Malaya Tribune, 22 July 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 65 1 MALAYA Tribune IL THE 9 PEOPLE Tel: "Tribune" Spore r ARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines Publish** simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Ptnang. mmWĔ mmtmwmmmmmm tjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtjmmmmmm TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1949 PRICE TEN GENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE:
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 Xtta handsome 500 ton twia MWW naota* >u4.«it, nov. lyiaf v «*«apure RaVttl* t»» usv, belongs to ex-emperor liao Dai, head of ihe Vietnam state, lt is on its way to Saigon, manned by a Frenrli crew.
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  • 122 1 Mr. Lee Kong Chian and his Associated Companies have promised to give a sum ot $250,000 to the University of Malya Endowment Fund. The money will be paid as follows $40,000 in 1049 and $15,000 to be paid yearly from 1950 to 1963. Sir
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  • 34 1 A.P. ROME, Thurs. Ex-King Peter of Yugoslavia arrived in Rome by pane Thursday from Venice. His visit was described as private. He and h;s wife landed in Venice last Sunday on holiday.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 81 1 A.P. OXFORD. Thurs. There is a common belief that Prince Charles was born with a silver spoon in his n. jth. However that may be, he has one now. It is a gift frcm children of the nearby village of Combe. The Duke of
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 223 1 Strike Warning To Singapore U.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday. Major General Claire ChennaiUt predicted today that there will be a series of Communist riots and strikes in far Eastern ports including Singapore, in the next few months. Chennauit released tnrougn tne veteran* nization, Amvets. his "secret
    U.P.  -  223 words
  • 97 1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Thurs Two Royai Dutch Airlines Constellation aircraft passed through Calcutta today, the first on the Amsterdam-Batavia route to touch India since the lifting >f the Indian Government ban against Dutch flying over the Dominion. The two planes were flying .n opposite directions with
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 25 1 The Singapore Stamp Club social meeting which was planned for Tuesday, 26 July, has been cancelled as the day is a public holiday.
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  • 163 1 MID EAST TALKS U.P. LONDON, Ti.urs —Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin told British diplomats today that their job was to help to bring security and stability to the Middle' East. Addressing the conference ot heads of the British diplomatic missions in the M* Ir "e Fast. Bevin
    U.P.  -  163 words
  • 281 1 LONDON, Thursday. Lord Ammon, 76-year-old Chairman of the National Dock Labour Board, who called the British Government "crazy" when it repudiated a Board "ultimatum" to striking London dockers, today agreed to resign his two Government posts. Lord Ammon drafted a letter of resignation immediately he received
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  • 31 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs.-Th State Department announce" today that the Tientsin office o the United States Information Service has been closed by Communist authorities. and that a protest would be made.-
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  • 34 1 A.P. HONG KONG. Thurs. Thirty-two members of the Youth Argosy are schedule < to leave tomorrow after a two-day sojourn in the colony. They are on a round the world trip by air.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 113 1 Reuter-AAP. gYDIfCT, Thurs. Hoses «vei i.rned on Communist speakers who tried to address workers at several Ade'aide factories tonight. The Communists were also pelted with flour and soot "bombs" and booed. These incidents coincided with reports of growing demands by miners in the New South Wales
    Reuter-AAP.  -  113 words
  • 723 1 Synthetic Plan Threatens World Safety—^cou LONDON, Thursday. AMERICANS driving to cut Malayan rubber prices were accused here tonight A by Mr. F. D. Ascoli, Dunlop rubber chief, of following an "ill-informed and dangerous" policy which was against United States foreign policy and
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  • 145 1 U.P. CANTON, Thurs. The Kwantung provincial arsenal across the Pearl River from central Canton exploded today, blowing artillery shells and ammunition into the sky above the suburb of Honan. Officials fear heavy casualties in the third blast at the arsenal in three months. There were no immediate
    U.P.  -  145 words
  • 187 1 Reuter— AAP. HONGKONG. Thurs.- British firms in Shanghai aie drawing on their reserves in London and Hongkong to the extent of £250,000 monthly to cove! their deficits, according to the London coiTespondent of the Hong Kong Telegraph. In a despatch today .the Telegraph's correspondent quoting reliable Shanghai
    Reuter— AAP.  -  187 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 a nor* $myu ta. hi r »»j»r- K»y Bl L 1 ~r l/ll jUl m* Sn ,IM ISBK0 |V I 'I ml v '•> III
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    • 140 1 SiTOH66UAM 25^°'COL£NAN STREET^' The best cigarette NEWS for over 40 years THE FILTER TIP your throat WHAT THE It is not enough to remove th commonsent* method of preventing impurities from the cut tobacco smoker s throat because it leaf—all reputable manufacturers effectivelyretainsirritants. io thm. But irritant* developed It guards
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  • 229 2 I)R. Robert Kho-Seng Lim, former Surgeon-General i of the Chinese Nationalist Army said in Singa- i pore over Radio Malaya last night that nobody wanted to join the Army in China. Dr. Lim, the Singapore-born son of Dr. Lim I Boon
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  • 42 2 Miss Alice Ang untitled her certificate from Mrs. Lyne at Ihe V.M.C.A. OjHWM C'bhws' Certificate distribution he'd re:entiy. Mr. R. Lyne, Genera' s« -.v ary o the VM.C .A. is seated, while Mr. G. Menon, principal ol fh* eorirmrcia' c»a*H**s is standing.
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  • 146 2 Mr. K. C. Koruthu. the firs* local orhcer to hold a senior appointment in the Malayan Meteorological Service has just been promoted from Meteorological Assistant to the post of Assistant Meteorological Officer. Mr. Koruthu joined the Survey Department in 1928 and passed through the Technical
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  • 45 2 The Singapore Government will allocate $50.000 for the construction of community halls. It was stated at the monthly meeting of the Rural Board held yesterday. This matter was first brought up for discussion by the Panjang Rural District Committer in January 1948.
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  • 18 2 Mi. D. P. Roes. M.C.S. has been appointed to officiate as Private Soctetary to the Commissioner-General.
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  • 53 2 The loss of his identity card so worried Leow Ec Fatt 23 that he tried to end his own life by taking caustic soda on July 17. In the Second Police Court yesterday Leow pleaded guilty to a cha» e of suicide. He was oounu over
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  • 37 2 MALACCA. Thurs. MaCity Fathers at their monthly meeting yesterday decided to send their fire chief, Mr. Low Yew Chong. to Singapore to learn all about fire-prevention. He will be away for about three months.
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  • 47 2 The 3,533-ton Blue Funnel ship Gorgon arrived in Singapore yesterday morning with 36 passengers from Australian port.In addition to nearly 1.000 tons of flour, frozen meat, fruit and other foodstuffs, and 3,140 sheep, the vessel brought 4 racehorses for the Malayan turf.
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  • 149 2 |)R. J. Coutts-Milne, Deputy-Director of Medical Services, told Singapore recently that the Medical Department in Singapore waa aiming at building up a form of social security on th? |tn*s of the Beveridgre Report. He wes lecturing on "The Medicr.l Department in the Miehinerv of
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  • 224 2 A police corporal Johan bin Salim, until recently attached to the Fourth Police Court was yesterday caoleti for two montns by the Fourth Police Magistrate when he was found guilty of accepting a $l-bribe from a hawker, Teo TfOOK Guan. Teo said that on May
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  • 95 2 Harbour Police took specin? precautions to prevent anyone leaving or getting on Urn 8.1.8.N 7,841-ton Bhirala when rhe came alongside the wharv. it yesterday until 8 woman passenger was escorted off the ship. The passenger, is understood to have travelled second class from Calcutta to Singapore.
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  • 86 2 The Secretary for Sscia! VeJfare has received from :c publishes of the Readu' Digest thicugh their oca! repieKcntativcs copies f the Braille edition cf the ad <mt Dlg.'rft. He wishes to be knewn that blind arsons in Singapore who ire able to read Braille and
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  • 23 2 A Chinese man was arrested yest-rday un'.er the Emergency Regulations. He is known to bo member of the Malayan Communist Party.
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  • 27 2 Th- MO.A.C. Qantas Lancastrian aircraft on the Colombo-Singapore service has been delayed 24 hours at Negombo due to engine trouble. It is expected in today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 COLUMBIA'S mmmam m^ mm IS ONE OF THE TCUGHESf I PICTURES STARRING WART ever to be presented in Singapore! ask anyone who has SEEN IT! NOW PLAYING &y*itU Ttiedlne 11 a.m. 1.45, 4, 6.30 9.30 PLUS LATEST BRITISH MOVIETONE NEWS:— Commonwealth Finance Ministers at Downing Street— Prince Charles Holds Court—l
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    • 96 2 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED A PIECE OF SUSPENSE EXCITEMENT SELDOM EQUALLED. YOU WILL AGREE WHEN YOU SEE. TODAY FOUR SHOWS B^lMOftj r PHONE 6903. W\\. Th.s per.t-ti"ed M 1 V UJIVHI drama a M 1 f ifly]^RT I !he only witne» to B i 1 j I i 7i W J| 1
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    • 147 2 0 MtW BR I ACS YOU THE INSIDE STORY OF THE BOXING RACKET! 5 TIMES TODa 11 a.m.; 1.43; 4.15; G. 45 A 9.30 p.m. S|M*cial Request Matimv for School GMMfiea Sunday 24th July at 8.30 a.m. Dorothy Lamour in Paramount's "TYPHOON" in Technicolor. Hear Dotty sing "Palm* of ParadiAdmission:—
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 388 2 ON THE AIR BLUE NETWORK Mto *.ih Ha. Tu«e. 12.02 v.™ livar Yaro; 12.15 \,n»i,».. ENGLISH PBOGBAMME9 N*«»; U.tefceeVdcd music; 12. fa closing 10.W A.M New. from Kuala -"h Sig. Tune r Lumpur. 10.05 (appro*.> Close »»wn. ,ot> tm p.m. Time Sianal. '>non--1.00 P.M. Half hour of music ,n Annct
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  • 48 3 The K.L.M.-Royal Dutch \ir- lines wish to thank all those who have expressed their sympathy over the loss of the Constellation aircraft nearBombay on July 12th 194®, in which the Company's Manager in Singapore, Mr. A. E. Pilgrams, in company with so many others, met his death.
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  • 186 3 444 Captured KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. Six hundred aifld ninety-one bandits have boon killed in tho Fedc-l-iiion up to June 30 since the Emergency began, stated a Government press release yesterday. During the same period 217 bandits were wounded and escaped while 85 bandits were wounded and captured.
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  • 155 3 Buying orders lor tin- j shares from London showed improvement yes- J terday hut laiied to S attract from this i end. Industrial market was quiet and steady with no j I price changes. I Price changes an- > nouneed by the Malayan I Sharebrokers" Association I
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  • 114 3 Willi good buying inqiuiy •he rubber market opened film yesterday at a price 3 4 rent highei than previous. Business was very bmk. The market, however, eased sligh'ly at the ciose. with ew urofptakers. Closing prices were Buyers Seller.No 1. Aug. RSS 34 34 1 4 No. 3
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  • 168 3 Blai k Penper nio mad- a further &12 jump ye i :«t--day, at $330 because ,>t continued failure of fresh MTlClia .'r.>m ttM Indies and low st >ck in -he local matkei. Win.- Muntok was -i.r;rkfJ UP at $123. $2 above previous; and White Sarawak went Bp 1a
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  • 68 3 Manuola (44): empire Ham els (Sheers Wharf), Som.ili (42 I?)' Daybeani (40/44.); Mount Mansfield (38/39); Benvorlich (83/37); Star Betelgeuse (89 1 Bantmi (3132); Feinside (17/1811 Gorgon (19/20); Frederuk Clover (2122): Idomeneus (23/24); Atreus (25/26); Benarty (27 W); Amsteldiep (2930): Bi uas 'F.S. E.D.E.); Shirala) (15-16): SurypfdU* (13/14);
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  • 51 3 Air mail is expected today from Aden. N. &S. America, We«t Indies. Europe. Africa, Eire, Ot Britain, Egypt. Iran. iraq. Pakistan. U.S.S.R.. Korea. Macao. China (including Manchuria Formosa* Japan. PhilUpines and Pa*em*«ng. Latest time of posuon U tne G.P.O. to Australia. \'ew Zealand, Medan. and Padang s 6
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  • 24 3 Surface mail is expected from Pontianak. Latest tfme of posting at the G.P.O. to N. Sumatra. U.S.A. and Sibu is i oon.
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  • 48 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs —There have been 227 arrests in the Federation during the jiast week ending July 20. 54 in Selangor; 62 in Johore, 62 in Perak, 15 m Kedah Perl is, 11 in Pahang, 8 in Penang; 3 in Trengganu and IS in Negri Se»ibilan.
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  • 52 3 MALACCA, Thurs. The Malacca Historical Society has acquired a rare Chinese j wcoden bed said to I*- 60 to I 70 years old from Messrs. I Kutty Brothers, well-known J curio dealers of Malacca. It is 6 feet by 2> L feet and has' very old carvings on
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  • 63 3 A second 8.0.A.C. four- ngmed Ganadair aircraft la expected in Singapore next Monday from the United Kingdom on a proving tlight to Tokio. Carrying only crew pel nel the purpose of the Bight is to give them "route experience. Canadair.:. modified version ct the Skymastct powered with
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  • 58 3 Judgment by consent wan entered by the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley. in the High Court yesterday in a civil suit brought by Itessrs. Vfee Kah Kiat and R. C. H. Lim against the Blacksmith.; Owner- Association and the Singapore Blacksmiths Cnion tor possession of the whole of
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  • 360 3 Owner Promised Me A Lease Witness HAD it not been for the repeated assurance of Mr. Woe Thiam Hock that he would give him a lease on the land, he would not have bought the huts from the Dutch military authorities, stated Mr. Guiam Mahmud in his evidence in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 A scene from "Midsummer Night's Bream" acted by the graduates of the Raffles Girls' School at the Wesley Rewie "Fantasia" held recently. The KfMH- which includes another short "Dear Departed*' acted hy Stanley Houghton, wU! be'repeated .at the Wesle\ Hal! this evening at X p.m.
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  • 107 3 The Green Howards Regiment, of which the King of Norway is Colonel-in-Ch \>f because of the regiment's v ir service in Norway, is to eoi ie to Malaya for action the bandits. The advance party of t ie regiment, an officer and :2 men, arrived in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 892 3 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS (For particulars see Tender Room, Ground Floor, Municipal Office) ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: Supply of 1,000 Electric Cooker Control Units and 1,000 D.P. Hwiteh-fr uses. Forms from Electricity Uepartment (Room 30»). Closr NOON—IB/8/49. WATER DEPARTMENT: Supply of Three Direct Current Electric Motors. Deposit $500. Close NOON—9/8/41). GAS DEPARTMENT: SuppK
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    • 394 3 SIT: VACANT EUROPEAN Firm has vacancy for male accountant Chinese. Ability to assist in Import' Export business added asset. Please apply Eox A.5631 M.T., Spore. <T.97t. WANTED part-time agents either sex for Health Insurance Co.. on commission basis. Apply 314 South Bridge Road. S'pjre. <T.99>! MALE btenograplier and general office
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    • 1165 3 New Happy Theatre CHEAP matinee TOMORROW at 3.30 P.M. Bud ou ABBOTT COSTELLO "KEEP EM FLYING" SUNDAY MORNING SHOW at II A.M. "KEEP EM FLYING" SINDAV CHEAP MATINEE at 2.30 P.M. "BLACK COIN" (Whole Serial) OPENING SUNDAY 7.30 and 9.30 P.M. "RENEGADES" in Technicolor maiMUMM)«iaNM«a«HM OPENING TO-DAY: 3 SHOWS—3, B4S
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  • 669 4 THE Progressives keep a promise and take the lead on housing. The Singapore Government were given two months to produce legislation to deal with the appalling overcrowding in the Colony, and failed to do it. So Mr. John Laycock has filed his bill for a Singapore Housing Board,
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  • 2485 4  -  by FRANCIS THOMAS President of the Singapore Labour Party NEARLY four years after the end of the War. the War Damage Compensation Scheme is still not settled. This long delay, and a certain amount of confused talk, perhaps make people rather bewildered
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  • 290 4 Reuter. BULLETS and bustling gun emplacements make farming adventurous for South Korean frontier farmers South of the 38th parallel. The 38th parallel divides Korea into two zones, the North under Russian influence,, the South under United States. In the farming regions South of the frontier line. Koreans
    Reuter.  -  290 words
  • 543 4 Reuter. IN spite of war and political C unrest, the urgent de- mands of world trade have steadily stimulated the re- 1 covery of Indonesia's economy. Until recently, the greater part of the most highly developed areas of Java and Sumatra, (Java is by far
    Reuter.  -  543 words
  • 343 4 A.P. COLOGNE If you want to .smuggle out a Ictti i or hide spy information, then Heitnich Schmitz is youi man. Schnnt;'. can write 5.360 words on the back of a pos age stamp. He can put 250,000 word; on a normal post card. The
    A.P.  -  343 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 55 4 NEXT in the GREAT series of CLASSICS JUuJtXaUd Comes SILAS MARNER t>y Ctorqe (Hot Paramount Traders Ltd. 95 CROSS STREET I TEL: 2859 ACCOMMODATION MERCANTILE HOSTEL 13, Queen Street. Luxurious rooms available at moderate rates for Asians and Europeans. Paying gueits receive at all times. Particular* from Supervisor. Phone 2870.
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    • 13 4 PUTS ITS SPARKLE into every occasion IS O D Ai I WAT ERI
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  • 1075 5  -  Tribune Magazine By HOMER SMITH A.P. EMPEROR Haile Selassie, the lion of Judah, will be ~>7 years old tomonow. Until 1935 his life was comp natively peaceful and quiet in his African fastness, but the last 14 years have been ears of
    A.P.  -  1,075 words
  • 821 5  -  By HAIG NICHOLSON Reuter. THIS tiny capit-l cf Anuaoi is built on seven hills and in six valleys. On r,no of th > hills is the summer home 0" King Abdullah, who is t > visit England m ::t month Here it is that
    Reuter.  -  821 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1777 5  -  l By Narayana Menon. INDIAN music is a vciy ancient, subtle and highly developed ait ami has a history of thousands of years behind it. It is not an exaggeration to say that long before the Chiistian eta. it had developed not only definite laws of theory
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 VERY SCO?)! ■111*1 A.AN HAIE AUTMUt KENNEDY MAHaws FLORENCE ye A y<Hir future oy wonderful power of intuition. You can do no I etter than go to an advisor, who has helped thousands in every walk of lire Eore-warned is Fore-armed II is never too late to help yourself by
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  • 768 6  -  PEN-PORTRAIT OF BOBBY DRISCOLL TALKING FILMS... By^— Dave Douglas YOUNG Bobby Driscoll is probably the most "natural kid" among all screen moppetsHis parents, former teachers, have made a scientific study of seeing that his childhood and his outlook are thoroughly normal. His weekly income
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  • 386 6 The Barry more Recipe: ¥F you want to live a long and full life, keep busy, s what Lionel Barr?morc said last week when he spiked a rumour he was considering retirement. "I've never even given the matter a thought," he declared. "Why, I'll be
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  • 149 6 LONDON FILMS announce that preparatory work has been started on a him In celebration of the Festival of Britain, 1051. The tnenie of tne picture will be tne Oreat Exhibition held in Hyde ***** 100 years previously which was sponsored uy Queen Victoria and Fnnce
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 235 6 t Ai'TAl* BASV b > Turner N^R E I ICM DO THM Jfl ATER THAT WW* fSS HE COULD SEE US NOW, DADDvJ PC* VOUI UNCLE EA*V SMOWK) y GIG LEARNS THE I r \a, c rrii wou wTT^ —we d,d 11 f nod haven't 1 ccxjldwt V~hmm.... s EVEN
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  • 387 7 HELICOPTERS WILL SPEED DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT FROM FACTORY TO FRONT WASHINGTON. Flying ft uppltefl direct from the factory to the battlcrteld is the latest transportation idea under ?tudy by the services. Heie's tne way it would work. Guns, ammunkion, food, first aid supplies, even
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  • 917 7 NEY YORK. DREVIOUS stories pointed out that the engineers putting up the new gas-to-gaso-line plant at Brownsville. Texas, this year may be contributing a good deal to the country's liquid fuel prospects and may also, through the new oxygen-making part of the plant, be giving one
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  • 654 7 THe time has arrived uhen the multifarious radio t> I fcnical improvements of recent date can be made available to th, public, and 19MMI 'luently MM tfUt OMR# arros* in tocfcnical rtidet, mdv*J liwcwri (md pamphlets many nnv ■M chanical the significance of tch-ch \cill
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 li Made Yoang I Vigour Renewed Without Operation If yva feel old before yo*ir time I «UTer from nerve, brain and phyalcej veakneaa yon will find new happineae I md health In an American medic* llaceverv which restores youthful 'igour "and vitality quicker thaa rland operatlona. It ia a aimple
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 1038 8 THE Sultan presents his compliments to the engineer in charge and wishes him to open the bridge in course of erection in Constantinople in order to let a ship from the dockyaid pass through at once." When this message was delivered into the
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  • 640 8  -  By CLIVI. HOLLAND MOST people,'when visiting the seaside, must have noticed, especially after a storm, men, and sometimes women, walking along the water's edge intently scrutinising the sand. These are the "beach-combers." a term, we believe of South Sea origin, meaning those who pick up flotsam and jetsam
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  • 627 8 Meet your neighbours The La Cruz Family Of Manila JUAN DE LA CRUZ, his wife Concha and four children live in Quezon City, an expansive site just outside Manila's present municipal limits. They rent a modern bungalow with a little garden where they grow roses and bigonias. Their
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 53 9 This curious machine is the is the G.L.R. Telescopic Leader for mechanised room and mining, on view for the first time at the exhibition of mining machinery held at Earln uurt stadium, London. Operated by a2O horsepower electric motor it can shift one and half ton's of
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  • 289 9 Seeks Middle East Aid For Asiatic Muslims' A.P. CAIRO, Thurs.—Syed Alsagoff, the we of Malaya has declared here a Malay minority is being ne nism by alien Chinese. In order to prevent the mcrease *"£™t? supsaid, trie religious spirit of Islam should be
    A.P.  -  289 words
  • 65 9 U.P. WASHINGTON, Thurs. The American Federation of Labour voted on Wednesday to raise a $14,000,000 campaign to defeat its "enemies" and elect its "friends" in the 1950 Congresssional elections. Representatives of more than 100 national and international AFL unions authorized the AFL Political League to begin
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 9 Commander Keynand, skipPr <»f the 500 ton motor yacht l"-longing to I'ao Dai, Chief of the Vietnam State, which ta now in Singapore on its «;iv to Saigon.
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  • 47 9 Reuter—AAP. TOKYO. Thurs. -Admiral Sir Patrick IJrind. Commano- i-in-Chief Royal Navy, Far Eastern Station, today left ire to* Hongkong aboard Mgatc HMS Alert. Admiral Blind dining a fortnight's visit to Japan twice conferred with General Douglas Macarthur. Supreme Allied Commander in Japan. Reuter—AAP.
    Reuter—AAP.  -  47 words
  • 96 9 U.P. MANILA. Thurs. It was reliably learned today that the Government may ban the display for any purpose of the Japanese "meat ball" flag anywhere in the Philippines. it was said that recommendations to that effect were received by the Department of the Interior, following incidents
    U.P.  -  96 words
  • 23 9 WASHINGTON. Thurs. -The United States Senate tonight ratified the Atlantic Pact by an overwhelming vote. Voting figures were 82 to 13.
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  • 149 9 A.P. WASHINGTON. Thursday—A high policy official said today that the United States has abandoned any nopes it might once have had that the Chinese Communists might follow the example of Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia and turn against 'their masters in the
    A.P.  -  149 words
  • 75 9 A.P. TOKYO, Thurs. An unnamed Japanese husband in Niigata finally has reached the end of his domestic tether. A press report from Niigata said the husband posted a large advertisement saying he would give away his wiu and 50,000 yen because of the
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 72 9 U.P. London, Thu-.s. Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin told th< today that the Berlin airlift would be leduced as soon as supply reserves in Ber'in arcenough to last for five months. He added, however, "We are going to keep the machinery ot the airlift in existence in
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 100 9 A.P. HONG KONG. Thurs Hong Kong's garrison strength is to be raised to 25.000 men instead of the original goal ot 12,000. sources close to the British Command said today. The sources said the garrison strength already had passed 12,000 and by tIM end of this month
    A.P.  -  100 words
  • 33 9 Reuter. GENEVA, Thurs.—The United States, showing its hand on President Truman's "Four Point" plan to aid under-deve-loped countries, today urged a big cut in the United Nations' ambitious U5536,000,000 plans. —Rcuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 113 9 U.P. WASHINGTON. Thurs High adinittlatrsUoa and < ox grcssionni lesdcrff meeting under i_< of the utmost BCUreCy fr.r the seCOOd llim- ID a w... k have failed to resolve the atomic problems involving the (Jotted State* relation* with Britain «nd Canada. After a tl.r. t-
    U.P.  -  113 words
  • 66 9 U.P. CANTON, Thurs.—Nationalist leaders reported the capture of a communist document claiming that the Chinese communists have an atomic bomb and an "antiatomic" bomb. The Nationalists said the document was captured "during fighting around Tachangcheng 21 miles northwest of Yutze in Shansi." According to the document
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 293 9 Reuter and AAP. SEOUL. Thurs. The Korean Government today issued the first official statement on the assassination of Kirn Koo, wartimĕ President of the Korean Exile Government on June 26. This was the first time the press gave details of the slaying by
    Reuter and AAP.  -  293 words
  • 180 9 A.P. W ASHINGTON, Tuesday.—Elimination of racial barriers to American citizenship would be a defence for Pacific peoples against Communism, Hawaii's delegate to the U.S. Congress said here. A spokesman for Hawaiian-Japanese said it might keep Japan from going Red. Republican Joseph Farrington told
    A.P.  -  180 words
  • 43 9 Reuter. VALETTA, Malta, Thurs.The 27,000-ton British ship Georgic he arrived at Grand harbour here to embark the main body and equipment of the Third Royal Marine Commando Brigade for Hongkong. The ship will sail tomorrow, according to usually reliable source.—Reuter,
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 258 9 A.P. WASHINGTON, Thursday. American rice growers, using mechanised methods and other la-bour-saving devices, face a problem of exporting their production of 100,000,000 bushels a year more than double the prewar crop or see their industry decline to prewar levels. They hope to compete
    A.P.  -  258 words
  • 172 9 -and Bali is hers Pretty, vivacious. If In Maty Woodward flew into Singapore yesterday on hei way to the United Kingdom. Miss Woodward, 21, a Univcisity studer.:.s. na- •> n chosen "Miss New Zealand" by the N.Z. Air Force Association. She was selected from 13 finalists
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 WITH OR WITHOUT LOCKS 1 j I STURDILY BUILT I fOR LASTING SERVICE I i jorncs EauiPKEm FLY SINGAPORE BANGKOK BY. 3g Em ti iKB 1 AIRiHiES(S<AW)tTDj 6 »/2 hour nigui f are »it>U. j EVERY MONDAY 12S0 hrs., THURSDAY 0830 bra. with through connection* to Europe and U.K. by
      101 words
    • 70 9 S P. H. P. ♦TABLETS provide a safe treatment to regain lost health and energy. After taking treatment voth Special H.P. Tablets energy, memory, freshness, euvsticity and interest in one's work is brought about in a natural manner. SP.H.P. is an effective e« mi pound in the list of the
      70 words

  • 467 10  -  Londa Lad dies at Penang F rom ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Today. AIRGEE and Blank Spec spurted very well down the straight this morning when the track outside the course proper was opened for training. Airgee did the two in 24-4/5 sees, whiie Blank Spec
    467 words
  • 49 10 The following playera art iiuested to play footbail for Julli" luds against Guard Dock Unit tomorrow al Fairer Park and on Sunday against the tt.'{ Bs.D. at Kranji: Narayn.'. Rasak, Kader. Gham. Sapee. Sfhfha. Muniyandt. Salahudin. T0u,:..,,'. Hus.ien. Dollah. Syedi. Rahman. Kass, Kriahnasamy, V. o. Syed, Bari.
    49 words
  • 225 10 ALTHOUGH they led by two goals in the earlier part of the game the R.A.F. went down to the Navy, who staged a magnificent rally to win by five goals to two, in an S.A. F.A. 'nter-Community League match at Jalan Besar Stadium, yesterday. Thomas
    225 words
  • 91 10 A team selected from the following will represt-i.t C nl* Cricket Club in a tournament fixture agains; R.A.F. Changi on Sunday at Chsad at 11 a.m. <AII players and ol!leia»« are requested to meet at "The Chujnniery'. 93**. Serangoon Road nt Ml a.m.) A. E. Delilkan (Ca,<L), W.
    91 words
  • 61 10 The following have i een inv*ers Cricket Club versus St ers' Cricket Club versu St. Andrew's Old Boys on Bundav, at Woodsville at 11.00 a.m. Andrew (.iilmour \Capt.), T. Lafjaakift. Dr. J. H. Strahan. H N. Balhatchet. W. R. M. Ilaxworth. A. Baker, N Bradbur'E. E. Turner. G.
    61 words
  • 52 10 The following will r<iproarn)l United Lads "B" against Roxy B.P. "B at hndminton on Sunday, at the former's court it 7.30 a.m. Lim Choon V it. Tav Soy ItAh. Yap »»eng Seah Edward Koh. Phua Chwee Kirn. Peck Seek Beng. Tan IVng Ktio-i Johnv Sect and Oh
    52 words
  • 30 10 The golf match between [«Uu Club and the Royal International Club has been postponed from 26th July to l*7th. Ent>i.?s for the match (lose at noon on Saturday.
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  • 1375 10 CNTRIES for this yt*rr s Singapore Amateur Athletic Asswiation cihampioiLships number about 200. The meeting will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium at 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 29 and at 3 p.mon Saturday, Aug. 30. For the first time in the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 605 10 MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE earners' option to proceed via other porta to load and discharge cargo. Sailings from U.K. U.S.A. 'Clytoneus"_ from oK/ Cont. iiiTv 24 "Myrmidon"....... from U.S.A J«J S "Maron" from U.K -Jul/ ••Rloenor" from UK Aug. "Astyanax" —from U.K. j££ Titan' from
      605 words
    • 91 10 THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Sarawak) Weekly passengers A freight services to Kuching Kejang River Ports and Blntulu (with transhipment at Kuching). Doe Balls Rajah Brooke for Kuching, In Port 5 p.m. July 23 Rruas for Sarikei, Blnatang, Sibu In Port 4 p.m. July 23 Angby for Kuching
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    • 603 10 BOITsTEAD CO., LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railway* GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOP LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTEROau Due Sa,. GLENGARRY (Calls Alexandria) July > ;j 7^7, RADNORSHIRE (Calls Alexandria Genoa) Aug J f GLENGYLE Aug. 26 TZtB. FROM ILK. FOR STRAITS, HONGKONG, BHANCHAI*x-t JAPAN. WD Du* DENBIGHSHIRE about
      603 words

  • 5114 11 First Day Of Penang Races Class I Div. I 7 Furs. PBTJfCBSa GUINEVERE 9.03 FIOHTH 18-4-49 Ipoh 9.04. 6J Fura. Str. (Lawler). Sprinter's Cup Won by No RegTets 1 mm. tJiH meeting. FIFTH 30-4-49 Spore 9.04. Abt. 7 Furs. (Jones) Div. 1, Won by Byron 1
    5,114 words
  • 862 11 BELOW are the probable runners with their owners and trainers for tomorrow's races at Penang, the first day of the Penang Turf Club's Gold Cup Meeting:— HORSES. CLASS 1 m\. 1 7 ITKI.ONGS. PRINCESS GUINEVERE ».03 Madam Ida Oei Kirwa-. FORTUNE'S VAVOURiTE 8.13 M a H.B. Lauw K.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 21 12 GOMEZ.—At Lilly Maternity Clinic, Singapore, on 21st July, 1949, to Girlie, wife of J. P. Gomez, a daughter. Both well
    21 words
  • 74 12 MRS. CHIA HOOD THE AM (nee Yeo I*an Neo) passed away at the age of 88 on Thursday, 21st July. 1949. at 148. KiUiney Road, leaving behind four sons. Messrs. Chia Keng Chin. Chia Keng Tye, Dr. 'liia Keng Hoe. and Chia Keng Boon, four daughters, sons-in-\iw, and numerous
    74 words
  • 531 12 U.P. LONDON, Thursday Wartime Prime IVtoistcr mitted today that he had "not the slightest doub 4 would have rejected the "unconditional surrender" policy toward Germany v it had been consulted. A Churchill's admission was made in the House of Commons during an
    U.P.  -  531 words
  • 38 12 A.P. BANGKOK, Thurs.—The Ministry of Finance has decided to print cigarette duty labels abroad. It seems that duty labels are too easily forged in Thailand when the originals are printed by the Government Tobacco Monopoly.- -A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 88 12 U.P. BATAVIA. Thurr. Fleicr Lighting between Dutch troops ;nd Indonesian guerillas With neavy" Indonesian losses was eported hy Dutch authoritie: oda>. '.femwhile, the informal Indonesian-Dutch flu. m were expected to be re- j pened Monday at Jcgjaka>ta Increased guerilla activity I was reported
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 73 12 i\' rty-tnive catc ot dangeious inleclious diseases ..eadeu by 10 cases oi chick--0 jfoxi wee reported dating u n* id the i -»»al areas of •Singapore island. I out CBJ 1 oi r 0..0. four of nphtherHi. two Of npnsy. and one each of
    73 words
  • 251 12 MR. Frank Buck, the world famous big game hunter now in Vfalaya on his first post war collecting trip, snould have been at Cairnhill road. Singapore, last night. He would perhaps have cheered at seeing an animal collector for the wood's zoos stand no
    251 words
  • 176 12 Reuter. LONDON. TliurB.--£>U!n? n British Government SSC-Vittsa depressed the London 'ock ejri nantre at the openmu 'oflay. Prires were widely l Mh to per < ent lower in uilted;; 'd atid six i»enre to one shilling .n indu.----t rials. Throughout the session mo< market.* remained very sensi'.ve hut
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 77 12 Y.W.C.A.: Malay Le pinners—a. 15 a.m. and Malay Lessons, V'\ a.m at 5 Raffles Quav SINGAPORE KIFLK TION: Shoot inn pram.. a S.V.C. Open B,j a h nr.! —4.30 to 6.30 p.m. ad KOOKMAX S MUSIC STl nin Fortnightly Piano reoinl i, v o,, Foorman. Admission
    77 words
  • 193 12 CATHAY: "The Set Up" w h Robert Ryan and A'idr.- t ter, 11 a.m. l 45. 4.IE «.45 3.20 p.m. CAPITOL: "Dead Ke koni with Humphrey Bogar and 1 beth Scott. 11 a.m. 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: "The W ndov with Barbara Hale, fc ijb\ Drip coll, Arthur
    193 words
  • 19 12 INTF.R COMM1 NITt M \Tf HES: Navy Team vs. R.A.F ■'"nm. hin«"1) at Jalan Besar id'um. —5.15 p.m.
    19 words
  • 230 12 Reuter. Today s county < 11<. k» t tm are: AT TAUNTON beat Somerset by an invan aid 18t» runs. Dsifaysliire set S3 (Copson. right inn tVtmedium. 5 for M, '!sc*;r. right-arm fast-medium. 1 'or Tli and lit iJackson, riirh'-ari medium. 6 for 43. Copjnn S Uk 14*.
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 695 12 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (Chapter 45) In th* Court of the Colony of Singapore Island of Singapore. IN BANKRUPTCY. Wage Earner's Administration Order No. 314 of 1i»39. RE KARIM BIN OMAR, of Room No. 51. Maxwell Road. Postmen's Quarters. Singapore: Postman. NOTICE iJ hereby given that a Finit md Pinal divi
      695 words
    • 447 12 NOTICE TENDERS. TENDERS will bo received t the office of the Director of Vnblic Works. Singapore, up to .uon of the 6th August, 1949, ft thr execution of Current Repairs, Minor Works, Renabilitation and Painting in the Rural Division. Public Works Department. Singapore, during the period Ist September. 1949, to
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
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    • 12 12 T»d< H.W. —8.45 a.m. <? ft ft i,• 7.40 p.m. <8 3 in'
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