Malaya Tribune, 17 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 51 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE SPEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper In Malaya Printincj Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh <£ Penana Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 lines) MNCArORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE OS, St. Martin's Lane W. C. 2 WEDNESDAY. NOV.
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  • 375 1 93,000 Casualties 8,000 Surrender GOVT. CLAIM GREAT VICTORY AT HSUCHOW Reuter. IN< Contrary to earlier indapemlent reports a i Communist armies 1 ai fid hs .How, Government bastion North Kinngtu, were omcjsJly re ..,onigb; mc rag northward in what w*a deMrir>d as a general retreat.
    Reuter.  -  375 words
  • 155 1 U.P. fffM York Tues. Frederick G< rlsmith, testifying in his' ,i- fence on charge of m imputation, told the irt today that "when a i m and l»f .(ins go awad and round a certain f I predict that it will Stock; always do what, ought
    U.P.  -  155 words
  • 45 1 STRIPES AND STARS U.P. •S, Tues —The UnitliStat dag at the Military i won today Hew upside distress signal— to noon when it changed to right Ml up. States officials redplalnsd that the aiaed by an Amerit who celebrated Princess Elizav a little too hard.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 74 1 v.(. \M AT, Today.—A spe- <>iist ikir, who was seJjNj W«i iiuh o in bandit at- aaa Wing Estate, laxuk „11 Nov. II died r»U\. Nkc aveatlgnliaai of atJ* n \>. r Baaahaai poHcr J i« Nov. |5 led ta the dugout a few u ,,|r, -l yarĕn
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  • 84 1 (Tribune Slaff Renorter) I A THOUSAND people diank to the health of the Royal Prince at a toast proposed by Sir Franklin Gimson last night at the Tanglin Club, which celebrated the Royal birth by an impromturc and combined dance with the Royal Singapore Golf Club. There
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  • 137 1 (Tribune Ufa// Reporter I FOUR Chinese, six Indonesians and four Indians were detained under the Emergency Regulations last night. Two of the Chinese are secret society members. The other two are suspected to be members of the Malayan Communist Party. All the four Indians belong
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  • 63 1 Reuter. KEY WEST. Florida, Tuesday. President Tiuman, on holiday here, today told his first press conference since his election victory, he would not call a special session of what he described as the "do nothing" Congress to deal with China. Mr. Truman said he was in
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 67 1 Reuter. SOUTHAMPTON. Tues.— The sailing of the Queen Ehzaoeth for New York tomorrow has been cancelled because of I the United States dock strike. Her 2.200 passengers were notij fled by wire, and boat trains aid not run A line oookings sta<T were inundated with requests
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 253 1 Reuter. PRETORIA. Tues.—Or. F. Malan. South Africa** Prime Prim:' Minister, told the Transvaal Nationality Party Congress here today, that rather «hun allow the United Nations to interfere in the affairs of South-West Africa, or place the territory under trusteeship, he would prefer that the Union
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 97 1 U.P. GREENVILLE. OHIO, Tues.—Two hold-up men tortured and beat a prominent husinessman and his wife today, using ordinary pliers to pull out a do ten teeth from the man's mouth, one at a time, because they thought more money was hidden in the victim* house. An armed
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • 51 1 U.P. PRUSSELS T es.—Wnon a ote' clerk r.ecme suspicious of a v v v '-registered guest, the po*ise raided ti.e guest's hotel room last nigr-t and found nim packing loaded revolver and 10,00(1 francs. Thoy identified tne mysterious gunman art vent v you.*" Sjeer.e de Cmy2, aged ll.—
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 195 1 Reuter. lOVDON, Le.-mard ammans, onservativ, asked in the of C'nimons today r. unat oasis po'ice officers wno were formerly in the "ah stine police and tad now j;on transferred to Malaya r ere heing given senio"ty over those officers who had spent all their service it
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. LONDON, V.ids. But* Houses of Par iment tod™ jHi.ised a mot on conqi ttuuiting the Royal I < utly m the 'rirth of a >■/<( to Prints* Elizabeth. in the Haute of 01*WW ons, fhe Pi Wit M"i Clement Atthe, said th tod ay
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 134 1 Reuter. BATAVIA. Tuesday. Communist troops weie today moving up to reinforce their main armies battling with the Republicans southwest of Madiun. 100 miles north-east of the Republican capital of Jogjakaita. a Dutch Army report stated. THe population of Madiun district, centcre of the Communist revolt
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 73 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter I The first Italian aircraft to !ano in Singapore a thtee-cn-gined Fiat—arrived at Kailanj. Airport last nigh l carrying 26 Ita-ian immigrants for Australia. The Fiat, which belongs to an Egyptian airline, is handled by an all-Italian crew. It took off from Rome with
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  • 131 1 U.P. BELFAST. 1 es. Five n embers v.a'led out <>f the North Ire' nd House of Commons todiy as a oro c against prop- ii by Pnne Minister Sir Itaa.l Brooke to send a message of congr illations to King George on the b'rth of
    U.P.  -  131 words
  • 592 1 Reuter and U.P. LONDON Tues.—President Truman slated flatly today that < the U ailed States would not resume four-power talks on the German crisis until the Soviets lifted their blockade of Berlin. Ir>e President ivld a press conference -»t i»ey West. Florida, he nad r.v plans foi
    Reuter and U.P.  -  592 words
  • 133 1 Reuter. LONDON. Sir St I'foid Crinos. Chancel of the ExcheqiA- lold Parhament today »h dolla» receipts by Mal i< 1 were m ning "at rat > rr over last year's rate." He could not .-timatc wnat sales to haul cui-ency aieas wool 1 have be n If
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 57 1  -  By Allan Lewis The going for today's racing at llukit Timah will vaffy heav>. The safest bets under these conditions should be: Blue Print. Oregon and Indian Heather Likely outsiders in soft going are: Fleeting Mem »ry, Yutoi. liberty, Penso and Precious Stream. DEAR will not
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 I Everything Electrical Radio Receivers I Sanitary Wares 1 t Bathroom Fittings J TAN CHENG MOH j ELECTRIC CO. I mmmmm *mmmwmt mmi *M0I7« HTOX GUITAR. Wi (Made in En«ian«) ijft Houghton Auditori..m size m Guitar. C lio shaped witn tv.o ¥V r f ho,os Arched top and bacii i\Sft
      71 words
    • 52 1 For QUALITY ALUMINIUM SIGNS. Perspcx and other Metal Si ens. Badges. Stencils Consult: MODERN SIGNCRAFTS $3, Pnnsep Street. Phone ***** (Opposite to Reg. of Veh. Office) A/no- Manuiactuieis of Perspex Lamps. Embossed Car Number Plates, etc. 7 kree hard sets, win or losewhat matters? Relax with aExtra limß^PSlr Quality Cm
      52 words

  • 266 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) EVERY employer is now requited by law to send returns to the Income Tax Department in respect of three confusing classes of wage-earners for 1347. The categories arc 1. Peisons. other than married women. whose remuneration or pension exceeded $3,000 last
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  • 207 2 MISS A. E. Butcher awd Miss E. E. Rico. RMS Carthage full-time children's nursery stewardesses have "more than a handful" each trip, but they like their jobs. Known as "Nanny" to all the children who come under their rare, thry say tho Children >o attached to
    207 words
  • 171 2 I Five British rt'lOM 3f Ihe HMS London, ■•e-rtenced t six weeks' impriso' nent. became free men the moment they loft the dock at the Arslzc Couti yesterday. Convicted on v. chat cJ caus'ng simple hurt In a Chinese taxi dii'or, they found their sentences effect freni
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  • 32 2 Mr. E. V. Fowler, Chief of the ('.!.!>., yesterday remarked on the absence of serious crime in Singapore during the past week. Yesterday the crime front was again quiet.
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  • 96 2 rUNGAPORE'S Municipal Fire 0 Services answered nearly three times as many calla dur- ing the ten months of this year, than they did in 1939. Mr. J. G. Shaw, Brigade Superintendent, told the Tribune that up to date 534 calls were answered by the two fiiv stations
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  • 80 2 SEVERAL women were included in the audience of 100 lat a lecture on training for j social work, given by Mr. J. F. I M. Briggs at the Department of Social Welfare yesterday. The lecture was the first of a series arranged by the department for
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  • 30 2 A European was slightly injured yesterday whm the car lie was driving collided with an :ankcr near 7 m.s. Bukit Timah Road. The driver of the tanker escaped injury.
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  • 178 2 lhe first Filipino Muslim Congressman to »isit Hie holy cit> of Datu Mannlao lOHhfatMj arrived iv by air yesterday on his v ay back to the Pliillipires. *>>atu Minaaac will spend a fe-.v days in SifiiTipofe availing the arrival of a pilgrim ship earn lh.«
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  • 218 2 [KiHIERMiTN of the Malayan Lii;htera g e Connany. under notice of dismissal, refused to lea.- their m Yesterday v h,, the \s ant Coimmssioner of Labour (Maj. A. S. IwfcveJ them into coining. The 35 men refused to accept notices to quit, served on the
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  • 112 2 Three tired leaking bowmen arrested in a restricted arci off Pulau Bukoro. told the First District Judge \cs<erday fid, they were busy looking for a tongkfng. They were me.,Wl on .N*ovembcr ItJ, at 1.05 a.nt When the ju 'gc asked why they
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  • 74 2 k MOTION asking for the restoration ol the St rails *V Settlements will be, tabled by Mr. T. W. Omr, at a general meeting of the Straits Chines;' British A* sociation. The meeting will be held at the Garden Club <>:j Puis maws 10 a* 5.80
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  • 293 2 THE major resources of the Central Fire Station at Hill Street will be concentrated at the new £.1.015.000 File Station to be built next year at Alexandra Road. This is being done to avoid the delays that arc caused by heavy traffic in town
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  • 150 2 Th* 8.0(K)-ton Italian motorvessel Napoli, of the Lauio Lire, was jam-packed with about 300 guests for a cocktail and buffet party yesterday evening as ahc lay in the Siricapore docks. The party was given by the Singapore agents of the line, the Barretto Shipping and
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  • 43 2 Two motor-Itoats caught tire at Telok Aver l> i in at 5.30 p.m. yesterday. Two lire engines after half an hour's battle succeeded in saving one of the boats. The other sank shortly after the arrival of the fiic engines.
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  • 33 2 Father Rene Chakt. assistant Vicar of the Croon Shepherd Cathedral, has been transferred to Malacca, where h e will be taught Chinese dialects by Father R". Dubois at Gajah Bcrang Malacca.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 131 2 I Come And Lrarn How To ifck Wiantrs! PAVILinM Last Four Shows I phone: bqo3 52.4.15-6.30-9 30p.m. -MTCH" HTM BEVERLY «A /TT*S Jenkins uwforo «J inJ OPENING TOMORROW We Will Not Vsr Any Superlatives F©rThis Picture, U's Stars!lt's Music Are Your Guarantee Of Good Entertaimn.n'! Bette Davis Paui Henreid wl
      131 words
    • 70 2 QUEENS LAST DAY: 3, fI.SO, 9.i5 pm. Boris K»rtotf—Rnlp Hird in "Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome" Opening Tomorrow "Vampire's Ghost" ami 'Colorado Kid" NEW HAPPY THEATRE (Happy World) TONIGHT 7.15 ft !>.H I'M. DAVID NIVKX in "A MATTER OF lIFE AM) DEATH" in Technicolor OPENING TO-MOKKOW "STAGE DOOR CAXri EN MMA^TALffIS
      70 words
    • 69 2 —o fll > an v irrin«hw ti <T "'-hni,„|„ r UftQ ROYAL "•VKACM itAal V •s»—— ~f mm* <,•„ Cehaaaia p.,,,, "THE STRAWBEM j ROAN >» ilfcfV, f "two mm from mv Another (ttt unj MKiifJiMhv m 2 EH cm Ml VICTOR MAii •v-OJ COLEEN GRAY ~~CHEER\ BATTLE OF FLAW
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 325 2 On Your Radio Today BLUE NETWORK RED NETWORK PROGRAMMES TN 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon ENGLISH Chinese Schools' Broadcast, ».58 a.m. to 12.00 noon 12.00 p.m. Signature Tune. English Schools' Broadcast. Opening Announcement I 1.00 p.m. Lunch-time music Programme Summary in by the Radk) Orchestra, 1.30 Mandarin, 12.03 Mandarin News.
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  • 352 3 London, New York Buy Less Hie price of robber dropped another I rents yesterday. T*W fourth big drop in a week brought the price down to 3-5 8 cents less than it wis las; v edne&day. .nodtm and New York mark-ts ftfestg *n$ 1 roriMiierably lebs, ar.d
    352 words
  • 223 3 Rukom Group islanders are eager io get thHr i :i.ds ihey can come tj Singapore "with ■Ml !rtuW«-" J u B n ire ti» it) of tr 300 uiau Buk« m Xc puiar* ;i liavr l ivii 3*l ice th>' i\ ration opera*. h© hearJ that
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  • 273 3 Vlie First Div. net Court was crowded yest nfay for i.'ie trial o) ex-uetective Leoug Thlm and nuddJcaged Took, who were answering a dftfqp of extorlion. it was allied that on October 22 they procured $3WI irom Chan Kwan Yen by threatening to arrest him
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  • 102 3 WONG Hoi Yen and Wong Heng were executed under the emergency regulations yesterday at Pudu Gaol, Kuala Lumpur, and Johore Bahru Prison, respectively. Wong Hoi Yen was arrested on September 29 at the 14th j rrille. Puchong foliowing police 'action against bandib; in the area the day
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  • 63 3 Mr. M. S. Durairaj. prominent, member of Malaccas Indian community, dkd of pneumonia at his house yesterday at the age of 50. He was a trustee oi the Malacca Indian Association and was due to retire from the Public Works Department aft p
    63 words
  • 36 3 National registration has begun in Kluang. Any Kluang resident aged 12 years and above will not be allowed <ntry to Singapore. un]c_s registered, after November 30. Registration in Segainat begins nn Nnverrrer 27.
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  • 45 3 Mr. Justice »«.wn ycs< r My committed a mi Ide-aged Chinese, Lee Tang lang, to lie 1 Mental Hospita* for observation. 1. v now 'e.ained in lite civil rnison pen« Mg his trial ok (harges of muffle*' and atto.i.ptcd murder.
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  • 20 3 A total of 862 Singapoie school children will sit tor the Cambridge School Certificate examinations from November 29.
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  • 95 3 THKKE are still thousands of Malayan Chinese i;> \;v--tous part of China waiting to return, Mr. l\ l\ Hit, international Refugee Organisation representative in I iuna, yesterday told the Tribune. Mr. Ho s-;id that the last batch of 170 ret tr:i:a? Mai van Chin se avowed
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  • 274 3 4 < mnesc father Ow Ah Leong, who lost his Ifi•>« aro v daughter h; a motor accident, is dtfiMSf a sum of .VS,OOO fror.i Tan Hock Kang, the owner of a 8-ton lorry, as damages for loss of expectation of his life. He
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  • 45 3 British Ambassador to China. Sir Ralph Stevenson. and Lady Stevenson, arrived in Singapore yesterday by BOAC flying boat. "He is returning to China after leave in Britain, but will stay to attend the conference of British diplomats and administrators in Bukit Serene tomonow.
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  • 74 3 FEWER Malay school-children in Kcdah are applying for admission into English schools stated an Utusan Melayu rcpoit from Alor Star yesterday. Only 70 Malay children from all over Kedah have so far applied for next year's school term. Last year the applicants numbered
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  • 41 3 Dr. Chen Su Lan has been nominated by the Alumni Asso<l ition of King Edward Vll College of Medicine as a member of the Medical Council in place of Dr. B. R. Sreenivasan, who has resigned.
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  • 20 3 Mr. J. W. Ewart. Assistant Curator of the Botanical Gardens, has been appointed to act ay Agricultural Officer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 134 3 tastier snacks Colman's Mustard Kidneys Must (lean Out Adds I* i hit I lean* out exc*s* Acids ua K»tiiß in your blood ton tiny delicate Kidney •> r>. If PoiMMM in tht: Kidnider male* yoursnffcf from Niirhts. N.rvouMiefs, r..-s r< Its I'ndor Eyes, Back a. he, nts, AH idity. or
      134 words
    • 4 3 TIME FOR A TDCEW
      4 words
    • 400 3 g stiL. <** e "r mD -uu.un-.-r FOR SalE IN TIME for X"mas. largest assortments of balloons foi the j Gala Season. Enquiries to 20. Eonham Building. Phone 7196 (G37i. BINOCULARS: Zeiss Bx3o. Bausch and Lornb 6x30. Busch Bx3o. Ross 7x50, Kershaw 6x90, also other British and American i patterns
      400 words
    • 447 3 SITUATIONS VACANT iTHRBE attractive RngUm speaking waitresses required. I Apply Monico Caf\ Orchard Road Wednesday, oi iSunday 5 "o 6 p.m. (G. 47). j WANTED asem Assistant Manager withttreeh r ee j yi ars experience for RubK. j i nstate. Apply 'iox J22A Tf:- j bene, Ipm (G.*r
      447 words
    • 249 3 TUITION MODERN DANCING ACA- j DEMY—Specific methods in teaching! enabled beginners to i <lance within "3 hours", 5, Ann j jbiang Hill. (Beside 281 South I •-'ridge Road). (E.25> I JOSEPH MO. B.A.- English i I and French Private Lessons: i $2/- and $3 Bach Leeeon. I I Box No.
      249 words
    • 243 3 SIT. WANTED THEATRICAL. BogkM wishes engagement, touting for 3 months Reply L. Fairfax Poste Rost.antc Kuaex Lumpu\ <G. 15) ACCOMMODATION ITO-LET whole first floor 769. North Bridge Road. Apply same address between 9 a.m. j and 1 p.m. (G. 361. 1 URNISfJED bao* room neai Airport, suit Chinese or Eurasian
      243 words
    • 379 3 MISCELLANEOUS Income Tax advice help for filling return available from X Ramanathan 8.A.8.L. 5 Church Street, Kuala Lumpur. (C.17) FREE Bible Correspondence Course of 30 lessons (English, Chinese Romanized Malay). j Your only textbook is the word cf God. Enroll TO-DAY. Write I—Voice of Prophecy 309 Upper 'Serangoon Road., Singapore.
      379 words

  • 490 4 T HF heavy to U*t V *t i-ttlo cTJiins pasi icw u*.y for London, he maie it quae followed in his wnke by assuring us that, hi* .mil si ice I have com.- this far. doa- you thus it I ouH be quite wrong if I did
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  • 925 4  -  Two famous educationists discussed the question of the establishment oj Universities m the cdmt<, at the congress of Universities of the Commonwealth held a! Oxford recently. Their inews are 0 j particular interest to Malaya, wiere the establishment cf a University is taking concrete shape. IIH.IIIIt
    925 words
  • 528 4  -  By PROF. D. HUGHES PARRY ICL-CHANrEI iA)R OF london uniyrksii I* i_ _i_ IN the discussion that followed Sir Alexander's rvnenintg remarks, every speaker assumed, without question ami without explanation, the desirability of increasing educational facilities at all levels and in all parts of the British Commonwealth
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 459 4 jgjjjj mMmmmatmstmam ■naaaaaßvaanaaflaneaeaannnMMaannnnanaanwtnaet, T\ A lkT f\ ilans. vt. (dancing, danced). Tell A 111 I mi m,,N wlth meaKUr < rtB f' "•f**! II 111 I I J hd«d by a tin to leap and frisli W** a* IX/ A_J J vt io nial eto dance; to dandle —n. A
      459 words
    • 66 4 Fy« Care eonolito of more tban Juot "baying o—**." Eye comfort and visual sfficiency depend primarily upon professional service* of a qualified eyesight specialist, C. 8. THONG, OPT-D. JSUJli^Stmimmm a______m___mm______ PaHy equipped with motlere lnstrumeato. TYPISTS SELECT ROYALS 2T° i MAGIC TOUCH CONTROL WUdJkW FINGER-FLOW KEYS %fjp/ ORDER NOW FOR
      66 words
    • 41 4 ROBINSON'S I SPECIALITIES EXCL USI YE N PERFUME .^^mmmSmmm^^'^ a d mil Bunga Rajah Pc rf ume per bot SJI.O" Bunga Rajah Hair Lotion S 1.7.1 Poppy Rajah Hair Lotion Sl.'** j Bunga Kemantin Hair Lotion Sl.*** ROBINSONS RAFFLES PLACE SINCAPORE.
      41 words

  • 404 5 Girls don't run from me says 61" waistliner SYDNEY. Tues. Australia"? fat men have been angered by the statement of Professor Rousseau of South Africa that men over 10 are comic. pot-bellied creatures who are an offence to the senses of any woman of
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  • 45 5 ABOVE: A bull resting in a IVnang Koad. This picture was taken by Mr. Teoh Slew Selong and entitled, "Atter A Day's Hard Work." Roth these picture i were displayed at the London Salon ot 1 hotography during the 39th Annual Exhibition held this year.
    45 words
  • 72 5 M B: ItiSh tractors will rate A«- luction. I .•11 months, h into Aus- r 10 00') b. sold I m, II Minister log Mr. P Hard, the id :md CusCourtice. rts and v. a large tratioll of BnN< -v SOut.n past week. SNATCHED BI T
    72 words
  • 289 5 Sttijj Reporter T;il Singapore Traction will shortly have Miad to ch»*ck tic* in huse*. information of I < <rruption on the luis routes. ral Manager* cf n: my I Mr. A. A. the Tribune that had l ccently unti-corrup-ea and .several h v t been
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  • 48 5 Tokio, Tuesday.- A national language research institute wilt soon be established in Tokio to improve, simplify and make studies of the Japanese language, it was learned today. The sum of 10,200,000 yen foi the building of the proposed institute has already been approved by the Government.
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  • 90 5 Reuter.—AAP. SYDNEY. Tues.-An glnal woman saved a wounded buffalo hunter from bh-eding to death by using her loincloth as a tornlque. The buffalo hunter. Pat Kenny. 30, was skinning a buffalo near his headouarters at Alligator River, Northern Territory. when his skinning knife slipped and
    Reuter.—AAP.  -  90 words
  • 60 5 ReuterAAP. TOKIO, Tues. Occupation-I operated Yokohama port taaa handled 900.000 passengers and 9.000.000 tons or cargo durin; f i the past three years, it was j announced today. The port disposes of incoming cargo for American occupation forces and supervises era barkation and debarkation of
    Reuter- AAP.  -  60 words
  • 143 5 T..JE "Malayan contingent" to tho Pan-PaoSc iam- boree in Austiaha will leave early ne<t n onth under the leadenrhip of the Dis*ti\ct Scout Con~mi.-5 si nor. Singapore Rev. Canon R.K.S. Adirvs. Tne contingent Will consist of nearly 100 scouters, rovers and scouts. Every state in the
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  • 78 5 Reuter.AAP. SYDNEY. Tues. —Archbishop Halse. of Brisbane, at present in England, told In a h tter to his diocese of tht respective values of bishops and Test cricketers to Huto'-jntoh-huntin:? choir boys. At a Test at the Oval, he said, one cathedral choir boy was h«.ard
    Reuter.- AAP.  -  78 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 SP. H. P. ★TABLETS Ttovide 6 safe t-e«» ov nt to regain lost health it*! Berg/ After taking it wit-i Special rfj*. Tar»i ts energy, n-« mory, freshness, c! «sticit; e.nO Ifttercat in ae'a v.ork i? brought about in <» attffa 1 rranner. SP. H.P. is afl effoct ye co;npound
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 41 6 Mr. Mi* s j Jcae P h ten dor their heartfelt thanks to all relatives ai;d friends ror their kind assistance and attendance at the funeral of their beloved son, Etlwin, ai;d lor their floral tributes and messages of sympathy.
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  • 326 6 Reuter. BRISTOL, Tues.—Dr. Yusuf Dadon. President of th? Tiansvaal Indian Congress, told the press here tonight, before a meetinr: arranged by the Bristol South African Anti-Racial Discrimination Committee, that "the present South African Government is well on the way to fascism." Calling himself "the
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 103 6 14-year-old Sydney schoolboy. Grant le Huray. the "unbowlablc boy", recently hit up his best score. 267 not out. and, on the same afternoon, took seven wickets for 24 runs, playing for St. James. Croydon, in New South Wales churches competition, Sydney's largest junior cricket organisation. Grant's score
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 655 6 1 fJL UĔ* REGULAR PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND n Tg. Pinang, Dabo, Blinjoe, P. Pinang, Tg. Pandan, Muntok Batavia, Cherlbon, Semarang, Sourabala, Eaat Java Torts, BeJ noa, Padangbaai, Boeieleng, Tambehtn, Pemangkat, Sambas, Pontlanak, Koemai, Sampit, Bandjermasln, Belawan-Deli and Penang. Due Sails I "Valentijn" for Tg. Pandan, Batavia, Cherlbon,
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    • 532 6 ACCOMMODATION TO LET seaside bungalow tit 8- Pasir 1 anjang lioaJ Apply 16 Naaa'n Road. vacaot Teachers are required for Government Afternoon Schools in January, 1949. Applications, showing birth place, age. qualilications and experience, should be made by 10th December. 1918, to the Supervisor of Private Schools. Department of Education,
      532 words
    • 608 6 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN mat air. lNg uwe vvtr-ct «v I 10. Joo Chiat Road. Singapore, has applied under Section 46 of the L.icuiors Revenue Uidinance to the Board of Licensing Justices. Singapore, for a public House Licence of the Third Class in respect of the ground flcor of
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    • 468 6 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that, i. Koh Tiow Koon of No. 39-15» Talan Kcmbangan, off Changi j rioad, Singapore, have applied I to the Board of Licensing Jusflees, Singapore, for a Second Clasr Bar Fublic House Licence for premises No. 39-19 Jalan Kembangan, off Changi Road, Singapore, and that
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    • 64 6 Holland East Asia Line Notice To Consignees s.s. *'Molen!ierw" due Singapore about 25th Nov.. 1945. from Continental Ports, enroute for: Manila/Hongkong Shanghai Japan. Discharging cargo alongside S.H.B. wharves. Last claimday 8 days after the vessel has completed the dischaige. Consignees are requested to apply for Delivery Orders to: NEDERLAND LINE
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    • 491 6 (liicoi-poniUnl ta oitt^^ BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. A fttl,^ "Nanking Victory* r rom 17.S A. "SarpedoM" Due from U.K. "Eurymedon Due from U.K. "Calchas" due from U.K. Telemaehus" Jue from U.S.A. v "Atreus" Due iroai U.K. N "Laomedon" Due from U.K. in Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW CONTINENTAL PORTv
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  • 652 7 M~«f« :>re the weights candidates together TH' f h st three runs probable jockey* for to„itb !h r fh set ..nil day si the Singaoore Turf Club's RACE ONE -tfSCS .ass Div. 4, 6 Fit's. I Yu<v!.s. •»o<> Ba-by i A W. olj U.> ng b.ll Spmccr (Hob
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  • 263 7  -  Indian Heather A Safe Bet By ALLAN LEWIS RACING will commence at two o'clock this afternoon at Bukit Timah, the second day of Singapore Turf Club's Winter M-eting. A well balanced card of eight events should satisfy the most ardent race fans and winners
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  • 101 7  -  By ALLAN LEWIS Race I—IV AIF I.a I,\ Kalang sky Master. Race 2—KNIGHT GALLANT Belita Skystreak. Race 3—"'RICOLOCR Bow Legs Some Brani. Race 4—SPEAR MIRTH Maestro Nevada. Race 5— JACK'S DARLING j Sir Galahad Pharminda. Race 6—INDIAN HEATHER Bally mun II token. Race 7—1.1.1K PRINT \stivel Marcori. Race
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  • 122 7 Reuter. KIMBEjRLEY, 'Jues.— The M. C. C. won the fourth, successive match of theiSouth African tour when they defeated Griqualand j West today by an Innings and 72 runs. Griqualand West, following on yesterday I 284 runs behind the M. C. C. first innings total of
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 135 7 Reuter—AAP. Sydney.—Bookmakers won at least £500.000 during the) eight racing days of the Melbourne Cup carnival when only nine favourites and two equal favourites won out of 51 races. The three main races of the) meeting were won by outsiders: Rimfire 66/1 in the Melbourne Cup; Comic
    Reuter—AAP.  -  135 words
  • 279 7 lILAYING on a ivfif greasy ground, the IN 1 ten* the "L-enl. la" by 19 points CB goals and thn-c tries) to nil, .1 the Annual Inter-faulty "Gaff* Oip mitcli. pfcyir 1 on the Outraiu Road School gmuMt vestcruay evemng. The Medicos got
    279 words
  • 45 7 Reuter. PARIS. Tues.—lt was announced today that Marcel Cerdan will leave France by plane for th e United State* Thursday evening, November 18. H«- will have about 10 exhibition matches anj return to France during the middle Of next month Reuter,
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 106 7 AY SITING liafretball team from Shd, :i> m is dv» t<, play series of 1 atchc; here next month. The baJitHbad team from SfMV hai. which is at present !aar r.g Java, is i scheduled to a .%c in Singapore on Dec. W. Ths team
    106 words
  • 136 7 Reuter. GLASGOW, Tut s. —The i xperimental Scottish In- j in-national soccer XI did to well against Wales last; month that with only two changes they should defta;| Ireland at Hampden rark here tomorrow. Willie Houllston, who lead? the attack inppla t of Reilly.
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 60 7 SYDNEY. Tu.«. An a:utf shortage of tennis umpires in South Australia leu to a me?> ing cf the women's commit'c* of f Jic State Lawn Tennis Association recently. "Women coe'dn't marre a worse job of it men." one committee-worn ir- commnrtc-i I>av.s Cup selector. Mr. Fraik Piper
    60 words
  • 235 7 Respite a we* rnd slippery fieid, (he lloiWjkong Hank XI playd sp»endid soecor to beat the Ch trten d R:tnk -ports' Ctiit XI by 3 goals to nil at Farr» r V.itU yesterday. ftnnlt Flnnrt. Club: Beins opened the scoring in the 11th minute with
    235 words
  • 62 7 The Bounavista Sports Club! defeated t°e Base Command I Medical SU»v by 2-1 in a! friendly soccer played at West Read o n Saturday. Henvy rain made ground, conditions difficult and the first half ended with the Bounavista one ahead. Awang Chee scortd the goal. On resumption
    62 words
  • 19 7 The Malayan studcnt.s hockey team in Britain drew in a match on Saturday with Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 25 7 I, I i DUPLICATING j SERVICE KWOK YOKE WKNO A CO. 22, The An-nde, U4 Floor, i Telephone *****. i 1 HHIIIBHIIIM ir I ■TIM-TWiri—i
      25 words
    • 255 7 EVERY WORD IS Climax to "The House on 92nd Street,' "Boomerang" "13 Hue Madeleine!" SAT. 1 ADVEtfTOtiT I HURLING A r CHALI ENGE »j«VXO I 1 TaS^S'' H,owAN WPlTTiint 11 ffTlrJll^"fiiin fSSm From The Beloved 1 ■DKfflH Classic Read by Millions'. j SOON! s^^^^^^SJ ~W lfrTlTTnTrTil 1 1 1 J-i
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 87 8 The mice of petrol has gone up by five cents a gallon today. The new oiiicial price is $1.45 cents. Reason for the Increase, according to Mr. P. H. Palmer, manage] of Shell Company, is a rise in woildoil prices. This latest pi ice rise,
    87 words
  • 127 8 U.P. BEIRUT. Tuesday. A thousand delegates fiom 40 nations gathered here today for the third general assembly of the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Lebanese Foreign Minister Hamid Frangieh gave the keys to Emir Beshii palace to Director General Julian Huxley, who formally
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 99 8 Reuter-AAP. TOKYO, Tue?. The Ninon I Shukyokai, an association xe--1 presenting Chi«st:t.n. Buddl'iSt and c*her major t«iigious sects in Jjiran will I n begin a campaign to ft a-o mitigation of me sentence imposed upor. Tojo and his 24 iihow accused. \it was learned t- ay.
    Reuter-AAP.  -  99 words
  • 172 8 BELGRADE, Tues.—Marshal Tito served notice on the Coniiniforii today that unless It made peace with him he wa. ready f o turn *o the west for the goods he needs to build a .trong Communist country. Speaking before the Ljuchjana Academy of Arts and Sciences,
    172 words
  • 197 8 U.P. PARIS, Tuesday. The ii en restoration of "formal relation denounced the European Rch Communist party tonight ecovety Plan and called for thes" between France and Russia. The Central Commission punished the major policy resolu;ion as the Assembly met to Jebate Minister of Interior 1 Jules
    U.P.  -  197 words
  • 96 8 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Tues.- An X6-uear-old Indian hawker, thouyht to be penniless, d'td recently at Wanyaratta. a country town, leaving an estate in Victoria of €20.000. The Indian, Gourdit Staph, ha t been hawking n the district for nearly t>o years. One storekeeper said: Gourdit Sinyh often
    Reuter-AAP.  -  96 words
    Reuter.  -  806 words
  • 30 8 Reuter. PARIS, Tues.—The United Nations General Assembly ir. Paris is officially scheduled tc end on the night of Dec. 14, X was authoritatively learned tooay -Router.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 139 8 Reuter. ATHENS, Tues.- Tho fivo-day-old Greek crisis seemed near ing a solution today as Corner Premier Themlatociea I Sophoulis and Foreign Ministci Constantin Tsaldaris reached an i agreement. It was Announced that the two "premier designates" had i reached an "agreement in principle." Tsaldaris said he
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 149 8 'PHF Pan-Malayan Chinese RoI mittance Association has sent a pctiton to the j Controllers of Foreign ExI change in Singapore, Kuala 1 Lumpur and Penang. The Association has requestled the authorities to revise or !do away with the deposit system for all remittance shops. This
    149 words
  • 53 8 U.P. REYKJAVIK, icoland. Tjcs. —Communists, «ru had controlled the 7p! i lie Union Federatim 'or the last six were ousted laet night ir a stoimv meeting. The Obmntttn'itti trie.; to disc uranchise n i jarter if Uh? delegates nef re the decisive vote hich tin them out
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 462 8 U.P. MIAMI, FLORIDA. Tues I The federal grand jury today indicated 10 persons who allegedly particpated in an international ring to inns and into Palestine via Czechoslo vakia. Twenty- me others, including four men identified as official members of the Israeli diplomatic corps
    U.P.  -  462 words
  • 96 8 Y.M.C.A Om \Tt Club model draw|£?i p.m.; World Wci-t special m<~tm K and uim i,L <p«ik,r Mr. Soali Y„„ Kl| i p.m. s TECHNIC Al. \NS <H |i 1ION OF MAI.AW u5£. Teleprinters and Transmit* at Telegrams" by Mr n j Thomas Govenmeot i„. School hall.
    96 words
  • 216 8 CATHAY: "Homo S*.*t Homicide," with Pcggv Ann Garner, Randolph Scott anil Lynn Bari—1.45, 4.15, C 45 and 9.30 p.m. C AFITO'.: "Fury .it Furnace Greek," with Glenn Lankan and Reginald Gardinei 2, 1 lr», and 9.15 p.m. REX: "Candlelight in Algeria," with James Mason and Carl? Lehuann—2, 1.15 t;:;n
    216 words
  • 97 8 HOCKE SRC v C.S.C. S.R.C. ground; C.H.Q Kegt v. Cable Wirel«»I —Tanglin; S port' Colts v. Tochers' Union; Customs v. I S.H.A.IT. —Starrer I'ark; I' 1 C.A. v. Medical College Gcoigc's I'd; Khalsa A S'yoK Hori Afl St G Roao vKl'GllY: S.C.C. "A v.;• Soon Garrison R.F.C—S. ground; Rolicc
    97 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 Imperial Typewriters For Better Letters Sole Agents: Duncan Roberts LtJ., IH, Battery Road, Singa|M>re. Tel. 7014 t I s i Help Nerves Aid Glands Cinema Way In Hollywood the Cinema Stars arc under a nervous strain night and day. In prescribing for and treating famous actors and actrcawcs, a California
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous