Malaya Tribune, 29 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales Than Any Afternoon Paper in Malaya TOTo Lumpur, Ipoh <6 Penary Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Ayenf -Uessr*. CoUn Tmrm* Ltd Tm» 1
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  • 135 1 U.P. «<II\N<-H 11, Suncay: Mnhmr Wang Kai-shek Ml laatghl aboard a I nitnl States Navy transport plane for WashfaHrton where she uill |>!.;ul f'>r emergency militan n<<l for the Nationalist regime. The plane, delayed for <>n»> hmir :ind .">0 minutes, took off from Kiangwan airfield
    U.P.  -  135 words
  • 47 1 STOP PRESS v S»mHt, Today Police •j atttarj searched for hours yesterday for an ""M Chinese bandit who J mi ha'ah village. J was reported to J*J walked in the direction ■**ai hanga. artea waa put round »fa, but the armed man »anishr
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  • 302 1 BA YONETS STORMING HILL 'FORT' U.P. >() 1!! HSI CHOW FRONT, CHINA, Sur..— fn Nationalist Battalions, their fixed bayonets Mains m sUn cnarged Communist held yg-top under cover of barrages from Amencanrudc iirtillri? today as the first foreign corresnngents in four years watched. 1 colonel
    U.P.  -  302 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Sun.—The problem of more help for China will be spotlit in discussions here during the next few weeks. While it appears virtually certain that the American Government has already decidej not to embark on a greatly extended programme of supporting Chiang Kaishek, more
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 138 1 Reuter. MOSCOW. Sun—-Trud. organ of the Soviet Trade Union Central Council today accused the Indian Government of having "sabotaged the conference of the Women's international Democratic Federation due in Calucutta last October. It called the "right wing leaders'' of the All-India Women's conference led by its President
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. MADRID. Sunday. Seven United States Congressmen who arrived here unexpectedly yesterday may see Gen. Franco before leaving for Paris at noon tomorrow, it was learned today. They are understood to intend urging Congress to provide immediate economic and military assistance for Spain. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 29 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Sun.—Pre sident Truman's press secretary. Mr. Charles G. Ross has denied press reports that the President is planning a trip to Europe. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. KIEL. Sun.—Kiel trade unionists and socialists are to "cold shoulder" British me n and women in protest against yesterday's Military Government decision to-des-troy a large part of the former torpedo experimental station 15 miles from here.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 194 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Commissioner General for South East Asia, left Singapore by air today to visit Mr. Geoffrey Thompson, Britain's Ambassador in Siam. Mr. Mac Donald travclU-d in the same plane as General Sir Neil Rit-hie, C.-in-C. FARELF. who is on his
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  • 60 1 Five BORS and one ATS girl were taken to the Military Hospital after a crash at th<3 10th Mile Yio- Chu Kang yesterday. They were travelling i n a three-ton lorry driven by a BOR. when the vehicle ran off the road and hit a rubber
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  • 72 1 The Divisional Police made two security raids yesterday morning and at daybreak today in the north-west portion of Singapore. In the first raid 303 Chinese were screened. All had identity cards and no one was detained. This morning 80 Chinese, 78 Malays and 15 Indians were
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  • 31 1 Johore Bahru. Today.— Johore police have received a fleet of fifteea Ford "Prefect" cars. They will oa distributed among ex-Paitstine sergeants, serving on estates who are without transport.
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  • 34 1 1 The trial of the five men in the R.A.F. generator case was at this morning, adjourned for a week, following t-n application by Mr. H. A. Francis, counsel for David Wolfe Ginsberg.
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  • 103 1 Reuter. PARIS, Sun. Dr. Juan Bramuglia. President of the Security Council, is tomorrow submitting to Britain, America. Rusoia and France his last "plan" to solve the Berlin deadlock, it was learned here tonight. He spent all this afternoon with representatives of the six neutral states on the
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 83 1 U.P. WASHINGTON. Sun. Diplomatic sources said today that the United States delegation to the United Nation? has informed UNO authorities that the U.S. is ready to give between $12 million and $15 million to the relief of Arab refugees. According to the latest figure there
    U.P.  -  83 words
  • 230 1 U.P. PARIS. Sunday. The first French Antaittic expedition in more than a century was underway today after months of plaiving and preparation. Fifty-eight explorers and 45 Husky dogs sailed from Brest aboard the Commandant Charcot for the icy waters of Adelie Land, near the South Pole.
    U.P.  -  230 words
  • 314 1 Reuter. LAPSTONE, New South Wales, Sun— Delegr.u s to the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East—the fourth conference of which opens here tomorrow—were today crowding into the Lapstone Hotel high among the crags of the Blue Mountains. They were representatives i 000
    Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 31 1 Four Chinese alleged to be members of secret societies were arrested by the CID over the weekend. There were no robberies, cither armed or unarmed, reported over the weekend.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 329 1 S PHILIPS RADIO EASY TERMS CAN Be ARHANbBO KOSTER CP. LIS TIL.***** 10. C0LLTER QUAY F1.00A i GIVE! I THKRK are four days J 1 left before Malaya n i Thomas Cup team sails, I and the team still needs mon». Remember, the Malay- i an team are hot favour-
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  • 178 2 FIVE new uses for rubber include rubber propellers for motor boats, tubeless tyres, non-skid rugs and rideeasy trains. The rubber propeller h>«s metal bones 1 to give the blades stiffness to cut the water. The propeller slides over weeds without fouling and bounces over driftwood. The
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  • 58 2 MALACCA, Sunday.— Malacca has been told by the local registration authorities lhat people going to Singapore should get their identity cards first. Persons found without cards in Singapore after December 1 are ltkelv to be arrested they People who want cards have been told to
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  • 58 2 BALING AREA. Sunday: A Chinese bandit who was wounded and captured by a Police Military patrol operaUng in this area On Friday died today. It will be recalled that during this operation, the Police/ Military party killed one bandit, wounded and captured another and caught two other bandits.
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  • 273 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) fHE tendency of the Finance and General P«r--1 poses Committee of the Singapore Municipality to encroach upon the work of other Municipal committees has been brought to the attention of the Commissioners by Mr. A. P. KRlfth. This Committee, called Committee
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  • 86 2 The Malayali Association, Singapore, decided to call itself the "Kerala Samajam" at its 31st Annual General Meeting held on Saturday. The following were elected office bearers for the coming year President, Mr. Muthu Krishnan; vice-pre-sident, Mr. T. P. Par an; general secretary, Mr. M. K.
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  • 34 2 Reuter. PRAGUE. Sun —The Prague newspaper Mlada Fronta tonight reported the arrest of 30 members of an alleged terrorist grorrp who. it said, had plotted against the life of Premier Antonin Napotocky.—Renter
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 121 2 Shooting-a-Line" Was Well Received SHOOTING- A-LINE" the non-stop variety show, produced by Len Hollway and Oswald Henry, and presented by the T.M.C.A. on thetr new stage on Saturday night—received an enthusiastic response from a packed house. The programme consisted of a breezy potpourri o: skits, sketches, songs, dances, swing and
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  • 121 2 Reuter. PORT SAID. Sun. -The Rev. Ashton B. Jones of Atlanta. Georgia, said here today that the American State Department had forbidden a "world brotherhood tour" which he is Aidertaking. He said the passport upon which he and his wife wete travelling had been revoked
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 69 2 The rubber market was steady on Saturday. Closing prices showed a gain of a quarter of a cent over Friday's levels. Closing prices were: Buyers. Sellers. No. 1 Dec. RSS 35 r 35 7 rt No. 3 Dec. RSS 331«, 34 No. 2 Dec. RSS 34% 35 On
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  • 67 2 THE design section of the firm of De La Rue Insulation Ltd., London, will shortly inaugurate a new information ser vice which will deal with the application and fabrication of laminated plastics. This firm's design section was set up after Wor+d War II to deal
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  • 53 2 KLUANO, Sunday: Police discovered the bullet-riddled body of an Indian on an estate road, three-quarter of a mile, from the factory on the C.E.P. Estate, Nyor Division, yesterday. The dead man was the kepala of the factory. It is believed that he was murdered by a bandit, firing
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  • 124 2 Fire insurance companies in Malaya are going to give cover for riot and civil commotion. The decision has been made with the proviso that the [»fenent situation lip-country does not deteriorate. If there is a new outbreak of terrorism, it is likely to be rait eel led.
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  • 29 2 3ENTONG. Sunday: Security forces shot and killed a bandit during an action on Friday night. One pistol and six "ounds of ammunition were recovered from his body.
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  • 237 2 Paip-by League officials in Sydney are disappointed in the showing of the 1948 Kangaroos Rugby League tourists in 'Britain. They say that the tour has been valuable for the 1 younger players who should show the benefits of it when Australia meets England again in 1950
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  • 184 2 fTHE Singapore Labour Party hopes to publish a news-papt-i eanv next y- ar. At Handy Road yesterday, about 200 persons of different races, including sixty noti-English-f.peakmg Indian seamen, attended the first general meeting of the Party since it's inaugural meeting on September, this year. Members Elected
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  • 54 2 Reuter. PRETORIA. Sun.- An independent candidate. Mr. W. H Stuart, who is expected to support General Bants, Was elected a.s Transkei'U African representative in tttt South African Asm mbly. His election completes the African representation, the other two Assembly seals having gone to Communis.: Mrs. V. M,
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 55 2 Reuter. ROODERI*ORT, SOUTH AFRICA, Sun.—A death roll j in this hurricane battered Rand mining town stood this 7710 L irq at 14 dead and 500 injured. Total figures were still not known after Friday's storm which blasted two square miles of the town and caused
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 66 2 Johoie Kluang area During the night of November 26. a Police paity operating in an area near the 22nd mile Kluang/Mcrsing road saw 2 Chinese—a man and woman. They were challenged and ran away and refused to stop. Police open fire and the male Chinese fired
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  • 48 2 A 15 per cent, dividend less 20 per cent, income tax. was declared at the annual general meeting of the Tapah Rubber Estates Ltd. last Friday. This will take up a sum oi $70,040. The report and accounts were received and adopted.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 137 2 f/ Columbia's *T\M WHOLE SER,AL! Champion Swimmer Ikwmwr BUSTER CrL\BBE FT 1 JkijjJl brings tho HERO of car-toon |'i JIJ CAPTAIN to life with a #*M MT* <.l STO OF ??> XOX-ST«M» TWO-FISTED JttiS MTIO.V! Rp v TODAY!3Shows H| W 3 p.m.-5.45-9.00 -f%NEXT CHANCE! ORIGINAL! PYTHON vs TIGER! TIGER vs
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    • 197 2 %m m n, *t By VJ .7^l 93 Popula. hibJuS; 515; i -CALBI SAVH 2EL* Mohamed Bak TOriHtog I QUEen s Today; 3.00 W Spocwi Doatfc F,: U1 "TRIGGER TTUiL 1 WKIRD Wi i Hh! Show 15 iJJ Stii! inu j| Ronmtk Phase? of AI I Attary! ABILENE TOIT Stuning
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 337 2 On Your Radio Today RLT'E NETWORK Programme Summary in PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH Mandarin; 12.03 Cantonese 1 p.m. Lunch-time music .Selections (Request)- 1 nm >V the Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News in Mandarin Amov News; 1.48 music by and Cantonese. Dorscy; 2 p.m. Close 1.15 Opening AnnounccDow*. ment and Programme Sum8.15
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  • 758 3 (From A Market Correspondent). iU of 9" ,n arke Suffer d duri "X week and business small scale. deals were generally at lower nlf ;is t >s quite appreciably so. prices. as. Sterlings were the more disappointing because of the good buyhome earlier in
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  • 84 3 Lin are into :ons last month ighest figure for month this year, were 499 tons in r last, 446 tons in 194*3 and 4.489 tODfl T 1941. i] imports of tin ore vi for the ten > to October this I 039 tons compared 71 tons for
    84 words
  • 114 3 TWO Chinese who supplied food to the bandits were urested in Cameron Highlands >n Saturday. Their house was searched and ight pairs of uniforms and )oots were found. Three Chinese were airested in possession of parts of a .>tinting press and communist documents in the Bentong
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  • 180 3 IJICRTIE Dunsford jammeo his spine in a soccergame in Burma. He couldn't turn the upper part of his body. It took a physical cultutist 6 months to effect a cure. Now. Bertie is the President ot the York Body Building Club. In a room
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  • 98 3 U.P. Tokio. Sun. The Japanese tobacco monopoly bureau has given up its efforts to popularise a new brand of cigarettes which it has named "peace". Even a campaign star r ing the appearance of "glamour" girls, to be ballotted by cigarette buyers as the
    U.P.  -  98 words
  • 84 3 The C.I.D. had a quiet time last night. No reports from the crime-front were tecorded. The ambulance made five runs yesterday to remove to hospital eight injured persons. Among the injured were four male Europeans. The lorry in which they were travelling crashed into a
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  • 639 3  -  by Tribune Shipping Reporter MEW Premier of Nationalist China, Dr. Sun Fo, said yesterday in Nanking that the Yangtze River may be re-opened to foreign vessels. British and American shipping firms and every foreign captain who has taken a ship along the Yangtze's
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  • 90 3 Sixty-three members of the Chinese V.M.C.A. made their first aeroplane flight yesterday morning at Kallang. They made half-hour joyi ides' over the city in a Malayan Aitwaws Dakota. The 'Joyride' was enjoyed by most of the passengers, but for some it was scarcely an occasion
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  • 27 3 During the weekend the King's message of thanks to the neople of Singapore for "kind messages sent (oncoming his health" was broadcast over Radio Malaya.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 FACTS FIGURES of an Companies iled A Issued lei Co.. 28th cd. June 1948. fitf WALSH, LTD., Raffles Place, Singapoi c. Irilisl. eraflsmen ■^1^11^!^ »l»Hr host mako Uu M BIER L A N -ntt^^^S 7 THEY'RE VENTILATED TOO 'fort of a Slumberland. You can |;V Timing The reason is g-
      93 words
    • 378 3 USE THE CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS FOR SALE POWER MASTER FRIGIDAIRE 4 cubic ft. used eight months $350 Good Condition Inspection 16 Bukit Tunggal Road. i 5.142) Bunny's Frivolities Novelty and Carnival Caps foi your festive functions $75.00 Gross 24 Wilkinson Road, Singapore. (R. 1281 Famous "GALLIA" preheat 30--heater Permanent Waving
      378 words
    • 431 3 SITUATIONS VACANT Wanted immediately a Chinese Dispenser. Apply 204 Middle Road. 1R.135). WANTED A LADY SECRETARY. Fully experienced, commercial correspondence. Chinese piefeued. Good Prospects: Box No A 1829. (Q. 123) OFFICE CLERK WANTED Immediately Experience unnecessary. Applicants from Std. VI and upwards, salary fixed on intetview. Apply Box No. A.
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    • 201 3 I MASSAGE IMASSAGIST DAS graduated! j ftorn British Sclrool of Massage ion Physio-Therapy. Sussex, i England. Aurora Physio-Thera-jpeutic Clinic. 424 Geylang Rd. Phone *****. (N. 97) j MASSAGE Electro-Therapy (with Latest Apparatii. By I qualified physio-therapist 2nd I Floor- of Singapore Restaurant 179, Bras Basah Road. TeJ. 4088 i (P.lll)
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    • 200 3 ACCOMMODATION Young CHINESE ENGINEER with responsible position requires Accommodation with Chinese family preferably with own room willing to give private tuition. Box A 1827, M.T. Spore. (Q117) Restaurant to Sub-Let for selling hot and cold drinks including beer, fruits, cakes, Box A.1823, M.T., Spore. (P. 110) Two European bachelors require,
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    • 347 3 Can anyone supply Ist Class Sports Cycle to genuine buyer on deferred terms. References available. Box A 1817." M.T.. Spore. N.lOO-! Wanted to Purchase good condition Automatic Refrigora-tor-Type Icecream Machine Give Particulars Apply Box No. 4.1830, M.T., Spore. (R. 127) Wanted Secondhand Radiogram or Radio with record changer, particulars Box
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  • 469 4 THE full in lubber prices points til- moral to 1 a warning which has anvaay bejn lounaed in this column. Malaya must look, and look quickly, be vond rubber and tin for her livelihood. Compared with Europe and tne rest of South East Asia, apart from Hong Kong,
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  • 1083 4  -  by G.F. Standley THEY were boys together. More than 60 years ago they sat in the same school In StaHenbOSCh, South Africa. Later on. the oldei taught the younger In Sunday school. Th those days both were bred with the prey
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  • 236 4 MR. IVOR THOMAS. Member of Parliament who recently resigned from the Labour Party to become an independent, told the Royal Empire Society here that if the constitutional development evolved for Dominions of British stock were followed throughout the colonial empire "there will be many more Burmas". Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 BOOK EARLY Extension, Gala Dinner Ci ackers, Novelties and Lots of Fun at the PRINCE'S On CHRISTMAS EVE, X'mas Night, Boxing Night, and NEW YEAR S EVE. A I A V JAZZ DRUM AJAA OUTFIT JYVAS NEVER n MORE POPULAR THAN Ĕjb, A IT IS TO-DAY Xf Ex-Charles Shadir*>U's Famous
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    • 118 4 mmWmWmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmm pa r-^^ rye Car© consimii «*f m«.r* than Just "buying uln****/' i Eye comfort and vi*u,<U •fluency depend prxmrnuy up>m professional aervtce* of a j qualified eymaxghi mpmi****t, C. 8. CHONG, 4'l'l'llfl IHll'Jf lIV'iH Mil Fully equipped wit* niouvra Instruuieai*. Suppliers" of au types of office Stationery, Job Printing
      118 words
    • 38 4 DESIGNED FOR GOOD L t EASY RECEPTION J f TYPE 12fi (l^Lt------This Model kj a purpo >• attention has been given to th< pi Wave tuning easy. m>Mr ,K,V PRICE $255/- Cash Discount <Rj 12. ORCHARD RO. SIR6APORE /HO«E^
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  • 54 5 ran have the woi:.. *v t ips as well as entertainment one of the latest in your car. choice is the rioted for ita adaptability, of reception, inds ran<re from .in the short from 200 to 550 medium wave. current consumptwo in available at ian, Orchard i
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  • 69 5 XMAS SHOPPING HINTS t a li t trie ranges—* t word in "prcss- vp brought into i.y Warden's, Ornre iiein" ntfe. wives at $475/i, v ith "Thern-O- <>t. f'M-r Rc i vin h offer a cook'I every nf^, drawer with ver-sizc element :inu r rollers, and iilti-heat" switches
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  • 86 5 HAGS BEDS nMKTHKi: you decide on -iin,i your Christmas ■Hi m or f»ijt of Singai«r< it will pay you in the n. run to own one of the t Aiu'iican light-weight ;it< "r cabin trunks which arc on display at i-howrooms in Orcia'i! fload. Prices range f;Hi" to >110. Pa
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  • 100 5 THE Christmas spirit prevails in Fitzpatrick s food store where X'mas fare of all kinds stock the shelves and counters. Novelties. Christmas crackers, perfume sets, toilet accessories and many other gift ideas are there in attractive Christmas packing. A special shipment of Christmas cakes is just arriving from
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  • 127 5 COLD Storage Creameries arc now busy preparing their fancy ice cream moulds for Christmas. Pre-war residents will remember that th<> Magnolia Santa Clause and Yule Logs, were popular with hostesses. The Creameries have also recently re-introduced the well-known Magnolia Pic or Choc Ices, which are now distributed
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  • 111 5 A YISIT to C. K. Tang s shop in River Valley Road should introduce you to some useful household accessories. With $4.50 in your purse you can buy some fascinating straw-on-black background pictures for the drawing room, or attractive bamboo mats which range from $4.00 upwards. Also obtainable
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  • 108 5 HCRE Sa real l wluch putty-minded people will Lo quick to seize: Z* pretty coloured bulbs, strung on a strip of electric wire 22 feet ion H Just the thing you ve be?n after for that Christmas tree. Plastic lampshades arc all the rage jusi now, and the
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  • 85 5 CANTEEN SETS arc, perhaps, one of the finest and most useful gifts you can give anyone this Christmas season, and we suggest you see some of the E.P.N.S Romney Plate sets at B P. de Silva of High Street before you make your choice. Packed in oak cases,
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  • 70 5 MUSIC MINDED Singaporeans arc taking to Piano-accordions in big way to meet this demand, eon <• Piano Co, in Orchard Iload, inve imported a good stock of Paolo Soprani and Scandulii models rrom Ita'v. which boast a fine tonal quality. Pianos are equally popular, and Kellar's offer a
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  • 67 5 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Sun. —A rapid Congresskmal approval early next year of an additional 11,250,000,000 to keep the European Re< ovcry Programme going up to June SO, end of the United States fiscal year, seem>d assured today. Congressman Clarence Cnnlo.i (Democrat, Missouri), new chairman of the House
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 Master adio smn\\ WAVE AIK RADIO MODEL 701 SW L I s T X N TO 111-; WORLD VOL to the i!)le cLirity 1 Tho wave bands covered are:— Short Wave 16-50 metres. Medium Wave 200-560 metres TOTAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION ONLY 2 AMPS. A Stage Super Heterodyne Model, it incorporates
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    • 4 5 I a 11 IT"
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    • 73 5 Cerent from fill Otters Tie forosene Rtfriqerafor (nflßDtn compflnv PHONE 3252 82 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE FOR HOME ENTERTAINMENT 5 VALVE AC DC RECEIVER MODEL C ASH PRICK INSTALMENT ,j 5h $255/- or $75.00 DOWN A $24.30 MONTHLY 8 VALVE AC RECEIVER A 69 $304/-~ r 90 00 DOWN $27.00 MONTHLY
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    • 116 5 PASKOE'S LIMITED 48, Broad rick Road, Phone *****. Ready Stock of Stainless Steel Sinks Complete with Draining Boards. Parquet Floors Manufactured, laid and Polished. PRICES ON APPLICATION •I goes all i iirislmas y There're oodles Of mouth-wntrring ideas for the festive season at all Creameries Milk Ban like the famous
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 112 5 VIC FLLVT- By Michael O Mailer and Ralph Lane I 3" Uncle Ambler's study next d00r.., KwMT lU STOW THE MniESN4KE aboard, M v^,,n'^°' 7SSTIUuNDE R (A STPANGHY FLINT GUESSED V ~Pks- CCKBA. THEN TOMORROW NIGHT. ryP au=,S°'* VDI A 7 /MY SECRET. NOW r Vv"*V ,V WHEN AMBIER WAYCROSS
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  • 707 6 I ONDON, Sun.-Widespread fog today caused the L first serious hold up of this football season, 11 matches in the English League and Cup programme being either postponed or abandoned during play, while in many others the players be came merely ghostly figures
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  • 88 6 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY Jack Hansen, young Queensland aborigine boxing "find," considered by many to be the next Australian lightweight champion and thought by some hard heads to l»e knocking at the door to world recognition, will earn about £5,000 in the next 12 months. It would make
    Reuter-AAP.  -  88 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 493 6 IM4IIIIII vaa ■SSSSMfI BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Lloyds Agents in Singapore. Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. Calls Casablanca call? Mlddlebro* Due Sail* *GLENARTNEY .24 Dec. 31 Dec. ♦GLENOGLE 3 Jan. 9 Jan. FROM U.K. FOR STRAITS, HONO KONG AND CHINA. Doe Sails GLENROY G.
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    • 667 6 ACCOMMODATION MERCANTILE HOSTEL 13, Queen Street, Phone 2370 i Excellent Cuisine. Rich Meaty meals. Springy Beds. Modern Sanitation. For Particulars apply:— Superintendent. TUITION ANGLO-CHINESE EVENING SCHOOL. COLEMAN STREET. New Sessions commencing 1/12/48 for following subjects: SHORTHAND: complete Beginners Sr Speeds (50-150 w.p.m.), BOOK-KEEPING ACCOUNTANCY (L.C.C. Cert. Higher Stages), ENGLISH: Std.
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    • 647 6 SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Amended Addition No. 1 of 1948 to the General Improvement Plan under Section 52 of the Singapore Improvement Ordinance. Amended plan of proposed extension of Dunearn Road from Clarke Road to Railway Bridge. Notice to owners or reputed owners of property affected by the amended plan or
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    • 316 6 NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that Gho Thian Chuan of 106 Boat Quay Singapore is applying to the Governor for naturalization, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed state I ment of the facts to the Colonial
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    • 526 6 SIIIPP|\ <: KMfSFiELD ITTtT (Incorporated t. r *BLUE FUNNEL U ♦Carrier's option to proceed via other charge cargo. «M SAILINGS FROM U.K. 1 r R "Atreus" Due from UJL V "Laomedon" Due from CM. "Glaucus" Due from I'.K "Phrontis" Due from I SA. "Agapenor" Due from I'.K s Sailings for
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  • 761 7  -  1 news should be icing our Thomas Cup am on their return Says John Ede I (Ex-CantV'dK! Hadminton Captain) I i i be drawn from Lie Tnomas Cup team's grand finale I World Stadium yesterday are that we have a it!-, from which to
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  • 626 7 I CAN very well understand why Mr. Edc and others have .1 noor imoression about Malaya's doubles weakness. These critics have only watched Singapore doubles rombinatlons in action, oarrtng the weak Mcrrvdale combinations from Kuala Lumpur, which visited here last month. It
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  • 48 7 LAW Teik Hock, the Penatig Champion and lust minute inclusion in the Malayan Thomas Cup team, who put up a grand display against Wong Peng Soon yesterday. —Tribune Picture.
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  • 48 7 "We shal' bring the Thomas Cup bar k with u> to MaLya. Every player In the team will justify your confidence In him." says uon-piayuig raptalnImanager1 manager Lim Chuan Geok "May I thank ymi a!l for your gener. us <mp|»ort and I st wishes.
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  • 86 7 Thomas Cup's representatives wire the guest. cl hcaoor at the Amateu: Athletic Union's picnic yes lay Th > occasion was tr i-^.i at, the successes of fclta m y-itj Of the AAU .s mem--1 tors 1 «10 entered in the 1 sfYigiprrre Badminton corn r):ikii»n.
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  • 99 7 I Th<- fo&owfag will rsure-L-nt the Chine c Y. If. v. A against P. A. F. Solotar a' table-tennis today nt Betata*. Loe Meng Kong, Lav Buong Hno, Lee Sou Chee. ChuiV KOK Thyt\ Leong Scow 800, Ong Kay Ann. lay Choon IFoong, Lav Kieng Poh.
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  • 131 7 Reuter. Bordeaux, Sun—Scoring two goals in t*>" last two minutes, England snatched a nrai an :<• win over France by 12 points to i> today in a Rugby League International. England, after loading b/ two points to ESro at hall time,
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 342 7 Reuter. DURBAN, Sun—Steady and a 'vi I l;o ltftg by Wright. Young and B as v hclooj the MCC to dismiss half of a strong Natal Eleven ?oi 203 by the clos? of the second days' play after C Mary* tho- I aar.'s first in
    Reuter.  -  342 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 23 7 c lajife] fel Tl T V :H R D 0N L V Days left F OR YOU TO! REGISTER DO IT A \V
      23 words
    • 234 7 SOON! Warner bros. PRC SEW "iff Life With Either All THE FUH OF ITS 6-V£AR RUN IN AtyTMTHM .feeling NERVOUS RUNDOWN, DEPRESSED. START 'BUILDING-UP' YQUB AND BODY AT ONCE wrthocrt Tb«c ire signs cf what doctor* call Mineral I Brj| A deficiency"—that you are not getting cnrwigto Minerals which Nature
      234 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 80 8 SINGAPORE ANTI TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION CLINIC. Official opening by Lady Gimson. Tanjong Pagar Road—5.30 p.m. HOUSING AND TOWN PLANNING EXHIBITION. Opening by Sir Patrick Abercrombie. British Council Centre, Stamford Road—5.30 p.m. INTERNATIONAL A R T I S T S* ASSOCIATION. Life Class. College of Medicine 6 to
    80 words
  • 189 8 REX: "The Sea Hound" (Full Serial) with Blister Crabbe 2, 5.45 and 0.15 p.m. CATHAY: "Call Northside 777" with James Stewart—1.45, 4.15, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. ALHAMBRA: "The Master Key" (Full Serial)—1.30, 5.15 and 8.45 p.m. CAPITOL: "Bring 'em Back Alive," with Frank Buck —2, 4.15, 6.30 and 9.30
    189 words
  • 21 8 HOCKEY: SRC v MCU— SRC; BODCA v Hornets—St. George's Road. TABLE TENNIS: Chinese YMCA v. Mansfield SC—107, Selegie Road—7 p.m.
    21 words
  • 74 8 The band of the Royal Artillery, which is touring the Far East, gave a band concert on Sunday in the Botanic Gardens. The band came to Singapore from Hong Kong, and will go to Colombo before returning to England in January. TOP: Crowds of people at the Botanic
    74 words
  • 30 8 TOKYO, Sun. Japanese sources believed today that the execution of Hideki Tojo and the six others is imminent, and might take place early lours on Tuesday.
    30 words
  • 336 8 Reuter. LAHORE, Monday.—ln cool weather about 10,000 people saw the start of the third da? of the match between a Pakistan XI and the West Indies touring team. The wicket was still pood but at the north end it has been cut up
    Reuter.  -  336 words
  • 47 8 PARIS, Sun.—lsrael will apply tomorrow for membership if the United Nations, it was earned here today. The application will be made in a letter to Mr. Trygve Lie, United Nations Secretary General, with a request that it be transmitted to the Security Council for consideration.
    47 words
  • 119 8 Reuter. BOGOTA, Colombia. Sun.— A new stage in surveys for a sea level canal to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 200 miles south-east of the Panama Canal will begin tomorrow. Senor Isaric Ruiz Wilches, former Geographical and Military Institute Director, has arrived from Panama
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 67 8 Reuter. ATHENS, Sun.—Hopes of j saving the life of 83-year-old I Premier Themlstocles Sophoulis were expressed here tonight. A heart specialist was called from Paris and tonight this bulletin was issued: "The Prime Minister's illness, which has passed through several critical phases, was today at a
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 39 8 U.P. NANKING, Sun.—China has recognised the new Peruvian government "in view of the fact that the situation in that country has become stabilised j after the recent revolution" the foreign ministry has announced I in Nanking.—U.P, I
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 90 8 U.P. CAIRO. Sun.—Two students were killed and several injured today in clash between police and nationalist demonstrators, who demanded that the Anglo-Egyptiar: £udan be incorporate c into Egypt. Some 1.500 students refused to attend classes and marched through downtown Cairo. When th e police blocked their parade near
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 298 8 Strikers Go To Work NEW YORK, Sun.—Emergency squads of dockers returned to work today, ending the 18-day east coast strike which tied up 250 vessels ftt wharves and delayed Marshall Aid cargoes in.rUi £36.000,000. The strike left 300,000 sacks of overseas mall piled on
    298 words
  • 112 8 Kallang airport «Ticials and waiting passengers were start led to see a girl in full brida dress ariiving with a party oi live men lo eaten the 7.30 am pianc to Kuala iMmpoi yc.'tciuay. Olhcials at the aiiport beheve viiat tiic girl was going to jO oc
    112 words
  • 106 8 Reuter. BAGDAD, sun p Muzahnn Sachachi Iraqi J lleved the ted ever nude A;a^ "There S still time v th to U ilte and rJ£ J fam and |a m m£Z* be able to liberate pJL? Iwwa n ap£ ™*y Mediate S?J „J! U faftj mat
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 125 8 PARIS. Sun.—Ceylon has applied to the Security Council again for membership of the United Nations. When her application was considered. Col. W. H. Hodgson, Australia asktd for it to be postponed to enable Sir Oliver Goonetilleke to continue his conversations with the Soviet Union
    125 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 24 8 CHONG HIaM PRESS LIMiTED. General Job Printers, BooßHinders, Stationers and Rubber Stamp Maker*. 'I hone No. 4933. 21, Hill Street, Singapore. mixed wm ""j
      24 words
    • 187 8 TO-DAY BEGINS THE GREATEST, AMI OF THE YEAR AND I GRANDEST. MOST-OPPORTUNE WI I L MAYBE OF ANY YEAff-1 AND TIMELY and Sensational g*\ L El AT BAJAJ ™(1 *No more X'mas I Shopping headack I just watch (he °£f** rush —and join ia] Batumi LET ECONOMY GENUINE DOLI ~\K
      187 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous