Malaya Tribune, 1 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 59 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printing Simultaneously *Jtuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Ageafa—Messrs. Colin Tamer Ltd., Talbos Boaie,
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  • 176 1 200,000 Troops Now In Pincer-Grip THE LAST HOURS OF MUKDEN U.P. (By Chang Kuo-sin) (United Press Staff Correspondent NANKING. Monday—All Manchuria is virtually lost to the Chinese GovI eminent today. Communist troops swept through the streets of Mukden in climatic victory, and the loss of
    U.P.  -  176 words
  • 559 1 DORIS SENK, 35-year-old English wife of a "Czech Army doctor, why refused to be a Communist, made a daring escape from the Red con'zechoslovakia and is now in Singapore—a with nothing but the courage to begin life si., and hei husband baby, Ihei with
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  • 79 1 Unit, ct police four I Dill rican living n dfiECA ,id Hi'" -huiily •I night at| coupled on ,-uu o was a Chn < i cat dan authorities said. •a.!, ar. Ml ticentna. around i lit when si ipp -i by a •:ii[i point" iif cur and
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  • 101 1 Regulations, pnb- Unfa. vivo powers to the tnuents to conand supply of en* ■JW srticles. T| object of the Regulations J" that excessive »re not paid for articles ''■> supply, which are f i to i.c essential. n ordei lutes the price of aire, and
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  • 270 1 Reuter. pondicherry Sunday fadmanabha '.'o.nonia. on <j the three mmi-ste: 5 who resge.ed last week froai the F>eiuU In'ila cabinet, today prut ire I against the Freneh action 111 sending "cruisers to ic-yij blish French auUvjrity In Mib>-, when taw ami t rder eh 11',
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 43 1 U.P. LONDON, Sun. Croydon airport officials reported tonight a plane which left here o n Friday for Eome had disappeared. Aboard the plane which belonged to a Manchester firm, wen two London businessmen who planned to fly to Australia— U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 34 1 U.P. t'ASTEL GONDOLFO. 8un The Pope received today 1000 Fiat auto workers and «poke to them on the "benefits of the Catholic doctiine foi the solution of Social problems". 1VP
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 108 1 U.P. WASHINGTON Monday—The first big shipment 1 of American military supplies to the sorely pressed Chinese Government will be rushed to the Orient within the next two weeks. The shipment includes ammunition, tanks military vehicles. The cargo, originally intended for shipment in December, will
    U.P.  -  108 words
  • 70 1 Reuter. SCHIPOL Holland, Sunday —Dr. Lculs Beel. formci Duuti Prime Miniate, rccehtiy sp pointed Dutch G«\erniiunt representative in Batavla. lefl here by air tonight for Into- ftesia. Dr Beel who ' been aulncrised to prepare mans foi tin intei mi government of Indonesia, will fo» is-
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 80 1 U.P. PADWORTH. England. Sun. Mrs. Amelia Albury. «2. was born on Tuesday, married on Tuesday and bet four children were ail born on Tuesday Her husband and one child died on Tuesday. Mrs. Albury fell ill a month I ago. Last Tuesday she rose from her pillow
    U.P.  -  80 words
  • 42 1 untitled and Special untitled and a narrow flseap* u'hrn thfir Unni run uif,, n «ifream om r.Kfnh f/ir bandit ruuntry ntur Knlui i/rtt* nitty nrnm./ S'ohortft u'ov infurrrt ttntwslu hut nit tiny tht trurk h'trk on tin ><>n>l }s <i»w'j t>, >■• problem.
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  • 178 1 PARIS. Sunday. Pandit Nehru said today that he would like to suggest to the statesmen of America and Europe that it might be helpful if they could develop "a more proper perspective —a perspective more in tune with reality.' He spoke as a guest of the Indian
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  • 51 1 Two horses, Moonstarsun and Yoina will not start at today's races, second day of the Selangor Turf Club's OctoberNovember Meeting. The going will be heavy. My thre»* best bets are: Firemaster, Golden Harvest and Spur Wing. Good each way wagers are Greetings, Slickness and Nachtegaal. SEE PAGE
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  • 76 1 KLUANG. TODAY. Police and troops sweeping the jungle between the railway station and Kluang-Mersing Road yesterday, located and destroyed a handit camp. seized large amounts of rice and tinned fish, shot a bandit dead, recovered stolen military equipment, and arrested 23 suspects. The camp was empty
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  • 22 1 On Chinese was arrested under the Emergency Regulations yesterday. There were no reports "'i aimed robbery during th week-end.
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  • 73 1 Reuter. LONDON. Sun Elgin thousand men and women bJ Bcliatn's parl-tinn VMM, marly oil o| them Wfarini =>evei«l mtidalfi. murfiud pi* I the King At the Terrltorla! Amis rttlfw in Lundon't Hyde Park Urinj Ab..»ui looooo p.uple watched th»- parade oi the Kine ru'.sompanted by the Qu«
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 83 1 Reuter. CAIRO, S.iii Tin- Nawab v,f 11 nopal was guest of honou* of the Arnb Lcagui at the Mohamni' I tonight. wtu-n heads oi delega lions to the Arab League Council now sitting in Cairo, and prominent Egyptians and Arabs, were present The Nawab today 'aw
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 109 1 STOP PRESS KLUANG, Todaj The night mail train from Kuala Lumpur bad a narrow escape when explosives planted by terrorists on the railway line between Rluang and Nynr last night failed to go off when the train passed over them. At aboul 7.30 ibis morning a Malay
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 ojipf0 jipf 10 of Pit j M I)ini that light, damn thi 't blackout. Sav e Electricity— I hK( »M ITO «l
      22 words
    • 78 1 FOR STUDENTS ONLY 4 Copies 12 Post Card and 1 opj Post Card $2.50 3 Cople« PoHt Cards and I Copy 8" x 6" »5.00 FROM THE LARGEST PHOTO STUDIO IN MALAYA J Ovaltlhc contain' •I warm, comfot ting cop J/~ nerves and brighten your oul \^y^| look. 'Ovaltlnc is
      78 words

  • 240 2 KUANTAN, Sunday:—The casualty list of the bandit attack on the i CCl< tin mine night train three miles from Sungei Lemblng yesterday increased when a Special Constable who was seriously wounded died today. An earlier report stated j <hat two miners, a Euro-] uean and
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  • 307 2 kC LAI. 8un4ay.--Terrorists staged iwo sabotage attempts In the Rengam/Kulal area last night. They dynamited a bridge on the railway line and also dam aged Telegraph Post No. 442 near nete. A goods train nearby was apparently undamaged. It was about to cross the bridge
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  • 66 2 More than 200 people attended Saturday night's gaa opening dance organised by the Armenian Sports Club und held at 100, Tanglln Road. Present at the function wcic the president of the club. Mr. W. Martin, and his wife who later presented prises to wtnneis of the competition*.
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  • 56 2 I The Glencaly Plantations, j Ltd., held its 34th annual general meeting at the Hongkong Bank Chambers on Saturday. Mr. F. G. Lundon took the chair. The report and accounts j lor the year ended June 30, 1948 weiv adopted. Mi. J. H. Phillips was reelected director. Messrs.
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  • 53 2 A middle-aged Camonesc woman waft killed In a collision bttwecr a car and tiishuw on i he lanjong Pagar Road, at li.ifl last night. Th woman received head and leg injuries and died on the arrival nf the ambulance. The trishaw rider wan also injured and
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  • 66 2 U.P. DISHFORTH, Yorkshire, England. Sun—Eight four-tn-glned Uandley Page Hastings, Britain's ijlggest and fastest transport planes leave here tomorrow to augment Britain's airlift to Berlin, u was announced today. Hastings will be based at a special field at Bchleswigland, 25 miles northwest of Kiel.
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 109 2 Stven people were Injured on Singapore streets yest< rday and one on a playing Held. They were* Three mt n a n Eurasian, a Chinese and an Indianwhen a motor cycle and bicycle collided near Newton Circus; An Indian when a motor car and a
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  • 269 2 A SPECIAL commission on higher education /or Malays should be set up at once to open up wider opportunities for Malay students to enter the University of Malaya, said Inche Wahab Ariff, president of the Muslim Students Lnion of Raffles and Medical
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  • 66 2 U.P. CHICAGO. Sun. —Four persons were killed when fire swept through the South Side Apartment building. Eight hours later, residents of another South Side Apartment Building were driven to the streets by a five-alarm fire. An early morning fire in a 50-apartment building on Harper
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 405 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) CE£TY-THOUSAND dollars' worth of spare parts ordered by the Municipal Electricity Department last year are not expected for 12 months. Meanwhile, there is an accumulation of maintenance work which carnot be undertaken until the materials arrive. Sub-stations have been overloaded at
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  • 108 2 PGEPAVAU th» festival of lights was celebrated by Singapore's Hindu community yesterday, but not on a lavish scale. Tills is the first yeai after Mnbatma Gandhi's death and I during this period ah Hindu festivals are lubdued. Nevertheless, Hindu businesses were closed and shopkeepers and assistants
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  • 166 2 JOHORE BAHRU. Sunday: Twenty Communist banrti? Were captured by troops drawn from the Ist Devons and tlx Ist Seaforths in a series vji operations in North and Central .lohore in the past few day Several of them weie reoogni ed as wanted men. The Devons killed
    166 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 EVERYBODY IS RAVING ABOUT Siput Sarawak as "C HINTA" BRIMMING WITH SONGS DANCES I ROMANCE, LAUGHTER DRAMA! I Made specially to top "Chempaka' 1 tniUHiKS'* MATINEE at M A.>L TODAY; Douglas Fairbanks Jr. "THK EXILE" I NOOSE Bl^ .V/. n HIGH in HIGH LARm "BACK SQONI\ I LAST 5 SHOWS!
      96 words
    • 82 2 GREAT WOULD (.LOBE 1— MS "TARZAN ESCAPES" Tomorrow: Whole Seria'. "DESERT AGENT' NEW WO'ILD LIDO 1— 9.15 "ALKJQI ERQIL (in Color) Tomorrow: "Tin fihoxv-OM" ROYAL 12—1.15—8.30 •RAJA MUKTHI" (in Tamil) I Your Holiday Show! Paramount 1948 tomriv Today Four Shows 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 p.m. 59(33 am Kits ■nnunn to''tf|i| B iMMUnIIMI tvSHu
      82 words
    • 74 2 ''l\(, i jyj| in < s 'KHltu TH W fcAIJK SEASIDE ijyft rONKiin T in, UM,M ••■•■>...«.., ""'.,1 TOD U 1 wo; ir. ii i, I» Ali i 1 KIIIDKI "dl\(, so„ N ItENTIL M (I-u> pti:tn li,. lur «I §••■!>••••.„ a«,l .'5 RftoWft: t; BOJ Mimical Lm> m„. JeMWMr
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 324 2 N, WORK mary: 600 Children's Hour; with Signature Tune 200 MALAY ENGLISH 6-30 Sports Round-Up; 6.45 cios t Down PROGRAMMES Musical interlude: 7.00 Timt Signal; 7.01 Nature's Corner, 6.00 p.m. Signature Tune PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH i 7.15 Musical Interlude: 7.30 Opening Announcement ana l-W P.m. nutsic ;News in Malay; 7.45
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  • 298 3 Singapore Would Lose (Tribune Market Correspondent) IggSIBTKNT reports of the proposal that when the present "emergency" tin I Ztth s.niiuf rangements end next Jure tin should be subjected to price conj h\ <l bj W international body, are particularly disturbing. on proposal asks for, bmenl
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  • 102 3 c interest disniaytd ir. the coconut oil market rtten quotations were up $2 ipicnl during the weekend. h the ago Hour section. I&ifga l vi was unchanged .rs ai spj.lO. Siak is done down to $16 rbc 10l owing wen the potation BAGO FLOUR: Lingga «>M Sarawak
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  • 220 3 Reuter. BATAVIA, Sunday.—The Dutch Government regards the Indonesian Republic's reply to proposals for a resumption of the political negotiations after a five-month old deadlock as unsatisfactory, usually reliable sources said in Batavia tonieht. The sai l the Dutch reaction, had boon conveyed to Republican Premier Hatta yesterday
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 100 3 STEEL BILL: U.P. Pittsburgh. Sun. —L\ T. Weir, chairman ot the Board of the National Steel Corporation, riiland Batchellet. chairman of the Board ot Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corporation, Ben Morrell. President of Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation and Charles Cox, President of Carnegie Illinois
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 65 3 U.P. LOS ANGELE3. £un I r,. m-fitting uplift 18 the later,* thing for cow.s. Over a f»v L year P' rlod Byt>vine "brassiere" upped milk production from 25 oe^ p nt to n er ccnl and y c essftilly com bat ted mastitis
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 23 3 Reuter. TokIo. Sun. B JJJ^^J ,d by the Japanese during th<* .•.eeupation of China. It MWM anntunced on Saturday Reuter
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 85 3 WASHJVGTON, Sun. —A US Navy spokesman said today that the presence of the aircraft carriers, Tarawa and Princeton at Tslngtao should not be interpreted us meaning that the United States intended withdrawing from Tiringtao. Nanking reports said i liar the British Consul, Sir Ralph Stephens
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  • 56 3 U.P. NEW3URV. Vermont. Sunday. Pom persons were killed, five were injured, and hundreds of sleeping passengers were shaken when two fast trains collided in a dense fog early yesterday. The engineers and firemen of both trains were killed. Five mail cle:ks were injured. The accident happened on a
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 106 3 U.P. UEHLIN. Sun. Gen. Lucius D Clay. American Military Governor in Beiliri. reported that Industrial production in the combined British and American zone* in Germany had established another postwar record. in his semi-monthly n-poi... to Washington, Clay said output In September was 70 pel cent
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 44 3 U.P. SAN JUAN, Puerto KICO. Sunday. The most important election In Puerto Rico's history will be decided on Tuesday when it is txpectvd a record number of voters will Liun Mil t° elect ,neir n governor tpr tii. first time.U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • 200 3 U.P. Donors, Pennsylvania. 3undav A mysterious smoke and fog death stiuek 18 persons in the Monongahela valley ta*l night and this morning and Burgess August Charnbon pronounced a state of emergency in Donors A hcavv mixture of smoke and for possibly bearing poisonous industrial fumei. blanketed
    U.P.  -  200 words
  • 681 3  -  (By the Market Corr. rF increasing acUvtty noteo towards the end of last w#«ek developed further when Singapore operators, refusing to be distracte<l by international oolitic* took off a great number of offering?» at improving price*. Volume increased particularly 10 the Industrial section wn*re In
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  • 52 3 The rubber market opened steady on Saturday morning and eased slightly towards thp :lose. Closing prices were: Buyers. Selh rs. No. 1 Nov. RSS 41 41-} No. 2 Nov. RSS 39-J 39-» No. 3 Nov. RSS 37-2 38 On registered under: Nov.-Dec. 41 41-* Jan-Mar. 1949 40-J 41-i
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  • 56 3 U.P. BATAVIA Sunday. Reports received here indicate that a fatal plague was re- glsttred in Bandoeng. West Java, and Salatlga. sou;h Si-marang. To prevent further outbreak, j health authorities have taken j measures such as mass vac- j cinatlon. From Sourabaya i; was i that anti-plague in-
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 105 3 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Sat. About «,000 bluejackets were expected in Tsingtao for their first close view of the port today, j following the atnval oi a United States taak force there from Pearl Harboui. Commanded by Rear Admiril IR. P. Ginder, tne squadron consista of aircraft cairn, s
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 174 3 DR. S. H. TAN. Singapore optical surge on. Ie building a luxury cruising yacht, gaff cutter-rig. complete with a 30 HP. auxiliary Diesel engine. H e expects to launch it in De tnaber this year. He started work on the vessel at Ho Ah
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  • 97 3 U.P. CHICAGO Sun —The Linen Supply Association which i furnishes laundry service got worrying about what voters. who l n resturants. hotel? or night clubs on election night, will do wht n they hea. the returns. So tlv association issued a bulletin appealing for restraint. It said
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 51 3 fa, TOO THIN, feeling NERVOUS RUNDOWN, DEMIISSIR^. E#aT rift j thauaaofaVtip JLjffT\ 3 T*e* are sign. H l At agency"- eh TJ^l^ToTmE nZk T Q mioer»! w«*ldi by r-An«H "T^3J iFR V ft nlm-Mi O» <h< J "4 9l M o <x«-n corona*» »M«*" 1 Ma*. <wl4m »<-4 »♦*•»>, ■■^»»^^^--j»---»---»»i
      51 words
    • 1572 3 .Tt% 4>*»M WANTED WANTED ~0 PURCHASE amall car, tourer r»i saloon 10 h.p. and Jbder, model »6, 47 or 48. Full pa'ticulfs ,md price to SENG. 431 East Coast Rd. £1904 J WANTED T'uumph twin motor cycle 360 cc Price mu»t be moderate. State price ano con dition. Box No.
      1,572 words

  • 462 4 MR W L Blythe, rx>puty Municipal President, warns the Singapore Commissioners tnat the city will be a city of shacks in rive or *cn years if temporary building permits are not restricted. The Commissioners have granted a te> prieve for another year to five sheds used for
    462 words
  • 956 4 Have You Heard The Furry Song? EVERT eighth of May in the old Cornish town of Helston the men put on morning dress and give themselves button-holes of Mowers; the women don gay summer frocks and leave their houses with stalks of lilies of the valley;
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  • 457 4 Reuter. GERMANS in the British and American zones are today eating better than at any time since the beginning of Occupation. Not only are they getting more to eat the official ration for adult normal consumers now tops the daily 1,800 calorie minimum established for Germany undei
    Reuter.  -  457 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 f Wrm [flunpnv s dry ciEnmnG i ByiATEST4iemops I Ipr IP DR Y_C ES. HT. |q tI I I Gentlemen's Articles. ■f\Pl rw. fl J Coats Jackets $2- each U 'H|nf; I Shorts Sweater fl 50 each Trousers $1 50 each (Evening* fl Ladb*s' Articles. Jm Blouses, small |1- <
      278 words
    • 94 4 rf. ...V HU>l Eye Care consults of more than Just "buying gurnet." gj/e comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist, C. 8. CHONO, OPT-4J. Fully equipped with modera Instruments. CHONG S7*M PRESS LIMiTED. General Job Printers, BookBinders, Stationers and Rubber Stamp Makers. •1
      94 words
    • 36 4 TYPE 138 < A 6Vaivc Receiver, using m ulli -purj lent to a Receiver nf 11 valve June outstanding performance and Qlialll* M -„ii" 1 PRICE $395.00 EHfai i i2. oiciwa rd. swsAPOtt/ fi^y i aajs a-
      36 words

  • 566 5 $ig drop in crowds (Tribune Stall Reporter) gINGAPORE aim exhibitors, worried over a 50 per cent drop in attendances tcomparativ? figures between 1946 and 1948) say that the cinematograph industry is facing a serious crisis. They say that they arc freed with "disaster" unless Government reuuees
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  • 131 5 Reuter. ,aris Son. The Berlin tiori i laimcd by GeneStalin to have been n Mr. Vyaotnluan Braamgtta, epted by the m powers, I Briman said today. ij r ii that the SovietArould have made blockade depend introduction of the ma rk In Berlin, i,, negotiations for the
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 57 5 Reuter. k, Sun A party of tn< ers would be going I Britain shortly to take dcliof arms and anuauniUo i umi •'l to Sinai by the r.rit, h Government to combat .Mr communist unrest in the country Deli nee Minister 1/. Gen Luang Chart rsVkroh.
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 520 5 Reuter. I -KONG, Sun. An il by iiit Unofficial afemhc Colony's Legis- •ouncii to the Govern dispense aritti sunn mergency powers. price control and i 11 jettons, Is being d b> |he AJminish in ii has been tank d Council urging the rnment to discontinue
    Reuter.  -  520 words
  • 85 5 Reuter-AAP. NANKING. Sunday. After igh' nth i In romniuni>erl■■••■I■-, I irO EtrUotl A, R. hi an.I K Hnchannv riive r licie ..alt ly all. »eCiVltlg |.rrnil.-M<»M I pun Hie .njnnnitil.sls hi leave Connect! d with the L'ln''in. robneco Company. ttutekJlaty I Hie Brlni.b American h •arc»
    Reuter-AAP.  -  85 words
  • 86 5 Reuter. MIANGUAI. Sunday. Robin Blah. lute oi «he ,M Battalion "i the 7th jturkoc* Rifle r< eclved flu I at. Uie hands of Jlitlsh Consul General M C 11licit in the Biltlfih ConuIhil on Friday. Tin awa»t< ataa made lor Major ittlOTi Cnptnini Blair's list ingulsl>.(!
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 40 5 Washington. Sim. 1 wa big loan agreement* one for ;s0 000.000 for the Netherlands and another for 818.000,000 for Indonesia were signed here by the Dutch Ambassador end th*» acting chairman cf the Export Import bimk.
    40 words
  • 140 5 t Ttthttn* SUtif BeptirU > The Coboirs of the Mn-iapor Volnilleir <nrp* <(•'•..*. i were taken a«n\ b,\ Ma' **P nneM- during «be «leriipiillon ittid m-MT heard of HhMI then. They weee lereaewtad *'i« C'or|»n b> the Singapore Mtinleipalllv in 10»«». It e o «i
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  • 675 5 HOLLYWOOD. There was a time when Deanna Durbin was one star in Hollywood you simply wouldn't ask to give up a full day to pose for publicity pictures to be lined in magazines and newspapers. Thnrjß have changed, and so has Miss Durbin. Although she knows
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  • 19 5 Mr. Charles tfmifa Ward and Miss Gwendoline Joyce Nell Neubronner. who were marr>ed at St. Andrtw's Cathedral, on Saturday.
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  • 53 5 The headboy of the Penang Free School, Master Lim Ewe Hin laying a wreath on the tomb i,f the late Key. R. S. Hutching* the founder of the Penang w IrJ.rated its 182 nd. anniversary that same day (Oct. 21). The Yen. S. ML Colin ris ice* standing at the
    53 words
  • 97 5 Reuter. i SHANGHAI. Sunday An •early relief to Shanghai's 'famine" was promised today by local oflicials. who reveald that 100.000 piculs of doom chased; by rice merchants lnder orders of the econonn control atiioritics were schedul?rj to arrive lii re before Monday, and that Hour shipments
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 115 5 Reuter. BRISTOL. Sunday Sir Stafford Ciipp*. Chancer Ihe Exchequer. 8*46 h< r, |a night that ID Lhi Uuil 13 months Brit hud iCdnetd her adverse i,ad, hai I rum 030 million lU rltOl I lust under J00 million "Ihat has put W» In a muro
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 162 5 Reuter. j CAIRO. Sunday. The Br tish Overseas Airways Corporation flying boat station In Egypt has been transferrei irom the Nile at Cairo to Lake (Mariut. outside Alexandria. The move followed COOS' ruetjon of ihe "Find FA Awal International land and marine 'aii port" on the
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 MEDICAL AUTHORITIES OF THE WORLD HAVE ASSERTED THAT Electric, Hydro, Massage Oleum Bath Treatments aie good for < mia Gen oebilitv Nervousness lie (j ou t Neuralgia arc Hemicrania Paralysis Insomnia Rheumatism 11 Oald Lassitude Stiff-neck Lumbago Etc., Etc. For which consult with PHYSIO-THERAPEUTIC Clinic Rn»n spore. Tel; *****.
      48 words
    • 56 5 S*mt t>f th* m*m Jehamm klmds no* •btamablt CUSTARD CRMW, <HOHri'Uf fxM^Ĕ/i^A OSBORNE MILK HOMY h JLS* Thm hucuta W *ntt auractirt kind\ including n. CHOCOLATE SHORTCAKE mtt obiamabit >n CARNIVAL ASSORTED HUNTLEY PALMERS BISCUITS AGENT lime Darby 4 Comp»» Lwi»<««<. SINCAPORt I H LINT l FT A PALMERS LTD..
      56 words

  • 161 6 Reuter. LONDON, Sunday.—A single goal by Billy Steele, their Scottish International inside forward, gave Derby County victory against Birmingham in one of their stiffest* League tasks to dace, and preserve their record of being the only unbeaten team in the: four English divisions. In a
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 20 6 beu. and t l i r m a Suit, to he pom ,< *1 i '1 < da.
    20 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 505 6 SHIPPING! BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. ijjj Lloyds Agents in Shifcupon 1 ~2& Tii ket Affents For Malayan Railways fctPfln GLEN LINE FOR. LONDON, ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM, HAAIIWRG •r call-. Tui.glre calls Alexandria Dv* Salln 1.1 ENGAKOY Q. 10 II Hlh Nt.\. f «.LENf-YL*. nth Nov. «Oil» N.«\. OLENOGLr. Early D«c. Mid. Dee
      505 words
    • 604 6 NOTICES TRADING WITH THE I \r MY ORDINANCE No. U Of 1939 CrSTOWAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 SALE BY TENDER No. i«2 •v\ u oustod-an :«f Property B ..t-apore, iT'lten »-n»Jcry fo: the pureha*' «»f the foll>wiiir llheet M< vi. OailltfOne 86 Folding MuiJilne 10". Powcllmk;.uw H
      604 words
    • 770 6 THE MOTOR VEHICLES (COMMERCIAL USE) REGULATIONS. Notice of Application for Variation of a Haulage Permit. TAKE NOTICE that I, Tan Chew Beng of 82, Jalan Abdu! lah. Muar Johore, by occupation haulier, the holder of Haulage Permit No 1988 under which I am authorised to carry j-oods for Hire or
      770 words
    • 562 6 THE MOTOR VEHICLE* (COMMERCIAL ISE) REGULATIONS. Notice of Application for Variation of a Haulapc Permit. TAKE NOTICE that Lee Fvon Slone of 101. Jo lan Payn mas Tangkok. Jouorc, by occu potion haulier, th hoWier jf riaulugo Permit No 2939, MlO, ■'115 under which I urn autho- a»J io nny
      562 words
    • 234 6 m.v. "NAPOLI" \6.u00 TONS SPEED 18 KNOTS Sailing on or about 15th November, 19' t for Colombo, Bombay, Kjrachi (optional). Port Said, Marseilles, Genoa and Naples. 3rd class 'are Colombo $125, Bombay 5160: Karachi $175. For Passage Bookings and further part.culars APPLY to AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY. LTD. 64, Robinson Road
      234 words
    • 439 6 f» I Ii 4 I J 1 7 MANSFIELD CO.. Ltd' JKP t l»rorpqa*«.l*J is hUi tHh f| m*ve in mom uh WaBB 9AJIINGS FROM IK Melumpus** From I> A. [I "fciirvpvlu**" Fr»»m k i "(ilenogle" J>ne from th •\drastus" .Due from t'.K. "AstvannV line from I li. -Nanking Victor*
      439 words

  • 67 7 FroiL ALLAN LJEWLS piELDS will be big again today, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's October-November Meeting, and winners will not oe easy to find. Firemaster, Golden Harvest and Spur Wing arr my three best bets of the day Jrom'a difficult
    67 words
  • 472 7 win. hts. in wins JIIK rodbWing ft» in,- |,r,»l>H»j|o < ;uulitlates und weights fur tttday'fl Kuaiu Lumunr races tin-soi-ond day of the Selnnpor Tur' Club's October» November Meeting. RACE ONE lit man, d i. r>i\ k. h F\m; Schola/ ..i_/ Madang uno 1 >:anje s 12 (late United
    472 words
  • 325 7 THE following are the probable jockeys and their mounts for today s Kuala Lumpur races:— PACK ONE: Scholar iLnwIcri. Madam; lEIIeryi. Oranje i Flannet vl. Battl II <J. Donfielly). Monte Crlato I Wahab». Greetinaa iGentiesi. skippei < i. Peter Con (Charles), Sir Janes I >. Cottage Queen
    325 words
  • 72 7 i -1 \v. IS I 9 iin».lay I on» 1 I ,,p. icaif in I' I I ii WO' ilV T II r<„|. i 1 r.VM.e 1.1 rk\ .1 in to id I r t: I mt i" tun tiei never >t nol in hah en
    72 words
  • 55 7 A Happy World StaSaturday night 11 drew with Son B th were coanted Ith round. Singh beat Pakkin I straight falls in h P-n» beat Smiling a" rails in sevin Zombie knocked out Knnju in the sth I** I as disqualified in nt
    55 words
  • 50 7 knocked out in the 4th ach had secured ih< Great World iturday night I i iters bea; Ali Riza J i ulLs to one. Ma (|u< beat Swaran in 2nd round. ng beai Ptyrea si raight falls in Khan beai Ngon two mils to one n rounds.
    50 words
  • 93 7 the uin Ul repr?siit Asian* 'A' XV i. ig "nst (J H Q. ranglln on We<!nes|J 1 i Meng i'.U. (R.C.U.); Mohd. Wee Bin Chy? Shard! VV. (M.C. v.|.„' M; 11. S A.OB a i. I. Eks in (ItCii IJ;i1 Th, n g Savv iVi X
    93 words
  • 119 7  -  By ALLAN LEWIS Race I: GREETINGS Hatti II Scholar Race 2: SPCR WING CuUinan Pratt Mn Race ii: MISSOURI First In Itonnie Grey Race 4: PERAMBULATOR La d\ R.lth Young Clem Race: 5 Fl REM AST Elt Carolina Stvmle Race SLICK NESS Pilgrim's Way Lovely Bote Race 7:
    119 words
  • 116 7 ROVERS The Rovers Sport j Club. Singapore will ce.ebrate its success in winning the 1948 S.A.F.A. League Competition with a dinner on Saturday. November 6, 1948 at the Tai Tong Restaurant, Happy World. The celebration will continue on the following day with a picnic at No. 181,
    116 words
  • 64 7 TODAY SOCCER: Sultans' Gold semi-final, Spore Malays v. Perak Malays. HOCKEY Roy il Naval Po.h c v. S pore Dist. Signals Se'etar; Raffles College v. S'po c Hornets Col'ege groun Indian Assn. v. Medical Coi lege, College ground; S.R C v Khalsa Assn. —S.R C. RUGBY: Raffles Inst
    64 words
  • 24 7 Th t Clem*neeau Youngsters. XI beat. ihe Kiwi Members League by three nil in lriendly gam,- of soccer »1 Farrcr Park. j
    24 words
  • 621 7  -  —Says John Ede, Ex-Cambridge Badminton Captain THE badminton played yesterday, at the Haw Par Hall, between the Mayflower Badminton Party of Singapore and the Merrydale Badminton Party of Kuala Lumpur, which the latter won 5/8, showed that Club Badminton in Malaya is of an enviably
    621 words
  • 72 7 It 1-s Intended to hold a met ting Of the Singapore Rugby Union at the S. C. C on November 9. at 5.15 p.m All committee member> ol »hi s. R. u. conveners and secretarUs oi clubs affiliated to the S. R. U. are requesied, to atund Will
    72 words
  • 31 7 Mary Let r&jij and Viczy Elias \cho passed the finishing lim third and second respectively in yesterday's ladies' one-mile cycle race held on the padUtny. Tribune Picture,.
    31 words
  • 105 7 Reuter. BERLIN, Su.uicu. Mux Schmeliny, former world heavyweight champion, today announced his definite retirement from the ring after being outpointed by G. Voyt. G c rm a n lightheavyweight champion. over 10 rounds in the Olympic stadium. 'It was absolutely and positively my last fight," said
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 111 7 Reuter.-AAP. SYDNEY. Sunday. The Australian siandard in athletics cannot be compared with that in the northern hemisphere, according to John! Treloar. 20-year-old NewSouth Wales Olympic sprinter Hr blamed this chiefly on Australia's isolation. Treloar said on his return to Australia from England that better facilities were available
    Reuter.-AAP.  -  111 words
  • 45 7 Reuter. HONGKONG. Sunday. Paul Kong well-known Chinese Davis Cup player died this morning after falling from the upper floor of Marina House. Kong, it is believed, left a letter to his wife yesterdaystating he had gone to Macao on business —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 342 7 Sukim's Final Spurt Beat Record Holder In 100 Lap Race SUKIM bin Haji Naib, 24-year-old Malay speedster of the Singapore Malays Cycling Team made a brilliant spurt in a close and thrilling finish of the 100 Laps (IBV2 miles) lace at the Padang yesterday to dpfeat Kwa Chin Swee, record-holding
    342 words
  • 67 7 The C.V.M.A. (5.J.0.) will play a friendly game of soccer against the Command Pay Office (Nee Soon) at the Fairer Park on Nov. I, 1948. The players will be selected from the following: W. Van Huzen, M. Hendroff, W. Hendroir. L. Nod ur, Ernest Gomes, Aloy de Souza,
    67 words
  • 79 7 The following have been selected to represent the Girls' Sports Club A" Team at hoek t y against the Naval Base Ladies tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. >n the t.R.C Padang. Doris de Souza; C. Phinps. Mrs. L. M. Pennefather (Capt.); Ma»j d»- Souza. E. Fernandez. Mrs. G. Clarke;
    79 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 ©PHILIPS RADIO CASY TERMS CAN B£ AKKANOBD KOSTER C°. LIP T1L.***** to. CO LITER QUAY IL' FLOOR Here is REAL relief /^Rfe During the past 60 years, million* /MtSSrJSk of DE WITT'S Pill» have found their CA&ijmM way into the homes of the world. That sale everywhere *re increasing is
      67 words

  • 378 8 U.P. BERLIN, Sun.—A n.ild little man with lumbago sa: at his desk in an outpost of freedom today and talked about courage-. "Sometimes you can eliminate danger by refusing to be afraid", said Dr. Ferdinand Friedent,burg, 62 year old acting mayor
    U.P.  -  378 words
  • 78 8 U.P. DEAL. England. Sun. The crew of the Panama steamer "Pan" and gangs of men from Dover today laboured to toss overboard Pan's cargo of manganese ore in an effort to lighten her. Pan ran aground three miles south of Cape Oris Ncz lighthouse on Saturday night
    U.P.  -  78 words
  • 110 8 Reuter. PARIS. Sun I went- people V( ,1 BVH ii t« prison tcrm> varying from 18 months to 10 yiart by the criminal crnm at Antnnan:.rlvu laM high! Mm. l" v I I plotting |q ntmnec: on IU Wi y ai's nail» mil i in Madu
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 32 8 U.P. OIJLGKAI'Jv Sun Reel pients of gift packages front abroad will no looger pay any customs duties or other fees, the Ministry of Foreign Trade announced today. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 64 8 BAN FRANCI6O, Sunday —West Coasi maritime work ers have lost n<\irlv US$2O,--009,000 In way s In Pacific shipping strikes now nearing th. tnd of Us second month the Water-Froont Employers' Assoclat tog estimated The empioyi rs' gi oup, which negotiated a settlement with CTO maritime engineers,
    64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 Miss Shirley Such, I t year-old daughter nf Chief Inspector C. W. Such, who icon the 'Ladicx One Mile Race," mi the Padang y slerday.
    26 words
  • 121 8 The British destroyer Cossack, attached to the British Pacific Fleet, rescued 1.200 Chinese soldiers from the s.s. Ying Lung which was driven ashore near Kcelone (Formosa I duimg a storm. l— a. I I In very rough seas the sailors threw a life-line and rescued
    121 words
  • 95 8 Reuter-AAP. n aNKING. Sim riir «bi uese IJoviiiiinnl today decire»! th.«t piicfta of essential commodities. Including rood, »lally nc-v-s-uiox and Industrial raw materials arc to he adjusted according to tnclr actual cost under prevailing conditions, This i* i raveraal or the economic policies adopted
    Reuter-AAP.  -  95 words
  • 92 8 U.P. liAP.I Sun. Tw> ycur Old Pauqualr Ciannroaro of Mrnjpoll, near here, livea an- 1 Ik .lom»r well today following his temporary "»lei»h" und?r a .surgeon'* uperathig knife yesterday. Dr. Fianco PntlJce Inserted a surgical knife »*tlo little Fusquaie's Tracruv* to cut an abscess that was
    U.P.  -  92 words
  • 50 8 The txtra rice ration of half a kati drawn by Singaporeans for the last few weeks will be discontinued from today The public will revert to the old ration of 3', katis a week for men, 2- z katis for women, and 2\ katis for children.
    50 words
  • 126 8 CATHAY: "The Nome Hangs High" with Abbott and Costello- 1.45. 4.10. 6.45 and 9.30 p.m CAPITOL: "The Bmpcrw Waltz" (in teehnicoloui) v/tth Ring Crosby and Joan F~>i tame: 2. 4.15. 1.30 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILLION- "The ftal.lted Sisters" with Veioa.-a Lake. Joan Caulfield and 'Sarry Fitzgerald: 4.15.
    126 words
  • 98 8 Singapore journalists held a meeting in the British Council Hall yesterday and formed the Singapore Press Club. An interim committee of seven was elected and empowered to draw up the draft constitution of the Club, j This committee was ilso empowered to find suitable pre- mises
    98 words
  • 99 8 Reuter. V A LETT 1 A. MALTA. Sun. The British destroyer Cheviot ;,nd other naval craft searching today for a Royal Ait Force Mosquito seen to crash into the Mediterranean off GOCO Island, northwest of Malta, yesterday, found survivors of a fishing vessel which sank in
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 50 8 U.P. LONDON Sun. Vice Admital Sir John Edge!» end .1 hi» aftei dinner speech abrUptl) hefore the Royal Naval Old Comrades fttnfflrl>11fm last Right. "By mistake I biought «hopping Hat of my wife who gave m- thiM morning instead of my noli:''. In e.\;»lained. V v
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 152 8 Following arc Y.W.CA. ac tivhles for «h t week commencing Nov 1 Today—Y W C A. Fodtrtightiy Club Meeting postponed pp u'.-eoun: ui holiday Ncxl nice ing Nov. 15 TUr day. yud Y WC.A Nelhali at F»ui 'anOHir: 5 |>.m W»diie'.rlliV <rd Kalon:: V WC.A. PI >v
    152 words
  • 654 8  -  But fighting in Lebanon continues ■Says Israel Reuter and U.P. TEL AVIV, Sun.—All was now quiet on all Palestine fronts, an Israeli spokesman stated here, adding that the lighting in the north ended before 11 a.m. local time today—che deadline set by the Israeli Government
    Reuter and U.P.  -  654 words
  • 292 8 Reuter. PARIS. Sun. As troops ook over more miirs from strikers and unloa< <-l seaborne coil teday to* Government continued the suspension of uuhdc ofiVi.ds who had foste d the sti movement. M. Vitorin Ikguet. So retarv-General ano M. C?e**vtin Bias. Secretary of t**e
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 82 8 U.P. TEL AVIV, Sun. Whether women in th>Israeli forces should Imvr manicured nails, what should be the length of their hair and si)nilar rules of conduct were, under consideration by a committer of Jewish hiyhranking officers' tutmmted th* task of draft my disciplinary rnk. s
    U.P.  -  82 words
  • 136 8 •lay Kxpnm UhJm J tains favourite \iJe£* edian Dannv KuZ D tho man BBC". Kayes arrival f or 4 Comman.l row was hra.Hin. < I don buY only I'?' press told th,. wrecked the 'jp.K stolid calm The Ram c*al b saboteur" who ed the BBC
    136 words
  • 56 8 Full, v uvitii Sunday N Txtdai i 5.30 p.m.. G .in p m I i Practice B la TUU! 5.30 p.m l Lev. ffedji». I Clawa p.m Mt" i!r. p.n Times clal Cla n:i ttltt i; tnj i 1 i riui) p.m. M"\i> Th» I i Bov
    56 words
  • 154 8 NEW YORK. Son.—A searchlight Ixauj tell tons of thousand* of New Yorker. streets or Tuesday night the result of tlx tial election. From high atop the New York Times building In Times Square the beam will sweep to the north if Crovcrnoi Dewey is
    154 words
  • 51 8 U.P. IJuenor Aires. Sue. The Cconomic Council announced ye* terday that an ngreemcnt ha been reached with Pakistan f<» the rhhvnent of wheat and linseed oi! to that country. The accc rti iseultcd from the visit to Pakistan of U.S. Ambassado: in Buenos Aires. th*» announcement said.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 87 8 WASHINGTON. •>< questioning toys*: yearJ in which he J« politics has ff Alhop W 1! ,klr man's pre 11 mat-, ththe Denw ratfc I aajc CntaMav-" 1 ,;,,,t.^ master, v a!ty. an<l n.) )*4*J one ilicn 1 -"jt v whs h •reaWcnti J was rcc v <•
    87 words
  • 12 8 their beat J usable Wo on the 6.15 p.m. y
    12 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements