Malaya Tribune, 29 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 61 1 The Malaya Tribune By the people for the people Larger Sales lhan any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Hrinttmi ffltnulTlim un«>J ffoom Lumpur, Ipoh Penang Telegram*: 'Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) FIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 29, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London AgmU M~~. Colin Turner Ltd
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  • 383 1 Loan Society Will Aid Members To Pay Up To $1,000 LAST CHANCE TO GOVT. SERVANTS TO END BORROWING NT workers will be given their "last chance* to clear their U professional ana other money-lenders tomorrow. Fin mcial aid will bo granted by the Singapore Government SerC
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  • 64 1 U.P. WOLFSON. Maryland. Tues —Wesley Swope Jnr.. 11. can bark like a squirrel. He learned it the hard way. Hunting on his farm near here he decided to lure his piey by imitating its chatter. Hi 3 father. 77. who also was hunting, heard Wesley's barks
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 46 1 U.P. SYDNEY. Tuea. —A Royal Australian Air Force Catalina flying boat crashed on Lord Howe Island last night killing seven persons. Two other crew members were injured. The plane was on a night navigational flight as part -of naval exercises. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 32 1 U.P. MANCHESTER. Tues.-Mr. I and Mrs. Emanuel Davidson were fined nine guineas today for unlawfully feeding rationed I oatmeal to 90 chickens in the bedroom of their house. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tues.—The MiwMf} "f Labour published (Might .1 Mst of occupation [fwM which volooteers will «M i» accepted at present f,r ih- forces' new emernn nserves dawn from ii. over SS group. Thr 'ist includes most of 111 Mfsrtlaw reserved ocoupsSjMM siieh as coal mining
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 71 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tars British te'evision history wHflfl be made in a fortnight's time, when, by permis-,i »n of Prime Minister C'emen' Attlee, television cameras wHI be instated in the eabioet room at his official resid"nee. No. 10, Downing Street. i'«t the meeting of the Cats
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 227 1 UP PARIS, Tues. —Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt sharply attacked Russia tonight, and said that orld's basic problem is the "preservation of human freedom for the individual.*' She charged that Russia lacks the "essential"' aspect, of freedom "which a totalitarian government caniiDi barely give to its people." "These
    UP  -  227 words
  • 58 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. Mr. Habih Ibrahim Rahimtoola. High "ommis&ioner S Lorvlon. replied. "I have nothing to say" when asked rei irta from India that 10 had beer, "red from the Hyderalate account in a Lon- hnnk to the account of lllr Pakistan High Commissioner. Hyderabad officials
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 40 1 v? r AS H,NGTON Tues. Uni- N ivy announced 275 planes J men ail] take part „;,VT X am Phibioua invasion 'California coast on iri >'i>ion" will atXi «nding on the beaches '«nente Island and Caajaa, ujp
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  • 64 1 British heavyweight champi m Bruce Woodcock, knocked out I>ee Oma from Chicago in the fourth round of an eigh*-round contest at Harringay Arena last week. It was Woodcock's first appe.'-ance in the ring since he foutjnt Joe Raksi of America, who fractured his jaw and darnged his
    -(Renter Photo)  -  64 words
  • 250 1 Reuter. gINGAPORE, Johore and Penang arr* among the 15 Far Eastern countries who are making a bid for a Marshall Plan for Asia, yesterday's issue of the Wall Street Journal reported. The nations concerned have begun working out the plan, it was stated in
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 51 1 Seven Chinese, including a woman, and an Indian were arrested in Singapore under the Emergency Regulations, yesterday. The total numbers of persons under detention to date is now 316. The C.I.D. also arrested two Chinese yesterday on the allegation of being members of a secret
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  • 42 1 The Malay and Indian SubBranch, C.I.D. arrested an Indian in a taxi in Tiong Bahra Road yesterday afternoon" in possession of a fully-loaded revolver and a handgrenade. The police also recovered a revolver in a drain off Waterloo Stieet.
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  • 44 1 Reuter. SALONIKA. Tues.— Twelve persons, including one woman were sentenced to death by a military court in Salonika today for Communist and terrorist activities. Another six were sentenced to deah by a military court in Edessa. Macedonia, on similar charges.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 94 1 Reuter. PARIS, Tues.—The Soviet proposal for a one-third reduction of armaments by the Big Five powers put forward by Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinsky in the general debate on Saturday will appear on the agenda of the General Assembly. Sir Hartley Shiweross, Britain, told the
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 41 1 U.P. BRISTOL. Tues. The Divorce Court here today granted a decree nisi to Army Setgcant Kenneth Wills after ac- I cepting his story that his wife had poured kerosene over him and tried to set him on fire. U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 43 1 U.P. FRANKFURT. Tues. Four 1 United States soldiers were ai- rested by Russians early yesterday when they took a wrong turning into the Soviet zone, the United States Constabularly announced. An American-Russian liaison team is negotiating for their release. —U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 309 1 Reuter. PARIS. Tues. -Belgian "foreign Minis:er M. Spaak unofficial spokesman for Europe's small nations, created today's sensation at the meeting of the General Assembly when, looking straight <\t the Russian delegation, he told them: "Our policy *<s based on fear—fear, cif you. fear of
    Reuter.  -  309 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. PARIS, Tues. The note from the three Western powers to the I'nite'l Nations General Secretary, Trygve Lie, asking him if place the Berlin dispute before the Security Council, will be delivered at 1500 hours GMT. tomorrow Wednesday (Malayan Time 10.30 tonight).-— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 43 1 GURNEYS INSTALLATION It is ofiicial'y announced that installation ceremony at ahich Sir Henry Gurney. h.C.M.G., will be twaf in as High ommissio .;>r of Federation of Malaya will take place 10 a.m. on Oct. 6 at Legislative CoaacH Chamber, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 It** h J s,nit -r> WMW J j( B fhrooiTi FlttfMga TAN CHENG MOH j ELECTRIC CO. i ,-mss si TEL: SM4. 1 9 SINGAPORE. I m^f^mmamm ***** W "BANDMASTER" HARMONICAS I Made in Germany) tir> rm*~mm* shipment Now Arrived! 1 Harmonicas are fitted with easy-blow-K-timed reeds. Nickel-plated covers and
      77 words
    • 114 1 Friend* A Cint MM Pleas* Note:— P. S. YAP formerly of YOONLY COMPANY Han now established his own So'e Proprietary Rii«im»H* 13! II i: R X SIGKtItAfTS Ren: o/ VcU\r]rs) 53, PRINSRP VIRF.KT, (PHONE: BMti) )jSJ There is an art in giving. An art Ukl^ JaIJ in knowing just what
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  • 94 2 KL'ALA PILAH, Tuesday: A military patrol killed four bandits in a gun-fight near the 20th mile, Batau-Dangi Koad, yesterday. In addition, another bandit was wounded but he escaped. The patrol was scouting the area when it located si\ armed (Chinese bandits. Two of the bandits were
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  • 101 2 j Mali Soh Neo, Esah ninte Ahj mad and Jara binte Abdulla, all young women. were charged with disorderly behaviour, fighting in front of Kandang Kerbau Police Station just after midI night on Tuesday. Soh Neo said that at midI night a Chinese trishaw with
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  • 35 2 It is reported that Mr. S. W. P. Foster Sutton. CMG. OBE. XC, the newly appointed Attorney-General. Federation of Malaya, due to arrive in Singapore by air yesterday, was held up at Rangoon.
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  • 790 2 An R.A.F. special investigator said, in the Ninth Police Court, yesterday, that investigations into the loss of R.A.F. equipment from the airstrip at Payar Lebar took him from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Teluk Anson and the United Kingdom. He was F/Sgt. Fionan Me- i Carthy, of
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  • 129 2 "It is a serious and mean offeree." the Second District Court Judge, Mr. A. L. McFall said after he had fined a lice retailer $250 or two months' rigorous imprisonment for issuing short rations to Gey ah binte Aziz. Food Control Inspectorat?. after receiving annonymcus
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 'lODAY at 3.15, «.30, 9.lft p.m. "SASSI PINNI" (Hindustani) Opening Tomorrow "ELAN" (Hindustani) INIVERSAL'S ORIGINAL HORROR SHOW THAT THRILLED GENERATIONS! LAST 4 SHOW^^^^^ I AlhambrA 1 TOMOIIiIOU ONE DAY ONLY! Bißl FERREIRA V jfsJ JH& Aj m TheWoluieHiier. WH f filMO WIGHT ROBiHTDOO6LJIS MHMMB LOfitt ®41 mt mump mtrm ~BACK
      155 words
    • 22 2 QUEENS Ijkst Day: 3.00, «.30, 9.lft P.M. Franchot Tone Gene Kelly "PILOT °NO. 5" OPENING TOMORROW Grand Double Western Feature Programme. ■BHHHHIBBHHUHLj
      22 words
    • 226 2 FOB TO-DAY only: I SHOWS: 3, 6.15 9.15 P.M. Suspense! Thrills! Mystery! "DUAL ALIBI" Starring Herbert Lorn Phyllis Dixey Terence De Marmy and Konald Frankau FOR TO-MORROW ONLY! i A Picture you've heard so much about! "Song of Bernadette" BY POPULAR REQUEST! 1 1 mum i it wvm aram—wmi rm
      226 words
    • 101 2 GOOD AFTERNOON, F# 1 CAN I INTEREST 1 YOU IN MY %r^l LATEST I TOII A 1 jif *\B I the RED 11 I SKELTON^j^iI WILL TO-DAY OFFER I ONLY 200 LAUGHS TO i PATRON in COLUMBIA'S That Mm r •T.JfisHV in its dramatic I LAST DAY! i1—4.15-&»-MJ E~ CAPITOL
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  • 283 3 (Trfbune Staff Reporter) JHE increase in postal traffic last year is attributed to improved economic situation throughout Ma laya compared with other Post-war years. Last year, post offices throughout Malaya dealt with 117,820,048 articles compared with 87,561,890 in 1946—an average of 10 million a month.
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  • 658 3 Cpl. Had A Car Motor Bike Asked if he hud noticed any unusual signs ot wealth among the Military Police, Captain A. R. Cook, a Provost Officer in Singapore, said that there was one corporal who had joined the Naval Dockyard Police and v.ho had bougtit a motor cycle and
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  • 256 3 Ijj i i NETWORK MM i\ ENGLISH PROGRAMMES TS IN ENGLISH 12.00 noon Eng* 1 s ;s a Adeatt. .a America: i M Close Dow.l i amme Sum Summary and 8.30 Listen 930 Newt; 94r j 10.15 "Chiel i ich*s Cases": i Hackmeyer anc m Cathay R
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  • 525 3 AIRMAN HAD 10 POCKETS A FORTUNE IN THEM Edward Herman. 26-year-old i Swiss-born flight engineer, found leaving a X.L.M. plant it Kallang with more thar $10,000 in foreign currency, fiv< >ackets of diamonds and a bar. was sentenced to twi nonths' rigorous imprisonmenl it the First District Court yes terday.
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  • 105 3 Great Granny's Viel The veil worn by the bride above has served three generations. It was first worn by her great-gr.iiulmother. The bride was formerly Mis, Patricia Winifred Heriot and her husband is Mr. Anthony Peter Rice, A.JvP., Police Hq., Ipoh. Mrs. Rice is the elder daughter of Mr. Guy
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  • 60 3 The following police promo tions in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore have been approved:— l'o Deputy Commissioner —Mr. B. M. li. O'Connell; Mr. G. R. Llvett; Mr. E. V. Fowler; ano Mr. H. B. Shaw. To Assistant Commissioner Mi. H. G. Beverley; Mr. K. I N. Duthie;
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  • 23 3 U.P. SAIGON, Tues. About 15 pe< p!e were killed and 20 others were injured by a typhone, which hit Tonkin last night.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 730 3 A LARGE Bomber of Singapore lawyers ineludmß Sir Roland Braddell assembled in the Supreme Cofirt yesterday morning to pay tribute to the memory of the Mr. S. Ch?n. On the Heiuh were Mr. Justice J. Oordon smith, nctbtg Chief Justice, Mbd Puisne Judges J.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 241 3 BevitaliseYoux KIDNEYS h4 Yom'll F««l Young.—Look Youa<J \t tgr* mm or woman more than mtm rttMH ihrr iish bad kidney action Tk« SMBM .o j suffer from Getting up Ni»hu, Bum -9. itching Passages. Nsrves. Omneu. Rhsumatism. Backachr, Csg '»">». Cn.:?. under Eyes. Swollen Ankles, low o< Appetite. Energy, etc.,
      241 words
    • 1709 3 Vi^ SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED A JUNIOR clerk for a contractor's office. Preference given to those who are good at figures and possess a knowledge of Chinese. State salary expected to Box A 1672 M.T. Spore. (R. 689) WANTED LADY cashier abL to speak write English. Apply personally, between 3 6
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  • 201 4 Mil. A. V. Benjafield, Municipal Welfare Officer, takes the lid off a nasty stew. He reveals a racket in the allocation of quarters for municipal labourers, and says that "it lends itself to a serious abuse and is the cause of no little discontent." Mr. Benjafield could have
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  • 139 4 MR. Benjafield is also not satisfied that BUißcient care is being taken in considering applications by guardians on behalf of orphans. He investigated four such applications and was far from satisfied that payment of a lump sum to the alleged guardian would do the orphan concerned any
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  • 126 4 U/HILE we are on rackets, there is a sweet one being worked up in Kedah and Perlis. The victims are the poor padi planters During the planting beason, along r-omcs a wide boy who offers the planter $40 to tide him over till the harvest, when, in repayment,
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  • 1250 4 The of Arabian oil is inorr preeioiM than all ihe |M>rfiim<'« of Arabia KING Ibu Saud of Saudi Arabia has threatened to cancel American oil concessions ii the United Nations should decide to impose economic sanctions against members of the Arab League, according
    1,250 words
  • 136 4 Reuter. PARIS, Tues International tension created by the three-power decision to break off direct talks with Russia and refer the Berlin problem to the Security Council accentuated today the French flight into gold. Paris Stock Exchange dealers claimed that through intermediate banks the Russian Government was
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 IMPORTED FROM LONDON ENGLAND Made with rich,fine Virginia tobacco Hi CASMSAt, LONDON ISO TEARS REPUTATION fOR QUALITY THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. China Building. Chulia Stt.'t. Singapore. FIRE, MARINE, MOTOR VEHICLE, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE, etc. Branches Agents at Hongkong, Java, Bangkok all towns in Malaya. ■■sbbbsbbbbsbbbbssssbsbsbssjsbssbbbbsbssssssbsbsb» i i Friday Ist
      185 words
    • 82 4 Eye Care consists of more than Just "buying glasses." Eye comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a qualified cyesiyht specialist, V. 8. CHONG, OPT..D. Fu'ly equipped with mode; r Instruments. NOT IN COST BUT IN j I typists m CHAIR 1 IJF I:! work for tf
      82 words
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  • 219 5 Asians Created A Good Impression VIRGAS SUMS UP THE OLYMPICS Reuter. MANILA, Tuss.—Athletes from the Philippines, China, Burma, India, and Korea did well In the recent World Olympics in London, although ttiey aid not win many laurels. Jorge B. Vargas, President 0 f the Philippine Amateur Athletic
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 117 5 (ANION, Tne*. Canton's some 500 dancing hostesses are today wondering whether they will he out of jobs at the end of September. AM dancing ha'U were origin ally to have been claaed here early this year hut on appeals h\ hoth management* and employees
    117 words
  • 112 5 mm <>f the i ih tti I Nyinpic h fui that Mel i iti (he s»-rn«- of I. rtipta Samea. in convince the i i i ii Mynipic Joro- Mrlhottrnc cm the facilities (aging ihi <>n ins retuiii i, f i oni England in
    112 words
  • 71 5 Reuter. KY, rue-. Although tortured and halfr») tin lapancnc while interned, Brig. George Wall i Salvation Army misin (!hina, said n an th it he bore no hatred feelings towards his i whether the .Japanese he fot given, the Brigand that there should i>« ttcmeas
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 233 5 Reuter-AAP. CYDNEY, Tues.—Details of the £5. 1 79,000 programme approved by the Australian Commonwealth Cabinet to modernise and extend radio communications and navigation safety aids for the Australian airways system showthat it is estimated that £1,151,000 will be spent this financial year and the balance
    Reuter-AAP.  -  233 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. BANGKOK, Tues. Nai Tlang Tansanguan, aa official Of tne Siamese Ministry of Agriculture, will go to NanKing shortly, to study veterinary surgery and the latest methods of preparing vaccine to combat animal diseases. The Siamese cabinet's dcci- j sion In this matter followed advice tendered
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 149 5 pOKl\-FIV Singapore boys, mostly orphans, ;«re training to In- the Cok nys future Aft?s*us. But they are not gct*':iis enough fur>ncnl support from the Government. Their school, a branch of St. Joseph's, receives •V-,000 Mutually for purchase of working materials and K'J per head per month
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  • 102 5 Reuter. BANGKOK. Tues. Leading import firms have appealed to General Mac Arthur's Headquarters in Tokio that they be allowed to pay for imports from Japan in sterling, instead i of in United States dollars as at present. According to these business- I men. who have
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 204 5 MANILA. Tues.—Thc United Technologic?! Organizations of the Philippines, whose memoers are engineers, chemists and technicians, has submitted to the president's orfice a .short-term industrial programme embracing six botic industries "for government undertaking." These experts believe the programme ''practicable and justifiable" and can be established by
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  • 57 5 Reute r. CANTON. Tues. Dr. T. V. Soong. tile Governor of tung. is reported to have decided on the foi mation oi live armed units for the particular purpose of fighting smuggling. It is understood that two of the units have already begun operations along the Can
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 60 5 Reuter NEW YORK. Tues Jewish interests were reported today to have bought the 5.544-ton former American luxury ahei Luxor, for $1.000.000 from a Panamanian company for service in the Mediterranear. Built in Holland, the Luxosaw service on half a dozen different routes under four diiferent names
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 81 5 Reuter. WEYMOUTH. Dorset. Tues. The British battleship Vanguard ha? left here foi Gibraltar, with Mr. John Dugdalc, Financial Secretary to the Admiralty on board. Mr. Dugdalc is to rlsil nival establishments at Gibraltar. The Vanguard is the ship on which King George VI and Queen
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 124 5 Happy now their homes are safe, these representatives of Tekong islanders pose for the Tribune cameraman after their talks with the Colonial Secretary. They have been assured that Government would see to it that they are not affected by the recent sale of part of the
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  • 132 5 Reuter. SHANGHAI. TttCS. A pamphlet extolling the vii tin s of Siam as a place of permanent residence i- being mediated among the local Russian community. It is signed by a certain N. S. Schatroph. who affej to RBBlBt WOUld-be emigrant to enter
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 103 5 Reuter AAP. SYDNEY. Tues. Ainu three-year-old colt racing in Sydney, has zebra-like marks on his head. Black streaky mingle with l the grey to create this freak appearance. Amar, a promising galloper I gets his colour from his sire, i Nizami. a grey. There were other colourfreaks
    Reuter AAP.  -  103 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 111 f 2°s lo Lbs. Hevi Cinema Way i «o lone firuM Cor mt" •t IO r, n.atn Thin. Nervous, r «•I ,n.l>nwn, and Krlerdtr»» I* I i t'inrma Star* ara under a r!;ht and day and rnu'f mĕmml aervlcM to maintain hp I Health Thle nccearlfv ririMU kable dlicov«ry
      205 words
    • 220 5 IiEAUTY PREPARATIONS DX. MGKIS COMB with Balsamic oils A and B for turning grey hair black or other shade required SI 0.50 BALSAMIC OILS A B, refills for Nigris Comb I 50 MGKIS BRILLIAXTINE 2.00 DX. LA VIS'S CAPILLOGLN A HA IK POMADE for new hair growth and to jure
      220 words

  • 138 6 The Sultan of Kedah has pardoned those Malays in the state who were connected with leftist organisations. A deputation of about 60 Malays from the district of Kubang Pasu. who had formerly belonged to political organisations like the API, PET A, and MCP, which have
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  • 134 6 When Bum-boat Men Invade Rice Ships If bum-boat hawkers were not allowed to ply en rice shipthe prosecution should prove the point. Mr. P. J. .lohnson said at the High Court yesterday arguing an appeal. Tan Ah Choc and Kwoe Knj: BolC, sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for house tres-
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  • 129 6 KEL.ANTAN, Tues. Police and military operations in the Gua Musang and Kulai areas in Kelantan have resulted in the recovery of 25 rities, one Sten gun. and five shot-guns. The operations are continuing. Other than this no Incidents were reported in the State in the past
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  • 153 6 Singapore seamen ana shipowners agreed at a meeting yesterday, to set "P committee to consider weifar, themes fo r local seamen. Representatives of the Asian Seafarers* Federation led by Mr. George Reed, spe •ial commissioner of the International Transport Workers' Federation met shipping
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  • 52 6 Pontian, Johore. will now have an English school ten and a half years after the town ask ed for one. The school will he opened in January 1049 and will have two a iry classes and one special Malay class, the Johore Education Department
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  • 197 6 A Chinese who had his cash bril hood the Third Magistrate because be failed to t1 10 last left the High Court yesterday the order of estreatment was set Justice (Mr. Justice Gor don-Smith I. The Chinese was Wong lk Soon. He was originally proluced before
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  • 27 6 LABIS (Johore). Tuesday: n an operation In the Labis irea, a Ferret group recovered] urns provisions, and medial supplies and captured I ;uspect.
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  • 76 6 A paitv ol EtttaiM i ,ai rived at Kal 1 I a Royal Si un< ;r F 1 kota after I of Piinci N I direct lrotn Bai kok eat li. The Roy;; Prince Chi.: through sin j last on the,, way to Ihe
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  • 42 6 Under p.,.. I Regulations. Headquarte: I Road is declar. d a p r oi I Place. Included in ik \M tected area I buildings and I groand Thii was gas tv d n•, I day by the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 499 6 VS AGEM?^-^^ IN SINGAPORE. Agents For Malayan Railways AND GLEN LINE FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. Calls Bremen. Due Sails BRECONSHIKE 14th Oct. 19th Oct. GLENGARRY 55 J52 GLENQYUE 17tto Nov 2Srd Nov GLENARTNEV 28rd Dec 29th DeC From U.K. faff Otiatf, Hong Kong and China. Due Sail* GLENGYLE Oct.
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    • 576 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mrs. S. J. Chan. Mr. Mrs. Chan Chee Seng. Mr. Mr«. Arthur Lim Siew Jin Mr Mrs Tan Eng Bak. Molly. Margaret Maisie. Marjorie ana Millicent thank all friends ano relatives who kindly rendered service sent messages of condolence, wreaths, lent cars ano attended the funeral of the late
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    • 477 6 NOTICE j! IHE MOTOR VEHICLES (COMMERCIAL USE) 1 REGULATIONS. i Fen illation 5(3) Form No. 4. |l NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A VARIATION OF A 1 PERMIT OR I »CENCE. I TAKE NOTICE that We. I HOCK CHEONG COMPAN\ of No. 68, Kampong Pantei. Malacca by occupation pub' 1 hauliers
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    • 410 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. U.S.A"Eumaeus" Due from U.K. Oct. 1 "Clytoneus" Due from U.K. Oct. 7 "Myrmidon" Due from U.K. Oct. 12 "Eurypylus" Due from U.K. Oct. 25 Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW CONTINENTAL PORTS "Medon" Sails for Oenou, Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool and
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    • 381 6 REGULAR PASSENGER and FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND Tg. Pinang, Dabo, Blinjoe, P. Pinang, Tg. I'andan, Munt* Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaia, l ast J ,\a rsrij k noa, Padangbaai, Boeleieng, Tambelun, Pessaagkat, Sarnr* Pontianak, Koemai, Sampit, Bandjermasin, licla\»an-bd| Penang. Due |g "Hollandia" for Sambas and Pontianak Soji "Plancius" for Muntok
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  • 132 7 II Q Signals 2 Indian Assn's Ist XI. 1 q SG more forceful game, Signals eliminated i XI from the Singapore Cup competition winning by the odd goal in three at Jaten v. Stadium I teanM ate now out of the competition, the 2nd. X
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  • 65 7 THE following are the second round S.A.F.A. Cop tixtures: Monday: S.C.C. vs. C.A., Jalan Besar Stadium. Tuesday: Kota Raja vs. S.H.B. Auxiliary Police. Jalan Besar Stadium. Wednesday: Base Workshops REME vs. Rovers Sports Club. Thursday: Winners of A.A.A. vs. Police to meet R.A.F. Seletar: ami Kranji Wireless
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  • 137 7 In a return friendly badminton match played last Sunday the Prosperous H.P. beat the Orientate B.P, by seven games t(j two. Results: (Prosperous playI ers mentioned first) I SINGLES: Benny Kee lost to j Koh Beng Swee 10-15, 15-1, 12I 15; M. H. Yakin lost to John
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  • 79 7 The team to represent the! *B!u, Rovers* i n a friendlyl game of Soccer against th:- Secony Athletic Club on Frl-1 i ciay. at th« Fmrrer Puik. will be selected from the following, j F J De Rozario. Syed Is- j mail, H. af. S. Abdullah, afacmood
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  • 103 7 Ninth Win In A Rom lON DON, lues.—Hull City by winnme the Third T Division Northern Section match against Accrington Stanley this afternoon by two goals to one at Accrington, set up a new football League record by winning their ninth successive same of
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  • 469 7 By SHLITLE f RITICS of the Thomas Cup team will be answered this Saturday when their target, Ong Poh Lim, clashes with Ismail bin Marjan in the men's angle* semi-final of the Singapore Badminton Championships. Much has been said of the non-inclusion of
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  • 82 7 Reuter. I LONDON. Tues. England's football team to meet Ireland on Oct. 9 was announced today as follows Frank Swift. Manchester City; Laurie Scott. Arsenal, and Jack Howe, Derby County; Billy Wright. Wolverhampton Wanderers. Neil Franklin. Stoke. and Harry Cockburn. Manchester United; Stanley Matthews. Blackpool. Stanley
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 117 7 The Royal Singapore Golf Club September Mixed Foursomes competitions was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and resulted in a tie between Mi. and Mrs. R. Craik and Mrs. M. F. Cutler Mr. G. O. Cruickshank with a net score of 35' •>. In accoidunce with
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  • 171 7 U.P. SHANGHAI, Tues. The office of the "Tiger Hunter", Maj. Gen Chiang Ching-kuo, Economic Supervisor, told United Press today that investigations were continuing regarding the "Tiger Bairn Prince", Aw Haw's alleged currency smuggling plot. A spokesman of the office said that the final decision
    U.P.  -  171 words
  • 25 7 SECUNDERABAD, Tues.Siddique Deendar, leader of the Deendar Anjuman, fanatical Moslem band in Hyderabad state, was arrested today with 200 of his followers.
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  • 231 7 Reuter. LONDON. Tuesday. A PAGE of soccer history of 60 years ago was reenacted at Westerharn. Kent, when 22 footballers dressed in knickerbockers fastened below the knee, long jerseys, tasselled nightcaps and shinguards worn outside their stockings met in an anniversary match, controlled under the rules in
    Reuter.  -  231 words
  • 125 7 The following were elected office bearers for the newiy formed Shell Sports Club Malacca, for ihe current year ending December 31: Patron: Mr. C. T. Smith. President: Mr. P. A. G. Nor- man, Vice President: Mr. A A. C. Richardson. Hon Trea- Mr. Sit 800
    125 words
  • 47 7 The following have been selected to represent Bamboo fooiball team against the Black Arrows at Pulo fjtmhnr o n Oct. 2. at 5.15 p.m. Patoeri. Cheong Moon Khoon. Wagiman. Parmono, Awang Gemok. Amat Opa.s Alias Attan Djimin iMahroem Captain i Roesman and Alia* Osman.
    47 words
  • 47 7 The match between Wong Peng Soon (Mayflower) an i Cheong Hock (Eclipse) scheduled for tonight has been postponed to Saturday at 2 15 p.m. The Commercial House tie between Mansfield Spott.s Club and the Cable and Wireless Sports Club will be played aft tonight.
    47 words
  • 50 7 U.P. WHEELING. West Virginia. Tues. Joe Weidin, 210 pounds Austrian heavyweight, last night gained a fourth rouno technical knockout over L>g Stoil, 201 pounds of Baltimore Weidin. who is protege of former heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, dropped Sto.M four times before the referee halted the bout. U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 56 7 A friendly match betwe. n tlv members of the crew ol the S.S. Steel King and tht pupils of the Chung Hwa Institution Of SG, Short Street lias been arranged to take phnv <>n the School premise tomorrow at 7.00 p.m. Five singles champions Ol the school will
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  • 27 7 JAMAICA, Tues.-The West Indies cricket team, which is to tour India, left here today for London where they will arrive on Oct 12.
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  • 421 7 Penang. Tuesday.—Most horses weie out for pace work only, when Number Two track was opened for training this morning. Horses that went fast were unable to return very goods times as the track was heavy as a result of the previous night's rain. Blue Eyes
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  • 520 7 Tho following are the weights for Saturday, the first day of Penang Turf Club's meeting: Horses, CI. 3, Div. I, 7 Purs Helen The Fifth 9.00 Oklahoma 8.09 Pluto 8.07 Dalcross 8.04 Hariman 8.03 Fine Feathers 8 03 Grand Trim 8.01 John Ham
    520 words
  • 90 7 Although dominating play fo r the major part of the I game the Star Socccrites were held to a one-all draw by the Commercial High School when they met In a first eleven fixture on the Telok Kurau ground on Sun day. The scorers were
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 i mmnnm wni—rriTr n*oar SIR IA I SCOOP OF sc oops' I lis WHOLE SERIAL I SAT. M'NITE j r A I» I I O L| j ENGLAND jig yw mmmmm
      31 words
    • 196 7 "DIRECTORY OF REGISTERED BUSINESS NAMES AND COMPANIES OF SINGAPORE, 1949" FIRMS who desire to advertise or to insert additional details in the above Directory kn advised to send back their Forms as soon us possible. Copy of the book can be reserved at 20'; discount, payable in advance. For Advertisement
      196 words

  • 236 8 Reuter. I ONDON. Tues.—Mr. Ssth Ramkrijhna Dalmla, L the Indian millionaire Industrialist and banker, announced hrrc tonight that he would award 50.000 rupees per year to any person rendering 'the greatest service to the promotion of peace" in the years 1919, 1950 ana 1051.
    Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 124 8 Reuter. PARIS, Tues. The acting Palestine mediator, Or. Ralph H»in< he. c dlcd on th<- SecurIty ('ooiifii in Paris tonight foi urgent measures to preveut *< repetition of tlx ("oont He ma'lot tr and Col. rot ns tannin ation In cable rcceivefl al the United
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 24 8 Miss CUaxna Chiang will add.'th< Bast-Wcit Suciety on "Burma" at the premi ica ol %'M British Council iformer St. Andrew's School'
    24 words
  • 126 8 Reuter. vWduO, Tne The <-rm:rnrOS." WSS iwanhd posthu•imuslv t<< IHlgllt Sergennt S'odrv .lames Wo >dbi idgo wireless operator In a Liberat». wnic i era ;he<l in Burma d wing Operation* ng 'ins-, the Japanese In January, 1945. il< and five other members of the crew
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 502 8 Reuter. Parts, Tues. Argentina ailed on the Security Council today to oid<-. India to withdraw Its troops from Hydci ibad and to restore the independence ot tart state. Di. Jose Arcc, Argentine member, said that tho members 01 the Security Council could not avoid their
    Reuter.  -  502 words
  • 85 8 Reuter. Louisville, Kentucky Tues. Mr. David A McCandlcss. Loui.svillc's safety director. mUd today he had forbidden the civil rights committee a branch of Mr. Henry Wallace's Progressive Party. to hold a mixed picnic of Neerroea and Whites in a city park next Saturday, He jthvp two reasona
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 67 8 Reuter Washington. Tuesday. Mr. Paul Hoffmann. Economic i Co-operation Administrator, today rcject tr j appeals from the American tobacco industry that he should u>e Marshall P'.an funds to subsidise American tobacco exports. A representative of tho industry had complained that European countries were in creaslngly cuttii|i down
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 174 8 U.P. BERLIN, Tues.-—Gorman police in the American sector of Berlin acting under the instructions of the United states authorities stopped a number of lorries carrying supplies from the Soviet zone into the Soviet, sector to--1 night and confiscated the loads, it was officially reported here.
    U.P.  -  174 words
  • 29 8 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. The following ate rugby league re suits YORKSHIRE CUP SECOND ROUND Castleford 11. Hull 0. LANCASHIRE CUP SEMI-FINAL Warrington 66. Old Hani 0 Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 86 8 NEW voK.i, Tmm. The initri Ktaten Ao-v i s dltioailtg lingers, dancer and a'dr.-sses h'-rr for I'SXt 'M*;. j -year jobs as ATS |f hi. "an Aotrmw h't i.yin entertain troop* In j 'apan ami Ihe M irianus. Major TJtoessM Ireland of Urn: Special Kervtem said
    86 words
  • 111 8 U.P. VALLEY PARK, Missouri. Tuesday.—Kids OH the way to sehoo! found plenty of excitement and a carload of < andy at the scene where 34 treight earn were derailed yesterday. Contents of seme of the ears were strewn along the road bed, but kid* passed
    U.P.  -  111 words
  • 36 8 At the Cathay last night at the premiere of Forever Amber, In the untitled left to Viaht is Mrs J A Sharp ot Eagle-Lion with Mrs, Simmms and Mr. F. Simmms o; London Films, Distributor, Ltd.
    36 words
  • 200 8 Reuter. CAPETOWN. Tues.—Dr. A. J. f'.tals, Onior Minister for Social Welfare, loday .vssured the -oloured Aeivisorv Counril that the Prime Minister, Dr. Daniel Malan. was a friend or" the ct loured communitj Dr. Siuls denied that the Government in'cndcd to limit the rights
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 138 8 U.P. NANKING, Tuea.- Hie Chi nese-ttovipt Aviation Company's directors meeting Is now deadlocked on disagreement over the problem of personnel. Centnd News reported. I Consequently the 193.» Chi- QCSe-Sovict air pact will expire as acheduled on September 9, next year. The aviation company created under tho pact
    U.P.  -  138 words
  • 57 8 Reuter. LONDON. Tues. Mr. J. Freeman, joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Supply, said here today that his Ministry was to order a small number of Tudor VIII all-jet airliners "for experimental purposes". The Tudor VIII. the world's first airliner powered by four pure jets,
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 168 8 Reuter-AAP. WELLINGTON. Tues. Mi. Peter Fraser. New Zealand Prime Minister, sold today New Zealand would stand by Britain "to the limits "<" her capacity* 4 hoth in the Berlin dispute and in "any other circumstances that might arise. Reviewing international affairs before leaving tomorrow for
    Reuter-AAP.  -  168 words
  • 175 8 PARTS. Tues. The DefendI Ministers of the five Western T T nion nations Britain. France. Belgium. Holland and Luxembourg have locided to set up a permanent 01--ganisation to deal with a aew common defence policy, it was announced here today. 1 The decision followed the
    175 words
  • 98 8 U.P. 1 Canberra, Tues. The world famous digger's slouch hat will Ihe a tiling ot the past when new I military unifrom.s come out by the year end. Armoured units will wear i i black berets, parachute rcgiI meat's cherry berth and blue forage cap. The
    U.P.  -  98 words
  • 242 8 AT TIIL There is plenty of tm "On Our Merry w, v opens at th. i tomorrow Co-producer of fku with Benedict i: Burgesa Meredith parts from Ul stl roles to become ncred man working a? want-ad department daily aewspapei In order to
    242 words
  • 73 8 Reuter. Missoula. Koataaa Lan, Governor ["noma E Republican Pi date, said heir tonight 1 nations weie la' great odds to win i pcacrfu settlement of th 'but there would in- no compromise of principles i A pute with Russia. "A ruthless iggTcaMl M has mankind's eathnant*
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 5 8 l I i M I
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    • 41 8 MSI kV». ©PHILIP! RADIO EASY T£MS CM Bt ajg**4 KOSTERCJ Til.***' to. colltis*w t'-H WBBBBanaaanMHBBHMBBMi^BIHBI^B^BBHBMHBMi^enWB^^*^^^^ 2£\ SHOES for >>_r-> active CHILDR^ ILIN SHOE CO.. LTD 135-13!) MIDDLE ROAD I '.Xl HO SOLE AGENTS I OK Messrs. Bata, National Coipn. Zlin Czecju^^
      41 words