Malaya Tribune, 1 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 58 1 The Malaya Tribune |>Nlfc PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printing Simultaneously HMoJi Lwnpur, Ipoh d Penany Telegrams: "Tribune Spore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines) PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS THE MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agents—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 98,
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  • 502 1 Military Governors Meeting Today U.P. Reuter. MOSCOW, Tues.—The three Western envoys worked all nignt until dawn today following their ninth meeting at the Kremlin, but no communique on the talks was issued. It was authoritatively stated that no communique may be
    U.P. Reuter.  -  502 words
  • 173 1 Reuter. LONDON, Tne*. A pr 111 by i British Air *a.c Marshal to Ij food t« **<*«— ria wi i fonr-eagtared Berni d doomed tonig'.irlin.r tkr Mini-try of Civil t when rondVmnHl his plantation ftlrworthv. as "Air Vice-Marshal %tud by j a >on Boner
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 35 1 Reuter. TKRDAM. Tuesday. the many presents Wilhelmina received on »kten Jubillee today were red cloth embroidered *old thread from South tra. and a silver box ot )|o books from Indonesia, iter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 30 1 Reuter. AMBURG, Tuesday. No has yet been fixed for trial of Field Marshals Yon mchitzch. Yon Rundstedt. 1 Yon Manstein and Coln. Yon Strauss. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 103 1 Reuter. PRAGUE. Tues.-~A few near relatives and closest followers were tonight keeping a death watch in Dr. Benes' home. Informed by only two scanty bulletins, the people of Chechoslovakia were tonight only beginning to realise that death was close to a man they had most
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 17 1 NEW YORK. Tuesday.—Mrs Oksana Kosenkina was reported in excellent condition at the Roosevelt hospital today.
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  • 103 1 Reuter. CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, Tucs. For the third BWCCtative day. egg.s and tomatoes were hurled at Mr. Henry Wallace, Third Party prcs'idcntuil candidate, as he sought to mddress 8,500 people here t'xlay. The attack nunc only a' feu> hours after Prtsidfnt Truman had termed yesterday's egg-and-tomato
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 55 1 U.P. BERLIN, Tuos. —Just as the four military governors were about to leave the Allied Control Authority Building; today, a black cat strolled leisurely across the steps in front of them. A two-line communique following today's conference merely stated thai the four military governors met for an hour,
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 134 1 U.P. BERLIN, Tues. —A paralyzed 14-year-old girl has started a new tug-o'-war between Russia and the United States. She is Galina Korolenko. a Ukrainian girl •rpreaeiitly confined to the Berlin hospital. The American authorities want to take her under their care. The Russians are
    U.P.  -  134 words
  • 177 1 PARIS, Tues.—M. Robert Schuman, Premier Designate of France, won a vote of support in the National Assembly tonight, it was unofficially reported. M. Schuman presented himself lor investiture tonight before the National Assembly, specially convoked for the purpose. "The liberty of liberated France is at
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  • 28 1 Reuter. NAIROBI, Tuesday.—Mr. S. P. Foster Sutton, former At-torney-General of Kenya, left Nairobi today for Malaya, where he will take up a similar appointment.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 24 1 Reuter. LONDON. Tuesday. Lord Sinha. the Indian Peer, has returned to London after a month's stay in Eire. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 86 1 The heat seems to have got old Santa hut it's his men fault. He has no business to be here in Summer anyuay The Tribune cameraman spotted Santa thts morning just behind the Cable and Wireless Building. He too* leaning against a huge tree. Strangest of all,
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  • 179 1 CHICAGO, Tues.—Judge Walter Labuy today decided *,o hold his court next Thursday in the modest home of Mrs. Antonette Blatnick 66, so that she .an become an American citizen before she dies. Mrc R atmrk is suffenr) Mrs. Blatnick is suffering from an incurable
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  • 58 1 Yong Peng, (Johore). today. —A Chinese squatter. Lian fThak Van, is missing. He left his home at sth mile Jalan LKibis on Aug. 27. His wife reported to the police this morning. She told the police that her husband did not disclose his destination. No one has
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  • 34 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Tuesday. The executive board of the Congress of Industrial Organisations, one of America's two great trade union groups, endorsed President Truman for re-election today by 35 votes to 12.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 40 1 U.P. CAMBRIDGE. Mass. Tuesday.—The discovery of a new small, slow-moving comet in the southern skies was announced by Harvard College Observatory. The seventh new comet this year was discovered by Dr. Joseph S. Rook of Yale University.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 35 1 New Delhi. Tuesday. Police .seized today undeveloped film rolls from three American Trme-Life correspondents. The rolls included a rare close-uj. taken of the Nizam of Hyderabad by Robert Lubar. Time correspondent.
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  • 248 1 CHINA 'S POOR (360 Million) —AND RICH (High Officials) Reuter. SHANGHAI. Tuesday. Civil war and inflation have reduced 80 per cent of China's 450.000.000 people to a bare subsistence level, according to a poll conducted by the Institute of Chinese Public Opinion. High officials continue to live in Government furnished
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 139 1 Reuter. RANGOON. Tues.—The recapture of Communist held Prome, communications centre of Rangoon, by Government troops was "expected at any moment. an oKicial source told Reuter today. fn ,ue:ht's No mention of Prome was made in tonignt s Burma Government communique however. The sixth session
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 22 1 Si> Chinese *refe arrested □igitt un 1«m the Emergency Regulations. This brings the total of persons detained to 251.
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  • 35 1 Portsmouth. Tuesday. A baby born after the death of the mother was reported to be making good progress in St. Mary's Hospital today. The child was delivered by a Caesarian operation.
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  • 43 1 Penang, Today.—Dr. Ong Chong Keng, Federal Coun V elllor, shot dead last in 1 West Jeldtong. Doctor wasj called out on alleged ease. He immediately went out. The body was found earl> I this morning.
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  • 74 1  -  (From Allan Lewis KUALA LUMPUR, Today. —The weather was threatening since last night, and a very slight shower fell this morning. No further rain is however expected today although the sky at the moment is overcast. The going should be very good. fiAMEBOROUGH m my best
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  • 23 1 U.P. NEW YORK. Tuesday. A strong" breeze broke the Summer's worst heat wave in the eastern and mid-western states today—U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 r Everything Electrical J I I Kadio Receivers fc Sanitary Hares I I •throom Fittings I TAN CHENG MOH j I ELECTRIC CO. i I < ROSS ST.. TEL: 3064. SIXGAPOBB. CHEAP YET GOOD VIOLIN OUTFITS. HllP Sll ffi largest range of Violin Outfits in Stock size, Vi size, size
      68 words
    • 11 1 RhAD THE STOiIY OF j MB. WOW I Sunday •Trilinm* ml
      11 words
    • 107 1 MODERN PLASTIC ALUMINIUM SIGNS (Emboaaed Car Houae Number Plates) Consult hi <i 11 i: X M 53, Prinsep St., Phone *****. (Opp. Reg. of Vehicles Ofllce) \j£h dass who wiU dem -^^n^ ///awl n England, for instance, Dc Luxe Virginia 19 )irW% cigarettes have been enjoyed for over fifty years
      107 words

  • 277 2 A broad-daylight robbery which involved a sum of $15,451.50 was revealed in the Seventh Police Court yesterday when two Chinese threw pepper powder into a towkay's eyes and snatched away the money contained in a cloth bag from his hand. I I The complainant, Ng Chok
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  • 151 2 A motor cyclist, trying :o overtake a lorry on Outram Road, grazed against a bus, fell on the read and sustained severe bruises, last night. A Chinese fell from an STC bus at the junction of Kallnng Road and Man Loe,-. Road yesterday morning. He was taken to
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  • 208 2 Mr. Justice Brown told a Chinese at the Singapore Assize Court yesterday: "I am not going to punish you; I am going to let you go home. You mustn't allow yourself to get depressed and do these foolish things" tho trial agreed anu The
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  • 72 2 The Chinese Chamber ol Commerce have formed two sub-commitH'es to investigau into War Risk insurance. The firs: will fprmulate plans to press the Government to pay iheir claims at the earliest opportunity. The second has been formeel to Investigate into the desirablity of asking th"
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  • 64 2 Two types of old notes one bearing the words. 'Government of the Straits Settlements." the other any date piioi to July 1. 1041 become worthless today. People having these types of notes will be able, however, to have them changed at the Treasury officials
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  • 136 2 Malacca, Tuesday: Certain groups of estates In Ma-1 laeca are considering the ques- 1 lion of planting a .short spoil 1 of leave, to their managers and i assistants, in the near future i a measttre of relieving the ■train place<l upon them during the present
    136 words
  • 115 2 inert- win De a taster night nail ironi .Singapore to ku.wi Hum touay. i Uti ti am win leave 15 minutes later than hitherto, that is at i.15 pm. an<; arrive n ixuaio i.umpur at < .3u a.m. the next day. i 0 minutes soonei
    115 words
  • 65 2 Tho Nutntion Branch of the Institute of Medical Research awarded four prizes to Johore school children for poster con. petition. The prizes or commen lations were received by the following Sa'at b. Oma» a.v.m Molek Malay School (Consolation Prizes; A Ramdas. Government Tamil School (Consolation
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 An Outstanding British Success. Today Four Shows 7VJI 2 4.15-6.30 9.30 p.m. Wmmm^ HAZEL COURT STANLEY HOLLO yVXy BASIL SYDNEY MARGARET RUTHERFORD in (■ittdiKtii i, MAICtL H£LLMAN o»«ct«o ty mm mum i An EanMtl Mm Pioduction Released bf TOHi Century-? oi NEXT CHANGE—The Season's Smartest Comedy! b% MILLAND WRIGHT DONLEVY
      231 words
    • 188 2 Qle E X s TODAY: 8.00, fi.3o, 9.15 P.M. Jeffrey Lynn Jam* VVyman in "THE RODY DISAPPEARS* A Comic Mystery With Loads Of Fun! sth mile ifimannrw ao<u> 7.00 A 9.15 P.M. Errol Flynn Ronald Reagnn in "DESPERATE JOURNEY 1 FOR ONE DAY ONLY To-Morrow "HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN" FOR ONE DAY
      188 words
    • 32 2 8.15—6.3(1—9.15 p.m. "YEH HAI ZINDAGI" (Hindustani) TOMORROW'S BIG ATTRACTION'! 11l I II! I I EFFEIVBI" Tlie Latest Egyptian Musical Road Show starring miss sabah— farid el-atakach Jiff? 5 BOOKINKS OPEN! FAR-EAST PREMIERE
      32 words
    • 15 2 NEW HAPPY THEATRE TODAY: 7.1$ 4 r M KOY IiOUEKS in "< OUBOY A the SENC^rTA"
      15 words
    • 130 2 r ALEXANDER KORDA j proudly present* His PRODUCTION OF //O TOLSTOYS j MMORTAI LOVL STORY! > < GENERAL SGIKENING FROM TCDDAY! I 4 SHOWS ONLY: 5—6.30—9.1 5 l> ( So fl a.m. p: ii;mrrl' >"' this picture < > -(Qir-conditioned!. 5159 i (*!«-pin>nc £ut)B V j jjr NGS V ItriH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 438 2 ON YOUR RADIO TODAY I BLUE NETWORK Commentaries from the SelanIVIAI AY FVPFISH i g° r Races Relayed fiom Kuala RED NETWORK PR#L-»AIfMPc iLumpui wiht interval music CHINESE INDIAN I ttlHirtAiyilYlK.S from out studios. 8.15 Pro- in;, 1/ I•A\ 1 11 .gramme Summary, News Sum- 1 ROC-RAMMES &Wr£ L*Z LtJt
      438 words

  • 248 3 THE Hongkong volunteer defence corn* will shortly be put on an active basis for the %xh% time since war, a high Army Source revealed last night. It will be supported by Naval and RAF units, equipped with modern arms. The action is being taken
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  • 89 3 T, e Kl.M are extending their Singapore Bangkok ice to Shanghai, beriming from Singapore on Thursday Sept. 30. It will be weekly at first, pas.v-ngers who leave Si»»ga- on Tnuisdaya for Bang'u,k (on the plane to Europe) v ,ii hange planes at the Sia-! m s
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  • 41 3 The management of Erna Market will observe the "Chung Yuen Festival" and the market's first reconstruction anniversary tomorrow. A dinner-party will be held at Chui Eng Soo Restaurant. 1131 Amoy Street at 7.30 p.m. to celebrate this douhle-occa- sion.
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  • 293 3 The Rent Conciliation Board yesterday reserved judgment in an application for a reduction of rent brought by Mr. Tibor Kunstler against Mr. Van Cuylenburg, the principal tenant of No. 37, Cairnhili Road. Mi. Tibor Kunstler, who with his wife occupied two rooms at No. 37,
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  • 99 3 Three masked Chinese, speak- ing broken Cantonese, climbed into a Chinese vegetable farmer's house at Thomson Road at 1.15 a.m. on Monday and robbed cash and jewellery wor th $300 at the point of their pistols. They had gained their en- j trance through a space
    99 words
  • 18 3 Reuter. TEHERAN, Tues Ghazanfar Ali Khan, first Pakistani Ambassador to Persia, presented his credentials to the Shah today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 205 3 Singapore commercial firms may band together and create their own fire-watching Sei ice. the General Manager ot a leading business house told the .'ribmc yesterday. Many firms have responded quickly to the Government's call the intensification of security measures in grodowns and factories. Some firms
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  • 78 3 Police engaged terrorists at Ciiangkat Chermin in th* 2 Eatu Gajah area or. Saturday and killed or of them. Immediately following th s scTcral arrests were made. Two cf the terrorists aires.ej have been identified as the alleged murderers of Mr. Wills who i t will be
    78 words
  • 167 3 Tho recruiting of special constables in Kedah has progressed satisfactorily and there are now i approximately 1.500 special constables and 250 auxiliary policemen. j All rubber estates in! Kedah now have bodies of speci-' a! constables and all sub-trea-' SUrtei also guarded by them, j Tht> totar
    167 words
  • 252 3 Six Singapore seamen's I plan yesterday for an Asian S 1 j Colony. The Federation will making collective agreements I late policy in respect of th« the International Labour Orga unions adopted a provisional eafarers' Federation in the later discuss the question of with shipowners and formu--1946
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  • 77 3 "Before we take any action with regard to helping tho Malay students in China, we must make full investigations into the truth of the hardships they are meeting with," a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce warned other members. 'We should not ovcrsteour responsibilities nor
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  • 29 3 Mr. G. Hawkins. Secretary for Defence, will give a talk on "Voluntary Work i n Singapore" at 8.30 P.m. on Thursday at th f: V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road.
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  • 219 3 Malaya's defence problems and the role Malays should i .Jlay in the various fields of defence have occupied a great deal of the attention of responsible Malay circles since publication of the news of border-defence co-operation between i Malaya and Siam. reports
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  • 200 3 The Kuala Lumpur Malay daily. Majlis, described as "poisonous slander and utter falseh ootl" the recent Communist Manifesto on Malaya issued in London by Britain's Red Chief. Harry Pollitt, to the effect that the present Malayan crisis represented a nationalist struggle against British imperialism.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 Pains in Back Gone in 3 Hours jf you suffer terrible, sharp pains or dull •taring do wit aches tn back or aides, you can't get rid ol these with ordinary medicine* because you must kill the germs in your kilneys. Other symptoms of Kidney and Bladder Disorders are Scanty,
      148 words
    • 105 3 a se VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE Sing«r 9 saloon model 1938. Insured taxed going cheap $350/- Inspection No. I 278, Telok Ayer Street. Spore. (M.441) FOR QUICK SALE Austin 12. 1941. Excellent condition. 1800. Owner bought Lux Car. Apply Dr. Param Singh or Tel. 186, Taiping. (M.437). 1945 Fordson
      105 words
    • 725 3 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED young Chinese Sales- girl experience unnecessary state salary required office hours 10—6 p.m. Apply M.T., Box No. A 1570, M.T., Spore. (P. 449). [WANTED: Hotel clerk, must be single and able to speak two ;or three Chinese dialects. Knowledge of typing and eleI mentary accounts essential. Good
      725 words
    • 446 3 SITUATIONS WANTED CHINESE AGE 32 good education and bearing would consider responsible post. Temporary or permanent. Box A 1583 M.T. Spore. (R. 472) ENGLISH EDUCATED Young Lady seeks position as private dance companion for renumeration. Box No. A 1565 M.T. Spore. (Q. 454) AUSTRALIAN. engineering, agricultural experience, requires position. Two
      446 words
    • 473 3 j 35mm Complete Kit Compris--1 ing Leica (Fed) 3.5, Coupled J Range finder Everready Case, etc., MPP Precision Enlarges-. Developing Tank Dishes, Thermometer, etc.. 16 items in all. Best Offer Over $800 Secure*. Apply Box A.1571. M.T.. S pore (P. 451). AUTO RADIOGRAM 6 valve Radio changer takes 10 and
      473 words

  • 160 4 THE Moscow talks go on. As the envoys leave after each session at the Kremlin the answer is always the same: "Nothing to say". So the rumours grow. The Berlin blockade is to be lifted. The Berlin blockade is to go on. Mr. Molotov has made new demands.
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  • 176 4 THE acmocracies are bound by their principles and traditions to do everything that they can to avoid a new world war. So they feel they must hold their hands. They feel they must do nothing to inflame the situation. Soviet Russia is not bound by such scruples.
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  • 138 4 THE Berlin air lift has been a magniflcent demonstration of the combined strength of the British and American Air Forces. It is keeping thousands alive who would be starving now, but for those wings of mercy. Britain and America have pledged that the air lift will
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  • 857 4  -  Bj T.C. GOH HUNGER breed-- dcptilence. The nun gry children of wdiy will become criminals of tomorrow. In Singapore we are fam'Har with the children who stand before us with hands outstretched and with furtive looks in their eyes. Ofteu we pass them without
    857 words
  • 290 4 LARGE FAMILY. SIR. I may be considered "theoretical" but there is a theory that has yet to be proved wrong. Mrs. Wong, 1 know you can't buy a large stock of any perishable goods every day. Have you ever considered the fact that other Mrs. Wongs in the village
    LARGE FAMILY.  -  290 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 408 4 I An entirely NEW I Addition to the range of H-M-V* I a ___L mV his M»sTt*', voig I- RADIOS PRICE $235 Cash less 10<, I Easy Terms over 12 months I Housed in a beautiful walnut cabinet I this new model is remarkable for its I sensitivity and tone
      408 words
    • 65 4 Eye Care consists of more than Just "buying glasses." Eye comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist, C. S. CHONG, OPT..D. I Fully equipped with modern Instruments. [TYPISTS SELECT I ROYALS 2™ i ORDER HOW FOR EARLY DELIVERY R-HfBMA 104 ROBISSOS ROAD j
      65 words
    • 131 4 SMITHS Mf 10 2' Uii ive rsa I w^!s^\^ j WALLclocks T —fc3 Kitted with Smiths famous 8-day 7-jewel lever movement, this Wall Clock is heat, steam. \M A L dust and vibration proof, and Made by is available in strongly moulded case with walnut largest manufacturers I finish and
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  • 529 5 LEFTIST VIEW OF REBELLION IN MALAYA U.P. HONGKONG—The present rebellion in Malaya is directly traceable to Britain's refusal to live up to promised constitutional reforms, the Leftist Far Eastern Bulletin declared in an editorial Specifically, the Bulletin charged that the Malayan Union's new
    U.P.  -  529 words
  • 133 5 Reuter—AAP. SYDNEY. Fishmongers in Sydney don't want to be called that any mote. Master Fish Merchants' President (Mr. F. Smith) said recenUy "We're going to ask everyone to call us 'fish merchants' instead." Disagreeing with those who regard "monger" as a good old Anglo-Saxon word that
    Reuter—AAP.  -  133 words
  • 52 5 U.P. HONGKONG.- The Central Air Transport Coip. (CATC), owned and operated by the lhi nose government, expects ix 41-passenger Convairs to arrive here from the United States shortly to supplement its China-wide service. Tho airline now uses C-465, mainly for cargo AieMs on the north
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 168 5 Reuter. MANILA. -Highest priority in aid for i eeonstruction of educational, social and cultural institutions should be extended I to China and the Philippines j "because they are the countries that suffered the greatest destruction during the war." This was the opinion advanced by Dr. Kuo Yu-shou.
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 136 5 U.P. HONGKONG. -A large part lof Manchuria's industry—stripped of capital equipment by the Russians shortly after the war—is now back in operation, according to the Communist New China News Agency. In a report to the Sixth AJIChina Labour Congress at Harbin, delegate Chen Yu said nearly
    U.P.  -  136 words
  • 177 5 Reuter—AAP. SYDNEY.- Seven men were among the sixteen students who began the Heidelberg (Victoria) Repatriation Hospital's first nurses' training school recently. For the next three years the male student nurses will go through the same course of study as the girls, with only one difference—they
    Reuter—AAP.  -  177 words
  • 291 5 U.P. BERLIN, Tuesday.- Lieuten-1 int General Mikhail Dratvin, j Soviet deputy military goverlor in Germany, has demanded United States reparations and! punishment of the American' military police for wounding a j Soviet sergeant in a gun fight on Friday night. Dratvin in a formal 'etter of
    U.P.  -  291 words
  • 58 5 Reuter. Stratford-on-Avon. Warwick- shire—Replying to charges made in the Russian weekly, "Ogonek." that Mr. Willikm I Shakespeare is "suffocated In captivity at Stratford-on-Avon". j friends of the bard quoted him ias saying: I "These words are razors to ,my wounded heart Some j villain hath done me wrong
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 347 5 B O M B A V.—An ambitious programme to develop the port of Chittagong, Eastern Pakistan, into a first class harbour has been mapped out by the Pakistan Government. Chittagong will be best remembered by Gls and British Tommies, who took part
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  • 371 5 The following new books will be added to Raffles Library within the next few days Essays on Government, Ernest Barker. Modern Synthetic Rubbers. Harry Barron. Time Exposure. Cecil Beaton. Italian Painting, Tancrcd Borenius. Elements of Statistics. Arthut L. Bowley. Modern Painting, Reginald Brill. Birds and
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  • 232 5 LONDON.-- "Lady—you with the gin and orange—and you. sir. with the pink gin—do you really know what you're drinking?" Ninety-six per cent, of all the gin sold today —and Britain is drinking more than at any time in the past 200 years—is made rrom
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  • 133 5 LONDON. -Mr. Santo 3 Casani, world-famed ballroom dancer, is a versatile man physical cuUurist, jiu-jitsu expert, flier. He was a pilot in the 1914-18 war and a lieut.-colonel in the last war. He showed a few of his many talents when he was tackled by
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  • 438 5 The U.M.N.0.. Taiping Branch, gave a farewell party Ito their past' secretary, Che Ismail bin Pakeh Muda on the < eve of his transfer to Tanjong Malim. Presiding at the function Che Ahmad bin Haji Kasslm. Vice-President of the local branch referred to the work I done
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 250 5 Nurses say De WITT'S PUIS &re wonderfu/ for Backache In the course of their professional Nurso have every opportunity let «eein>; the reJief given by DE 11 T'S Pills. Their recommendations. »hij) speak more convincingly thin any »(jr<h ol curs, wiil interest all sufferers. Nurse A. A. writes I was
      250 words
    • 258 5 Face up aquarclv to the fact th, V »an With a suprr-ihutMan t of C energy that uint atfcnajfeioc- f* «naiKl. an,) rrvp,,,. f \.,*M to that man! TESTS ON) A Scientific Glandular Tauatmcm W£k in Til let f.rrm. dracrhe.l the Medical mira.W tft age, reiuvenate c\cr> tiled nerie
      258 words

  • 144 6 "If the Municipality wants us to minimise our consumption of electricity it must set us the eioiimple." MX. Ttm Chin Tuan told members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce at their monthly meeting yesterday. "We all have seen how electric rower has been
    144 words
  • 52 6 Ships passing through the Duich East Indies near Barhola Strait have been ak-rted about an object, believed to be'a horned mine, floating near the south entrance of the Strait. The object considered dangerous to navigation was sighted by the master of the Sled Chemist at 3.20
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  • 289 6 THOMAS John Davies, an European accountant employed in Guthrie Co.. Ltd.. was charged in the First District Court yesterday with criminal breach of trust of two cheques .to the total value of $4,007.45 entrusted to him by the company. The first offence was alleged
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  • 26 6 Mr. H. B. Moorhead will speak on "Your Powers ol Temperament" on Thursday a t the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society. 8 Cairnhill Road. j
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  • 143 6 "Shipping companies in China should be heavily fined for allowing emigrants with false passports ro leave for Singapore." Mr. Yap pheng Geek re commended this action tor the consideration: of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce at their monthly meeting yesterday. The Chamber will be
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  • 55 6 Mr. A. Simpson. Singapore's new Assistant Trad,.. Union Adviser will take over officially today from Mr. R. P. Bingham. Commissioner of Labour, who has bee n acting as Assistant Trade Union Adviser for Singapore. Mr. Simpson attended a.; an observer the meeting of representatives
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 706 6 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) FLUE rCHNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. ft U.S.A. "Medon" JTom U.K. and Holland G. 11 "Glaucus".. from VJL. m G. 88 'Achilles" :..nam from UJi. Sept. 2 "Maron" Due from U.S.A. Sept. 7 "Breconshlre" Doe from U.R. Sept. 9 "Titan" Due from U.K. Sept.
      706 words
    • 646 6 MARRIAGE Marriage took place between Mr. B. H. Peiris Dayananda and Mm. Laura De 811 va, only daughter of Mr. ft Mrs. O. E. Tilakaratna, Sungei S i p v t, Perak, at the Singapore Marriage Registry on 80th Aug. 1948. SITUATIONS I^ACANT. a com cuSk with legal experience. Apply
      646 words
    • 284 6 NOTICE SINGAPORE TURF CLUB AUTUMN (GOLD CUP) MEETING 1948. Saturday 11th, Wed. 15th. Saturday 18th, Wednesday 22nd ft Saturday 25th September 1948. ENTRIES CLOSE at 12 noon on WEDNESDAY, IST SEPTEMBER, 1948. LADY GUEST MEMBERS.— No Lady Guest Members' Badges will be issued. RESERVED ENCLOSURE.— A Reserved Enclosure for a
      284 words
    • 277 6 LN SINGAPORE. Agents For Malayan Railways AND GLEN LINE FOR LONDON. ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. Due Sail* GLEN EARN 14th Sept. 19th Sept. GLENGARRY Late Oct. GLENGYLE Late Nov. Calks Tangier From U.K. for straits. Hong Kong and China. GLENAPP ETA Sept. 8 G I.EN BEG ETA Sept. 15 GLENGARRY ETA
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    • 747 6 LIME PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND Tg. Pinang. Dabo, Blinjoe, P. Pinang, Tg. Pandan, Muntok, Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaia, Fast Java Ports, Benoa, Padangbaai, Boeleleng, Tarn beta n, Pemangkat, Sambas, Pontianak, Koemai, Sampit, bandjermasin, Belawan-Deli and Penang. Due Sails "Jaasseus" Tg. Pandan, Batavia, Cheribon, Semarang, Sourabaia East Java ports,
      747 words

  • 798 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday—The Selangor Tuif Club's August—September meeting will be continued tomorrow when fields will be of average size and class horses will make up half the programme. The track remains very hard. I have already been told that unless it rains
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  • 57 7 The Unicorn Sports Club defeated the Singapore Civil Service Association by four goals to two in the Third Division League match played at McNair Road ground yesterday. The score at the interval was two all. Scorers for the Unicorns were Van Huizen (3) and De Rozario, while Yogarajah
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  • 743 7 Below is the card for today s races at Kuala Lumpur together with the records of the last three runs of the candidates, probable jockeys and owners. The first race starts at 2.30 p.m. The going is likely to be very hard. The Big Sweep will be
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  • 113 7 (By ALLAN LEWIS) Race I.— KNIGHT GALLANT Meath Lady Kalang Race 2- SKYMASTER Dark Romance Mayloong i Race 3. PENSO Red Ted Will O'The Wisp Race 4 RENDOVA Tretes Scarlet Tiger It Race 5. -AIRMAIL Snaps Trousers Race 6.— GAMEBOROCGH Minstrel Boy Fair wood Race 7 CROYDON Some Class
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  • 355 7  -  By ALLAN LEWIS The official programme for the Penang Turf Club's Autumr Meeting on October 2, 6 and 9 is as follows: 1 Two runs for each division ol j Class 3 Horses ,two runs for I each division of Class 1 I horses. I Class
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  • 111 7 An appeal was made to senioi rugby players in Perak by Dr. A. C. Kathigasu M.8.E., President of the Perak Asiatic Rugby Football Club, to train more youngsters, so that clubs will not be found wanting in raising a strong team. Dr. Kathigasu said that although
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  • 548 7 TALKING SOCCER BY SPECTATOR SO MUCH fuel had been added to the spark of the so-called "controversy" between the M.C.F.A. and the S.C.F.A (by irresponsible elements) that football fans seemed inclined to believe that M.C. F.A. Executive Committee Chairman Kok Chong Fook and S.C.F.A. President T.
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  • 634 7 Reuter. LONDON, Tues.—The final series of county championship games for the season ended j today, and while Glamorgan had finished last week to win the till*-, interest was maintained until the end because three counties had the chance of finishing second. Surrey gained this
    Reuter.  -  634 words
  • 172 7 Reuter. NEW YORK. Tues —Columnist Buck writing in the New York Post today said that the n*ld for the 100,000 International Gold Cup at Belmont Park on Oct. 16 may include the Maharajah of Baroda's My Babu. My Babu was the favourite for
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 61 7 Eirsies are now invited for th c Singapore inter-club, intei-school and inter-Ccm-meicial Houses badminton i tournament. Entry forms may be obtainjed from the honorary secretary of ihe Singapore Badminj ton Association. Mr Wee Kirn I Wee, United Press Associations. Electra House or at the I Clerical Union
    61 words
  • 40 7 U.P. CLEVELAND, Tuesday. The United States Air Force announced today that it will 1 conduct jet plane speed runs at the national air races here this week-end, in an attempt to set a new world record.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 142 7 LONDON. Tuesday. Goals, were strictly rationed in w day's English league matches, and only three were scored in j five games. There were no goals at inrt< j of the matches, Burnley and Charlton playing to a goalless draw In the only first division fixture,
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  • 48 7 The S.C.C. Hockey Club meeting wUI be held on Sept. 6 to discuss the election of officers for the fortncoming season and any other business. It is also hoped to re-establish the Ladies Hockey Section. Lady members who are interested are requested to attend the meeting.
    48 words
  • 284 7 Soccer Post-Mortem BERMAN. INDIANS 1 NAVY 1. The few spectators who turned up saw a good game. Th« first-round match having ended in a draw, both teams were bent on registering a win. The teams settled down from the start and from the first to the
    BERMAN.  -  284 words
  • 232 7 Reuter. London. Tuesday Although a Dumber of festival games stid remain to be played. England's County Cricket Championship ended today. Following are the final positions in the County Championship table which is headed b" Glamorgan with 172 points. P W L D Pts. Glamorgan 26 13 5
    Reuter.  -  232 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      6 words
    • 115 7 CAFE DE LUXE j 25 High Street, Phone 6011 i i Delicious Food served on Different Table d'Hot Menus J Daily. Out Grill Opens from Mid-day to Mid-Night Grilled Steak A Speciality (Juicy and Natural in flavour) Chateau Briand Served in Parisienne Way. > Social Curry Tiffin Every Thursday and
      115 words

  • 76 8 Odd Pedersen [wearing/ cap) and Bjorn Schie. two IS-year-old Norwegian sailors who made an eight-hour bus journey to keep a date with two gils in Manila, missed their ship and then travelled 400 miles by plane to get on board again in Borneo. Their three-day absence
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  • 378 8 AMSTERDAM, Tues.—With signs of deep emotion, Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, returned today the joyous greetings of hundreds of thousands of holiday-makers celebrating her Golden Jubilee and 68th birthday in flag-bedecker! Amsterdam. All Holland was en fete for the Queen, who resumed the throne yesterday
    378 words
  • 52 8 The British Council ha., made a gift of £2CO worth Of, books to the Johore Bahru Civil Service Association. This gift is the result of a visit Paid by Mr. W. C. S. i Corry. formerly Acting British Adviser. Johore. to the British Council Office
    52 words
  • 403 8 Zhdanov Leningrad nero Reuter-U.P. LONDON Tues. —Moscow Radio reported tonight that Col. Gen. 5!-year-old Secretary of the Central of the Russia n Communist Party and sometimes termed the fif suwessS" to Stalin, was one of the prime-movers 10 the foundation of the nine-nation Cominform last year. He
    Reuter-U.P.  -  403 words
  • 71 8 Reuter. LONDON, Tuesday. British legal authorities investigating the case of a Polish citizen. Dr. Wladyslaw Dering— accused of war crimes- have reached the conclusion that accusations brought against him had been based on mistaken identity. The Home Office totught confirmed that Dr. Dering has been released from Brixton
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 55 8 Reuter. LONDON, Tues. Nearly £70,000 has been left to Dr. Leigh Vaughan Henry, a Welsh composer, conductor and poet by a woman who at eight was crowned bard at the Welsh National Eisteddfod at Rhos. She was Miss Margaret Henrietta Glin of Ewell. Surrey, an accomplished musician
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 263 8 Reuter. CAPETOWN, Tues.—Dr. Daniel Malan, South African Premier, told the Assembly last nignt that he vvas prepared to have a round table conference with India on the differences between the two countries, but not on a basis that amounted to a foreign power interfering
    Reuter.  -  263 words
  • 115 8 Reuter. PORTSMOUTH. Tues.—The Royal Pakistan Navy sloop Jhelum. 2,000 tons, arrived at Portsmouth today from Karachi with the first party of Pakistan Navy personnel to train in England. The Jhelum is the first Pakistan warship to visit England since the partition of India and the division
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 34 8 Reuter. COLOMBO, Tuesday. Admiral Richard Conolly, C-in-C. of United States Naval Forces in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, today called on Ceylon's Prime Minister. Mr. Don Stephan Senanayake. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 16 8 HERE'S the GIRL '/ALA one of the "dates'' which made two Norwegian sailors miss their ship.
    16 words
  • 108 8 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Tues. The United States Army ha* dropped from its peace-time conscription the quota system used for Negroes during the war. An Army spokesman said today that Negroes and Whites were being "taken as i they come." During the war, a quota
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 78 8 BIRMINGHAM. Tues.— India's Olympic football team beat Boldmere Saint Michael before nearly 5,000 spectators tonight by one goal to nil. Boldmere are the team which reached the semi-final of England's amateur cup competition last season, but they were never so clever or dangerous as the Indians. The
    78 words
  • 85 8 Mr J I Noest the newly appointed Netherland Consul-General to Sydney, is welcomed by Mr and Mrs J B HaZkorn van Rijseivijk at the reception for members of the Dutch cZnnmity in celebration of Queen Wilhelmina's Gol den Jubilee and 68th birthday. Among the people present
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  • 112 8 Reuter. BELGRADE, Tues.—Today's reshuffle of the Yugoslav cabinet, with the promotion ot two ministers denounced recently by the Cominform, was regarded by observers as a tightening of the ranks around Marshal Tito. The promotions were for: Edward Kardelj. Vice Premier, who replaced Stanoye Simitch. the only
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 53 8 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Tuesday. Th v State Department announced today that Mr. G. C. S. Corea. at present the representative of the Ceylon Government in London, has been appointed Ceylon's first ambassador to the United States. He is expected to come to Washington to take up his new post
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 137 8 Reuter. j LONDON. Tues. Mr. Eric Johnston, £50.000-a-year presiI dent of the Ameiican Motion Picture Association, told a press j conference here tonight that it was "shame that Britain, as I the greatest trading nation of i the world, was making a preceJ dent of
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 45 8 Reuter. SOFIA. Tuesday Approval for the arrts t of seven deputies of the Bulgarian Na tional Assembly was announr ed in the Assembly today. All the deputies are charged with "anti-national activity and will be tried according to criminal law.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 58 8 Reuter. PARIS, Tuesday. [ado--1 jhines t Nationalists attacked a French military convoy on the road from Hanoi to Hai phong Tonking. Agent*France Presse reported from Hanoi today. The convoy, which included General Chanson and G<nj eral Neck respectively former jand present commanders of French troops in Northern
    Reuter.  -  58 words
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