Malaya Tribune, 11 July 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 59 1 MALAYA Tribune I flats IflV. I '^H LARGER SALES THAN. ANY, AFTERNOON PAPER IN' malAya j Phone 5811/3 Nine Linei Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover c/o wnpmmm Features,
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  • 263 1 Reuter. BOSE ki^° N s°J?' *??ter^l Sarat Chandra Rose. leader of the Socialist Kepubhcan I arty of India, said here today he believed India would vote for complete independence" outside the Commonwealth when rlnittoM were held under the new constitution. "India
    Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 199 1 U.P. CAGUIO, Sun. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek conlerred for more than two hours today WiUl Philippine President Elpidto Oylrino, exchanging ws aa the general situation in the Fat East. An official communique which announced the meeting, said they would confer again Mon- j day. The communique said:
    U.P.  -  199 words
  • 57 1 JOHORE BAHRU, loday. Four Chinese bandits, masked and armed with .303 rifles, raided a Chinese kongsi at Sah Hah Thiam in the Kulai area yesterday and robbed the occupants of goods and cash valued at $272.65 The same gang later raided five houses on the Kelan Estate, taking
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  • 129 1 Reuter. BERLIN. Sun. Russians at the Helmstedt checkpoint today announced without explanation they would cut down the flow of vehicles to four an hour on the only German freight road faroa the West into Berlin. By 5.30 p.m. local time 11 heavy lorries were
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 74 1 it was officially announced last night that the price of tin in Singapore will be reduced to COS! 10s per ton on after July 11. I'-eason: The iMMSjMi cost of realistion incurred by the Minhitry of Supply In the t'nited Kingdom, ■vhich is the sole buyer <»f
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  • 84 1 U.P. PARIS, Sun. —French 0 tv> dispatches reported tod; that France anfl India ■greed to transfer the French city Of Chandernagore to India on July 14, France's Bastille Day. The result of the recent piebiscite favoured union wi(h India. The reports added th i<
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • 111 1 U.P. BATAVIA, Sun. Di. Sjafruddin Prawnanegara. head of the emergency Republican government of Sumatra, ieft for Jogjakarta this morning to return to President Soekanio the mandate given him to form an emergency government. Sjafruddin was accompanied by a three-man deputation, sent out by Hatta to contact
    U.P.  -  111 words
  • 199 1 CURTAIN' RISK HAS BEEN REDUCED Reuter. WAwSHInuT'N Sunday—Biggest danger in the (foliar-sterling crisis--that Britain would abandon further co-operation with the American financial .system—appears to have receded as a result of the hree-day London conference between Sli Stailoid Crtpps and Mr. Join. Snyder, United suites s< cretary of the Treasury atv
    Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS. Sun —Admiral Chester Nimitz. United Nations plebiscite administrator designate for Kashmir, today described as "somewhat exaggerated" a paragraph about him appearing in columnist Drew Pearson's syndicated column. The paragraph said: "Seadog r ets bored Admiral Chester Nimitz is fed up with mediating the India-Pakistan
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 66 1 KLUANG. Today—Two Chi. ncse bandits walked into an ambush laid by the Police and the 1/10 Gurkha Rifles in the Yong Peng area yesterday. One of the bandits, was shot dead. The other was wounded but escaped. The Security Forces recovered a loaded single barrel shotgun, a .32
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  • 135 1 Reuter. ISTANBUL, Sunday, rim M N h people were burnt to death, 14 are missing and 35 seriously Injured in a Are which broke out last night in the Turkish passenger ship Corun (4,765 tons), according to figure* given hy the Istanbul police today. The
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 78 1 A.P. i WASHINGTON. Sun. -Secret testimony that Russia has a licet of 250 to -'500 ultra modern submarines has been disclosed by Congress th\s weekend. As a result, U.S. navy officials testified the U.S. Navy baa given number one priority to anti-sub-marine preparedness. Admiral Louis
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 272 1 STRIKERS AT OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE WORLD MAKE NEWS 1. British Stevedores Reject Govt. Ultimatum 2. Australian Miners Say: "Meet Force With Force" Reuter. LONDON, Sunday. A Fim a secret meeting today of 1,500 dockers involved in the London port stoppage, men who were present
    Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 71 1 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO. Sun.—A 77-ton fishing boat l>elonging to the Okada Company in Shimonoseki. Kyushu, was attacked by in unk|cnUfied 100-ton ship with rapid lire guns about 7(K» mile.s west of Tanegashiuia. o0 the southern tip of KyVBhU, "ii .Inly I. reports the Kyudo news agency. One member
    Reuter-AAP.  -  71 words
  • 30 1 Reuter. LONDON, Sun. Vatican Radio tonight quoted a Bucharest report that Monsignor Alexander Cisar, Archbishop of Bucharest, was beinp kept under house arrest by the Rumanian authorities Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 142 1 U.P. HONG KONG Si'ay.—The British Navy temporarily alerted a destroyer crew here today on hearing tnai the Nationalists had detained a L 3: itish ship in north China waters. The vessei was however reported releasee six hours ialer. The intercepted shii; was idI entitled as
    U.P.  -  142 words
  • 159 1 AUSTRALIA U.P. SYDNEY, Sunday. Twenty-three thousand striking Australian coal miners today reaffirmed their decision to continue the two-week-old stoppage which has paralyzed the nation's economy. At the same time, a union leader, speaking at a Communist rally in Sydney, said the "workers will meet force by
    U.P.  -  159 words
  • 88 1 U.P. SOFIA. Sun. Members of the Bulgarian Politburo today bore the body of the Pre- I mier Gccrgi Dimitrov to the red and black draped mausoleum as crowds gathered to pay last respects to the Communist < kirr statesman of the Balkans who died in Moscow
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 79 1 U.P. SHANGHAI, Sun Flo *i waters on the Yangtze arc threatening the lower Yangtze basin with "devastation,"' according to the Communist New China news agency today, which reported that 'be lakeside town of Fi Poyang was flooded and thousands were rendered homeloss as iho river continued to
    U.P.  -  79 words
  • 64 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Si n.— The United States shippe I 1.628. 905 pounds of flour to Asia during 1948, the r.s. Departmenl ->f Commerce says Shipments to As-,.) made .ip about 22 per cent, of the total American floui Bhipn «ta to the WOllrl. Shipments to Asti
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 mi&4 pel qaitotx oft KEEP j YOURSELF WARM.. I Even in tropical countries "keep youraelf warm" is good advice when suffering from such ailments as colds, rheumatic pains, toothache lumbago, sciatica etc. Philips "Infraphil" Is an excellent aid to recuperation for all troubles that are curable by heat treatment. The
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    • 98 1 fSP 51, >W.. Ml 3EES E&, I<n out lie... for Radiant Health SEnergy A PERFECT drink for a hot climate is Ovaltinc mixed cold. It has a tempting, creamy flavour all its own. and sends a wave of refreshing coolness through the hody on the warmest day. By helping to
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  • 213 2 Reuter. MARGHERITA, Assam, Sunday. HEAD-HUNTING hill tribesmen on the AssartBurma frontier rejected a 13-year-old boy with skin sores as unfit for sacrifice to propitiate their gods. The boy, son of a Margherita railway employee, struggled back home from the tribal sacrifical altar
    Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 73 2 Reuter. SAX FRANCISCO, Sun. During June. 118 ships including British and American owned vessels entered and left the North China poit of Tientsin —an increase of 60 per cent over the May figure, Communist Peiping tadio said tonight in a broadcast picked up here. Foreign trade
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 41 2 Reuter. PORT SAID, Sun.—The 10.000-ton British steamer Glenorchy held up here by Egyptian authorities since last Tuesday on the grounds that its rubber cargo might find its way to Palestine, wa? released today and sailed with its full cargo.--Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 359 2 'Utterly, Brutally Beaten' A.P. SHANGHAI, Sunday. IT.S. Vice Consul William. H. Olive, who was rev leased yesterday by police of this Communist city after three days in jail, "was utterly, brutally beaten," Consul General John Cabot declared. The Communist Liberation Daily published a statement attributed to
    A.P.  -  359 words
  • 85 2 A.P. MANILA. Sun. -The Com- munist Radio at Peiping in a series of inflammatory Chl- nese language broadcasts charged British in Hong Kong 1 for making 6,000 Chinese homeless when they knocked down hut;: in Kowloon city. The British "oppress and endanger habitation of Chinese people,"
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 113 2 Fifteen leading American Journalists and radio commentators left Batavia yesterday in a chartered X.L.M. Constellation. Permission for it to lly over India on their way home, has been granted by Pandit Nehru, Indian Prime Minister. A cable requesting approval was sent by the newspapermen to Pandit
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  • 17 2 A.P. BRAD£OK'O. ENGLAND, Sju.--Sir Hucbert Holdsworth. 58, former Member of Parliament, died on Friday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 66 2 A.P. HONG KONG, Sun. -A British freighter sailed yesterday for Tientsin to attempt to iun the Nationalist blockade of Communist-held ports in China. The ship is the Huprh (2,800 tons) operated by Butterfield and Swire Ltd. The Company's official shipping list said that she 1« going
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 108 2 GENEVA, Sunday. GOVERNMENT delegates drafting new "rules of war" agreed here today that nations "may" set up security zones to shelter women and children, the wounded. a/?ed and sick. The vote was taken in a committee of the 60-nation conference which is drawing up an
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  • 183 2 Reuter. BOMBAY, Sun—The In- I tcrnational Monetary Fund j his established its Asian re- I gional office in Bombay. The office is in charge of Mr. B. R. Shenoy, formerly director of research in the Reserve Bank of India. The I.M.F. has appointed nim as technical representative
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 72 2 Blowing out tires on a 10-pointed spike plate while driving with one hand at 60 miles per hour, a test driver recently demonstrated the nafety of Fi restone'■•, new Life Protector tubes. Above is a closeup of the automobile wheel as the three-inch razor sharp blades
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  • 120 2 A.P. LONDON Sun. PERA Waring, 30, one of Britain's top radio comedians enly a year ago, was found hanged with a rope off a mail sack in Pentonville Prison yesterday. Waring was sentenced to nine months imprisonment on j Friday on charges of false j pretences
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 38 2 Reuter. BIRMINGHAM. ALAEAMA. Sun. —A grand Juiy today returned 45 Indictments in its investigation of masked mob Violence in the Bitmingham area of Alabama. Acts under Investigation included floggings, cross hu! nings and th»i at Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 187 2 I tm IJJB TI ME S: 11 5— l—.i.HQ 9.30 Si: \SO\ STAII I TOIIAY! The Tragic Story of a Country Lass! Yung Hwa Film Industrie*' Latest Presentation "VIRTUE IN THE DUST" (DIALOGUE IN MANDARIN) starring SHU SHJ-WEN WANG YUEN-LOONG PHONE 4042 TODAY at 11 a.m.—1.45—4.00—6.30 9.30 P.M. NEXT ATTRACTION!
      187 words
    • 152 2 j LAST DAY! 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 9.30 p.m. Special Morning Shows of this film will be shown toclu, and daily at 8.30 a.m. to school children up to Wed. 13l:. ADMISSION: 50 cts. all round. OPEN'S TOMORROW I ALHAMBRA Air-C ondition»-d Thone OOOf) x -IL_ and 9.30 P.M.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 431 2 BLUE NETWORK [J&y*i "j 10 Tia and Rev.; 4.60 LislUrhelors A Albert Sack Orch- teaara' RequeH; 6.5 a Closing inUII PROGRAMMES iiiTv uViwrv Announcement with Signature MALAI PROORAMMfcS Tune; 7 p.m. Clow Down. 10 a.m. N«»> from Kual., Lum- summary; pur; 10.05 (approx.) Clove Down. "jSS *.V n ,i: B
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  • 141 3 Qantas Airways W. A. Baird, EngineerM va iger of Qantas Em\invays and one of it.s guns'" flew into Singa- ore by Constellation yeater- > M sec the boys" before ig n retirement, its first aircraft engineer test pilot Mr. Baird has n the
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  • 127 3 Th? Vice-Chairman of the Empire Airways Bo n d Directors, Mr. William C. Taylor who arrived in Stags p re yesterday said that he nad neard 30 much in Australia of the Commissioner General in South East Asia Afa'.colm Mac Donald). "1 heard that
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  • 105 3 ITU ALA LUMPUP, Sunday. A Chinese bandit threw a handgrenade at a police patrol opera tg in the Rimba Panjang area near Sungei Siptit yesterday. The grenade exploded out nobody was hit. The police patrol was going aicng a railway track when tney saw
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  • 45 3 Air mail is expected today from Japan. Philippine IsThailand, Batavia. Dabo Singkep. Palembang and the Federation of Malaya. Latest time of posting at the G.P.O. to the P« nppine Islands, Batavia, Palembang and Sourabaya is 6 p.m. and to Dabo Singkep 4 p.m.
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  • 18 3 Suiface mail is expected from Thailand. Eastern. Australia and Sarawak. Surface mail to Java clones today.
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  • 22 3 About 150 of the 'younger set turned up at the Raffles Institution last night for the University appeal fund.
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  • 111 3 The Federation of Malaya Police \eslerday clarified what it called recent "misleading reports" regarding the showing of identity cards. Members of the public must produce identity cards for examination if asked to do so by: (1) Any police officer; (2) Any person
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  • 70 3 Mr. 8. R. Shastry, F.T.3., F.F.8.A.. who claims to buy predicted to the hour the -ill of Germany and Japan ;irrived in Singapore thus ince. ing from Kuala Lumpur. He is returning to India 10 settle down." He comes of a long line tf priests, astrologers and
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  • 197 3 Regional Congresses To Submit Reports I(UALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A special session of the Malayan Indian Congress will be convened to study its new draft constitution. This decision was laKen ai I the Third Annual Session of i the Congress today. The new draft constitution
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  • 101 3 The Russian three-ma-ua schooner "Neptunia" came Into Singapore water;: and anchored m the Singapore Outer Roads at 5 p.m. yesterday. The Neptunia. a iish cargo I ship, oame here from Colombo, her last port of call. She is eXpCC«£d to stay a coupfe of day.; in
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  • 50 3 The driver anu passenger of a van belonging to v provision shop were badly injured and taken to hospital when the vehicle overturned at miles Yio Chu Kang Road yesterday afternoon. Tne accident ccjured at a bend ol the road near the entrance to the Mental Hospital.
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  • 217 3 lOHORE BAHRU. Sunday. A Customs departW mental standing order, issued by a Senior Customs Officer, came under fire today at the triai of Abu Kasim bin Matalib, an Outdoor Revenue Officer at the Causeway, who faced two charges in the Magistrates' Court. Abu is
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  • 52 3 The Prince and Princess Kangsif, son ftJKI daughter-in-law of t lie Kegent of Thailand, who recently visited Delhi placed a wreath on the sacred p'atlorm of Kajghat to pay homage to the memory of Mabatma Gandhi. With Tluir Itoyal Highnesses is Dr. Thanat Khoman, Siamese Chaige d'Affaires
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  • 70 3 Reuter. LONDON. Sun—The first general ejection in tree India en the basis of adult franchise may well ace defeats of the Congress Party and a victory lor leftist parties, according to Mr. Sarat Chandra Bose, leader of the Indian 1 Socialist Republican Party. who arrived
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 220 3 JHE new P. and O. liner Chusan, launched at the Barrow Works of Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd.. last month, is to be put on the Company's Eastern Service when commissioned early next year. She will carry 1,010 passengers, 475 in first clasr. and 535 in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 24 3 WOCD FLOORS X\ iH S X/ AND F URNITURE 1 J furniturelookbr,Bht! :.3r»ghta N d f "Yes! Mum uses KEAi-THvhomes/, 'Mansion FLOORS. FURNITURE LINOLEUM
      24 words
    • 543 3 SIT; VACANT A FIRST clasi Indian rook foi eating shop. fKnln<|i in pr* paring varieties an advantage. Salary according to ability. A9ph 381», Batu Road. Kuata Lumpur <K.!3 WANTED immediately com patent stenographer. Apply «tatlnr ape, qualification.", *ic. to P.l Box 17ft (K.<o. WA.\TED immediately min»w ent stenographer. Apply atauiu
      543 words
    • 1453 3 It's What Business Men Have Longed For— (piriq££ IS A FULL-SIZED fIPORTABLE DUPLICATOR DUPLICATOR Which makes PERFECT MJ£W Kit E copieg suitable for the average requirements of I tZf\ f\€\ Offices, Schools, Stores, I jl I I HI Clubs, Hospitals and all who wish to promote sales and business by
      1,453 words

  • 960 4 THE history of Indonesian poetry is inextricably bound with the history of the language. With the adoption of Malay as the national language of the Indonesian nationalist movement, attempts were made to find new forms of literary expression. The process of individualization which was part
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  • 600 4 AT last Malayan rubber producers have awakened A to the fact that they cannot retain their hold in the vital American market except by fighting for it. They have had to shed a great many illusions in the process. The conservative-minded producers, who looked upon synthetic
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  • 715 4  -  by LOUIS HUNTER Reuter. NEW YORK THE year-old State of Isiael has an industrial. trad ing and financial potential in the Middle East which may some day make it the counterpart of what Britain ha? been historically to tinworld but it is not
    Reuter.  -  715 words
  • 477 4 Reuter. MANILA THB smuggling of aliens into the Philippines has become quite a hard nut for the Republic to crack. Philippines naval control vessels arc at the moment busy along the seaways between China and the Philippines and along the sparsely populated eastern coast of
    Reuter.  -  477 words
  • 484 4 Reuter. OTTAWA A strange party made up of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R. C. M. P.) constable, a 15-year-old E«kimo and the strangled body of an Eskimo woman is somewhere inside the Arctic Circle, awaiting the summer breakup. The Mountie, Constable D. Mead of
    Reuter.  -  484 words
  • 115 4 ThK map highlights the terms of the Beat I rem h ab luent which establishwl the state of Batted Vhsl -N*m ta laeV China. Former Annam Emperor Rao Dai was installed ruler of the French-inspired Government. In MM lies France's hope to quell Nationalist uprisings
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  • 201 4 THERE is magic in the veryname of Atlantis, and the legend is as old as the civilisation of Europe itself. The greatest of Greek philosophers. Plato, recounts the story handed down from ancient Egypt of an island in the Atlantic, half-way be- tween the Old World and the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 Faf Dissolved 5 Pounds a Week Are yoo too fat? Would 70« Ilka t* have a beautiful figure like the faatone Cinema Stars of Hollywood? A California physician In treating actors and actresses has discovered a safe secret method of quickly dissolving excess fat without drastic dieting or exercise. This
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    • 89 4 ST Radio at its very best REDIFFUSION brings you Rediffusion is a system of broadcasting not on the air but through private wires The sixteen hours daily of attractive programmes CANNOT be received unless the Company's speaker is installed in your home. No ordinary radio can pick up this service.
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  • 181 5 Put Salt On Her Tail Says Judge LONDON, Sun. Hard-to-please domestic servants drew comments from Judge obeli Armstrong at Falmouth, recently. "It is hard enough to find a servant." he said. "To find one who stays is more difficult still. "Find her work with the
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  • 125 5 Reuter—AAP. SYDNEY. Sun. Five youths lived for a week on stewed and roasted wallaby when they were cut off by a Hooded river in the Upper i:urrae:orang area of New South Wales recently. The \ouths who were on a ling expedition, had only a tew days
    Reuter—AAP.  -  125 words
  • 56 5 Curly-headt d Prince Carl Gustav, great-grandson of Swedish Ring Gustav V, gets assistance from the King's aide, Count Waehmeister, during a round of blindman's bluff. In the background, the prince's sister, Princess Christiana, tries to stand on her head. The children were on a visit to their great-grandfather
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  • 213 5 London, Sunday. Part of a wall collapsed I while Mr. J. McGowan, of Hillingdon-street, WalI worth, a tunnel miner, was using a drill in the r<> construction of the House of Commons, and he found a medieval doorway and a message
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  • 49 5 I THE HAGUE, Sun.-Ma-jor Gencial D. C. Buuiman j van Vreedc has been appoint•ed Commanding General of I the Royal Netherlands Indonesian Army and head of 1 the War Department in Indonesia. He has been acting co;ni..jndei since the death of General Simon Spoor on May 25.
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  • 216 5 LONDON, Sunday. Ex-drummer ArthuHannington. of the Royal Munster Fusiliers, cooked a pair of kippers outside Buckingham Palace, wh. c crowds of sightseers were peering through the ratings into the Palace forecourt succulent, goloeu kippers. He cooked them for nvs breakfast on a garden
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  • 73 5 A.P. MANILA. Sun.—l'rom now on you paik your gun when you go into Manila City Hall. Scene of three separate gun battles each claiming human life, the City Hall dusted ->ff a desk, sat a policeman at it and put up a sign "deposit your firearm
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 60 5 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE, Sun.—There were two casualties at the Melbourne Cat Clubs recent annual show. The organiser of the show was badly scratched on the forehead and nose, and the organising se- cretary suffered a badly injured hand when she was scratched by another cat. The 104 well-bred cats
    Reuter-AAP.  -  60 words
  • 71 5 A.P. ROME. Sun. Dispatches from Bari last night said that customs police there found two bodies when they opened zinc boxes marked "Clothing." about to be loaded on to a ship bound for Palestine. They were both bo-:ies of aged men. The boxes were the property of Jews
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 178 5 His Idea Was Interesting, Said The Reds, But A.P. LUEBECX, Sun.—Another WOftd citizen bumped up against another Impenetrable frontier yesterday. Rudy Herzbcrger who calls himself World Citizen N0.2 sought to enter the Soviet *©ne of Germany. But he was rebuffed. He drove ,p to the Soviet border at Herre.iburg near
    A.P.  -  178 words
  • 304 5 IT'S A MIRACLE HE EXPLAINS U.P. HOPKINTON, (Massachussets), Sunday. Edward Ray believes in miracles. After 18 years of darkness, the 63-year-oJd masseur could see again. He looked on a new worJa full of life and colour and opined that his wife was "still
    U.P.  -  304 words
  • 156 5 A.P. RUGBY, England, Sun. Two .small boys orphaned in Chicago, when their father shot their mother, a British war bride, then Killed hims<:!', will be brought back to li•'<with their rrandparents her<\ Leslie Bates and Mrs. Bates, whose daughter Mr\ Frank Cager was
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 149 5 Reuter. ASHFORD, Kent, Sunday. An old bam here, dozing under its thatch, has a picture postcard peace about it until you see the gun barrels glintng in the star light. The barn is the centie of a "war" which is being wafted
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 124 5 U.P. MICHIGAN CITY (INDIANA), Sun. -Two convicts admitted today that as trustees, they firstly left the state prison here, frequently, secondly, held up a Montgomery store last December and took $4,145, thirdly, used part of the loot to buy a convertible car which they parked
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 42 5 A.P. SANTA CRUZ. Sun. Lava rrom the volcano on L.a I'alma Island now in eruption was flowing ycsteiday towards the Port of Nao. Many plantations nave been damaged by the lava which is 250 varus wive. AA'.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. kanpur. United Province*, Sun. Monkey nuisance in this industrial city has caused a headache to the Municipal Board. Recently the Board spent a good bit of its revenue r.o "deport" 1000 monkeys—about 40 per cent of the city's "monkey population" to a Jungle 40 miles away.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 56 5 CHICAGO. Sun. The weather bureau took a long look ahead today and saw nothing but more hot and hum'H weather for most of the nation. The bureau's extended wcathei forecasts, huvard'ng predictions through Wednesday, said the nation's worst heat wave of the yea- would linger on over
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  • 181 5 LONDON. Sun. Prisoners of the jail at Sudbury, near Uttoxeter, have prov'ded 62 bottles of blood to *h e Midi land Transfusion Sendee, and I have said: "Call on us again if you want help in a hurry." Some of the men wept while nurses
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  • 82 5 Reuter-AAP. ADELAIDE, Sun. Three i eggs were laid in ten minutes by a black Orphington in a garage at lawler, South Australia, according to garag. i employees. j They said the hen too only one kept by the garage proprietor was .-een to 1 ty
    Reuter-AAP.  -  82 words
  • 56 5 I By the Rev. Robert Janics j McCracken, ■of Sew York, n ctn-ing the degree of Doi ta of Divinity at Glasgow recently: j ln America no one treats degrees seriously. I have i i ten heard people say that I.D. stands hr Rarely Dumb, Ph.D. for Phenomenally Dumb,
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  • 83 5 LONDON. Sun. The HB« Georgia docked at Liverpool recently with 845 coloured people from the West tadtefl seeking jobs in Britain, md one other passenger—a whitman who stowed away at Sydney, earlier, on the linerv, round-the-world trip. The stowaway was put to work in the gaiiey preparing
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  • 199 5 IX)NDON. Sunday. Men and women divorcees should be "outlawed" if they marry again Their conduct is "adulterous public concubinage.* says the latest issue of the "Southwark Record," official organ of this Catholic diocese. "Loose thought" about the indissolubility of marriage is due to
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  • 101 5 A.P. SUNDERLAND, ENGLAND, Sun.—Susan Ellison, a pretty bus conauctress, complained in court yesterday about the strange antics of one of her passengers. "Hr> threw a sandwich at me, whistled and then kicked me on the thigh.'' she said. She said she had a bruise to prove
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 I WITH OR WITHOUT LOCKS I STURDILY BUILT FOR LASTINC SERVICE iQPriCE eaUIPMEKTV v v lljjJU/ << D CHULIA ST.. SINOArORC I MADAME FLORENCE CAN reveal your future by her wonderful power of intuition. Fore-warned Is Fore-armed It is never too late to help yourself by consulting her. Flat 'M,'
      130 words
    • 177 5 Men Hade Younger By Treating Gland Getting up nights, burning sensation of organs, whitish discharge, dull ache at base of spine, groin ana i lee naJns, nervousness, weakness and loss of manly vigour are caused by a disease of the Prostate (a most Important sex gland In men). To overcome
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  • 401 6 A.P. LONDON, Sunday. DRITAIN hopes to do about U551,000,000,000 worth W of business with Soviet Russia and three other Communist nations in the next year in her effort to get' out of the hole economically. Officials in Britain's Treasury and Board of Trade agreed
    A.P.  -  401 words
  • 63 6 The dividends declared last week w^re: Alexandra Brick Ord. s', less tax Payable 18 July. Alexandra Brick Prefs. 16 7/B', less tax a/c 1947, 1948 and 3 mos. of 1949 payable 18 July. Eastern United s', final s' bonus less tax payable 16 July. Kramat Tin 9d.
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  • 97 6 J The rubber commodity marI ket opened steady on Saturday, with good all-round inj quiry. But sellers were not very keen. Closing priqfs were: Buyers Sellers No. 1 July RSS 3231 No. 2 July RSS 31»* 33% No. 3 July RSS 28% 29* On Registered tender: I July-Sept.
    97 words
  • 222 6 Lampong Black Peppci took a $10 jump on Saturday over Friday's price-level to recover its original hightonc of $280- recorded two weeks ago. Lack of demand from abroad had caused the Black pepper price to fall as low a;" $262 toward the end of last month but early
    222 words
  • 24 6 U.P. WASHINGTON. Sun. President Truman last night ,wholeheartedly endorsed the pending congressional inquiry into monopolistic practices by "unenlightened" segments of the industry. U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 332 6 There'll Be No Leak In Japan U.P. LONDON. Sun. STERLING area countries wiU take extra tions to plug any dollar leaks In the forthcoming trade negotiations with Gen. Doiiirlri Mac Arthur's headquarters "in Japoji, aeeordtag to the Board of Trade. officials said negotiations for a new trade agreement for the
    U.P.  -  332 words
  • 924 6 (From A Market orr< s|>o:i-.l< :a MALAYAN markets continued to ease until Monday when Sir Stafford Cripps again stated his immutable resolve not to devalue which many operators judged to be "protesting too much." Then ensued a sudden reversal of a yeai-long lien in tin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 613 6 SHIPPING For London, Antwerp. Rotterdam, Hamburg Hull:— Spore: Seletar: Pt. Swet. Penang: BENVENUE Gdn. 6/7 14-16 July 17-18 July 19-20 July BENLAWERS 23/27 July 30-31 July 1- 3 Aug. •BENLOMOND 8-12 Aug. 13-14 Aug. 15-16 Aug. BENVORLIOH 27/8-1/9 22-26 Aug. 19-21 Aug. 3- 5 Sept. f Also «-vis Genoa and
      613 words
    • 91 6 THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. 65, CHULIA STREET, PHONE 3941-5 (Incorporated in Singaporei PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES To HONGKONG, SWATOW, AMOY, PENANG, RANGOON, PALB.MBANG, DJAMBI, PAKAN BARGE, RENGAT and BAGAN SI API API. •"Hong Siang Sails lor Rangoon via Penang July 14 "Hong Ann Sails for Palembang July
      91 words
    • 606 6 EVERETT ORIENT UNE For HONG i ONG KOBE, For Madias, GftUvmbo, m i.. i. t( 2o ;>u HarfH hi, Bahr. m, Ivuu i< m/s "Turtl*s Head" /1/23 July Kiiortka, Basrai,. For PENANG, HANGOON, m/s "Star Betelgeusc" MADRAS. CALCUTTA. 22 25 1 m/s "Rebeverctt" 10/12 July m/s "Star Arcturu?" 28 Aug.
      606 words

  • 22 7 V.U. LEE receiving the Singapore Cup from Mrs. A. C. Rt-illy on hehuli of the owner, of All worth.
    22 words
  • 459 7 spore Chinese 1. R.A.F. Combined 0. THE Singapore Chinese had to summon all their resources to defeat the strong Royal Air Force Combined XI in a Inter-Community League match at tlan Besor Stadium yesterday. The Chinese managed to snatch a one nil victory. This
    459 words
  • 32 7 the winning post to beat Golden Slipper by half length at the last K d" R v > oMhe P Ramillies, two lengths behind, came in third.
    32 words
  • 340 7 J.GG Beaten By Innings TliL Singapore Cricket Club scored the only outright victor} in the Singapore Cricktt Association league matches, yesterday, wher. th* v beat tne Johore Cricket Club by an innings and 38 runs on the Padang. The Ceylon Sports Club and the R.A.F. Seletar
    340 words
  • 264 7 S.R.f l»t Inns. R. Bain Ct Sanderson b Nadu son 56: G. Clarke i Moore b :*adasan 0; J. Galistan c Moore b Nadasan 1; E. Le Mercier c Moore b Pearcy 31:. W. Galistar. b Nadasan 14; C. Schubert i Brown b Nadason 12; R.
    264 words
  • 222 7 C.S.C Ist. Inns. 8. Rat nam run out .">: Thura;slngapi h Jan tier 7S Dr. X S. Rat nam Bt Willocooks h Jatrgcr 18; M. C. Kailasapathy L\n«h l> Jatrger 5. S. K. Sundiam .> Jaager 9; S. Yogarajah b Needhan 17; A. Vijiaratnam b Needham 8;
    222 words
  • 185 7 R.A.F. SELKTAH AO ...antes c Posttll b Prescott 23: LAC Wheatley b Prescott 44: AC Pearson c Connell b Bowman ID; F/Sgt. Filby c Postill h Bowman 19: Sgt. Lee C Henderson b Bowman 13: F L Ken yon o and b Lott 27; W/O Potter c
    185 words
  • 204 7 INDIAN .\s»(l( IA I lON N. Abaabhpi c Wolf i> a c. Delilkaa I; M. K. fifoUwau* b Humphries .39: Hussein Shah i Thiagarajah b Ratnayake 27. Lan Singh Woodford b Thi■•garajah 41: Y. Madan vat 37; K. V. Singani C Wolff b Jansen 11 Ibrahim Isa
    204 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 7 ASCOT VALE, (Lansdown) being red ,in after winning the first race on Saturday. He beat Dicinond Epic by foui lengths.
    22 words
  • 218 7 Reuter. ASCOT, Sun. Thrre was a surprise result to tho Queen Elizabeth Stakes, run over one and a half miles, here this afternoon when Lord Derby's St. Lager favourite. Swallow Tail, who was backed at 11-10 on. failed to finish in the first three. The race was
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 THE INCORPORATED ASTROLOGER (S. R. SHASTR V) F.T.S. F.F.B.A. Fellow of the Federation of British Astrologers Ltd. (London) wiU be in SINGAPORE on a brief visit from Monday 11/7. at TIOKC BOA HOTEL (Room I) 4, Prinsep Street. For your HOROSCOPES and other CONSULTATIONS, Palm lieading.s etc. < barges: Reasonable.
      103 words
    • 747 7 Singapore Improvement Trust Amen.iiii. rii No. 1 of j:mu r«. rrirGeneral Improvement Plan under Section 52 of the Singapore Improvement Ordinance. Plan of proposed amended layout of Tank Road, Clemencean Avenue and River Valley Road j Junction. Notice to owners or reputed owners of property affected ty the plan or
      747 words
    • 479 7 SIT: VACANT HEALTH VISITOR reauired 3a TA Treatment Centre, fjii nursing quaHfieniiona necessary, apply Director, sata Clinic. 250 Tanjong Pagar Road. SINGAPORE MUNICIP ALIT V TENDERS (For particular* see Tender Room, Ground Floor, Municipal Office) Engineer's Department: Supply of Salt-Glazed Ware Pipe« and Specials etc. Forms from Engineer's Office (Room
      479 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 98 7 AiN^ y ID. 9f Vvi7h Th£ l F 7h Or ThE THirrfl F KOkV COWW SwOTiTrTI Fo> 7m' ;-.a, VS CmYS FEf-UN'J i'Mrif TOY/N n£T T,Tu? T 4 *S«JB6Ek i.iATCh' VviuJ iff wul r > 4jS AM> Cußu >- KAPry- HGrtTtJi.; .V. f jol h;' l L S yy.O c.>li
      98 words

  • 300 8 Reuter. LONDON. Sunday.—Britain, America and Canada are to start factfinding talks on the dollar-sterling crisis to prepare the way for a meeting of cabinet ministers of the three countries in Washington, probably early in September, it was announced this evening. This announcement was made
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 127 8 Reuter. TOKYO, Sun. The Supreme Allied Command here hin been asked to help trace a Japanese girl, one of two legal elalmants to the estate of Mr. Robert Woodfine. a Briton who died in the Philippines -n March 1945. Hia brother Mr. William Woodfine
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 61 8 A.P. BELFAST. Sun. Mrs. Maude Montgomery, mother of Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery, died yesterday after a long illness. She was 86 years old. She was the daughter of a dean of Canterbury and the widow of the Right Reverend Sir Henry Montgomery, Bisnop of Tasmania. She was
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 67 8 U.P. WINDSOR LOCKS. Connecticut, Sun. Miss Ruth Nichols, first woman to try to fly the Atlantic in the early *****, set out last night to become the first woman phot on a round-the-world flight. She was one of four pilots in a DC-4, carrying young
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 60 8 A.P. WASHINGTON, Sun.—Two sons of Carlos Romulo, Philippines United Nations representative, are on their way to Manila. Carlos Jr., is returning to his law studies at the University of the Philippines. Gregorio. a student at Georgetown University here, is on a vacation trip. They are due in
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 23 8 About 100 members and friends of the Chinese Swimming Club were present at the dance at the club house last night.
    23 words
  • 113 8 Reuter. ROME. Sun. Italy won her Davis Oup European zone semifinal tie with Yugoslavia rtere today by four matches to one. Leading 3—o Italy won the first of the remaining two singles today when M. De! Bello beat J. Pallada 6—3. 6—l, 7—5. Dragutin Mitic.
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 38 8 U.P. POKATELLO. Idaho, Sun. A 14-year-old boy, Gary Archibald, lost both his legs when »wo motor l>oats collided 00 Bear Lake Saturday night Last week a similar accident in California cost a young girl both her feet.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 545 8 Reuter. «al LONDON. Sunday. j THE Nottinghamshire opening pair. Walter Keet< ii 1 and Reg Simpson, had a field day at the expense of Lancashire at Old Trafford today. They put on 318 runs for the first wicket in five and a quarter hours
    Reuter.  -  545 words
  • 141 8 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Lancashite, Sun.-The Reverend H. B. Rattcnbury, new Methodist President, yesterday advised missionaries not to "flaunt or to fawn on the new Communist authorities in China. Mr. Rattenbury, who spent 32 years as a missionary in China, told the Mctho jist conference of 600 preachers
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 176 8 LIM KEE FONC. Thomas Cup player, was defeated 1 for the first time unce at* return, wh n he lost to Tan Jin Eong :i—9. 9 -15. B—ls and to Jin Eong and Teh Gin Sool when partnered Alimat n the doubles 11—15. 9- 15.
    176 words
  • 344 8 The following lies in tln-'Sin-•■iiKin- Badminton Awmtr lattoa*» junior badminton championships will be played on Saturday SATIRDAY M"» p.m.: Seah Kirn Tmck (Mayflower) v. Hen; S.ak Thiaag (United Family): Hen I Kwang (U. Family* v. Tan CMa Guan (Useful): Wonc Yeok Yo.ik (AAU) v. Mawi
    344 words
  • 139 8 S. C. Beany. Malayan and Perak Si times < liauipion. eap'ured three titles in the final day of the Perak Lawn Tennis Association (hainpionship meeting at 1 the town board yesterday. He retained the Bingrea title by defeating Timothy Lee in ■traifhl sefs of 6 3.
    139 words
  • 48 8 Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Brigent. both members of the Singapore Rifle Club now in England, competed together in qua'ificr 200 yards service rifle contest in Surroy. They scored 42 and 36 respectively. Mr. W. L. Whyte. of Singapore, rcored 40 at thi same contest.
    48 words
  • 252 8 U.K. GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP By BILL >IACKLJN S4NDVVICH, Kent, Sunday.—Bobby Locke, the 31-year-old South African who attributes his golfing wizardry to American experience yesterday won the British Open Golf Championship in a 36-hole playoff with Harry Bradshaw. of Ireland. Locke ended a 283 deadlock after the
    252 words
  • 38 8 Reuter. Taiwan Island. Sun. iw important passengcis" are reported among those aboard a C-47 aircraft which has been missing since yesterday on a (light from Canton to Taipeh. Taipeh is the capital ot Taiwan Island. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 222 8 BADMINTON LIGHT entries from Singapore for the rlalav an Badminton Championships Men's Op-i Singles Event have lo play a qualifying alimi nation contest to fill two remaining place-, ou. of the four allotea to Singapore. Only Weng Peng Soon and Ong Poh Lim were allowed
    222 words
  • 158 8 LONDON, Sun The w I Zealandors dismis. .1 D j shire 'icre today for 121 i v in exactly 200 minutes hd-i when stumps were drawn the I tourists had 17G runs on the board for the loss of live wickets. Elliott c
    158 words
  • 21 8 T.W.C A.: Business and Prtfessionai Women's Club Meet for diamaucs at o.30 p.m. at 5, Raffles Quay.
    21 words
  • 134 8 CATH Y "The Secret Land", narrated by Robert M< nt joinery, Robert Taylor and Van W<*flr. S.30 a."u, 1.45, 4.15. 6.15 ant 8.3ft a. m PAVILION: "Le Liable »r Corps" Miiiieline Presie Gerard Philip. 1.30. 4. 6.3<>. 9.30 CAPITOL: "Virtue in the Dus (Mandannl 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4
    134 words
  • 25 8 SEMOK LEAGIE: Hi" v. Royal Signals— Ui'<' Community Leauue Nav> Teai v. Indian?. Jalan Besir AKMY (IP COM PETITION G.H.Q. Spore v. Nee Soon.
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 305 8 SsW artr i Bias. > OTB Soon CATHAY FLY SINGAPORE~ BANGKOiTbY^ jjfijtitK OVERSEAS A»R»>ICS(S<AM)iTD| o» 'i hour flight Far** $160. EVERY MONDAY VIW hrs., THURSDAY RfM hrs. with through connection* If Rurop* and IK by BRAATHENS S.A.F.iC. 14- A, Ageata, (CritlltOll Tel. 7802 Airport Office: Tel. *****. •»>>*«• >TflH o»
      305 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous