Malaya Tribune, 25 July 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 MALAYA Tribune aaaat %al tf^ H^^ f LARGER SALES( THAN ANY I AFTERNOON PAPER IN f MALAYA Phone. 5811/3 Nine Lines ruCMfva wtnttutaneousiy at dmg+pore, Kuaia Lumpur, lpoh ana Penang "eight pages. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE; E. Maurice Olouer e/o Newspaper
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  • 181 1 A.P. RANGOON, Sunday.—The semi-official "New Times of Burma", today quoted hinterland officials as saying that the 35-year-old Karen National I'nion der Saw Ba U Gyi is still alive. According to officials quoted by the newspaper, Ba U Gyi is heading defence preparations in anticipation of an
    A.P.  -  181 words
  • 79 1 A.P. NEW DELHI. Sun.—About 20.000 Indians, including 8.000 destitutes, have been evacuated at the expense of the Government of India from disturbed areas in Burma. So far. Rs. 400.000 have been sanctioned for thoir repatriation. Press reports say that some more Indians are stranded in areas held
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 32 1 A.P. RACHEN. Germany, Sun. One man was kil'ed and three people seriously injured when a racing car crashed into th. 1 crowd at a motor race in Rachen today. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 84 1 Night Mail Shot 1 I p STOP PRESS JOHORE BAHRU. Today. —Bgndit-. staged a big attack ~n the sungapore—Kuala Lumpur night mail between and Lavang Layang Bl 10 p.m. lust night. >l.>r»- than 100 shot* were tired at trn train. One shot smashed the headlamp of the engine. Several shots
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  • 38 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Sun.—Britain received $25.319. '00 cf Marshall Plans funds during the week ■ng July 20. the Economic Cooperation Administration announced today. This brought total authorisations for Eitain since the Marshal- Plan began to 51.650.923,000. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 133 1 LEEDS, ENGLAND. SunBobby Locke of South Africa, big money winner of American golf tournaments. said last night: "I don't ever have to play golf in America again." uockc. who won the British open championship earlier this month, termed "silly* reported efforts in America to bar
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  • 59 1 A.P. ISTANBUL, Sun. A violent earthquake shook the port of Izmir and the sur rounding area today. Tlie number of victims is not yet known, but it is reported that scores perished, though the earthquake lasted for only five seconds. Izmir is the second most important port
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 123 1 The Labour Party Commissioner, Mr. Pat Johnson, will ask Municipal Comrmssioners on Friday to enquire into cartain incidents which took place at Kallang Gas Works on a Saturday la-«t month. Mr. Johnson will ask the Commissioners to approve a motion setting up a Committee to "enquire into
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  • 118 1 A.P. DOVER, Sun. Philip Mickman, 18-years-old grammar "school boy of Wakefield, swam stoutly for 13 hours in the English Channel today but failed to complete the crossing from Cap Griz Nez to Dov Wr.ter and weathar conditions were ideal when Mickman left the French
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 202 1 Reuter. SAN FRANCISCO. Sunday.—The Communist Peiping Radio announced tonight that Communist forces operating in Shensi Province had begun a three-prong drive southwards after routing four Nationalist armies near Paoki, terminus of the railway running across the province. The Radio said three columns were striking out.
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 73 1 Reuter. LONDON. Sun. The New China Communist News Agency in a radio report picked up here tonight said that •People's Liberation Army" units are in "jungle" training south of the Yangtse River in preparation for a campaign in South China. The broadcast said the men
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 36 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Sun. Russia has deported a quarter of a million people of nonRussian extraction from areas along her frontiers, to combat "internal dangers,' according to information current in Europe, Washington officials said today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. SPOKANE. Washington, Sun —A powerful black panther tore a 21-stone gorilla to pieces in a gory battle here as 400 spectators watched in terror. The panther slipped under an unlatched gate connecting two cages at a wild animal show J.nd pounced on the gorilla. For
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 79 1 A.P. HONG KONG. Sun—Police have arrested six Chinese men suspected of subversive activities in the colony. Police detectives, who made the arrests in a hotel room, also seized several pistols, about 100 rounds of small arms ammunition and several wooden stamps purporting to show that the arrested
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 73 1 SEGAMAT. Sun. Gurkha md police jungle squads have killed four bandits.—two ,'hinese and two Indians. —and iestroyed three camps durig a successful action follow.:.g up an air attack, it was evealed here today. Another bandit was wound- aid escaped leaving hrs ifle behind. rifle was
    73 words
  • 29 1 A.P. LONDON, Sun—Dr. D. Jafar. Iraqi minister of Economics, said Sunday that a nnal agreement had been reached concerning revision of the til concessions in Iraq. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 177 1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Surd* v. President Truman refused to cut his U551.450.000,000 Arms for Allies programme today in of a tyW WW of Congressional sentiment th-* it .should be held to stopiap size until a unified d fence scheme is evolved. The White House
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 39 1 Reuter. MADURA. Sun—Demonstrators identified by police as Communists hauled down the Indian national flag from a park in this South India town tonight and burnt it after attempting to set the local Congress office on fire.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 203 1 'WE WILL SMASH THESE REDS' CALWELL Australian Coal Miners Warned Reuter—AAP. SYDNEY, Sunday—lmnugraticn Minister Arthur Calwell declared today that the month-old Australian coal miners' strike was "the last big fight the Communist Party will pull in Australia." Speaking at Newcastle, New South Wales, biggest Australian coal and steel centre, he
    Reuter—AAP.  -  203 words
  • 99 1 ReuterAAP. TOKYO. Sun.—Japanese police at Osaka were today reported to be holding 74 people for questioning following reports implying American troops had been responsible for a series of rapings in the west coast town of Tsuruga. An American Eighth Army communique issued in Osaka yesterday
    Reuter- AAP.  -  99 words
  • 21 1 Mi. C. uaiaiuer of SanBattery Co t l d h >') stolen from his home in Barker Road yesV; .a;..
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  • 95 1 Reuter-AAP. HONGKONG, Sun.—A half million dollars worth of heroin and opium were seized here yesterday, the biggest haul in Hongkong's history. Revenue inspectors seized 22-1 S pounds of heroin at Kaitak airfield valued at $360,000. At the same time revenue officers seized 3,700 tahils of
    Reuter-AAP.  -  95 words
  • 118 1 U.P. MOSCOW Sun. Russia today celebrated Navy Day and took the occasion to claim credit for defeating the Japanese Navy in World War 11. and for inventing everything that has floated since Noah's Ark. In a series of articles in Pravda. the Red Fleet and
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 21 1 U.P. LONDON. Sun -Sheik Haiis Vahba, Saudi Arabian Ambas ador to Britain left London b] iii for Cairo today.--U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • 89 1 MORE CUTS ON WAY, Chifley A.P. CANBERRA, Sun. Further do'lar restrictions aie necessary and inevitable, tho Australian Prime Minister, Mr. J. B. Chifley said in a broadcast tonight. Ministers from .-".erling area countries who attended the recent dollar talks in London would recommend action by their governments comparab'e with the
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 74 1 A.P. HAMBURG. Sun. The Russ.ans were tonight officially reported to have announced that road traffic to Berlin may be resumed through two of the nine bizonal border crossings points for over two weeks blockade." At Xeustadt near Coburg in the American zone, an cast zone
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 76 1 Mr. Eugene Goossens, resident conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and director "of the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music passed through Singapore last night by air on his way to the U.K. to conduct the* Philharmonic Orchestra at the Edinburgh Festival. He will
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 336 2 (Tribune Fifm Reporter) WHEN Hollywood completes its switch-over from nitrate to acetate safety film (a process developed by Eastman), Singapore film distributors may be able to avoid the high license fee now imposed by the Municipality for the storage of films. As movie films
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  • 335 2 British Pictures WITH the "film crisis" bonn over. Kritain'a movie-makers are readjusting their production programmes to meet the market by dropping truickies" in favour of bigger and better pictures! that will cost from £200.000 to £300.000 each to make. Because of the revision, tue J Arthur Rank
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  • 76 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Poit Dickson will hold its first district agricultural show on Sunday, July 31. The show will be held at the Government English School and will be opened by the Yang di-Pertuan Besax. In the past Port Dickson exhibits were sent to Scramban
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  • 101 2 The First Battalion of tin Devonshire Regiment, now in Malaya, have just celebrated Salamanca Day, a most memorable day in the history of the battffHon. The Battalion fought in Spain during tho Peninsula War. After four battalions had failed to pierce the French line, tho First
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  • 223 2 R.A.F. airmen and airwomen in Malaya today do not cast uneasy eyes on their cooks and wonder what's coming. They file into their messes confidently. The menu is*temptation even to those possessing fastiduous appetites. Pi oof of the pudding is in the eating airmen
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  • 87 2 The Cargo Handling Corpora tioa, Ltd., a new private limited liability company, ttas been formed at Port SwettenhanV H will shortly take over the wharf labour employed by the Loading and Unloading Contractor to the Malayan Railway Administration, Mr. Tan feck Bee. The Malayan
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  • 17 2 Hari Raya Puasa in Negri Sembilan will be on July 27, as originally provided.
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  • 63 2 Captain J. E Espcy. port captain of the American resident Lines Singapore' Office, wtl! leave S '-':apou in thr President WltoofC today far m months holiday in Cftyfornla. C>ntn»n Bap will bo accompanied by hfg wife aavi their two children, Charles and Barbara. Mr. O. Nigaard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 ™m iff ft f\VW 'tUJĔ^JtOO^ J CaRROL NAISH M'iDilfO NAT* v X MIKHAU RASUMNY BILLY GILBERT Q p SONO OSATO 0 O wi*h done* »p*ool»i»i by pr °™V-T"' MONTALBAN• ANN MILLER CYD CHAWSS^ k^ s TOD A V! a tn 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 ft 9.36 P.M. j/flw 7,7-r 77/cYff was
      219 words
    • 35 2 La*t Day: 3.W), 6.50, 9.15 P.M. X X Os "STATION WEST" A Thrill-laden Melodrama! Tomorrow "ALASKA" Coming: •KI.VUONG ATJEH" (In Malay) t. Last Day Today 3.15—6.80—9.15 p.m. Suralya A* Saigal in "P.CRwANA" (Hindustani) Coming: "ROSHNI"
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    • 112 2 IB 11 ex*—l.4.» —i.oe MS I with those sweethearts t£> i "CHINTA" j MtV SIPUT no song-hits: THIS VEAR*S OUTSTANDINGTHRILLER:" FAYIHUIN d?ai 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 P.M. TOMORROW ONLY—BY REQUEST— j "A Truly Great That Goe* Beyond Laaghterr CLIFTON WEBB ROBERT YOUNG MAUREEN O'HABA in -wTTixt PKira rv' WEDNESDAY The Greatest Love Story
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 391 2 H« I I- NhTWOKK Evening star—Perr> Cttmn stani request fi Listeners' It. IM. I mil l'KiirHU«i\ 10.00 Light music -Waiter h- l*e>. quest. MONDAY ',ih ll ImI■ iftja l 0: K,np »«rant Orchestra A «.3» Time Sigmal New*. 6.40 10 00 M Np*. k„ Nor M»rt»". t »o«e »»wn. Listeners
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  • 381 3 TWENTY-ONE babies of the "A" division (aged seven to 24 months) and eigh* of the "B" division (from one to six months) survived a four-hour ordeal before eleven stethoscope-armed judges to come out winners in the First Baby Show held at the Chinese V.M.C.A.
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  • 118 3 Singapore Legi.- ative Councillor for Rurai East, Inche Sardon bin Hap Jubir has asked the Government to stat-- when the appointment of a Malay Co-operative officer will be m;ule. (n a question which he has table.l r the Council meeting on Thursday. Inche Sardon aska for this
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  • 93 3 The Mayfait Association has set aside two rest-houses in Mevcr Road for the use of Chinese school teachers. The opening ceremony will be performed on August 29—the birthday of Contucius. The Association is to launcn a fund for $15,000 to make the necessary repairs to the
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  • 49 3 NiIUS new prosecutions uw- r the Price Control Ordinance weie handled in Singapore-. Adding the 12 eases postponed from the previous month, there were theicfoic 21 coxes for hearing. In eight of these cases fines amounting to $365 were imposed. Thirteen cases were postponed till July.
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  • 32 3 'jne hundred feet of iron chain was stolen from Kallang River on Saturday. Mr. H. C. G. Hansen, a Dutchman staying at Tanjong Rhu reported this tn the police vostcfday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 Satna af yoarta delegate* uh» r-.vntly mot in Kua'r. Lumpar to form th.> Malayan Voath Ocameil. Plctnre shows MeJaiaaai Saple Ma Bhelk Ibrahim of tVnaag mr'.dng Bpeedfc.
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  • 75 3 A Chinese yesteiday ieported that he was held up by three Chinese, one of whom had a pistol on him at Philip Street on Saturday night. H said he had been relieved of a wrist wftch. a pa»\ l p;-n and $.'5.50 in cash. The man who
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  • 139 3 Kuaki Lumpur. Sunday. A Military section operating near Segamat has killed four bandits. The section first met two bandits one of whom the section wounded. But the bandits escaped. The section pursued the bandits and came upon a camp of six bandits of whom they killed four.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 WHICHiHESE AILMENTS Your doctor wV\ tell you that often these ire warning signs of MINERAL VITAMiN DEFICIENCY "—warnings that you're -o'. getting enough Minerals and Vitamins which Nature demands you to have. The cooked-ouc foods you eat aren't giving you enough for your needs. Heed these warnings and you prevent
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    • 472 3 SIT: VACANT WANTED by~well-kno*n Oi n< j Concern a qualuied ■fjWrillili i I Chinese Accountant, wi.n Ac-cm amy Degree, and able to Speak j Hokkien dialect, for full time employment. Please apply with 1 copies of cerUßcatea ani te.ti- monials in Die itrst instance- n.,* A.2637. M.T.. S |K)r.-. t"
      472 words
    • 1265 3 I It's What Business Men Have Longed For- IS A FULL SIZED 4 PORTABLE DUPLICATOR DUPLICATOR i Which makes PERFECT NEW l Kic,« copies suitable for the average requirements of $f CZf\ Offices, Schools, Stores, I j! J I II I Clubs, Hospitals and all ka# v who wish to
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  • 537 4 IT will need more than a conference to bring peace to Indonesia The inter-Indonesian conference, which has just finished its first session at Jogjakarta, might have achieved peace had it been held a year ago, but today conditions have changed radically. The parties to the conflict are no
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  • 1618 4  -  In California forestry camps have been adopted a novel way of treating youthful offenders. by Joyce Muench WHAT do you do with the boys in your town who break the rules of home, school, and community— those who have lost themselves
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  • 503 4 A.P. CAIRO THE sphinx and the U.S. Government give American tourists in Egypt the same blank stare these days. Washington has not just confused its pyramid parties. There is a reason. Thousands of American tourists want to visit this picturesque kingdom. So do many Americans stationed
    A.P.  -  503 words
  • 646 4  -  by Dennen LAISANNE DESPITE a formal decision to recess until the middle of July, negotiations that may change the course of history in the Middle East continue In this picturesque Swiss summer resort. For the past nine weeks, Arabs and Israelis have been
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  • 290 4 A.P. GO A COL VICTOR Dias. the man who removed the nlight that made the city of old Goa a deserted ruin foi 300 years, has died before he could witness full fruttion of his labours. But Colonel Dias. director of Public Health for Portuguese
    A.P.  -  290 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 SITS: VACANT First class Chinese piece goods salesman required by European house. Only experienced men to apply. Box E. 499, Malaya Tribune. Singapore. accommodation mercantile hostel 13, Queen Stret-t. Luxurious room? available at moderate rates for \sians and Europeans. Paying pue ts reeerte at all times. Particular* from cupervlaor. Phone
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    • 42 4 We apologise... to the several thousand applicant* to whom we cannot yet offer Our network is expanding rapidly *We wiO reach YOU soon j REDIFFISIOX -jf IJL (Singapore) I. I 11.. ttk^'j 182, Clemenceau Aver, Spore. 1 H I Tel: *****. ■^T^li—
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 5 Perhaps the world's fattest house cat is Claus, pictured a his San Francisco home with Spotty (background) his normal-sized sister. Claus weighs 40 pounds, is healthy and -.K.d-natured. Average cat's weight is from seven to 12 pounds.
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  • 160 5 UP. SAX FRANCISCO, Sunday.—The CIO Marine k and Stewards Union yesterday demanded an I to discrimination against women in seagoing jobs. H. Dryson, Union President, addressing deletefl at the closing session of the union convention, led for the rigid enforcement of
    UP.  -  160 words
  • 80 5 Never eat duck eggs. Mr. A. B. B. B'ackhurst, deputy coroner of Preston, Lanes., warned. A pathologist said that toxin in a raw ruck egg eaten by a retired Army officer caused septicaemia. Danger of this toxin eggs was always present if duck eggs were
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  • 369 5 They Are Cooling Off In Jail Now U.P. NEW YORK, Sunday.—The heat wave, which has been giving New Yorkers a hard time for five days, now, was too much for Billy Sarich, 37-yeai*-old taxi-driver. First he got into an argument with three men who
    U.P.  -  369 words
  • 114 5 U.P. OKLAHOMA CITY, j Sun. Gionvannl Rossi Lomanltz, 28, who ha« beta accused of being a Communist, scampered j to the top of a 110-ft water tower when a rt»- I porter and photographer i from the Dally Oklaho- j man sought to Interview him. He perched on
    U.P.  -  114 words
  • 91 5 U.P. CALCUTTA. Sun. Wouldbe brides, who are orphuns of the great Bengal tamine ot" 1943 or of tho communal noting of 1946-47. are now giown to marnagable age in West Bengal government orphanages and aie presenting authonties with a number one headache. Social laws and customs make
    U.P.  -  91 words
  • 72 5 A.P. PRAGUE, Sun. Icecream, a complete novelty to the Czech public, ha* been put on unratloned wa!e here in carton* bearing the English label "delicious Ice-crearu." Rude Pravo, the Communist Party organ, hastened to explain. "Why have the cup* only an English caption with weight listed in ounce*
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 71 5 Mrs. R. K. Hurry, of the House in the Wood, Wfxham, Slough, Bucks, telephoned the police at 1 a.m.: "There is someone moving in the hushes in my garden." An inspector and two policemen crept stealthily into the bushes. Suddenly a constable saw something moving in a
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  • 172 5 UP. HONGKONG. Sunday. Clarke. 42, a San Francisco explorer, is expected to return to the United States soon with new information on the mysterious Amne Machine mountain m Western China. Reports reaching here saia Clarke discovered, measured and mapped the hitherto unmeasured peak in the
    UP.  -  172 words
  • 132 5 A.P. TOKYO Sunday. A 20-year-old Japanese, who reported he lost the facility of speech as a result of atomic injuries at Nagasaki, was arrested by police at Maebashi in the act of mailing; a threatening postcard to Premier Shigeru Yoshida of Japan, the Kyodo news agency
    A.P.  -  132 words
  • 94 5 U.P. CHICAGO, Sun. A heat wave boiled across the western plain states yesterday and spread slowly toward the oast coast where the five-day hot spell had just began to abate. atr* Temperatures rose to wa s Fahreinheit from the Rocky Mountains to lowa and from Texas to South
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • 49 5 U.P. BITENOS AIRES, Sun. Aigentina is having the coldest snap in many years with a wave of South Polar air covering the entire country. Temperatures were running fivj 10 ten degrees centigrade below the normal seasonal average, with thick white frosts and burst pipes yesterday. -I .P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 131 5 LONDON, Sun. DX. JOSEP TRUETA. who has saved the lives and limbs cf thousands of soldiers and civilians by a simple surgical invention, has been appointed Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Oxford University, it was anj nounced recently. I This 52-year-old exile from I Franco
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  • 209 5 U.P. NSW YORK. Sun.-Wo-man's capacity for liquoi has mci eased by leaps ana bounds since the war. said Joseph Colucci, a veteran cafe owner. He added, "As a matter of fact, the average woman began to outdrink the average man in about 1947." He said
    U.P.  -  209 words
  • 199 5 UP. LOS ANGELES, Sunday. Mobster Mickey Cohen laughed off the arrest of publisher Jimmy Tarantino and ex-convict Tony Brancato yesterday and said they could have had nothing to do with the pre-dawn attempt on his life. Cohen said, "Brancato is not important enoughTarantino uses
    UP.  -  199 words
  • 44 5 Air-Commodore G. H. Vasse, R.A.F., was inspecting a visiting Lancashire wing of the Air Training Corps at Stranraer. "What would you like to be when ou grow up he asked cheerfully: "Please, sir," said one cadet i "I'd like to join the Navy."
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  • 57 5 By Field-Marshal Lord Wa veil at a British Legion rally at St. Agnes, Cornwall: "II7E are in the midst of a I tT stern spiritual struggle I between God and the Kremlin, where there is no god wor- shipped but power. 1 am sure no appeasement, no compro- mise
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  • 128 5 A.P. BANGKOK. Sun —The Thai (Slam) revenue department is sending out secret agents tn run down stamp tax evaders among businessmen who are mulcting the government of 20,000.000 haht l l' 000) every year. A Kevenue department official said most ot the evasion is done
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 31 5 A.P. BANGKOK, Sun.—Burglars broke into the safe of the Pan-American Airways office iii the Trocadero Hotel the other night and made off with 1.000,000 baht (US$5O,OOO) worth of fiamonds. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 268 5 TABLETS H Powerful Tenie Restorative for #g TTmniT Dependable remedy for >fiE nerve troubles, tiredness, sleep- v 'Jfcgj ~a lessness, lack of energy, prema- JBgZ ture ageing, etc. Indispensable -2» 'I flfcMi 8 tne eaMMaeUrie period and to stS&k OVF&nUrcl correct all uonthiy disorders, s2eSP $6.50 buttle (100 tablets). ii^^'f^^^Baaaa^
      268 words

  • 112 6 T!ie rubber mark-: opened shwhtly easier on Satmruav a fair amount of auSiD "S P9 1 ing with a steady t der'. n»\ ut the following levels p u ~r t '4, »1,. r No. l Auk. nss s:t I::: J A No. 2 Aug. RSS 31 B
    112 words
  • 69 6 Dividends lllllai Hit i w?t OSStI were Gammon (Malaya) ■> twt rsl leas tax payable 30 imy. Henry Waugh 00.. 10 cent int. less tax paysMl B August. Berjuntai Tm 9d. Baal lew 'ax pavahle 21 September. Kent 10 per rent left! OB Pengkalen Ord. 71 ptH
    69 words
  • 34 6 SurfSCS mail is exp.-c.ed today frofll Thailand. Sarawak lex •P< Mull. China and Jap.n Latest time of posl. kg »1 C.PO to E. Australia. In ha. India and Pakistan n. n today.
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  • 201 6 The produce market wn« "»*n erally very quiet on Satunliv but price! kept Sm and 'vnv/iv E.\< <pt for NutitiPi; ftUS, v.i I. suddenly took a $5 climb, at $lli> because of d mini-ow .-.tock. the prices remained un changed. Nutmeg prim <an ba atpeeted to make 1
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  • 376 6 MALAYA'S foreign trade figures for the first half of thie year show an adverse balance of $146.458,184. Her exports ending June 1949. totalled $790.180.237 and imports totalled $936,638, 421. But there was a favourable balance -;r tiadc- with the United States. Her export! -luring this
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  • 1175 6 (FROM A MARKET CORRESPONDENT) A FAIR volume of business has to be recorded from r" all sections of the Malayan market save Loans, with prices in general ruling steady throughout. Dollar Tin transactions covered a good spread of stocks. Petaling, as usual, provided most interest
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 680 6 EVERETT ORIENT LINE; EVERETT STAR LINE For Hongkong. Japan. For Hongkong. Japan. Korea, "Nordstjernan" 15/17 Aug. "Bradeverett" 3 5 Aug.} For Penang, Madras, Colombo, For Penang, Rangoon, Madras Bombay, Karachi, Bahrein, Calcutta. Koweit, Basrah. K'sha. "Noreverett" 30 Jul./l Aug.' "Star Betelgeiise" God. 33/34 j For Freight, Passage, please apply to:—
      680 words
    • 149 6 DUPLICATING SERVICE KWOK YOKE SV-S'NO CO. 22, T>e Arcade, Ist Floor, Telephone *****, rsMHHHOI 'ti'ith JOINT PAINS J Sudden jVi til* "V stabs— Make these stabs a thing 111 WH r S Pills from your dispensary-they reach ihc kid- 1' iit-ys and start their healing I' h on^y^p^-^^^^ y4 work
      149 words
    • 62 6 THE PHOROPTOR j INSTRUMENT. This Scientific Instrument is i the result of many years of Research. It not. only measures up hi thi> highest standards but »s vrrv sMUrat<> and positive. You ran bs very sure of R-ottiug a proper measured-fens if v > ou only cr»ftio to us. THE
      62 words
    • 538 6 BOOSTEAD CO., LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railway* GLEN ONE ArmPTIltQ FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROITkRDAM HAMBURG. m Due j**,, GI*ENGARRY (Cialls Alexandria) In P ,r' U 1 V 3n RADNORSHIRE (Calls Alexandria Genoa, Ai> 8 Auu n GLKNGYLE Aug. 2f) Aye 3(1 FtfOM rJ K. FOX
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 7 tli linluUixlan I'litm se •Ulan, tfoea OJIiir, .11 <* neui Kavi- in i eh hi 1 Ihr vlstfar* and j
    21 words
  • 1443 7 Syrett Takes 12 For 56 D.A.F. Seletar gained the only outright victory in the Singapore Cricket Association tournament games, yesterday, when they defeated the Johore Cricket Club by 44 runs at Selet:»r. A feature of the game was the brilliant bowling of F Lt.
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  • 267 7 How's That! LADDIE Outschoorn, cxSingapore cricketer now playing for Worcestei shire, the present leaders in the County Championship, has built up for himself the reputation of being the finest slip fielder in the country. Last year in his first Mi season of county cricket, he and W.
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  • 107 7 PKNAML Sun. IVnanti drew with tho Combined Colleges in their two-flay cricket match on the International Club padang today Both trams could only plfty one innings. Penang scored 181 runs and the Colleges replied w»th »0 runs. Highest scorer for Penang was Eu Cheow Teik who
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  • 73 7 The following will play for Johore against Singapore at cricket at Johore Bahru .on July 27: J. Lockhart, D. D'Bras, Mahinda Singh, Nathan (all from Segamat C. C), A. (Kluang C. C.), A. Nadasun, Rene van Sehoonb< ck. A. B. Barthclot, W. N. Moore. C
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    • 92 7 ~For the~Best Food Served in Town EUROPEAN CHINESE DISHES PLI'S ATTENTIVE A IST CLASS SERVICE PRICES MODERATE. Drop in at: MOOi CHIN RESTAURANT BAR 420, North Bridge R«i. (Corner of Purvis Street) Phone ***** Singapore. just right! t tight in style because so \jvjj B ttocnous an output can employ
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    • 972 7 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Hashmy Tahir ceased to bo our canvasser from 14th June, 1949, and has no authority whatsoever to represent us in any capacity. G. T. ADVERTISING PUBLICITY SERVICES, 191. Cecil St.. Spore, Phone *****. SAL!- BY AUCTION The NAAFI Disposals Committee, Singapore, have authorised Messrs.
      972 words
    • 514 7 SIT: VACANT Singapore Improvement Trust. Draftsmen are required J on the temporary staff of the General Improvement Plan 3ectian of tire Singapore Improvement Trust. These appointments will be for a period jf up to three years, subject i.o satisfactory service. The salary Is $80-Aslo-$lOO per month, plus Cost of Living
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  • 83 8 Reuter. CA! CI'TTA, Sun. I.ala Amarnath, former Indian Test captain, uaid here today he would take legal action against the Indian Cricket Control Board for "wrongful sus[>ension and consequent damage to reputation. Amarnath was suspended by the Cricket Board on April 19 from playing representative cricket
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 95 8 A.P. DUESSELDORF, Sunday.--Earl Cohell, USA. won the men's singles in the International Tennis tournament at Duesseldorf today by defeating Heraldo Weiss. Argentina. 6 -2, 6 2. 6 1. Joining her husband In dc feat was Mrs. Mary Weiss beaten in the women's singles final by Inge
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 331 8 Visitors Hit 276 For 8 MANCHESTER, Sunday. A fine century fifth wicket stand between the exA perienced Martin Donnelly (75) and 21-year-old John Reid (50) played in his first Test helped to rescue New Zealand in the third Test against England at Old Trafford today
    331 words
  • 30 8 ROT I'EKDAM. Sun. Dutch world champion Finny Dlankci s Ko m won tht 80 BMtli I hurdles in 11.3 second.! at an Italo-Dutch womens athletic meeting heie today.
    30 words
  • 97 8 Reuter. S< OKKHOAHI» NSW ZKALAND I*l. lnnit. Iri ittt.- b Hailey 9 V. Scott b BaiW-y IT. Hadle b Bailf> V\ .illj' Wawhbrvok b I MM li M. lH»n nelly lbw tiailry .1. Hold lbw Jukkofi »0 O. Kab««Bf not out Mi>«»ne> b 4arkM»n .1 Iturtt «t. Kvanx
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 554 8 AN eleventh hour goal cost the Royal Air Force A Combined a one-nil defeat which they did not deserve at the hands of the Indonesian Chinese at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Airmen played a grand game, particularly in the later stages of the second
    554 words
  • 336 8 Reuter. LONDON, Sunday. lACK Robertson was in wonderful form lor Middle J sex in their important match against the championship leaders, Worcestershire, today Mid took out his bat after being in all day for 331 out ol Middlesex huge total of 623 for 6.
    Reuter.  -  336 words
  • 65 8 NEW YORK, Sun.—Heavyweight lighter Jersey Joe Walcott said before emplani ing for Stockholm yesterday that ifte- his bout with Ole Tangberg in Stocholm, he exTangbcrg in Stockholm, he exnegotiationa for a bcut .vith the imtish champion Freddy Mills. He ::aid he also might fight in Rome and
    65 words
  • 66 8 Reuter. MONTREAL. Sun. Australia beat Canada by four matches to one in Uie American zone Davis Cup tie here, and will now meet Mexico. When yesterday play began Australia already had a twoone load. Frank Scdgman made certain of the tv for them by b sting
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 153 8 Reuter. MANCHESTER. Sun. Vinoo Mankad. the Indian Test Cricketer, i« now virtually certain to create another Central Lancashire League record l;y becoming the first cricketer ever to get 1.000 runs and 100 wickets in his first season with the League. After taking 8 wickets for
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 167 8 Below are yesterday*! ro suits of the Junior Ba ton Champion.ships SINGLES: P. M [W. father (Sportlight) atfc! laiman bin Jaffar 15-8. 15-1; R. I s (Spitfire) lost to Neo <:! Kee (Mayflower, Q A. Aziz bin Ahmad (pari beat Siow Whatt Pens flower) 16-18. 15-8 Heng
    167 words
  • 39 8 EIRE. Sun. Ma McCalmont's Cm is Udv by Fun Fair out ot o-acion today won the Irish Oaks over one and a half miles he>p beating the French ally Maeel Boussacs' Coronation Five by four lengths.
    39 words
  • 41 8 RrnnillST INIO.V n„.M, Fund Cinema Show A "iam" Th l r Great World Park and 9 p.m. YMCA: Lanuua*,'" Classes T ,v\ Recorded Music R, international \ht,st< d S^-: British Coun. il Hall ti 10 —8.30 p.m.
    41 words
  • 158 8 CAPITOL: "Cheynne' V 'h Frank Sinitara and Kathryn orayson. 11 a.n 1C 4.15. «.45 and Sl.30 p m, CAPITOL: "Chevt-nr* w:«h D«inois Morgan and Jane 1.45. 4, 6.3* PAVILION: "The Window" with Barbara Hale. B.bby Drisooll. Arthur Kenneiv, Piul Stewart and Ruth Roman 2. 4.15. 6.30 and 9.30
    158 words
  • 10 8 SOCCER: Senior l.e«nf Tiuer S.A. R.fc.M.E. lali# IW*ar Stdiuni.
    10 words
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