Malaya Tribune, 9 July 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 62 1 MALAYA Tribune by rm PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE TeL "Tribune" Spore LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON .PAPER IN Jj^MALAYA m* Published simultaneously at Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS f THE MALAYA TRIBUNE LONDON REPRESENTATIVE: E. Maurice Glover c/o Newspaper
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  • 159 1 A.P. FRANKFURT, Fri.—Walter Stennes, Hitlers former storm troop leader in Berlin and «me time chief of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's bodyguard, today reached Frankfurt from Shanghai, via ltal>. One day before the Coranuuiisls to»>k Shanghai, stenn-s was evacuated to FonMM by a I S Army
    A.P.  -  159 words
  • 68 1 JOKORE BAHRU, Today. Police have arrested persons —14 Chinese and 2 Malays, for being bandit sUBr pects, messuugen, subscription collectors, and for giving aid to the bandits in Johcr A patrol of 1/10 Gurka led by a police guide encountered an armed bandit him dead. A
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 A .nountcd Washington D.C. policeman turns to see what has bee >me ol white girl Joan Sexton whoi:. he bowled over with his horse during police action against a threatened race riot at Anacostia Pnri* Swintming Pool.
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  • 218 1 Reuter-A.A.P. SYDNEY, Friday. Australian miners' President Idris Williams declared tonight there would be no settlement of the fortnight-old strike of 23,000 pitmen unless men imprisoned for contempt of court were freed and fines imposed were waived. Clashes between police and strike sympathisers including dockers broke out
    Reuter-A.A.P.  -  218 words
  • 61 1 HONGKONG, Fri.—Adml- ral Kwei Ying-ching, Com- i mander-in-Chief of the Nationalist Navy, said the Nationalist Navy would "take effective action" against any foreign warship trying to enter Chinese territorial waters in the Shanghai area. He said this in an interview with Government s official Central News Agency on
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  • 101 1 By ALLAN LEWIS MX. I). BROWN, asstslant Secretary and C lerk of the course, told vie this morning that the course had plenty of rain last night and the going for this afternoon will be \l.kl\ HEAVY. Natural is a very doubtful starter in the Singapore Cup.
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  • 28 1 Reuter. THE HAGUE. Fri.—The Dutch Government wil! make a statement on the Indonesian situation next Wednesday, at a secret session of Parliament, it was announced today.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 398 1 U.P.—A.P. LONDON, FRIDAY. Britain has asked its colonies to suspend temporarily all dollar purchases, it was announced loday as American-British-Canadian officials struggled to find a solution to the current financial crisis. This was the first direct follow-up of Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir
    U.P.—A.P.  -  398 words
  • 18 1 "Buy more raw mntrruils sucking rubber and tm fPf stockpiling to boo.v| Biitmin's dwindling dottars."
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  • 48 1 "Make sterling futtu convertible for dollars as anticipated under the Anato Ameri ran Loan Agreement. Tear dtnen existing carriers to trade with the. dollar urea, Prepare for a dtscusMon of currentu rei'oluation at the Monetary Fund Meeting nnßf September. Boost British Production and cut prices."
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  • 60 1 SANTA CRUZ. CANARY ISLANDS, Fri. The volcano lon Lapalma Island in the I Canary group erupted with terrific explosions today spillj ing tens of molten lava I towards the sea. I By early afternoon the lava I flow had advanced two miles I and was progressing at a
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  • 55 1 Reuter. BERLIN. Fri —General Jean Janeval, French Commandant I" i Berlin, has invited the Bri- ish, American and Russian I Commandants to meet him on ,'ucsday to consider ways "for cimalisation of life in Berlin" I l accordance with the Paiis greement of the Foreign .vlinisters, a French
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 107 1 A.P. PRAGUE, Fri. —Tipplers in th > C zcoh State of Slovakia received dry news from the Communist rulers tonight—Marxism instead of beer. The official news agency announced that a campaign was under wa> to close superflous taverns in Slovakia "especially those whose owners have impoverished the Slovak
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 43 1 A.P. LONDON, Fri. Dollarshort Britain has secretly agreed to buy pearly 1,000,000 tons of coarse' grains from Russia in the next year, official sources disclosed tonight. They added that the grain agreement v»as initialled in private in Moscow -A.F. V
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 168 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Friday. Diplomatic authorities said today that Britain has suggested informally that the United States release her from the t»mis of h*»r U553.750,000,000 loan agreement of 1946, which provided for non-discrimination against United States goods in world trade. The informants said the
    U.P.  -  168 words
  • 48 1 U.P. THE HAGUE. Fri. The Royal Dutch Airlines KLM today that it was suspending its air se-vice to China "in view of the uncertain Chinese situation." Effective July 15 the Canton terti'nal of the weekly Batavia-Canton schedule will be shifted to Bang, kok temporarily.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  48 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 CARPETS Soft, luxurious, /Jhl^ and beautiful i\3& carpets from v/^k'A the great carpet >j f£x^<» < enl r- o£ I Le range ''£Sh^^V^S> available. I'hone 2H67 V The Old Capital Sl, Stamford Road, Singapore. Courtauld's FABRICS CREASE-RESISTING IN ONE DOZEN GORGEOUS COLOURS FOR ALL OCCASIONS COME IN AND SEE OUR
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    • 176 1 RIGHT ON TIME! with a watch or clock serviced by YICK WOH HING 429, North Bridge Road, Phone 7H22. I I REALLY MAGIC \d* I NOTES! THE LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. THE PERFECT FOOL (Ballet Music) Hoist) (3 parts) Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES (Wagner) (1 part)
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  • 161 2 Mr. T. C. Hayes-Palmer, Eastern Representative for Peter Jackson (Overseas), Ltd., the proprietors of Dv Maurier Filter Tipped and Peter Jackson cigarettes, is a man with a wide territory to cover One week, he may ";ro native" with the cream of Arabian Society in
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  • 21 2 The Rural Board will meet in the Council ChamSer, Colonial Secretary's Office, on Thursday, July 21, at 10 a.m.
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  • 354 2 A CLOVE-scented ship, the 6343-ton Royal InterA ocean Line's Tjipanas is in port. This is the first time the Tjipanas. a war veteran, has come here. After she returns from Hongkong she wiH be a regular caller for she is being put on the
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  • 74 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Sugar comes off the ration on July 11. The Governments of the* Federation and Singapore have decided that the stock position of sugar permits the removal of sugar from the list of rationed item Ration card holders may purchase any amount of sugar
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  • 103 2 Goh Han Kcng was yesterday charged in the Fourth Magistrate's Court with violating the Finance Emergency Regulations on two counts. He was alleged to have dishonestly used as genuine a forged document to the Controller of Foreign Exchange on or about Dec. 18. He was also
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  • 35 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— There have been 42 arrests in the Federation in the last 24 hours 6 m Selangor. 8 in Negri Stmbilan, 11 in Perak, 16 in Johore and 1 in Malacca.
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  • 17 2 The Tjipanas. which say actisiii in VVorltl War II now in Singapore harhour.
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  • 95 2 Mi. John J. Beriyraan, acting manager of the American President Line's "?n<raporc Office who b&s been in the Colony for the rm-t B!i years leaves Singapore today ior a short holiday in America. He will retwn to the East in a month to take up his
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  • 45 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri A police jungle squad yesterday shot dead one bandit in the Kuantan area in Pahang. Another bandit was wounded. The squad found two houses from which four bandits ran out. Thirty seven rounds of ammunition were recovered from the houses.
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  • 27 2 MALACC A. Fri.—A Chinese amok attacked and killed a 1» year old girl with an axe in Java lnne yesterday. The amok was arrested.
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  • 43 2 These two tempera colour heads by Mehroo l>av»«r diMihtv w styles. Mehroo Daver. 24, of Bombay", India, is htZln* e SSTi7 hair Language Club, Croydon, London, England. She is ll"omlnJ ~lb,tl" n at International painter. She Is no. st«ay,„ K MJhe
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  • 376 2 CAPTAIN Derek otuart Sutcliffe, described by his commanding officer as a man of "irroiiroarhanle character" and "thougbt highly of by his brother officers." was acquitted by the First District Judge yesterday of a charge of intimidating a. dance hostess with a Gurkha's
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  • 50 2 MALACCA, Fri.— Without retiring, h special iurv torfav returnid a verdict of not guilty against two Chinese. Chai Nam Shean and Chai Koh Fong. tried in the High I Court .->n a charge of carrying a sten-gun nt Bukit Hantu in the Alor Gajah district. Botli were discharged.
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  • 173 2 Mi Dorothy A. M. MartinButcher. who is suing her husband for divorce on the ground of cruelty, told Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith in the High Court yesteiday that her husband nevci thought of rnai nage as a partnership. She said hri hu-iband considered marriage as a soit
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  • 63 2 Kua!a Lumpur, Fri. Production started yesterday on 10.000 23-hour army ration packs for the Malayan Police on anti-bandit operation by the R.A.S.C. at their canning factory at the main supply depot at Kuala Lvmpur. Each pack contains Malayan dishes and weights 3'bs 2 ozs. Further
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  • 40 2 A satai man. Ascomb bin Yahya who pleaded guity of a charge of causing hurt to a customer an Eu-asian George Fernando at the Third Magistrate Court v **#rday was acquitted by the Magistrate Mr. C. H. Wait
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  • 19 2 IbLUK ANSON. Fri.—Six people were arrested when 1200 people were screened at the Teluk Anson market yesterday.
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  • 130 2 Electoral Roll MORE than 3000 pcopl. put their names do* voters for the next L< tive and Municipal elections since the electoral rolls were opened on June 1. But, said Mr, Lei Mong. Singapore supervisoi ot elections yesterday: "This is not very satisfactory. But w
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  • 91 2 Orchid keepers are s :o hang their plants in ilacodurin-; the night •/ent them being stolen Three Chinese recently cut through wire netting at M Lim Hong Hee*s nui Moulmein Road at d night and sxouped up a bob ber of cattleyas (big Howei
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  • 66 2 The exhibition of pa by Mr. Feng Tzu-kai at th Chinese YMCA on 8 Road has been extender a day and will remain open until 4 pan. today. There has been a hrg tendance daily since the exhibition opened last B mday Among those who pictures were Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 Academy Award Winner For\ The Best Documentary Feature!^ TODAY at 11 a.m.; 1.46; 4.15; 6.45 9.30 P.M. I A million miles 1 biiiiiiHiiiiii iiMf 1 ol unknown danger 1 I iiiir Ita tilt wirM's I |sEE--,H^—-1 I last frontier j Vvl V live oi If m.nute» the jt OHMMM^^HB^fe ■H
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    • 141 2 t New Happy Theatre iodav Cheap Matinee Mt P.M. "WABI.KT HOR*r Mi A Complete Serial for so eta, onu Tomorrow 11 A.M. I' M Complete Serial lor 30 ets. On'\ "RAIDERS OF CITY II I lii liiH NAPPY WORLD Tonight One show P.M. Whole "serial "JESSE JAM FN KIIH s
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 251 2 XLI E NETWORK bodies ma ENGLISH PROGRAMMES P'txgerald; 10.3» Kh>thm J*Sgj-*# 10.W a.m. New. from Kuala T A of li c ht; 5 Tamil IjSP Lun.pur; (approx.) Ho,* d«n«, mush in the s»eet. sxvin* D.wood Party- ««Ili i Down,. Latin American styles; 11.30 Broadcast- <i 145 T»«.i v'f* 1 LOS
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  • 85 3 SINGAPORE'S Second. Air Day will be held on SaturAugust 20. full programme has been limed. It will include partiipation by airline operating laifTin 1 ifet Royal Aii Fee, the Royal Sircrapore :vinc; Club, and aircraft rom other flying club? in Malaya, Air Day will
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  • 113 3 I Dedman, Austi \imister f or Defence and Post-Wai Reconstruction, is xpected to arrive in Singapore by air this afternoon on way to London to attend nferenae of Common!i finance ministers. Mi Dedman is leading a g ltion in place of Mr. Prime Minister, who unable
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  • 115 3 romance which began at King's College, England, ended at Wesley Church on Wcdrsday whm Mr. Robert Ho, aphy lecturer at Raffles College, married Miss Lesa C'roucher, a teacher at the Dean School. Dr. H. H. Peterson, principal of the Anglo- < :hincse School,
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  • 123 3 Canon R.K.S. Adams, who* headed the Malayan scout contingent to the Jamboree in Australia seven month ago, it-turned to Singapore with Mrs. Adams in the Charon yesterday. Among those who turned up at the -wharf to welcome tin nt were the scouts of St. Andrew's School.
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  • 76 3 A Memorial Ceremony will l)e hold at Kranji Military ry on Thuisday at 5.30 p.m., when the Ist Battalion. The Suffolk Regiment, now in Singapore, will pay tribute t) theii comrades who fought and died hcte during th< Was. In IMS the F.egiment was rgely composed of men
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  • 48 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri '■'"e'fare Week in Negri Sembdan this year will be held separately in each district and wil}- be run by each District Welfare Committee. There will be 5» sale of flags, a charity soccer match, a mahjong party, a variety concert and n dance.
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  • 567 3 j Knickerbocker JJfIR. H. R. Knickerbocker, famous U. S. radio reporter, last night blamed "hysterical public opinion" in the United States and the United Nations for forcing the Dutch to get out of Indonesia too soon. Mr. Knickerbocker, one of America's foremost political commentators, said
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  • 103 3 A series of lectures ?n "The Machinery of Government is being organized by YMCA 4n co-operation witn Mr L C. Gob. Acting Sccre'tarv of Tublic Relations. Heads of various government departments will speak on their respective work. The first lecture. to oe held at the YMCA
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  • 72 3 MMM. Tfian Singh Co.. Mr. Lee Choon Seng and an anonymous Chinese merchant have each promised $10,000 i to the UntversKy of Malaya I Fund, Sit Han Hoo Kirn, chairman of the Singapore 1 Fund Appall Committee, said yestetda>. Messrs. Malaya-Siam Tinding Co., have nrcmLcd vti.uOO.
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  • 38 3 Malacca. Fu. The number of peop-e detained >jV Malacca police since the Emergency began ate Chinese 353. Malays, etc., 13, In bans 8. Total 374. One indir.n and three Chinese hav e hren released on bond.
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  • 92 3 M:ss lA'r Reynolds of Perth, Australia, and Mr. Frank Ashtoa o! Kuala Lumpur Hcri- re-united at the Singapore docfcs yesterday. A bride-to-be Miss Reynolds arrived nt the Hlue Funnel ship Charon. When the Charon docked, her tiauce was not there to greet her
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  • 1658 3 By OSWALD HENRY PAVILION RATING: FILM: "Le Diablo Am (trj»s" STARS: Miebeline thrwVt, Gerard Philipc, Rtjllfir Grey and dean Debucourt. THERE is wide appeal in this French him. The technique used in the fcsttdI ling of the lovo theme is interesting in that it contrasts shanty with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 307 4 Church Assembly Adopts Measure LONDON, Friday. A measure which will give the Church of England powers to make a bishop retire was passed through its first stage at the Church Assembly in London recently. And Dr. Edward Selwyn, Dean of Winchester, said the measure
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  • 33 4 A pet monkey rescued from a burning house at Flint. Michigan, dashed back to fetch its favourite toy. a black cloth lamb, ard then slid down bannisters with it to safety.
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  • 20 4 A hoopoe, a rare l tasted bird visitor from th<- Continent, has been spott »d in south-west Norfolk.
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  • 140 4 LONDON, Friday. A 34-year-old woman cashier bought dance frocks by the dozen, dancing shoes by the score, and lipsticks and other beauty aids by the hundred, with money embezzled from her employers, it was said at Glasgow recently. The aherifl was toid that Marion Martin
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  • 86 4 At an Air Ministry surplus stores sale at a West Country airfield. Cedric Cook, of Coalpit, Heath, near Bristol, saw rich grass growing under some old R. A. F. astral domes for which nobody would bid. For £9 he bought the lot, enough to equip 20 squadrons of
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  • 31 4 A Sainte-Fortunade Southwest France, dairy farmer, summoned for watering his milk told the magistrates "The day the inspector called it had been raining, so my cows ate wet grass,"
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 4 While getting ready for hi* day off from the London. England, Zoo, L. G. Smith get* a shoeshiue. -\bena» n livr-year-old chimpanzee, wanted to return a few favour*, ho he gavt* Smith th* -tun.-. Smith 1« Abena'* keeper and the little monkey wants him to enjoy his day
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  • 231 4 LONDON. Friday.— Five hundred pounds and her car, willed by Mrs. Hannah Matilda Bicknell Beckenham (Kent) cafe proprietress, to her "manager and good friend," Mr. Herbert C. Garwood, will never reach him. Grief at har death last November led Mr. Gar
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  • 62 4 TO KIND 'LITTLE ALBERT' 20 Every week for neany 50 years Miss Minnie Froom, of Woodslde-avenue, Highgatc. ordered her meat In a shop in Victoria-parade, N. 10, where Albert Tansley, now over 70, of Muswell-hill, N., always served her. Recently he learned that Miss Froom had left £9,396. of which
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  • 124 4 LONDON, Fri. The philosophy of Dr. Haines, itishop of Birmingham, on birth control was called "insane and un-Chrls-tian" by i>r. John Heenan, of the Catholic Mission Society. Preaching in Birmingham, he quoted Dr. Marnes an Haying: "The teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and the
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  • 160 4 LONDON, Fri. 4* man owning a tractor found himself 134 mdes from home, fined £18 following its illegal use on roads, and disquahheo from driving for a year. Hi- driver was also disqualified. They wanted to get back to Birmingham. But the magistrates at Alton,
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  • 71 4 Seventy eight year ohl Harry G. Jantzen, Leigh. Lanes, pushed open his front door, wheeled his cycle into tlie house, and said: "I've done it once more." Thai meant he had cycled 142 miles in 17 hours. Seventy yeais ago Harry was a delicate boy. His
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  • 15 4 Man who picked a Winnipeg reporter's pocket got an article on pickpockets.
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  • 173 4 Rosina Dickson. the twentyfour year old Maryhlll. J Glasgow, clerk who wrote to I Carolina's CJovernor saying she wanted an American husj band, has had fifty replies. But on receiving the i replies she was in I tears. Why? Because she I had
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  • 175 4 Artist Sits For Exam In Bed LONDON. Fri. -For four hours 21-year-old Leonard Burgess wrote answers for his final art teachers' examination—in a hospital bed. He sat writing on his lap. He wrote lying down. He knelt and wrote on his bedside locker. Sheets and blankets concer-tina-ed. Pillows fell of
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  • 169 4 LONDON. Fi i. Twenty-eight-year-oid Mrs. Jessie Ryan arrived nack at Hut 3, Kestral-grove, Harrow Weald, after nine days in Holloway Jail. She was committed to prison for failing to obey a court order to leave the former Aimy hut where she has lived
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  • 321 4 LONDON, Friday. Thirty-four -year-old Mrs Kathleen langley, of Wellingborough. Northants, who had twins in 1947 and again last year, is mother of twins for the third time. So she has six babies under the age of three Each time it has been a boy
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  • 36 4 Collecting shells on the beach at Hook of Holland a girl found a closed one of unusual weight which rattled. Breaking it open she found an 18-carat gold ring set with a diamond.
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  • 133 4 SIR ARTHUR FORDE, headmaster of Rugby School, said at his first speech day that when he told his unale he was becoming a schoolmaster, his uncle said: "Don't be sillt." He had replied: "It is serious. 1 am going to be headmaster of Rugby School."
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  • 84 4 LONDON. Fri -Men ot the Customs Narcotics Squad have broken up a gang in London who have been smuggling in lemons full of opium. When detectives and Customs men raided a j.ousc where opium smoking was suspected, they found rings of discoloured lemon
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  • 25 4 A mouse cnteted a plant pot at Heather. Lciceste:.-hit >■. put its head through the hole at the bottom, and couid not get back.
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  • 413 4 LONDON, Friday. Though she has been in prison,BB days for contempt of court, Miss Glady.i Baskett, middle-aged spinster of Albany-gardens Clacton-on-Sea, refused legal aid which might have led to her release. Miss Baskett was sent to Holloway on April 11 for refusing to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 139 5 U.P. LAKE SUCCESS. Fii. France has submitted a detailed blueprint of a vetoless United Nations control machinery that would be responsible for carrying out and checking the proposed census of the world's conventional armaments. The French blueprint provided for a "central control authority" that would
    U.P.  -  139 words
  • 130 5 U.P. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Friday.—One man was killed and several persons injured, including Communications Minister William Alexander Bustamante, in a bitter election clash here last night. T» a t r a l ry A. isustamante, leader ol the liovernment L»aDour Party, was struck on the jaw
    U.P.  -  130 words
  • 81 5 Reuter. BIRMINGHAM. ALABAj MA, Fri.—A Ku Klux Klan i official was gaoled here today I for refusing to turn over Klan I records to a Grand Jury which is investigating moo violence in Jefferson County. Alabama. The judge told \V:"iam Hugh Morris, Director of
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 161 5 A.P. COPENHAGEN. Fn. For the people of Britain's east coast the Vikings are coming again. The Hugin. a modern replica cf the Viking ships if 1.000 years ago, has put to sea on the first lap of the voyage that will land 50 bearded warriors near Broadstairs,
    A.P.  -  161 words
  • 58 5 A.P. LUXEMBOURG CITY, Fri. Luxembourg authorities said yesterday that 1,400 gold dollars seized on a plane at Le Touquet were part* of a regular shipment from the Netherlands to Spain. The gold dollars were .shipped by plane from Rotterdam and were checked as a regular cargo with all
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 106 5 London. Fii. The father of a 16-vcar-olu gnl who admitted "at Tower Biidge juvenile court that she had been friendly With several men. blamed school sex teaching for hci downfall. "1 didn't know where babies came fiom until 1 was IT. and I don't think
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  • 40 5 U.P. MANILA. Fri.- Thirty two lepers reportedly escaped from San Lazaro hos' ital in Manila in order to evade their transfer to their new home in Central Luz->n Leprosarium in Norallahes, a few miles from Manil.i. -U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 148 5 A.P. BATAVIA, Friday. A three-man Indonesian Republican delegation has succeeded in making contact with Dr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara's Emergency Government hidden somewhere in Sumatra s jungle. On July 4th the delegation Dr. J- Lcimen-i. Mohamnifd Natsir, and Dr. J. Ha'im accompanied by a United Nations Commission fyi
    A.P.  -  148 words
  • 288 5 U.P. PITTSBURGH, Friday. The United States Government intervened today in the deadlocked negotiations beteen the United States Steel Corporation aml Congress of Industrial Organisations. President Philip Murray to block the threatened nationwide strike of one million steel workers. The machinery of Federal intervention was set
    U.P.  -  288 words
  • 47 5 A.P. MANILA, Fri.—Thirtytwo lepers, resisting transfer from a Manila hospital to a leprosarium in Central Lufton, were reported missing today. Department of Health authorities are expected to round up the fugitives to join 97 others who have been moved to a new institution.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 52 5 TOKYO, Fri. An Indian "cottage industry' mission will shortly return to India after an eight-week tour of Japan uvring which It has ordered many machines suitable for adaptation to Indian home industry. The mission has arranged for asvaa Japanese experts to go to India to
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  • 10 5 Lions frequent Government House grounds at Lusaka (N, Rhodesia).
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  • 34 5 Andy. IH-month-old Gn at Dane, owned by Mr. B Harrison. Springfield street, Melton Mowbray, pays regular Sunday morning colls at a fog I fuc drink. He Jiad five pint* on one visit
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  • 107 5 A.P. HIROSHIMA. Fii. Tins atom bombed city has approved a plan to make Hiroshima a 'Peace City". The plan was adopted by the last session of the Japanese Diet and submitted to a referendum in Hiroshima. In the voting 71.852 of a total of 78,962
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 56 5 U.P. WASHINGTON, Fri. Siam has renewed its claim to approximately U5540.000.000 woith Of gold in Jopan. BtarnaSM ambassador Prince Wan Waithayakon in a five minute confeience with Under Secretary of State James Webb asked whether the United States had decided on Sinrr's claim. Wan made a
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 22 5 A.P MANILA. Fri.—A typhoon which brought death to at least 'our persons and damages exceeding US$4OO,OOO hovered over Central Philippines today.—A.P.
    A.P  -  22 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 44 5 TIIERE SHOULD BE NO MISTAKE WITH OUR SCIENTIFIC PHOROPTOR IN .S IR I T A Proper Glass with Propei Tcstimj is what yon want for your Precious Eyes. THE GREAT CHINA OPTICAL CO., No. 534, North Bridge Road, (Near Braa Has ah Rd.) Singapore.
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    • 568 5 HIT: VACANT WANTED Immediately comt>eteni stenographer. Apply star in aec. qualifications, etc: to P O Box Bfo. S7t, (J 9«*4i WANTED Badish-a pc a kin m Mandorcs/Overseers able to ride I bicycle* Apply statins salary required to Box No. 2578 M T Spore. j mi," IMPORT Export Firm male accountant
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    • 359 5 t^C&SS/fl&M&i SIT: WANTED ACCOUNTANT with exp.Tieme in income Tax Departments illin to undertake the preparation and finalising of uccounta of business8888 ommeivial bouiea and pau i nershipa for Income-Tax year IMS I-or pstrtieatara apply Box al'-.ti. M.T.. J". nana. (H.w». WOALIFIEu A Esperi. fJhlBaue aeuOUßtant seeks part tin.c work
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    • 255 5 WAM'U) „ADVERTISER wants to purcha■mail ompound house or terrai i with freciiold land c >,oril hni &.Q9)/-. Replica WANTED Mortis 8 h.p. t Door Model 1910-41. St H ti> j and Condition to Box A.1,5,! t l v |K>re. .i «M)' WANTED. S/30 acres of land bordrtiag Kir.-r for Factor)
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  • 590 6 "IT can hardly be said that the experiment of carrying on the Municipality of Singapore on representative lines has proved to he a success." This was the dismal conclusion reached by the Straits Settlements Municipal Enquiry Commission (1910) on the modified elective system which was tried out
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  • 1630 6 India is preparing for her first general elections under adult franchise. Will the Congress party, which has suffered defeats at bye-elections, emerge as the victor or will power pass to the left-wing groups? Reuter. By A Correspondent BOMBAY INDIA is fast preparing
    Reuter.  -  1,630 words
  • 522 6 TAPE li REFLECTED heat from the war and Communist successes on the Chinese mainland arc bringing the political pot tore to a show boH Into the pot has been tossed a bewildering variety of ingredients, including the Formosans" tising resentment against the Nationalists. Communism, desperation
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  • 377 6 Reuter. BOMBAY'S smart cosmopolitan hotels may soon become mere lodging establishments, as a result of the Government's prohibition policy. Gone is the gaiety of establishments like the "Taj". Dispirited guests stare at the "dry days calendar" and quit the lounge as soon as they walk in. Orchestras
    Reuter.  -  377 words
  • 559 6  -  THE UPPER AND MIDDLE CLASSES SHOULD HAVE MORE BABIES -—By^>— Edward Curtis A.P. LONDON SHOULD Britain 'nationalise" its baby industry? It's concern is to get mote and smarter —babies. A Royal Commiss'on on Population would do this by getting fewer babies from the labouring
    A.P.  -  559 words
  • 213 6 AUCKLAND. New Zealand is getting ready to stage the British Empire Games. February i to «11. next year. All events except rowing will be held at Auckland. About 400 athletes are expected to come to New Zealand for the big programme of track and field events, rowing, cycling,
    213 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 19 6 From $32.— to $170. opposite Clifford Pier. 7 FOR DUPLICATING j r DUPLICATOR AiSO »1 AUAIA LUMPUR I PCNANG
      19 words
    • 52 6 COURVOISIER \> cognac Ili.noured by the Warrant of Suppht to the lat> K\ George V. and H.M. Kin,; f.>,,■,■„, VI. ComvoUmr has received similar dixtinrftun* from th< former Imperial Court of France and from King Gusto) V of Sic<<hn. Sole Agents for Malaya, British North Borneo Sarawak LOW TANGCHANG LIMITED
      52 words

  • 174 7 Ixmdon, Fri.—Seventy English typists, shop assistants, factory and school girls are to be "glamorised" before they start a four weeks tour of the United States and Canada next spring. The giils, members of the famous Luton Girls' Choir, are going "in the role
    174 words
  • 23 7 rtacehorea in France are wearing a now kind of vividly" coloured satin headgear to protect th/>m from the sun.
    23 words
  • 15 7 Maiden (Surrey* Amateur Dramatic Society 9plit en a lio-yeai -age-limit proposal.
    15 words
  • 191 7 LONDON, Friday.—Teddie Tinling, the man who designed and made "Gorgeous Gussie" Moran's lace panties (he charged her £10 for the dress-sot) said: "Wimbledon Tennis Club are the people who have made money from them. They have had the biggest crowds since the
    191 words
  • 50 7 U.P. DETROIT, Fri. A man walked up to a euiema cashier and demanded tin' money in the «?»h drawer. Cashier: "Have you got a gun?" Man: "Yes, but I'm not showing it." tawnier: "No gun, no money" and she pushed the alarm button. The thief fled.—L.V
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 16 7 Mothers in lonely parts of Norfolk will get free buses to infant welfare centres
    16 words
  • 12 7 Blind at Sydney are taught to dance by braille.
    12 words
  • 437 7 KNE W NOTHING ABOUT MONEY LONDON, Friday.—An 11-year-old orphan a cripple, who until two months ago had never seen a kettle boiling or a fire alight, could not tell the time, and never knew there was such a thing as money, is learning
    437 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 7 Judith Coplon, 27 year-old American girl, who, last week, was sentenced to from 40 months to 10 year* imprisonment in Washington for espionage, is seen bere v»ith her Attorney, Archibald Palmer, examining photostatic copies ot original documents found in her purse when she was arrested.
    47 words
  • 171 7 Reuter. MANILA. Friday. Jokes carried too far can end in fisticuffs and even court action, as happened to these two. A police lieutenant and a < putrolwoman of Quezon City, which is a northwest Maniia suburb, started teasing each Other, overdid their JfMngs. exchanged
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 11 7 Viennese childien bought caged wild birds and freed them.
    11 words
  • 11 7 East Africa. with 14.000 Europeans has 42 air services.
    11 words
  • 82 7 Reuter.-AAP. BRISBANE, Fri. Items on the menu in a rabbitpoisoning campaign launched in the Roma (Queensland! district in Juno included apples, carrots, vanilla, raspberry jam, flour -and rum. The remaining item was strychnine. Poisoners said their technique was to place harmless baits of carrot and apple in small,
    Reuter.-AAP.  -  82 words
  • 106 7 Regent In Exile Reuter. PRETORIA, Fri. Tfhckedi Khama. Regent of tbc Bamangwato tribe in Berhuanaland since 1926. and more than 40 headmen have decided to leave for voluntary exile because of the m?rriage of the chief of the tribe Seretse Khama to a white woman, a
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 77 7 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Fri. A telegraphist at 87, who is still working, has been described by friends as "one of those indestructible people". He was retired at the retiring age of the New South Wales Railways Department, but when World War broke out he joined the telegraphic staff
    Reuter-AAP.  -  77 words
  • 89 7 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO. Fri. The advertisement for a mate placed in j a newspaper by a "w althv. good-looking woman teacher" I evoked editorial comment from the usually lofty Asah, Shimbun. The "ad", quoted by the Asahi, said "A lady w'*h a j dowry of 150,000 yen Is
    Reuter-AAP.  -  89 words
  • 46 7 Reuter-AAP SYDNEY, fri. A Sydney writer neently gave his formula for "Wild Westerns". Asked how he maintained an output of two stories a week, he said "Oil, I just get two fellows, give 'em a couple of guns, and let em walk abou* Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  46 words
  • 140 7 Ruter CALCrCTTA. Fri. "Ladies First" is the motto of India's communist demonstrators and "unlawful" processionists. This convenient display of "chivalry" has often embarrassed the police in their attempts to disperse demonstrations. Policemen say that by putting women as the spearhead" of "unlawful" proces- sions. the demonstrators are taking
    Ruter  -  140 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 226 8 Stay out warning to foreign warships A.P. CANTON, Friday. REPORTS from Formosa said today the head of the Chinese Nationalist Na\y had warned that "eft ective steps" will be taken against foreign warships entering the waters of Co mmunist-held ports. Admiral Kwei Yung-ching was quoted
    A.P.  -  226 words
  • 163 8 Reuter. GENEVA, Fri. The Soviet Union today asked the conference drawing up a newInternational Red Cross convention to ban entirely atom bombs and bacteriological weapons. The resolution submitted in committee said: "It is the duty of the Governments of all "countries to secure the immediate
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 67 8 A.P. WASHINGTON. Fri. Joseph B. Keenan, who prosecuted Japanese ex-Premier Hideki Tojo was chosen today to head the U.S. congressional investigation of the B-36 bomber. The B-36 investigation was ordered to search out the truth about complaints against the performance of the big bomber and the circumstances
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 107 8 A.P. ROME, Fii. Roman Catholic priests u\ Communist China may have to become part-time workers or even go underground to continue then 'ministry. the Catholic in formation service. Fides, said yesterday. Fides .-«»(1 that the "Communists realise the missions depend upon funds fiom abioad to cany
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 258 8 A.P. SHANGHAI, Friday, i US Vice-Consul, seriously beaten by police after A a minor traffic incident, was held without communication in jail in this Communist metropolis >tbt The y incident occurred on Wednesday at the same time several hundred Chinese former employees of the U.S.
    A.P.  -  258 words
  • 36 8 U.P. PARIS. Fri. The city's [electricity supply was slashed by an estimated 25 per cent j today after 20.000 gas and (electricity workers voted to go on strike tor higher wages. 1 U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • 22 8 A.P. BERLIN. Fri. Berlin's supply lines were restorrd to normal on Thursday for the first time in 14 months. A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 139 8 U.P. HONGKONG. Fii. The Central News repotted today that trade between Japan aid Communist China got undciway thi week with the arrival in Japan of one shipment of commodities and the approval o: a second barter contract. The agency said 8.000 tons of salt arrived
    U.P.  -  139 words
  • 22 8 Reuter. LONDON. FTi Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin has invited King Abdullah of Jordan to visit him in Lon \on. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 153 8 A.P. SHANGHAI, Friday. censorship has been imposed by the Chines*' Communists upon dispatches of foreign correspondents in Shanghai. Then- has been no official announcement of the move, but an Associated Press dispatch ot July 1 was censored and returned yesterday. Communications officials explained that
    A.P.  -  153 words
  • 31 8 A.P. CANBERRA, Fri. Prime Minister Joseph B. Ohiiley hinted today that Australia soon will buy more goods outside the dollar aiea even if they cost more than in America.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 72 8 Reuter. DUBLIN. Fri. Piime Minister John CostelH's Coalition Government met its first defeat In the Dail (Parliament) tonight since it took office 16 months ago. The defeat by thiee votes came lo division on the estimate foi the Department of Posts and Telegraph.-. The Government, many of
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 42 8 Reuter. LONDON, Fri. The House of Commons in to devote two days next we< k to a debate on Britain's economic situation, including yesterdays' statement by Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the gold and dollar position.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 344 8 U.P. SHANGHAI, Fri. The New China Agency reported today that the Chinese Communists und their political supporters in a joint statement blamed the United States as being chiefly responsible for the .sufferings cf the Chinese people and for the delay in the conclusion of
    U.P.  -  344 words
  • 137 8 NEW YORK. Fri. 'Actor Danny Kaj/e, chcw.nrj ail in ami *pitthap wisecrack* arrived here last niyht with o2 other after a close cqU aboard the Pan Ann rioem strutocruiser 000 miles out over the Atlantic. K> j along wth Paul McSutt. tennis star I.Brouffk and Marpare! Oebai
    -CP.  -  137 words
  • 254 8 A.P. ATLANTA, Friday. THE shadow of the lash and burning cross today hangs heavy over Dixie. Out of three states since February—Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia have come 51 grim stories, of a lynching, floggings, cross burnings, bombings and intimidations. Though men and women have been beaten,
    A.P.  -  254 words
  • 67 8 Reuter. ROME. Fri.—Signor Giovanni Porzio. Italian VicePremier and Minister vithout Portfolio, resigned tonr-ht in protest against a law ;iuthorising public works expenditure. He claims that th.-> lawpassed by the Chambo* loday, would give preferential treatment to cities of the North over those of the impo. Ed
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 668 8 MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (laswrporatod la Staff*!***) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Starters* spttea to proceed via otter aorta to teas as* dlaefeaiffo cargo. SAILINGS FROM U.K. U.S.A. "Autolycus" from U.K July 12 "Clytoneus" from UK/ Cont July 24 "Elpenor" from UK July 31 Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, A CONTINENTAL PORTS. "Rhaeua" sails
      668 words
    • 429 8 For London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg Hoil:Spore: Seletar: PL Swet. Penaap: BEN VENUE 9-13 July 14-16 July 17-16 July 18-2 BENLAWERS 21-27 July 28-29 July 30-31 Jul) •BENLOMOND 4- 8 Aug. U Au BENVORJJCH 30/8-4/9 26-29 Aug: 23-25 Aug. u-o bc A Alto calls Genoa and Leith. For Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin,
      429 words

  • 111 9 Reuter. LONDON. Fri. Provisional United Kingdom export in June (34 working days com- pared with 26 in May) was about £143.200.000, the Pre- I sident Of the Board of Trade I announced. This is about £8,- I 000.000 under May but nearly £6.000.000 higher than April, j
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 68 9 Hai Hsia (44); Empire Hamble (Sheers Wharf); Nieuw Holland (42 43) Bidor «40/41); Tjipanas (38 39); Katong (36 37); Mount Davis '33, 34»; Stanvac Djirak (31 32); Hoperidge (17 18); Charon (19 20); Bruas (21/22); Idomeneus (23 241; Star Arcturus (27 /28); Rhesus (29 30); Relau (14);
    68 words
  • 71 9 Air mail arrhaks are expected today from Aden, South An:":: t, Canada, Europe. BaTpt, Iran, Iraq. Africa. Pakistan. U.S. A.. Australia. New Zealand, Burma. French Indo-China. Batavia, Hedan. Ceylon. Dabo Stngkei). l*adant:. Souraba; a ana the 9Vdelation of Mala>a. Latest time of porting at th» to Aden. South
    71 words
  • 34 9 Surface mails are expected from China and Hongkong. Late*l time of post lag to Java is 6 p n\ and to South Africa and U.S.A. and Philippine Islands .s at noon today.
    34 words
  • 31 9 CAIRO. Fri.- Britain may ff* mure Egyptian onions next yeai a British Embassy spokesman said. Anglo-Egyptian 'alks of a preliminary and exploratory nature have taken place on the subject.
    31 words
  • 680 9 A.P. NEW YORK, Friday. JHE British are producing more than they ever did before end exporting at least as much as they ever did. And still they can't make ends meet. Whats the trouble? One trouble seems to be Britain's loss of the huge sum
    A.P.  -  680 words
  • 115 9 There »a. j nood Inlying inter*-*' lin the rubber COMnodJty marI kct yesterday and prompt shipment \ia? paid up to 33 <<-nts. Market had a better undertone, with fair volume of Ihhliw W passim;, i Closing prices were: Buyers SellersNo. 1. July RSS 32 7 8 33 18
    115 words
  • 46 9 A.P. NEW YORK Fri. Trade sources reported sales of refined copper at 17 cents (U.S.) a pound. The rate had been 16 cents since June 16. This is the first upturn since coppei started dropping in March ficm the postwar high of 23'j cents.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 40 9 With better buying inquiries from Ixmdon and Australia the Singapore market today reponded in sympathy and again moved to higher levels. Industrials were quietly steady. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokcrs' A: soi j.ition today were:
    40 words
  • 139 9 Lewis and Peat Report— 'pHLE market has been quiet this week awaiting the outcome of the struggle to maintain sterling at its present level. Once it is certain where Malay a stands a.s regards exchange, manufacturers aiid traders can plan ahead and resume normal trading,
    139 words
  • 111 9 Hiphest and Lov est prices duun., tin- week ndaiir Btli j u <% 1949 arc:— Highest Lowest Closiiu; Buyers Noon Spot Loose 32 7,8 32 1/2 32 7/8 R.M.A. 1 R.S.S. F. 0.8 July 32 15 16 32 1,2 32 7 I R.M.A. 2 K.S.S. X.0.8. July 31
    111 words
  • 353 9 Coconut oil price in Singapore has fallen from $49 last w< -k to 548 this week because of lack of buying demand from consuming areas like Europe and India, according to a local produce market source. The Continental countries ard India, bo said, have been able to not
    353 words
  • 20 9 The Kuchai Tin Ltd.'s tinore production for June. 1940. totalled '340 pieuls. th" AngloOriental (Malaya) Ltd. announced yesterday.
    20 words
  • 841 9 Singapore. B*ri. Buvcrs. Seller.. Atlas Icr 15.50 16.50 Alex. Brick Pref. 2.80 2.90 cd Ords. 2.15 2.25 cd B.C. Petrol 33/6 35/B.M. Trustee 7.50 8.50 Cons. Tin Ord. 13/6 14/6 cd do. <P)2l/- 22/K. Utd. Assur. 40.75 41.75 Estate Trust 7.00 8.00 Federal Dispensary 7.00 7.25 ed
    841 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 84 9 before you Auy Toothpaste... READ THESE FACTS Breath! I Try New LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE with its foaming action gets in the tiny crerices of teeth, 5 I Exclusive Lusterfoam action and discover why helping to remove decay-forrmng food p«- I I it's the choice of so many. Cleans your teeth
      84 words
    • 643 9 KJP-M. Lli\E ffflfra REGULAR PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND Tg. Pinaag, Dado. BHaJoa, P. Ptnaag, Tg. Pudu, Muntea, Batavia, Cheribon, S»niarang, Sourabaia, Cast Java Ports, Benoa, Padangbaat, Boeleleng, Tambeuui, Pemangkat, Sambas, Pontianak, Sampit, Bandjermaain, Belawan-Deh. and Djambl. I>oa ftaJt* Batoebahra'' fur Bandjerniasin and Sampit July 9 "Plancius" ,or Muntok
      643 words

  • 1754 10 Final Day At Bukit Timah Tribune Special Racing Correspondent, AL&Aft LEWIS, picked eight winners on he first day and four straight winners on the second. TODAY he gives you pORM horses should again provide most of the r winners today, the last day of the Singapore
    1,754 words
  • 102 10  -  (By ALLAN EWIS RACE ONE CL 1 IMv. 4, 6 F ASCOT VALE Oriental RACE TWO CI. IV, Oiv. 1, fl F »'IL<«KIM'S WAV liuniUicH (iottlrn Slipper RACE THREE CI. 1, Mr. S, t FISHED OK AIRPAL Ounce Hall RACE FOUR CI. I IMv. 261' KOYAL BOROUGH OK MADASARI
    102 words
  • 839 10 Below are the probable runners for tomorrow, the last day of the Singapore Turf Ciub\s July Meeting, with their trainers and owners: BIG SWEEP—RACE 7. DOUBLE TOTE—RACES 5 and 8. RACE ONE—2.t5 P.M. HORSKS CLASS I, DEV. 4-« FURLONGS 19 YARDS. Hunev Ctmb (Woods) 8.00 Morven Btable" Fox
    839 words
  • 56 10 The following will represent Green House B. P. at badminton against Jauacn Road B. P. tomorrow at 3 p.m. at 714 Upper Serangoon Road Heng Boon Guan, Tan Huat Ken, Heng Kwang lHock, Loo Gcok Cbuan Chou Ch.oon King, Herlg -Qltuan Heng Loon Lehg and Mfseee HofiL;
    56 words
  • 324 10 Reuter. BY unrelaxiHg concentrated defence totally out of keeping with their usual attractive stroke play. the New Zealanders avoided defeat on a crumbling pitch which favoured spin bowlers. Hadiee, the captain, was the solid rock on which most of Lancashire's hopes of victory foundered
    Reuter.  -  324 words
  • 97 10 Hors.«* that have won or been piaced on heavy going are: FIRST RACE: Ascot Vale, Elegant Art, Diamond Epic. SECOND RACE: Ramillies, Pilgrim's Way, Karman, Handy Kid, AmuL THIRD RACE: Airpal, Airmail, Blackpool, Flashed FOI'RTH RACE: Mada sari, 'iokeu Royal Borough FIFTH RACE: Bright Eyes, Gold
    97 words
  • 86 10 A half-yearly general, nieennu' of the Endeavour Badminton Party will be held toraorro.% at Mr. Gen Pin Boon s residence —No. 2o\ Rambai Road, at LM p.m. All member? are requested to be present. The Hon. Secretary (Quek Kens Sialic of 222. Onan Road) and
    86 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 266 10 For School Books and Educational« Supplies, Slax-ooery, -Tinting Jobs Oft to PETER GHONG ft CO. Tne (Courteous and Prompt Printers Phone 40H6 and 4142 r ProifT B«MPDDDIN A—Am. Ait*-.. Paluuet and 'Horoscope Reader) ®Many years' practlet In France. Switzer- I land, Italy, Egyp*, Java. Malaya Nem Delhl and various paris
      266 words
    • 26 10 m 60 Years of Integrity —Drink Gold Leaf and be sure of consistent quality The quality of Gold Leaf ranks highest among Teas of Topmost Choice.
      26 words
    • 113 10 SOUTHERN CABARET. TO-NIGHT SPOT DANCE Extension 1 A.M. Special gifts of gold and silverware >W Will be awarded to various prize winner* MISS SALLY WONG ADMISSION FREE Our Newest Dance Hostesses will entertain youff: jSO SAVAGE MINUTES I dBBPtk -ripped from a 1 I tiES\ m man's battered J i
      113 words

  • 239 11 YIELDING a much faster team than their opponents I the Tamil Brotherhood Asso- ciation ran out easy winners over the Singapore Rcceation Club in a Senior league soc- J cer fixture at Jalan Be ;ar yestertiary. They won by three i to one. I The
    239 words
  • 210 11 Scoring 70 points. Olson House won the Keaiyon Shield for the House at the annual sports of the Fairfield Girls' School yesterday. Martin House was second with 62 points. IMackmore House won the Chcpaid Shield by beating Chen house by two goals to one in the
    210 words
  • 51 11 Reuter. LONDON. Fri.—A. H. Kardar. Oxford University and Indian Test all rounder, wrll play for the Gentlemen •agauiot the Flayers in the annual match at Lords on Wednesday. He takes the place of Wilfred Wooller, the Glamorgan captain, who had to Withdraw from the Gentlemen's aide.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 391 11 To Replay Tomorrow Reuter. SANDWICH, Kent, Friday. gOBBY IOCKE of South Africa and Harry Brad I shaw of Eire today tie for the British open golf j championship when they had identical scores for toI day's 36 holes and so equalled the championship re- cord
    Reuter.  -  391 words
  • 57 11 Following will represent SCC against S.C.R.C. at cricket \o£g- £M I' m- on the h.tX. Padang: A. Baker (capt.) J. Morrison. K. R. N. H. Mas.-.-. J. E. Jeans. Rev. W. T. Y. Brown.. r/Lt. H. Green T. A. H. Potts. E. S. Turner. Capt. A. P..
    57 words
  • 39 11 The resting card ut the Happy World Covered Stadium tonight at 9 p.m. is us follows Mark Zorru v. Kama Rai: Fitly Morgan v. iwonde Do no Ming Jiak v Thomson; ami Law Kok Chiang v. Saban Singh
    39 words
  • 113 11 The following an- requested to nun up for Cheerful Lads Athletic Party l*t. and 2nd Blew m against R.A.S.C 2nd Coy. and th« Royal Military Police -1 morrow at the Choen Guan School Ground. The Ist XI w M play at 5.00 p.m. and 2nd V
    113 words
  • 64 11 Reuter. ROME. Fri. Italy giined a 2 0 lead by .winning the first two singles today when their European Zone Davis cup semi-final tic against Yugoslavia opened here. Gianni Cucelli beat Drago Mitic 5 —7, 6—2, 6—L 7 3 and V. Canapele beat Joseph Pallada 6-4,
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 360 11 LONDON, Friday. QF the six county cricket matches just concluded only the game at Nottingham failed to reach a definite decision. The outcome of these matches has made little difference tc the county championship table. The first four counties, Middlesex, Yorkshire, Wore \stershirc wild Glamorgan remained
    360 words
  • 29 11 AIiDTLLAH and DOM (right) beat Tay Hong Seng and Tain Kong Yen in the men's doubles final of the Malacca Lawn Tennis Association chain pionships just ended.
    29 words
  • 404 11 Ny Ah Lak became "A division champion of Serangoon Kn<l>»h School at their LUli Annual School Sports held at their school mound yeaterdav. ClemenU House won the House rhamoionahip Shield and Gimsor House won the Inter Houst. Athletic Cud. Mrs. Robert Eu. Municipal, presented the prizes.
    404 words
  • 52 11 LOUISE RROI GH of I s A. receives the Ladies' Singles trupliy from the Duchess of Kr it at Wimbledon. With her I* Mrs. Margaret Dv I'ont aiso ol 1.5.\., who was beaten by Mi** Hiottgh 10-8, 1-6, 10-8. T lis is Miss (trough's second sue
    52 words
  • 262 11 THE Board of Control (Games) of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council recommended, at a meeting yesterday, that the co-operation of the Services be sought to help the SXLS.C. in gauging the standard of boxers for the Empire Games to be held in New
    262 words
  • 84 11 The following are requested to turn up for soccer between Married and the Singles for the Haikowyu Cup tomorrow at 8.0.D.C.A. Ground at 6.15 p.m MARRIKI): Eksan. Zam Zani. Patrick Ee. Abu Bakar. Jam r. James Ong. Yam Thiam. M. I. Samy. Abdul Rahim, Ismail T>ia. Awl."
    84 words
  • 53 11 The following are selected to represent Green-wood B. P. against Dockyard Indian Sports Clubs at tomorrow at the Naval Base at 7 a.m. G. Gopal. Ah Boon, Sukumaran, Wee Yong Thyc. Tay Yong Song. Tay Chin Bow. Hassain, Ismail bin Mohd.. Mapid, Law Yew Kum. Leow Kirn Cheng,
    53 words
  • 40 11 MALACCA, Fri. The lion. Mr. W. A. Tmyjor, the Resident Commission^i. "ti Wednesday presented the Craven "A" cup to Fook Tong, skipper of the Malacca Chinese R.C.. winners of the cup foi trie third successive I year.
    40 words
  • 112 11 The following will repre«ent S.C.C. XI Versus R.A.F. Tenirah I tomorrow at 11 a.m. on S.C.C. Fadang: V. I. Margrave Oapt.), X. MiK»c. J. C. H. PierCfi, J. C. Crrsswell. L>. W. K. A. Murray. X Gould. L. Holliday. B. Toplis. G. F. Parke. D.
    112 words
  • 64 11 Madam Sim Ah Tab passed awav peacefully at 9.30 a.m., i 7th July, 1949, at No. 761, North Bridge Road, age 70 years, leaving behind 3 sons, Messrs. Chua Ah Kim, proprietor of Chua Kim Hee Electric Co., Chua Kim Seng, Chua '<.im Suan, 3 daughters-in-law 1 md grand-children
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 i Singapore Improvement Trust lenders are invited for sanitary and water installations for i 52 Ante***' Quarters, 12 Shops I and 1 Blocks of 2 Baths and 2 W.Cs. each at Henderson Koad I Estate. Tender Form, etc. may he obtained at the Office of the Trust on payment of
      201 words
    • 776 11 TUITION TUTORIAL CI ASSES For the Senior London Matriculation inter Arts, Law, Economics Commercial subjects, Latin, French and Malay Business Training- or Profession is the Weapon for Economic Independence and Security, Instruction given by Cambridge University Graduate, holder of Master of Arts degree and titles of Bachelor designate m Arts
      776 words
    • 400 11 WANTED WANTED One second-hand j Vertical 10 HP. BOILER in J kxkml condition. Apply Box No. A 2587 M.T. Spore. ACCOMMODATION MERCANTILE HOSTEL 13, Queen Street. Luxurious rooms available at moderate rates for Asians and Europeans Paying quests receive at all times. Particulars from Supervisor. Phone 2370. WK FA* MONEY
      400 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 73 11 f jusr ccr~- Sc-r.i F7I t£u jo:oat /m J Pf happy .v ycu ol' *i tmats R.c H'Tff flivlw MATCH FBRCOIL\:: p' CAUS£ OF MM Art*+s\\ YA *I<o\v ME < SONUVAGUNI ?0t fl HAVe D::»i>aP h.\PP>'-/.N"'T MP I» .I'O O-OO MOST CO/LV 3VST/N' OP: J?- OUt...YA JUST JUST TH' GUV
      73 words

  • 494 12 DRASTIC STEP IF DOCK STRIKE HAS NOT ENDED LONDON, Friday. THE King is to be asked to issued a proclamation of a state of emergency in 1 Britain if the London dock stoppage is not settled by Monday morning, James Chuter Ede, British
    494 words
  • 39 12 The following players ar«> requested turn up for Jollilads against Vehicle Company Joho'v at Johore Bahru: Naracana. Rasak, Kader. Ghani. Hinift. SiOt ha, V. O. Syed, Muniyandi. Sapee. Salahudin, Tolling, H'tssien. Dollah. Krishnasamy, Ran, Rahman, Mokhiar, Syedi.
    39 words
  • 88 12 Reuter. CRANWELL, LincoVshire, Fri. —The Burmese F!ag was broken over the Royai Airforce College here today, when the Burmese Deputy Prime Minister, Genera' 1 Ne Win, who Li also Supreme Commander of Burmese armed forces, paid an official visit and was received by the Commandant, Air
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 72 12 Malacca. Fri. Mi. W. C. I Tayloi, M.i'.acea Resident Commissioner, told the press yesterday that should fundbe available, water supply facilities would bo extended along Tanjong Kling, Cmbai, from Muar to Sung n Rambai and aloag Kukit Rambai. Pulua Godong, Poko Mangga and Lorong Pendan.
    72 words
  • 305 12 Reuter. LONDON. Fri.--A ilemarv! r<M Coinmodu> atnraa reaulted :n I the Loudon Sio< k Ex< haiiK** to- I day. The proapatl of ie-entry o the United riiates into the Com modity marnet as a buyer su muluit-d interest and demand (or tiie liiarm Rubbers, Tins. Lead ar.< Copper
    Reuter.  -  305 words
  • 37 12 CHUA. Chua Seng Hock age 58 peacefully passed away at his residence, 126, Chin Swee Road on Bth July. He leaves behind a family to mourn his loss. Funeral on Sunday 10th instant at 11 a.m.
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  • 34 12 A.P. BALBOA. CANAL ZONE, Fri.—A US Navy patrol plane with nine persons aboard caught fire in Hidrla today and crashed into the sea. At least one body was seen near the wreckage.—A.F'
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 16 12 Because his car woul» not ■tart, a Farndale. U. S., motorist set it alight.
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  • 92 12 A.P. LONDON, Sat.—Princess KlizabVth, Colonel of the Grenadier duards, inspected new recruits i and praised young guardsmen now fighting in Malaya. She told the guardsmen that "it Ih not for nothing that the Grenadiers have won their high reputation for discipline, devotion and courage. "I know
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 243 12 U.P. V Friday. The Republic of Indonesia office here cautions' y J nat t he «greement reached with the Hutch in Indonesia still has not been formally approved and the "very nature of the aetuaJ mill mi situation m Indonesia makes it difficult to take
    U.P.  -  243 words
  • 18 12 A cock South Africar ostrich at Whipsnade is sitting on a clutch of eight eggs.
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  • 157 12 SPURT of buying inquiries from London and Australia yesterday sent up some Singapore sharemarket prices to the highest level recorded for some Petaling tin shares rose from $7.85 Buyers to $8.30 and from $8.00 Sellers to $X.55: H.B. Petrol rose from 32/9 Buyers to 33 6
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  • 25 12 United Chinese Youth Sport* Club defeated Tionj; Bahru Kan;ers by two goals to one at soccer at the Fairer Park, an Wednesday.
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  • 89 12 Mr. Paterson Huttou, professional baritone scheduled to appear in the second series of eight concerts oprnsored by the Singapore Musical Society and the British Onncil. will not make his recital because of a lecent major operation. Instead, the three soloists who sang in the recent Messiah performance.
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  • 32 12 A.P. MANILA, Fri. The U.S. 13th Air Force announced today there is no trace of a trainer plane with two wen aboard since its disappearance to base on June 26.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 91 12 Reuter. WEYMOUTH, ENGLAND. Thurs. —Fortyfive ships of the Western Union fleet on manoeuvres moved into Weymouth Bay today after passing Through a dummy minefield. The giant convoy, including ships from France, Holland and Britain, sailed in two lines, one headed by the ilagship Implacable
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 73 12 MALACCA. FTi.—The following have been elected of-fice*-bearers of the Malacca Chamber of Commerce for the year ending June 30. 1950: President. Mr. C. M. Seth; vice-presidents. Mr. C. T. Smith and Mr. Tan Siew Sin; committee; Mr M. Clark. Mr. J. H. 'raig. Mr. M. C. Dack, Mr
    73 words
  • 33 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Xii Port Swett» nham will hold a water spott- meeting m AuglMtt 7 to raise fund- during the Welfare Week. The Sultan of Selangor will give away the prize-.
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  • 138 12 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Fri—The American State Department has announced that suflicient countries have now ratified the International Wheat Agreement and the agreement take; effect as from July 1. India an<» Ceylon were listed among the nations which have ratified the agreement. The Council set up under
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 124 12 Reuter. HYDERABAD City, Fri. Capt. E. B. Winkler, tne electri- :al engineer/for the building or cJie gieat Sukkur barrage uc.oss ill.' Indus river, died here vesi .erday after a heart attack, aged 63. He was the chief engiueer of the Hyderabad Electric Supply company. Earlier this
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 37 12 J ne Amateur AUnetic union will hold a Social Dance at the Atomic Club, 64 Lloyd Road, on July 2o at 8.30 p.m. Tickets are abtainable from Mr. Low Poh Hye, 17 Change Alley.
    37 words
  • 238 12 The following will play cr'cket for Indian Association against S.R.C. A today at 2.15 p.m. on the S.K.C. Padang. Seiakaa Sing (Captain). S. M. Ally. c. V. s. Sundram. C Popatlal. N. Naravnun. C. K. Smgapuri. Rudh Slash, s. Thangathurai. M. T. Reshamwalla, J. I
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  • 33 12 Indian Association will hold a meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the club house to diacosa 3m second annual Indian athletic meeting. All Imlians interested are invited to ationd the letting.
    33 words
  • 56 12 Tlx' following have been Vhoser. to represent The Borneo Co.. Ltd. Sports CJub in a "soccer match against Singapore fin- 1 proveiaent Trust at Karrer Park on July 11: May, Charlie. Kong, r, 5f Verrall: J. Campbell, R. Tan, p. Rozario: Mom. C. Chambers, J. Jameson. SaaUri
    56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    75 12 Ke<p«rs at Chicago /«■<» thought I hey were doing Mr. and Mis-. Rhino a good turn when after rv:ng separated by a harm r th. ir romance was formally approved and they were put in the -ame enclosure. tiut Miss Khino had other ideas. \> Romeo Rhino entered
    -aion**.  -  75 words
  • 129 12 Reuter. PARIS, Friday. Vietnam guerilla troops are now in control of some two-thirds of the Quang Ngai area in Anntim, according to the Vietnamese new spai>er Than Nin quoted here today by the Agence l'r:»nce Presse. The Saigon newspaper said that Hunt weeks ugo the
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 67 12 The team to represent RocKlites against Borneo Mo.ors S. C. on July 11 at St George's Road (C. Y. M A C round) will b e selected from the following: C. Galistan, J. Feiroa, M. Swyny, P. j. Feiroa, N. Kanagasabai D Swyny. C. Rodrtgues. Chong Lian Fay,
    67 words
  • 56 12 The following will represent a a.A. at lootliall against S X o on the S.R.C. Padans on "julY 11. -c liv ilu c Seng. Ooi Siafal Hoon Kang Hoe. Thong ESS oan. Swee Lun Swang Ch«>. Hon Fons:. Aug Ah Bee. Cke*l Kirn hwee, Ohiam Kirn Siani
    56 words
  • 40 12 A.P. SPRING LAKE, N,-w Jersey, Fri.- Top seeded Kicharu Gonzales of Lo s Ange!e s entered the semifinals %f the 4lst Annual Spring ,ake invitation Tennis Tournament today, defeating Frank Shields, New York. 6—4 6 2 —A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 20 12 A.P. YOKK, Fri. Steve Belloise, leading middleweight contender, won an eightround decision over Tony dc Micco Friday night.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 32 12 U.P. GENEVA. Fri. Sir Arcol -akshmanaswaffli Mudalier of india was elected Chairman of the Executive Board of the Vorld Health Organization oday at the opening of the loard's fourth session.--CP.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 FOR HARI RAYA PUASA FESTIVITIES nilAriTlV FRUIT CORDIALS AND KHUN f\ll SYRUPS TO ENTERTAIN f llVrljll IA YOUR friends. SWEET DELICIOUS FRAGRANT Waterproof High Class Gents and Ladi«u lever movement wrist watch 1949 new model roiled gold su o stainless steel case 15 *nd 17 jewels. Tffifeol; __Obtainable at every
      53 words
    • 30 12 —i ZBSS PUBLIC NOTICE M/V SURRTENTO. The cocktail reception arranged for tomorrow will now be held on Monday evening due to a delay in the ship's arrival. Barretto Shipping Co.
      30 words
    • 52 12 Happy World Wrestling Tonight 9 p.m. SEE!! The Supermen in Artiou Billy Morgan vs. BioatV I>SM (Navy Champ) (Army Champ) Mask Zorro vs. Rams Rai plus two good bouts. Admission $2 and Si (CHILDREN HALF PRICE) oammiff. Av«oi»uie vi ftftvder formSold Bverywhert Agents: Nnkaa Mohamad Sons, Ltd. B'por*. Kuala Lumpur
      52 words