Malaya Tribune, 4 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 56 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya rnnung Sim* meaushi Kuala Linhn^^^^^mm^Pentn,! Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) LIGHT PAGff SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agents-Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 98, St. Martin's
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  • 200 1 INSURGENTS OCCUPY MOULMEIN THATON Reuter. RANGOON, Fri.—lnsurgents today occupiea ihaton md Moulmein, two towns east of Rangoon at the northern end of the Tenasserim strip, tak ins control of all police stations, a Government (ommunifjue stated tonight. The c ommunique said Thaton was occupied 31 and Moulmein on Sept. 1
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 94 1 Reuter. Cyprus. Friday. Twelve eoplc were held today pending Tvcstigations into charges of rovoking disturbances, intimijating labourers and carrying explosives following the "discovery of dynamite in the village of Karavas. Police believe that the 213 charges of explosives discovered were to have been used to blow
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 66 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Friday. The House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee decided today to postpone until September 15 the resumption, of its Communist hearing. Chief investigator Robert c Stripling said the Committee would go ahead then with efforts to unravel conflicts in testimony given by Aiver Hiss,
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 133 1 U.P. TOKH» Fri lij Crown ewcl worth given tc the j mane G m rnment during the va* der to secure bette for two interned East Indies sultans, war lodaj for mall; returned to the Netherlands G v rnment. B Id G< n Patrick Tansey tlk Allied
    U.P.  -  133 words
  • 31 1 Reuter. tNGHAI Fri.—The Brineral, Mr. M. C. uillett, was on,, of the speakII reception gi-Sino-Britiah Cultusterday to a 20 Chinese students 'dinue higher stuf« m England.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 110 1 Amid the bombed ruins of the City of London, men are busty digging in the hope of finding a lost city that of the Rotnans. The principal site one of three is in the Cannon Street Queen Victoria Street area, east of St. Paul's, the centre
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  • 128 1 U.P. To. o. Friday. -The Allied Headquarters announced today additional reparations had been made to China. The announcement said that S.S. Hai Liao" sailed last week for Chinese ports, carrying 210 crates of reparations machinery. The deliveries are scheduled for Shanghai, Tientsin, Tangku. Hulutao, Tsingtao, Keelung Canton
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  • 46 1 Reuter. (liy Allan Lewis) KOALA LUMPUR, Today. The going for today's races is likely to be good. Baron is not likely to acecept. Best bets are Lucky Three, Merriel and Some Class. Best each-way wagers are Gold Stream, Snaps and Renoir.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. INTERLAKEN. Fri. Mr. tobert Boothby. Conservative vLP. for Aberdeen, said today hat the European Parliamenj .ary Congress now meeting I lere had no authority to draft constitution for Europe. "We are not sufficiently authoritative or representative and we have not the necessary credentials." he
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 101 1 Reuter. Hongkong. Friday. At least iwenty people were killed and ."•lore than 100 injured. 30 seriously, when the Canton-Kow-'oon express, with 1.000 passengers, was derailed just over the Chinese side of the Hongkong border today. Two special trains brought the injured to Kowloon. where the
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 435 1 Reuter U.P. THE HAGUE, Fri.— Nine members of the crew of 11 of an American Superfortress bomber taking part in a mock air raid on Britain parachuted to safety when the plane crashed into the River Scheldt today. A search was being made
    Reuter & U.P.  -  435 words
  • 186 1 Reuter. BERLIN. Friday. The foui Military Governors of German} met for the fourth successive day this afternoon. Report' that this might be the lasl meeting of the present serle. could not be confirmed in offi cial British and American cir cles. but experts of the foui
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 87 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Air Vice-Marshal A. C. Sanderson, Air Officer Commanding Malaya, this morning inspected two Malayan squadrons of the Royal Air Force Regiment at Scmbawang base. They were the No. 93 Squadron, which has been in training for the past five weeks, and the newly-formed
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  • 35 1 NEW DELHI. Friday. Th, Govcmmen t of India today announced a ban in India on the Muslim League newspaper Dawn, founded by Mohammrd Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan, and published at Karachi. f
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  • 20 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A police constable on patrol duty* at Holland Road last nigh! discovered an automatic pistol.
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  • 16 1 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Friday. Mr. Oliver Stanley, M.P., has been elected Chancellor of Liverpool University.—Reuter.
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  • 22 1 MOSCOW, Friday.- Mrs. Golda Meyerson. Kiev-born Israeli Minister to Russia, hopes to present her credentials to the Kremlin next week.
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  • 251 1 Reuter. NEW YORK, Fri.-The New York transport strike, wnich threatens serious disruption of the city's economic life, was spreading today and prospects appeared dim for an early settlement About 10,000 truck drivers and helpers—half the city's total—were idle, and other workers were reported joining
    Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 51 1 U.P. BRUSSJa,,. Friday-^abenq airlines announced tonight that the DC-3 missing i n the 3elgia n Congo since August 31 has been located 45 kilometres north-west of Elizabethville. and that there were no survivors. Thirteen people— te n passengers and three crew memoirs—died in the crash.—U
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 52 1 U.P. LONDON. Friday. The Seventh Viscount Portman. who owned five of London's Squares including Portman Square and an estate embracing 12 churches and 40 public houses, died at his estate near Grimsby today. He succeeded his brother two years ago. His successor is his son. Gerald William Berkeley
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 46 1 U.P. WASHINGTON, Fri.— A shapely brunette was found stripped naked at the base of the Capit<»» dome this morning. Police took her into custody to determine whether she had intended to jump from the dome's base to the Capitol steps 100 feet below.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 74 1 (Tribune Staff Reporteri At dawn today, a com bin ><i raid by C.I.D. officers and urn formed police raided a village off the 7 m.s. Changi Road and rounded 233 Chinese. After screening on the spo*. seven were brought back to the C.I.D. for further
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  • 45 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Two simple robberies occurred yesterday shortly after 4 p.m. in Alexandra 'when two Malays robbed a compatriot rf $18 In cash. In Woodlands Road near the 14 m.s. shortly before 8 p.m. three Ceylonese robbed a Tamil of his bicycle.
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  • 41 1 Reuter. NANKING, Fri. Soviet troops numbering one full brigade were reported tonight to have invaded Sinldang province in what was believed as another Russian strategic move to gain control over China's remote northwest frontier regions.—Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 I FOR WIDEST SELECTIONS of I CHINESE CTRIOS I PEWTER COPPER j Always Visit I£i I 1 IHIIfJJfJWiW n "WINDSOR" BONE CHINA W flowered Tea Sets/ M pieces. Only $39.50. 10 |»i-res. Only $61.50. Extra dips saucers $36.66 |)cr dozen. "LIFEGUARD MILK ™S.
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    • 141 1 WATCH REPAIRS Accuracy i« the keynote of •ur repair service for all timepieces. This is proved by the numerous testimonials (on \iew) given by satisfied clients. (Contractors to H.M. Forces) YICK WOH HING 42». North It ridge Rd., Phone 7922. J I iff fiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiijjiniiiiiiiijiiH I RECORD, BAHARU 1 DI-KELUARKAN BULAN
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  • 407 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Government will spend a million dollars annually in the fight against tuberculosis from next year, doubling the present rate of expenditure. j This was revealed by Dr. W. J. Vickers, Director of Medical Services, Singapore, at a ceremony at
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  • 229 2 In trying to do a good deed by settling a dispute bet-1 ween his friend and another j compatriot. T. A. Viswalingam j was" allegedly assaulted anil j robbed of $1,090,000 by five I Indians. The dispute which resulted in a fight between Rengasamy and Ayyahvoo
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  • 92 2 TWENTY-THREE persons of various nationalities. ages and sizes conspired to loot a military depot in Chua Chu Kang Road. In the Second District Court, yesterday, these men were charged and convicted of criminal conspiracy to commit theft. The Judge (Mr. J. L. McFalli imposed
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  • 43 2 There were 34 deaths from tuberculosis for the week ending Aug. 28 against 30 in the previous week. Pneumonia claimed 29 vie- j tims and enteritis 31. Total of deaths for the week was 192 and total birtru 893
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  • 146 2 A total of twenty-eight Chinese firms in Singapore have applied for cargo space for the proposed second barter trade 1 trial trip to Sumatran ports. Although official confirmation is still being awaitea the departure date of the Ho Hong ship the "Hong
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  • 384 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Formalities and a car breakdown* made a -J-J^j the Rural W-t by-election seven minutes too late yesteraay to hand in his nomination paper. ne W ly-formed He was Mr. M. A. Majeed. president of the ne*i> Singapore Labour Party. One Progressive Party
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  • 81 2 Two threatening manding tho payment of $3,500 were alleged to have been sen.! to a Chinese y hop in Singapore^ Two young Chinese arrested in connection with this produced in the first District Court yesterday. Lee Ah Kow. alleged to haw delivered the letters, was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 "THE SEASON'S SMARTEST COMEDY" It's Made To Make You Laugh! Last Four Shows 2-4.15-6.30-9.3op.m.f^Wffltlia^lW A Couple off Guys PHONE 6903 Who Think Thty Know The Trouble Fffi b?*~~~ tj? r~ NOW SHOWING! DAILY 4 SHOWS: 2—4.15—6.30—9.15 t (N.B. No II a.m. Show for this picture) j J UEXANUEn KUK It
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    • 219 2 oui c S s l2*t Day: 300, 6.30, 9.15 pm. ABBOT COSTELLO in "THE WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP" Tonite At Midntte "NATAK" (Hindustani) OPENING TOMORROW •IF YOU KNEW SUSIE" 6.00 P.M. 9.11 P.M. "THE kOST CITY" Whole Serial tomorrow "song of old wyoming" in Clnecolor MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 285 2 ON YOUR RADIO TODAY I RIDE NETWORK 6.30 p.m. Programme Sum- p )gramme Summary in I wii IviTFNfiLISH mary: 6.35 Malay Music: 7.00, oa -week-End I iTime Signal; 7.01 Radio Dra- iEmcrtainment 630 Slory 7.30 News in Malay. 7.45 n ?Q0 Hylam |Selecnons; 730 Talk on Qe by The
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  • 332 3 A nine-year-old Malay girl wan "very naughty" an.l would not obey her elder brother—So he wild. He whipped her with a cane, prodded lighted cigarette ends against her stomach and ill-treated her to such nn extent that she died. xesieraay. ner orotner,
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  • 68 3 Judgment reserved by Mr. Justice Jobling m the Sin-' gapore High Court yesterday in a civil suit brought by an I Indonesian merchant. Achmad Basri. against the firm of Ban Aik. claiming a sum of $20,000 m two cheques for $10,000 ?ach. Mr. D. K.
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  • 205 3 s 10.000 granted to the five men. accused of robbery, was withdrawn n< Seventh Magistrate r jr. Wait) yesterday* one ol them absconded foui men were on a $10,000 each. lition&l ehargo of disy i (taming stolen proia also made against accused who absconded.
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  • 98 3 Chow Hsifl Sun (33), a Chinese sailor who stowed away on board the m.v. Ruys (14.155 ton«» at Hongkong, reached Singapore, yesterday. His st*y, however, will be aj '.rief one. He is to be shipped l>ack to Hongkong on the "Heinrich Jesseit" which leaves port to mot
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  • 74 3 Alleged to have assisted another in enticing a married woman for immoral purposes, a 19-year-old Chinese. Koh Kirn Teck, was produced in the Third Police Court yesterday. The charge against Koh was that on Aug. 18 he abetted one Puah Buck in enticing Koh Cher, the wife of
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  • 185 3 The economic position of the Malays generally is not likely I wO be seriously affected by' any decision on the War Damage Compensation Scheme now ot I in the future. i But Malays would like to see that adequate means are provided for general rehabilitation
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  • 220 3 SELAMAT BIN OSMAN stood in the Ninth Police Court yesterday facing Mr. E. V. A. Peers the magistrate, on a t charge of possessing a pistol Four of thirteen withnesse: against him all told diffeten I stories. WITNESS No. 1: said he wa.> on the beach
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  • 721 3 College of Medicine Entrance Scholarships have been award- ed to the tolowing: Miss Chin lTuek Kin, Govt. English School, Batu Gajah; Toh Tecng Choon, King Edward VII School. Taiping: Ohan Kong Thoe. Penang Free School; Phoon Wai-On. St Andrew's School. Singapore; Lee Yong Kiat. Anglo
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 481 3 vi*ssrs. HOCK HIN THYE Coach Builders lulol-fti lli> lublh* and <>ltr turioMS usluiiierH I hut our other :intl I a« |.»r> will at No. Il23,Serangon Road ,v from **rd. September, 1048. i NwnkMl 4415 ff 44' JO GANDHI ASTROLOGER Health, wealth journey etr.. tacky numbers. 1 days r>y month i
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    • 135 3 x o t i f i: Malayan Trade Directory We wish tn thank all Mann faeturers, Shippers, Bankers Professional Firms. Printer Publishers and >ferehant§ for the hearty support and co ope ration which fhey have M kindly extended to us in for warding us particulars of theh businesses and of
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    • 118 3 Tribune CLASSCIFIED ADVERTISEMENT VEHICLES FOR SALE FIAT VICTORIA 5 cwt. Lorry, tunning condition. recently overhaul and rewiring, tax and insurance paid, reasonable price. On view 161. Middle Road. Phone 6927. (U. 490) U.S.A. Motor Cycle, 350 c.c, 1947 model, in tip-top conditio t. Price: $900 oi offer. Apply v Lcrong
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    • 643 3 SITUATIONS VACANT I WANTED LINOTYPE Operators for Singapore Newspaper Office. Good prospects. Apply IBox A 1593 M.T. S pore. (T. 497) j CHINESE LADY assistant required. Must be able to read j and write English fluently, j Apply in writing giving details :to Malaya Tribune Box A 1592 M.T. Spore.
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    • 455 3 SITUATIONS WANTED TRUSTWORTHY CHINESE, ten years general office experience seeks responsible post 'n Johore Bahru Town. Age 30. Write to Box A 1590 M.T. Spore (U. 491 > CHINESE AGE 32 good education and bearing would consider responsible post. Temporary or permanent. Box A 1583 M.T. Spore. (R. 472) ENGLISH
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    • 484 3 PETS j LARGE QUANTITIES AustnTlorps and W. Leghorns 2 to 3 month-old available for sale. Local Price $6/- each, $6tv doz. Upcountry mcl: airfreight $73/- doz: Cockerals and Pullets, Prices same Kimsan Chicken Farm, 10, Jalan Daud off Jalan Eunos, 5 m.s. Changi Road, Spore. Australian Rabbit also available. (U.
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  • 171 4 THE official mind is a balfling and delicate organism. It works in mysterious ways its wonders (and its blunders) to perform. The gentleman whose activities produce this observation is the Official Film Censor for Singapore and the Federation of Malaya. He is a very busy man
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  • 195 4 THE film "Forever Amber" is based on the book of the same name written by a young American woman, Kathleen Winsor. It is a long book —and some think rather a dull one—dealing with the amours of an adventuress in the robust days of Charles
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  • 127 4 NOW here is a strange thing. The Official Film Censor for Singapore and the Federation of Malaya decrees that, while the people of Singapore may see the film, they are not to be reminded, in any advertising matter, of its connection with the book. Definitely not! says the
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  • 1234 4 THE STORY OF AN IDEA Have you ever heard of the Christmas Seal? It is only a little stamp bearing the words Merry Christmas, but it has proved one of the most powerful forces in the fight against tuberculosis. The money it has raised has
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  • 477 4 Your attempt to arouse public indignation at the plight of the "Mr. Wong of Singa-pore"-—the average middle class salary earner -is no doubt commendable. But don't you think that your object would be better served if you devoted the space in your newspaper columns to telling
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 68 4 In Tea, flavour comes first! That's why in a drink "Gold Leaf" tastes so rich, Grand and Refreshing. "Gold Leaf" through the years has become The housewife's favourite beverage. ju. MINOR i @f) Sta p (e \r*SZsM4ii out 1! EFFICIENT GET ONE FOR EVERY DESK R—- 104 ROBINSON ROAO wil3%JI
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  • 1078 5  -  THREE YEARS AFTER LIBERATION.... By W.E. PARROT Reuter. HONGKONG—Three years after liberation. Hong Kong sees its post-war reflection in a complexity of bright and dismal colours according to the degree to which the individual's hopes and ideals have been realised. Some hoped
    Reuter.  -  1,078 words
  • 205 5 Reuter. !>N E Y. Friday. More 25 per cent, of criminals 1 fiom gaols in Wales on licence in the yeai were convicted oi new before their licences exrecent survey disclosed. <IB detectives have repcatromplained of the system r< mi ions, and of the time chasing
    Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 57 5 AVI A. Friday. -Tho anda East Indies Govnt lias decided to grant nomous status to the area >uth Sumatr a which th have occupied since August 1947. Indonesian youth groups re today reported to have ged anti-Dutch demonstra >ns when the Security Couns Good Offices Committee ived at
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  • 155 5 Reuter. MANILA. Friday. A New York civic leader urges that Manila's lamed Walled City, completely destroyed during the war and now lying in ruins, be not neglected and that it be preserved "true to the past" in its rebuilding. Louis P. Croft, adviser
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 128 5 Reuter. LONDON, Iri. Mr George Strauss, British Minister of Supply, today revealed that a four-engiitcd je< airliner, the Tudor Eight would soon be Hying in Britain. Addressing workers at the Vickers aircraft factory at Weybridge, Surrey, he said the Tudor, powered by four
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 906 5 Mr. D. k. Etejakarur <>f the Anglo-Chinese. Jchool, Kiang I who has been visiting America' I as the Malayan Lay 1 elegate to the General Conference of the Methodist Church, has left for Amsterdam (Holland i to atteno j the World Council o f CJhurohes. A»fine*of $5,000
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  • 133 5 Commencing from Soptom- bcr 7. the S.T.C. "Limited Stop" service operating between Finlayson Green and Katong via Mountbattcn Road i will be extended to Telok Kurau at Joo Chiat Place. On the inward journey to town, the first bus will leave I Telok Kurau at 7.03 a.m.
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  • 90 5 Three new passenger-cargo; American ships are to be built I shortly for the American Pre-1 sident Lines. These new vessels are to augment the Pre- sident Monroe'' and "President Polk in the famous 25,000 mile round-the-world service, ana are expected to be put on the
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  • 150 5 Ai r cargo a:irl mail lo an I j from Singapore and Sydney totalled 488.109 pounds bei twecn Sydney an d London according to Miss Margery McI Grath. Quantas Press Officer now on a thrte-week stay in Singapore. The cargo and mails w«.re carried by Constellations. Hythes
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  • 93 5 Reuter. LONDON. Friday. The I 8.8.C annual report says tnai l net income from receiving licences was £8.927.363. louu income tor Hie yeai [was £9.986. 470. rttvcuue and expenditure amounted to £7 272.950. The number of wireless Ui cences in the force rose during the
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 V EARTH I i2&Sw the top quality I ffirl HOUSE PAINT U SWP is a top quality oil 1 paint, durable and wash- I able to be used as the I finish coat exterior I surfaces. I ;< »Lh DISTRIBUTORS I DIETHELM CO., LTD. I (Incorporated In Switzerland) 1 Kuala
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    • 149 5 insects m NEVER SURVIVE pOUBI£ ACTION* FLIT INSTANT DEATH WITH PYRETHRUM LASTING ACTION with DDT fj Injects die insfontly when y sprayed with Flit mony more 3* 'X die alter toothing surfaces sprayed with Flit Thot is be L couse Flit is a scientific blending of deadly pyrethrum and DDT
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  • 64 6 Mrs. Yeo Wah Uln Fami»v sincerely thank their friends relatives for wreaths, senglays, etc., sent the loan of their ears lorries, and kind attendance at the funeral of the late Mr. Yeo Wah Ilin. Mr. Lim Kian lieng and family sincerely thank all their friends and relatives who sent
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  • 146 6 Death stalked 545 persons on Singapore Streets last month and claimed six victims. Besides the six fatal accidents there were 138 accidents involving injury to 171 persons. Fifty-one were seriously injured. Of the six dead, on.' was a motorist, four cyclists, and one a pedestrian. Sixteen
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  • 108 6 Below are the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club en c-ke t fixtures for tne weekend:— Today vs Roeklites Sports Club at 2 p.m. on Hon? Lim Green: —Low Kee Pow 1 <Capt>, Lav Hock Chye. Gan Kee Tian. Au Tat Chu. On? Tong Bee, Alex Tan, Chua I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 685 6 agentT^Kl IN SINGAPORE. Agents For Malayan Railways AND GLEN LINE TOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURO. Due Sails GLENEARN 15th Sept. 20th Sept. BRECONSHIRE 12th Oct. 17th Oct. GLENGARRY 26th Oct 2nd Nov. GLENGYLE '7th Nov. 23rd Nov. GLENARTNEY 23rd Dec. 29th Dee. Calk Tangier From UJL for Straits, Hong Kong
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    • 566 6 SITUATIONS VACANT. vacancies exist with Military Engineer Works Services in the following appointments: 1. Foreman of Works. Applicants should have works experience and Civil Engineering Qualifications. 1. Technical Supervisor. Essential applicants should have high Qualifications in Re« fi iterator Work (Repair Maintenance). Clerk of Works. Works F]xperienee and high Civil
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    • 609 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS are invited for the supply and delivery C.I.F. Singapore and Installation of two unehokeable pump units to pump crude sewage at the Municipal Gas Works, Kallang Road. Specification and form of tender from Municipal Engineer's Office (Room No. 218.. Deposit 850 (refundable), (losing in the Municipal Secretariat
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    • 401 6 NOTICE ~The. Singapore Harbour Board Application* arc invited from sui( qualitie.d persons for the following appointments on the staff of the Board's Dockyard Department. Candidates should lie under thirty years of age and prefer-, aidv unmarried. 1. FOREMAN W RLD E X Should have sound experience in all branches of
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    • 270 6 Church Services St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Chora! Eucharist 10.30 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion at 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Evensong. St. Paul's Church, Upper Serangoon 8 a.m. Holy Communion, and 5.30 p.m. Evensong. St. Hilda's Church, Katong: 8 a.m Holy Communion and 5.30
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    • 598 6 SHIPPING K.P.JI. USE REGULAR PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE ANI) Tg. Pinang, Dabo, BUnjoe, P. Pinang, Tg. Pandan, Muntoi. Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaia, East Java Ports, Benoa, Padangbaai, Boeleleng, Tambclaii, Pemangkat, Sambas, Pontlanak, Koemal, Sampit, P.andjermasin, Belawan-Deli an.'. Penang. l>tle Sails "Gen. Verspyek" for Tg. Pinang, Dabo, BUnjoe, P. Pinang,
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  • 145 7 KBFBRBW) < ,ii tonight'? wrestling .ii, will be well susr the matching of nor? with established M i que, the European who made such an in- j but last Saturday, on tough Curly Connors !:h h should provide of thrills. ir Ah RftM Boy clashes
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  • 67 7 i: singapon Admiralty D Badminton Party plaj a return friendl] ilnsi the Carefree tninton Party at the m uth Badminton Pariri Mo 22, Bournemouth Katong, at 7 00 p.m. tofollowing have been .septal, for the SAI.SU hninton Party <5 Single'A Aziz l>in AhChan Swee Lam. Chan Jtun Kit
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  • 67 7 ;< Mowing will represent nc Edward Road Boys in a trteadly football against the Singapore J if Board Boys'Chib. at sis pm. tomorrow on IDi gi unci; Cinia Cher Us I h Kirn Peng, Ho At. Boon: Urn T n Meng. Tan Soo Cha Get Teck;
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  • 219 7 THUNDER LIGHTNING FAILS TO STOP VON NIDA Reuter. LONDON, Fri.—Norman Yon Nida, the brilliant Australian professional, scored one of the greatest successes of his spectacular golfing career in storms of rain, thunder and lightning at Royal Mid-Surrey Richmond, today. He twice went round the 6,405 yards Parkland course, raced at
    Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 159 7 Beins and Aitken stole the show when the Padang clubs met .it Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday in the final round of the First Division S.A.F.A League. Rees were the victor by three L r «.a!-- to one. They deserved the points, but the S.C.C. were
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  • 73 7 Th f following will play cricktt for Evan Wong's XI V*. The Combine College today and tomorrow at the Raffles j Institution Ground. Play begins at 2 p.m. today: Eva n Wong <Capt>. K. Muthucurharu, Dr. K. S. Ratnam R Sitharam, S. Yogarajah. Mohamed Shah, Solakan
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  • 112 7 Chinese Athletes II chalkod up a six-nil victory against M.F.A. II in a fast Div. 2 League encounter at Geylang Stadium yesterday. Tong Weng. C.A.'s centreforward, netted three of his team's goal. Three goals were scored in the first session and three in the second half.
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  • 91 7 In a game of draughts played between th e Shell Sports Club and the Bromtoco Sports Club at the latter's premists. the Shell Sports Club won b> 6 games to 1. Results (Shell first): Lim Cheng Bak beat Ong I Ting Seng 2-0: lay Chong Ann btat Lim
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  • 117 7  -  (By Allan Lewis. Race I Lucky Three Bronze Flash Race 2 Hambrion Smiling Through Alrpal Race 3 Snaps King Vale Blackpool j Race 4 Some Class l ittle Xe<l j Race S Ri-noir Mac Scott Courtenay j Race fi Inspiration Kanda Purple Knight i Race 7 Gold Stream i
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  • 225 7 The Importance of obtaining a hockey coach to train schoolboys in the Colony was stressed* by Mr. G. E.* N. Oehlers, President of Singapore Hockey Association at a General Meet- ing held yesterday. Mr. Oehlers said that the youth, of today will play a vital role In
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  • 208 7 Eleven homen wheelers will be the first to go into action, when the Singapore Cycling Carnival stcfrts at 7.i0 CM romorrow at ChiM Chu Kang Road. This is the first time since the liberation that women cyclists have taken to the competitive track
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  • 98 7 NEW YORK, Friday. Commenting on London reports that Bruce Woodcock might seek a world championship fight with Joe Louis, the retiring title holder, John Roxborough, co-manager of Loids repeated an earlier declaration: "Louis will not defend his title again." He added that if
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  • 728 7 tseiow is the full card for today's races at Kuala LumP o«Y ,°f ether wiih the re cords of the last three runs of the canm.iates. probable jockeys and trainers The first race starts at 2.30 p r m. There will be two double totes, on races
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  • 152 7 Good boxing was witnessed i at the Happy World Covered Stadium last night, where a programme of contests between amateurs was held in aid of the Carmalite Convent Building Fund. At the conclusion of the programme Mr. T. P. F. MeNeice. iof the Social Welfare, distri- buted the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 j I or ali Gregg Shorthand and other puMk*atH»fiM Cropper's Bookkeeping and other Macdonald .iikl Evans pnhlieations. Matriculation Latin, and all other Matr<<ulation and Cniverstty tutorial publications. OMais them from tin* Sole \s»'nts: PETER CHONG CO. Singapore, Malacca, Seremban, Kuala Liunpsm, Ipoh, Penang, »>tc. GfSW* A T WORLD! f%m ft
      223 words
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  • 440 8 Racketeers hoiled (Tribune Staff Reporter) The official announcement from Australia that their would stay, came as a relief parti- cularly to food importers here yesterday. At the same time it dealt a severe blow to a few unscrupulous dealers who had tried to force
    440 words
  • 117 8 Sir Franklin Gimson will be the "Hon. General" of a brigade of Chinese YMCA campaigners who will go out this month to canvass 10.000 new members for their organisation ahd collect $100,000 In subscriptions. The campaign Is to start on September 17
    117 words
  • 59 8 Reuter. THE HAGUE. Friday.--The I Pakistan Foreign Minister Mr. Zafrullah Khan, has been nomtI nated by the national group of i Pakistan in the permanent i court of arbitration as candi- date for one of the five vacan--1 cies on the bench of the Inter- national Court of
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 406 8 Hastings. Friday. The mate i* between the Australians and South of England ended in i haw here today. South of I England scored 298 all out when stumps were drawn. Heavy rain showers during the night and early morning delayed the start of play.
    406 words
  • 129 8 Reuter. STOCKHOLM. Friday. Herbert McKenky of Jamaica bettered the world record of 33.2 seconds for the 300 metres when he covered the distance her tonight in 32.4 seconds. McKenley was running in the international contest a* Stockholm Stadium, in which competitors from Jamaica, the i United
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 35 8 Reuter. LONDON. Friday. Cricket result: At Scarborough. Yorkshire vs. M C.C. match drawn. M.C.C. 444 for 5 declared. Yorkshire 175 for 1 (Len Hutton not out 107». Rain again greatly restricted play —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 29 8 To commemorate Negri Sembilan's historic effort in reaching the Malaya Cup final and being unbeaten in the southern section this season, the N.S. Football Association is publishing a souvenir.
    29 words
  • 161 8 j SYDNEY. Friday. An effort vill be mad. to attract th< I best horses in training for the race meeting to be held at IFlemington (Victoria! on May 14. 1949. fo r thr visit of the < King and Queen. 1 It is
    161 words
  • 35 8 Reuter. MADRID, Friday. Argentina today took the world ?hampionship for Snipe class sailing afttr four days of rac•ng at D. Mallorca in he Balearic Islands off th< Mediterranean coast of Spain -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 66 8 Reuter. Byes 13. legbyes 2, wides 3 (Johnston 2. Loxton 1.) Reutei. Belgrade. Friday. Albania alleged in a cable to the United Nations today that three batta'ions of Greek troops marched in battle order into Albania, near Pagona. yesterday, and were engaged in a six-hour battle
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 132 8 Reuter —AAP. SYDNEY. Friday. Measurements taken from films show that San Domenico. unbeaten in his only three Starts, nas a stride of 26 ieet. A three-year-old. San Domenico is owned in Sydney. Phar Laps stride when at full gallop was 28 feet. Bern-, borough was
    Reuter—AAP.  -  132 words
  • 49 8 Reuter. LONDON, Thursday. Onlysix horses were given separate quotations when the St. Leger card was called over at the Victoria Club here tonight. Quotations: 6-4 against My Love. 7-1 Noor, 9-1 Black Tarquin, 19-2 Royal Drake, 100-9 Timur 11. 100-8 Solar Slipper. 18-1 Bar Six offered.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 112 8 A team will be selected from j the following to represent 1 the Commercial High School I against Geylang Corinthians at i j Farrare Park today at 6.151 p.m. and against the East I Coast United tomorrow at j the Geylang Stadium. Anthony Yong. R. Murugaiy- an,
    112 words
  • 100 8 Tne following will turn out lor the Kadayanallur Muslim League Youngsurs XI in a friendly soccer fixture against .he Blue Rovers Sports Club XI on Sunday at the McNair Road ground (Kick-off at 5.15 p.m.*: S. A. Hussain. S. S. Ibrahim M. N Syed. S A.
    100 words
  • 458 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday —Conturius. a grey English, gelding by Dcnturius from I Content and four years old. j was having his first run tn Malaya in Race 7 yesterday. Slow to begin when the field was sent away. Conturius tailed right off and his jockey suspecting
    458 words
  • 87 8 Only India's Representatives in foreign countries and States should fly the Indian National Flag regularly on their offices. residences and cars, local Indians have been told ln a press release from the Government of India's Information Service in Singapore. Private individuals are not expected to fly the flag
    87 words
  • 93 8 CRICKET: -Colonials C.C j vs. S.C.C. Padang; 2 p.m. Combined Colleges vs Evan Wong's j XI, Raffles institution ground, i 2 p m. SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Div. 11l -Haikowyu SC. vs. S.C.S.A.. j McNair Road. 5 p.m. Naval Stores vs. Spore Dist. REME j Naval Base. 5.15 p.m. FRIENDLY:
    93 words
  • 44 8 NEW DELHI. Fri —-The Indian Parliament today passed a Bill to nationalise the Reserve Bank of India. When the Bill had its nr<t reading yesterday Mr. K. 7.; Neogy. Finance Minister, said the Government wanted it affective by Jan. 1.
    44 words
  • 444 8 Reuter. PRAGUE, Fri. —Dr. Eduard Benes, co-foun of the Czechoslovak Republic and its Presidi until last June, died at 6.15 p.m. local time tod at his country home at Sezimovo Usti. He was 64. Immediately the news or ms death reached President Kle- 1
    Reuter.  -  444 words
  • 73 8 (G.I.I.S.). NEW DELHI, Friday. Malaya Is one of the countries invited to take part in the conference of Asian nations which will be held in Delhi in the first week of October to discuss plans for the setting up of a South-east Asia Regional Bureau
    (G.I.I.S.).  -  73 words
  • 81 8 U.P. NEW YORK. Friday. A La Guardia Airfield employee found a small, ordinary-looking wooden box lying in front of a hanger. To get it out of the way of taxiing planes he turned it over to the police who discovered inside $58,000 [US) in goM bullion. It
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 65 8 (Tribune Staff Reporter/ Many well-known huttnm men and a large number of friends were present at lite cremation yesterday of tV i mains of the late Mr. K N I Narayana Iyer which took place at the Hindu Cemetery, bidadari. The late Mr. Iyer, one
    65 words
  • 17 8 MOSCOW, Friday-untitled ericas astral»"!,.. l»a^ h'Ok re<lder t»otl> "'l>> N", all,'«> t!>e i "ti tlie '^i' >,- «'day
    17 words
  • 217 8 U.P. PARIS. Friday. France Is in the gravest political cr since the war after a fruitles i week oT struggle to fin<i premier and a Cabinet. M. Robert Schuman gave up his attempt to form a govern- ment, and as he left the audi-
    U.P.  -  217 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 TONIGHT at M'NITE! «g» CAPITOL mnmw% m JOHNNY WEISSMULLER %JBt BRENDA JOYCE jfiffl LINDA CHRISTIAN jgfii mA Based Upon the JJBK^^^H*HbI ■V2fe"*iWv -ak Created by COCA!' R $RUM«mfll Book Your Tables Early TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Kill ***** V Saturday Night With Special Damv .V MOOI CHIN RESTAURANT BAR 420, North
      83 words
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