Malaya Tribune, 2 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 61 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printing Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh d Penang Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agent*— Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd.,
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  • 617 1 Chiang May Have To Flee Country PREMIER WONG RESIGNS: U.S. RUSHES ARMS Reuter U.P. WANKING, •ion —The Communists had tonight consolidated their eon--11 ajot-sl of >1 ant huria were threatening all of the North China positions ~f ijhiang Kai-shek's nationalist armies. were rife here that
    Reuter & U.P.  -  617 words
  • 305 1 QUERIES IN COMMON'S Reuter. LONDON. Mon.—Malaya's ricc ration is not likrly to bo increased next year. Food Minister John Strachey said in a Parhamentry rcpy today. It was «-timated he said, that tli> exportable rice .surplus from producer countries for UM'J woul<l ix- about equal to exports for
    Reuter.  -  305 words
  • 17 1 Reuter. M< n. T.vei'.e Mp kill, i wh-n a USAAF 'f' r.r>ar MuJdrcm, today. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 122 1 U.P. BATAVIA, Mon. Jogjakarta R.adio of the Republic j of Indonesia reported today that the No. 1 Communist of Indonesia. the Moscowtrained agent known by the single name of Muso, was killed yesterday. The broadcast from the Republican capital said the Communist chieftain who led the rebellion was
    U.P.  -  122 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. LONDON. M'jn. Five hundred Communis demonstrated outside the United States Embassy tonight booing and shouting "take thos. Lomhcrs home.' "drop the name up while a deput it-0.. of four entered the Embassy to proest againsi the tnal ot 12 American Coramuaitt leaders. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 176 1 U.P. PATTERSON, New Jersey, Mon.—The Society r for the Reanimation of Interesting Superstitions waited for word from Moscow that Marshal Josef Stalin has shooting pains in his back. To celebrate Halloween, tne society gathered on Garret Mountain near here last r.ight and performed a Haitian voodoo
    U.P.  -  176 words
  • 124 1 U.P. HONG KONG. Tues. The Chinese Communists reported today that the United State? is planning a far-dung political intelligence set-up to combat Communism in Asia. The repot t was broadcast by the Chinese Communist radio. It said the organization would be directed by the
    U.P.  -  124 words
  • 28 1 Panchawarna Sandlwara. Malay classical extravaganza, will present "Eastern Culture" at the Victoria Theatre at 8.30 p.m. tonight in aid of the Malay Students' Aid Organisation. Malaya.
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  • 85 1 PENZANCE, Cornwall, Momlny. With mmrkm* tonight, hope faded of resemny any of the 11 men missm>i in the 480-ton Fiench motor tanker St. Guen»le off Roum xchich foundered and caps>Z(d near here in i yile "ttrly today. When it became possible to teach the 'Xieck of
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  • 506 1 TRUMAN or DEWEY 50 Million Vote Today Reuter and U.P. WBW YORK. Tues. Mr Truman and Gove-nor Dev. c/ yesterday c r d c d <. ignt sriuclling week* of tpeech making with an appeal to 95.000.000 American voter* to exercise their patriotic duty of voting at today's oresidential election.
    Reuter and U.P.  -  506 words
  • 30 1 PROTECTION" LEADER HELD A Chinese, who is believed to be one of the leaders of the Workers' Piotection Corps, was arrested under the Emergency Regulations by the C.I.D. last night.
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  • 178 1 Reuter. LONDON Mon—Britain docs not contemplate L evacuating Germany, Mr. Christopher Mayhew, Under Secretary for Fo-eign Affairs, told the House of Commons today. Mr. Raymond Blackburn. Labour, had asked whether the remarks on Oct. 27 of Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, British Military Governor in Germany, advocating
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 27 1 BERLIN. Men. Telephone links between Germany and India, Ceylon. Pakistan. Soutii Africa. Australia. New Zealand, cut off on hie outbreak of war. were restored today.
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  • 53 1 KLUANG. Today. Faulty wiring saved several lives when bandits attempted to blow up the Kuala LumpurSingapore mail train yest. iday. DNO f© caret asm*** DM the part of th( saboteurs, the fuse set off to bfSSS up tht train fizzled oat. An army Offta t later
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  • 80 1 Johore Bahru, To-day—* Special Constables beat off attack by terrorists on Hock Lim estate last night after 15-minute battle. Shortly after II p.m. guards saw ten flash light signals near factory and stores. Alarm was raised. Bandits poured fusillade of shots into buildings. Special* fired more than 140
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 r*— r —a I Rational Mutual General MOTOK. 1 UOKKMINS ,;m,N AL AtXXDENT in ,i aiher euwmm mi ,\m itwn: IA L'lON LTD. (Incorporated In England) u,t«r (laaaaata, Raffl** Place, W SINGAPORE. Meager: N. J WISE phone m& m m^mmrmmmmmwmmmmmmmm\ The Top Name in &*um6tA I 15 still l»! OI
      66 words
    • 16 1 t From six till nine Reduce that shine I L-Save Electricity— i FROM 6 TO 9
      16 words
    • 77 1 NEW ARRIVALS OF K.P.N.S. ICE PAILS COCKTAIL SETS TO Crown Your Cuiklni Parties To A Success G. C. de SUVA BROS., I 3, K.ilil< s Flare, Spore. I Vwmm H3HS 1 ■nrtiil-Wli 111 l II I HIT" Don't despair! "ibiw^ have excellent I (Q~ *^/Os facilities for the NT 0?""T
      77 words

  • 172 2 WOULD REDUCE YOUTH CRIME (Tribune Staft Reporter) Suggesting a Children's Iheatr? for Singapore Mr H J. C Rulasingti?, Chairman of th*> Panjans Rural District Committee, said recently that it would instil harmony amont> the various races on the Island. "It wouia neip reduce juvenile problems
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  • 110 2 Soldiers operating against bandits in jungle areas will receive a new Malaria prophylactic 'oaludrine'. instead of mepacrine. Paludrine has several advantages over mepaciine. It does not effect the eoloui of the skin and cause jaundice. it eliminates the fourteen days build up' period lor immunity
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  • 289 2 Reuter. PARIS Mon.—Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. who begins his return journey lo India tomorrow will convey to the Indian Government I and Constituent Assembly the various Proposals for future Commonwealth co-operation that were put to him at the London Prime Ministers Conference. Tn Informed
    Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 80 2 THE Mufti of Malacca recently ordered Malacca Muslims to celebrate Hari Haji one day later than the rest of Malaya and landed himself into trouble. It is so serious, in fact, that public clamour for his resignation has forced the Malay Nationalist Party and UMNO to
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  • 75 2 Pahang's Social Welfare Department plans to establish at homes for the aged, the blind and the needy, at several centres. The first one. in Kuantan. is expected to be ready before the year's end. It will accomodate about thirdy men and women. The building
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  • 42 2 U.P. BATAVIA. Mon. British Group Captain Bader, DSO. DFC. Croix de Guerre the legless RAF pilot of Battle of Britain fame, arrived here Sunday In a Percival Proctor plane on an inspection tour of Royal Dutch Shell installations. U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 31 2 The Lembaga Pelajaran Ugama, Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, Singapore; will celebrate their New Year on Tuesday, whicn will be Jst Muharram, 1363 at 8.30 p.m in the Sultan Mosque.
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  • 51 2 The Pasii Panjang Rural District Committee collected $900 from a concert staged recently at the New Star cinema hall, Pasii Panjang. in aid of the United Appeal for Children. The concer was staged by two Malay theatrical groups, the Pemuda Baru Sandiwara. and theSinaran Bintang
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  • 282 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Mo.vli-y. —Following yesterday's new* of the capture of 20 prisoners by the Military forces in Johore, comes information of more captures by the Devoos and the Seaforths. A Seaforth patrol anesto! seven more susnects on the north west border of Johore. Devons captured
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  • 379 2 The feeding of the "Ferrets" has now become a matter of first Importance to the Military authorities and no pains ar spared to keen them physically fit. Military food experts at the j Supplies and Transport Directories at Headquarters. Malaya District, have just completed research work
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  • 89 2 A step to safeguard the interest and welfare of all un employed musicians in Singapoie. was taken by The Singapore Musicians Union yesterday. Tne Union decided by seciet ballot vote to refuse membership to all foreign and upcountry musicians. The Secretary put forward two applications
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  • 161 2 Trade between Sumatm and Singapore will be hard hit by tie closure of Telok Betong in South Sumatra as from yesterday. This is the view expressed by Chinese traders here. Telok Betong is the port for the rich area of Lampong producing pepper and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 THEY'RE TOGETHER AGAIN! BRITAIN'S Perfect LOVE-TEAM! Teachers' Crisis A/.i/m' TODAY! Ji^SS Phone W9jmV AIR-CONDITIONED UNEQUALLED* in its jfi?p___3n^ ROMANCE!. WiiL^^^^^^^y I OBSESSION FROM LLOYD 0. DOI GL VS' BEST-SELLING NOVEL! I MCI 7DZM) 7 kl ii A.M., I.4ft, Lift, Mfi anl 9.30 PJM. j I '111 l|».» JJWW< WW »i
      110 words
    • 160 2 i GREAT WORLD 1 GLOBE (-.00-000 Whole Serial! •DESERT AGENT" i NEW WORLD LIHO 7-t.M "THE SHOW-OFF*' i I ROYAL %-IJSM 1 "RAJA WVJKIIH (in Tamil) I* I c NEW HAPPY THEATRE (HAPPY WORLD TONIGHT 7.1 f> t 11.15 P.M. ROY ROGERS in "SPRINGTIME IN THE SIERRAS" in Trueolor Soppartftd
      160 words
    • 91 2 "081 OF *HE lit I Gtocg.. By n j 3 M NEXT i v "Leave Her ft r E# Q I' E E > s DAILY: b Lduura Swrth f 1 t Daft \,ri,...' > NEW STARCINEII i's» 2 Mill stu.ii —5' 1r IwHmU hwfm Stamtj t i -Till: DI
      91 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 309 2 MALAY ENGLISH 1 Down. 6 Programme Summary, ing Announcement and ProPROGRAMMXS 605 Youths Effort; 6.30 Musical gramme Summary in Mandaiin, j Interlude. 7 Time Signal. 7.01 6.03 Peiping Dramas. 6.30 FooPROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH i 1 Saw Xt 7,30 New s in Mai- chow selections, 7 p.m. Can--10.56 a.m. to 12
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  • 353 3 M nv &BgapOK merch nts pit prepared to > rather than go *o court on charges of >H aiifl Export Regulations. i Export Department deals with five cases a day. Forfeits for the lini cptcmber have amounted to nils forfeit is known
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  • 63 3 prevailed p i dttCt wi'irkt cloned f« ,r n ng were yester- v. i 1 1' >UH Unggii ,i .iSIS Sia.i SAOO SEED $36. a FLOUR: TAPIOCA: 934 g£DH PEARL $:*4. VHITE PEPPER: JyflUltoi Sara ...ak siii i. (iAMBIEB i Round) 913 ft j xi V,
    63 words
  • 117 3 Reuter-AAP. VtDNEJ A dentist whose n m covers an area native country maid, who came I Scotland) to be .iving dentist I British demists to Queensland by the I ment, Mr. Mac-: ivelled ovei 12.000 I opiane, slow goods 1 tor-truck since he irry tin far northindi his
    Reuter-AAP.  -  117 words
  • 66 3 «'i copra in the 4 alaya in Sept tons was pracU* <-«»mpared with 32« tons in "■Bat, i I t .t to local oil S<, tember came to t 2,227 tons), opra from the only 25 tons in 85!) tons for month. tal ot 82 coconut
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  • 138 3 Reuter and AAP. SHANGHAI, Mon. The gold yuan was formally devalued at 45.5 per cent against the Taiwan dollar in an v.mcial communication fiom Premier Wong Wcn-hao te Governor Wei Tao-ming of Taiwan quoted by the cfticial Cent; j News today. $1,000 (Taiwan* is
    Reuter and AAP.  -  138 words
  • 65 3 Reuter. LONDON, Mon. The JuoiCial Committee of the Pnvy Council today ended its hearin«* of the application by the Commonwealth Government for leave to appea' to the Pnvy Council against a decision of th! Australian High Court which has prevented nationalisation of Australian banks
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 35 3 U.P. PARIS Men. Eleven neo- I p'e were killed, six bridees were washed out. ««d rail cations between Algeria m*d Morroeo were cut by day. the Agenco Fiance Presse reported. U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 112 3 LEE HI AN HOOK (29) and Yeo Ah Moi ">5-year old •voinan offered a bribe of $40«) to ASP Mr. Eu, it was mWrngoi ai the Tidrd Police Court yesterday. Lee also faced another charge of assisting in the operation a chap-ji-Uee lottery on
    112 words
  • 82 3 The Director of lioya: Anil lory. War Office, Majur-Gen-eral S. B. Rawlins, arrived In Singapore ye.sierday on an inspection tour of R. A. units In Malaya. General Rawlins was taken on arrival to Flagstaff House where he will be 'he guest ot the C-in-C FARELF.
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  • 212 3 JJINGAPORE musicians may refuse to make further broadcast relays over Uadio Malaya unless sony agreement is reached about payment. This was decided at a meeting of the Singapore Musicians' Union yesterday. Mr. J. Hock, the umcu secretary, toid members that two letters asking for
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  • 79 3 IyFLL dressed Teo Oek Cmvajc (35» was found with 1,93 d lounds of .22 ammiinition at Kallang Airport at noon on Saturday, just as he was about to leave the Colony, by air. it was alk'ged at the Third Police Court yester lay. Teo appeared
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  • 223 3 U.P. DONORA, Pennsylvania. Mon. Rain today finally dissipated the deadly cloud of smog (smoke and fog> which settled over this Pennsylvania null town ovet the week-end. killing at least 19 persons. But doctors warned that an epidemic of pneumonia might follow in the
    U.P.  -  223 words
  • 77 3 U.P. OTTAWA, Mon —Displaced Arab and Jewish lefugees in the Middle East will receive 40.000 cases of east-coast canned herring as I "gift from Canada". Fisheiies Minister R. VV. Mayhew announced today. He said the gift was made In response to an appeal from the
    U.P.  -  77 words
  • 18 3 T/ie tide 16 doM-n <wd tfs ft»*e /or o rfrott M r*» bear/) alMtf 2?edo/c.
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  • 88 3 THE Governor of Singapore. Sir Franklin Gimson, will 3ttend his first Trade Union dance, when he visits the Victoria Memorial Hall on November 29 as the of tb" Singapore Musicians Union. "The ball will be held under the distinguished patronage of Sir Franklin, and
    88 words
  • 52 3 Oranges are now cheaper than a month ago with several shipments reaching hcie recently from Australia and South Africa. Australian oranges are now being quoted by wholesalers from $800—58.50 a cast compared with anything from Sl5 upwards early last month. South African oranges now range from S13 —$14
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  • 31 3 A Chinese hawker aged t~ was assaulted by an unknown person at Omar Street. l\« man received a deep wound between the eyes. He was taken to hospitil by ambulance.
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  • 35 3 Two men are fuid to hava committed theft 01 $40 in < isl and opium of r wo tahils. in a house at Amoy Street vest day. The Telok Ayer Police a-c investigating.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 «J I dl Barly treatUp hVIJ !S ;i ''vi.saole. Mi Kirn has Mm. J**" very careful H of th,s disease. iMHfy T~ mi effective re**a*j!! °P <?rat, °n ls M lsrt( >rtaln cure can be 1 within prescribed ■V v refunded In cur premises. f extracted piles wti and also
      66 words
    • 456 3 t i^*^ -gg*»- SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED COOrl-BOY and amah for European hou-ehohP must have good testimonials. Apply Box No. A 1761 M.T. I'e.iang. (T923) WANTED immediately 8.0. T. Engineer for dlesel ship. Apply Andrew Trauing Co. Ltd., 34, Nunes Building, Malacca St Tei: 76*8. (T. 919) FIRST CLASS ladies hair
      456 words
    • 502 3 SIT. WANTED EXPERIENCED Jiook-kepper Chinese desires part-time work I Will keep complete :,et of books' at moderate salary. Box A 176) M.T., Spore. (T.925i EUROPEAN WOMAN recuire.s interesting work, preferably connected with social seivices. Good educat'cn but no specb.l qualifications Box A 1753 M.T. Spore. I MM' "foiTsale FOR SALE
      502 words
    • 427 3 WANTED WANTED "O purchase; small car, tourer or saloon 10 h.p. and under, motlei 16. 47 jr 48. Full particulars and pric•» to SENG. I*l East Coast ltd. (RJM I WANTED Tiiumph twin notor cycle 350 cc Price mu>t be moderate. State pine anu condition. Bo> No. A 1754 M.T.
      427 words

  • 460 4 THE fall of Mukden, now confirmed, means complete Communist domination of Manchuria. It also means that Chinese Government strongholds in North China are threatened as never before in the present civil war Already the question of the National capital being shifted from Nanking to Canton ts
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  • 827 4  -  11l a drah. desolate former («ermaii army barracks some 500 men and women pour over <»..»00.000 cards in aged file-cabinets. Ii is one of the largest bureaus of missing persons in the world. by Jack Smyth IN a drab, desolate former German army
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  • 737 4 Reuter. THE Soviet t r lon wanl no "hothouse children" according to Pro! nor Viktoi N. Kolbanovsky, Soviet au* thority on child upbringing and child psychology. One of the first principles in bringing up Soviet children, is a correct physical environment, he *<dd a Moscow
    Reuter.  -  737 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 /duivlop\ (f DUNLOP THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO. (MALAYA) LTD.. OHear Your Favourite Gramophone Re ords Realistically Reproduced Through Your Kad'o By This fTfilli "CONVERTOGRAM Automatic Record 'No i2_0RCHARDJi0AD/ SINGAPORE. I SITUATION VACANT SINGAPORE MUNMIFAL SECRETARIAT Three A P P RENTIC CLERKS required. Must possess a Senior Cambridge or Standard Eight
      350 words
    • 91 4 TIIE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., 275 South Bridge Kd., S'pnre. QUALIFIED OPTICIANS C. Y. FAN Opt. D. (Phila Tel: Est. 1/ Longer experience gxv?9 better service! 2/ Materials imported direct i by us. Hence p r i c e j cheaper than else-where' 3/ Crookes* Lenses always used. Waterproof from
      91 words
    • 126 4 Introducing m+fnifieeut NEW RADIOGRAI* with the SUPERHET RECEIVEI Incorporated in a polished teak woo l cabinet finished in high glos here is a top value combination console. Ihe 'amous Oosaoi 7 Vfl Receiver with band spread tuning on short-waves and latest tuning. In operation this receiver is delightful to manipulate,
      126 words

  • 586 5 Higher Pay, Fixed Prices—May Mean More Food Reuter. VMiANGHAI, Mon.—Hungry Shanghai landers this morning arc expectantly awaiting the reaction of local traders to the Chinese Government's action last night in unfreezing the Aug. 19 price ceilings and wages. It is generally predicted that goods
    Reuter.  -  586 words
  • 545 5 Reuter. ONI" >N M< in A>meriI* Or. Btani the Prime liHfi i Mi Jawaharial Nehru, as "the greatest in the world today" in a ntitled "Mahatma An Interpretation", lied here by Hodder ;hton Limited. a, who for 30 years sonal friend of jays that if
    Reuter.  -  545 words
  • 95 5 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Monday. Beginning from today holders of gold bullion and Uni- ted States dollars will be sub- ject to severe punishment aside from having their hoiI dings confiscated if discovered, the local financial control authorities warned last night In announcing the closing of the comersion period.
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 350 5 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Mon. Mr. Paul Hoffman, in addition to lunning the European Recovery Programme (ERPt. has turned school master. He has become chier er at a "college" that has been established to give a special intensive course of training to the men and women chosen
    Reuter.  -  350 words
  • 302 5 A Padre Tells The Women Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, Mon.—The Very Reverend sCOSCOe a Wilson, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral. Melbourne, startled an audience of young women recently when he told them "il was time they woke up to some homo truths about
    Reuter-AAP.  -  302 words
  • 460 5 Reuter. BERLIN. Mon. Russiaocontroilod radio propasjaiidiata in Dei Mil are todi/ "talking largely into a v* euum," according to Colonel Gordon Textor, Director of American Military Gove.nment's Information Service Division, who has just concluded an official survey f.f radio listening in tire
    Reuter.  -  460 words
  • 44 5 U.P. NEW YORK. Mon. Claire Ltootli Luce, playwright, actret retired political, and wile of Time-Life Publiahci Henry K. Luce whs robhed of jewels woith 135,000 ivhen burglars entered her room nt the Wal-dorf-Aslona hotel early today, the police rcpoitcd. -U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 GM/22 V[** v "«<l o.\ in niv 1— 1 1 unpji in IM W """rs,,l with Mjti iii I si/.rs from 20 amps M ,u tin* lags, m ~i!nimum U ,M > n P* slx •>> be iMiilt Ml Umnnnmi with stami■■•t type MwitcftH nnl protection, tlra-* (.ill or n.mavaUable
      81 words
    • 181 5 pMMMIMJIIJIII NH up -.qiufcU to 'h< Uott, if t man M mpcr aUm.l..:» -«1 EL x energy fh<«» wins iMMI oO*i fn J Mad* powei m..' n Jl Ito l rFSTSONI* ri jp Sticiiiitii d H [i M j ~-y.. -aw JF in TdUtt font, t I» I .'v r
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  • 801 6 'Let Germans Fight In UK' Reuter. 1 ONDON, Monday.—An ambassador of German sport has arrived in Britain to judge for him self and his fellow countrymen what chance they have of re-entering the international sport world. He is blond giant W alter Neusel, 41-year-old German
    Reuter.  -  801 words
  • 206 6 Reuter. LONDON, Monday.—lee hockey is definitely booming m Great Britain where the visit of continental and o>ber teams is eagerly awaited in crder to compare the strength of thname in 'Iritain and ether parts. Tlic main talent still comes fiom Canada although native born English
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 286 6 Reuter. First Division Arsenal v Birmingham City; Aston Villa v Burnky. Blackpool v Newcastle Utd: Boiton Wanderers v Manchester C: Derby C. v Middlesbrough; Huddersfield Town v Chelsea: Liverpool v Portsmouth; Man Chester Utd. v Everton; Sheffield Utd. v Preston N. E.. Sunderland v Stoke City; Wolverhampton
    Reuter.  -  286 words
  • 93 6 A table-tennis team will leave Singapore early next month to play a series of matches in Hongkong. The Singapore Table-Tennis Association received the invitation from the Hongkong TableTennis Association some time ago. Six players, two of whom have since been chosen, will make up
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  • 68 6 ReuterAAP. SYDNEY. New Zealandcr Bob Murphy, has been booked to tight Australian triple champion Dave Sands at Sydney Stadium in January. This year Murphy went to England, where he won the Empire middleweight title from Vince Hawkins. Murphy lost the title when Dick Turpin knocked him
    Reuter- AAP.  -  68 words
  • 142 6 Reuter-AAP. Sydney. Several first-grade captains aic advocating the abolition of the divided batting time rule, which governs play in .Sydney district competition m itches. One, Jack Cbcgwyn < Raadwieki, said: '"Division ot time will kill New South Wales cricket inside 10 years. Under the rule,
    Reuter-AAP.  -  142 words
  • 88 6 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY Bruce Doolrind, Test a ncl Stale spin bowler. Is expected to leave South. Australia for England within a few months. 'South Australia, and Australia for tha* matter, can illafford to lose Dooland." comments sporting writer Roy Cclmer, of the Adelaide "Ntws." "He is the best
    Reuter-AAP.  -  88 words
  • 32 6 BTJWTSY, Mo»i V/.dt-r On •< 1 Leieest'n.-.'dre j««ck»« a srho arrived m Aust< ilia ree. Nt y has ag;oed to play fir Cumberland. *n the Sydney firat-grada competition.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 675 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE ■BBBB FIXINGS FROM U.K. U.S.A. 4 Meiampu-" From U.S A. G. ?7/2 < "Eurypylu*" From C.K. In Fort "Glenogie" Mb from U.K. Nov. 3 "Adrastus" Due from U.K Nov. 8 "Astyanax" Ma from U R. Nov. 8 "Nanking Victory' Due irom
      675 words
    • 246 6 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY i Tenders are invited fo-- the "SUPPLY OF TEN CHEMICAL DRY FEED MACHINES" tor the Water Department. Tenders close a* 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 22nd December, 1948. Tender Form from Municipal Secretariat (Room 235). CONTROLLER OF SUPPLIES, SINGAPORE Tender Notice TENDERS will be received at the Office
      246 words
    • 574 6 16,000 foi YAP(,, I on or J* Karachi to induct Port Raai Un,i h i 3rd class bo i!?2ft ;:aeh> 517;,.0u v Bum f AGENTS Ri!L ft N^^«2^ ""Win aha* aa 1, I > V ataae* (w Pens wnk for lataia ha r ,in, ar ;i! «a s after
      574 words

  • 632 7 Malay a Should Not Rely On Brilliance Of Singles Players' Sdminton Captain, John Ede) »«v:''s Thomas Cup players s< tiled. Much rigorous practice this sphere of the game, ial the Hipjice of Malaya's singles players throuß uway for lark of attention was tabten betaken ton Patty M the M lav
    632 words
  • 40 7 V \cii.tM- a«- 1" a today ,A" i nitHl SlatrA' Ml r i•» i Olyat--1 r ku'nll in !h r iii x- f*»»:id.4, !r' j trd**tl Jin- John 'r'u.-M Irupli) I"» S l.t:nli.s |M-r.»r- i!»<- <»»<•<» 11.. feHl >•
    40 words
  • 162 7 IfHE op« ned tot I inonuag, -th the Ij l»nv ing return Ibv Jad< Pi i 1 v.-i.o clockisn for tee on a heavy ter. returned f*rince tßroaPo: hni i who i th three to i i oeds) c d Urn Lawler I took the the same
    162 words
  • 790 7  -  Another day of upsets at K.L. From ALLAN LEWIS JOCKEY Frank Flannery broke "Fluey" Bfefe*'' 23-yoai old ."lalayun turf record when he landed a winning double at yesterday's Selangor Tprf Club's October November Mftiny. Frank's wins on Lady Kut!i and Assail broiggfrt his total number of
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  • 49 7 An hour's rugby battle between the St. Andrew's Old Boys Association and the S.C.C. on the rain-sodden Padang ended in a draw. Neither side scored any points. Rain which threatened before the start fell in torrents a few minutes after the whistle, slowing down play considerably.
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  • 34 7 Picture above are the soccer teams of the Malays and the Penang Malays, who Pi.dureab.ixr the m.i■« |J K |V|UlfJ8 F Bli K «on 0-1.- Bl0**HB HmjvlvMiy in «I» 7- Ptiolo situ re I'lclHW.
    HmjvlvMiy • in » «I» 7- – — — Ptiolo situ re I'lclHW.  -  34 words
  • 251 7 Reuter. CAPETOWN, Mon. Sco--big 118 in 46 minutes otf !»1 balls, the M.C.C. scored ugroP. victory over the Western Province team here t .lay by mne wickets. I It was a day <f thrills, .stalling with F. G. Mann, the torn
    Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 105 7 Reuter. CARDIFF, Mon. Following I heir defeat by Scotland, Wat** have chosen three new caps— keeper; ltees (Cardiff) and iii Hide and out Aide left respectively—for their match against Euglund at Vlllu Park, Kirmingham, «>n Wednesday, Nov. There are five changes from the team beaten
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 35 7 Yellow House Team (left to right) Wee Koh Teng, Tan Peng li<w and Edward Scow, won the Inler-Hoiise Medley Relay at the St. Patrick's first annual Swimming Carid vul at the Chinese Swimming Club recently.
    35 words
  • 213 7 In a terrific downpour of rain. St. Andrew's School beat Raffles Institution by 3 points to nil in a game of rugger at tho Raffles ground yesterday. The game started in f.«:: weather and both sides making quick passes erith Raffle; making the first
    213 words
  • 162 7 SINGAPORE MALAYS 1 PERAK MALAYS 0 p LAYING on a rain-soaked turf, Singapore Malays beat the Pcrak Malays one- nil at Jaian Besar Stadium yesti rday in the semi-Lnai of the Sultan's Gold Cup competition. A penalty goal scored, by Hahth
    162 words
  • 116 7 Reuter. PARIS, Monday. Arsenal, the English League Division One champions, and the Racing Club of Paris drew at three goals each before a crowd of 50.000 at Colombo Btadhmi heie this afternoon in the return match between the twu toam*v Thme was never more than a
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 65 7 A refresher course for Chinese referees has o. en organised under th auspicious of the 6". C. F. A. to take place every Friday commencing from Nov. 5 at th?" residence Icr Mr. Lim Yong Lian», No ">2 Ham pong Java Road, at 5.15 p. m. sharp. Padre
    65 words
  • 49 7 H r> <~*KEY S.C.RC. v. Post i Telegraph Hong Lim Gieen; 80.D.C.A. v. V.M.C.A. St. George's Rd; Ceylon Sports Club v. S.H.B. Police Thorn son Rd; Girls' Sports Club v. Naval Base Ladies H.C. S.R.C.; Harkquins v. S.C.C. S.C.C. padang. Atheletics: Malay School Sports Jalan Besar stadium.
    49 words
  • 62 7 Tho hockey i:iatch betwee: the KhaLsa Association* and S.R.C. on ilk pn lan» yester day had to be abandoned alt' 20 minutes pi play due to the heavy ram. At tllls stage the Khaba Association kd by three goals to nil. Rattaasingh scored two of the goals while
    62 words
  • 395 7 London, Monday. Following an football results First Division Biimingham C. o Derby C 1. Burnley 2 Sheffield Utd. 0, Charlton Ath. 4 Sunderland 0, Chelsea 0, Arsenal 1, Everton 2 Huddersfield T. 0, Manchester C. 3. Wol verb, amp ton W. 3. afiddlesbro gh 1 Blackpool 0,
    395 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 42 7 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $103,200 1st. Prizo No. *****«* Jnd. Priw No. 218"Tl srd. Prize No. ?3*!474 STARTERS: *****3; *****0; *!?706G; *****0; ?G186G; I8%49: »*****; *****8; *****8; *****7. DOUBLE TOTE First: right tlckot'< Sl 1 t'Hch. four tirke 4 < $.'>73 cat h.
      42 words

  • 254 8 MARSHALL'S PROBABLE SUCCESSOR BITTERLY HATES COMMUNISM Reuter. WASHINGTON. M on.—John Foster Dulles, ?T slightly stooping, with sparse grey hair, har bouring a bitter hate of Communism, is generally regarded as the almost certain successor to Secretary of Stale George Marshall if Governor Dewey becomes next
    Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 196 8 Reuter. LONDON, toon. Foreign secretary Ernest Berln'i st Btenent that Communists in Malaya failed in heir efforts to ißllnenc« the workers, which ho made In a speech to the House of Commons on Sept. 10, was questioned in Par ttanu nt today. Mr. Kenneth Pickthorn, Conservative,
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 244 8 I ONDON, Mon.—Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain s ,J Chancellor of the Exchequer and economic coordinator, stressed in Parliament today the need for economic co-operation among Western Euro pean nations In resisting the Soviet Union's -'cold war" and international sabotage by Commform agents. Resuming the
    244 words
  • 335 8 Gr.NL'KAL VMC\. Otchai.l P.oait: C »m- I incrclal Classes 5.30 lb Malay Class 5.30 p.m; F.i -t Ait Class 0 pm.. Lcr lir.ji Library 7 p.m. YWCA. Fort Tanning: NYth* 5 p.m ST ANDREWS SCHOOL. Woodsvtllc: i>l AodrcWa Correspondence Club E.xhi».i- in for th* r.iibllc— 2 p
    335 words
  • 195 8 REX: "Chinta" (in Malay) with 81 put Sarawak and Rommai Nor 2. 4.15, 0 30 and 9.15 p.m. CATHAY "Magnificent Obsession" with Robert Taylcr and Irene Dunne—1 45, 4.15. 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. CAPITOL: "Spring In Park Lane" with Michael Wilding and Anna Neagle- 2. 4.15 6.30 and 9.15
    195 words
  • 15 8 VICTORIA THEATRE: intern Culture" (in aid of Malay Students' Aid Organisation. Malaya) -8.30 p.m.
    15 words
  • 43 8 HOCKEY: SCC vs. Harlequ'ns (Padang). SRC vs. Post t Telegrauh (Hong Lim Gicen) 5.*15 p.m. Ceylon Sports Club va. SHB Police Thomson Rd.) 5.15 p.m. Girls' Sports Club vs. Naval Base Ladies H.C MEET: Malay School bpo-.ts (Jalan Resar Stadium) 3 p.m.
    43 words
  • 231 8 Reuter U.P. LONDON, Mon. Jewish forces today refused truce observers' requests to withdraw from positions occupied *n Lebanese territory a United Nations spokesman said in Haifa to- night. The Jews had seized strategic heights and a village in the Lebanon, southwest of Metulla on
    Reuter & U.P.  -  231 words
  • 109 8 Reuter. NEW YORK. Mon. The trial of 12 leaders ol th" American Communist Party, charged with advocating the violent overthrow of the United States Government, was] postponed again today. Postpontmcnt to Nov. It was decided by Federal Judge Harold R. Medina after detence
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 88 8 Reuter. The Soviet ship Poltava wjis beached in Hongkong harbour yesterday with the stern submerged, following her afternoon's collision with the Eumaeus. The Poltava, which was bringing a cargo of soya beans from North Korea, wag holed below the water line. The Eumaeus was only slight
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 44 8 PARIS, Mon. Mr. Andrei Vyshinsky, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister. entertain, d Prime Minister Nehru privately to luncheon at the Soviet Embassy here today, it was dis closed tonight. Mr. Nehru was accompanied by Sir Girja Bajjpal, Secretary General. External Affairs Department.
    44 words
  • 55 8 Harry S. Truman Democratic forty Thomas E. Dewey Republican Party Henry A. Wollacc Progressive Citizens -of Amcrico n S,C,ts «S^l Norman Thomas Socialist Party Edward A. Teichert Socialist Labor F °'-cll Oobbj I Dr. John Maxwell Vegetarian Party Claude A. Wotson Prohibition Party Gerald L K.
    55 words
  • 321 8 Tom Dewey The Racket Buster But The Real Fight Lies Between Thomas E. Dewey, known to the world as New York's gang smasher, became the man of the hour again when the Republican convention in Philadelphia this summer nominated him as their party candidate lor top honours. He has conducted
    321 words
  • 414 8 HARRY B. TRUMAN, during his three years at White House has made such important decisions as few American presidents ever faced. And yet he never wanted to lie president. He had to decide In 1915, whether or not the atom bomb should be unleascd on
    414 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 43 8 Jack and Jill went up the hill And left their lights all shining, The blackout tame and Jack fell down. And Jill was left a'pining. FROM SIX TO NINE H *rr** Suitable with reel tor all brands of fe s COW TANGCHANG LW.
      43 words
    • 75 8 I FOR TOW RELAXATION. ('«> V THE TAVERJV (European Residential lintel) (Open (LOSE TO THE BOTANIC A (Natural on! I X AIRY LCALRIOI SL\ 1 5 Rfc'ISW I FIRST LAS- l>Ai. -inMiJ. ft MEALS A LA CARTE KEK> El> I v M OUR KITCHEN l r :,DER THE MA> NEW
      75 words