Malaya Tribune, 22 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR TffE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printed Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, tpon Penang. Telegrams: "Triune, Singapore." Telephone: 5811 Ct lines). EIGHT PAGES. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS The MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agents Messrs. Colin Turner Talbot House,
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  • 49 1 Scene <it the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday whin (■minting of the votes was Dinde. Note the notice board showing the votes which thret of the 1"> candidates received. In the foreground is Mr. C. C. Tan. Progressive, who was ejected, speaking at the mike.
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  • 170 1 "Missing Police Officer Turns Up Search For Inspector Fong Is Over or Chai Tzu Fong, attached 'o the Hokbranch, C.1.D., who had been "missing" arly hour lasi night, walked into the C.I.D. :o fay— unscraiched. Fong left the C.I.D. at 5 p.m. yesterday on certain enquiries which took him into
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  • 81 1 Reuter. CHICAGO, Mar. 21 —Damage estimated at $15,000,000 wa<* caused by a OS m'les per hour tornado which swept Tinke" airfield, Oklahoma City, late last night, injuring five people and destroying at least 68 aircraft The storm, one of a series whirh battered Illinois towns
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 23 1 Early yesterday morning, police constable shot at and seriously wounded a Chinese suspect In Yen Chn Kana Rd. The man is in hospital.
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  • 52 1 Com Mm ad Service)' meet the Cnilmns in big wocctrt match cted as follows: \m-y); Thomas IJ Mctctaffe (Army); >/•>. Otseklejf X Wdkms f Navy); RAF), Watson Wottdgmte (Nevy), li'»»/1 and DotI'MH Todd (Army), I rmyi n>nl Herbert I i Mho is was Brentford fullNet. If
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  • 32 1 j »lt( I. OB E East* m General Ihe Singapore 1« Film Pr j- j xpected ba«'k riorrow by air en he has be-.n tn ghl rnt;aged v .ions. t
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  • 387 1 Reuter. JERUSALEM. Mar. 21 —An Arab-owned car picked with explosives blew up in Habbour Street, Hai a. today killing live Jews amd injuring others, according to Jrf.visn reports here. Fifteen ot' cars iO the area wen- set on Are by the explosion. One British ctticer
    Reuter.  -  387 words
  • 81 1 A huge tree was strurx down by lightning at the 5? milestone Bukit Timah Road (near the Mcßitchie Reservoir) early on yesterday morning. The tre e crashed on to the road causing obstruction to traffic Measures were taken immediately to divert trie flow of traffic. The obstruction
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  • 88 1 It is learnt todjy that the jdvanc c c four-fifths of a month's salary to Gove.nment officers drawing bel ;v. $400 p.m.. approved at a recent meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council, will not be paid until the Malayan Federation Legislative Council has authorised
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  • 26 1 A Filipino schoolboy was robbed c? his wrist watch within a few yards of his home in Sophia Doad last night, by two Chinese.
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  • 62 1 Mr. G. F. Clay. Agricultural Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. Creech Jones, arrived in Sin gapore last night on a twomonth visit. He will tour Malayan rice and pineapple estates. Mr. Clay will leave for 6 :rawak to-day to confer with to
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  • 39 1 Reuter. NEW YORK, Mar. 22 —General Ho Ying-chin, head of the Chinese delegation to the United Nations Military Committee, left for London by air yesterday on his way to Nanking. He was accompanied by his aides. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 23 1 The Malaya Tribune will publish tomorrow the sixth of a series of exclusive articles by JOE LOUIS, the world heavyweight champion.
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  • 375 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore police hope in a few months to be in readiness to track down any piracy on the high seas v/ith the aid of aircraft and fast pa i ol equioped with the latest radio intercommunication sr.'*;, should the call
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  • 119 1 Reuter. KARACHI. MAR 21 forces ot tie Kashmh —"Free Kashmir' —govern ment have leuulsed an "enemy"' column I.CCO strong and regained tht initiative in Naoshera. about 50 miles south oi Poonch. Southern Kashmir, an Azad Kashmir communiaue claimed today It was suggested here yesterday that increasing pressure
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 276 1 Reuter. Belgrade, March 22. First official Yugoslav statement on the joint British, United States md French proposal that Trieste be returned to Italy is expected to be made today. It la learned one of the main objections will be the fact that Yugoslavia was not invited to
    Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. LONDON, MAR 21—The Madras Government stated today that 30 to 40 armed raiders, firing shots into the air, had crossed the Indian territory from Hyderabad State, which has not acceded to either India or Pakistan, New Delhi Radio reported tonight. The raiders entered near Koornul, Madras, and
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 268 1 U.P. FRANKFURT, Mar. 21.—President! Eduard Benes gave in to Communist demands *hen he learned that large formations of Soviet troops, ostensibly on routine manoeuvres, were converging on Czechoslovakia's frontiers, Czech refugees, formerly high in government circles, said here today. A group of non-communist, ministers and members
    U.P.  -  268 words
  • 28 1 Mr. C.C. Tan, Progressive Party untitled the largest number of votes on Election Day. h< ing rhatr'd, by his supporters on leaving the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday.
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  • 150 1 Advisory Panel On Imports Exports (Tribune Staff Reporter) An Imports and Exports Advisory Panel comprising of three representatives from each of the three Cham bars of Commerce under the Chairmanship of the acting Registrar of Imports and Exports Mr. A.D. Stutchhury, has been formed in Singapore. The Panel was set
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  • 83 1 Reuter. JERUSALEM, Mar. 21. Three British constables wilt appear before a military court on board a ship in Haifa harbour tomorrow, on six counts Including discharging firearms, absenteeism and theft of an armoured car. They were arrested near Jerusalem on Mar. 10 while fighting with
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 PIADV MAPI k 10 OBPt* >/ I I in n<n in 1 ikite With Happiness! April 21st 7 Ihe Great World Park be «at e gives you th? run of the fun at The I World boxing, dancing, Skating etc.. all FREE I v "at kindness of the directors of
      116 words
    • 142 1 HENG CHEONG WATCH Co. (ESTD. 1911). PHONE ***** i 195, ORCHARD RD-. STORE. W X WANDER LTD. Emdand). M«« Vitaminsto Improve Babyfc Feed ft n SIMPLE, but very effective way to Increase- tho W nutritive value of baby 'a feed la to mix Vimaltoi T/ 1 \J with a little
      142 words

  • 404 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 21.- With stalls mushrooming into existence, and spilling over mto the streets. Kuala Lumpur is In imminent danger of being chocked by their great number. A legacy of the Japanese sojourn, they look as If they have come to stay. Their
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  • 157 2 U.P. Peiping. March 21.—Communist, troqps in Hopei province last w«.ek began moving north of the Great Wall into Charhar and Suiyuan provinces in what looked like a possible attempt to cut off General Fu Tso Yl. commander of the North China Government forces, from
    U.P.  -  157 words
  • 147 2 U.P. SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA. March 20.—President Teodore Picado declared flatly today that "the government is in [control of the situation" i throughout Costa Rica and that the Rightist rebellion in the south was almost totally 1 crushed. Picado acknowledged that some rebel groups were
    U.P.  -  147 words
  • 69 2 U.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 21 j Government officials, past and present, who made "fat" profits dealing in lard (drippings) will be questioned by the House of Representatives Speculation Committee. The chairman, August Andresen, said he will ask them how they happened to buy lard last September 4, only six
    U.P.  -  69 words
  • 49 2 (Tribune 3taff Reporter; A Chinese pedestrian, who was knocked down by a motor vehicle opposite the Shackle j Club yesterday morning, was i admitted to the General Hos- pital. The accident occurred at the j same spot where a few weeks ago, a motor cyclist was killed.
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  • 31 2 U.P. ROME, Mar. 21.—More than 1,500,000 Government employees are threatened with a payless Easter Day through extension of a three-day stride of 1,000 key personnel of State unci Court accoun '»;.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 68 2 Reuter. TOKIO. Bmperor Hirohito, holidaying at his country seaside resort, suffered a democratic setback yesterday. Fro m ihe Imperial Household and carryin if the Imperial Chrysanthemum seal went a demand to the prefectural Government for 200 ban < of chwcooA. "A d* mand for such a large
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 79 2 Reuter. COLOMBO, Mar. 21. Ceylon's goodwill mission under the leadership of Col. J. L. Kotelawala. Minister of Transport and Works, left here by a special Dakota for Burma early thi» morning wi'.h relics of Sariputa and Mahamohllanda, two chief disciples of Lord Buddha. The relics which
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 37 2 U.P. LONDON, Mar. 21.—A Tass dispatch today quoted a Russian astronomer as saying that Soviet scientists have proved that plant life exists on Mars and are planning a "botanical map of the planet."—U.P.
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  • 495 2 Kuala Lumpur. March 21. After their aircraft had been delayed for several hours at Kuantan owing to engine trouole. Lord and Lady Killearn arrived in Kota Bahru on Monday where they were met by His Highness the Tengku Mahkota, the Mentri Besar and the
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  • 158 2 U.P. Los Angeles. March 21.— Secretary of State George Marshall said yesterday that the United States is Uv key to the world struggle against tyranny a nd cannot stand aloof and "see other free nations destroyed one by one." But he warned the nation that the
    U.P.  -  158 words
  • 343 2 20.-Indifference is the main reaction snown by several members connected with the welfare of JESIt workers over the new w age offer put forward by the Malayan Planting industries Employers' Association effective from April 1. It is understood, that the various estate workers
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  • 354 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar.* 20. -A miracle in human endurance has been performed by a 37-year-old Indian widow devotee of Mahatma Gandhi from Kajang. She fasted for 48 days, from the day after Gandhi's death up to yesterday, when she broke her fast after paying
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  • 122 2 Reuter. LONDON, Mar. 21.— Action in Moscow within the next few day* which wouid mark a new stage in the rapidly developing East-West line-up nf pmrers was expected by obe* rvers in London today as a viin'sttrial Finnish delegation headtd by Prime Minister Ma una
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 181 2 Reuter. Rangoon. Mar. 20. U Saw. former Burmese Premier, sentenced to death in December foi his part in the assassination oi U Aung San and members oi his Cabinet last July, will b< hanged on April 9. rt was learned officially today. A
    Reuter.  -  181 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 ADVENTURES OF NON I ACTION SUPERB *t*i ARCHERY Ii Alexandre Dumas I IN EYE-ARRESTING COLOR [TO-DAY 11 EVig 630 Dynamic Thriller! ifß^^BW "ALL THRU THE NIGHT >^liSjp 80GAOTF 1&1w... BEsrj Preceded by Latest News. NOW SHOWING* m; 4.15; 6.30 and 9.15 p.m.l Air Pftled IJ J£ PhoTic 40lT~ NEXT CHANGE
      93 words
    • 331 2 t,;„: W waiting i n Sin "J ma ra cereal »N P">ag, Allahabad Ganges s Ghodaxar, and a i'.u rtttni of i nd ia H m Hind, Anta m iratra gx-m a,,,,, jth y Nfctteg pietnre if "APNA GHAI" "MY HOUSE Chandra Banerji. lajadish' a? ll 1 others. n tickets
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  • 372 3 PENANG, MAR. 21: An bbery look p!ac P on tor junk "Heng on the night of Nov. and six persons eged to have taken 0 robbing coffee-beans, Id r: roper, and tl belongings to the •ie of tSta from the •unk. equel, a preliminary held in the
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  • 109 3 U.P. HELSIN3KL. I Finland). Mai'. SI. One thousand Communists 1.000 non-Communists Finland's National An- Finnish delegation rft foi Moscow foi treaty it ion with the Soviet Union. i'iit delegation which is head••«l l»y Foreign Minister Carl left by train shortly midnight consisting of 7
    U.P.  -  109 words
  • 64 3 Reuter. iGDAD, Mai. 21. Iraq's lr 'K. ol 3.000 taiKvaymen sup- by other workers enter- 'ts fifth lay today as government attempts to reach a '""M'r.aii, c on strikers de<»an«iH OI higher pay failed, ''"'vi deinonstreaonfl conti"""t in the capital today while jj* Minister of Social Affairs.
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 28 3 ntitled involving a few s I'enzine occurred yesterl evening at Collyer Quay. n ipt attention by the SinFire brigade* soon had H extinguished without "■J lamage to property.
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  • 321 3 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH. MAR. 21:-In the Supreme Court h ?re the Hon. Mr Justice 'L. E C. Evans heard a cvi appeal under the Leases and Tenancies .War Absent v > Board, Ipoh. The appellant was Mr. L. A. Smith oi Ipoh who Is a mining
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  • 177 3 U.P. WASHINGTON. Mar. 21.— The United States Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Norman Armour, said "Communism obstructionism" makes it vitally necessary lor American nations to forge even closer Hf said "grave troubles" of Europe, China and other areas and great importance to
    U.P.  -  177 words
  • 492 3 Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 21. The difficult problem of dealing: with the repatriation of exI.NT.A. personnel, destitutes and other deserving cases in Malaya is referred to in the report of the work of the Indian Relief Committer in Malaya from Anril 194G to June 30,'
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  • 65 3 Reuter. PRAGUE, Mar. 21:—Brass •bands woke Prague citizens ncluding members o! Parliament, today for a Sunday of arork. their pay going to the nited Nations Children Fund and to aid Greek guerilla forces. In Parliament six agriciiiural bills wer v rushed j through, bringing the week i nd's
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 138 3 Reuter. Rangcon. Mar. 21.—Ashes cf Mahatmn Gandhi, which were to Burma a iter his cremation, were immersed in the Irrawaddy river this morning in a solemn hvv minute ceremony presided ever by Ihakin Nu, Burmese Prime Minister. 'Ihe city's streets were packed with crowds as
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 95 3 Reuter. TRIPOLI (North America). Mar. 21. The leader of the Arab political parties here today protested to the Four-power Allied Commission on the former Italian colonies against "Soviet and French support tor Itaiian claims in the former colonies while representatives of the two nations are investigat ing the
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 92 3 Buck in Singapore a ter rice discussions hi Bangkok. Rangoon and Calcutta are Mr. W. R. Innes and Major F Young, both of the Special Commissioner's Ofhce Economic Section, They are respectively Rice and Cereals Assistant and Shipping Officer to thp Special Commissioner. Leaving on March
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  • 130 3 The Committee of the Sinea- nore Chinese Organisations for the Improvement of Conditions on St. John's Island have addressed a letter to the Colonial Secretary requesting; ♦hat representatives of the Committee together with officers and Chinese inspectors of the quarantine station be allowed
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  • 109 3 (Tribune Staff Reportert Three robberies occurred in Singapore over the week-end. Shortly before 10 p.m. on Saturday, a Chinese was walking along Outram Road when he was waylaid by three compatriots who searched his person and took away $110 in cash. Later the same night, three
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  • 188 3 U.P. CHICAGO. (Illinois). Mar. 21. —Senator Allen Barkley. Democrat of Kentucky, said: "A creeping monster that endangers our civilization and our Christ ianity" now confronts America. obviously referring to Russia although he was not naming the Soviet Union. He said another dictatorship "as dangerous as
    U.P.  -  188 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 ©CONSULT THABIB A M. HASSAH foi your DIABETES*. No BOfferorl need de.';pa>r. Complete cure by special herbal remedy. No relap*« Over fifteen SUcceasfill prac- 'iui l(j n<is already cured. Al r (l1 •ord.T.s i-orrorted by T7 IGE Vitality restored. Br u„ adi spore
      43 words
    • 210 3 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Malayalee (SHs*) cjriucuate With Literary talentImmeaiate appointment in Singapore. Apply with details Box No. rtiUi6, kt.!'., Spore- (V.92). WANTED Two Junior Outdoor Salesmen to handle general imported lines- Must be prepared to start on $50/- monthly salary but with high commission. Unlimited prospects for good workers. Only
      210 words
    • 812 3 WANTED Experienced Tracer capable of accurately measuring up and plotting buildings and of preparing large scale and full size details. Btate experience and salary required. Apply Box No. A9BB. M.T.. Spore. (V.68) WANTED SINGLE CHINESE MIDWIFE with at least seven ears experience salary $150/- per ionth plus free board and
      812 words
    • 533 3 ACCOMMODATION HOUSE WANTED By European I couple willing pay lor repairs. Apply Box No. 1004. M.T.. Spore. (X-70) j SERVICE AND COMFORT GUARANTEE stay at NEW ASIA HOTEL (SUN AH LUI TIM) 2. Peck Seah Street. (Off Maxwell Road), Singapore. Three Storey Building, Electric Lift, Quiet and Airy Locality Phone
      533 words
    • 547 3 PET FOR SALE Alsatian Dog. mate 20 months, excellent condition p:eas<apply Box No A 995. M.T.. Spore i! TRANSPORT IMMEDIATE AIR BOOKINGS Australia, Europe LetiVing, Tuesday and Thursday next respective'y. Hire, 1, Laid law Bui.a.r,. X.V.Si PRIVATE CAR one vacant seat mornings 8.40 to Fin! ay son Green Battery
      547 words

  • 839 4 The Singapore* electorate has retailed three party and three independent candidates to the Legislative Council, votes apparently being influenced more by personal than by party or communal considerations. The Progressive Party are doubtless disappointed over the defeat of Mr. A. P. Rajah and Mr. Lim Chuan Geok but
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  • 1114 4  -  By- JIMMY LEE In a land like Malaya where civilization and primitiveness go hand in hand the scope of the story-teller is limitless. The European story-teller is a rarity, and while he does tell a bed-time story now and then to his favourite child, he la never
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  • 109 4 SHANGHAI. Education first, entertainment incidental that in short denicts the objective of most of tne radio programmes i n China. The Central Broadcasting Administration, in a recem survey conducted among its 39 stations, found that 40 Der cent, of the time used in broadcasting is devoted to educational
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  • 260 4 Reuter —AAP. HON GKONG, —The Hongkong Government, observers believe, is progressively losing face as a few Chinese continue to occupy the site of the old walled city of Kowloon while the question of jurisdiction remains unsetUed at diplomatic levels. The removal, for health reasons, of squatters' shacks
    Reuter—AAP.  -  260 words
  • 133 4 Reuter —AAP. SYDNEY. Seventy five years ago Mrs. Annie Coen left her birthplace in Dublin. Ireland, and came to Australia in the hop e that the climate would benefit her poor health. She and her husband settled at Tenterfleld, near Sydney, .and they became pioneer settlers of
    Reuter—AAP.  -  133 words
  • 281 4 The Government •ovv the example of J 0 1 H the I > hilippi nf s t 0 ]rrria an«) settlement in Japan** of a debt contiaV-tM war as valid ln fe I" duress r**** of payment. a(Cr Ptm CA t'on U
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  • 196 4 vis-a-vis Malays Sir,- Looking at the list of clcrks promoted to special grade published in your pap<" L was surprised to sec that ill the clerks promoted are non Malays. One is apt to think over the policy being followed by the present Government. Or whether there is
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  • 62 4 BOMBAY The BanMJ' Minister for Health Mr. M D D. aider stated in the I/®slativr Ass-: jnbly tliat the vcrnm?nt ol Bombay..iit r nc-» to estc'bl sh I'-per colonic the" provid iifi d on t'»r 3('00i f P r: c.s a post wa- irconsiriK-JW 1 nicasurr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 if I M 10SINC WEIGHT,! %"0 FEELING NERVOUS j K<3*U RUN-DOWN. J our {mjm Km f*t&e warning* rhcsc .ire signs of what doctors call W "Mineral-Vitamin deficiency —warnings that you arc n>>' 9 getting enough minerals and vitamins which Nature demands you to have. <*w!Ĕk The cooked-out foods that you
      453 words
    • 279 4 SITUATIONS VACANT SALESMAN required by European firm for lamps, cables and electrical appliances. Must be energetic with good connections electrical trade and wi ling travel Malaya if necessary. Full details experience, age, salary required to Box No. AlOO6 M.T. Spore. WANTED; European Building Foreman with wide experience carpenters work and
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    • 33 4 Eye Care consists of more than just "buying glasses." Ei/e comfort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon professional services of a qualified eyesight specialist, C. S. CHONG, OPT..D. Fully equipped with modern instruments.
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    • 21 4 Band Spreid Model 92 IW AC or AC/DC $375.00 r^^^^JF FREE HOME TRIAL-EASY TERMS Sole Agents I 12, OBCH^^^Wr^P^ ll 63::
      21 words

  • 1181 5 LONDON, Mar. 21. -Action in Moscow wi'hin lew days which would mark a new s'uge rapidly developing East-Wes% lineup of as expected by observers in London today rial Finnish delega'>on headed by r i m Minister Mauno Pekkala was on its way to ioviei rapnal.
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  • 253 5 IPOH. Mar. 20 The alleged ill-treatment and general injustices meted out to Malays and Muslims living in the provinces of Southern Siam have caused considerable resentment and dissatisfaction amongst the community in Malaya who met recently under fhe All-Malaya Muslim Association at Gunong Semansreol. Knan
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  • 21 5 The Three Hours' Devotions on Good Friday in St. Andrew's Cathedral will be continued by the Right Reverend Bishop Stephen Neill.
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  • 221 5 Reuter. BM R X ELY, California, Mar. HO. Mr. George Marshall, Sea clary of State, declared fnrd night that quick action te needed to stop the spread of communism but added that "th' door is aide open for any general conciliation moves"
    Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 701 5 (Tribune Wilm Reporter) A Kuala Lumpur man who aspired from boyhood to be an actor, matte good on the London st,age and has now graduated from it with a debut in th' 1 idm 'F. anche Fury", which conies to the
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  • 97 5 Reuter. Batavia (By Air Mail). -To find a hsh product to supplement Java's protein deficiency and to study the possibility of stiengthening East Indonesia's economy a research ship is being sent for six months to the eastern waters of the Indonesian archipelago. News of the expedition
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 89 5 Saint Paul. <Mannesota». March 21.—Minnesota born Mr. Harold E. Stassen who is campiigning for Republican presidential nomination, criticised sharply American Withdrawal o" support for the Palestine partition plan. He said, "it lii an invitation to international anarchy." Mr. Stassen's attack was contained in a speech prepared
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  • 936 5 Inspector A. John of the Seremban Police has gone on transfer to Jc.eou. He is succeeded by inspector Yahaja The s.S. Rajula failing to Madras will now arrive at Port Swettef.nam on March H. All those requiring deck accommodation imuiu apply to Messrs. Boustead and Co. Ltd..
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  • 51 5 Reuter. COLOMBO. Mnr. ZL The Government of Cry'on understood to be negotiating with British Government for the purchase of SEAC radio station in Colombo. Co!. Kotclawala, Minister of Transport and Works, will discuss the matter with the British War Office when he visits London in April.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 267 5 IPOH. Mar. 20.—T0 provide theatrical entertainment here, a group of enthusiast ie amateurs, under the chairmanship of the Rev. J. C. E. Hayter. has recently held meetings with a view to forming a theatre club. It is hoped to make more definite plans during the next
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  • 90 5 Reuter. AMMAN, Transjordan. Mar. 21. The new Anglo Transjordan treaty was signal heir today by the British Minister, Sir A. S. Kirkbruce, and the Transjordan Premier and Foreign Minister, Taweik Pasha Abuahuda. The treay will be presented to King Abdullah of Transjordan later today for
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 81 5 CUTRILIN PRODUCTS LONDON ENZYVITE T Diets for the re.ief of gastric discomfort, digestive trouble, stomach ccmplaints. heartburn etc. ENZYGENE Compound for iheumat c pains, lumbago, stiffness. CARLSBAD Salts to prevent constipation, gas formation, indigestion, flatulence, etc. ENPRO Foot Powder for Singapore and Athlete's foot, blisters, cracks, sore, tired ana
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  • 1041 6 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Mar. 20. Sheila's Cottage, daughter of that great Phasing sire, Coitage, won a thtrilling race for this year's Grand National, being the first mare to win this great chase for 48 years, and only the 12th in the centuries
    Reuter.  -  1,041 words
  • 410 6 Reuter. Edinburgh. Mar. 20.—Scotland brat England at Murrayfield for the first time since 1935 and regained the Rugby Union Calcutta Cup when scoring two tries to a penalty goal before a crowd of 65.000 The loss by England ot scrum half Madge with torn
    Reuter.  -  410 words
  • 80 6 Owing to lain the cricket match between the Singapore Colts and the St. Andrew's Old Boys at Woodsville was abandoned yesterday after the Colts had completed thefr innings. The Colts knocked up 64 runs after a two-hour stand against strong bowling by the Old Boys. Highest scorer was
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  • 211 6 Reuter. LONDON, Mar. 21.—Under the eyes of the English Olympic Committee selectors Oxford University scored a big win over Cambridge University in the annual inter-varsity sports at the White City Stadium yesterday scoring 83 points to 43 and nine events to five despite a brilliant treble success
    Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 182 6 Reuter. LONDON, Mar. 21.-Just a week af* 1 tag of the Western Alliance pact rjr-it'! f tain, France and the Benelux eountri? or Holland and Luxembourg) will rr Wednesday to set up a Consultative Pmm, f vided under the treaty, Renter learned in L 3
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 72 6 (By ALL 1 LEWm KUALA LUMPUR, Ma> Mr. Li Sing Tee, who under the rtom-o>-plumc v Alladin." ha-i ;i rum tup K.L. to see lijs kone "TV Magic Lamp" win today Am v. ing by plane he wm mti bj taxi Bad just aiiiv.-.< ~n
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  • 137 6 The Singapore Polo Club held their annual general meeting at the Club House, Thomson Road on Saturday March 13, Mr. Justice Brown presiding. The following were elected office bearer s for the forth- coming year:— President; Major F. L. Harding, Captain of the Club; Colonel N. W.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 618 6 j agentT^SA Agents For Malayan Railways AND glen lim: FOR LONDONj ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG. GLENAPP alls Oran, Tangier and Casablanca) G. 6 7 ME MON Calls Casablanca. Tangier Due April 6 From U.K. for Straits, Hong Kong and China GLENSTRAE ETA April 1 GLENGARRY ETA Apr. 6 BKECONSIIIRE ETA April
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    • 535 6 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Applications are invited for the following TEMPORARY Appointment in the Municipal Water Department. One Senior Draughtsman. Salary between $200 and $300 per month. Closing date Tuesday 6 April 1948. Details and application form from the Water Engineer, Municipal OiTices. SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Tenders are invited for the
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  • 506 7  -  Football News And Views by SPECTATOR occasional display of rough-house cs in their game against Rovers has '11 for strong criticism from a reader igns himself "Asian". Asian" praises the briliian spor'Edisplayed by CA. which he says "has admiration from spectators and players alike."
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  • 168 7 League leaders Amicable Athletic Association meet 4 he Royal Navy in todays first division encounter at the Stadium. Amicabies, who won both their previous league games without conceding- a goal, have been training hard for this match. The 3 A's a sound defence, but their
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  • 218 7  -  < By CELLULOID The Singapore Chinese table-tennis trials to select three players to represent Singapore against th e Federation teams fcr the Malayan trials to be held in Singapore during the EasU r holidays concluded last night. After trie Malayan trials, three men's players and three women's play
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  • 299 7  -  (By ALLAN LEWIS FRANK FLANNERY was easily the leading jockey at the meeting by riding eight winners, a performance not very often equalled. Frank deserves all his success as lv is obliging to all trainers m riding morning track work. As you say Frank "Nice Work".
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  • 41 7 Reuter —AAP. BRISBANE, Mar. 21.—Cal i Miday, of the United States, the j title holder, today won the jpeedway car race here billed !as for the world championship. His time for the 50-1/4-mile laps was 16 mins. 5 sees. —Reuter —AAP.
    Reuter—AAP.  -  41 words
  • 160 7 n, (Jamaica), Mar pile tit the tropical Hutton scon d 8 tury his second of n the M.C.C. r return natch i h< ■■:>' today. At i>i;iy the tourists Had At 240 tor foar wirHutton'?; Share being hire opening 4>at. II d with his stylish pas at
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  • 86 7 Sports Association j Sports Club Kota tennis played on the s courts, Toluk Kurau Results. Malay Sports mentioned first, are .".Hows;— H. Khamis beat Haji Ahmad 6-2, 6-1; J Kur.shi beat Ali Moha--9*4 Nooi e-2. 9-7 BS -K. Yadi and Haji Yasin 1). Haji
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  • 49 7 Singapore Colombo Air Link Reuter. War. 21.—Sir Or.. ke. Ceylon's Mill me Affairs, arrivby air ti.night for ith tire British n ('cylon's sterling to talk with the Civil Aviation, an, on the question P ie-Colombo air he will suggest, peratftd by Cey4on itioa with U0 Brr- is Airways Corpo--Reuter
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 46 7 i; ir>GE. (NEW JERh 21. The Wright al Corpoi-ation tom J *acounced the .development entirely new type* of hi-h wiH giva ftfgnir t-s in the range or *ad cviiian awart. engine corataaes the oi the gas turbine *mt\ji typ M of P° wer
    46 words
  • 91 7 Slim, Light Compact The "Empire" typewriter, smallest, lightest and most compact j n the world, wdl be shown at the British Industries Fan which is to be held simultaneously m London and ISirmtnghttm from 3rd. to Hth. May. Measuring 11" x 11" 2 3/8 (in case,, it weghsonly B. Janus
    91 words
  • 1294 7  -  (By FOREHAND Thrilling tennis characterised the three finals oi the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association Indoor Championships which were played at the Happy V/orM Stadium last nigh before a large crowd or tennis enthusiasts among whom were Governor and Lady Gimson. D Singapore's ex-Junior Champion, A. G.
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  • 93 7 U.P. LONG EASTON, (DERBYSHIRE). Mar. 21.—Approximately 25 panic-stricken greyhounds burned, or fought each other, to death when fire destroyed the club, bar, canteen and two stands at the Long Easton greyhound stadium today, two hours before the meeting was due to start. The keepers released
    U.P.  -  93 words
  • 96 7 The Social Athletic Party Soccer XI will be selected from the following to meet the Ist Malay Coast Battery in the S A F.A. 3rd Division League to be played at the McNair Road around at 5.15 tomonow: Yeoh Ah Kow. Anthony Yong. Lim Kirn Liang. Teo
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  • 1163 7 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. 21.- The first round in the struggle for British flat racing honours, which is bound to ensue between Britain and France this season, went, to Britain when Commissar won last week's j Lincolnshire handicap. There was no fluke about the victory
    Reuter.  -  1,163 words
  • 139 7 The SMSU defeated the Fraser Neave Sports Club at TableTennis played last week at the Singapore Municipal Services Union's premises by 4 games to 1. Results (SMSU players mentioned first) are as follows:— Louis Lim Teck Huah beat Cheong Mm Leong 21-14, 21-18, 21-18: Loe Hang
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  • 440 8 Reuter. LONDON Mar 21.—A vigorous attack on the Interna'ional Lawn Tennis Federation was today made by Mr. J. Chinna Durai, India's representative to the Federation's annual general meeting in Faris on Friday, after ne had learned tha' India's pioposal for the institution of
    Reuter.  -  440 words
  • 165 8 Reuter. LONDON, MAR 2 .—A loss r>f about £550 on the year 1947 compared with a profit ol £275 In ITI6. s a matter of concern n the Amateur Ath letlc Association The Associations annual report s:s--clos r d th t the inrome ior 1947 amounted to
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 66 8 U.P. Bangkok. March 21. It was officially denied here today that the two Siamese held in custody in Singapore, pending the outcome of an application by the Siamese authorities for their extradition.* have any connection with the death of King Mahidol. It was stated that
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 318 8 Reuter. BERLIN, Mar. 21.—The future of the Allied Control Council—highest organ of the four-power goverpmer of Germany—was hanging in the balance today following 'the action of Marshal VasSili Sdkolovsky, Soviet Commander, in abruptly adjourning and quir ing a meeting of the Council last nierhtu
    Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 171 8 Reuter. LONDON, MAR. 19.—Reports from New York that Britain's defence sterling is undesirable created discuss on and interest today in the stock marKets. Apart rrom some apprec.aUon of South African dividend paying companies, accompanied by tne revival ot devaluation talk, this report had little effect on prices
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 28 8 Reprints of local photographs appearing in the Morning Tribune and Malaya Tribune can be had on application to the Tribune Photographic Department at $2.00 per copy.
    28 words
  • 43 8 On Thurday. March 25. at the East-West Society meetng at the V.M.C.A.. £l v amford Road, at 830 p.m.. Mr. W. Dallry. Member of Parliament, will speak on "British trade unionism, its tradition and practice." All trade union representatives are invited.
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  • 20 8 Robinsons and Co will hold their annual clearance cheap sale from March 31. 1948 to April 10. previous to stocktaking.
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  • 192 8 Reuter. TURIN, Mar. 21. —The Western powers' proposal tor the return of Trieste jp Italy and the signature yesterday of a Franco-Italian customs union protocol were regarded by observers here today as like!ly *o swing next month's Italian elections decisively in favour of the
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 163 8 In a friendly match of five i men'a singles, three men's doubles, one lady's single and one mixed aouble, the Bournemouth B P. beat the Red Rocket B.P. by 6 games to 4. Detailed results: (Bournemouth pi« y mentioned tUMj:— SINGLES: A Silas lost to
    163 words
  • 133 8 Reuter. Berlin, March 19. —More than 25.000 Berliners gathered in pouring rain at the burned out ruins of the Reichstag yesterday to hear anti-Communist leaders of the three parties Social Democrats, Christian Do mocrats and Liberal Democrats -demand freedom in the Russian zone of Germany. Less than
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 288 8 When Mr. Tipson retires from office on the 31st inst. the administration of Bible House. Singapore will be transferred from the British and Foreign Bible Society to the National Bible Society of Scotland, under the secretaryship of Mr. Lan Morrison. This step is taken in accordance with
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  • 103 8 Reuter. LONDON, Mar. 21.—Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, Minister of Home Affairs in the Ceylon Government, is expected in London tomorrow and J. R. Jayewardone, Minister of Finance Is due here two days later for d'scussions with United Kingdom Ministers on matters of common concern, including particularly Ceylon's sterling
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 26 8 Baghdad, March 21.—King Abdullah of Transjordan accompanied by his Prime Minister, Tawfik Pasha Abulhuda. will visit Baghdad early next month, it was reliably understood here tonight.
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  • 65 8 Mr Maltill. one of the thre successful Progressive Party candidates speaking at the microphone on Saturday night after the election result was known. In the backoround is Mr. J. Dumeresque, the Duet tor of Broadcasting who made ail arrangements for the broaacast Candidates' agents checking the spoilt and
    65 words
  • 453 8 Trials held at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday by the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Association preparatory to the selection of competitors to participate in the meeting against Malayan Federation Chinese athletes to be held in Penang resumed as follows: Results of yesterday's triais are: 100 metres:
    453 words
  • 97 8 Listeners to the usual "Current Affairs" School Bro»0c<lflf next Tuesday, the 23rd Hire* will hear a retarding made ir the United Nat'ons Conferonee room at Lake Success on Feb ruary 29th. when children Jom all over the world met :n a special session to mark the
    97 words
  • 267 8 The Chinese Association held a yen, ie-union dinner at; the club's Dremi2. 8Uc angoon Road on Saturday night n« in were Dr. and Mrs. Wu Paak-shing: wh s 5? hor poned a scheduled Tip to the Cameron m! 5 in order to be present.
    267 words
  • 114 8 Ipch. Mar 22 rjoM Ban Demerio Lord vai.s pick. a U h Daniels stables, did teadi pace work this morn;! Little Beau vent al quarter p,«ro and Ch < Spencer i went tvfa the last six The rest of van Break string, lidden by 1
    114 words
  • 98 8 In a return table-tenm c encounter played at Ike I en Sports Club premise n* terday the Singapore hil Club defeated the Bencooir. Sports Club by four (MB three. Results: iS.I.A. play.: tioned first I. SINGLES: M. 9tfU Cyril Thomas. 3 0: S. R.
    98 words
  • 63 8 His excellency the Egj Commissoner for tl I ration of Ma'iy? a i the Officers' M Barracks. Johore Rahru or Saturday and presenj following awards P O G Wakeham. ()HL Dr Sc»i M I. 0 B E Che Joharl bin w JofTri. BEM M i
    63 words
  • 112 8 Reuter. LONDON. MAR. 22 —Bengal is "the pr cc and glory of the whole of India" the High Commissioner for India, Mr. V. X Krishna Menon. declared at a socval gathering of the Bengali Literary Society —the oldest Indian organisation in London here last night. Dr.
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 73 8 Mr Icon Briton. Far East Supervisor, RKO Pictures, wiil be visiting Saigon and Bangkok en film business at the j ocginning of April. He will b° ;tway from Singapore fo r a fortnight. Mr and Mrs Perry Greenberg are leaving for the United States at .he end*
    73 words
  • 251 8 "Buddhism was not opium to the Sinh*l< i their life blood for 2.500 years." <airi Vr n <' f hp course of a talk to the Sinha'r. c A M it the annual general meeting. Narada Thera speaking on various LUDJCCtI :_ald LHat
    251 words
  • 32 8 Stars af H is mrthod f a week TMa nc« hnn*> ne» golves your fat v-!''%uT feel 10 v. ing. no x Acts by »id protects y»'«.
    32 words
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