Malaya Tribune, 24 July 1949

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 50 1 Sunday Tribune BY Spore MALAYA'S NATION.AL NEWSPAPER Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines, Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang SIXTEEN PAGES SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS THE SUNDAY TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover c/o Newspaper Features, Ltd., 107, Fleet Street, London, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1949.
    50 words
  • 638 1 Die follounifi letter has 1» en received /mm Afr. Tan gfc X g n. Publicity Director ~t tiu MnUni-tn Chinese Asso- ,<it'»)i and member of the /•></, mi Leijislative Council:--Sir, In Mfl loiter which was given wide publicity in the Malayan I on or al>otit
    638 words
  • 62 1 The Bonnie Prince BONNIE Pr»nr«- Churlr* |"Good. old tharli." to hi» London admirer*) «■lfbrutif» Ilrttnln'» iimiiwt mui. aliln.' b.v po#ln* for thr«.r for the nwvi»J >*m,Tulucn In th*» iKMiuttfui ground» of hi* taoim- lndlr«h»m Moor, Surwj. l'rinpe»H EllfJihdh and IMjio* 1'tillip |kwp i ullh (heir tf*n
    \ P. I'holui,  -  62 words
  • 114 1 THE case of Chan Sin Mong, fifteen year old Chinese boy sentenced at Ipoh to five years' rigorous imprisonment for failing to notify the presence of bandits, will be discussed today by the Malayan Chinese Association at its meeting in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. i'an
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  • 708 1 Will Demand Tunnel Pro be Next Week Tribune Staff Reporter WHEN Mr. J. Arthur Rank's film unit put-«p their cameras on Friday to record for the first time a meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission ers, some of their shots may capture Labour's Mr. Pat Johnson demanding
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  • 99 1 Sixty rOUPd-thc World American tourists Will hp in Singapore on August 8. They arc p H <.«Bongers in th" American President Lines President Monroe. Among tne=c tourists Ifl the Shribcr-Harig family group of 13. of Ohio, perhaps th< laigest family group evei to make
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  • 75 1 The Mountbattcn Club's ballroom and restaurant will close permanently on August 1 From that date, the Club will maintain only a cocktail bar and lounge in the mam building of tne old Rex Hotel in Bias Basah Road, where the club has been installed since lt
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  • 75 1 Tribune Film Reporter MALAYA is being considered by Hollywood's master pro-ducer-director C. R. DeMllle as a possible location for a future production. This was disclosed to me last night by Mr. Hal Haughton, Paramount Foreign Publicity Representative, now visiting Singapore. Mr. H aught on said:
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  • 197 1 DUTY- FREE smokes and drinks fur Bri- tish, Malay and locally enlisted troops In the I Federation will be pro- posed by Mr. Tan Slew I .Sin, unofficial Chinese member at the next j meeting of the Federal Legislative Council on Aug I 1ft* duty
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  • 68 1 Reuter. GLASGOW. Saturday. Tw housand British employees o Burma Oil Company, throw jut of work by the disturbt situation, may secure othc mployment in the countr .vlr. K. B. Harper, chaitmnn i the company, said today. He told the coniprnv annual meeting that the Burn Government
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS, Saturda;, The situation in Indonesia i listed for a full ncalc debate i the provisional agenda issuefor the United Nations' fourti. general assembly session dm to convene on Sept. 20 at Flushing Meadows. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 94 1 THE appeal of Carlton Hire against his sentence of seven years' imprisonment foi illegally importing arms into Dutch East Indies territory has been turned down, the Sunday Tribune understands The appeal was filed on February 27. Hire, along with three American fliers. Connie Seigri**.. Albert Onstott
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  • 54 1 Reuter. TOKYO. Sat. The Central Metropolitan Observatory announced today that new typhoon, "Gloria.'' may pass by the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. "Gloria" is reported to be travelling faster than the the previous "Delia", which took a toll of 200 lives, and Fayo", in which
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 79 1 Reuter. BOMBAY. Sat.- Sarat Chandra Bose. leader of tho. India 1 Socialist Republican Party, told reporters here that the present Indian Government was "bouna to collapse before this year is out." Bosc, who is spending thre*. days in Bombay with Left-win,: political leaders after returning 'rom a two months'
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. BOMBAY. Sat.—Dr. John i latthai, Indian Finance Miniser, who returned here from I -ondon last night after attend ng the Dominion Finance I tinisters conference, said nc aclleved his talks "will finally esult in some economic gam I .o India." —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 45 1 U.P. PARIS. Sat- The Frencn National Assembly, surroundei I by a protective cordon of thou j <ands of police and security [guards in full battle kit. ha-i > >egun a two-day debate on the j Atlantic Pact. The debate is •expected to be stormy." -U.P
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 31 1 A.P. LOS ANGELES. Saturday.— Virplones will be streaking I hrough the skies at 1.500 miles I m hour within ten years I predicts aircraft engineer 'Harold Luskin -A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 168 1 Reuter. LONDON. Sat. Elev.n thousand troops who have '),vn working in London's docks were due to be v.'it -Ir«W* following a pledge by 15,000 dockets to return to work on Monday. But Lord Ammon. chairman ol the National Dock Labour Hoard. supreme authority over work at the
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 11^ DOBIB DAY and I DINAH SHORE. BUDDY CLARK. 0119 This is the moment, 19 Love Somebody, Lavender Blue. Dance Ballerina i 2407 Blue bird of happiness Dance Say it every day. 2503 It's you or no one. THE MILLS BROTHERS. I'M in love. 5230 Lazy River, 2508 I'd rather
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    • 85 1 Season Trading Co. 67. HIGH ST., TEL: BJlB* A Word on Leaf fflr; Good tobacco like good wine— V IIrVM relics upon the frown or smile of Dame #prj j Nature. Differences in soil, vagaries /771 of weather, will all atYect the perfection or otherwise of the resultant cigarette. Ili
      85 words

  • 360 3 MAJORITY VOTES NOT RECOGNISED —inche Sardon JHE democratic nature of the constitutions of both the Singapore Legislative Council and the Municipal Commission is challenged by Rural East Legislative Councillor, Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir in questions which he has filed for the Council meeting
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  • 60 3 Recause of the change in the Hajri Raya Puasa date from July 26 to 27, the Singapore Rotaiians have had to postpone their usual Wednesday luncn meeting unt'l Thursday. Mr. A. Bland Calder, American Consul in Singapore, for Economic Aftaiis wall auy ment his recently expressed v;ew- on
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  • 201 3 Wiinr: the sa TUUd Lyka sails for the United c i this week, she will v, among her passengers u-oW Miss Janet Cnen. Iy of Singapore and an, a well-known and ,iar personality in the jthodLst circles in Malaya. Jane* will he taking a tvoai
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  • 94 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A working: committee of the Sclengor branch of the University cf Malaya Endowrneut Fund hat been formed Under the chr. 'manship of Mis. A. W. Pinmck. The committee will launch a vlgoious drive to rare fund.* for the university in Selangor. One event
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  • 30 3 *ong rang,, sat. a bandit walked into a tiap laid by a Police patrol operating near ben yesterday, rii,> bandit wrap knot and wounded but managed to escape.
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  • 338 3 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) MR. A. D. Butler-Madden, the Food Controller, said that prices of many staple commodities in the Singapore markets have shown a steady increase in the past few days, but there is no cause for worry or panic. "The causes are natural
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  • 80 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. In the Magistrates Court oday, a bank sentry, Special I Nonstable Mohd. Yusoph bin Wok, faced a charge of attempting to cheat the Overr;t Chinese Hanking Corporution Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur, by tendering a bogus order draft of $6,000 for payment. The Piosecuting Officer
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  • 27 3 JOHOKE BAHRC. Sat. Thirty-eight-year-old Wong Ah Pul wa- lined $70 on two counts of inconsiderate driving and having no driving licence in the Court tcday
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  • 279 3 Perak bandits failed to destroy Ceylon's famous 300 year-old Catholic "Madonna" statue when it was taken on a Malayan tour. It was then travelling in .1 train seven miles Dflfrth <t looh with its "guardian" Captain the Rev. Claude Lawrence. Chaplain to Ceylon Defence
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  • 69 3 Workmen are stil! hu*y t colour-washing the exterior of tho Victoria Memorial Biulding and will give A another coat before finally finishing off. Llau Chow Tech, 20, a whitewashes clambereu to the summit of the clork tower to do his job. He is MM sn
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 Four members of tbe EYM performing a Gypsy dance. From b'ft to right Sy!via Morrow and PhylSs Rodriguea (forefront) and Marjorie Rogers end Vvonn Rayney (sta.idj ,:,g).
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 Sodk> Calcium Lactate with Vitamin D f\\ Each Sal pern Tablet contains 7' grains of Sodium Calcium \ff£& Lactat together with a •l* 'is sulllcient quantity of Vitamin x 1) to t-nsure maximum l k '^ci assimilation. Salncrn may be I confidently prescril-cd in all vr< 11 cases of calcium
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    • 464 3 Favourite pen im\ of all the world! f[j Nmth, South, East, West Parker 51 is the I I favourite of all writing instruments! Actually, 83 surveys in 34 countries prove Parker to be the world's moit wanted pen. The "51" is not only the most beautiful pen j ever made
      464 words

  • 170 4 Sunday Tribune Reporter THE Singapore Flying Club may be losing the services of its super handyman and "Jack-of-all-Trades' who is undecided whether to stay in the Colony or go back to Australia. He is Mr. George T. Boehm. holder of many types of
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  • 838 4 CONFESSIONS OF SINGAPORE BOBBY SOXERS ONE BR AYE GIRL ADMITS: NO HARM IN BEING KISSED (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) ARE you a boy going out on your first date, feeling your clothes don t fit, you A don't know what to say, and the cash box will not allow you
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 4 Chong Kfm Boa strates his ai hta wife, uuiie hr .s b!iniltu'vled.
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  • 240 4 He Throws Knives At His. Wife Blindfolded It's One Of His Many Trader CHORT. broadly-built Chong Kirn Hong. 25-year-old j Cantonese, works harder than most men, and I at more interesting jobs. Chong is not only a knife-thrower of skill, (he throws them at his wife, blindfolded) who performs at
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  • 85 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. An Indian rubber-tapper ou Ivelan Estate. 40->var-old Govinian, was sentenced to 'wo months rigorous impiionment in the Sessions Court, by Mi. W. B. Sutherland, for assaulting a compatriot with kandar stick. The Prosecuting Officer. Senior Inspector Mahbob, disclosed that the complainant. Muthiah, received
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  • 121 4 MR. Edouard Kuhn. a Singapoie businessman, wasummoned to tne Second District Court yesterday on two charges of contravening the Finance Regulations. It was a!leged that on June 3 Mr. Kuhn. not being an authorised dealer, sold U.S. $10 000 to the Shriro Trading Coiporation in
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  • 48 4 We Eng Huat. a young Chinese cleik employed at the Food Control Rationing I I Office, was sentenced to nine I months' rigotous imprisonI ment by Mr. H. A. Forier in J the Fourth Criminal District I Court. yesterday on two I counts of cheating.
    48 words
  • 247 4 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) THE fifty-nine new students of the People's Education Association classes at St. Hilda's School, Ceylon Road, have taken their studies very seriously, since they began in early July. They gave proof of this when, in spite of being soaked to
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  • 132 4 This Week's True Story fjTHEX the war clouds rolled away in 1945, the Services found themselves with vast masses of equipment that seemed to have no further use in peacetime including huge quantities of needles. The Stores Disposal Board, Far East, sold vast masses of equipment, including the
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  • 86 4 THE firm of S. P. H. rj« Sliva opens to hwtof r. <•••>• premises tomorrow (Monday) at 45. High Street. Specialists in stlvei wan. gold work and ]< \v< llerj tk firm has. built itself a repatation for craftsmanship and reliability in Malaya. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 I Dul tfCTM MACLEAM J i mmmKmmt Of course we cf/cf/ Maclean* Peroxide Tooth Paste is scientifically prepared to do supremely well all that a tooth paste can do, namely clean the teeth thoroughly yet safely This favourite tooth paste with its ever-popular flavour gives a gleaming whiteness the difference
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    • 233 4 Haliborange The nicest way of taking Halibut Liver Oil The health-giving proper- ties of Haliborange make it the finest tonic for children and adults. Its high vitamin content, derived from pure Halibut Liver Oil and oranges, will increase the resistance of the body and ensure that i your children grov.
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  • 223 5 iSundmM Tribune Staff Kf porter) MISS Lim Poh Luan, 25, a teacher of the Fairfield Girls' School. Singapore, is a lucky girl. ghe is lucky because she v chosen from several applicants to study social science at the Univeisity College of Swansea on a one-year scholarship.
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  • 310 5 INVESTIGA TIONS BEING MADE (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) ACCORDING to Mr. G. W. Davis, Conunissioner for Labour, there are signs of unemployment in the rubber and sago industries, and an increase in employment figures in the building industry. Mr. Davis said that the Singapore
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  • 200 5 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) ABOUT 200 families of the clerical staff of the A Singapore Municipality will be housed in spacious flats, when the site at Clemenceau Avenue is fully developed. Two blocks of eight flats I have taken shape at the site near the junction
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  • 90 5 Goh Seng Kee, 21, was sentenced by the Second Dls- I trict Judge yesterday to six 1 months hard labour to be followed by two years police supervision, after he pleaded guilty to theft of two fountain pens worth $69. Goh was stated to have committed
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  • 453 5  -  IK Ivor Kraal CONSTELLATION and other heavy aircraft services will not be affected by the development of Tengah airfield. Two schemes are mooted to deal with this. One is the temporary use of the flexible runway at Changi, when it is ready, and the alternate plan is the
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  • 115 5 One of the most disappointed young men in Singapore is 11-year-old David Tetlow, who on Wednesday, will stand at the edge of the Singapore Swimming Club pool with his arm in a sling, and watch four other boys attacking a record he hoped
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  • 177 5 (Sunday Tribune Staff Reporter) AN alarming birth and death rate among Malays in Johore has been recorded during the first half of this year. Statistics show that the Malays, with the second largest racial population in the Btate, hold the highest birth and death numbers.
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  • 39 5 Mr. A. Goldie, formerly Chief Engineer, 5.0.L., is to broadcast from Australia today on "Oil from Borneo". This broadcast may be heard from Station VLB 3 on 19 and 25 metres at 7.00 p.m., Malayan time.
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  • 212 5 THIRTY year-old John Consiglerie, Singapore Gov- ernment clerk, has discovered his makings as a first-class boat builder. Hitherto he had confined his efforts to model boats but lately he surprised himself, and many of his friends, with his almost professional aptitude. He attributes this to his
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  • 31 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Thirty-three-year old Subramanlam of Kedah claimed trial in the Magistrates' Court today to a charge of enticing Palayanee, wife of 50-year-old C. M. Pillay of Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 -1- k *""l»ae Less Linen" for your protection, ▲void arguments as to ownership:— Bojiili aaWßll airmailed to and from England. PCdT BOX 1196 Singapore, jaaaaaiawi i ssssss— —SPI well to remember... i <? A Bad Couqfi needs De WITT'S COUGH SYRUP Hfft with OUMACOI CREOSOTE sg7 Children unders should be
      141 words
    • 79 5 So/e Representatives: GETZ BROS. CO. PENANG KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE RV 140 ROSS (Tropical) NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. 71, High Street, Singapore Phone 2586. field "ztt&f tf/^zfoic,* No matter whether city metis, cfaj nfle fa\Ji\ih ctfortkss to ride. Only wffl'fy\ Y\ ml coostnicl o VI 111 X Built in a mod
      79 words

  • 1822 6  -  BY VERA ARDMORE LONG or short? Short or long The question is so often a mental torment on the teccipt of a cocktail patty invitation in Singapore. The new arrival, turning up in cocktail tig. is mortally embarrassed to find so many other women in full evening dress.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 i j j i i i I id lies f j t I i I Strohwenytr itteck I j I ESTAB S MOUTRIE &CO (MALAYAt LTD. 1187 5 j JOHN LITTLE'S BUILDING ■■aM-aT SINGAPORE TEL 7030 LOVELY vision PPP" LOV KIA TO LOOK AT 1 Jgp*»~ jSg Highest Quality {Haas
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    • 87 6 Britain sends her best From Britain have come these 4/?ffe delicately perfumed soaps of an a yg| 5 excellence that commands high favour throughout the worid. LINDEN BLOSS3' BLUE HYftCINTM LUXURY TOILET SOAPS'""" 1 J THURSDAY 28th SOITH AMERICAN Ml SH Samba m, Rhumbas, Tudcos fey HACKMEYER'S 15ANJ) C FLOOR
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  • Article, Illustration
    1693 7  -  From JIMMY GLOVER WAY back in one of my earliest letters from London I said that Parliament was not always told the full i story, or, for that matter, the true on.\ about conditions in I Malaya; I also observed that Malayans could not be given j a
    1,693 words
  • 559 7 THOUGH the first three volumes of Sir Osb< rt Sitwell s autobiography "Left Hand, Right which if planned as a fi**evolumes work, were acclaimed by critics throughout the world as a masterpiece anl a permanent contribution to English literature, it is only now, with the publication
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  • 320 7 DR. HENRY WILSON. 72--year-old Bishop of Chelmsford, put on his recently and solemnly dedicated an animals' cemetery at Woodford Bridge, Essex. He is believed to be the first Anglican bishop to hold such a service. There was a crowd —mostly women —some of whom had travelled
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 175 7 NEWS and MUSIC ANYTIME and ANYWHERE j ISjggjlgljpSHKfc HOI'RLE DECCA portable from 110 V to 250 V Spar* Batteries ami x_\ Valves also in stock The Decca Grumopbone Co. Ltd. London. Makers of the famous Decca Brunswick records Sole 168 A Cecil Street Agents i&AAL' a CO., Singapore. ADVIS,,^ l
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    • 150 7 BETTER MILK FOR BABIES I.ACTCK.EN provide, in a form Baby can easily digest' and assimilate, the food elements necessary te satisfy a the needs of his fast growing frame and body. Mothers: Advice on infant feeding will be given you \ou free of charge by one of the qualified nurses
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  • 435 8 THE Tribune newspapers have never believed that Communism in China would be any different from Communism anywhere else in the world. When hopes were expressed that the new regime would clear up the corruption of the old, and that the "Chinese were Chinese long before they were
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  • 1940 8  -  The author of this challenging article has a long record of service in the Middle and Far East as well as in Europe. He writes not only as a skilled observer, but as a skilled soldier, too. By Maj.-General J.R. Hartwell, C.B.,
    1,940 words
  • 602 8  -  The American husband is staging one of the greatest comebacks in history. He is a new man and mammas daddy, By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK ITHE American Husband has 1 become the Eighth Wonder of the Modern World. The U.S. Husband Is enjoying
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 89 8 •Eye Care consists of more thaa Just "buying glasses."' Eye comfort and visual efficiency depends primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist. G. t. CHONG, OPT., D. I Fully equipped with modern instruments. i I MALA VAN AIR WA YS LIMITED SAIGON WEEKLY 5213:Managers: MANSFIELD CO., LTD. OCEAN
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    • 105 8 0 BZXH (of \S^s!^ Speed It today* criterion to call on important prospect* abroad, M reach foreign market, ahead of competition, more and taore wideawake bu.lne.»--»e» arc taking advantage of the opportunities the World s Oldest Airline oflrrt It pays to win extra days for doing more without having to
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  • 291 9 The fatal fascination that love pirates, like Sigmund Engel, exert on their victims is so strong that they niGMITNTJ Engel was giving J idvice about the art ,f chivalrous love-making. nitt dry, he is a past ister at it with the emphan the "past." em roses. not advised the graylove
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  • 297 9  -  By Richard Kleiner 012 victims were so enraptured that, even after they knew the truth, they came back for more. rAKE the case of Mrs. Pauline Langton of New York one of the 50-or -nould it be 60. Mr. Engel?— lovable lasses wno walked into Tag
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  • 1044 9 N.F. IN some remote parts of Great B'itian there is a firm belief that certain persons have the power of •'overlock;n.v- others, to their great tad detriment. If a farmer's cows go dry. if his suffer from some complaint incidental to
    N.F.  -  1,044 words
  • 919 9  -  BY CHARLES CORNWALL N.F.L. ALFRED LESTER, the droll comedian, used to sing: "I've got a motter —'Always Merry and Bright.' A very good motto in any times; but no family appears to have adopted it as yet with the sanction of the
    N.F.L.  -  919 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 50 9 DESIGNED BETTER IsNst^tW SANITARY FITTINGS Among Modem Convenience*, Sanitary Fittings Play an Essential Part In Securing a Better Standard of Living. FROM WASH-BASINS TO COMPLETE FLUSH SYSTEMS, YOU GET QUALITY AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE FROM: TAN SIN PENG CO. 11, PHILLIP ST., SINGAPORE. PHONE 4373 3114. PO BOX 698 1 i
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    • 65 9 PHILATELY WE PAY MONEY FOR USED STAMPS 4*r. per 100 for any Malaya stamps (ftoalted off paper). Free Buying List of Stamp*. The Stamp Trading Co., 198, Bay St., Toronto, Canada. Stamp Collections Wanted! We Bay Ail Kinds at Htasnpa. Good News for Good Beef connoisseurs A NEW SHIPMENT OF
      65 words
    • 127 9 HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? I PHILIPS MADE—TO—MEASURE RADIO PLAYER MODEL BX 085 (A.C. or AC DC X-j SUPER B-A-N-D MAGNIFIER It i« a dc luxe table set, completely all-climate proof. It has many inter- oBesting features. It has 8 wave-ranges, MB of which 6 are bandspread. It has six mu
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  • 983 10  -  j 73 ENE Black, a Frenchman trained in old world hotels, is Manager of the six restaurants m j New York's famed Waldorf-Astoria. He handles special means for occupants of the Wald j apartments; that is one of Ins many jobs.
    A.P.  -  983 words
  • 707 10  -  By JOHN WORCESTER N.F. ONE of the most historic documents in this world Magna Carta is f: quently mentioned as being signed by King John at Runnymede in the year 1210. All details are cornet with the exception that the charter was never signed. It
    N.F.  -  707 words
  • 52 10  -  By CONSTANCE SHARPE AQUARIUS. JAN. ti —FEB. 1H This woulii be (i good time to set about overhttultng your t'lurtf and business arrangvMtmts: go into nil thr details and in particular, examine recent or new routines. Cut ou( dead wood and don't wv*tc ti'ne icith
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  • 45 10 FEU. t$ MAll. 20. The accent is on romance and not nectssarily in w attachments: you will find your self (loser to others mun; t li&jj abtc to understand wluit i/ctt on insuie them. Sxairinwmt with new idea* and try out frish si hemes.
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  • 48 10 MAR. 21—-APR. 20. Unexpected events IM| th realm routine: you will hacv t<t keep calm, cool ami collected, othericise you iviti find tjourself trying to proceed in all directions and getting nowhere. Pi rsoadf propi rty should be safeguarded make sure that fire and theft are minimised.
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  • 45 10 APR. 21 MAY 20. You may find yourself growing away from your group of friends and the odds are that you will fee. rather asliamed at the idea, don't be. Follow your inclinations and seek out the sort of people you want to know.
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  • 43 10 MAY 21 -JUNE 20 It is possible that you n,ay have to put your hand into your pocket on behalf of a friend or relation: give cheerfully. It will be a case ot bread cast upon the waters. Friends will he helpful.
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  • 51 10 JUNE 21--JULY 23. Old ties, which have long Irked you, can be broken. Resolute action will be called for. Your neighbourhood win play rather an important part in the scheme of things this week: you may find yourself involved in sorif-ties or move mcnts. In your job, follow your
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  • 50 10 JULY 2!,—AUG. 23. Plenty of activity- too nnu-h at times —in social life: you will find yourself lunging tor a little peace ami uuietii' M, But business and pleasure will go hand in hand this week: keep eyes and ror s open and don't aMow opportunities to slip past.
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  • 48 10 AUG. SEPT. 23. Witch the pennies and let the pounds look after them satoee: this would not be a good time to give nay to bursts <>f c.' trarayancc or unwise spending. Sudden offers <>f friendship should be treated with wwrpfc don't accept blindly: look for motives.
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  • 43 10 SEPT. 24 -OCT. 23. Stick to your guns: folloio oiif your plans and be obstinate about them. People will try to influence yon: don't let them. Several first class oppurtuntti( s. will come your way. In your job, be diplomatic but firm.
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  • 42 10 OCT. NOV. 22. Your mind will be fiUea with new ideas and you mil begin to sec the answers to many old problems. Make the wow of the week: drop everything and concentrate on improving your position. Consolidate every smati gain.
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  • 56 10 -VOV. i23—DEC. £2. The spotlight is on money. Sitend carefuliy and don't tux» on any new financial obligations. Don't sign papers unless you are perfectly sure of what you are signing. Young folk in love will have tfuHr worries and tension is indicated: they will probably not be able
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  • 47 10 DEC. 20. You will feel enthusiastic about new ideas and there is a danger that you will rush into things without first giving sufficient thought to all of the angles. Curb this trnd/mcil, otherwise you will find yourself in difficulties. Plenty of changes are in store.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 267 10 pI|BH DJUNKLEY PIANO Ml FULLY TROPICALISED BRILLIANT IN TONE W try us first IT WILL PAY YOU Sole Agents for Singapore Federation of M:daya. SEASON Co, Ltd. ,15 HoiS^ KOAR l JOSEPH: IWHIS& SOUS LTD. t *j****°lit KMtA LUMPOIt -JPOU KKAH6 But not now thanks to DE WITT'S Pills they
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    • 111 10 recorder Recording 1 Can Be Made Z^f/ Ofefclfo/ By Anyone! i#/th plu6-/a *fCt>K9/M cinrnaei SOUND RECORDING AND REPRODICINd OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS, MICROPHOJiK SPEECHES, MUSIC RADIO PROGRAMMES. IDEAL FOR: Buslmss, Retail-Stores, School*, rhwdarn. Lawyers, Clergymen, Insurance Investigator*. Pn Musicians, Entertainers, Commercial Broail*mal Stadia* and f J in the Homes. DEMONSTRATION AT
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 676 11 Hollywood Diary from HENRY GRIS Believe it or not. in filmtown- STARS SHOP FOR POISE HOLLYWOOD. TARE look at the picture that illustrates this k «tor\. It is of a pretty girl dancing. She is •ling A dele Mara, a new starlet in Hollywood's (jianent. The
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  • 294 11 IUOVIE FANS Will be made to feel as old as last year's j calendar by several artery-hardening develcpment in > motion pictuies recently. It was alarming enough to hear that Pin-up Gill Marlenc (Legs) Deitrich has become a grandmother and that Shirley (Anima' Cwakers
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  • 122 11 Spotlight On 'To kyo Joe' HOLLYWOOD. JAPAN* newspaper, The Tokyo Mainichl. with a circulation of more than 3,500,000, is putting out a ipnfial edition on t olumbia Pictures' "Tokyo Joe." i An unprecedented number of requests from fans I from all over Japan for information on the Humphrey P.ogart starrer,
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  • 392 11 HOLLYWOOD is taking to the airlines for international travel. So much so that a visitor ran now see more motion picture celebrities at Los Angeles airport than he can at the world's most pub'ieized corner—Hollywood and Vine. Autograph seekers have found the airp" rt
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  • 61 11 PAULETTE GODDARD breaks into song in her new film. She sings a Polish folk melody called "Wiska Moja," for the wedding sequences In Columbia's "Anna Lucasta." "I wanted a vocal 'stand-up for the singing." she said, "but director Irving Rap pi t insisted I do the singing myself.
    61 words
  • 175 11 HOLLYWOOD. Director Robert Stodma'c is planning to make a picture about, of all things, people Just people. "In this picture you will root for everybody because it will be about everybody. We will show the impact of our times, of the last 60 years on the
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  • 28 11 DID YOU KNOW THAT ANS SOTHERN was ploying Bach and Becthoc n at the age of eight, taught h\j her moth'r, Annette Yde, a nott d CQUCtTt pianist.
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  • 206 11 TYRONE POWER, having finished "Prims- of Foxes", was looking around London with his lovely bride, Linda Christian, just prior io flying to French Morocco to star "The Btartf Rose", came face to face with—Tj rone Power. The place was a bookshop and it was there that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 196 11 a Iwely mouth is L^^^s^ l POND'S LIPS WL woman's Hps tcU the story of Mmmm mmW't her moods. Your hps are you.' £/SXf A Bring out their loveliness with imwnfa 1 j| Pond's LIPS! In alluring shades, J jfl/in-texrured. Pond's LIPS are Qls» made for you. This lipstick J^j
      196 words
    • 361 11 Have you tried -THE PERMANENT WAVE YOU OIVE YOURSELF AT HOME! J^J^ used by over „>.» American Women ninu. kit n Now yom can fjv« yourself th* hours, depending on the amount oi loveliest permanent wave you'vt curl that suits you best—aod you ever had—right in your own home, are
      361 words

  • 118 12 HOW does your make-up look through your specs? If you wear glasses for close-seeing, you need their visual help in checking up on make-up flaws. Cheek rouge which may look softly suffused to the naked eye may look less than perfectly applied when scrutinized through
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  • 381 12 WOMAN'S PAGE rjiHERE is one particular wife I hope will read this column. If she does, it might possibly save her marriage. That marriage is headed for divorce. Her young husband does not mention the word "divorce"
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  • 136 12 IF your offspring's school friends are heading for your home this summer, have your hostess-routine set up before your carefree guests arrive. If yours is a servantless house, do not hesitate to accept offers of assistance from your young guests. They will feel more at home
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  • 74 12 IT SAVES TO SEW AT HOME RECENCY SATIN EVENING DRESS Made at home $85 Made by Chinese tailor $140 Bought as model $500 STRIPED JERSEY DINNER DRESS Made at home $10 Made by Chinese tailor $45 Bought a* model $200 SUN DRESS AND JACKET Made at home $12 Made by
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  • 341 12  -  By ELIZABETH PEEK THIS is not written for the fortunate few who can afford to spend $500 or $600 on a dress whenever they feel so inclined, but for the great •majority of women who cannot. Quite, quite deflnitly most women, when it comes to
    341 words
  • 287 12 ANEW dressing for the bowl of mixed greens is always good eating news. Creamy French I>r«-„i n) > Cut garhe into |it o add a teaspoon of salt. 2 3 cup salad oil. 1/3 cup vinegar. 1 CUp heavy cream, pepp, r I taste —red pepper,
    287 words
  • 159 12 rpHE girl who waxes sarcastic or resorts to gossip in order to capture an audience can use better methods of attracting attention. The sarcastic or gossip-re-laying Miss is apt to gain an unsavory reputation for maliciousn?ss which will make her friends distrust her or fear her
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 483 12 SIT: VACANT WANTED Eurasian Lady Teacher for children aged 6 and 7, Board and Lodge provided. State salary required to Box No A 2643, Sunday Tribune, Spore. Prof. ILMUDDIN ALAHI. (Astro-Palmist and Horoscope Reader) #Many years' practic» in France, Sw'*zet Java, Malaya New Delhi and toHoob l parts of the
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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  • 1602 13  -  By JOHN HAMMOND POLOCROSSE is a new outdoor sport on horse back which la sweeping Australia and spreading overseas to Great Britain. Men and women in six-a-side teams ride polo ponies and pass the ball with long-handl-ed, loosely-strung racquets. Enthusiasts call it the poor man's
    1,602 words
  • 920 13  -  Boxers May Gain Fame In One Night By WILFRED OWEN BOXING is a profession that draws men from all walks of life, men who have taken to the ring for money, or men who carry on a long family tradition in the sport. Some of them succeed
    920 words
  • 152 13 SYDNEY. —Patrons at the Sydney Stadium one recent night got more than their moneys worth and, realising it, threw £Al6 as a shower' into rhe ring for the two boxers. The boxers were Don Ritchie (8-81 and Billy Smith (9-0). They were engaged in only
    152 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 336 13 HIPIOVSHOt fh 'tttat_ SO'JNDLT BUILT FOR GENERAL WEAR M welted 1 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL g Mi£S I Monoy Aofunclod^nc^in, All Postal ari'noc perfectly I" wo»r ibrowm J£ $5.55 Rs 18-14 Thoroughly rollablo, oKcoptloswlly r I Smart Oxford Shoo. Fino Quality vaav LmiQm T<>t Ma'f Lies IwJII. "jSj C K
      336 words
    • 189 13 THE FIVE-WAY PLAN In addition to our "Self-Service" which is now nearly two years old, there are four other ways of buying all you need from Cold Storage. /Self-service: serve yourself from trie shelves and pay cash for the total, quickly calculated by an assistant. 2 Personal shopping: come to
      189 words

  • 482 14 GOLF Bobby Locke has expressed bitterness over being barred from the National PGA tournament because he is a foreigner and therefore not a member of the organization in this country. Sponsors of the tournament at Richmond. Va.. likewise have expressed dis pleasure
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  • 786 14 Strong bid for title MALAYA BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS (Tribune Special Badminton Correspondent) THE women competitors promise to provide equal 1 if not more thrills than the men at the forthcoming eighth Malayan badminton championships to be held at the Victoria Institution Hall, Kuaia
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 14 LIM KEE FONG, member of the Thomas cup badminton team, had a delightful surprise this week when he received this autographed portrait of Patricia Roc. When visiting the Eiffel Tower in Pat is he was introduced to the J. Arthur Rank tilm star who happened to oe on a similar-
    89 words
  • 46 14 Tlie following will •••invent Lam Choon H.r. at bad.. iM'np .1 ralnal Goodyear Orient B Ihe <;.>odyear Oriefct'a cjui nt 5 Ift p.m. tomorrow: < M "i Qyni Chye Poh, n Bin. Lim A k Sin, Goh Gad* X-e>, Tay Ban a:ul i2ac Xiir.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 22 14 f TUESDAY ftk V MIDNIGHT!! 26thJULY C/\ PREMIERE! !i mcrvesriMosr !l MNrIBLYTH HOWARD tt I cordials esquashes m'tk the NEW LOOK manufacture
      22 words
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    • 227 14 TO .DAY at 11 a .m. M- G M\ "GOOD NEWS" m TECHNICOLOR 50c. M/- To All: TO-DAY at 3, 6.15 A Jjj PM 20th Century-r.iy., 'The Foxes OF Harrow" starring Bex Harrison, Maureen O'Hara High Tension Adveatarc packed with SUSPENSE ami DRAMA! Matintie at ILM B m 50 cts.
      227 words

  • 2333 15  -  Wins Main Race To Pa y $102 From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Saturday. OILVER SPEAR appreciating the heavy track showed a return to form when he accounted for a small field in the race for Class I, Div. I horses over 7 furlongs, which was the
    2,333 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 ~T!|BMB"HHa"HKP'' 3 ihm'**'* Malayan Railways have put into service a new typ? of horse urn which provides luxury travel for racehorses. Picture shows one of the new coaches. STARTS TODAY! >HOH S: 11 a.m.—1.45—1.00-45.30 9.30 p.m. HE CAUED HIMSELF J>| PQEy(icirmtty tcaimb wire fHP^"^*' TODAY'S Special Morning Show at 9
      90 words
    • 46 15 BIG SWEEP J TOTAL POOL $256, 100 1st Prize No. *****4 ($66,586) 2nd. Prize No. *****4 ($33,293) 3rd Prize No. *****6 ($16,646) STARTERS: *4161 each:— Nc*. <*****; *****1; ******; *****8; *****3; *****3; *****1. CONSOLATIONS: $1,664 cach:—Nos. *****2; *****9; *****S; *****2; *****5; *****8; 35)6*79; *****5; 3125U2; *****6.
      46 words
    • 88 15 sweeps! I S V ANTI-T.B. j TOTAL POOL $29,999 1st. i'rize No. *****5 («7,799) 2nd Prize: No. *****9 (S3,899) 3rd Prize: No. *****1 ($1,949) STARTERS: *649 each:— No*. *****2; *****8; *****0; *****5; *****0; *****7. CONSOLATIONS: S194 each—Nos. *****2; *****4; *****3; *****7; *****7; *****S; *****7; *****4; !*****; *****. V \UJ// \\\Uj
      88 words
    • 111 15 LAST FIVE SUOW§! OPEXS TOMOIIHOIY! APPLAUOEi AGAIN by Last Night's Mid-mghters as the BEST Loral Malay Picture Yet! Shaw Bros. Studios Proudly presents 'NASUTA) SIPUT SERAWAK p KOOMAI NOR FIXE, TINGLING"THIUIXER'.T"A~COIUUNG~! GOOD PICTURE THAT GENERATES AN ALMOST INBEAKABLE AMOUNT OF SUSPENSE" TODAY FOUR SHOWS ffi^flUON 1 2-4.15-6.30-9 30p.m. *conditioned!!j THE
      111 words

  • 711 16  -  Indonesia nXI Give Fine Exhibition By PHILIP GOH THE Indonesian Chinese created a gooa impression yesterday when they defeated the Singapore Chinese by three goals to one in their initial outing at the Jaian Besar Stadium. The local team, after drawing level in the first half
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  • 83 16 The following are the results f yesterday's badminton ties in the Singapore Junior Champions'nns pnvcd at the C. tJ. Hall: Teo Khye Hin (Marigold) beat Ng Song Peow (>Teternal) 15-2. 15-6; Heng Siak Kwee (United Family i beat i Tan Hock Leng (Mercury), 15-3, 15-0; Wahab bin
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  • 142 16 Due to inclement w tether *e*t Sunday the anniversary eacree match for the Wonp Yun Hoi Cup is iMistpomd to today at 5 no p.m. on the prounds of St. J *ffi>i> Institution. Selections will be made ..a? field from the following "THE EKST"—Pat l< k
    142 words
  • 757 16 Jiiß. F. H. Smith, aped 72 years, made some of the much younger "old boys" sit up and take notice yesterday at the R.L ground, when he participated in tiie 100 yards race for Old Boys at yesterday's Raffles annual sports meeting. Mr.
    757 words
  • 203 16 The Singapoie Recreation C!ub scored a 54-run victory over R.A.F. Seletar on the padang yesterday. The following arc the scores: S.R.C.: Alfonso c Goodall b Wright 12, Minjoot c Kellcher b Holmes 1. Haseldine run out 12, Hope b Wright 2. Moore c
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  • 15 16 The Indonesian Chinese meW the R.A.F. Combined at J avian Kewar Stadium today.
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  • 354 16 THE cricket match between the Old Boys and the Present Boys of St. Joseph's Institution played on the school ground yesterday ended in a draw. The Old Boys opening batsman. J. Ga'istan, hit a fast 53 runs, which included 5 sixes and 3 four:;. F. Chopaid
    354 words
  • 96 16 PENANG. Bat scored a 99-run lead fa loss of Aye wicked in tat i t 1 Innings of the cricket njaS j against the Oombined Colt les on the International n£ i ground today. It rained heavily on f, ldßv and part cf today j did
    96 words
  • 82 16 The following S.C.C XI v» Rnval N I Terror) today at 11 ;i a Baae: K. Gould (Cat p" Murray, N. M*< K Pierce, J. G. <>.... J I Court. Ch. Hai r a, j Gr«?en, P. TtopUa, I Major A. It. l>avi. I Vs G.H.Q. PARKuf I
    82 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 92 16 OC3 Play Refreshed flKk OBTAINABLE FROM ALL 88—3 PROVISION STORES Only $3-75 per case of 24 bottles (plus deposit) a. \L eJL DON** fS?*SS£S HENNOL CU RES G RAY H AIR a T ßßßßaa*BaeeaaaeaaßTaaeeaTßa-ae*r-^'f^^ PEARLINE-PARIS LTO, P.O. Bo* 493, BOMBAY. Price?:—HENNOL OIL $3.75 POMADE $4.50 —:«}u»By 0TO«£ VAIN A MO
      92 words
    • 80 16 Dry "Cleaning and Dyeing. Up-Unku J M Chemical oj all Descripn WW/fii, Cto +Done With Quick J &y*itU TttecWk TAKES PRIDE PLEASURE IN BEING ABLE TO OFFER ITS patrons THE LATEST, THE NEWEST NOTHING BUT THE BEST! HERE'S JOHNNY'S 1949 JUNGLE ADVENTURE FOR HARI RAYA PUASA MIDNIGHT TUESDAY at 12
      80 words