Malaya Tribune, 21 July 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 MALAYA Tribune the LARGER SALES IHAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALA YA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines Published gimultaneouaty at Singapore, Kuaia Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. EIGHT PAGES. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS
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  • 864 1 TEL THE PEOPLE pOR more than one hundred years the people of Malaya have lived under the British Crown. They have enjoyed British justice. They respect it. And they like it. They like it because British justice tempers the strict letter of the law with the priceless
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  • 293 1 NATIONAL planning bodies to administer all War Damage funds on a Malaya-wide scale have been proposed in a memorandum submitted to the Colon al Secretary by the Singapore La Sour Party, it was officially announced today. The Party's memorandum opposed any direct
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  • 93 1 A.P. DKDHAM, Massachusetts Wed. Barbara Hutton. the Woolworth heiress, now critically ill in Venice, is to haw the custody of her l.?-ycar old son Lance Reventlow nut;! Sept. 15 to help her recover. This ruling was given today by Judge Arthur Davi in the Dedham
    A.P.  -  93 words
  • 107 1 Reuter. LONDON, Wed.—Bri- J tii v.» »,«wn w. |.i«iiu'- td £160,500,000 to the ttrilish I olonies since January 1, 1944, Colonial Secretary Arthur C reech ««oae!» said in a Parlla- j ■uentarv reply today. i This included £120,000,- 000 under the C olonial S Development and Welfare
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 54 1 U.P. •ll' ATEMALA CITY. Wed The military revolt against Pn ident Juan Joke Arcva Jo'.s Government has been put down and order restored. Officials estimated that ."00 people were killed or wounded in the two-day revolt— -the 20th uprising against Arevalo since he came to power in the
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 493 1 'CUT MALAYA'S DOLLARS'- M P. LONDON, Wednesday. Sir John Barlow, Liberal National. urged in House of Commons debate tonight on the Colonies that Malaya should be asked to use less of the U.S. dollars earned from tin and rubber exerts, in order to aid Britain. u.y The amount of hard
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  • 108 1 A BILL for establishing Singapore Housing Board has been filed, and notice hat been given by Mr. John Lay- I cock that he will move the first reading at the next meeting of the Legislative Council. I The proposed Housing Board will carry out the
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  • 30 1 Reuter. SYRIO-ISRAELI BORDER. Wed. The Syrian-Israeli armistice, which has been under negotiation since April, was. signed today in a tent in no-man'sland in northern Gah- 1 lee. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. HON G X O NeG. Wed. Th Chinese Nationalist Governni. n lias guaranteed the safe cond'w of the Hongkong tug Caro'n; Moller to go to Shanghai and tow the damaged Blue Futri^ 1 steamer Anchiscs to Japan for repairs. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 96 1 Reuter. CALCt'TTA, Wednesday. Police tonight cleared up the mystery behind the 14 human bodies cut into pieces and packed in bundles found in a pond in the southern part of the city last night. After day-long investigation* the police announced that the corpses were remnants of dissected
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 72 1 Reuter. LIVERPOOL. Wed.- The sknl of bagpipes was heaid across the Rlvei Mersey today hs the First Battalion of thr King's Own Scottish Border (•is embarked in the troopship Devomhtre here to reinforce the Hongkong garrison. The Devonshire will al i take the headquarters staff
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 343 1 Reuter LONDON, Wed.- The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Arthur Creech-Jones, told Parliament today that the principle of continuity would be kept in mind in appointing a new Governor of Sarawak. Mr. William Teeling, Conservative, had asked why the Governor of Sarawak. Sir Charles Ardern Clarke, had been
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 National Employer's Mutual General TIKE MOIOB WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, > J PERSONAL ACCIDENT and oth?r classes of ixsiuaate; ASSOCIATION LTD. I Incorporated in Xll K ,a *4j£% %r» Mfjrr Chambers. fetf&*§| s pore. JfW Muiftr: N. S. WISE. M%ne: W. SINGLE DOUBLE BREASTED (FULLY LINED) INI FOUR STYLES IN VARIOUS SHADES
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    • 19 1 ffo\, and, SINGAPORE 5420 /5429 KUALA LUMPUR ***** arrives fcr mere JWers THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR A TIGER
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  • 325 2 THE Happy World Trade Exhibition which was to have been held in August has been postponed until September or October, after the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, suggested that the 500 foreign visitors who will be in Singapore then for United
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  • 67 2 Mi. Lim Koon Teck has been appointed chairman of the Committee of Appioval to succeed Mr. Claude dc Silva who has resigned. I Mr. Jee Ah Chian has been appointed to thfe same comI mittee in place of Mr. D. I Robertson who has aiso re- signed.
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  • 37 2 The American Consulate- General will be closed on Wednesday. July 27. in observance of the Hari Raya Puasa holiday. It will also be closed on Saturday, July 30. and Monday. August 1 for the Bank holidays.
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  • 27 2 The Secretary for Social Welfare expressed thanks ycstci day from an anonymous gift of neckties sent thiough the post and marked "For the Needy".
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  • 35 2 the public holiday <>»» II he occasion of Mar; i Kaya Pixasa will fall, on, Wednesday-, July ?J, and not on Tuesday, July 26, t lit was officially am nounced yesterday.
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  • 79 2 Several laige donations 10 the University of Malaya Endowment Fund were recently received from individuals and firms, bringing the total of the Fund to $152,592.04 up to July lb. The latest large donors are Mr. Lee Choon Seng $10,000; Mr. Lee Wee Nam $5,000; Mi. P. F.
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  • 346 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A twenty-milion-pound plant which produces a substance that "makes water wetter" and helps to keep Singapore's streets clean, aids weedkillers on plantations and makes foam rubber foamier will be opened at Stanlow, in England, this morning. The plant is the extension the
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  • 48 2 The Ek Iv Association will celebrate its forthcoming twelfth anniversary at its premises in Palembang Road. Mr. Lam Eng Koon, Hon. Secretary of the Association, said yesterday. Mr. Lim is also treasurer of the Boon Ewe Sia and Bian Sim Sia of Singapore.
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  • 118 2 There are now 255 registered Chinese schools in Singapore, with 64,600 pupils, fhiis 91 per cent of the total enrolment. Of these pupils 37. 500 attend Aided Schools. In addition there are 60 unregistered Chinese Schools in the Colony, 42 in the Municipality and 18 in
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  • 57 2 The Singapore Volunteer Corps has vacancies for a medical officer and six assistants, an intelligence officer and twelve assistants, also catering experts to advise on rations for local personnel and on local food for British soldiers. Men with this special knowledge may contact the Duty Officer at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 TRICKED TRAPPED In THIS CHARMING I SINNER BOGEY B THIS GORILLA,:- HOODLUM IN ~4 NOW 11 am 1,455 PLAYING 4,6.30*9.30 Ca&itU TtvedUie j Last 3 Shows: S, 6.15, 9.15 p.m. 1 WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA LOY «.n M G M s Mystery-( omedy! "SONG OF THE THIN MAN" j OPENING
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    • 162 2 SIMS FURY!.. soW Minutes Torn From a Man's Battered Body and a Woman's Tormented Soul! codded a, cha»o BUCK NOW FOR TODAY 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 9.30 p.m. I in'ii,- .S4OO for v».ur Reservation!*. (.BEAT HOU-..1» Atlantic "5 !>.15 "THK CHLS VHKS Toaa/ttrwk: I) I IK WITH .X UV
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 425 2 Rf ¥TF XFTWORK Signal N*wi, 9.45 Time for Sig. Tnne, 5.02 Recorded music. T» M|ll(ic Nf> üby th< Bt Mi<lajul ;,.05 Today s Spotlight. 5.08 Tamil aw MMfeiLM L«»«t Orchestra Conductor Oil- Popular %unr», 5.35 K»ral Ilro^iltWOLlSß IBOOKA3IBJIS yjiUer. 10.15 nit i s in H»r- Muslim sc nj;s. «00 10.00
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  • 514 3 Lower Court Verdict Reversed AVER $100,000 worth of gold bars, belonging to a Chinese seaman and confiscated by a Police Court order will be returned to him. A Police Court fine of $300 will also be refunded to the seamanThis was the result of
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  • 32 3 Ho Swee Leng, 30, trishaw rider was fined $50 when he I was found guilty in the SecI ond Police Court yesterday of being in fraudulent possession 1 of rice.
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  • 247 3 BUKIT TIMAH CAR CRASH THE Singapore Coroner, Mr. I \V G. Porter, returned i two findings at the inquest of I Malay driver, Ismail bin Dafer, and Tan Meng Keng. of whom were killed in a :atal motor accident at 4 1 Milestone. Bukit Timah Road,
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  • 90 3 Tan Peng Khim, assessment clerk at the Volunteer Record Office, now under sentence of j eight weeks' imprisonment tor attempting to cheat the widew ot a volunteer, will I serve hi:5 period. i His appeal against convic tion w/as dismissed by the Chief Ju. tiC.\ Mr.
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  • 306 3 This information will clarify the present position with regard to the emigration of unskilled labourers from 'India to Malaya. The ban which has b?en imposed by the Government of India on such emigration since June, 1938. applies to all unskilled labourers irrespective of the length
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  • 124 3 AFTER one month of unsuccessful negotiations on wage-cuts, representatives of the Singapore Sawmillers' Association and of the workers in thirteen sawmills met at the Labour Department, yesterday before the Deputy Commissioner for Labour, Mr. C W Lvle, to reach a settlement. No decision was
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  • 69 3 I f Wong Keh Han. (32), j Tahir bin Wok. (30). and Saman bin Haji Ismail, (32), J were charged in the Fourth j Police Court yesterday with I having Indonesian counterfeit notes. It was alleged that the notes, 200 of 25 Roepiahs, were found
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  • 145 3 Mr. Lee Hiok Simui, who is yoimj to the U.S.A. to continue his studies, is a son of the Singapore Chinese hmmker, Mr. Lm Wee lite**. lit to nrocetfMne tit Hongkong by «»r today, Fimn Hongkong he. will board th> Prisidmt Wilson for California
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  • 102 3 Kuala Lumpui, Wed A bill will be- introduced at the next session of the Federal ative Council on August 3 to p rov 'de for registration of Societies in Malaya. The bill is already published in the Government Gazette. Under the proposed bill, drery local Society
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  • 19 3 X.L.M. Constellations ate to resume regular landings twice weekly in Singapore on the trip Schipho'.-Batavia and back.
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  • 113 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— The All-Malayan Railway Workers Union has decided that the refusal of the Railway Administration to make further concessions to railway j employees is unacceptable. The decision was taken by the j executive committee of the onion, The Railway Administra- tion's reply is now
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  • 35 3 The Rex, Johore Bahru. marked its opening with a charity performance of the film '"The Laughing Lady.' The house was sold out. The entire proceeds was donated to the Johore Bahru Welfai. Fund.
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  • 229 3 MR Thio Chan Bee, Legislative Councillor, will move at the next meoting of the Singapore Legislative Council on July 28, that a part of the War Damago Compensation Scheme be Bel aside for relief, rehabilitation and housing. community. "If government takes tin. step
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 ~ALHAMBRA-\ (Air-Conditioned Tele. 6909) j LAST DA V: i#! 645 *980 pm J. Arthur Rank's "The BLUE LAGOON" in TECHNICOLOR starring Jean Simmons An Eagle Lion Film* Presentation. OPENS TQMORR 6H 1 MNNYKAYE 3 ft VIRGINIA MJW> y c TECHNICOLOR 4/ «.t.Hoi»»^"'
      42 words
    • 436 3 SIT: VACANT EUROPEAN Finn bat Money for male ac> ountsnt European Of Chinese. Ability to assirt M import Export trSJHrH'fff- id led asset. apply lox Stool. M.T.. B'pore. fT.171 WAXTKI) pr.rt-time agents either sex for Health Ills irtlfi Co.. on commission basis. Apply ill. South Bridge Road, pjre. (T.
      436 words
    • 341 3 /^^/^MstWN^^^ M ASS V'.E GEORGE Cindihotis Physio-T><era- j Pi--' Drpl. (U.S.A.) spe. for Rheumatism. Nerves ant? Mus<l«s complaints 9 a.m. 12.3.». 2.3 a 5 30. Tt-1. 4670 suite 19 Meyer Mnnsion Coleman St. (TJm) At COMMODATION BACHELOR Chinese sober and \eteadv wants accommcrlation in a decent family. Kindly wtite to
      341 words
    • 166 3 COIFFIRE MICHELLE Beauty Pa.'lour 11. Battery Road, Tel. 3339, You know you'll be quite' O.e Ri:« i,i an American Machine,ess Wave followed by the World Famous Liberty Cut. i 5.93) STYLE your hair at Matsor. Moderns Ladles Hair Dress,:.Salon. 126. Orchard Rd. Phon» S2t>s3. (N. 48) PETS SCOTTISH Terriers Pedigree
      166 words
    • 730 3 It's What Business MenKave Longed For— I IS A FULL-SIZED i PORTABLE DUPLICATOR DUPLICATOR 1 v«w prhw Wn!ch m&kM PERFECT I w«w ftuvm ibpiea suitable for the leverage requirements of OT I Office's, Schools, Stores, m I 11 J I II 1 Club*; Hospitals and aH •IK HM*MM who wish
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  • 610 4  -  The widespread purge in the countries behind the Iron Curtain is causing confusion among satellite diplomats stationed in Western Europe BY LEON DENNEN THE purge of nationalists and Titoists which continues unabated in the countries behind the iron curtain H causing widespread confusion
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  • 524 4 THE comparative lull in the Chinese civil \/ar may be as much due to Communist efforts to get big cities funcUontng as to stiaightout military necessity Ever since the Communists took Mukden at the end of October, thus abandoning guerrilla-type warfare for formal conquest, tney
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  • 290 4 WILMINGTON, Delaware -You get silk from silkworms, wool from shef p. But what makes stuft that the bugs won't eat. The answer is a new test tube at the Dupont Company. It produces a new kind of fibre, called orlon, which bugs of all kinds, from fungi,
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  • 654 4 Reuter The country house of a former Nazi war leader is today a school for Germany's wildest boys. A COUNTRY house which belonged to the late FeM Marshal yon Keitel. the former Nazi war leader who was sentenced to be hanged following
    Reuter  -  654 words
  • 394 4 A.P. FRANKFURT GERMANY'S atom and rocket scientists want to shoot manned rockets to the moon. They claim to have "won haif the battle already" by completing the basic theoretical calculations for the design of a moon rocket. "All we need now is tne chance and
    A.P.  -  394 words
  • 47 4 SYDNEY, Natives in the Pacific islands had developed a liking for film shows since the war, but they frowned on boogie-woogie musical and jibbed at the classics, said an executive of a film company recently returned from a survey of the "jungle" boxoffice,
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  • 492 4  -  by TOM WHITNEN A.P. MOSCOW. IZVESTIA and Pravda recently explained to Soviet readers "what personal perty Soviet citizens may possess under Soviet law. These papers further declare that there are very essential differences between private property of citizens of capitalist nations and personal property of
    A.P.  -  492 words
  • 142 4 Reuter. MANILA Manila s chief of police. Colonel Eduardo Quintos, claims the peace and order situation in the city is "a great improvement" over that existing three years ago or immediately after liberation. He says "major and minor crimes have decreased considerably, and police records
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 31 4 The Collar with the Curve 1 "VANHEUSEN" COLLARS ;4 variable in three shapes Nos: 11, 99, I and in all sizes price 1.10 each THE MAN'S SHOP ROBINSONS' RAFFLES PLACE SPORE.
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 5 Moved by the tragic death of three year old Kathy Fiseus, who was killed by falling down a disused wellshaft, retired engineer Gourgen Vanikian of Beverley Hills, California, has invented this rescue device, which he calls ihe Yaniscope. Based on tne principles with which he rescued a man
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  • 70 5 LONDON, Wednesday: Someone recently offeree to buy a bicycle—about 40 years old belonging to Miss Ellen Sciatton. of Cobharn, Kent. But --natton m*i will M this month. refused to part with it because, she says, she never knows when she will want to go
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  • 46 5 Judge Scobeil Armstrong, who is 72, thinks the elderly have a future as J.P.'s. He said at Helston, Cornwall: "As a Victorian, I think putting grandpa on the shelf out of court is wrong. Grandpa often knows more about the young than daddy does."
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  • 166 5 Reuter. LONDON, Wed. Shakespeare has been added to darts, dominoes and drinking as a public house amenity in the London area this summer. And it has proved just as popular as darts and dominoes, and much more popular th-»n modern drama. 1 In dockland, customers
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 65 5 A.P. MANILA. Wed The Philippine government has nipped in the bud a proposal by a Hong Kong Briton to operate motor l ickshaws in the island.-. The refusal was not on the grounds of human dignity. The modern rickshaw is a light motor-powered tricar. National and city
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 145 5 Lion Cubs Two lion clubs and a pair of ostiiches are being flown from Africa for the London Zoo. Presence Of Mind When his car caught fire a motorist drove to the firestation in Park-lane, Croydon, where firemen put out the flames. Dusky Visitors Six chieftains
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  • 82 5 Reuter-AAP MELBOURNE. Wed—Rats will meet a sticky and in a new trap, if the claims of the inventors, a Melbourne chemist and a journalist, are realised. The inventors said the trap is a flat piece of material with a sticky solution in the middle of
    Reuter-AAP  -  82 words
  • 295 5 Heartfelt Plea For Husbands A.P. CINCINNATI, Wednesday. A MAN with v family should get more pay than a bachelor for the same work. This theory wa« advanced here by Dr. Paul Popence, director of the Ame- rican Institute of Family Relations at Los Angeles. Dr.
    A.P.  -  295 words
  • 114 5 Reuter-AAP. Melbourne, Wed. Housed in the National Museum (Mcl- i bourne i since 1862, an egg whose volume compares with that of 148 hen eggs is to be X-rayed to asceitain its contents. It is the egg of an extinct ostrich-like bird
    Reuter-AAP.  -  114 words
  • 160 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Wednesday. The U.S. Air Force has made things easier for cupid. Sometime ago an official directive stated that would-be bridegrooms in the four lowest pay ranks must obtain the consent of squadron commanders before saying "I do." The Ait rorce'a position was
    A.P.  -  160 words
  • 30 5 CALCUTTA, Wed —Calcutta is organising a voluntury corps "to maintain peace on the football field." The volunteer corps will comprise representatives of all football clubs in the city.
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  • 165 5 A.P. WASHINGTON. Wed. Ignorance about sex and lack of preparation for family responsibilities are the No. 1 handicaps of American youth, a group of 19 "boy governors" < concluded. For four days these 19 teen-agers met on Capitol Hill and studied
    A.P.  -  165 words
  • 443 5 Wives Should Give Up Twenty Years To Children Bishop But This Is What The Church Thinks LONDON, Tuesday.—Dr. H. W. Bradfield, 50--year-old Bishop of Bath and Wells, and the father of two sons and two daughters, said that it is worth any woman's while to set aside 15 or 20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 670 6 AMERICA THE TIN PRICE A.P. NEW YORK, Wednesday. TREDIT part of the money Americans spend for canned goods to the dollar crisis abroad and Uncle Sam's good will policy. Americans are spending about US$65 million a year for the tin to coat their cans of fruit, vegetables and beer. Tin
    A.P.  -  670 words
  • 80 6 A.P. LONDON, Wed. Britain and Yugoslavia are on the point of sealing a five-year trade pact covering about U551,200,000,000 worth of business. Qualified sources said negotiators in Belgrade are now bll on "a final winding up process." The pact is expected to provide Yugoslavia
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 66 6 ALO\<; THE GODOWNS Anhui (44); Somali (42 43); Mount Mansfield (38, 39); Benvorlich (M 37»; Bantam (31 39); Peraaide (17 iBi; Gor(l9/30); Frederick Clover ■21 22); Idomeneus »2.'; 2»i; Atreus (25 26); Benarty (27 28); Amsteldiep (29 30); Sairala d 5 16); Eurvpylus (12 13); Soe.stdijk (11);
    66 words
  • 68 6 Ait mail is* expected today from Aden. N, s. America, West Indies, Europe, Africa, Eire, <: Britain, Egyot, Iran. Iran, Pakistani, u.s.S.r.. Australia, New Zealand. Thailand, Ceylon arid Indonesia. Latest time of posting at the G. IV O. to Aden. N. S. Am i ica. Europe. Africa, Eire.
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  • 21 6 Surface mail is expected from China, Hongkong and Japan. Today la the last day of posting for Eastern Australia.
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  • 30 6 Nearly 4.000.000 persons are employed by the 48 States and thousands of local government units in the United States. About 2.100.000 persons work for the Federal iu\ ernment.
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  • 119 6 The Singapore rubber market had good buying interact yesterday despite easier prices in London and New York. The Market ruled very «teady with business passing at 1 4 cent higher than previous. Closing prices were: Buvets Sellers No. L Aug. RSS 33 i 4 33 1 2 No.
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  • 158 6 With no indication of fresh arrivals in appreciable volume of pepper from the Indies coupled with a drop in stock-figures Black Lampong Pepper price took a $10 jump yesterday, at *318. White pepper prices again rose by $3. with Muntok quoted at $421 and Sarawak at $420. London
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  • 45 6 A.P. CAMBRIDGE. Ma SSnChUetts, Wed* —Wholesale price euls t irotn four to eight percent in soap products were announced by Lever Brothers Company. 1 ac Company also announced a two cents (US) a pound reduction in the wholesale price of spry. a shortening.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 22 6 AlxMit U*****,000,000 was spent on construction of new hospitals in the United States in 1948. the American Hospital Association reports.
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  • 25 6 w M again no interest in tin shar*» in th«* local -'..i!. market yr*terd*> and prit-cs IrheWeO lit llf rhanae. Industrials wrir q»i«t.
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  • 833 6 Singapore. Wed. Burma Malay 10 Chenderiang 8/- 10 Buyers. Sellers, c-openg Con. 9/6 10/6 cd Atlas Ice 14.50 16.50 Hitam 20 30 Alex. Brick Hong Fatt .79 83 Pre* 2.45 2.55 xd Hongkong 11 3 12/3 xd Ords. 2.00 2.10 ldri s Hydr 5/- 5/6 8.8. Petrol
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 668 6 EVERETT OflErtT LINE EVERETT STAR LINE For Hongkong, Japan. For Hongkong, Japan, .Korea "Nordstjernan" 10/11 Aug. "Bradeverett" 1/3 Aug. For Penang, Madras, Colombo, For Penang, Rangoon, Madras Bombay, Karachi, Bahrein, Calcutta. Koweit, Basrah, K'sha. "Noreverett" 30 Jul./l Aug. "Star Betelgeuse" Outer Rds. For Freight, Passage, please apply to:— GUTHRIE CO.,
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    • 93 6 "THE SARAWAK STEAMSHIP CO., LTD* (Incorporated in Sarawak) Weekly passenger* A freight services to Kuching Rejang River Ports and Rintnlu (with transhipment at Kuching). I Dae flails Rajah Brooke for Kuching, In Port 5 p.m. July 23 I Bruaa for Sarlkei, Blnatang, Sibu in Port 4 p.m. July 23 Yngby
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    • 557 6 SHIPPING BOUSTEAD~iTc6T LTD Lloyds Agents in Singapore, Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE ACCEPTING FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM UAMbdRG. P* Sad. GLENGARRY (Calls Alexandria) July 25 j u i v 21 RADNORSHIRE (Calls Alexandria Genoa) Aug 8 w To FROM U.K. FOR STRAITS, HONGKONG, SHANGHA' 7vn JAPAN. Doe SaUi
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  • 727 7 Full Draw j Eighth Malayan Badminton Championships From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. QOI TEIK HOCK and Wong IVng Soon, the two Malayan top ranking badminton players were classified into different sections in the men's singles of the Eighth Malayan Badminton Championships to
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  • 85 7 A.P. EDINBURGH. Wed. W. J. Cibo, cl Sc.angor, reached the thjnt rpiApd at Uu- Scottish amateur goli champion- hip <;u the MuiriieV. course. t Let man, today, lie receipted bye in the first round and detentad J. Lj Me, ci LjutSoesa New, by holes in the
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 399 7 Reuter. LONDON, Wednesday. JHE four matches which comprised the current county cricket programme will have no immediate effect on the leadership in the county championship race, as Worcestershire, who head the ♦*>blc, are engaged in a friendly match against Devon, Yorkshire are playing the Army,
    Reuter.  -  399 words
  • 179 7 MALACCA. W>d. Tne newlvcrowned tennis doubles champions of Malacca. Dollah and Dom. playing for the Hospital Tennis Party against the Kubu Tennis Party on Sunday, nearly lost to veterans Sect Chee Pen"? and Chan Boon Pen?. The ?ame was not competed, however, the score b-ln? f, 4.
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  • 25 7 In a football miilun with -he Municipal Btorea al PVirre* Park ua .m..iij»\ tfea 1.0.1. Kir.-i \1 won ay In Baali io
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  • 357 7  - Billy Carol D.R.B. Race Called Off From ALLAN LEWIS TrlC match race between Billy Carol and D.R.B. will not. take place, as arrangement* were not tini«U*e4, Capt. lindsay Year* said yesterday. The tentative arrangements were for a race over seven furlongs with $1,000 aside, in which Billy Carol was to
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  • 109 7 A.P. LONDON. Wed. Rillv Thompson. British lightweight boxing champion, has been I tT.'O r,y the Boxing Jard of Control, his manager Benny Huntman said today. The fine, the heaviest in recent years, came as a result of Thompson's disqualification during defence of his Eurotitle again -t
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 141 7 MEMBERS of the Island Club are notitied that new arraagcawata have been >iade vith Royal Singapore Golf Club. TheM restricted arrangement.wen Mccaattated because the R.S.G.C. were to have played lOsir Duffers Cup (for which than was a very large entry) on July Hi, but rain
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  • 79 7 USEFULS TO PLAY F N The Useful B.P. will 'lay badmintoa with Fraser Veav* >:>orts Club at the latter" s indoor lourt on Saturday at 2.30 v.m. The followin? will pla., for the l'-.ful 8.P.: SINGLES: Chan Una Kit. Lan >'.hin Otian. Sim Thiam Yew and Louis Loh. DOUBLES: Teo
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  • 545 7 No. 3 of a series c f articles by BEN HQGAN, U.S. Open Champion. THINK before you shoot. Don't hurry your shots. This is the surest way to save strokes and temper. If you feel that such advice is Polly-anna-ish then look back on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 For Everybody's Book of Letters Tom Thumb Essays College Essays and all other School Books. Uo to PETER CHONG'S 82-2. Bras Basah Road. Singapore and at Malacca, Seremban, Kaala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang. I'm Rtcr the Heater/ m J?€l.€CTtlC /mf H A T ■»-'"jHP rev CA ft Mm Ai*i*f curat**?: f
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    • 470 7 HAULAGE PERMIT I, Ohu Siew Kie T. A Clx>p Kwotig Soon Chong, <>1. Ku'ai. Johore, being liolder of HaulJ age Permit No. 7223 give notice of intention to apply for a variation of the above by additional one vehicle having a load capacity of 90 cwts* to be wed jln
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    • 512 7 SITS: VACANT WAITED By Prominent Company Chinese lady sales assistant. Pleasant personality t-nd able, to speak English. Mandarin. Cantonese, Hokien A-/or Teochew fluently. Experience not essential. Good prospects. Full details including commencing salary to Box A 2827 M.T., Singapore REQUIRED By British Company highly qualified, stenographer, only those with highest
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  • 440 8 G O VT. CLA SHES WITH DOCKS ADMINISTRATION Reuter. LONDON, Wednesday. IUEW hopes of ending I»ndon's crippling dock stoppage emerged tonight 11 after a day of confusion and conflict between the Government and its own national Dock Labour Board. As two vital meetings affecting
    Reuter.  -  440 words
  • 54 8 A.P. I MONTREAL. Wed.—Bren- den Macken will meet Billy Sidwell. Australia, in the first single match of the Davis Cup beginning here tomorrow. 1 Henry Rochon, Montreal, drew Frank Sedgman, for the j second singles match. The Australian team manager Cliff Sproule dropped j veteran John
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 97 8 Reuter. London. Wed.—Prime Minister Clement Attlee today turned down a suggestion in ParttaaM nt that he should appoint a Royal Commission to inquire into the pr< suit state of the divorce law in Hiitain. Mr. Marcus Lipton. Labour, said that many people of all parties
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 187 8 Reuter. LONDON. Wed. The final acceptors for the Stewards Cup, the big sprint event of the Goodwood meeting, to be run over six furlongs next Tuesday were announced today. Numbering 30. they are < v/ith weights): Combined Operations (9st. 7lbs.). Luminary ana Baccarat (0.0), Irish Dance
    Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 73 8 A mulch of tjudniin'in will be played on Saturaay at 2.30 at 461» Pasir Panjanji Koad between Wembley Badr.rn.on Party and the Venus Badminton Party. The following have been seiacaaf to play for Weniuley j* P.: Benny Kee. Tan Hum; Chwee, Lee Kwee Swec, Tan fian Siew.
    73 words
  • 194 8 Reuter. LONDON, Wed. P.-ard 01 I Trade returns for Juie- atktwiag details of the fall < f United Kingdom exports to dollar areas brought some dullnes- to the London Stock Exchange toltj. Small declines were fai..y WMH* spread anions Indust.iuls hut Breweries and MTartlleal Equipment shares were resi
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 183 8 Reuter. JOGJAKARTA, Wednesday. Republican and Federal Indonesian representatives met here today to lay the foundations of an Indonesian United States, at the first session of the Inter-Indonesian Conference. The conference, intended to bridge the gulf between Federalists and Republicans befoie the Hague round-table talk* with the
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 229 8  -  From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Today. IJEAVY rain again prevented horses from galloping n ami all the work this morning was done in even time and threequarter pace on the inside s.iid track. The rain has been fairly consistent here, and at the moment it looks that
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  • 182 8 THE Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Meeting will be held over five days on Aug. 27 and 30. Sept. 3. 7 and 10. The main race of the meetine will be fore Class I Div. 1 horses over 1% miles for the Sineranore
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  • 57 8 Singapore pjstrict XI ttoi'iiced the Eurasian XI in a Community League soceei fixtuie at Jalan Besai yesterday, defeating them by five goals to one. Todd, the soldiers' inside light was top scoier with three goals to his credit. Inglia ccntre-foi-ward and Barnes inside left scored a goal
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  • 92 8 Mis. Violet Pi ice. editoiial researcher for the Time" and "Life"' magazines aft- i a three-week tour of Indonesia spent an hour last flight interviewing the Commis.-ionet-General. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald at Bukit Serene, and Dato Onn. Mcntri of Johote While in Java she met
    92 words
  • 150 8 Reuter. At an annua. |«Mral BfcMfeaaj of the Tamil Brotherhood mmc ciat ion held at Farrer Park following were t pj 'The bearers for the year President —Mr. K. Periuvab (reelected! Vi« c Pe.Nident Mr. S. R P Naidu. Hon. Omm ral Secretary —Mr. Palani. Hon.
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 91 8 General SINGAPORE LODGE MIEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Talk by Mr. Charles R. Salisbury on "The Arts in You," at 8. Caimhill Pd. —6.30 p.m. BROADWAY MISKAI PARTY: Music practice at 70, I orong 19, Geylang 8 p.m. MALAYAN VEGETARIAN SOCIETY Monthly informal general meeting at the Theosophical Society premises,
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  • 144 8 CATHAY: "The Set-Up" with Robert Ryan and Audrey Tot- ter. 11 a.m. 1.45, 4.15. 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: "The Window with Barbara Hale. Bvbby Drisroll, Arthtir Kennedy. Psul Stewart and Ruth Roman, 2. 4.15, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. KEX: "Lloyds of London" with Tyrone Power. Madeleine Carroll and
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  • 18 8 INTER COMMI NIT t MATCHES: Navy Team vs. R.A.F. Combined) at Jalan Besar Stadium. 3.15 p m.
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  • 458 8 gLEVEN records were broken out of total of 19 events at the Singapore District Athletic Championships held at the Garrison Sports ground Nee Soon, yesterday. The new records are Three Mile Race. One Mile Race, *80 Yards, 440 Yards, 220 Yards, 100 Yards.
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  • 24 8 U.P. SOFIA. Wed. Vast] X 72, acting Premier wa.- unan,mously elected Pranu i Parliament today sue© ding late comrade Georgi DuattroY. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
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