Malaya Tribune, 8 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 62 1 The Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1948 Teleyramn: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 58J1 (9 lines) PRICE TEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printing Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang THE MALAYA TRIBUNE Loudon Agents -Messrs. Cohn Turner Ltd., Talbot
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  • 452 1 Chiang Has Until The Spring U.P. WASHINGTON, Sun.—Far East observers nere consider that the prime question before the Truman administration is whether Io establish a defence line ag-tinst Communist.! on the Asiatic mainland or in Japan, Okinawa and the Philippines. The concern
    U.P.  -  452 words
  • 59 1 U.P. BEKI Sua. —A Kviag ii the Soviet m ii W br ii sentenced t\.o months in jail for liking- -for potatoes, in his ■elgbboar'a cellar. ph. German fastend a I r t. i jnhittf pole and np wil ri his neighbour's winter stock, I Khißg
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • 28 1 I odon, Sun. Exchange Tel-1 r an Ath< na dispatch 1 tonight that Pi omier need that the 10 Greek census- receipt of I Kvalt
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 1 Ethel bow. bailer of the Junior Symphony Orchesrb»K a vioKa solo during last night's concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 453 1 Reuter. y LONDON, Sin.—Mr. Molotov Soviet Foreign used America, Britain and France ot ™J*g the Nazi* back in 'heir old places, when he y*« in Moscow on thet anniversary of the 191 < fjr >" HIM l»ttj no close ones eyes "n in
    Reuter.  -  453 words
  • 123 1 Reuter. WASHINGTOi', Sun.—The world 1948-49 rice harvest will be about 98 per cent of the pre war average, the United States Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations estimated today. It will probably total 7.800.--000 bushels compare! with 7.100.000 bushels last year This Increase is primarily the result of small
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. Uatavia. Sunday. Dr. D I Stikker, Dutch Foreign Minister, will return to Jogjakarta Indonesian Republican capita!, for further talks with the Republican Government. Dr. Stikker made the announcement at Batavia aiiheid when he returned from a twoday "peace mission" in ./carta, duiing which he
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 89 1 U.P. Vienna. Sun. Inter i o Ministry officials said today that three Russian BoMtera arrested Joseph W. Kits, an Austrian citizen, three days ago. They said the attest occurred in a village in the Soviet zone of Austria close to the Hungarian frontier. The ministry said Kits
    U.P.  -  89 words
  • 83 1 U.P. I < Manila. Sun. Five Chinese I school teachers of a Batangas Chinese school who have been I ordered Reported for "Communistic activities" have filed with the supreme couit a plea fo>" reconsideration of their previous petition for a writ of habeas I corpus, which
    U.P.  -  83 words
  • 30 1 BERLIN. Sun. Tho sr.Tftt 1 fog of the winter blmketed Berlin today and blott?d cut both fields used by the planes j of the Allied an lift.
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  • 371 1 fHE TRIBUNE NEWSPAPERS have pleasure in announcing a series of great new attractions for their readers. 1 We have acquired, for ex elusive publication in Malaya: EIGHT OF A M ERICA'S MOST FAMOUS SERIAL CARTOONS, INCLUDING LI'L ABNER. AN OLD FAVOURITE OF
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  • 146 1 STOP PRESS Sakis Mat v rose Arathoon, accountant at the Raffles Hotel, was arrested on Saturdn> on charges of falsication of accounts ami criminal brearh of trust in respect of $88,920. He appeared in Ist. District C—ft this morning. The case was postponed
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  • 68 1 SEGAMAT, Today. Patrols soared more successes yesterday, killing two bandits, and capturing another. They also destroyed a small bandit camp and rccoven d a Dutch rifle and some ammunition. The captured bandit, trapped in the Tenang area, had a hand grenade. A military truck was ambushed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 55 2 Heavy rain did not deter nearly 1,000 Singaporeans from attending the Junior Symphony Orchestra's free concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. The audience, consisting of all races, listened attentively to the juvenile musicians under the direction of Mr. Glen Williams, Music Master
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  • 75 2 KUANTAN, Sunday. Six armed terrorists stabbed a school-master to death on the iNg Tiong Kiat Estate at the 89th mile on the main road from Kuala Lipis to Kuantan last night. The terrorists also held-up j two Sikh jagas and took away their shot-guns. At about the same
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  • 55 2 Reuter-AAP. Mi. s. H. Jellye, of Nattingham. England, a retired accountant, arrived in Australia at the* beginning of November aboaid the Socatra. He made the trip with ono aim—to meet his brother Mr S. E. Jellye. of Box Hill, near Melbourne, whom he last saw
    Reuter-AAP.  -  55 words
  • 190 2 AT the Sea view Hotel this morning, forty oilmen n from all over South East Asia, Australia, Japan and New Zealand, will sit in secret conference on oil operations in this area. Tliey are top-rnnkiru' executives from the lai I- Vacuum Oil
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  • 43 2 Mi. Geoiije Wiseman, who has been in Malaya for 40 years, left Singapore yesteiday for the United Kingdom on letirement. Mi. Wiseman, who was In charge of the Uunlop Plantations in Malacca, intends to live iv Jersey, Channel Islands.
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  • 30 2 Arrests by Federation police reached their lowest h vel when only four cases were reported in the past 24 houis: two in Pahang and two in Johore.
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  • 397 2 "Today, in humble duty, we remember those who gave their lives so that we might get a second chance. Their bones lie buried between North Cape and Coral Sea; between El Alamein and the Alps; and between the Western aproaches and Singapore." The Archdeacon
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  • 115 2 U.P. CONWAY. Arkansas. Sun.— Mother, whose normal weight was 248 pounds, and kur 171 pound son were to he doing fine yesterday The baby described as the "size of a normal child five or six months old" was Km rr. to Mr. Mrs. Z. Hackler at
    U.P.  -  115 words
  • 51 2 U.P. WASHINGTON, Sun. The White House announced yesterday it would be closed immediately to all sightseers and social events for extensive repairs to the 150-years-old structure. It is assumed that the Trumans would move, probably to to Blair House, usually used by house visiting dignitaries.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 39 2 Police rccoverea HO rounds of assorted ammunition from an old machine-gun post in the Kepala Batas area of Kedah/ Perils yesterday. In the Terap area, the Military destroyed two terrorist huts which showed signs of recent occupation.
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  • 38 2 Two cars collided at East Coast Road, yesterday, and two male Chinese and a woman were sent to hospital. A few minutes later one of the cars caught Are, and the Fire Brigade was summoned.
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  • 132 2 DOLICE thoroughly checked all vehicles for armed Communists at many points in Singapore yesterday. I Barbed-wire road blocks, which have been mounted for weeks at many road junctions, were used. Mr. E. V. Fowler, Chief of the Singapore CID. told the Tribune yesterday: ["Today is
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  • 61 2 A wife bit her Husband's right arm and lost two teeth in a domestic tiff at 1 Chinese home in Kallang Road, last night. The Street Accidents' rushed to the rescue when they i«ceived a telephone call from an anonymous person. The ambulance
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  • 76 2 KAMPAR, Sunday—Terrorists maxie an unsuc cessful ttempt to sabotage railway communications last night. Thty inserted a piece of i wood between railway sig-i nal wires to prevent their! operation. A party of special ronsf shh S1 on patrol near signal box, were l attacked. They drove
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  • 33 2 U.P. LONDON, Saturday. —An Exchange Telegraph dispatch] from Athens said Premier Souphoulis stated on Saturday I night that he would present the resignation of his government to King Paul today
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • 166 2 Reuter. I NEW YORK, Sun —Praise was given today in the New I York Times book review to j "The Pageant of India's His--1 tory" by Mrs. Gertrude Emer- son Sen. The critic, Mr. Joseph G. Hiti rec, a resident of India for 14 1 years
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 41 2 Reuter. London. Sun. Representatives of Indian political and students organisations in London today decided to hold an Indian political conference here next month to consider the proposed new constitution for India. The conference will be held at Swaraj House.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 19 2 U.P. WASHINGTON, Sun.—De fence Secretary James Forrestal indicated that was on his way out of Truman's cabinet.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  19 words
  • 24 2 Johore Bahru rtMuents working In Singapore sh.mld register in Jol)or e Bahiu and not in Singapore, according tor a Public Relations' release yesterday.
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  • 115 2 SEGA MAT, Sunday-Military r(im the Devons, Seafoiths, Gurkha iXN Ferret forces, scored several successes 2 over the week-end. s ,v "P^t? They killed five bandits, wotiuded t, troyed two bandit camps and a hideout A quantity Q| rr and i ftjj I found. Seaforths tad recovi
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  • 54 2 Professor T. H. Silcock of Raffles College will leave Singapore shortly for U.K. by air on "college matters." The Tribune iearns, however, that Professor Silcock is going to London to recruit University lecturers for Ratfles Cohege. He will be returning by air. and will probably bring the
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  • 44 2 Two notorious bandits, wanted for murder and j extortion, were killed by a military patrol neat Khattng on Saturday. One bandit was killed Instantly when they tied to shojt their way out of a an l the other died >f <voun<':> later
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 TODAY! 11-2-4 15-fi.30-9.15 BOOK NOW FOR WEDNESDAY! From the Atlantic to the Pacific Or the Artie to the N<, inent ever So Terrifie! II lass— him 1 PAVILION Last Four Shows I WoNt bqoT 1 2-4.15-6.30 9.30p.m. Metro-Goldv\ yn-Mayer Presents "HI TWOIT LOVK" With Sjiencer Tracy Katharine Hepburn T()MC)KROW—f Topping
      123 words
    • 235 2 Tod;., al J. 15; m N'OORJKHAV m •IK.M (Hinduttaiiji •»■*""»•■■•«•.tu,,,,,* 0 A NEW SEASIDE Nil "ZIEGJ E« d mm ii) leekrinkf OPENING MnOmf. THIN X I.l'm i. M I if I i: Ell lODAV: :;.<>n Roberl PSSB* W*fWMi in -GOODBYE Hack Afafcs! Be vuldwl Platan Of M T*'. NEW STAR
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 353 2 On Your Radio Today I BLUE NETWORK I 730 News in Malay; 7.45 Musir cal Interlude; 8.15 Close Down. MALAY ENGLISH PROGRAMMES RED NETWORK PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH CHINESE INDIAN PROGRAMMES 10.55 a.m. to 12.00 noon Eng- 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon Chilian Schools* Broadcast; 1.00 nese Schools Broadcast; 12.00 p.m.
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  • 260 3 last Vestige Of Authority In Manchuria Ends Sua.—(tea. C hiang Kui-shek in an un XN V 'ented move, has given Gen. Fu Tso-yi full pn tiirtM-t military operations in the North ,A r (re without referring as heretofore issues lo the Generalissimo tor
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  • 94 3 r !>' 'IS« <>. CHin.- V Liifi San I i anciaCQ ti ting president Democratic Con- I ii .h ii'-t thirty, l»ijt>i sent a i ; lie abdicate im- fail f>l fVfukd -n aad the cun em v ••debacle" ha.l a populai resentful senr hat only
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  • 120 3 TIENTSIN, Sun. Followin; h and American example. Ml Central Government or are also planning but paradoxically ■a officials are departing It a City Council meeting lei a the opinion was vote* Central Ooveru- ials who reaned large taking over- enemy toper ty following surrender,
    120 words
  • 213 3 v T ns. A\er WtPZ '»5 J Bati SelangS' $1. if. tc Klang River $2.75 tc Kucha! $1 65 to $l.f»7\. iv 48 htm., Petaling $11 10, Hantau si 42\ i u'ay $3 v*s c.d pißg Consolidated 52 72J tc Australian Tins. Austral x r A
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  • 79 3 The rubber market opened .uiet on Saturday morning. On the publication of October ship- nent figures at 80.181 tons ho\vi"<? a drop of 9.596 tons over the previous month, the market firmed towards the I dose. Closing prices were: Buyers. Sellers. j Jo. 1 Nov. PPS 40% 40^\
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  • 85 3 Reuter. SMANGHAI, Sun.-The entite Taiyuan population of 800.000 have been mobilized to participate in the defence of the Shansi capital as the Commonwealth besiegers stepped up their attack.-- to smash through the Government defences, according to the official Central News today. The authorities are said
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 138 3 SHANGHAI, Sun. Foteign consulates in Shanghai aie preparing to protect the lives and interests of their nationals should the gathering storm of Chinese communism burst over the world's fourth largest city. But they have so far refrained from following the lead of the United States Cor-
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  • 119 3 U.P. NANKING, Sun.—Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Shih-shieh was reported to have informed Chiang Kai-shek today of Seicretary of State George Marshall's new stand on China aid during their conversations in Paris recently, when Wang attended the United Nations General Assembly. At the sametime, it was also
    U.P.  -  119 words
  • 452 3 (From A Market Correspondent) Activity in local markets was on a moderate scale, >nd a business day was lost through the Deepavaii Holiday. Transactions were fairly well spread over ill sections but no general price trend was percept': ole. The American Presidential election and
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  • 162 3 Pepper quotations in the j local market nose-dived towards the week-end. This followed j the easier trend in the New I York coupled with, the recent leavy shipments reaching" here from the Lampong district. Black pepper pi ices saw the I biggest diop for some months, j
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  • 76 3 Kempas Limited showed 'profit ot $491,010 <312> before providing for Rehabilitation and Replanting, and a final .dividend of 10 per cent ltss tax is recommended, making 117£ per cent for the year, i Not liquid assets In the balance sheet come out at 770 147
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  • 423 3 U.P. SHANGHAI. Sun. Wiping out the last vestige of government sovereignty in Manchuiia by the communists today left two major battle theatres for continuation in the Chinese civil war, writes Arthur Goul United Press manager in China They are North China, where able Gen.
    U.P.  -  423 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 BACKACHeiS plr-asurconcc again. \T^^^te^^W^ ?e WITTS PILLS y °"d Bloddpr Trowbias *U inpwrUt KjgT^^,^
      14 words
    • 1296 3 jj^^^a««^anaa^ t^^ >^saaa»agiaj>a^» lC^Z^~*&^^WW B fcaC'*'SBa»rr V^ > V J naS*■-V WANTED EUROPEAN requires mdoo. training and massage. Friday.-: from 5.30—6.30 p.m. Letters, full particulars Box AI77J M.T. Spore. (W.954» ~SIT. WANTED" CHINESE GIRL, 22, Jr. Cambridge Certificate, typewriting, read write Chinese. Seeks [employment. Write Box A 1772 !M.T. S
      1,296 words
    • 256 3 TUITION SECURE high jobs, draw big salaries b> learning Accountancy in your spare time. Postal 'lUition. Success guaranteed. Apply FREE prospectus. Far Fast Commercial Institute, 205-A Rive- Valley Road, Singapore. -V.969) KNITTING TAUGHT 2-4 p.m. Saturdays, Salvation Army Girls Home. 94 Gopeng Road. Ipoh. monthly. (V.970) MODERN DANCING ACADEMY—Specific methods
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  • 450 4 BY a wave of an official's hand, the Press are swept out of the Chamber when Singapore s Municipal Commissioners begin to debate tno 1949 Budget When the meeting opened, the I ress wt't in their seats. The President, Mr. W L Bly the delivered his Budget
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  • 1215 4 REPORT ON LABOUR NO. 2 S. Itaja Ha* nam— Tribune Political Writer, continues his critical review of the 70-page Report on Labour and Trade Union Organisations by S.S. Awbery and F.W. Dalley, who were sent to Malaya early this year by the Colonial Office.
    1,215 words
  • 718 4 Reuter. THE United States will almost certainly ally herself formally with the nations of the Western Union and Canada in 19IS in a treaty modelled closely on the lnt< American Defence Pact, according to information from normally reliable sources here. The
    Reuter.  -  718 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 fWflfc wuiidw c dry ciEnninG DRY C LEANING CHARGES. i_ Tq *HH I Gentlemen's Articles. IxCLftTii mum I Coats Jackets VI- each Shorts Sweater Tl 50 each Trousers $1 .*>o each —i (Evening) ->2M Malay) $1- ea< V > Ladies' Articles. V Blouses, small $1- eacn mi m Dresses (ISvening)
      506 words
    • 98 4 Eye Care consists of more than just "buying glassM." Bye comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist, O. 8. CHONG, OFL\J>. Fully equipped with mode; instruments. mmmum^smmsmm^s^s^sr^s^s^s^sm 1 CHONG N \M PRESS LIMiTED. General Job Printers, I\nokHinders, Stationers and Rubber Stamp Makers. I
      98 words
    • 46 4 I Lxpcutive I OFFICE FURNITURE JS Kevol\int;, Adjust** jt f/\ IJphobtercd in VHd#~(T\ Stacking Chairs, all »•>• *«j V 1 upholstered in Roxinc niW j rubber feet. Will stark igj occupied by oik 1 I |AU metal, I Waste Paper ■toonptarfeDUXCAX ROBEHT*- 1 18, Battery ICoad, Slngopore.
      46 words

  • 256 6 U.P. LONDON. Sunday. Princess Elizabeth's baby is expected one week from today. It Is reported that the wonder drug, trilene. will be used to aid the birth. I While elaborate preparations wort in progress to accord the; royal heir the tradttional colourful greeting into this
    U.P.  -  256 words
  • 236 6 U.P. LONDON. Sun. —Pravda accused the Democrats today of pinching election slogans from Henry Wallace. A Pravda editorial, broadcast by Radio Moscow, alibied the poor showing of Wallace's Progressive Party with the charge that "numerous testiictions" kept many of its potential voters away from
    U.P.  -  236 words
  • 98 6 Reuter. PARIS. Sun. Gen. De Gaulle's supporters led wit a S6 seats out of first 200 re- suits known in the elections for 269 members of the Councd of the Republic (French Upper House). The Socialists and MRP (Popular RepubMcans) mam parties of the third
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 51 6 U.P. Sofia, Sun.—Eight persons have been sentenced to death and 20 others given sentences ranging from one year to hf in two espionage trials the newspapers here announced today. Six of the death sentences were given by the Nevrokop district court and two by the Gorna Bjoumaya court.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 51 6 Reuter. LONDON 3 1In Margaret, Ss. such an secasta. 2 t p d a double ia^ memcrv of P n r AsW^ ,ii. t lf ki l!r "J'na, th.. T -ie Princess 4rin P-t'c hlue irjoJ fiher mother who tond because 1 h 01,1 enzal cold. r>
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 419 6 SHIPPING; SIAM GULF LINE LTD. REG* LAB SAILINGS BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND BANGKOK m/v landbris In Tort Sa,, Nov. 10 J AGENTS: HOI ST HAD VO.. LTDTELEPHONE 51fit BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Lloyds Agents in Singapore. Ticket Agents For Malayan Railways GLEN LINE FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. calls Tangier fl Due
      419 words
    • 607 6 FOR SALE I Boys Bicycle and Child's Runj about Jeep. Telephone *****. PEDIGREE Dachshund Pups »U months old. Imported parents, apply Box. A 1774 M.T. .spore. /■OR SALE. Newly built bungalow bouse with modern sanitation, vacant possession, at Old No. 18, Butter worth Lane, off Kaiong Road. Price $50,000 Buyer
      607 words
    • 567 6 ENGAGEMENT "The engagement was announcI eu on 1-11 48. between Mi\ Lee C hay Ann, eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Lee Soo Hock and Miss I-oh Quee Lian, eldest daughter o' Mr. Sr Mrs. Poh Guan Cheng." "SIT UAtTiON VACANT A JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER required fcr Municipal Secretariat. Singapore. Salary $120
      567 words
    • 493 6 HOLLAND E AST ASI A LINE s.s. "MARfEKERR" <-ue Singapore about 26th No- v. mber, 1948. Loading cargo elongssde S.H.B. wharves for: Aden/Port Said/Alexandria Genoa/Marseilles 'Antwerp/ Rotterdam/Amsterdam Hamburg r>nd fur the Continental Ports >f urtieient inducement oilers. For cargo and particulars please apply to:— NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL Agents:—
      493 words
    • 477 6 MANSFIELD CO.' If (laoorpomted la Slngapu re BLUE FUNNEL LINK SAILINGS FROM U.K. St U.S.A. 'Gleaoglc' From U.K. "Astyanax" from U.K. "Adraatns" Due from U.K. "EurymedonDue from U.K. -V •Nanking Victory' Due from I .S.A. JM "Sarpedon" Due from U.K. N "> t Sailings tor LIVERPOOL QLABfkm N 1 CONTINENTAL
      477 words

  • 676 7 Marigolds Should ward off challenge of Useful B.P. avj v three more matches in the inter-club ond 0 houses tournaments remain to be before the curtain is rung down on the 1948 Eajpuon* badminton championships. s nale to ihe six-month competition is ex.,dI to take place
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  • 199 7 THE ROVERS Sports Club held a two-day celebration over the weekend to commemorate their soccer success this year. The Rovers won the First Divisiou Championship of the S.A.F.A. League competition. At the dinner on Saturday night which was attended by prominent sportsmen and S.A.F.A. officials, Mrs.
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  • 293 7 TAHA KAUJ of Kota Raja Sports Club set up a new record for the long jump event at yesterday's Singapore flfuslim New Year Suorts at Jalan Besar Stadium, when he cleared a distance of 19 ft. 3f> ins. Taha bettered the old record
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  • 121 7 Reuter. LONpON. Sunday.— The Indian badminton team comprising seven players and a team manger arrived here last night an hour and 20 minutes late, owing to fog. The team, which is to play Canada in the Thomas Cup International badminton competition, 1« expected to stay In
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 183 7 LONDON, Sat.—With more and more internationally famous Australian cricketers joining English league cricket, it ha 3 been planned to form an eleven composed of these Commonwealth players to play a series of matches against County and other first class sides next, summer. It is reported
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  • 64 7 The follov. ing have been selected to represent the S.C.R.C. in a hockey match against the C.S.C tomorrow it 5.15 p.m. at Hong Lim Green Lee Ah Chio; Cheong Thiam Siew, Lav Hock Chve; Can Kee Siang. Goh Chin Chye. Cheah Kirn Swee; Swee Lim Swang,
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  • 17 7 The Cable VViteiess Rugoy XV will meet St. Andrew's School today at Woods»/tlle at 5.00 p.m
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  • 350 7 JOHANNESBURG, Sunday. WORLD light-heavyweight champion Freddie Mills knocked out South Africa's heavyweight champion Johnny Ralph in the eighth round of a scheduled twelve round non-titte bout at Johannesburg's Wembley stadium last night. Mills weighed 174 pounds and the South African weighed 190.
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  • 396 7 AT the foot of the Second Division Lincoln, newly promoted from Division Three Northern, suffered a crushing 7-1 setback at Blackburn their fourth successive defeat. Cardif's losing iun also increased to four, Chesterfield mastering them 4—3 befotc their own supporters. Stanstteld, Cardiff's Welsh international centre
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  • 127 7 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Sunday. The POWs and Relatives Associa-1 tion has written to the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia 1 protesting against the proposed leadmission of Japan as a Davis < Cup nation. j Ex International player. Harry Hopman says recent' comment suggests the United
    Reuter-AAP.  -  127 words
  • 36 7 LONDON, Sun. Th* Aga Khan'" two well known I thoroughbreds Nathoo anl Moor, have been tod for export to the United States and will' leave Newmarket early next week by air. I
    36 words
  • 150 7 Reuter. LONDON, Sun. English soccer players are being described in the English press as "slaves" us a result of the fantastic situation which has arisen over the i nternatlonal inside forward Wilfred Mannfton. In England's long soccer history there has never been such a fuss over any player
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 87 7 Reuter. LONDON, Sunday. There can hardly be a keener student of swimming technique than 1 Jack Hale, the stocky 26-year-old Yorkshireman, who holds 1 every British free-style title from 220 yards to three mile?. Hopes are high that he will cap this by setting up
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 444 7 Reuter. LONDON, SUNDAY. fJERBY County, the team of the year, brought their V great unbeaten run to 16 games since the shirt of the season by a 2-0 win over Middlesbrough, and they now need to survive one more match to
    Reuter.  -  444 words
  • 41 7 U.P. OAKLAND. California. Sun. —It was announced tod*/ that I the Rocky Graziano Freddie Apostcll fight tcheduled tor I November 17 has been i ostponed until December 1. be- cause of a nose injury Graziano suffered in trainn.L U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 482 7 r. Cht-> Goon Keng. popular owner of "His ..lghnesa" has Just been dicharged hospital, after a successful operation and his many f.lends wilt be glad to know that he is well on the road to being 100 per cent fit afrain. Mr. Chee will be sailing on
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  • 74 7 Reuter. BELFAST, Sun.-The lii>h team to meet Scotland in Glasgow, on Nov. 17 in ar». international soccer match has been chosen as follows: Smyth (Distilleryl, Carey (Manchester United), captain, Keane (Swansea Town), McCute (Leeds United), Vernon (West Bromwich Albion), W. YValeh (Manchester City), Cchrane (Leeds United),
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 111 7 PATIALA, Sun.—Lala Ami arnath, India's probable Test captain batted brilliantly to hit I 223 not out on the final day lof the four-day cricket here between India's North Zone and the West Indies. West Indies had scored 991 for 7 declared and the North Zone in their
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  • 56 7 Reuter. CAPETOWN, Pun. At the I close of the first day's play in j the three-day cricket match j between Cape Province and the M.C.C. here today the M C.C I scored 117 for the loss cf two j wickets in reply to *h«- ProI
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 373 8 Truce Chief Says Start Peace Talks Reuter. DARIS, Sun.—Brigadier General William E. R.cey, r chief of the Untied Nations truce commission, bluntly told Arab loaders here last night that they had lost the war hi Palestine and it was time for them to start peace
    Reuter.  -  373 words
  • 11 8 SKAVIKW HOTEL: stand-ard-Vacuum oil Co. area chiefs conference.
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  • 188 8 CATHAY: "The Merry Monahans" with Peggy Ryan. Donald O'Connor and Jack Oakie 1.45, 4.15, G.45 and 9.30 p.m. PAVILION: "Without Love" with Kathcrinc Hepburn and Spencer Tracy—2, 4.15, 6.30 and 0.30 p.m. KKX: "Chinta" (in Malay) with Siput Sarawak and Roomai Nor.-J, l.lii, 0.30 and D.15 p.m. CAPITOL: "Ufc
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  • 53 8 IKK KEY': Today Womca s trial—S.C.C. S.R.C. V Teachers' Aaan.—S.R.C.; U.H.Q. Sig. iiegt. v R.N. (M.T.I— Sefctar; O.H Q. FARCLF v Raffles College Tanglin; B.OJ3.C.A. v Ii.A.F. Regt. (Malay) Sembawang— St. George's Road: Medicil College v Kbalsa Assn.—College ground. RUGBY: S.C.C. "B" v SC. R.C.—Padang; St. Andrew's School v
    53 words
  • 34 8 London, Sun. The War Office announced today that ftfajoi General C. K. Bourne will replace Majoi General 10. O. Herbert as command-i of lintisil troops in Berlin effective next year.
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  • 89 8 Reuter-AAP. ADELAIDE, Sun.—The pilot of an Australian airliner today reported sighting a comet which Mr. George F. Dodwell. South Australian Government astronomer, believes is a new one. The plane was Hying from Perth to Adelaide when, at 0300 this morning, the pilot and passengers saw a comet
    Reuter-AAP.  -  89 words
  • 36 8 Manila, Sun. rhe Philippine Inter-Island ship Gonsuclo, 79J tons sank* in a storm on Friday night off the southern coast of Pauaon Island neat Leytc accoiding to a v pon receiveo bj the owners here.
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  • 133 8 Reuter. TEHER \N, Sun. Persian j newspapers ssid today that frime Minister Abdul BustlO. Bashir presented his Govern fhent's resignation 10 the shah last night. C>; eivers said It was believed Hashir is exasperated by thf obstructive tactics ol some deputies and Parliament's disapproval ol t'm I
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 73 8 U.P. LONDON. 3un. The Kail of Caithness and an ur.i lent 1 fied American will be call* I at the law courts tomorrow in connection with a d )fended divorce petition ly Mrs Dorothy Mary Scott Stokes against her husband Anthony. The 41-ycai-old earl an!
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 269 8 \EW DELHI, Sun —It was understood that Pandit Nehru today addressed the Indian cabinet and, later, the Congress Party members of the Constituent Assembly, on his visit to London and Paris. He also gave an apmsb»al of the international situation, his discussions at
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  • 152 8 Commonwealth Reuter-AAP. i SYDNEY, Sun. Mr. Joseph Chifley. Australian Prime Minister, said today in his weekly report to the nation th it the most effective thing in the world was the "close collaboration which marks the British Commonwealth. Broadcasting over the Australian radio network he said
    Reuter-AAP.  -  152 words
  • 186 8 Reuter.-AAP. i VDNEY Sun Th e New South Wales coal miners may end t'uir three-day-old strike uti the Government's terms sources to stmt* an.t federal ministers said luday. The ministers were said to rave told the minc:s' leaders that unless work was resum< I drastic
    Reuter.-AAP.  -  186 words
  • 220 8 POYENZA, Italy. Hun.—United States Ambassador Dunn told the Chamber of Commerce here today that, Americans haw "confidence in the Italian ability to see through the pernicious blandishment of seif-ai)|)ointed unitM ra." Dunn s ii'l that these "unifiers" had "evolved complicated theory that pence
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  • 302 8 U.P. TRIESTE. Sun.—Ten days until pay day. Seventyfive cents in his pocket. And suddenly a check for $1.250,000 in thr mail. "Boy, on boy' was about all Private Rooert O'Bannion could say today Seventy-five cents was all he had left
    U.P.  -  302 words
  • 77 8 U.P. PARTS. Sun. A euej i weapons and ;«n munition was discovered in the basement if a school at Colombcs to lay. Workmen doing a rou»'ne repair job in the cellar dlscovt-re a niche containing five tut*machinc guns, five rifles, two Mauser pistols, two ca-*es i
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • 64 8 London strong cold win.: reda crowd-, of tain's annual Reawaaoi > ceremony toda\ to I numitf r in man} Fewer tlian stood in Wil George VI piao poppi< at Ceootapb it I traditional tno-:. after LI ajn. Participating in t. for th Brat tun tives
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  • 141 8 U.P. LONDON, Sun. Britain and the United States coal men will publish a joint state mont abo:;t the appointment of German trustee; for t!i< Ruhr coal nones, it win rliahty learned to The najrec nenl wtU rormnlly conclude the Anglo Amcrl can discussions on
    U.P.  -  141 words
  • 196 8 LONDON, Sun —The Genera C Trades Union Congress—executive 000 British trade unionists—publish* port proposing measures to avoid :i wasteful use of labour. After citing cases in which the productivity of industiy suffers from incorrect distribution of manpower the report said "Tins is a
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