Malaya Tribune, 27 July 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 62 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOE THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Taper In Malaya mA W" m'" lJ r ,v h l( Pvi'ino Telegram* "Tribune, B'pare.' Telephone 5811 (9 linen). Hi^nvBI SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS The MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agent* Messrs. Colin Turner
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  • 393 1 Pub lie Welcomes News Of Hussars Reuter. GUNS and ammun ition are being rushed to /.lalaya from the United Kingdom for the police in their war against insurgents. Large shipments have arrived in recent weeks, and these have been distributed to members of the
    Reuter.  -  393 words
  • 34 1 LONDON. July 26 Dr Eiith Summer-skill. Pailiamentary Secretary to the Food Ministry, told the House of Commons today that two years of bread rationing saved 960.000 tons of flour.
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  • 122 1 Reuter. i •/< -v ester, July an. When George Kewgra, tr A,m n tcterun of the Burma i<i M "I'l" a red m court n,n today char gem with be- thank ami tasordert it ttated me clhntii fa the i ,p i>/ a eteemie 17a
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 21 1 Reuter. I'ARIS, July 26. Frencn Radical Prime MinisUr Audit Marie tonight he hail successful!! formed a i ibinet. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 474 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Ann" surplus stores trirongh the Britten M(ks !t;isr,*aS Ecard (Singapore) have so far tti'd £2.Gu().000. including £1.32G,0a0 realised up the end of May last year. Referring to a contrary statentent made in the House of Commons recently hy Sir John Bartow
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  • 262 1 The Singapore Malay daily. Utusan Melayu, in today's editorial on the crisis, urges the various Malay political bodies to sink their differences and take steps to unite the whole i Malay people "as they did two years ago" against lawlessness and at the same time
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  • 204 1 U.P. PARIS. July 20. Sir Stafford ?ripps said today Europe must lave a "New Look" in its eco•omic relations with co-opera-ion, replacing the old attitude* v suspicion and jealous com petition. 'European co-operation on he. fundamental determination 0 work and plan together is the
    U.P.  -  204 words
  • 46 1 Four Chinese and an Indian were arrested in Singapore under the Emergency Regulations last night. The total number of persons under detention to date 'is 78. SECRET SOCIETY MEMBERS? Last night the C.I.D. arrestied 11 Chinese suspected of being members of secret societies.
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  • 37 1 Rading a house in Boon Teck Road, Balestier area, this morning in the early hours, Mr. J. Embury, A.S.P., attached to the C.1.D., arrested a Chinese in possession of an automatic pistol and six rounds of ammunition.
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  • 38 1 U.P. London, July 26. Supply Minister George Strauss said in the House of Commons today that a private Spanish firm had made inquiries about buying jet fighters and engines from a British aircraft firm.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 461 1 U.P. LONDON, July 2«.—United I Stares, Britain and France neared an agreement tonight I>.ith on long-range policy and the text of an immediate note to Russia regarding the Berlin crisis. Authoritative sources disclosed that today's continuous discussions, which Were scheduled to continue far
    U.P.  -  461 words
  • 152 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) In view of the long time which the erection of the University building will take, it is now pro posed to amalgamate the Raffles College and the Medical College to form a temporary University of Ivii laya. The first batch of saidents to
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  • 20 1 A young Malay fell from a coconut tree, dropping about ~>o feet to the ground yesterday norning at Kampong Bedok.
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  • 102 1 JOHORE BAHRU. Today Johore Police on patrol discovered 101 Communist posters all over Rini Estate which is situated off the 9th mile on the main road leading north These posters, printed *n romanised Malay, advised the police and military to disobey any orders to flight
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  • 49 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A 51-year-old Chinese received fatal Injuries when an R.A.F. truck and an R.A.F. ambulance were involved In a collision in Yio Chu Kang Road yesterday afternoon. The ma n was a pas&enger In the truck. Another pasenger in the truck receded minor injuries.
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  • 23 1 PARIS. July 26 Delegates from 13 countries and the Vatican are taking part in the 21st International Congress of Orientalists in Paris.
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  • 462 1 Reuter. LONDON, July 26.—Malaya is already working for the 1952 Olvmoic Games, JocHvn de Souza, leader of iVfalaya's one-man Olympic team, told me tonight. De Souza arrived by air last night with G. Evans, president of Penang Amateur Athletic Association. This pair, with their sole
    Reuter.  -  462 words
  • 148 1 Referring to the measure* adopted hy the Police in protecting pedice stations with barbed wire, Mr. B. V. Fowler, C.I.D. Chief, told' the Press this morning that it had come to his knowledge that certa n members of the public had passed derogatory remarks oh the
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  • 57 1 Reuter. LONDON, July 26.—Wednesday* HouHe of Common* debate on foreign affairs has been cancelled. It 1h understood that the Cabinet today felt that no good purpose would be *erved at this stage in having such a debate. speeches could easily be made that would have a
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 National Employer's Mutual General l IKK- MOTOR. WORKMEN'S oMPENSATION, I'KKSONAL ACCIDENT .iii.l other eutKAt-M of ivmham i; ASSOCIATION LTD. I,n <.r|><»rat>»l In England) m„i Chambers, Kaffle* Pinet^» SINCiAPORItk V* I Handsome is as handsome does i ADONIS I STRIPED SHIRTS I Feel that exclusive poplin texture! Look at those modern,
      65 words
    • 28 1 f B.P. M.S. ir 1 I*l REACH -IN I[j [B I I ftifngirctfors Hg. j^___ Designed to r X meet every PHONE ***** '80 ORCHARD ROAD X SINGAPORE
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  • 611 2 "MALAYA IS DISTURBED" "Singapore is quiet, but we must all be on the alert to prevent violence coming among us. The Government cannot do everything to guarantee peace, life and prrperty. All must help," says His Excellency Sir Franklin Gimson, Governor of
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  • 142 2 Fourteen Malays, five Ceylonese, three Chinese and one Javanese were charged before the Seventh Police Magistrate, Mr. A. G. Shears, yesterday, for assembling in a gang with the intention of committing theft. According to the prosecution conducted by A.S.P. L. R. Prynn. it; was itated
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  • 130 2 LONDON. Binding over a widow. Mrs. Rosin a May West, aged 40, accused of stealing a bottle of milk. Mr. F. J. Wellman, Chairman of Brighton Magistrates, said. "Go to the public assistance authorities and say we expect you to be given adequate relief immediately."
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  • 361 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A miniature zoo consisting of eiephants. leopards, wild cats, monkeys, lemurs, snakes and a bear arrived from Bangkok by the Norwegian ship the m.v. Brattheim (1.389 tons) which diopped anchor in Singapore yesterday. The animal> are to t> transhipped to America. All
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  • 144 2 BENTONG, Area. Police and military raided Gintang Simpah on July 25. and arrested 25 Chinese for questioning. They also arrested two Malays and two Chinese wo- men in Bentong Town. KEDAH. At 3 p.m. yesterday, an anti-hand if squad raided a hide-out in Sungei Kechil near Simpah
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 186 2 Realistic French Film That Won Special Prize I Awarded In 1947 By French Academy I Opens Today 4 Shows 17X71 1 M MmSM 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 p.m. I OOMINO 4t?a Outstanding! fVLV YOU'RE NOT SWNG'THINi-S! \HE REALLY HAS NO BODY! LYNN WY^ A WARNER E S "^h^T**!??!^''''^-^^''^^'^'* EDWARD EVERETT HORTON HERBERT ANDERSON
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    • 31 2 LAST THREE SHOWS 3.15—6.15 9.15 p.m. "P R E E T" OPENING TOMORROW DURBAAN 3.30 p.m., 7.00 p.m., A 9.15 p.m. MENG LI KOON PART n (Chinese) OPENING TOMORROW UAIIAOUR (lilndmtani)
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    • 226 2 QUEENS Last Day: 3, (i.30 9.15 p.m. SPENCER TRACY ESTHER WILLIAMS I in A GUY NAMED JOE Opening Tomorrow "UNCONQUERED" ROXY Last 3 Shows: 3, 6.15. 9.15 p.m GEORGE FORMBY in The funniest of all his sensational screen hits! "IT'S IN THE AIR" with Polly Ward Julien Marsh OPENING TO-MORROW
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 421 2 On Your Radio Today BLUE NETWORK I RED NETWORK MALAY ft ENGLISH CHINESE ft INDIAN j PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES F>om 12 noon to 2 p.m. RadiI ated on 483 metres In the mcdi- From 12 noon to 2 p.m. Radllum wave band and 7200 kc sec. ated on 225 metres in
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  • 259 3 Out Own Reporter) I UMPI 'It, Monday, i trooi of a regiment Loyal Artillery, aided d supported by il vii Force, took part ration v. hich began r< rday and continued today, aaya an is* issued here this ;tat< s no contact v
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  • 234 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) o Singapore Indian lawyer and president pore Regional Indian Congress told the Tribune un< ment from the Malayan Indian Congress a 1 Kuala Lumpur, which appeared in the Singarday, did not mean that the Congress will |M)litical activity or desist from its
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  • 218 3 >H The holding of public Will be both an offectnd popular means of raisv for various worthy .I- fee Interests of the and the Government is advocated by an old known European re- ol (poh who writes to Tribune on the subject. SacloKing a copy of tii
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  • 214 3 PA HANG, Monday. Lan-e-hang Estate in the Mentakab area was visited by suspicious pj i sons at 10 p.m. on Sunday. The sentry on duty opend fire and they fled. At about the same time, stx persons went to the Manager'" house on Mentri Estate. The
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  • 35 3 Tint oases poliomyeHtis, nn ndult auH n child, both Chinese, were n ported yesterday. The death of a Chinese vi, it ion, whe suffered frotn tit' disease was n!.:,, reported.
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  • 108 3 (Tribune Xtftff Reporter) Four Chinese, two armed with revolvers, In daylight yesterday entered a medicine shop in Cluft Street and robbed a local Chinese doctor and the otner occupants of $2,000 in cash and jewellery. Tlx- robbery occurred at 11.30 a.m. Pretending to be customers, the
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  • 84 3 Bail of $1,000 in two sureties was granted to a 25-year-old Ceylonese, G. C Perera, when he appeared before the Seventh Police Magistrate, Mr. A. G. Shears, yesterday, on a charge of stealing a tin of herring valued at 50 cts. I f was
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  • 106 3 PERAK, Monday: The village of Paaial Kernis in the Sittawaa area was horned down and half destroyed at 3.30 a.m. today hy bandits. Semoliang was again attacked last night but was successfully held by police and military. There were no casualties on either side. All lights were
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  • 287 3 Twenty-two Chinese immigrants were sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by th<- Fourth Criminal District Judge, Mr. H. A. Foit«t. yesterday, on charge:; of at.--ing to enter Singapore willo/tit valid passports. Another Chinese who was charged with the same offence Claimed trial and the case
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  • 151 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday. —At the meeting 0 f the Feieral Legislature tomorrow. Mr. G. D. A. Fletcher will ask .he Governmen t of the Federation of Malaya to issue imnediately a statement of their policy arid intentions with regard to Workmen's Compensaion in order to
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  • 18 3 Poggy Ryan and Donald O'Connor in a untitled number in "Patrick The untitled opining today at the Cathay.
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  • 217 3 Primitive bathing facilities were cited in court yesterday as the cause of an incident which occurred at the S.H.B. Coolie Lines. Keppel Road. Taking into account the punishment he had received as the outcome of an assault, the Fourth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. R. J. C. Wait, sentenced
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  • 29 3 A Chinese was seriously Injured in the head yesterday evening when a taxi knocked him down in Telok Kurau Read. The victim is ln the General Hospital.
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  • 155 3 Tho Singapore Bench n**o tho 3ar will pay a trihutr to Ih.' Oemory of the lato Mr. S C. lOho. tho well-known Indian awyer and Legislative Conn :illoi. al the High Court lids aornlng. Mr John Laycock, one of ho fecnior membera >>f the Bar, md
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  • 138 3 The dead! of a hoy whil? under anaesthesia 'hiring an operation had a sequel in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday when an inquest was held on Suron bin Salleh, aged four. Dr. D. M. Dickson, attached to the Naval Base Hospital, testified that at about 2 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 < W --if,..-, -tjflfdj 11 over and over nd over and over again, Uhf n you discover How **touUy good "Gold IT tastes."
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    • 340 3 SEE SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED A GIRL receptionist and cashier. Knowledge of English and Mandarin essential. Apply Bex AI49Q M.T. S pore. (F. 121) WANTED t<» contact an cnglneering firm willing to instal and* operate In their works a Schori Metallising unit. Tbesi .inits spray on to steel, wood, plastics, stone,
      340 words
    • 756 3 WANTED WANTED TO purchase rubber mills (Hollow Rolls) for rubber good- manufacture. Delivery in Singapore. Written offer to Factory c/o Hotel Universal, Higli Street. Singapore. (X IG9'« WANTED to purchase threecjuarter size billiard table with ,or without accessories. Offers to phone 7683 or 26A, Hili St. Spore. (F. 140) TUITION
      756 words
    • 540 3 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Male Brown Pome- ranian One Lady's Bicycle. i Box No. A 1452 M.T. Spore. I EXACTA Model B. Tcssar f2.8 1/1000 to 10 sec. delayed action In leather case also Kodak Ban- tarn f4.5 in case. What offers i Box No. 1447 M. T. Spore. iJ.157)
      540 words
    • 494 3 FOR SALE: Semi-Detached Buhgalow in Paya Lobar Resi- dential District, 4 Bed-Rooms, Dining Rooms, Sitting Rooms Verandahs, Kitchens, Baths, Servants Qrs., Garages, Garden, i etc. Enquiries Box No. A 1156. M.T., S pore. iL.185). I FOR IMMEDIATE SAIJ<;. Half share of a large house, cement lioor, four rooms, two pipes,
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  • 62 4 Miss Katherine Lee Geek Choo thanks relatives, friends, attending funeral, sending wreaths etc. of her beloved mother Mrs. Lee Seng Chong (Nee Gan Sim Nio), passed away peacefully at General Hospital at 1 a,m. 24th July, 1948, age 46, left behind her beloved husband, one daughter Katherine Lee Geek
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  • 612 4 No one has pretended to see any end to the mad race of inflation which has upset China's currency for several years. The amazing thing is that commerce and ordinary domestic economy can be carried on at all without some comparatively stable token of values. Other countries in
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  • 77 4 li the Pu rlin situation eases, and particularly if Russia sutlers something! of a reverse, increased Communist pressure in south-east Asia is anticipated by American commentators. This represents one way of looking at it, but on the other hand, a Communist victory anywhere in the world is
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  • 32 4 Reuter. TEL AVIV. July 26. The Israeli Government tonight proclaimed the Jewish newcity of Jerusalem occupied territory brought its estimated 100,000 inhabitiants under the Israeli military governor. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 265 4 Reuter. TOKIO. The Tokio Metropolitan Government has adopted am ambitious plan to encourage foreign tourists. New hotels and golf links will be built. Three international hotels will include the Kokusai Kaikan of three stoiies. with accommodation foi 1,000 persons and covering an area of 197.500
    Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 764 4  -  h W.N. Ewer The tone and content of the Soviet reply to Britam France and the United Strdes wera as M. Schumann, last (ex) French Premier, remarked, "on expected lines" For they fit completely into the pattern of Soviet diplomatic irategy. It is the
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  • 212 4 Reuter. I VXEMNA. The incurable "Ptlmism of the Austrian people has never been more jin evidence than during the criall which has followed the excommunication" u f Tito by ihe Cominform. Their first reaction was one <d joy accompanied by the open expression Of renewed hope
    Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 198 4 '?lic pc^ld^I Sir, After reading the call of a Malayan Chinese for us ex-volunteers to take up arms and fight again I teel 1 must write a few words on the subject. I was once a staunch Malj ayan. When war broke out in i the East I
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  • 353 4 Sir,—On opening the pages of the Morning Tribune today, it was reassuring to observe such headlines as these: "Malaya Troops: Advance Party Arrives": "In fight against terrorists Malays will remain loyal to Sultan and State." But. I confess, my heart again "began to fail
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  • 164 4 Reuter. BISLEY. SURREY. Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, told competitors at the prize giving ceremony after the King's Prize that no scientist had been able to give him any tangible proof of the theory that "we now live in the
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 71 4 Reuter-AAP SYDNEY A treatment for borsej ins been evolved by Mr A Parker, oi Newmarket buib of Ifelbouine, v. The treatment conxiM* spraying hoi Ma wutt, as4s controlled pressure og aaWtoj md Joints of horses iHpf attention, a inunaej <>: m ses have p D itM if*
    Reuter-AAP  -  71 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 159 4 DUNLOP I Diamond v 1888-1948 m^r 60 years of continuous leadership forlsberb BEER I BOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. ENGAGEMENT 1 aa Fam: Yew—The Engagement of Mr. Fam Kirn Hock, only son of Mrs. Fam Fob Yeow of Klang to Miss Irene Yew. younger sister of Madam Violet
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    • 208 4 NOTICES Re TAN WENG LEE, Deceased. AU persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of Railway Quarters, Spooner Road, Singapore, who died on or after the 20th day of February, 1942, are required to send particulars of their claims in writing to the Public Trustee,
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    • 83 4 THE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., 275 South Bridge Rd., Spore. QUALIFIED OPTICIANS C. Y. FAN Opt. D. (Phi la.) 1/ Longer experience gives better service! 2/ Materials imported direct by us. Hence prices cheaper than else-where! 3/ Crookes' Lenses always used. Waterproof from $28/- each Parker Sheaffers Pens Prices Moderate.
      83 words
    • 125 4 Iljlp i/. V Appointment Biscuit Manufacture! To H. M. The King j Romarvs Biscuits The biscuit jor Ihe I Connoisseur. f 111 ON fc? L II BAKE <|1 A biscuit <hut js jl V komaiu 1 I 4V imm in a class of ils lv I own. .someliii.ijr W\ I
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  • 783 6 Below are the handicaps for the first day of the Penang Turf Club August Bank Holiday meeting next Saturday. The scratchings and order of running will be announced after acceptances close on Friday. July 30, at 11 a.m. Horses. Class 1, 5i Fiii\s. Kindergold 10.03 Fair wood
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  • 427 6 The S.C.C. yesterday spoilt the Seletar Airmen's run of successes in Div. I of the League by holding them to a draw at Jalan Besare Stadium, each side scoring once. The first-round result was also a J—l draw. In yesterday's game t>oth sides failed
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  • 23 6 Reliable information received that 10 insurgents were found dead in a hut near Telok Anson which was attack*, i by Spitfires last Wednesday.
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  • 144 6 Mr. James A. MacKay. VicePresident of The National City Bank of New York, in charge of Far Eastern Branches, accompanied by Mrs. MacKay, has arrived in Singapore on the m.v. Tegclberg. Mi. MacKay. who expects to be in Singapore for one or two weeks, is making
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  • 113 6 Commencing on Monday July 2(5, and until further notice," a combined night mail train conveying Ist. 2nd and 3rd Class passengers will leave from Singapore at 7 p.m. instead of 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. as formerly. The new train will set down and pick up
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  • 115 6 SELANGOR, M onday. In the Rawang areii at 7 a.m yesterday, at Kampong Sinpah, seven to ei?ht Chinese armed with pif tols shot dead a Chinese rice dealer. The dealer's wife who tried to intervene was shot in the thigh and the daughter was wounded .'xi
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  • 75 6 Won g Cheng Sung. s aid to be of no fixed abode, was ordered yesterday by Mr. L. C. Goh. Second Police' Magistrate, to be placed in a house of detention, when a charge of vagrancy was proved against him Wong, it was stated, was found asleep on
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  • 67 6 Mr Eudh Singh. President of the Malayan Indian Congress, will bo touring Singapore at the end of this month. He will vlsi t all local Indian Congresses during hi.s tour. To meet the President, local Executive Committees of each local Congress and the Region will assemble
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  • 40 6 PERAK. Monday A party of Communists attacked the Thyc Honw Mine at Dipang near Sungei siput between 10 and 11 a m. today. The manager and the elder son of the proprietor were; kidnapped. Further details are awaited.
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  • 36 6 It is reported that at present the Chief Police Officer at Kota Bahru maintains dally contact by aircraft with the police at Gua Musang. This aircraft drops supplies to the police force stationed there.
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  • 43 6 The Canning Ollicer of Johore, Mr. F. C. Cooke, who has just returned from Hawaii on a study tour, will speak on the "Pineapple Industry of Hawaii" at the United Engineers Hall, River Valley Road, at 5 p.m. on Aug 2
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  • 39 6 More than 1% million leaflets were dropped over the Federation by R.A.F. planes yesterday. The leaflets, in three languages, told the public about the emergency, the fate of Communist terrorists, nnd how to give information to lluauthorities.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 604 6 IN SINGAPORE. Agents For Malayan Railways AND GLEN LINE FOB LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. Due Sails GLENARTNEY 3th Aug. 10th Aug. GLENEARN ETA. September BRECON SHIRE October GLENAPP October From U.K. for Straits, Hong Kong and China GLENROY Godown 11 GLENEARN ETA Aug. 0 INDO-CHINA N. CO. SAILINGS TO SAIGON,
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    • 389 6 NOTICES Singapore Municipality Claims for refund of assessment on Vacant Houses. Notice is hereby given thai claims for refund of assessment on vacant houses within Municipal Limits for the period from 1 January to 30 June 1948 must be submitted on or before 31 July 1948. Applications for refunds should
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    • 632 6 SALE OF ARMY rxWsil FFs Tenders are invited for the purchase ,ff, Foodstuffs:-- 1 CnaS( of 0« LOT NO. ITEM CONditi 0v SF/78 465 lbs. OATMEAL. Fit F,,r < 240 lbs. DRIED PEAS An mal 224 lbs. FRUIT DRIED. (Currant r>Uto 1 §5 lbs. BARLEY PEARL 42 lbs. MILK POWDER
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  • 106 8 Reuter. LONDON. July 26. The probable runners with jockeys. fo r the Stewards' Cup running over six furlongs at G*>od*'ood 1 510 hours tomorrow: Clarion fC. Smlrhe), .Squander Bug (J Mai shall), Highland Division (1 We tonr, Elysium <T. Bur;;- Pandtj (W. Rickaby». X.ii ..ti (D. Smith
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 77 8 Reuter-AAP. SYDNEY, July 26. Australian jockeys and race hones compare favourably with American, said a leading Sydney jockey, George Moore. On his return here today from six w» eks' holiday in the United States •'Australian riders seem to have more patience and I think they are
    Reuter-AAP.  -  77 words
  • 365 8 Reuter. LONDON, JUly 2ti. Most people will consider tiii the MCC. have adopted a wise policy in deciding to curtail future tours abroad. Since the war ended it ha- become obvious that it will take time tor England to recapture ncr cricket skill while
    Reuter.  -  365 words
  • 273 8 Reuter U.P. BERLIN, July 26 —Britain and the United States hit back at the Russian blockade of Berlin today by stopping all goods traffic between the Soviet zone of Germany and Western Europe throug 1 Bizonia. At the same time the military governors
    Reuter & U.P.  -  273 words
  • 28 8 Heads Up! A tussle for the ball in yesterday's Division 1 League match between the S.C.C. and the Seletar Airmen. The game ended in a draw of one-all.
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  • 99 8 PENANG. Today. Heavy lain yesterday evening made the track soft this morning when candidates foi the forthcoming August Bank Holiday meeting were given fast work Most of the hoises were not out to make time, betas; confined to strong pace work Only a few went
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  • 64 8 Under the auspices of the \CSU an Army Industrial Workers' Union was formed »n last Sunday. Membership vvlll be open to all except clerical and analogous grades. Tlie following are in the inh rlrn committee: Messrs. Abdul Azziz, K. K. Panicker. Sankara n Pillai. Hussaln bin
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  • 59 8 Reuter. LONDON. July 26. Sir Hugh Blnney. Governor o. Tasmania, has dissolved tin state's House of Assembly, which has a Labour majority Radio Australia reported today. The dissolution was expected after a deadlock between the House and the Legislative Council in which Labour has only one representativt.
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 239 8 Reuter. (Hy Noel Buckley). LONDON, July 26. A total of 6,118 athletes from 61 nations will tuke part in the 14th Olymph- Games, according to figures released today by the Organising Committee. Accommodation for this numl>er has b«*en provided in HI Olympic centres, mostly
    Reuter.  -  239 words
  • 403 8 Reuter. LONDON, July 26 —Jack Young, the Middlesex left arm slow bowler, who was omitted from the England team at Headingley, played a big part In the dismissal of the last six Lancashire batsmen in 80 minutes today at Old TralTord for 100 runs. Although the
    Reuter.  -  403 words
  • 27 8 The next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council will be held on Tuesday, August 17, in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 10 a.m.
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  • 150 8 U.P. VATICAN CITY, July 26.--Pope Pius said today that the faithful must "defend the Church against renewed attacks of its enemies", pray foi peace and put in practice of social justice lor the Holy Year 1950. The Pontiff made this announcement in tour "intenions" for the holy
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 184 8 Reuter LONDON. July 26. Two members of the Japanese Army, who were handed over to the British authorities as war criminals but were released, are to have their cases reopened. They are Maj-Gen. Kino shlta and Sergeant Major Yoshiga who are stated to have
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 117 8 The South side to meet the North at cricket in Singapore during the August Bank holidays was chosen yesterday aa follows: G. S Walker (Malace-O F/Lt. Prescott (R.A.F), Maj. Robertson (Army), Khoo Unv, Lee (S.CR.C.), F/O Senior (R.A.F). B. A. Barnet (S.C.C). M. C.
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  • 96 8 (Tribune Btuff Reporter) Transit passengers and crew numbering more than COQ on the Nederland Lin t Royal Dutch Mail m v. "Oranje" due to arrive here tomorrow will not be allowed by the shipDma authorities to go a short in view of the Polio outbreak in Singapore.
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  • 52 8 Parit Buntar, is experiencing a severe drought at present and practically no rain has fallen during the past fortnight. As a result of this dry period the water level at the hesdworks has fallen considerably and the supply of water to Parit Buntar has to be restricted until the reservoir
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  • 12 8 HAWES, the Airmen's untitled S.C.C. forward in yesterday's Ut Stadium. J l1
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  • 564 8 Reuter. LONDON, July 26. Olympic romped (ii day rejoiced in the hottest day in Entr-inn Aur. 13 last year, because v means tions on the running tracks for fast times. 11l a temperature of 83 de giees fahrenheit, the track wabeing continually rolled and watered
    Reuter.  -  564 words
  • 158 8 'falls ad x lav Luxembourg t; Afghanis London, July 2«. Ttan preliminai y rounds of tkttti pic soccer tournament watt cided this evening. At Poij mouth there was no doutu the Nethei land's Mjprrufl over Eire, and thai I 1 n earned them the titjlittons Great Britain
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  • 36 8 Reuter. London, duly L'ti mm Olympic aoean k*a I Haves Club hy font •1 j aie* in i frietidlv natdi mm jAt half time the la*"" I leading hy tour B»th I ;r Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 44 8 The Higlmestff tl and Snltanah ol I*" J be present at the Sports and blessini of the Holy [nnoeeai m School on Saturday mm 31 a t PMI Q u! ,ld He r Hifhness ihe mmm, will give away the
    44 words
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    • 102 8 NOT I C X Al ('TION SAli Valiiahle Freehold A hold Si.. K a,Kire fW^ To he held al J The saleroom ChMH Horn. N«. lO.t'hull-Wjj-l. On Wednesday Wj ,v Lot L Ntataty Uja hoh. 22 a MlrhaeTi J** KSTAIKOI -S IM l»M EAN** i Freehold I»»' 1 V I—
      102 words