Malaya Tribune, 4 July 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 71 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Tet tribune" Spore ll WARGER SALES k Jhan ANY i AFTERNOON 7 V PAPER IN MALA YA Phone 5811/3 Nine Lines i Published simultaneously at Sin gapore, Kuala Lumjfur, Ipoh an d Penang EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE. MONDAY, JULY 4, 1949 PRICE TEN
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  • 437 1 Dock Strike May Cut Food, Jobs Reuter. MANCHESTER, Sunday. pRIVE Minister Clement Attlee, attacking Communists who put their own in terest«. above those of their country, today pointed to the freedom achieved b-irvlndin, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon as an example of British attitude towards freedom. Referring
    Reuter.  -  437 words
  • 52 1 Mr. Malcolm Macdonald. South East Asia Commissioner General, left hy air thi~ morning on a visit to North Borneo where he will spend a r »ur. H. M. Cruiser London will bo m waters during Mr. Macdonald's visit and will take him from Jesselton to Sandakan and
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  • 25 1 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Nineteen year old Darjoe of Masai was fined $30 in the Magistrates' Court for driving a car without a licence.
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  • 137 1 U.P. SYPNKY. Sun. Prime Mm- istcr Joseph ChtJlejj raid today thst he would rather return to j private life than "bend my kne..'" to the 23.000 striking coal miners. Speaking at Katoomba. in the New South Wales centre of the seven-day-old stoppage. Chifley termed
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • 96 1 Dr. G. V. Allen. Vice Chance Hor of the University of Malaya, yesterday opened the exhibition of paintings by the Chinese arti-;t Feng-Tzu-kar at the Chinese Y. M. r -t. m 0 mm of most popular contemporary Chinese arts. His work although it has a very
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 This 181S ton saiMng ship is the United states Coastguard training vcaael "Eagle", formerly the German 'Hurst WesseU" which was taken over alter the war. *he is seen here in Shadwell Basin during a \isit to London.
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  • 119 1 U.P MOJQCOW Sun.—The body of B«ifcuuan Premier Geoigi Dmttrcv. who died nere on Saturday wa> taken this morning from tfie Trade Union <'Ul-Srtte:e it lay m state* tc the Byelorussian station and put > uooarv a special tram fo: l Hudkreds of thousands of citizen*
    U.P  -  119 words
  • 75 1 U.P. ford, ua-ixoia, MB—An "open war" on bingo in churches was declared today by official? here as they prepared to prosecute a Roman Catholic priest whose church was raided for gambling this week. Illinois iaw defines bingo as gambling on par with poker and horse race betting.
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 195 1 Reuter. BATAVIA, Sunday. The Sultan of Jogjakarta, who last Thursday took over administration of Jogjakarta for the Republican Government, today asked diplomatic corps representatives and the United Nations Commission for Indonesia to attend the return of President Dr. I. K. Soekarno and Prime Minister
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 36 1 Reuter PONDICHERIi )C, Sun. Demonstrators shouted antiindian slogans in this French possession tn South-East India today and tried to pull down the Indian national tricolour from the premises of the "National Liberation Front."— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 84 1 Reuter LONDON. Sun.—The British Board of Trad* 1 has decided not to issue any more import licences for Japanese grey cotton and rayon cloth until *.he dollar situation has been clarified by a new sterling areaJapan arrangement with the Allied authorities in Japan. Since the introduction
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 98 1 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Sun. Chi 1 nese Nationalist bomber J struck three times at Shang- hai today in a determined bid to isolate the city from outside world by wiping out the Chenju wireless station la a northwest suburb. They failed to put the staI tion
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 131 1 U.P. HARVARD, Massachusetts. Sun. The discovery of a new comet by three members of the Havard College Observatory staff was announced today by Dr. Harlow Shapley, Observatory director. Shapley said the comet was found on a photographic plate exposed through a telescope student Saturday night. Located in
    U.P.  -  131 words
  • 79 1 Reuter RANGOON. Sun.- Rebels tost j ril killed aad several wounded in an unsuccessful attack on government positions in the rail town of Tadau. 15 miles •south of Mandalay. tonight's Burmese Government commu- niquc claimed. In another battle in tne area 17 insurgents were kiiled fcr
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 30 1 U.P PALERMO. Sun Sicilian outlaws today ambushed a police ca: searching for bandit 3alvatore Giuhano. killed four of its seven occupants and seriously wounded the other three —U.P
    U.P  -  30 words
  • 32 1 KL'ALA U'MPCR. Sun.— There have been 17 arrests in the Federation daring the last 24 hours: one in Selangor. 8 in Perak. one in Trengganu and 7 in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 266 1 Reuter. LONDON, Sun. —Leader* of the London dock strke, wh on the men ca.l! an emp'o; em* iocn out at a mass meeting tomorrow will answer charges by tne dockland M rr.r Parliament, Mr. Bol> M lash, tha;. the walkout is "an attempt to
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 tfoit mdu fak fallen, i/, mm mii BLBCTJUC PHILIPS
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    • 136 1 SHANGHAI TRADING CO. Linens Lingeries Curios Chests. 55 HIGH ST., SINGAPORE, TEL: 3685 Foo(I for Starved Nerves! yi7HLN your nerves are constantly 'on ed-^e' and you feci VV rvJtl j ow n an j depressed, it is usually an indication that \our daily dietary is not supplying sufficient nerve-restoring nourishment.
      136 words

  • 362 2 A.P WASHINGTON, Sunday. IT would take as many as 6.500 atomic bombs to destroy the cities of a major military power, an authority on strategic air war said yesterday. The estimate came from Dr. Stefan T. Possony, a specialist on bomb target selection for
    A.P  -  362 words
  • 40 2 U.P. BELGRADE. Sun. In a blistering attack on Russia's policy of "dictates" a member of the Yugoslav Pol it burr yesterday told the Yugoslav people that they were sufticently armed to meet any attack by the Com inform
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 37 2 Reuter. RENO, Nevada, Sun A recoid-breaking horde of migratory grass hoppers covering about 3.000 gqttan miles is eating its way into Oregon and California. band of insects was 75 mile-; long and 40 miles deep.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 151 2 A.P. BR aJtt™; by thG dri6St Weather for 3 years is in f i t0 cons€r ve its water sunnlies In London, 19 days without tri'n fV>_ \i > I.x ■•mi, vie Metropolitan Water Hoard yesterday cut down the use of hoses to sprinkle gar.
    A.P.  -  151 words
  • 33 2 A .P PORTLAND, OREGON, Sun. The bones of 559 Chinese, many of them dead for 50 years, were started back Friday for. burial in the land of their ancesters. A D
    A.P  -  33 words
  • 109 2 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Sun A HI PARTISAN group of United States Senators planned yesterday to challenge the State Department s China policy by presenting a multi-million dollar programme of military and economic aid for the Chinese Nationalist forces. Senator William Knowland (Republican, California! told a reporter
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 94 2 BERLIN. Sun. John Mc- Cloy, new boss of the Amen--1 can zone ot Germaiy. dew tb iierlin ye«terda\ w/fih a pro- mfse to continue the policies of his predecessor. Gen. i Lucius D. Clay Over 300 white and negro guardsmen, a company of j military
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  • 26 2 A.P CANTON. Sun. The Chinese Nationalist cabiru was reported ready to compensate the British Blue Funnel Line for damage to the freighter Anchises.—A.P.
    A.P  -  26 words
  • 28 2 A.P SAN FRANCISCO Sun Nearly U511.000.000 in siMer is being sent to Nationalist China in "mystery shipments" the San Francisco Ca!< Bulletin said yesteiday. A.P.
    A.P  -  28 words
  • 170 2 A.P JHE top Commander of the Combined Western Eurojiean naval manoeuvres said yesterday that the joint western Europe's naval practice, now in its second day, was ordered to show the world that the Western nations "are willing and able to work together in case of
    A.P  -  170 words
  • 41 2 Though his- tarn uniform meets a" Navy requirements, Nigel Mallinson, four, did not like the noise of a naval celebration at Southsea, England. He did what lie ■•mild to eliminate it but it did r help much.
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  • 316 2 U.P. WASHINGTON Sunday. WHAT made Judith Coplon become a spy for Russia? Even experienced elderly Judge Albert Reeves who on Friday sentenced her to from 40 months to 10 years' imprisonment, admitted he wa;; mystified. Seme who have pat explaI nation.; taik cf "inferiority
    U.P.  -  316 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 QUEENS Last Day: 2.00, 5.45 9.00 P.M. Republic's "KING OF JI NGLELAND" (Complete Serial) Tomorrow: ABBOT and COSTELLO "MEET FRANKENSTEIN" "JH MWi WIB wlmi mkm a* mm IoW ESffi LAST DAY! 11.00-1.454.00-6.30 5.30 STARTS TOMORROW! FORBIDDEN TO LOVE HE PLANNED TO MI RDEK! Presented By London Films A I)istribute<l By
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    • 19 2 New Happy Theatre LAST TWO SHOWS 7.30 and 9.30 P.M. Rod Cameron in "DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" OPENING TOMORROW "SMITHY"
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    • 210 2 iS* TODAY! Mm W Poiomouni present W 9 RHONDA WILLIAM CROSBY- FLEMING BENDIX p GOIK(, Str ong j a»d BOOK NOW! w+mmmm madamĕlloE CAN reveal your futur. her wonderrul TODAY: intuition. 3, 6.15 9 P.M. Fore-warned Is Pore-armed "SI.KNDANG DELIMA" It is never too late to (A Super Malay Picture)
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 288 2 BLUE NETWORK KNOIISH PROORAMMKS «^«^c2SS 10 iim. R«ri frow Kuala l.ur- MALAY CKOCiKAMM K» Tune; "og nJJTjL-i" l,h NiK pur; 10.65 <approx.> < l„*e Down. W.« ror «h* .School*: Hururv „*2- n Pr «*ramme Sum man (HINKsK rlOOtimb. Rhyme*. i; o w Thing* I Win M j «M» >ariety aongs;
      288 words

  • 295 3 IJUALA Lumpur, Sunday. The Selangor Regional Indian Congress Committee today approved the new draft constitution of the Malayan Indian Congress by thirteen votes to nil. The representatives from the Tanjong Malim Congress abstained from voting. The draft constitution was approved at a meeting held at
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  • 86 3 HITALA Lumpur. Sunday— The Chief Police Officer, j Selangor, Mr. H. G. Bever.ey j has declared parts of Selar.2ol I and Negri Semhilan to the J j south of Kuala Lumpur, as I special areas with effect from j to-morrow. The areas include the towns of Cheras,
    86 words
  • 213 3 JOHORE BHARU, Sunday.—Ahatijah binte Ahen.. a middle-aged widow described in the High Court today, the murder of her 15-year-old daughter, Zabi dah, at Parit Sekun on November 19. She was giving evidence at the trial of Ekil bin Ebon, 32, a rub ber
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  • 61 3 The Singapore Filipino Community celebrated the tcurth anniversary of their freedom yesterday at the he use of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Anciano in Kirk Tettace. Aftet a cocktail paity, the Filipinos held a jive sessicn tc their national music. Consular i eprcsentati\ t and those who attended
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  • 44 3 JOHORE BAHRj, son. A 19-jcar-o'd Chinese woman, Liew Ah Hien. wa. lined $40 in the Magistrates' Court today for offering a .52 bribe to a Police Constable. She was also fined $5 for causing obstruction in a fivefoot way with household furniture.
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  • 84 3 Air mail is expected here today from Japan, Philippine Islands, Thailand, Batavia, Dabo Singkep, Sourabaya and the Federation of Malaya. Latest time of posting air mail at the G. P. O. to the Philippine Islands Batavia. I Palembang. and Sourabaya is I ti p.m. and to Dabo
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  • 152 3 "JESUS' Way, Our Way" was the subject of last night's United Methodist Youth Service broad- cast from Wesley Church. The service marked the 1 end of Methodist Youth Fellowship Week in Singa- pore. The Rev. Waldo S. Reinhoel. pastor of Wesley Chui- eh. stressed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 Re ALOYSIUS de MELLO deceased, Advocate Solicitor, lately practising: at No. 7 Bonham Building, I Singapore. The Public Trustee holds a quantity of papers ana documents belonging to former! Clients of the abovonamed Ce- ceased. Clients wishing to re-' cover their papers etc. mould send written applications (subject to payment
      245 words
    • 401 3 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 45) In the High Court of the Colony of Singapore Island of Singapore. In Bankruptcy. Wage Earner's Administration Order No. 42 of 1937. He WEE SIAN THOE. of No. 1333 A, Upper Serangoon Road Singapore; Cleric Notice is hereby given that a First and Final dividend
      401 words
    • 374 3 i'Hf MOTOR VEHICLES (COMMERCIAL USE) REGULATIONS' Notice of Application for Variation of a Haulage Permit Take Notice that I. R A Coles, Manager of Central Perak Rubber Co. Ltd., Top. Hing Estate, Masai, by .you pation Rubber Estate Produoe./ Owner, the holder of Haul:ig< Permit No. 82 IC. under which
      374 words
    • 467 3 UN* SIT: VAt ANT I WANTED Acfo-miant. En-IN!, CorraapcHMtonca Clerk. Typist -nd 'or Cninese charartera. Anolv 7., ■WASJg M.T.. Spore. r \tt Fib,. Company 'Vy Krapher start mid-julv. Send tails experience 1 Box A 2556 M.T.. sfcVe. CANTONESE cook-boy and°'wife or wo Canton. a* mnahs to r m Cathay flat.
      467 words
    • 394 3 SELFTAUOHT Chinese Book.Mandar.n I 11. $1.00 each? m--n i Walsh, Raffles place nd l 'n«*w« InM.tut.on. Shori n>K sale electric Ice-cream n*fMT i..ak.<., 6. 10 a „d jn quans ice-cream every ten raOaate*. E! ai-d l? etcher. 102. Orchard Rami. (V.K7O). VEHS: FOR SALE £->l: sal,. Champion StituVhaker condition 54.000.
      394 words
    • 628 3 It's What Business Men Have Longed For— ls A full s|zed I PORTABLE DUPLICATOR DUPLICATOR l)ir Which makes PERFECT NEW PRICE fopies suitab o for 2k avenge requirements of f dC\ f\f\ Offices, Schools, Stores, j ~J\J Utl Clubs, Hospitals and ail who wish to promote m 01 sales and
      628 words
    • 410 3 LOST strayed Croat Ma* Rtngvood Road, Katong. Sable femula Phone *****. Reward. OOtFFUW STYL.K your hair at Maison Moderne Ladies liair Dressing 12 Orchard Rd. Rhone (C.949). MASSAGE i MASSAGL-T: Das. L. P. M E tLond.). c.M. (Eng.). 25 years ex-' penence m Oil-massage. Electric bath Aurora Physio- lhorapeutic
      410 words

  • 562 4 J|APPY is the country which has no history or what amounts to the same thing, has no politics! Pre-war Malaya, it is said, was such a Paradise. The number of people who gather at the graveside of the old Malaya the good old Malaya and shed their nostalgic
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  • 1117 4 USIS AMERICA'S greatest patriotic holiday is the Fourth ot July. On this day Americans celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. This historic event totyk n'aee in the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia. July 4, 1776 John
    USIS  -  1,117 words
  • 554 4 A.P. FIISAN, KOKF. V CiOMMUNIST China shines as an apparently willing satellite of Russia. There is no sign of coercion or compulsion in the relationship. There is every sign that the Chinese Communists are in fact eager to follow the I dictates of Moscow. I As
    A.P.  -  554 words
  • 976 4 A.P. KRAKATOA an Island volcano that b.ew itself out of the water in 1883 and killed 36.000 persons, left more behind than a fearful memory. A new volcano island j:, rising from the same spot in the Java soa between Suniutrs and Java. Th<:; monster offspring is
    A.P.; — A.P. Photo.  -  976 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 119 4 Getting Up Nights Makes Men Old Gettinp up nigh's. burning sensation of organs, whitish discharge, dull ache nt-':>ase of spine, groin and leg pnlney m rvousness, weakness and lo3s of manly vigcur are cause by a dis> ase of the I'rostate ('•land (a mat Important sex gland in men, To
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    • 4 4 Brewery d ver 400
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  • 208 5 London, Sun. Farmer Bert Lcveslcy the other day became the Parish Council of Great Ashficld (population 300), Suttolk. Already chairman and eleik. he was appointed the "members" too by the county council under a special section of the Local Government Act. Ho has power to
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  • 64 5 U.P. CEDAR RAPIDS. lowa. Sun. For a lively moment Mrs. Lowell Long wondced what she had put into those biscuits in tho oven. Then she remembered that when the family went on vacation recently, two revolvers were hidden in the stove. A volley of shots, which began as
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 53 5 U.P. MOLEHILL, WEST VIRGINIA. Sun.—This town's 93 residents made a mountain out of a molehill today. They dragged down a sign from in front of the post office that read Molshill. West T ir 7inia. for the last 92 years and nailed Mountain. West irginia,
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 45 5 Reuter SOUTHAMPTON. Sun. A Japanese girl. 23-year-old Kyochie Shimizu. has arrived here from Yokohama by flytttg boat to marry an Oxford University undergraduate. Her fiance. Mr. Llewellcn Watts, wa.s in 1947 a British Intelligence Coips lieutenant I in Japan. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 316 5 Her Police Husband Worked Too Hard LONDON, Sunday. Policemen on duty in a Stafford court shook hands with a widow as she left the building. Some patted her on the back, gratefully. For Mrs. Sarah Annie Hewitt, of Friary-avenue. Lichfield, had won her point that
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  • 86 5 MISS CONSTANCE ASTON, of Colvorex, Shanklin. Isle of Wight, in her £51.904 will, published recently leaves £15.000 to the Cats' Protection League, for the endowment and upkeep of a clinic for cats in the 1.0. W. Mr. A. A. Stewart, organising secretary of the League, said
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  • 129 5 U.P. rfno, Nevada, Sun. Norma Carothers, 14, is en i f, ut,. here today fiom Long Beach, California, for a heart-to-heart talk with Imogene Wlttche, 13. to convince her that she can live a happy nonaiil life although her legs have been amputated. Norma
    U.P.  -  129 words
  • 52 5 Among "sundries" sold oy auction at Otley. Yorkshire, was a bicycle for 255. But it belonged to the policeman on duty and had been included in the sale by mistake. The buyer was stopped fend his money refunded. "A pity," he said. "I think the bicycle was
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  • 27 5 A woman at Bridgeport, Connecticut, won a divorce on cruelty grounds because her husband "hit me in the face ivith the family cat."
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  • 286 5 LONDON, Sunday. The gambling habit, "now commercialised on a vast scale," is fiercely attacked in the annual report of the Churches' Ccmmittee on Gambling. The report says: "It is now a major national problem, and must be recognised as such even by those who may have
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  • 752 5 UONEO LTD., both in Singapore and near London, worked hand In hand to supply all the office equipment installed in the Orchard Road branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank which opened for business this morning. Roneo'a representative spent a great deal of time in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 THEY CALLED IN RONEO RoNr o unit AND DID THE JOB L,,,^ DESKS 1 11 9 HTmJITJ i U W. *r DIFFERENT DESIGNS PROPERLY I The steel office equipment furniture j i I including lhe bronze grills in the j f^J^) j U VAere^ o need for V| Banking Hall
      148 words
    • 162 5 I II compact a mmISSSmS STURDY <"4m. subtraction IN RED m^U^Jtioa^l^^T AUTOMATIC CLEAR SUN AL THE 10 KEY R.C.Allen [ftiOmlb* 70 AOOING MACHINE COMPANY MO ("muli» SIRFFT WNCAeONC V ■> FLY SINGAPORE BANGKOK BY OYtRSEAS AIRLIHES(SIaW)ITP s< z hour flight Fare $!«<>. EVERY MONDAY 12.30 hrs., THURSDAY 08.30 hrs. with
      162 words
    • 77 5 NIfiRIS COMB Balsamic \~a Express Oils *^yf applied to grey or white hair gives the natural colour and shee.n to yo'ir hair as when you were in your teens. Merely eonib and t hose ugly streak mt jrrcy hair gone. $X set in box. For falling hair, baldness etc. us<-
      77 words

  • 1058 6 (From A Market Correspondent) SINGAPORE, Saturday. TO-DAY the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Cor- poration enters into occupation of its magnificent new branch premises in Orchard Road, the first considerable building completed in Singapore since the war. This progressive step expresses the view of
    1,058 words
  • 143 6 of about 800 bags of Siak sago flour were reported on Saturday. The market in sago flour was dull as throughout the week. Only sonbusiness was reported on Saturday. Pepper was a quiet market'with prices unchanged at last mid-week levels. New York pepper ruled quiet on Friday, price?
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  • 309 6 TELl T K Anson Rubber Estate Ltd. announce a pre 1 fit of $24,023 for the year ending December j 1948. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, less tax. The working profit for the year together with invest I ment income
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  • 75 6 NEW DELHI. Sun. The Government of India have decided to extend price contiol over the export of cotton piecegoods to all destinations. At present price control on the export of piccegoods applies only in case of Austialia. Sudan and British East Africa. The Government have also decided
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  • 66 6 The following were the 1 dhiih-nds announced last j week: Ampat Tin—s per cent less tax payable July 30. Consolidated Tin Ord. —7 per cent less tax payable on July 30. Malayan Tin—lo per cent less tax, paid on June 29. .Selangor Coconuts—s per cent less
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  • 95 6 THE rubber commodity market opened quiet on Saturday a quarter cent easier than Friday's closing. With little interest taken the market re- 1 mained quiet and closed at the' opening level. Closing prices were Buyers. Sellers No. 1 July RSS 32 33 No. 2 July RSS 31 31'„
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  • 268 6 USIS MEW YORK, Sun. Indonesian exports expanded sharply in the first four months of the year with the gross weight of the export volume totalling 2,121,067 metric tons, as compared with 1,344,511 metric tons in the same period of last year. These figures were quoted
    USIS  -  268 words
  • 333 6 Japan Drawn Into Economy A.P. TOKYO. Sun. Although the United States is the only country financing Japan's recovery. there is a growing realisation that the force of international circumstances are drawing Japan mote and more back into the sterling area, according to a dispatch from Washington last month. Mr. Joseph
    A.P.  -  333 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 562 6 SHIPPING MADRAS NAGAPATTINAM STRAITS SERVICE. INWARDS Madras Nagapattinam Penaag Singapore Rajula 24.6.49 26.6.49 10.0.49 8.7.49 19.7.49 20.7.49 26.7.49 25.7.49 13.6.49 14.8.49 19.8.49 22.8.49 OUTWARDS Singapore P. Sham Penang Nagapattinam Madras Rajula 8-7.49 7.7.49 8.7.49 14.7.49 15.7.43 81.7.49 1.8.49 2.1.4« 8.8.40 9.8 49 Rajula 25.8.49 26.8.49 27.8.49 2.9.49 3.9.19 PRINCIPAL AGENTS
      562 words
    • 663 6 MANSFIELD CO. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE ■Barriers' »*****« to proceed via other ports to lead aae dlscharge cargo. SAILINGS FROM U.K. ft U.S.A. Tantalus" from U.K Autolycua" from ILK. July 12 "Clytoncus" from UK/ Cont. "Elpenor" from UK J Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, ft CONTINENTAL PORTS. Rhesus"
      663 words

  • 1548 7 Clarke Hits 2nd Century (JOOD bowling and batting were the main features in yesterday's Singapore Cricket Association Tournament games. The three Tournament leaders, Singapore Recreation Club, Singapore Cricket Club and Ceylon Sports Club all came through with colours flying from their fixtures, scoring first
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  • 74 7 S Carl Schubert, tbe Sin- S gapore Recreation Club, j Combined Colleges and j j State cricketer, bagged J his hundred wicket of i the season, »vneu he gut his second wicket in yes- 1 terday's game between i the S.K.C. and the Colon- i
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  • 429 7 NAVAL BASE REGATTA fßy KENNETH DENIS) ONE of the proudest cup winners at yesterday's I Naval Base Regatta held at 1 the Naval Base, Seletar. was j Sergeant J. Jackson of R.A F. j Seletar Yacht Club. I Five minutes before he was presented
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  • 104 7 J For the jhst time, at 1 1 yesterday's Naval Base I Reyatta held at Royal i Naiml Base Seletar, a charyc of $2 was madf: t for lunch. A fee of $1 j I teas also char ye A for i 'teh boat in each race, i
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  • 516 7 Reuter. LONDON, Sunday. CAMBRIDGE helped by the generosity of Oxford. who failed to approach their usual fielding standard, scored 339 for eight wickets in the University match at Lords todya. Oxford, the only team to beat the New Z<alanders so far and favourites to win,
    Reuter.  -  516 words
  • 105 7 KLUANG, Sun—First 10 Gurkha Rifles beat the First 2nd Gurkha Rifles by twoone in the first round of the Nepal Cup soccer match at Kluang yesterdty. Eight-minuses after the start a long pass from Lieut. Smith enabled Hastabahadur to nip in and score
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  • 63 7 The following are aaked I±> turn up for Playfair B.P. against the Oriental B.P. at badminton at the Happy World covered stadium on July 6 at 7 p.m.: Messrs. Robert Lee. Low Hunt; Kee, Seah Ke Kwang. Low Siak Liang, Pang Heng Guan. Cbftn Swee Lam, Lim Boon
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  • 229 7 Reuter BRISTOL. Sunday. After losing half their wickets for only 95 tuns, Gloucestershire put together a total of 232 against the New Zealanders on th" opening day of their threeday match here and when stumps were drawn the touring team had sco'ed 73 for two
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 47 7 In a return game of soccer at the Farrar Park on Saturday. Tiong Bahru Rangers defeated Hotspurs XI by five goals to one. Scorers for the xtangers were Yoon Cheong Chew < 2). Kai Seng, Ah Chong and Piang Se. Salleh scored tor j the Hotspurs.
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  • 44 7 I KUALA LUMPUR, SunIn a colourless game the Selangor Chinese and the Perak Chinese drew o—o in the MCFA competition on the TPCA ground this evening. Although ten minutes extra time was allowed to decide the match the result remained the same.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 567 7 i HA IXAGE PERMIT "I. MANAGER OF SAGIL ESTATE, Dunlop Malayan Estates Ltd.. Tangkak, Johore, by occupation Rubber Growers and Producers, the holder of Licence/Permit Numbers »5815, 6816. 6814, 7578. 7577. 3640, 9734 under which I am authorised to convey our own -.roods only, intend to apply to the Commissioner
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    • 894 7 I SIT: VACANT j CASHIER/STORE Checker required. Approx. hours 7 a.m.— 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.—7 p.m. Progressive position. Must have previous experience and able offer cash bond. Replies stating full details, age. salary required md cash security available only considered. Reply P.O. Box 24. TUITION LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
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    • 254 7 THE MALAKA PINT) A RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. NOTICE is hereby given that a First Interim Dividend at the 'rate of 3 per cent, less -Income Tax. has been declared on account of the year ending Slst August, 1949 and will be paid to Shareholders on the register i on 12th
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 487 8  -  Crowd Behaves At Wimbledon From VEKNON MORGAN Reuter. WIMBLEDON, Sunday. THE press outcry against the lack of tennis knowledge of t he Wimbledon crowd which resulted in foolish outbursts ol booing during the ojH'iiiiig week evidently had its effect. The second week during which
    Reuter.  -  487 words
  • 54 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. At the Executive Committee Meeting of the MCFA held at the SCRC this afternoon it was decided the final of the MCFA Competition be played one week after the Malaya Cup Ffftal but not later than August 27. The venue of the final
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  • 139 8 V.W.C.A.: International Fortnightly Club. Mrs, Oetevo will soc-ak on "Indonesia Today." 10.30 a.m.. 5, Raffles Qua\. ..INGAPORE FILIPINO ASSOCIATION: 3rd Anniversary, Mawi at Cathedral of Good Shepherd and Cinema show at C.V.M.A. Catholic Centre. Bra? Basah Road; Luncheon at Prm< 1 p.m. Dance at Adelphi Hotel
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  • 169 8 CATI!At: "A Connecticut Yankee" with Blag Crosby. Rhonda Fleming. William Bendix and Sir Odric Hardv.uke. 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15. 6.15 an<i 1.30 pa. CAPITOL: "Rone" with James Stewart and Joan Chaadler, 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.00, aJG and 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: 'The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp." with Anion.
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  • 25 8 SOCCER: Community Leapue, Eurasians VS. Nary, Jalan BCM' Stadium: Jnr. B. Grp. I Social A.P. vs. Jollilads. 8.0.D. ground: c.y.M.a. vs. Borneo Motors, Qoyiant*.
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  • 151 8 IN the most exciting women's singles final seen at Wimbledon in post-war years Miss Louise Brough of Beverley Hills, California, today retained the title beating: her friend and doubles partner, Mrs. Margaret Osborne Dupent of Wilmington. Delaware. 10-8, 1-6. 10-8. Early in the deciding set
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  • 334 8 HENLEY-ON-THAMES, Sunday. under a blazing sun record crowds lined the banks of the River Thames here today to the finals of Henley's world famous Royal Regatta, three of the tentitles in which went overseas, two to the United States and one to Denmark. Jack Koilv
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  • 23 8 A.P. MEW YORK. Sun. Assault IMS three year-old champion, the H8S6a>700 Brooklyn 'tandncap Saturday ke furious retch drrve at Aqueduct. A.r.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 37 8 lVd Schroeder of La Crescenla, California, n.w'y < rowned Wimbledon singles chumpion. r.waled on Saturday tha* an exhibition match he \\:'s seh. d tiled to play in Prague had been cancelled mysteriously —I.P. -l i*
    -l i*  -  37 words
  • 319 8 THE Chinese Athletics by scoring a solitary gotl 1 in their match against R.E.. Singapore at thr* Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, are now virtually assured of being the champions of the Senior Division League. Hoi Meng scored the goal a few minutes after the
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  • 391 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. Very good times were made in most of the events in the first open omi mile standing start speed trial held at Lornie Road today Th trial, which was well organised by the Selangor and Pahang branch of the Automob? c
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  • 95 8 Hongkong Tour KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. in the second Council Meeting cf the MCFA held on the B.C.RJI this morning it decided to set up a General Finance Committee to lind ways and means to rsdne funds to s< nd the Malayan Chinese football team to Hongkong in
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  • 38 8 Reuter. STOCKHOLM. Sun. The Swedish athletic club. Gevle Idrotts Forenmg. today beat hen own wot Id record for the <J0OO metres relay-~4 x l.aou netrea -when the distance was 90vered in 10 mins 30.2 seconds. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 69 8 Having with three men short the Chinese Hurricanr were defeated by free go to nil when they met I>oin.<> Motors S.C. in a Jnr. B, Grp 1 soccer match at the Geylang Stadium yesterday. In the first half Borneo Motors wore only able to get two goals,
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  • 391 8 Dl- mm »re the »ci E hts for all eight race* on W .-.IB nesdav second day of the Sinßapore Turl ti«h .I„ly meeti'nran" «>ree ra< Sah,rdav the day: el. 1, Div 1—AM 6 f llright Eyes Gold Medallist ®-®J Everest 8.05 I a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 QUALITY COUNTS!! Ladies' Emb:—Silk English Night Gowns 6.3. (Small, Medium and Large Sizes in 4 Colours) Each White Flannel Blankets I LOO (Made in Holland) Each Flannel Trous»rs Made in England $10.10 (Sizes from 30" to 36") P«*r P'lhAmerican Linen Bed Sheets (54" x 90") Each New Shipment of Silk,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 14 8 Tide niliU WATER: 1.19 a.m. <Bft. 6 las.) and 5.15 p.m. (Sft. 1 in.).
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