATIONS. Aug. 2nd to It Tuesday 2nd Aug. 10.30 a.m. and 12.15 p Wednesday 3rd Aug.
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  • 169 7 A.P. LONDON, Tues. The outfitters and the di «amaker made the the British team of 700 will wear in the Lingiad in Sweden. The World Seeaton of Gymnastics will open in Stockhohn tomorrow. Denied a grant from the men* to outfit the I mi the
    A.P.  -  169 words
  • 51 7 U.P. LONDON, Tues. —A sparrow, carrying a lighted cigarette butt to its nest, was believed today to Ik* responsible for a fire which destroyed five homes in Dagenham, London. The fire had one casualty. The sparrow was found burned to death in the nest. U.P.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 68 7 Uil f rnlf rick < Lofty 1 Sir halts, arka usuall> towers \periston in Old Baile>'» ri One t'ourt. is London's I <on>table. Hf is retirin? Im <la\s after 2* >c.»rs with l of London Police. Si holK is 6ft. Binv "> vtorkinced feet 6ft. Olins.
    68 words
  • 27 7 Th or has nominate I tl following gentlemen to be of the Malayan ird of Income Tax: P. Tey Say Koo. J. F. L. Cowin.
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  • 83 7 WANTED —A STRAND OF BLONDE HAIR A.P. TOKYO, Tues. The Mizusaw;> Observatory has sent cut a call in this nation of dark haii cd people for a strand of blonde hair. Just any hair will not do. particularly Japanese halt which tends to be coarse. The obseivatory's hygrometerused in measuring
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 143 7 A.P. LONDON, Tuesday.—Officers of the Grenadier Guards, most high-hat unit of the British Army have been told politely to mend their manners Princess Elizabeth, Colonel of the Regiment, went to the annual banquet of the Officers Club. Some speakers were heckled. The
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 50 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Tenders for Federation of Malaya Government Treasury Bills of three months' tenor were accepted by the Financial Secretary. Federation of Malaya, to the extent of $700,000 at a rate of discount equivalent to t per annum. The Bills will be issued on August 2, 1919.
    50 words
  • 121 7 U.S. Takes To The Pipes A.P. BLOOMFIELD. New Jersey, Tues ._A former Gordon Highlander in the British Army. James Morton. U s o fond of the bagpipe that he has started a bagpipe school o«re. He came to live in Bloomheld from Scotland 26 years ago. He said he started
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • 164 7 SYDNEY, Tuesday. Want a substitute for beer or whisky? Eat galah pie. What is a galah It's a pink and white bird of the parrot family. There are tens of thousands of them in parts of Australia. The good folks of Goondiwindi, Queensland, say
    164 words
  • 121 7 Sign Here? No, Sir William SIR WILLIAM WILLAMS, baronet-licensee, changed the name of the hotel on hi* estate at Heanton, Devon, from "The Exeter Inn" to "Th** Williams Arms." He put up a sign bearing the family crest and the motto Nil Desperandum. The sign, he told fellowmembers of Barnstaple
    121 words
  • 41 7 Reuter-AAP. SEOUL. Tues.- -Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has accepted President Syngman Rhee's invitation to come to Korea to discuss a Pacific Pact. Mr. Rhee said yesterday that President Elpidio Quirino of the Philippines has not yet accepted his invitation. Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  41 words
  • 206 7 LONDON, Tues. —How much does it cost to keep a cat for a week? Judge Tudor Rees j awarded one cat ss. a week at Brentford County Court He turned down a claim for 10s. a week, saying: "That is the maximum
    206 words
  • 89 7 A.P. BANGKOK, Tues. Two Government officials sent by the War Veterans Organization to stake out Crown Property claims to plantation lands in Songkhla now held by squatters got too warm a reception. The men. Captain Phat Seokswang. 41, and Nai Visit j Srisura, 34,
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 279 7 LONDON. Tuesday. Secret archives seized in Hitler's Foreign Ministry and now published for the first timp show the Germans looked on Britain as their most dangerous enemy. This was when Britain and France were trying to satisfy Hitler's demands. The Germans felt Russia feared their arms
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 COMPANY TUITION i MERC ANTILE INSTITUTION 209, Queen Street, Phone 2370. HIGH SPEED ASPIRANTS: Fresh speed classes will commence from Angual for hUh speeds. For TTMory (Pitman C,reu,v.> Book-Keep:ni-. Mathematics, practical Eumlish Commercial OBrrespondencc CUaaai will receive new students. S.P.H. de Silva I JEWELLER HAS PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING 1 THAT
      249 words
    • 111 7 REJUVENATION by means of HORMONE THERAPY No longer need we fear middle age as a period marking the d«M*!ine of our physical and > Ua» forces. iWe can "ADD LIFE TO OUR I YEARS" and promote ,and I restore abundant yonthfui vttav I Uty and energy by taking correctVy-compounded hormone
      111 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 66 8 The Earl Of Harewood and hi* fiancee, Hiss Marion Stein pictured in the grounds of St. James Palace, London recently. Lord Ha»ewooe\ 26, met Miss Stein, 22, at a music festival last year. He Is eleventh in line of suc«fssion
    66 words
  • 123 8 U.P. MANILA. Tues. The constabulaiv here is currontly investigating what is believed to be another alien smuggling syndicate which reportedly succeeded in landing -50 iQegsJ Chinese immigrants on the coast of Cavite province, south of Manila, last week. TWO Filipino suspects have heen ai rested
    U.P.  -  123 words
  • 314 8 U.P. WASHINGTON, Tuesday. PRESIDENT Truman in his message a-sking ongres* f or ITS*»--r military assistance programme indicate that the I cincally bar colonial powei? from using Ameru-m-finaiucd armaments in opera lions in their Asian posse* Such a provision would prevent the Netherlands
    U.P.  -  314 words
  • 58 8 A.P. LONDON. Tues.—The war- time captain of the liner Queen Mary. Commander C. Kiiimgworth. received the j Ameiican Legion of Met it .nedul on Monday at the U. S. Embaas: The award honouring Eillingworth's services when the Queen Mary was a tioopship. I was presented by
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 393 8 A.P. SAN FRANCISCO. Tuesday A STATEMENT which at times seemed more of a defence document than prosecution was read by the government yesterday at the "Tokyo treason trial of Iva Toguri Daquino. The statement was giv>n by the defendant to FBI, Frederick Tillman
    A.P.  -  393 words
  • 98 8 A.P. DARWIN, AUSTRALIA, i Mon.—Ten young Au*tra- lians art* Koiag out after big crocodiles and big y money. Soon they will set up a bane camp at the mouth of the MaeArthur River. in the Gulf of Carpenta- j ria, 400 milen south-east of
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 46 8 A.P. BALTIMORE. Tues.—The British-bom film star Cary Giant entered the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore yesterday for a 10-day physical overhaul. His doctor said that thenwas no indication of any serious illness but Giant's health has been tioubling him since 1947.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 36 8 U.P. UJ&RKELEY. CALIFORNIA, Tues. A moderate earthquake 5,000 miles away in the Pacific ocean was reported by the University of California seismograph today. The exact location in the Pacific Is not known.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • 83 8 A.P. BANGKOK, Tues.—The Ban rkok mails come through these days' choked with smuggled cigarettes. Authorities estimate that the Thailand (.Siamese) government loaes 1,000,000 baht (I S ?50,000) annually through non-payment of Import taxes and duty stumpH. Every railroad train usually wrings in smuggled tins,
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 106 8 CA lAN. FRANCE. Tues.— TM British Foreign Minister Hi nest Bevin is making the moat of sunshine and rest" before going to the Council i.t Fairopo meeting at Strasbourg next month, a member of his staff said here yesterday. Bevin arrived here with |flt Bevm on
    106 words
  • 87 8 Winnie (with brushes) In Italy MILAN, Tues. Winston Churchill arrived in Italy by air yesterday for a holiday on Lake Garda. The Conservative leader and wartime Prime Minister stepped smilingly from the plane at Oro Al Serio airport. He was smoking his traditional cigar. Churchill will work on his War
    87 words
  • 68 8 A.P. LONDON, Tues. Philip Noel Baker, Britain's Secretary for Commonwealth Relations, undeiwect an epilation, described only as an v terftaj one. was successful. Noel Baker who is Sift was liit third mem >cv of th* Lax* boUr Government .' rj to iy a.-ide nffleiaj i<uts«s eccn'ly
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 633 8 MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers' option to proceed via other ports to load and discharge cargo. Sailings from U.K. U.S.A. "Maron" from U.K 2 "Elpenor" from UK U I• i "Astyanax" —from U.K "T I A "Titan- from U.K -Aug. 19 "Tydeus" from U.K. Aug.
      633 words
    • 565 8 SHIP V IX For London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg a. Hull— Sjpore: Bw*. p'^ BENLAWERS God. 29/30 4— 5 Aug BENLOMOND x 12—17 Aug. 18—19 Aug BENVQRLICH @30 Aug.— 5 Sept. 22 2 BENREOCH f 18—23 Sept. 24—25 Sepl x Also calls Genoa and Leith. i (ft Loads Seletar 25—29
      565 words

  • 106 9 A.P. NEW YORK, Tues.—Rising costs and falling markets are taking their toll of India's jute mills, says "business Week." The magazine repotted the jute processing industry is closing its mills one week out of every four. In May the Industry took 11% per cent, of Its
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 89 9 Reuter —AAP. MELBOURNE, Tues. An Australian Wheat Board spokesman said there was "no lag' in flour shipments from Australia to Singapore. He was commenting on a report that the Singapore Government was preparing to spend gold dollars to buy flour from Canada "because of
    Reuter—AAP.  -  89 words
  • 52 9 The Federation's exports of plam oil remained steady in June, totalling 4.525 tons as compared with 4.962 tons in Maj. The figures for both th<months compare favourably with the*average o: 3.200 tons exported per month duiing the'same period last year. Palm kernels exported in June totalled
    52 words
  • 66 9 A.P. WASHINGTON. Tues. United States exports of grain and grain products for the marketing year ending June 30 were more than 16 percent greater than the world record set by this country in the previous year. The Agriculture Department said exports totalled the equivalent of
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 59 9 U.P. HONGKONG. Tues. A three-man British trade delegation arrived from the United Kingdom enroute to Tokio to partake in the sterling area trade talks. The men, A F. Gilbert. Board of Trade. Donald D. Henley, Treasury, and D. H. Rosser, Colonial Oflice. are departing on
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • 55 9 Air mail arrivals are expected from Australia, Zealand, Thailand, I K. Indo China, Java and Fed. of Malaya today. Latest time of posting at the G. P. O. to Aden, Canada, S. America, Europe, Egypt, U.S.A., Australia, N. Zealand, Hongkong, China, Formosa. Japan and Java is ti p.m.
    55 words
  • 49 9 Surface mail is expected from China and Japan today. Latest time of posting at the G.P.O. to Gt. Britain, N. Ireland, Europe, Eire, Egypt, N. W. Africa, W. indies. Ceylon, Australia, Christmas Isle, and Japan is noon. To N. Borneo, Labuan, Brunei and Miri is 8 a.m.
    49 words
  • 411 9 MINING production increased to some extent during the second quarter of 1949, according to the Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics issued by the Mines Department. The total production of tin ore in April, May and June was 18,266 tons as compared with 17,021 tons
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  • 33 9 London <va.s again a oett**r buyer for selected tins and local shares hardened slightly In sympathy. Industrials were steady again. The markets mil he closed tomorrow for Hari Haya Puasa.
    33 words
  • 145 9 THE rubber commodity market opened easier and steadied towards the close with good buying interest. Closing prices were: Buyers Sellers No. 1 Aug. RSS 33 > 4 33'tj No. 2 Aug. RSS 31'o 31% No. 3 Aug. RSS 28% 28% j On registered tender: Aug.-Sept. 33% 33% j
    145 words
  • 35 9 Tlie Federation imported a to'al of 1,449. long tons of OOprs in June and expoited 971 tons Coconut oil exported during the I month totalled 4,297 tons While imports amounted only to tons.
    35 words
  • 166 9 AP.OI'T five torn of black popper and another five tons of white peppet changed hands yesterday. Prices for black peppei remained unchanged at Monday's level White pepper price* rose t.y S6 per picul. London reported a firm market in black on Monday at 6 3 d per
    166 words
  • 851 9 Singapore, Tues. Buyers. Sellers Atlas Ice 15.50 16.50 Alex. Brick Pref 2.45 2.55 xd Ords. 2.00 2.10 xd 8.8. Petrol 38/- 39/B.M. Trustee 7.50 8.50 Cons. Tin Ord. 13/- 14/- xd do. (P) 21/- 22/E. Utd. Assur. 40.75 41.75 Estate Trust 7.00 8.00 I Federal Dispensary 7.00
    851 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 456 9 ACKNOWI^DGMENT Mr T. A. Elias. Mrs. D. J. Mr Alan Manasseh and I I, Frankel thank all re. I tad friends for their! condolences on the of their brother the late Mr. J. A. Elias. nrsiNESs oppty. I ~WANTED": A working 1 rtnei to shate Shipchandleri usiness now established capital
      456 words
    • 498 9 SINGAPORE I MUNICIPALITY TENDERS (For particulars sw Tender Boom, Ground Floor, Municipal Office) WATER DEPARTMENT: Sale of Two Mirrlees Diesel En. gines, now lying at MacKenzie Road Pumping Station. Deposit $500. Close NOON —10/8/49. VACANCIES ELEC T R I CITY DEPARTMENT: Qualified Costing Clerk, School Certificate, 6 years' experience, minim
      498 words
      446 words

  • 1576 10  -  Watch out for i outsiders PENANG GOLD CUP MEETING ram ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, TuesdayUAJSERINE, Bance Hall and Jimmy should be the safest bets for tomorrow's races, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting. T also expect a few outsiders to
    1,576 words
  • 148 10 j RACK ONE CI. 2 Div. S—o« 2 F. i TOTEANI» N J Croat ot Gold i > Prtm**» Nuffield j 1 RACE TWO v ci. 2 Dtp, i F. v KMSKKIM S Slipstream i > Everbrljrht J RAC X THREE (12 Otv. 2—7 F. i
    148 words
  • 814 10 BELOW is the card for today's raves. The Big Sweep wiH be drawn on R«ee Eight RACE ONE 2.36 P.M. lIORsFS (I.\ss II DIV ft)BB. AHant.s KM International, iSfWf-UT) fj" Sf^J iM< Phei -on i 8.1'» Mr. Jutea j Tolland <W »>.!>> s,l<> Dr. Chua Sin Kah
    814 words
  • 451 10 Reuter. £X)NIM)N. Tuesday. BY their resounding victory over Won «ft .hire, Middlesex have joined their rivals ai the head of tn* county cricket championship table, each with ltf> points from 17 matches. First innings point? for Warwickshire and Glamorgan enabled them to Join defeate.l Yorkshire
    Reuter.  -  451 words
  • 123 10 A.P. GOODWOOI» EN rLAJB) Tues.—The Bit. a I e«W purchased a few gj by owner Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, won the x furlongs Stewards Cup at Goodwood today in a photo finish. The race is on- of th<- sjs. son's important sprint handicaps and was
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 87 10 Reuter. LONDON. Tues —A held of 18 wll face the starter for the main event of the day at Goodwood tomorrow. This is the two miles three furlong? Goodwood Stak' Runners and Jockeys arc Aldborough. F. Bardow: Now Or Never. T. Ha\vc:oft. Ckltr Apple. T.
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 35 10 RICHMOND. Sttrrey, Tues. A Professional Golfers Association team birit Britain's Wa'ker Cup squad by three matches to two in the foursome* of the Walker Cup team's "dress lehearsal match here today.
    35 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 The amazing new permanent irare uon give YOI HSEiJ I at HOME! This inarvellou* discovery v delighting women all over the world! Now, you too ran give vnurxll a lustrous permanent wave in a few hours—in your own home. You need have no doubts a Pin-1 p Perm M so
      196 words
    • 79 10 Fir SINGAPORE BANGKOK BY oy 2 hour nigut, Faro fltw. EVERY MONDAY 12«0 hr*., THTRSDAY 0830 art. wltl through connections to Europe end I R 07 B&AATHENB sULFJL Crtc trtoti (D.. "p*" Tel. 7901 Airport Office? Tel. ***** f^C WOO HINC BROS, jgjg For the Best Food Served in Town
      79 words

  • 152 11 i With the help of a few n the cycle trade, Ike «mopolltaa Cycling j Di will be holding the i Singapore liicycle I Accessories Exhibi- J •on o«i Oct. 8 and 9 at J idaipM lintel. Koof- I:.mien. Visitors will have an pattjpMj
    152 words
  • 27 11 Negri Senibilan Chinese Rein atioo Club will meet Sclan- Eurasian Association at charity soccer match at Sercmban today in aid of Welfare Week. 1
    27 words
  • 533 11 v. Army-Navy At Stadium (By Tribune Soccer Reporter) THE touring Indonesian Chinese soccer XI will 1 face their liighest hurdle today when they meet the strong Army-Navy combination at Jalan Besar Stadium. Last Saturday they overcame, with comparative ease, the Singapore Chinese by three goals
    533 words
  • 291 11 JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. LAST minute goal enabled "C" Company of the ft Se iorth Highlanders to win the Duke Shield in the tip-.*! of the Army inter-unit soccer competition when they defeated "B" Company of the Royal InniNhkilling Fusiliers by four goals to three,
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  • 56 11 An exhibition of Chinese tiuttlecock sponsored by Chinese Physical Culture will be "held at the Woi Id Amusement k on Aug. 13 in aid 'of Gimson's Children's O Dtre Fund. 1 I sport has very few in Singapore and club is the only so far lei the
    56 words
  • 142 11 Playing at the Happy Wi rid Covered Stadium last Wodit-^l: 1 tha S.A.L.S.U. LADS B.P. fVated the Greenwoou B.P. "5—2. Results (S.A.L.S.U. E.P. players mentioned tirsi > sINt.I.KS: Chan Mv Kit bent Seah BBC Liat 15-11. 7-15. 15-18r Aziz bin Ahmad beat 'an < Chav
    142 words
  • 113 11 United Lads F.P.. "B" defeat ed Rosy 8.P.. "BT at badminton by six games to one Results: (United Lads players mentioned first): Seah Thiam Chwee beat lan Ren- Ser, 10—15. 15—3. 18—f. Yap Peng Seah beat Sood bin Bali beat Yeo Kian Eng. 5 3
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  • 212 11 TWENTY-TWO women will be among the 181 com- petitors at the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association annual championships to be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Friday and Saturday. The Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation will be represented by 11 women and
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  • 162 11 Following are the Singapore Table-Tennis Association's Senior Inter-Club League championships fixtures from Auk. 4 to 7: AIGIST 4. Table No 1. Group 111 Winner vs. Group IV Winner: No. Z Group V Winner vs. Group I Winner: No. 3. Tiger Sportt.i Club vs. Shins Wah S, A.
    162 words
  • 97 11 Reuter. SCARBORCCGH, Tues. The former Wimbledon champions. Jack Kramer, Fred Perry and Donald Budge, today continued their progress in the Slazengei pie.fessional lawn tennis tournament which was continued here. Kiamer had little difficulty in defeating the Egyptian M. El Foi. 6-1 6-0 6-2, in
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 87 11 By beating HQ Johore Subdistrict 60 runs, at Alexandra last Sunday. 30 Battalion BAOC qualified lor the final of the Singapore District Cricket Competition. Scores:--30 Battalion RAOC 173. (S (Mr. Kelly 37; Ul. Col. W. J. K.-llv 36 M.0.; SQMS Wllkiiu 34). BOWLING: Cpl.
    87 words
  • 350 11 THIRD TEST DRAWN Reuter. MANCHESTER, Tuesday. gNGLANH and New Zealand dreW the third Test cricket match here today with the final scoreboard in brief showing New Zealand 293 and 348 for 7 and England 440 for 9 declared. Long before stumps enure drawn it
    Reuter.  -  350 words
  • 29 11 A.P. SAN FRANCISCO. Tues.— Eight California. swimmers have been suspended by the U.S. Amateur Athletic Union for an unauthorized flight to the Far East for swimming exhibitions.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 29 11 Playing at the Tanglin Gvmn i sium Hall Great World B.P. defeated the C.R.E. North East Sports Club by six games to one at badminton.
    29 words
  • 217 11 Reuter. V Zealand Ist. Inns. .>«;{. KM.LAND Xt Inns. II ut ton st. Moomy b Burtt 7:5 Washbrook c Mooney b Kdrirh c Kabonr b Kuril < onipion b < owie Simpson Donnelly b ■M m Bailey not out 7 Brawl Wallace b Burtt ti K\ans c Mooney
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 124 11 MALACCA. Tues. The follow.n.; have been elected offlce. bearers of the Malacca Chinese Recreation Club for 1919 at an annual general meeting held on Sunday ai the Sis Wall Restaurant. President, Mr. Tan Kee Gak vice-presidents. Dr. Foo Hec Seng, Mr. Khoo Kirn Uan. J.P.. Mr. Yap
    124 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 176 11 STOCK OF AJLL LATEST WATCHES A CLOCKS Available from E. NASSIM SONS 881, North Bridge Road Singapore,—Tel. 6701. CAPITOL MSFAVMiiT 9AK (CAPITOL THEATRE SINGAPORE Makan Kitchil Served Free Of Charge. Competitive, Quality... 0 Service... RUhTTAFEL EVERY FRIDAY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Take pleasure in for CHILDREN Obtainable ftrom all dlBpenaarlea JT-S.I
      176 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 121 12 Reuter. LOS ANGELES. Tues. First j heating in the humanity cas? brought against Sabu, Indian film actor, by a London ballet dancer, has been adjourned until May 2. 1950. The sui v against the "elephant boy" star fffts riled by M»ss BrenJa Marian Ju ier. 23.
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 231 12 U.P. LONDON, Tuesday. UING George today revoked his emergency procla--11 mation to deal with the now-settled waterfront strike but Britain still faced new labour trouble. Prime Master Clement Attlee announced the revocation of the proclamation to the cheering Commons as it opened the
    U.P.  -  231 words
  • 99 12 Th<* following students have been successful in the entrance examination to the Sultan Idris Training College, Tanjong Malim: Zakaria bin Samin (Muar). Esa bin Zamzam (Batu Pahat). Talib bin H. Mazurki I Muar t. Muhammed bin A. Hamid (J. Bahru). Azra'i bin H. Radzuan (B. Pahat). Md.
    99 words
  • 151 12 BATAVIA. Tues. Dr. F. Jaco. of the Biitish Rubber Development Board, has set out to convince Amenca that natural rubber can never be substituted by synthetic rubber products. He told an Atie.a correspondent in Batavia that the object of his visit to Indonesia is to
    151 words
  • 208 12 United Nations Delegates Attend Reuter. (JOGJAKARTA, Tuesday«irPi mJCAN Dutch fnd United Nations deleDLPLBU( AN, "uua ij/LUrj advisers, today 1V gates, assisted b> their J*™** acreeraent for be R an discussions here on a ceasenre a* Indonesia, a(rrwl .i on the need for a the discussions would
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 56 12 Messrs. Quck Shin and Sons Ltd. have promised to donateslo,ooo to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund, by yearly instalments of $2,000 a yeai. the first of which has already been sent to Sir Han Hoe Lim. Chairman of the Singapore Appeal Committee The Municipal Services Union has
    56 words
  • 189 12 A.P. TOKYO, Tuesday. rrHF US Navy is "streamlining" its relatively to the Orient in which it will operate, Mcc Admiral Kusseu the some The "streamlining now waters. Bcrkey now commanding the nv& TV East ton* here, soon will relieve Vice Admiral Oscar Badger The latter
    A.P.  -  189 words
  • 150 12 U.P. STOCKTON California. 23-year-old pilot, despondent over his wife's death, terrorized residents here by buzzing their homes and then power-dived to his death in the graveyard where she was buried. Russel Higby Jr.. son of a prominent Stockton and Bakersfleld produce merchant, roared over the northeast
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 96 12 PARIS, Tues.—Greta Garbo has told the management of the Hotel Lancaster in Paris that sne is the little girl that Is not there. An assistant manager who refused to give his name, told an Associated Press reporter, "so far as we arc concerned sne is
    96 words
  • 97 12 Reuter. SANTA MONICA, California, Tues. A brief fight between two men passengers contributed to the crasn of an airliner near here on July 12, Mr. Stanley Weiss, President of Standard Airlines, said during a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing here. Mr. We»ss said he believea the fight,
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 187 12 JOHN HOCK LIM, A 10- year-old Chinese l*>, will .be leaving Sinrjaoore for London by BO VC 1 plane next Monday—md he will be all by UrmmV. John s father, Mr. I h Tee Lim, who owns p restaurant in paid r his son's
    187 words
  • 517 12 SCRUB-TYPHUS CURE Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. •mai aVA is an important testing ground where Office .port said today. annual report of Chairman of the Council. Mr Rces Williams told correspondents tonight the discovery at the iMUtutf f« Medical Research at Kuala Lumpur of
    Reuter.  -  517 words
  • 136 12 A.P. LISBON, Portugal, Tues. Portugal's Premier warned his Parliament yesterday that Russia could "carry her armies in a smashing march as far as the British Channel and the Pyrenees" any time she wanted. In a surprise appearance before the Assembly, which is considering ratification of
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 394 12 LONDON, Tuesday A PLEA for close contact between the British French and Dutch government- orn batting Communism is South Ea st. Asia as a whole instead of treating it as a separate problem in different regions is lo be made in the
    394 words
  • 54 12 A.P. BANGKOK, Tues.—Nang Payom Sangarsin objected to police that two cousins sold her house without going through the formality of notifying her. She said she rented the home to them and wa:: surprised to learn they moved out after unloading the building to a stranger for
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 195 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MR. W. D. Godsall, Federation Financial Secretary will ask the Federal Legislative Council when it meets here on Aug. 3, to refer the reports of the Court of Reference and Joint Salaries Coirirnission Officer to a special committee for consideration.
    195 words
  • 100 12 A.P. LAKE CONISTON. England. Tues.—Donald Campbell will try to breaK :iis '.ate father's world water speed record on Lake Coniston next week. Campbell, 28-year-old son Sir Malcom Campbell, started on the 274-mile trip here on Saturday from New Maiden, Surrey, with the speed-boat
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 25 12 A $20/ electric fan was reported missing from the N0.6 Clubhouse. Parrer Park by Mr. H. C. Peacock of Loronir H Telok Kurau.
    25 words
  • 48 12 Tony,' a four-voar-oM < canine was nissin* f rom J master s homo from 4 p m t 6 p.m. yesterday. His man«r I Mr. Chua Choon Wing 0 f n Eng Hoon Street r,- >or tod t y matter to the potto who are now investigating
    48 words
  • 21 12 Cash of $100 was from a Teochew living Lorong Tai Seng by lhlc I who bro*c into bit house
    21 words
  • 129 12 Y.VV.C V V M picnic at Chin X* low at Siglap. Y.W.C.A.: X i meet at St. Hdda's p.m. Y.M.( art i Machinery of the G.n..rnawr —II series postf>oned. ROTARY INTKK.MTkiML Lunch postponed la ttrnmnm owing to Han Raya Plana celebrations. ISLAND CLI B: L match
    129 words
  • 177 12 CATHAY: X nw. <Ut" with Frank Sinatra. Kathrn Grayson. Ricardu Montana!, Ann Miller and C 11 a.m.. 1 45. 4.15, 6.45 9.30 p.m. CAPITOL Johnny Weiaaoiuller 11 an., 1.46. 4. 6.30 9.5" pja. IjiM Morning Show "Geroaona" aM Preston Foster— PAVILION with Maureen O Hara. 0 Webb Robert Young
    177 words
  • 11 12 IIWWI so<<- Jj»* nese vs Arn: Besar Stadium- ">.1"' I*'
    11 words
  • 133 12 Reuter. LO-vnov. T in Britisli Gov< piovided a feetun don Stork Xv Prices moved I selling that m sistem. Ail I las* N affected and toaset < ,0 E ranged tip to tionalisation issue- awn the chief sufferer.- X Prices of Indu mainly steady and in Giltedgeds wa>
    Reuter.  -  133 words
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    • 24 12 ai—i MAI MTIUMSII fItCTWW. w*™ SANITAM HK HfUttVllSl RADIO SPECIALISTS 233 MIDDLE RD. PHONt *****. S PORE. has an exc'/emenf I^^|ULUylLu|^L CAPITOL MB SAT.
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