Malaya Tribune, 5 July 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 68 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE w BY THE PEOPLE jpR THE <PEOPLE ir r Tel; "Tribune" S'pore LARGER SALES THAN ANY AFTERNOON PAPER IN MALAYA J PubHsned «imuZtaneoi«»<i/ at flfinyapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang. Phone 5811/3 I Nine Lines TWELVE PAGES SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1949 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE
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  • 41 1 President I. R. Soekarno of Indonesia talks informally with correspondents who visited him •in Hangka Island during a Dutch sponsored (our of Indonesia. Pr*» ddent Soekarno is dun to f-turn shortly to the restored Republican capital of Jogjakarta.
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  • 71 1 A.P. LONDON. Mon.—Princess Elizabeth took up offici d residence today at a home of her own. Her personal standard was down from the Flagst iff in front of Clarence iloiso. where she will live with her husband Prince Philip and son Princi Charles. Clarence House,
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 38 1 A.P. PRAGI'E, Mon. A spokesman for the Czechoslovak Communist Government, sensitive V woild headlines, began coi:. plaining Monday about 'IS objective reporting in the Western press and "whispering campaigns abroad" concerning thl nation's state-church fight. A.F.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 285 1 U.P. LONDON, Monday. The Labour Government announced today thftl it was investigating charges that Communist* hat* inspired Lonflftn's crtppftns Uock strike and hinted at emergency measures to protect the cargoes aboard 8« idle ships. The announcement was made in the Commons by Labour Minister George Isaacs
    U.P.  -  285 words
  • 118 1 SAN FRANCISCO Mon. Communist Peiping Radio today claimed the right of the "people's democratic new China" to sit in on the drafting of a Japanese peace treaty. Quoting Shen Chun-ju, a high-ranking member of the Democratic Leagues Standing Committee, the broadcast said that
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  • 30 1 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Mon. The 15,507-ton troopship Or lana left here for Hongkong today with .about 2,000 tioops and a few members of the Rny&l Air Force. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 173 1 U.P. CHICAGO. Mon. The worst heat wave of the year seared the United States today as millions piled into family ears seeking relief at beaches and picnic areas. Accidental deaths for the Independence Day week-end were rising swiftly and had reached 432 by Monday morning. Record
    U.P.  -  173 words
  • 110 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mon Cold and dollar settlements to Belgium last month under the v.traEuropean payments j •ii<-nt reach a record ngurc. the B. .!.s:i Treasury disclosed j today. Settlements totalled £6.790,- 1 000 to Belgium and £1.J19.00 to Switzerland The figure tor Switzerland was
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 85 1 A.P. CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee, Mon. Pending in circuit court here is a divorce suit which may end one of the shortest romances on record. Attorney C. W. Chamlec said the two principals met at B'o'clock one night. At 8.30. they went across the state line aud were married in
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 497 1 ONE DRAIN IS SEALED, CRIPS REPORTS But Bad News Is Feared For Today Reuter. LONDON, Monday. Sir Stafford Cripps, British Chancellor of the Exechequer told Parliament today he regarded the recent Paris agreement on intra-European payments as "a great achievement of European co-operation which will I hope serve to develop
    Reuter.  -  497 words
  • 111 1 Reuter. MILAN. ...on. The World Federation of Trade Unions Congress, in its fifth day here today, announced plans to at up "trade department;;" in the transport, radio, agriculture, timber and oil industries, and to hold constituent conferences in these industries. VaaaaUy Kuznetsov, Chairman of the Soviet
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 24 1 ROME. Mon Signor Giuseppe Saragat, Italian Vice-Premier, announced today that agreement had I een reached nn ending the IS-day-old Italian shipping Urike.
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  • 200 1 U.P. LONDON, Monday. The Chinese Government has replied to the British note protesting at the Nationalist blockade of Communist-held Chinese coast ports. A British Foreign Office spokesman said the note was delivered from the Chinese Foreign Office through British Consul-General A. P. CoghUJ in Clinton. He
    U.P.  -  200 words
  • 32 1 U.P. NANCY. France. Mon. Tin i Strabourg-Paris Express trair. was derailed at nearby Doni bermenl today and first report: said five persons were killti' and about 12 were injured. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 157 1 U.P. CANTON, Mon. Nationalist China's newest currency, ".silver yuan" notes, became effective today and have been evaluated at 1.75 per one US •SI and 3.72 per $1, announced Finance Minister Shu Kan. The rate was .24 per one Hong Kong dcPar. Shu said at a
    U.P.  -  157 words
  • 101 1 A.P. LONDON. July s.—Editor Hong Bee Lim of the Malayan Monitor said today the British ban on his paper in Malaya showed an "utter contempt for the elementary rights of free speech and publication." Imports of the Malayan Monitor, a monthly which is published in Londoti
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 National Employer's Mutual General KIRK ana other classes of [j Watch for spei ial announcement about judging of 17th Announcement lUO ••■•"•r 1 jiea,, time, two free 1> stands for Depression °t drinks for al And for "Down in the Dumps-, rhymes published Shouhl you fo«J bhi.% these today
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    • 114 1 SILVER UMLft given it a thorough test, and for pcrformanre, beauty of tone and ease of tuniti<i ran enthusiastically gay that it upholds the fine traditions of its distinguished family. FEATURES OKJI V "HPfe 1 011 ro ,M, P*rf°rm**ee on oil band* WI >L I uilft/u/f lone reproduction. ir Fully
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  • 133 2 TWENTY-FIVE Communist pamphlets in Chinese were thrown into the Happy World Boxing Arena while a wrestling match was in progress on Saturday night. Detectives on the spot got the documents but could not make out the culprit. There were only a few spectators at the arena that
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  • 41 2 Singapoie Malayalees mourned Sunday the death of Mahakavi Ulloor Paramesv/ara Avyer, the famous Malavalam poet. Said Mr. P.K. Knimal, president of tire Singapoie Kerala Samajam. at a condolence meeting "He can well be called the Milton of Malayan literature."
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  • 104 2 RUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Police in the Lentong area Pahang, went yesterday to Chinta Mani and found thr* ccrpse cf a Sakai man with wounds on his face believed to have been caused by sten-gun shots. A Chinese, identified as a bandit second-in-command, was arrested on the bus
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  • 56 2 The Pop Youth League will hold a Campfire to be followed by n social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mirtin n Pulau Brani on Saturday. July 30, from 6.U0 p.m. A South Seas Dance Banu will be in attendance. Light refreshments, sandwiches
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  • 162 2 Agreement Needed lo Prevent Exploitation KUALA LI 'MP! R, Monday.—The Indian Chambers of Commerce in the Federation oi Malaya favuir the Indian Government's draft agreement for Indian I shop assistants. This agreement was flayed by a section of the Indian mercantile community in Singapore. Apart
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  • 76 2 C.I.D. OFFERS 1,000 REWARD Mr. E.V. Fowler. Deputy CommLssioncr of the Criminal Investigation Department, yesterday offeied a rewaid of $1.000 foi information leading to the an est of the pei.son or persons responsible for the murder of a 60--year-old woman. The woman was found dead, with severe head injuries,
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  • 89 2 He abetted taking bribe Charge The trial of Thomas Pushpam. an Indian overseer of the Town Cleansing Department of the Singapore Municipality, opened yesterday. He was charged with abetting in the acceptance of a $35-bribe by a mandore. Nine hawkers who plied at Marine Parade, i.ome without licence, testified that
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  • 40 2 Reuter. MEXICO ClTt'. Men. With bars closed and troops on hanc Mexicans went to the polls to day to elect 147 members of •< new Chamber of Deputies. Up to late this afternoon no trouble had been reported anywhere.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 95 2 KUALA LATsfPUR, Mon. The quest for radio-active minerals for the extraction of uranium essential in the manufacture of the atom bomb has given a "new light" to the mining industry m Malaya. "If we get them in sufficient quantities there is a chance of .aen
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  • 107 2 On an •experience" visit I to the Far East for the liata I Shoe Company of Canada. I Mr. ED. Magnus said in Singapoi<> yesterday that he would exploit the possibilities 1 of a two-way trade l>etween Canada and Malaya, j "Canada is very
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  • 121 2 ACCUSED £HIA Buck, a Chinese food-stall assistant, accused of murdering his employer, Chiang Song Chwee, told the Assize Court yesterday: "I had no intention of murdering him. i only had a fight with him." outlining the facts of the case, Mr. A. V. Winslow
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  • 57 2 ROME, Mon —An unofficial Catholic Church information service has distributed a letter attacking as "barbarous" the proposals that birth control be legalized in Japan. A Welfare Ministry spokes- man in Tokyo said that according to a responsible survey by the ministry, the Japanese people regarded I
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 2 A perspective view of the new St. Hilda's Church, Katong, which will be compiled in November this year. An appeal for 520.000 has i»een launched for the new Church's lurnishings. Contributions may be addressed lo The Rev. J. T. X. Handy, St. Hildas Church, Katong.
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  • 12 2 .."1, X'. «<»"<. l.r"'...u. "Ul"..c, V....««.. ,.n.l "s. »..dn l ",^,.(..°...l,°''«.»5",»"'".
    12 words
  • 168 2 I(UALA LUMPUR, Mon. Compounding powers under the Emergency Regulation are being used to good effect, said the Omcer-in-charge of the Traffic Branch. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. G. C. Grace, who is leaving Kuala Lumpur tommorrow for South Africa on six months' leave Mr. R. Maccartney
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  • 38 2 Contributions amounting to i 1.193.190,000 Swiss francs have been made by the Swiss I people to the Red Cross duri ing the years 1910 19« B. j This is an average of Fr.265 per person in Switgerland.
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  • 45 2 Lim Gong Kow, 40. was gaoled for eight mouths' by the Second District Judge yesterday for having one pound of opium The dope was stated to have been discovered in a house at Cheng Tuan Street on June 26.
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  • 149 2 The Filipino community of Singapore yesterdaj bruted tne third anniversary of the independence of t Phillipinc Islands with a luncheon at the Pi inc. Restaurant. Mr. Benig. Pi Midgut Of the Filipino Association, in a v. come speech said that I for the tutorship and guidance of
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  • 137 2 IOHORE BAHRU, Monday.—EbU bin Ebon was not in an insane rage when be murdered Zakedah. He knew what he was doing at that time. This was the opinion offered by Dr. Manuel Cocbeme, Medical Superintendent Central Mental Hospital. Tanjong Rambutan. He was giving evidence for the
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  • 110 2 KI'ALA LUMPUR, Mon. Kuala Lumpur's new Radio Serial the Mystery of the missing Hands will stait a six week run from the Kuala Lumpur studios W/E/F Monday. July 11. at 8.30 p.m. This is the third Serial in a series written and produced by Len
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  • 48 2 CLEVELAND. OHIO. Mon. —The magazine Steel predie'ed American steel I hipm< nts will reach the lowest point of the year in July. Holidays. vacations. and "general dullness in demand" will cause the decline. Steel said. The drop was 4 1 points to 80 percent of capacity.
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  • 104 2 KUALA LUMPUR. Men. Captain R. V. Ka: I I dan. former officer-in-cha: p Volunteer Forces Record.Office of the Selangor branch in Kuala Lumpur, faced hi> trial before Mr. Justice Spencer Wilkinson at Assizes today on a of having committed crii nal breach of trust in res]
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  • 118 2 Air mail expected from Aden. Afplianistan. Bo Amer/ca. Canada. Europe Egypt Iran. Iraq. Africa. Pakistan. Palestine. U.S.A.. New Eeahu Burma. Ceylon. Batavia. Dabo Singkep. Medan. Padang an<l thFederation of Malaya. Latest tun.< of paatlag a:r nu I at the G.P.O. to Aden. So America. Afghanistan. Can Europe.
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  • 34 2 U.P. WASHINGTON. Mon. Hcuse spy investigation sa yesterday that th« entire American Communist Party was set to go underground if its leaders now on trial in New York were convicted li.F.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 ts\ TO 11 AY! ST M r Mat m 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; 6.45 and rjjf iM/f »30 P.M. MffgW \mmW PoromOunt piejents f RHONDA WIUIAM CROSBY FLEMING BENDIX i 1 f Fcr Always MB 4»W_. Mm\ Ycj Slu: l 0" «B| To rhe Moon SEASON EXTENDED! SEE IT^OW!! 4
      64 words
    • 86 2 "HERE IS THAT IX) YE ABLE, LIKEABLE LAUGHABLE Gl V" DANNY HAVE. TODAY FOUR SHOWS pl¥i£flj|;M 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 P.M. K?SS 1 PHONE 6903. ■Sb DANNY KAYE* jßfc llCy W MAYO-VERA-ELLE* i The GOIOWYH GIRLS Wm2meOLQ&fektt 7 urn mu-nam-im ucaui m nam •urn s» NEXT CHANGE—A Rare Emotional Experience i» MICHELINE GERARD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 415 2 BLUE NETWORK > ENGLISH PROGRAMMES S i 10.00 a.m. New. from Kuala 'ffir,;* K ,h Brrn, M: W»W[ AcJrtj Lumpur; 10.05 approx.) (lose 11 00 ~ow" «•> > Recorded music; Ml rW 1 I,wwn u„ IV ■■nn» ■—..1. with sig Tune- 700 I KM a.m. For the Schools MALAY PROGRAMMES
      415 words

  • 92 3 Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald! left Singapore for North Borneo by Malayan Airways yesterday. He will b e away for l week. Mr. Mac Donald will «pend a few days in Jesselton and SondaJtan and wih vint vjuring areas. T) M. S. London will b fc
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  • 88 3 The 10 000-ton Dogoa) TroCiß. French cruiser and f\2.'>, ship of the French Fai Eastern Navy. entered Sir.gaporc Naval Base yesterday. The cruiser came from BaigOfl for a refit, it is understood. The last time the Dugnay Trunin was in Singapore wain October last
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  • 179 3 JHK Amelia Earhart, New Orleans Liberty ship I built at a cost of a million dollars, which h i been lying at anchor in the Singapore Outer Roads the. past seven months, left pert yesterday towd by f he tug Allegience 11. j The Allegiencc II
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  • 116 3 Eight, cities in Manchuria have been opened to inter naiL,nal cable traffic, but only in plain language, it was announced by Cabie and Wireless Ltd. yesterday. The cities are Antung. Changchun, Chinchow, Harbin. Kit in Mukden (Shengyang>. Newehwang (Yingkow). and Taltsihar. All classes and all set
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  • 42 3 U.P. Diusscldorf, Mon. Trade union leaders said today that the ituachtns have ordered a secret purge of 'Titoisls and ►j-aitors" among Western Geirnany's Communists. which already has resulted in thf fusting of mote, thpn 50 par... rficnil>< -r.~T T .r
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 69 3 A Chinese deck passenger, the only one who cmbark» d at Swatow for Pontianak, d'.eti on hoard the Royal iateroccan Lines' -MSy-ton Van Riemsdijk a day before the ship entered Singapore h,«.;bour. The Van Reimsdijk carried 398 first, second and third class passengers from Amov. Swatow
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  • 70 3 Kuala Lumpur. Mm.- T;ie i Ugh CommkwttHler Bii Henry Qorney, has c ait i following messae to tj United states CoftetiVCencra! in ttpgeporc. vtr. William fi. Langdon.: "On behalf of the Government and people of the Fede- 1 ration of Malaya I offer to I you and to
    70 words
  • 200 3 r ?iK n Jounaliste, who said that tbey for tiSTSdJ Sl n n f gapore was an of «nism i n South East Asia, an ived here by air yesterday from Batavia They are Messrs H. it. Knickerbocker, well known radio commentator on W
    200 words
  • 66 3 (fee China Merchants Bt•. r. Navigation Company's Chi Chung has ai lived in Singapoie from Takao, Tai- wan, with a carg«< of 3.£61 tons of sugar foi Govern- m'fnt ration stocks. The ship wil! un.oac 2.500 I tons here, and the rest is to be taken off
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  • 31 3 Ktltue Lumpur, Mon. Thcic have been 11 arrests tn the Federation in the last 24 hours 1 in Malacca, 2 la Palmng. 5 in Johore and 3 -n Perak.
    ###  -  31 words
  • 273 3 WASHINGTON, Monday:THE Truman Administration is cautiously trying to work out a new policy toward Communist, split China. This effort, the first really positive Americnr approach to the subject in several years, is carried on mainly through conferences in a numb.''." oi world capitals. How well
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  • 34 3 A.P. NEW' DELHI. Mon. net* i of Manganese ore in the first five months of the year chowed a substantial increase ovei the corresponding oeriod a year ago, the Government reported.- a.}*.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 105 3 tWELVE peOfk were injured, none seriously, when a Singapore Traction Company Bus plying route 1 S crashed into B telegraph post and partly turned over into a dram at the third milestone on Upper Serangoon Road early yesterday afternoon. There wh;- n slight drizzl; when
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  • 50 3 A.P. VAI PARAISO Mon. While !h for. r v hilean naw captain Jw- t» tug i led wdh ssjHtß ,lo c us. ihe guard ot sailors S- d i rim volley in sahjte. 0 c" 1 bttlb ts struck and [killed Binesto Rodriguez, a I naval employee, a.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 63 3 "A Kluang Flying Club doe*- not exist," said Mi. H.C. firant-Watson. Club Captain of the Royal Sincapoie Flyin!' club yesterday iii refuttag a statement (fJOt in the Tribune) that such an organisation had beeal formed. lie expressed suiprise at Mien a i eport. He added,
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  • 136 3  -  FILM REVIEWS by OSWALD HENRY T"ii?s n end, Hhßgaf) re litm-i'an -B FH be «edag B Preach movie ahert whlefc, gather, there 1 beea a hti of havaV ininh talk rec at.v. It Is called "L<- Diable An Coffpa" ('Th»* Devil Within'), shirring
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  • 175 3 THE story takes place shortly before the Armistice is signed in the 1914-18 war. A young college boy meets a nurse, helping in a hospital for wouuded soldiers in Paris, and falls desperately in love with her. The girl is very much older than lie and is already
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  • 173 3 WHEN you see this film (which opens at the Pavilion on Thursday) try and me a tally compare it with other pictures you have seen. You will find that it has something new to offer in camera technique, direction and presentation. Especially is the latter noticed in (he
    173 words
  • 118 3 MtCHELlNt: PRESLE who boars a striking rcsembianco to Ida Lupino, is ca pable actress. She gives i moving performance as inns Marthe Gj-angicr. Her appea lies in boing charmingly unsophlstiraled. Gerard Philip progress (as her leading man) will he worth watching. His acting la devoid of movie "cliches."
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  • 346 3 CATHAY: "A Connecticut Yaßkee At King Arthur's Court." Bright, gay. colourful and tuneful production vttb Uirg Crosby clowning his wav through 6th century CamelOt as Sir Boss, the Yank, who turns King Arthur ant his court topsy-turvy with, his wizardy and wins the fair hand of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 GREAT WORLD Globei 7 «1.15 BRING 'EM BACK ALI\'V" NEW WORLD Lido 6.30 !>..;0! •SPY SMASHER" Whole Serial Republic Serial) Tomorrow: "THE PIRATE" in Technicolor Royal I 7.: m "VELUJLARI" (Tamil) rr >*m Lasf S Shows: 3, 6.15, 9.15 pJR. STIRRING LOVE STORY with a Star-Studded Cast "Arch Of Triumph
      98 words
    • 84 3 mn\ showing 6.30 9 50 p.m. Presented liy Loudon Film* Released Thru' !>ha\v Bros., Ltd E X T-CII A N G i: THEY IWE NEVER BEEN SO WONDERFUL i'OGETHE?.! P2CX WITH MINGS VOl X Km. HEART REMEMBERS* A ttPUSIIC SftlAt In 12 Vction-Packed Chapter* BCnsXJ I B SHOWN JF=®g|l COMPLETE!
      84 words

  • 207 4 Dense smoke darkens the sky over the Perth Amboy, New Jersey, plant of the California Refinery Co., after an asphalt tank exploded and «iarnes flashed to surrounding tanks. Two volunteer firemen were killed. "MONKEY," one-an«l-a-uWM year old out who ju<t MMBS to mode! hats and who has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 99 4 THERE SHOULD BE NO MISTAKE WITH OUR SCIENTIFIC PHOROPTOB A Proper Glass with Proper Test my in what you want for your Precious Eyes. THE GREAT CHINA OPTICAL CO., No. SS4, North Bridge Road, (Near Bras Baaah Rd.) j Singapore. SPECIALISE IN SIMPLIFYING For Beginners and/or Advanced. Group tuition at
      99 words

  • 83 5 U.P. LONDON, Mon. A joking attempt to twist international red f»pe gave Hollywood s*ar Errol Flynn an BBftSsy few minutes when he arrived England fr(»ni Laris yesterday. Immigration officials detained the ae*.»r to i \plain the irregularities in his travel papers belore allowing him to continue
    U.P.  -  83 words
  • 231 5 U.P. LOS ANGELES, Monday. A 19-year-oid Oklahoma youth whispered through his bullet ripped mouth how he had killed a Lovers Lane gunman who sought to take his bride-to-be from his uarked car on Friday night. Alwvn I vers was battling for Ins life at the
    U.P.  -  231 words
  • 86 5 Reuter. DOM CAY. Mon. An experimental course in military training foi boys between 10 :20 will be inaugurated here on July 15. The course comprises foot- j drUl and nfle training, and map and compass leading. The young trainees wii. form the junior wing of the
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 158 5 U.P. TOKYO. Mon. Police in Southern Japan are alarmed over the increase in the cpparently organized thefts, specializing in uynamite and other explosives, it was reliably learned today. Reports from Fttkuoka on Kyushu Island said more than 1.800 stick, of dynamite Smd nice than 12.000 cans
    U.P.  -  158 words
  • 67 5 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Mon. When a Sydney jockey returned to scale and weighed in at'ter a recent race held on a wet track at Randwick, Sydney, he was 4 lb. ovef-weight. It was all mud. Under an old racing rule now discarded, the horse he had ridden would have
    Reuter-AAP.  -  67 words
  • 93 5 A.P. MADRAS, Monday. Ducks are being used successfully by the Madras Agricultural Department to combat plant peata. Tke Department's Bulletin says a flock of about I*oo6 ducks was able to destroy completely in five days stripped bug pests that infested a thirteen-ocre padrty planted farm land in
    A.P.  -  93 words
  • 447 5 Catholics Guard Their Priests A.P. PRAGUE, Monday. CZECHOSLOVAK Communist leaders, apparently shocked by bloody resistance from Catholic peasants, appealed yesterday for "peace and calm"' in the nation's Church-State war. After a week's silence, government officials and the press confirmed reports of fighting between Slovak
    A.P.  -  447 words
  • 35 5 A.P. MANILA, Mon. A Mohammedan prince. Latu Nacasindil Permtteft, of Matonggao, was run ovei and killed by a truck in the wild timber country of Western Mindanao, the Philippine Constabulary reported today. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 195 5 U.P. RENO. Monday. —In the midst of Reho's annual three-day Rodeo celebration GOO bartender.;, cook.s and kitchen helper* and hotel service employees walked out on strike yesterday. The downtown aieu deluged by oetween 15,000 and Iio.OOO visitors was thrown into utter conftision as AFL Culinary and
    U.P.  -  195 words
  • 41 5 Summer time heat is no problem for Doug, big- chimp of the Marsalis park Zoo. Dallas, Texas, C.s.A. He can hold and lick four owner-* rt im cones at one sitting without dripping a drop.—A.P. Picture. -A.P. Picture.
    -A.P. Picture.  -  41 words
  • 137 5 TOKYO, afec.—The Ame- rican.s pulled a big display of military sttcngth here today as Gen. Mac Arthur reviewed his troops on the Imperial Palace Plaza, while a. number of unidentified Japanese looked over llirohito's high rock on the OCraskM of the roorth of July celebratioti.
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  • 265 5 U.P. SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. JS Tokyo Rose a citizen of the United States by birth or a Portuguese citizen by marriage? The American taxpayer will spend a half million for the answer to that question among others during the weeks ahead. American-born Mrs. Iva
    U.P.  -  265 words
  • 108 5 U.P. WASHINGTON, Mon. Drew Pearson, columnist and radio commentator. in h; i broadcast last night said "Truman's cabinet is split wide open over the sizzling hot British economic crisis. That is why Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder flew to London. The reason for the
    U.P.  -  108 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. RAiAMUNDRY, MADRAS. Mon. A cat burglar, who was convicted of theft, hurled an old shoe at the local Magistrate, shouting "Here la your Baksheesh (tip)". His "Baksheesh," however, missed the mark and fell near the clerk's desk. The burglar got a return "Baksheesh" an additional term
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 38 5 U.P. BRUSSELS. Mon. Belgian Minister of State Auguste de Schrijuer, President of the Social Christian Pany, icfused to comment on his conference in Switzerland with selfexiled King Leopold, upon his arrival at Brussels last night.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 SIT: VACANT WANTED: Accountant. En 1; Correspondence r|erk Typ^^nd BoxpAaW M C T U V erB, Ai,J,lv <° •puWTn MT SP O 1 (C.944). XZSftfr, CANTONESE rook-boy r .I*'° nwnf »c amahs to run Cathay lat. Mual be sxjjerienoed for rhT.' '••••>"•■■" No. room &ii £U* rMI m enrantj quarters,
      533 words
    • 374 5 SIT: WANTED I\' '< tMJE-TAX Assessment Mat 194.». Accountant with long e•perience m Revenue Department* can undertake writing-up accounts aoo attend to your income Tax JF* 11 8 A l'Pl> Box A 2563 c/o Malaya Tribute. Kuala Lumpur. i (X.965). Accountant Wl ,h considerable ex- POJ enca In Income-Tax Departseeks
      374 words
    • 291 5 WANTED U«d "Typewriter and Motor Cycle, also room or house wanted. Reply fully to "Bonk"de, c/o P.O. Box 140. I pore. WANTED 2nd hand J*?** model Or horse power. Give full E, ar^ iru ars Price to Box A 2565, aui.. Spore. <C9X7i nJ^ NT f D u to »>«ick
      291 words
    • 304 5 ACCOMMODATION TO-LET 7 m les Hu:;it Timah I Road. Modern self-contained Flat, i 3 bed. 3 bathrooms', servants' qrt-. Karage. large garden. $460 p.m., I unfurnished P.O Box 167. (E.965>. < TO-LET part of house big and small, bedrooms, with bathroom, dinine. sitting rooms. Close to town. Box A 2562,
      304 words
    • 466 5 MISC. j PEP yomli league camp fire and social dance night at Pulau Bran: l .Saturday, 30th July 6.50 p.m. TREVOR Mac s Band opener Engagements Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays. Thursdays. Good Music Assured. Box No. 532 G.P.O. PALMISTRY: Simple quickest way on progress hap- pmess. Consult Madam Lydia. Town office
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  • 621 6 IJNLY the emergence of a Malayan nationalism will save Malaya from the tragedy of inter racial conflict. Everyone agrees on this, and even the Communist finds it expedient to kow-tow before this theory once in a while. But it is one thing to talk about the need
    621 words
  • 589 6  -  RUSSIA IS MOVING UNDER COVER OF HER OWN PROPAGANDA TO MAKE A DEAL WITH THE SPANISH DICTATOR BY LEON DENNEN NEA I A MS TRADE negotiations between Russia and Spain, which hear a striking resemblance to the bargaining that led to the ill-fated Stalin-Hitler pact Of
    NEA  -  589 words
  • 876 6 A.P. TRIPOLI BRITAIN is sitting on a powder-kfcg in strategic Tripolitania. Almost everyone here agrees the keg will explode into Arab riots or revolt next autumn if the U.N. Assembly tries to hand Tiipolitania back to Italy. The fiery Mufti of Libya threatens to lead his 700.000 Muslim
    A.P.  -  876 words
  • 890 6  -  By R. MACARTNEY Reuter-A.A.P. TOKIO JAPAN, Stripped of her possessions, may become the workshop of Asia by supplying other countries with the capital equipment she previously used for their expioitation) Mr. D. G. Mulherka-, Commercial Counsellor and Acting Head of the Indian Mission told Reuter —AAP recently.
    Reuter-A.A.P.  -  890 words
  • 136 6 Reuter. UoniiNE. a stone from a Dutch church destroyed by German ait raids in 1940 has been let into a wall of the Toorak Presbyteiian Church. Toorak is a suburb of Melbourne. The stone came from the Groote Kerk, a thurch ;li Rotterdam. The Baroness van Aerssen, wife
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Article, Illustration
    338 7 GIVE YOUR CHILD A SENSE OF IMPORTANCE IT S when children don't feel "important to the family" that they're likely to get into trouble, says an educationist. How can you make your children feel "important to the family Here are some important ways: Don't let them grow up
    338 words
  • 241 7 PARASOLS UANT of the parasols coming up for fun in the sun arc no larger than a hat. Like the Gay Nine ties sun-shades from which styles stem, the smaller the parasol, the longer the stick fiom which it unfurls. Long stemmed fantasies, fluted
    241 words
  • 211 7 TINY film stars set styles for little fashion followeis just as the big gills of the screen do foi giown-ups. When exquisite di esses a:e created especially to enhance the box-oitice appeal of a "haby" star, such fiocks when translated into ready-to-wear designs arc apt
    211 words
  • 562 7  -  By Jane Dorset THE fundamental difference between the outlook of a man and a woman as regards' clothes Is, of course, that the man demands something piactical. the woman a gaimerit to*enhance whatever charm she has. if a man has to buy a hat he
    562 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 1002 8 LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. ECONOMIC conditions improved in many parts of the world from 1947 to 1948, but economic activity has shown a tendency to level off and, in a few countries, to decline since the middle of last year, according to a report of the
    1,002 words
  • 52 8 India Mail (44); Empire Hamble (Sheers Wharf); Castleville (42/43); Radnorshire (38/39); Tantalus 36/ 37); Tong Hai (33/34); IX>lius (31/32); Ikauna (17/3S), Mantin-Taluei (1920); British Prince (23/24); Tamara (25/ 26); Baku-Landbris (27/28); Rhesus (29/30); Roebiah (15/ 16); Rajula (11/12); Slotcr dijk (8/9); Steel Seafarer (6/7) Kampar Tegelberg (4/5);
    52 words
  • 16 8 Interest in exchange wa* maintained bat otherwise little Industrials were sOady wiih rea*onalnV inquiry.
    16 words
  • 30 8 A.P. NEW DELHI. Mon. The Ccmmerce Ministry announced the Netherlands quota of jute goods in the last half of this year will be 2,000 tons, Surinam 200 tons.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 61 8 The rubber commodity r.mtket was in an idle condition y< Sterday. Business was very >low and prices were inclined to sag slightly. Closing prices were: Buyers. Seller-;. No. 1 July R.S.S. 32 No. 2 July RSS 30", Sl«/s No. 3 July RSS 23 2U On register tender. lulv-Sept.
    61 words
  • 206 8 Prices of went up by r yesterday over Saturday's prices with Kambier lirst quality (round) quoted at $190, Java* Cube at $60 and Hamburg Cube at $55. Lampontf Black Pepper went vi' to $2tio. $3 above Saturday's pn< es. Price* lor Muntok and Sarawak (White Pepper) remained unchanged
    206 words
  • 30 8 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mon.—The British Commonwealth will receive lbs. weight of meat from the United States export quota of 35,000,000 lbs. during the next three months. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 860 8 SINGAPORE, Mon. Buyers Sellers Atlas Ice 15.50 16.50 Alex. Brick Pref. 2. SO 2.90 cd Ords. 2.20 2.27 '-cd 8.8. Petrol 32/6 34/- B.M. Trustee 7.50 8.50 Cons. Tin Ord. 136 14/6 cd do. (P) 21/- 22/E. Utd. Assur. 40.75 41.75 Estate A Trust 7.00 8.00 Federal
    860 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 695 8 SHIPPING MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Carriers* oprioa to proceed via other porta to lead and discharge earfe. SAILINGS FROM UJK. UJ3.A. "Tantalus" from U.K. G. 36/37 "Autolycus"... from U.K July 12 "Clytoneus" from UK/ Cont July 24 "Elpenor" from UK July 31 Sailings for LIVERPOOL,
      695 words
    • 605 8 For London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg A Hull.— Spore: Seletar: Pt. Swet. Penang: I: EN VENUE 8-12 July 13-15 July 16-17 July 18-19 July BENLAWERS 21-27 July 28-29 July 30-31 July *BENLOMOND 1- 8 Aug. 11-10 Aug. 11-12 Aw/ BENVORLICH 21-26 Aug. 16-20 Aug. 27-28 Aug. 29-30 A Also calls Genoa
      605 words
    • 42 8 I UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG no tTc E Completed Applicationi Admission in September, 1 into the Faculties of Medi< and Engineering of the Uni sity of Hong Kong, must the hands of the Registi July 25, 1940, at latest. B. MELLOR Registrar.
      42 words

  • 4520 9 2nd Day Of S.T.C. July Meeting I Class I Div. I Abt. 6 Furs. HICK.III EYES Mi THIRD 13-4-49 Il>oh H.OS, 6 (Jones) Div. 1 Won by Ra-U 1-13 3/5. Going Good. I'IBST 8-6-49 K.L. 7.11 54 Fori. (Kae;by) Div. 1 Won by from n
    4,520 words
  • 103 9 By ALLAN LEWIS Cl. 1 Div. 1 Abt. 6 F. GOLD MEDALLIST Lady Hampton Cabaret Cl. 1 Div. 2 Abt. 6 F. ROYAL HOROI C.ll Token Prince Eugene Ct. 1 Div. 8 Abt. I F. ELEGANT ACT C'hatster Dance Hall CL 1 Div. 2 Abt. 7 F. ALLWORTH
    103 words
  • 668 9 Below are the probable runners, with their owners and trainers, for tomorrow's races, urn second day of the Singapore Turf Club's July meeting. HORSES. CLASS 1. Ml. 1- ABOUT 6 FURLONGS. "BRIGHT EYES 9.06 August Stables Rodareri GOLD MEDALLIST 9.02 Yeap Hock Hoe Manning EVEREST 8.11 Chow Tuck
    668 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 138 9 i ■ay School books aavd Educational Sappllee, gtatienory, Printing Jab* Go to PETEB CHONG ft CO. The OMHtoMM and Prompt Printer* FfetMtt 4088 aa* 4148 mm i ——ii I "IwyalTdiitch MAIL~ NEDERLAND LINK S.S. "AMSTELDIEP" due Singapore about 20th July, 1949, loading cargo alongside S.H.B. wharves for:— Port Said Amsterdam
      138 words
    • 159 9 In the Supreme Court of the Federation of Malaya State of Johore In Bankruptcy. Muar, No. 1 j of 1949. Re YAP YAU CHUAN also known as Yap Chow Chuan of r o. 100. Jalan Sultanah. Batu Pahat. Landowner. Receiving Order made Sth May. 1949. Date of Adjudication Order Bth
      159 words
    • 629 9 rmriON OF COMMERCE November 1949 Examination* Entry forms for the abova examinations are now available Intending students should make apvhcation to the Director of Studies, Mercantile Institution, JO9. Queer Street, Singapore. ReALOYSIUS de~tfELLb deceased, Advocate «V Solicitor, lately practising at No. 7 Bonham Building, Singapore. The Public Trustee holds a
      629 words

  • 119 10 ENTRIES for the Eighth Malayan badminton B championships to be held at Kuala Lumpur on July 30, 31 and August 1 are now invited for the following events: Men's Open Singles, Men's Open Doubles men's Open Singles, Women's Open Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Veteran's Open Singles,
    119 words
  • 38 10 Reuter. STOCKHOLM. Mon. -The Gelle Atletic Club improved its own world record for the 6 000 meters (4 x 1500) relay by Ranta 4.4 seconds when wining the event in the Swedish championships ac Geflc. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 90 10 The, heats for the Singapore Recreation Club's annual sports will be run on Thursday on the Padang at 5 p.m. Ti>P following are the events 100 yards dash, 220 yards dash, Long Jump. High Jump, Pole Vault. Throwing the Javelin, Puttin
    90 words
  • 61 10 A.P. MUNICH, Mon.—Women wrestlers staged a private exhibition today Jiefore a distinguished gathering of state legislators, City councillors and Church dignitaries. Their object was lo show that their sport was not improper and that public contests should be permitted. They won their point. "\Ve see
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 462 10 Reuter. LONDON. Mon. Worcestershite, now lyin;: third, with 84 points. Increased their chances of taking the lead in the county cricket championship at the end of the current programme, by beating NotthamDtonshirc at Battering to tay. Of the Joint leaders. Middle- -.%>: and loiicshire who have
    Reuter.  -  462 words
  • 50 10 I The Jollilads Athletic Un- ion was given a walkover in a Junior E Group League I Soccer match yesterday at the B. O. D. ground, when j the Social Athletic Party failed to turn up. This brings the total score of the Jollilads to 18 point*
    50 words
  • 49 10 The following will represent the Oriental B P. against the Flayfatr B. P.. tomorrow at the Happy World covered stadium at 7.00 p.m.: Robert Lim, George Tan, John Chua, Teo Kok Hwee Lim Ong Huat. Koh Bene: Swee, Ong Bong Soo, Lim Hu Ben? and Wee Yau.
    49 words
  • 1505 10 First Tie To Start Next Week-end THE Singapore Badminton Association's junior Championships will start next week-end. The tournament drew 132 entries for the men's singles, 78 for men's doubles, seven for the women's singles and nine for the women's doubles. A meeting of the
    1,505 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 10 MISS LOITSE BROVGH of America is seen in play against Mrs. Pat Todd also of America in the of the women's single* at Wimbledon, London. Miss Krough overwhelmed heropponent 6-3, 6-0. —A.P. Photo. -A.P. Photo.
    -A.P. Photo.  -  38 words
  • 227 10 MALACCA, Monday. fHAX Ah Beng, Malacca's tennis champion since 1937, retained his title on Saturday, when he bsat Abdullah bin Lincha 7—5, 6—3, in the open singles title of the Malacca Lawn Tennis Association Championships. It was the Malay player s first appearance in the
    227 words
  • 66 10 Wong Peng Soon, member of the Malayan Thomas Cup team, went home with nt*e than eight trophies on Saturday night after the 22rd Anniversary dinner celebration of the Mayflower Badminton Party at the Tai Thong Rcstuarant. Happy Mrs. Lav Pau Song, wife of the precedent of
    66 words
  • 84 10 The following players have been selected to represent A. A. V. at badminton against Marigold B. P. at the Clerical Union Hall tomorrow at 7 p.m Wong Yeok Yeok. Lim Kirn Sortfe, Mawi bin Samadi. Saiiiaiii bin Huggeln, Pang Kia Lim, Ha mid bin Marzuki.
    84 words
  • 68 10 The following were electee officials for the Silver Star Badminton Party for the current year:President, S. K. Leong; Vice-Prcsidt nl j, Messrs. Tan Soi Tee Chua Soon Huat: Hon. Bgcretry, Peer Moimmmed; Hon. Treasurer, Y. C. Koh: Hon. Asst. Treasurer. Chua Soon Siew: Hon. Sports Captain,
    68 words
  • 67 10 The following will represent Merry Union Badminton party at badminton against Nee Soon Badminton Par•ty at the Happy World covered istadium on Friday at 7 p.m.: M. Sadali. Omar bin Osman, Urn Kirn Peow, Chia Eng Hin. Ong Tiong Gnee. Benny Kee, Tmy Cheong Ann and Munajut
    67 words
  • 303 10  -  By ALLAN UWlfl H. W. Campbell. well-ki Western Australian trains; at present in Sinirapon for short visit. Campbell has v. horses at work in Perth. H The VMS Perth Cup With K Coat for Mr. Firxa Brady. Among his patrons ar- Mr E. Moars, Vice.-President of
    303 words
  • 149 10 MALACCA. Mon. Ladies i beat Gents by six run in an i annual mixed" cricket m?tch ath the Malacca Club yesterday. Scores: LADIES Miss Middleman b Barer oft 0; Mrs. Wake b Merrifield 11; Mrs. Clark b Merrifield 16; Miss Spencer Gartshore 4; Mrs.
    149 words
  • 98 10 The Cosmopolitan Cycling Club has obtained pern >''■ from the Police to hold the Singapore open 1'" massed start btej R race on Sunday July IT The course for the <% will be the eight nnie streteb of Chua Chu Kang Road oft 10th
    98 words
  • 214 10 SANDWICH, Kent, Mon.— WITH Wimbledon and Henley now but a memory until next year the British sport feast of the present weeks continues tomorrow with the open golf championship here. Once again there are many overseas players anxious to take the title from the British Isles but
    214 words
  • 27 10 Miss Molly Chl» ft Miss Mary Goh OR«x) v. Mre. Molly Neo Miss Posalind Lee (AAUt: ByeMiss Mak Kong Sim ft firs Tally Tan (alayflcwer).
    27 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 114 10 I W INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK Ltd. (Incorporated in India) are pleased to open SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest allowed. Branches in India, Malaya, Ceyloa, Burma and Siam. Agency arrangement all over tne world. No. I. Collyer Quay. SINGAPORE Phone. 2626 1 The Quintessence To sharpen the of Strength. appetite there h
      114 words

  • 45 11 <>i me jury of women in a fasts contest ieeis the j,icepa of 11 jrnr nM Mario Morello. After looking over his 21 riva'«i the girls delivered their verdict: Mario is the 'Most Beauti lad Athlete of Paris." J Athlete of Paris."
    Athlete of Paris."  -  45 words
  • 440 11 AN eleventh hour penalty goal marred the EuraA sians' chances of claiming their fourth consecutive victory in an Later-Community match at Jalaa Biesar Stadium yesterday. The strong Navy team forced them to a one-all draw. On three previous outings, the Eurasians had
    440 words
  • 30 11 w BERLIN. Sun. Richard Grupe. 210-pound German heavyweight, knocked out the Spanish light heavyweight and heavyweight champion. Paco Bueno, 187. in the fifth round of their fight here.—
    30 words
  • 343 11  -  Training At Bukit Timah By ALLAN LEWIS DUNNING three in 40% on the second track, which was a little heavy, Ascot Vale showed good form at Bukit Timah this morning. Bright Eyes, and Lady Hampton also went very well on their trials. The fast work
    343 words
  • 37 11 A.P. AMES. lOWA. Mon.— Harvie Ward of the University of North Carolina won the U.S. National Collepiate golf tournament yesterday with a five and four victory over Morris Williams. Jr., of the University of Texas.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 105 11 AP. I MELBOURNE Mon.— Cliff Sproule, manager of the Australian Davis Cup j team has cabled the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia. recommending that Geo*? Brown be not included in tbe Davis Cup team. tn view of this cable, the meeting of the Association
    AP.  -  105 words
  • 137 11 BORNEO Motors yesterday defeated C.V.M.A. by three goals to one in a Junior B, Group 1 soccer fixture at Geylang Stadium. The game was clean and swift throughout. The first goal came 23 minutes after the start thiough Shariff. who scored from close range
    137 words
  • 60 11 THE Lornie Mile Speed Trial arranged by the Automobile Association of Malaya was held at Kuala Lumpur over a one-mile course laat Sunday. Picture shows Lim Peng Han, owner and driver of the "L.A. Special" receiving a cup from Lady Gurney. Lim clocked the fastest time of the day—s3.7 second*,
    —P.R.O. Photo.  -  60 words
  • 38 11 rjZUHL.VY MAY i ».»NCE, .--year-old high school Rirl in Somerset, Mass., is going I■ attempt to swim the English Channel in July. She already holds Ihe women's professional five, 10 and 12-mile swimming records.
    38 words
  • 318 11 BRISTOL. Monday. MARTIN DONNELLY, the New Zealand left hander, played a remarkable innings in giving his side a lead of 20 against Gloucestershire here today. In reply to Gloucestcrsmre's lirst innings total of 232 the tourists were all out for ?,~>2. By the close of play
    318 words
  • 31 11 HAVANA. Mon.—A pair of tennis playing brothers, Rolando and Armando Vega, stroked Mexico in the final round of the American zone Davis Cup elimination yesterday by defeating Cuba 3-0.
    31 words
  • 167 11 Reuter. C.LOI'CEKTKR U1 Inns. !3S N. ZKAI.AMI Ist Inns. Sutcliffe lbw Cook Rabone c Allen b Cook 17 Reid c Emmeth b Goddard 18 Burke lbw b ("Uiok '1 Donnelly c Milton b Goddard MM Hadlee lbw Goddard 41 Wallace c Emmeth b Goddard 1 Mooney S Allen
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 353 11 SANDWICH, Kent, Monday. A BRILLIANT 67 over the Sandwich course by Harry Bradshaw, the 36-year-old Irish professional, provided a last minute thrill to a rather fea tureless day's golf in the tirst qualifying round of the British open goif championship today. The qualifying
    353 words
  • 42 11 A.P. The danger of fire on the sun and drought dried Sand v.iel: (iolf course where the British Jolf toj tvmu nt is being played, caused the Committee to issue a warning yesterday atternoon against carelessness with matches and cigarettes.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 i" 11 jiifl JH2 vl'H POPUP TOASTER *nrii oomm u*n uhm/p '9 Mitn rotiT.m Af* v. > V SOUTMCSN €L€cTa»lcCO Ibi OICNXO SOAP 1572 HEDICAJL p. T. LIM'S PrawncracUers Flshci ackers, Curryl'urma. curryvendhally, currypowder, curivpickle Fried, Curryprawns, Curryfish, Chillisauce, Sambalgoreng, Javasauce, Rednsh, Tepoenghunkwe, etc. D. T. LIM CO.. 24, Prinsep
      51 words
    • 86 11 Over V -'A oO years A reputation v is behind these two new lines t^^t De WITT'S baby COUCH SYRUP Z S wi+h GUAIACOL fyr CREOSOTE Children up for Adults to 5 years Sec and enjoy the Natural True-Color of ANSCO COLOR in "16 FATHOMS DEEP" YOU, TOO, can duplicate
      86 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
      104 words

  • 74 12 A.P. HONGKONG, Mon. Chinese press reports from Cantons said today flood waters threatened destruction to vast areas of rice crops alor.f-; the West and North Rivers. HeS.VJf rainfall has caused the rivers to overflow at a number of points and rucaK through antiflood dykes. The flood may
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 32 12 A.P. CAXirON. Mon. rinanci Minister Hsu Kan said toda\ the Nationali; t Government ha. resources to last a year and a half on the basis of its present income. -A.r.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 29 12 A.P. aauuixi city. Mon.—Enrique I>olanos returns to Lo.s Angeles today to begin training for his lightweight title fight with Ike Williams on July 21. —A P
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 56 12 Mr. untitled Murugason son ol a managing clerk ot a firm of Singapore solicitors, who has just passed two subjects in I'art 1 Bar examinations at the MidcUe Temple. Mr. Mtirugason sat tor Roman and Constitutional law. A former student of Raffles Institution, he left Singapore six months ago to
    56 words
  • 197 12 Reuter. NEW YORK. Mon.—American trade union leaders day called for "prompt and adequate American aid" to the Nationalist Government of China. A declaration by the Free Trade Union Committee of the American Federation of Labour signed by Vice President Matthew Woli said: "We strongly
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 186 12 U.P. LONDON, Monday. THE Western deputy Foreign Ministers working on an Austrian peace treaty today refused to accept a Russian demand for detailed and specific guaran tees of minority rights to the Croat and Slovene peoples in south Austria. They said they had to refer
    U.P.  -  186 words
  • 339 12 World Economic Report Reveals U.P. LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. JIIE United Nations said today that the work? reached a turning point in its post-war economic development during the second half of 1948 and the first part of 1949. For the first time since the end of
    U.P.  -  339 words
  • 167 12 'JHERE was a reasonable development of trade in South Sumatra in May, the Government of Indonesia reported recently. The trade in rubber, the most important native product, remained steady. Exports in April valued Glds. 4,541,000 and consisted of b\o2o tons of slabs, 1,920 tons of
    167 words
  • 61 12 A.P. I MONTMCAL, Mom. I The latest thing in .ipar* inent—house elevators Is one without U>\*: >.'s i which goes up or down when you give *it I lie word—English or Fre.ich. A model of the clec bjf was demonstrated b> an engineering firm (VVestine;hoiMe E'evator s>ivision) at
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 156 12 Reutet. LONDON. Mon. Every policeman in Britain has been asked his views on the proposal for abolition of the death penalty. The Police Federation, representing all police in England and Wales, has sent out a questionnaire. It also asks the anti-abolitionists to say whether they are in
    Reutet.  -  156 words
  • 51 12 A.P. NEW YORK. Mon— Britain* Attorney-General Sir Hnrtley Shawcross left ny plane last night with a cowboy hat and hoots and a dozen thick beef.steaks an<l some reassurances about the state of American business for the people of England Sir Harticy spent a week in Texas.—
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 44 12 It's A-Flea-Way Andre Yaueelle. man t,,vr o| an auto company in Poitiers, France, disp'ays the "1 lea Way" midg-t ear his company is ;ir'. luemg. Dm tiu\ alimuium c-r ins a one-hnrseoower engine and i top speed of 45 mp"'. Cost is $4il£. (t'.S.)
    44 words
  • 305 12 Reuter. NEW YORK, Monday. MR. Henry Wallace, leader of the Progressive Party. today wrote to every United States senator urging rejection of the North Atlantic Pact because of the world economic crisis. The Senate begins its debate on ratification of the pact tomorrow.
    Reuter.  -  305 words
  • 189 12 A.P. SYDNEY, Monday. JJNLESS certain union leaders pay large sums of money to the Registrar of the Commonwealth Court by tomorrow morning, they may be fined or imprisoned. This position arises from Federal Parliament's legislation freezing the funds of the miners federation and other big
    A.P.  -  189 words
  • 71 12 Reuter-AAP. MELBOURNE. Mon. Officials of the Victorian Foicsts Commission sec nothing j romantic in mistletoe. Natuialists recently said they were alarmed that many I forest trees were killedoff by mistletoe. A Forests Commission spokesman mid that thousands of pounds a year were being spent to rid
    Reuter-AAP.  -  71 words
  • 177 12 A.P. MOSCOW, Monday. THE Soviet periodical Culture and life has critij cised severely a Russian historian who United States foreign policy as peace loving in the period 1918-1939. The publication assails Prof. L. Zubok who r.« cently published his course of lectures on current history covering
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 32 12 Reuter. CHATHAM. KEN T, Mon.The British destroyer Redoubt which distinguished herself in Far Eastern waters during the war. today joined the India;. Navy at a eclourful ceremony here— Rcutci.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 175 12 Reuter. LONDON,. Mon.—The London Stock Exchange was quiet and subdued today. Prices where changed showed some irregularity. Operators were holding off and awaiting a statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the economic situation. His statement will be coming later this week. British Government stocks were quiet
    Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 96 12 MAN LI HKNEYOLENT \vm C'lATION. Twa I>>li Koli pra 85 Silat Road. 7.30 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road. r>citai oi recorded luusii, h p.», C Y.M.A.. members' Regional Centre. Bras Basali Road 8.30 p.m. SINGAPORE VOl TH < (II t'lL, committee meeting, Brit l, Council Centre, Stamford
    96 words
  • 157 12 CATHAY: "A Connr ri. ut Yankee" with Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming, William Bendix and Sir Odrn- Hardwitke. 11 а.m.. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45 and 9.3'.' p.m. C APITOL "Forbidden w th Robert Montgomery. Haz.-I S- <»tt and Patrnla Burke. 11 a.m.. L43. 4.00, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: The Kid
    157 words
  • 7 12 INTER-COMMI NITY LEAGt'E Indian* vs. Ceylonese.
    7 words
  • 12 12 MeKerron were a Is., pr< s, nt.
    12 words
  • 346 12 Reuter NEW YORK. Mon. Mr. Andrei Vyshinsky, who was appointed Soviet Foreign Minister on March 4, is now "on the way out." the United Nations World Magazine wrotu today. The magazine which is devoted to international and United Nations affairs but has no
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous