Malaya Tribune, 24 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 64 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR HIE PEOPLE Larger Sales Than Any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printing Bimultaneuu*l v Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh d Penang Telegrams: "Tribune B'pore." Telephone: 5811 (S lines) EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agents-Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd
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  • 398 1 Reds bring up a mmo for big onslaught Reuter. «XTS». T .es.-Tens.on is gripping Tientsin and Peiping as these importn r,t,es brace themselves for battle in the faeTof r3rts |e«er,l Lin Pmo's Communist columns are settling do«i, ta thrirXu, »ItMM IMM and bringing in ammunition.
    Reuter.  -  398 words
  • 177 1 untitled Briton untitledthe story. pA&IS -Frederick 5 liriton sensrven years' imJewa tole today Jewish r t -d him ano threat*! risnlfi against I m attempt.- r.fession. r. handed over regular army treated, Mr. He arrived today from •re his prison illegal possession transmitter and
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  • 68 1 Two hundred Malay men and women—were present at Kallang Airport this morning to meet Dato Onn bin Jntfnr, Mentn Besar of .Johore, who arrived this morning in a X.L.M. Skymaster, after v month's visit to the United Kingdom. The Sultan un uniform) and Sultanaii of Johore together
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  • 63 1 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY. Tues. For nearly fifty years New South Wales policemen have had to get the Commissioner's permission to get married. The constable had to have three years service and the Commissioner had to approve the girls character. The regulations have been amended and
    Reuter-AAP.  -  63 words
  • 21 1 U.P. PARIS, Tues.—Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery today conferred with Premier Henri Queuille and Defence Minister Paul Ramadier—U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • 71 1 MRS. Sandra Salikin. the former Miss Sundra Jones of Melbourne, her two-year-old daughter and Mr. Mohamrd Abdul Hamid bin Salikin. who arrived in Singapore from \u>traiia on the MareJla yesterday. Mr. SaMkL. forestalled a "get out" order from the Australian Government by leaving "Down I'nder"
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  • 40 1 PARIS. Tues. —Premier Henry QueuiHe's "Third Force coalition seemed sure of a clear vott of confidence today when th< French Deputies resumed their lengthy debate on the Cabinet I handling of the coatly coal ana dock strikes
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  • 123 1 Reuter. MANILA, Tues.—About 600 top Chinese Communist leaders in Manila are directing a "peaceful invasion" of the Philippines, according to Director Joaquin Pardo de Tavera of the National Bureau of Investigation, in the witness stand before the Committee on Un-Filipino Activities. (CUFA). I Trie situation in Manna
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 51 1 The C.I.D. screened 260 Chinese in a village off Upper Serangoon Road caily today. Five men had no registration card and one man. a new arrival, was brought back for further screening. A Chinese member of the Malayan Communist Party was also arrested under the Emergency Regulations
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  • 510 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. —The obstruction of circulation which has caused the King to cancel next year's Royal tour of Australia and New Zealand is the result of an affection of the arteries themselves and not of a blood clot, it was learned tonight. Sir John Weir,
    Reuter.  -  510 words
  • 200 1 Reuter-AAP. Sydney. Seventy nudists from various States, and two from New Zealand, attended their first Australian convention at a secret rendezvous 18 miles from Sydney, during November. Officials posted lookouts at strategic points to watch for intruders, and the officials organ of the Australian Sun
    Reuter-AAP.  -  200 words
  • 151 1 Reuter. CANBERRA, Sat.—The Australian Premier, Mr. Chifley, was warned some time ago that the King's health may canst* a cancellation of the Royal Tour. The news was kept a secret, however, and onl> six members of the Cabinet were told about it. Officials were still going
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 45 1 Reuter. FOLKESTONE. Tues. Five anglers fishing off this south coast port brought back a real "Fisherman s story,'" and the proof. They found them**lve« among a shoal of grey mullet and caught 5S§ of them the biggest over three pounds in weight.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 15 1 CID. arrested a Cantonese member of a secret society last night.
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  • 29 1 WASHINGTON. Tues—The first Afghanistan Ambassador to the United States. Sardar Mohammad Nairn Khan, presented his credentials to President Truman at the White House today.
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  • 17 1 Frankfurt. Tues. American Catholics have offered to accept 69.000 displaced persons from Germany and Austria
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  • 82 1 (Triuuue .Stuff Reporter) Six masked Chtnfaff pit unarmed with pistols rnhttnd three Chinese Immmi of $1.4U) in oash and a large quantity nt ptoviaiona rained at $r»00 at a fishing stake of Pulau Panjang in Dofteh waters at dusk on Monday. The pirates also took the
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  • 48 1 JOHORE BAfflU Today. —Ia a iMrnM pranged attack on Land It i.iie r.-a. combined poM military pnrtj killed a bandit chief, captured another and rounded up 14 suspects. The dead man has been identified as second-in-com-mand of oandit armed forces in Seelong area.
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  • 55 1 Terrorists yesterday dynamited railway bridge between Labis and Bekop, near Segamat, delaying both up and down night mail trains. "Repair work is expected to be finished by about 11 this morning, and the down night mail train should arrive in Singapore about S.SO this afternoon," a Malayan
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  • 32 1 Reuter. TOKIO, Wednesday.—General MaeArthur has upheld sentences on Tojo and 24 fellow war criminals and has ordered Commander of U.S. Eighth Army to carry out sentences imposed by Tribunal.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 124 1 I t Radio Keceivers sauJtarv Wares I f Bainr.Kim Fittings I UN CHENG MOhWf J ELECTRIC CO. I (RO S<* ST.. TEL: 5064. I visGAI'ORE. I U— HOHNER 'hromatic hahmonicas. itic Harmonicas supply the half tones its) not found in the regular style instruct this added feature, it permits the
      124 words
    • 131 1 lOurI Our Quality Alumiiiiura Signs Advantages: Eonomical Durable Attractive in appearance Easily visible at a distance, (.'un be chemically engraved in artistic design. Guaranteed non-rust. FCmrj or Cull MODERN SIGNCRAFTS 53. Prinsep St. I Phone *****» (Opp. to Mam Entrance of Keg. of Vehicles). class who will demand —and get-"-the
      131 words

  • 256 2 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday to consider proposed amendments for a favourable residential qualification, and faf tho extension of Commissioners' tenure of officers. Lin win- v;iTkV»-.»»«»v». The amendment to the rc dential qualification proposed by Mr.
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  • 254 2 THE two 15,000 ton liners for the British India Com--1 pany's United Kingdom to East Africa service which are being built at Barclay Curie and Co s yard on the Clyde, are to be named Kenya and KaratHia The names are appropriate since both
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  • 63 2 A Chinese Special Constable who was wounded In the attack on Kong Yik Mine on Monday died yesterday. Two othei Chinese Specials were killed in the engagement. One bandit was killed. Bandits who attacked the I Pern k Hydro sub-Power Station I at Tanjong Tuallang
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  • 91 2 The wedding took place on Saturday Nov. 20. of Mis> Juliana Augustine. daughte r of Mr. S. D. Augustine. Inspector of Indian Schools. Malacca, with Mr. A. C. Christian, son of late Mr. Chinnasnmy of Tiragalut India, In Christ Church Malacca. Rev. L. R. Wilson officiated. A reception
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  • 100 2 Bandit Lim banged ;»t Pudu gaol. Kuala Lumpur yesterday was first arrest? as he slept in ids jungle hideout near with a detonated grenade in his hand Hanged together witn aim was his companion Cheong Ah Sam who was caught lying outside the same
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  • 139 2 A search party of the 2nd Scots Guards and three R.A.F. officers took part in a simple burial service I in thick jungle east of Serendah yesterday. They were paying their last respects to five airmen who died in j the Dakota air crash
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  • 135 2 KIT LAI. Tuesday—A Chinese English-. 1 -peaking bandit walked out of the jungle and surrendered to a patrol of the ij» Gurkhas operating in the Kulai area this morning. The patrol made a thorough search of the area and found accoutrements of a party
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  • 110 2 Troops of the Ist Bn.. The Malay Regiment, working with detachments of 4th Hussars and police cairied out a fullscale sweep during the weekend. They had some success in the area south of the Rengas-Kuala Kangsar road where several outrages and murders have taken place lately. A
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  • 49 2 A Military party in the Lata Pallet area, caught five suspects in a raid. Two soldiers escorting one of the prisoners to the main road were attacked by bandits. The soldiers tired back. During the exchange of ■re the prisoner attempted to escape and was -hot dead.
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  • 303 2 BLUE NETWORK 10.55 a m. to 12.00 noon. English Schools' Broadcast I. 00 p.m. Lunch-time music by the Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.48 Rhythm Parade with Famous Saxophonists; 2'oo Close Down. 8.15 Programme Summary News Summary; 8.20 Interlude; 8.30 Listeners' Post—Sixty minutes of the tunes you
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  • 66 2 Young Rajoo .valked into a protected area in Tanjcng Pagar. boarde I a ship, and was caught :n a cabin stealir.g a fountain pen and 26 cigarettes. Raj«,o was sentenced at the First District Court yester-dav to four months rX foi theft and another month's r.l.
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  • 34 2 R A WANG. Tuesday. Two firmed bandits who entered a shop in the Bakau area bound the shopkeeper and looted the shop. Th-y then took the shop-owner awny 'and murdered him.
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  • 66 2 A bandit carrying a Sten gu,n, 146 rounds of ammunition, and a Japanese hand-grenade was shot dead by a Po'ice/ Military patrol v hich surpr: *ed a hideout nea Teng Nam ELtate. Johore al 8 O'clock yesterday morning. Another "unarmed bandit was eaptuvtu and
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  • 36 2 A Gurkha pati-ol accomp.u_ed by an Auxiliiry Police Officer and two detectives met a Chinese ban,lll carrying a Japanese rifle near Sercmba l on Sunday night. The A.P.O. shot and killed uc bandit.
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  • 26 2 There were 33 arrests la the Federation yesterday: 5 in Selangor; 2 in Trcgganu; 7 in Negri Scmbilan; 5 in Johoie, and in Perak.
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  • 66 2 At a meeting of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce held last Monday, the following office-bearers were elected. Tan Cheng Lock (president). Lim Kee Jin (vicepresident). Goh Tiong Tan (hon. secretary). Inn Soong Tin, in-charge of gencrai a fairs. Tan Ke e Gak 'hon. treasurer). Keng Chi
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  • 40 2 Six ibhinesc delegates to the ECAEE conference arrived in Singapore yesterday by air from Hong Kong. They were met here by Dr. Wu PaakBhtng, the Chinese ConsulGeneral. The party is headed by Dr. C. M. Li.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 193 2 it*!* r r •I**! QUEENS LAST DAY: 3.00 6.30 015 p.m. William Gargan Maria Palmer in "RENDEVOUS 24" OPENING TOMORROW "SMILING GHOST" m iiKi C/bacMott Last Four Shows tS phone bqos 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 p.m. m auan poeyft OPENING TOIIIOREOW«-4t 1948 PioduHion ProdMd and Directed by Otto rreminger nix. Made -LAURA M
      193 words
    • 24 2 NEW STAR CINEMA 54 Mile Stone —Pasir Panjathj To-Night To-Morrow at 7.15 p.m. Gary Coepef Franehot Tone, in "THE LIVES OF .v BENGAL LANCER'
      24 words
    • 85 2 I 10 NEW HAPPY Theatre (HAPPY WORLD) To-Night 7.15 9.15 p.m. Rod CAMERON and Maria MONTEZ in "PIRATES MONTEREY" t In Technieoiour) NEXT CHANGE! "JUNGLE RAIDERS" I A Columbia Picture! i I NEW SEASIDE TALKIES To-Night: 7.00 0.15 p.m. CHAP. 1 6 "ADVENTURES OF FLYING CADETS" OPEN CNG TO-MORROW" Concluding
      85 words
    • 106 2 Today: Sir, q Kaushalva "WJRBAAN" (Htetustani) Tomoirow "If Irs Comim: Soon "Ca CHEAT V. -I'll. I Globe 7 ai •SWEET ItoSY OGUA (I cehnfcol Tomoi io\v NEW v (»i i n Udo "TO HAVE AND Ha ITomonow ■< >. Royal "RAJA RAJESW VRv itJ l* «IBIM4B ■■■'■fir •'TTIIIIL, \n 1101
      106 words

  • 632 3 Jap Occupation Broke Progress the leaching of science was still a dream with most headmasters in Singapore schools, Mr. K. C. George, full of faith in his own convictions, derided to set up a Science Institute. That was in 1939. and the institute became
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  • 46 3 A Stan "Meet the Pioneers" produced for British factory workers, to sec how their individual efforts contributed to the finished product and uses to which convcying-machinery was put when it reached customers, will be shown next year in Singapore, Kuala Bumpur and Ipoh.
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  • 350 3 MOHAMED Abdul bin Salikin, 29-year-old Singapore Malay working in Melbourne, took a hint last month and left before he was served with deportation papers. Yesterday he stepped ashore in Singapore with Sandra his charming White Australian wife, and their two-year-ole
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  • 62 3 J Nearly twenty four hundred dead degs and six hundred dead eats I atnee burn* in the Singa--5 pore Municipal lncincra- tor at Kolam Aver near .scrangoon Koad from January to October this year. J They were destroyed ■in a lot ha I chamber hy
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  • 92 3 Several hundred tons o! produce and merchandise i confiscated from. vessel.-; seized by th e Dutch in NEI poils. a.c to be put up for i public auction by the Resident °f Rhio at Tandjong Pinang this week. More tha n 150 tons copra 60
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  • 120 3 THE two widows of Seah Tee Siang who died in July 1942, came to the High Court yesterday over their husband's will. Kee Ah Liat the second wife, j entitled to a maintenance allowance of $25 per month un-' der the will, asked the court
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  • 83 3 Prom next Monday you wil 1 have half an hour more every evening to post your letters foi the (federation at the General Post Office, Singapore. Controller of Posts has announced 6 p.m. as the latest po ting time for ordinary letters. Time
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  • 27 3 The Old Victorians' Association will hold its second reunion dinner and dance at the Victoria School hall on November 27, at 8 p.m.
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  • 159 3 A 15-year-old Chinese boy who allegedly accompanied live others to steal six eases Of Chevrolet clutch plafc assemblies from No. 2 Suo Depot, 223 BOD on October 27 was committed to the Assizes by the Seventh Magistrate 'Mr. R. J. C. Wail) yesterday, on a
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  • 17 3 Office of the American Foreign Service will be dosed tomorrow in observance of Thanksgiving Day.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 j'.'.ue in I ains in Back. M j r malic! P™ -.Torn" n i>t)i d kidnf> lr«i ng I'r Pains « n An ids. ant th Cy» L ir 1 hrlpnu ;*'-irt: f !ikr ci::irantf •••:>• nr ros > r >''"*ni t io<ta) E 'pro i |*i r i la
      169 words
    • 347 3 /^ssMWMHM FOR SALE FOR SALE: Complete 35MM used sound and projection equipment In running condition. 46 Orchard Road or Phone 7062. (N. 95) We are specialist in bicycle tubes, rubber bands, water hoses, radiator hoses, rubber tubings, football bladders, etc. For enquiries write to Oriental Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 2 Jalan
      347 words
    • 437 3 SITUATIONS Wanted Malay Labourers as J Lorry attendants. Apply per- i sonally. Seng Hua Sawmill. 99. j Kampong Bugis. (N. 101) 1 WANTED.—Teacher helper for Children's Orphange School. Live in. Apply in writing 26. j Oxley Road. Spore. <L.87( BRITISH WOMAN TEACHER required for European School in Naval Base. Box
      437 words
    • 198 3 ACCOMMOD HON Two European bachelois PC- j }vii c. furnished flat, house, or large double room, with sitting loom, and own bathroom, any location. Please apply Box. No. A.1821. M.T.. S'poic (P. 107) European couple two children requue furnished or unfurnished flat o> rooms. Box Al3lB. M.T.. S'poie. (N.102i House.
      198 words
    • 197 3 Business Opportunity I TRADING wito. Jap a*? Our extensive trade connections in Japan assure 'real merchants comprehensive range products and minimum delay in securing shipments. Enquiries/ orders invited. The Malayan Trading Co., 11?. Beach Road. Singapore. Phone 2893. vJ.7I). MASSAGE MASSAGE Electro^Therapy With Latest Apparatii. By qualified physio-therapist 2nd i
      197 words
    • 357 3 TUITION "Hbest tuition. English. Shorthand Book-kcopuig and 'typewriting. Paya Lobar Commercial Institute, 993-«, Yio Chu Kang Road. (N.9G) TUITOR REQUIRED Scrcmban family requires primary [English lessons for two children please write P.O. Box 128 iSeremban. (M.91) Ballroom Dancing and Samba Lessons: Be a member and I learn or improve correct
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  • 1033 4  -  by EGON KASKELINE FRANCE'S political and economic difficulties are having a damaging effect on stability of the French colonial empire. Continued crisis in metropolitan France, some observers believe, might well prove a prelude to serious outbreaks in the restless colonies. Everywhere in the French Empire, extremist
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  • 582 4 MR. Joseph Chifley, Prime Minister of Australia has had more bricks than bouquets from this C °Today we have pleasure in presenting him, with a full size garland (Asian style). For Mr. Chifley has been talking some very sound commonsense. He has been telling his people that
    582 words
  • 581 4 TIME is not v. at it used to Le. Time was v »< n you went down to the Chinese ma-wet placr The vjh t cloc'f, in which water ped thro-.'gh hoies in the bo 1 vtn of 3ovper jars arranged eke aci is,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 ASSURE YOUR CHRISTMAS, BOXING DAY, and NEW YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT RESERVE YOl!R TABLE NOW PRINCE'S TEL. ***** THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. China Building, Chulla Street, Singapore. FIRE. MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE, etc. Branches Agents at Hongkong, Java, Bangkok all towns in Malaya. Ba«S_BWßWlßeMßeaWa_a_ei■■■■■■■■■■■■ m=mm^ ltm m thanks to
      163 words
    • 71 4 Eye Care consists) of more than joet "baying gUeetf." Eye comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a quqUfied eyesight specialist, O. 8. CHONO, OPT-J). Pally equipped with modera lnetrnmeßts. EFFICIENCY l>__vW is MORE VITAL T H A N Offers SPEED A CCURAC/ DURA 8/L/7 V f
      71 words
    • 123 4 M/lo 2' Universal WALL CLOG<S Fitted with Smiths famous 8-day 7-jewel lever movement, this Wall Clock is heat, steam. f i i dust and vibration proof, and LVlmu is available in stro n g 1 y moulded case with walnut MrPCSI manUjdClUTin finish and cream dial. Overall diameter 7", 17.5
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  • 545 5 Secrets of the M.V.A.F. BRITISH troops in the jungle when the Johore causeway was breached, were found by a motor horn. For days, they hid in the lallang, unable lo move for fear of Japanese patrols. No one knew where they were. Radio
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  • 47 5 MANILA, Tues.—Mr. Arthur Barrows, United States Under-Secretary for Air, who is in Manila in thee ourse of his inspection tour of American air installations in the Far East today paid tribute to the rapid strides made by the Republic in the last two years.
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  • 139 5 U.P. A GROUP of a.tists who arc interested in forming the International Artists' Association finds it extremely hard to get i proper model Count Bernardino del Boca ill Villaregia, one of the or.gtnators of the Inter nation.-' Artists' Association, sai I that models In Singapore are
    U.P.  -  139 words
  • 178 5 CYDXEY, Some cancer patients trerted with nitrogen mustard, a chemical dcv. loped from the mustard gas used in the First World War, have shown benefit, although successful results have not been obtained in every ca*c. states a report by the Royal Adelaide H3Sp;«£j South Australia.
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  • 68 5 NEW DELHI, Tues. i_ Two thousand four hundred syringes wer t presented recently to the Government of India for use maong refugees by If. Arnold Lamping, the Duteii Ambassador, on behalf of his Governmen Rajkumari Amrlt Kaur, Minister uf Health, request d ►he Dutch Ambassador
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  • 116 5 MEI3OURNE. >'.;n. —The' necessity for friendly ties beIfcCiHl India and Australia were tmpriasiaed in Melbourne ytsterday oy tliv newly appointed Australian High Commissioner to India, Mr. Herbert R. Gollan. India, ru said, formed R ink in our communications vith Britain and if she was unfriendly.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 303 5 VOU CET YOUNGER AS VOU CROW OLDER BY TAKING m TESTRONES TABLETS the finest of all revitalising tonics for Men. WK Prepared by the BRITISH GLANDULAR PRODUCTS LTD LONDON Read what Mr. Digby dc Burgh says:— "A complete rejuvenation has apparently taken place after this further course of Testrones Tallets.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 119 6 Marshal of the Tioyal Air Force, Loid Douglas of Kirtlcside, and a member of the Board of the BO AC, arrived in a Sunderland flying boat yesterday afternoon at Kallang Airport. He is on his way to Australia to visit the Koyal Australian Air Force, at
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  • 83 6 Nearly 100 Jakun refugees of terrorists in Segamat, Johore. arc receiving help from the local authorities and Malay organisations. They arc housed in two spe-cially-built huts in a nearby kampong. Twenty-seven of their men arc now being employed in the Segamat Town Oltice and the P.W.D.
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  • 54 6 Government of India will' recruit teachers from India to teach in the Teachers Training School. Malaya. India also proposes to provide teachers for long term employment in Malayan schools.. Voluntary bodies running educational institutions In Malaya should contact the Representatives of the Government of
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  • 201 6 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Terrorists will hold no fear for 27-year-old Johnny Royola when he takes his tiger-hunting expedition deep into the Burma-Siam jungles next year. Royola. a Filipino wild animal trapper of 10 years' experience, admitted the posb! v .ilny of running into Land it
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  • 60 6 Eighty small-salaried employees of firms housed in Union Building, Singapore have a benevolent society oi their own. The Union Benevolent Society, as it is known Paid five death claims totalling $737.50 during t h e year ending August 31, 1948. The society holds its annual general
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  • 28 6 A total of 8,857 people applied for registration on Menday. Figures till Monday evening are: Applicants 668.771 Cards issued 580,699. The; c are *>x days more
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 593 6 SHIPPING iJnmiiiiniiiiiiiiiihiiiu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,^^ BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Lloyds Agents in Singapore. Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG, t calls Taugler cah i Middlehro' Due Sails r'GLENGYI.E G. 15/16 251b Nov. GLENARTNEY 18th lice. 23 Dee. •.JLENOGLE 29th Dec 4th lan. FROM U.K. FOR STRAITS, HONG KONG
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    • 448 6 SITUATION VACANT j SING AFORE' MUNICIPALITY Applications are invited for the vacant post of Temporary Surveyor in the Municipal Sewerage Department at a salary according to qualifications not exceeding $160 p.m. plus Co. t of Living Allowance. Applications on standard form, obtainable from the Municipal Engineer's Department, should reach the
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    • 230 6 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that LIM HONG KIIOON of No. 21, Joo Chiat Koad. Singapore, has applied to the Board of Licensing Justices Singapore, for a First Class Public House Licence restricted to the sale of Beer and Stout in respect of premises No. 21, Joo Chiat Road, Singapore,
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    • 408 6 ISTHMIAN S. S. CO. For BOSTON, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE via SUEZ Direct Spore P. S ham Penang "Meredith Victory" Din in Port. NalU 28 Nov. *"Queens Victory" Due 9 Dee. If Del. Dee. Sails 15 Dee. 17 Dec. fO Dec. "Steel Director" Due 24 Dee. Bee. 4 Jan. Sails 30
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    • 521 6 JIMSFIELD k CO. LtT (Incorporated In Singapore, BLUE FUNNEL LIMCarrier:* option to proceed via other ports to 1.. charge cargo. <M< *U> SAILINGS FROM ILK. L.B.A. "Eurymedon from U.K. "Calchas" from U.K. Telemaehus" from U.S.A. "Atreua" Due from U4i. "Laomedon" Dae from UJa. I Saffings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW ft CXWTINENTaL
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  • 148 7 ill I UIS n\, CEOKSI j formerly; I m MarI ikcn over Milton SulnI iit horses i' l I r I they are; i;., wed Boy, I j cot Vale, 1■ g rret( s, ft mil be uoing to l htnw \o dispose :!<! any en-
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  • 365 7 Move to include him in Thomas Cup Team AW Teik Hock, the newly crowned badminton champion of Penang, who gave a grand display during fhe exhibition matches between the Malayan' Thomas Cup team and the Rest of Malaya on Sunday has set
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  • 84 7 MONTREAL. Tuts. Although no official odds have been set as yet. it was believed today that Lauren, Dauthullle of France will be a 2 to 1 favourite over 21-year-old Pcti Zaduk of Canada in their 10-round bout. o n Dc cemixr G which opens Dauthuillt s campaign en
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  • 66 7 The fo!lowtaf have been .selected to represent S. C. C against K. M. S. London at the Padang today. Bully off 5.15 p.m.: Pettier: Dennis; Kuyper. Macßae: Rule: Reyneckei Foster: Smith: Machin; VanePercy: Cousins. Against Y. M. C. A. at Parrer Park on Friday. Bully off 5.15
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  • 91 7 The Singapore table tennis team is scheduled to leave by the Sangola on December 5. for a series of matches in Hongkong and Macao. The youngest representative in the team and also a member of the Siong 800 Athletic Association is Chan Fook Kee.
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  • 57 7 The following will the Ct.rpmael \oungstcrs in their badminton encounter against the Ayer Molek B P. of Johore on Saturday at Ayer Molek BP. court, consistin:; of 1 singles and 5 doubles. Raja Ahmad, M. Haaitf, A. Aziz, ivi. Majid. A. liatid. A. Mastan. A Mohammed. Kirn Poev,
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  • 810 7  -  -S AYS JOHN EDE Ex-Cambridge Captain ASSUMING that Denmark is Malaya's most formidable opposition in the Thomas Cup and that our team reaches the final, I do not feel that we have any light to be confident, at this stage, of winning more than three
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  • 265 7 IN dazzling form from start to finish, the Singapore Recreation Club XI trounced the Singapore Cricket Club by five goals to nil in a hockey match played on the Padang yesterday. Superior in practically all departments of the game, the Recs dominated play throughout
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  • 123 7 Kuala Lumpur. MondayDominating play throughout, the C. R. C. Ladies beat the Y. W. C. A. at hockey by three goals to one on the Kampong At tap ground thh> evening. The S. C. R. C. opene d their score midway in the first
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  • 66 7 An enthusiastic crowd was treated to a fast game water polo between the "A" teams of the Tiger Swimming Club and H. M. S. Birmingham at the Naval Base Pooi bjgj Sunday. The Tigers won by 5 goals to 1. l n another game ol
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  • 137 7 SINGAPORE'S welterweight boxing champion. Police Sgt. Bulat was in the loosing comer 1 when he met the British Army l>oxor, S/Sgt. Instructor F. J.j Webb in last night's boxing sponsored by the SABA in aid of the UNAC at the Great World. Webb, runner-up
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  • 110 7 Reuter. MANILA. Tues.—Tim Kamrai,, open golf champion of Siam, is competing in the Far East; open golf championship, sponsored by the Wack Wack Golf and Country Club, billed in January 1949, it was announced here. The visiting champion will' be accompanied by three Siam-j
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 112 7 ciumse Y.MCLA. Table Tennis team will piny friend* ly mat eh against Shell Sports ('lub today The match will be held at the Chincose V.M.C A premises at j in. The following players will represent the Chinese Y.M.CA Toh Choon Foong, Lam Puuh Choon. Lav Bucng
    112 words
  • 49 7 The foJlowirjf will represent the Chinese Swimming Club in a friendly game ol table tennis against th'j Shell Sports Club On Sunday at 2 p.m. at 2J. Amber Road. Ng Yew Wing: Loke Seek Cheong; Lim K< ng Seng, Leong Vat Choon; Charlie Kang: Lim Choon Ann.
    49 words
  • 54 7 The following will represent Spitfires in a friendly game of soccer against St Joseph's XI at S T Joseph's Institution ground tomorrow. Kick of 5.15 p.m. sharp: Muru; Kirn Hian; El Bin; Seng Chiang: Daud. Kwan»; Joo; Syed AH <Capt>, Re.< Lee; Abdullah Aljunid; Leyman; William. Reserves: I.
    54 words
  • 131 7 AN off the season soccer treat will be in store for football fans at J-»'an Besar Stadium on Saturday when the Combined Chinese will meet the Combined Singapore Malays. The Malays possess a fine team, but the Chinese are as
    131 words
  • 26 7 Playing in pouring. R.A.F. Seletar was defeated by R.A.F. Changi by three points (a penalty! to nil in their Rugby fixture at Changi yesterday.
    26 words
  • 69 7 Two horses, Suivi and Your Highness. hav< been sent up from Class two to C!ass one. Down to Class two from Class one are Race Fan. Precious Stream. Homestretch, Li:cky Three and Gout's Skin. Three Class two hOfSCS, Rivian. Spin,- Mirth and Speurlight have been
    69 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 ill IDENTITY CARD I :'v. j a j ONLY 7 MYS LEFT "OR YOU TO Agister o do rr V 0 IV FORECAST! SO()v/
      24 words
    • 554 7 C L 1 HI A X I 5 <« 20th Century-Fox's Filmed From-Life Technique Comes this Incredible but True Story! I Opening Stwn PHONE 3400 FOR RESERVATIONS. RAPID PRESSURE LAMP Butterfly and Eve Brands II Easy light on without spirits Longer Service, Reasonable price More Bright Sole Dint ributors: The
      554 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 1288 8 and Stanley was amusing, says witness Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. JAMES Richard Cross, a 27-year-old Civil Servant told the graft Tribunal yesterday that he visited Sidney Stanley, key figure in the investigations, in May, because he thought Stanley might be able to help John Belcher when
    Reuter.  -  1,288 words
  • 179 8 Reuter. —PAKISTAN PARIS, Tues. —Hyderabad's complaint against India, withdrawn by the Nizam but now sponsored by Pakistan, will come before the Security Council again on Thursday, it was announced tonight. Sir Mohammed Zafruhah Khan, Pakistan Foieign Minister, wiote last week to the President of the
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 93 8 Reuter.-AAP. BA TAV I A, Tues.—Dutch Army headquarters reported today that 400 Communists were killed and 100 captured when a Communist force was liquidated by Republican troops west of Madiun, centre of the Communist rising in the middle of September. In Republican East Java, the Communists were
    Reuter.-AAP.  -  93 words
  • 49 8 U.P. SAN FRANCISCO, Tues.— A worried brunette reader wiote to a local love-lorn columnist saying her husband "never leaves me at night and he gives me all his money." But, the brunette reader complained, "he talks in hus sleep, and he talk* of a' beautiful blonde," -U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 106 8 U.P. j LOS ANGELES. Tues. i Claude Maisan. French ex- pert on how to make love I was r( leased under a $500 bond today ponding trial on charges that he put on too good a demonstration of his technique with a scantily clad girl
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 29 8 U.P. New Haven, Connecticut. Tues. -Levi Jackson, the first Negro ever to play football foi Vale University, was elected aptain of the 1949 team today. tr.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 96 8 METHODIST G I R L S' SCHOOL, Annual Exhibition, Sophia PvOad. Y. M. C. A.: Commercial Classes 5.30 p.m; Art Club 6 p.m.; Lending Library 7 p.m.— Orchard Road. ROTARY: The Rt. Rev the Bishop of Singapore on "The Conference of Bishops," Adel1 phi 1 p.m.
    96 words
  • 218 8 REX: "The Sea Hound" (Full Serial) with Buster Crabbe— 2, 1.15, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. CATHAY: "Rendezvous with Annie," with Eddie Albert— 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. ALHAMBRA: "The Master Key" (Full Serial) —1.30, 5.15 and 8.45 p.m. CAPITOL: 'Song of Love," with Katherine Hepburn, Paul i Henreid
    218 words
  • 82 8 BADMINTON: Y.M.C.A. 5 p.m. LAWN TENNIS: Y.M.C.A. j 5 p.m. CHESS CLUB: Y.M.C.A. 5 p.m.; Chinese Y.M.C.A.—7 p.m. HOCKEY: S.C.C. v. H.M.S. London S.C.C.; S.R.C v. S'pore Colts—S.R.C.; I.A. v. Khalsa Assn.—St. George's Road. RUGBY: Army v. Navy— Jalan Besar Stadium, Nee Soon "B" v. S.C.R.C. Nee Soon; 223
    82 words
  • 240 8 NEW YORK. Tut I. Conduction of the nation's firs* post-war atomic energy "oven" has entered its anal phase. The first graphite block for i new pUe or "oven" being bu;l t at Biookhavan National laboratory at Unton, Long island. New York, was laid under security regulations
    240 words
  • 160 8 DOMBAY, Tues.-Bombay was slowly n today from 100-mile per hour cyclone I feared to have cost 63 lives during the ;7 4 it raged over the island yesterday h( llr >> Bixteen v known to have been and 47 seamen missing tonight V 511,1
    160 words
  • 32 8 mANKPinrr, tm -n. United States Utftmtf Uir security along th, <• rmav Czechoslovakian bonftn today rollowinfc the irrect of 2 Czech spies in the American and LJritsh zones of Qemmj
    32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    3 8 Is Coming
    3 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 7%? rftfesfw/t soys EISU, the- BORDEN COW I^^ Elsie: Your money can bay no better milk for him than Klim. It is tha finest row a milk in pjwdered form, and it never varies in quality. It ia tested many time* for purity, safety and made easy to digest through
      123 words
    • 174 8 G. 10 It am 25Lbs New Cinema Way There is no longer any item 1 rru-n and women to remain Tt». Nervous, I'nderweight. B|*H and Friendless. In Hollyw-od w Cinema Stars are under a strain night and day and requirtw best of medical services to mam*normal Wright and Health. tm
      174 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous