Malaya Tribune, 20 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR TOE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printed Mimvltanrously- Kua/u Lumpur, Ipon Penang. Telegrams: "Tr hune .Singapore." Telephone: 5811 i'J lines). l!<»l|flffl*»Af;hS SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1948 PRICE TEN CKNTS The MALAYA TRIBUNE London Agents Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot
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  • 118 1 THE VOTERS TICAPORE's first election today will give opproximately 22,000 registered voters the opportunity to choose their own Legislative Councillors for the first time in the history of the Colony. They are required to elect six members to the Council, which will have its first session on
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  • 81 1 The 15 candidates are: Municipal North-East (2 seats): Mr. John Laycock, Mr. Lim Chuan Geok (both Progressives,) Mr. M.J. Namazie, Dr. C.J. Paglar, Mr. R.C.H. Lim, Mr. V.P. Abdullah and Mr. M.K. Chidambaram (all Independent); Municipal SouthWest (2 seats): Mr. C.C Tan and Mr. N.A. Mallal (Progressives) and
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  • 489 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) SINGAPORE'S voters go to the polls tod ay. Despite a vigorous campaign conducted by opponents of the cons titution, indications this morning point to fairly heavy voting in ail districts. All polling booths were opened
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  • 55 1 J. there was a keie--1 use, a Chinese ng In Borneo Road. I tahi ii. not report robbery until sevral the Incident. It 4i in yesterday, rour i im d an entrance >nto '.v climbing a <vain tne inmates |KM n cam an.l some 'nt was repufted
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  • 30 1 Tki United Btmtem ii vi Litkt Success i| AlMru n had dei- I to withdrew her sup- >><- Palestine PartiI ii'm. Full report on m I feme.
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  • 25 1 MOSCOW, Mar. 19. Pray- pondent said W( tern powers proposed >the!s in Berlin for troops, but the entative* i ejected tion this shameful
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  • 22 1 rler four ohUMC to rob a woman in i- last nlgtit, a neiecJ'< *v In the vicinity ltd a f aunow.
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  • 45 1 Trlhun pic! ;*rvar take* at the Victoria Memorial Hall polling booth this morning. Top picture stamp the smpty polling box Icing mhown to rottrs. Th*: other pied-re shows Mr. ft. L. Bridges, Bupevintendeni of the Memo* rial Hull, casting tho first vote.
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  • 166 1 When the election staL arrived at the Rattles Museum polling point shortly after half-past seven this morning, they fount! that no preparations had been made for the polling station at that centre. OT, If arrangements had been made, they bad not been with the proper authority. Huriried
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  • 86 1 A reward of $2.000 is being offered to any person or apportioned amongst the persons living information lesultin? in The recovery of B male Chiaese named Lim Ah Moh For the recovery of the bod> of the same person, $1.000 will be paid. Lim Ah Moh disappeared
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  • 35 1 CHICAGO, MAR. 19. Eleven people are so ar known to have heen kiJUd, any more than 100 injured in a series or tornados wnich hit states irom Texas to Oh o today.
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  • 63 1 ALLAN LEWIS, Tribune's special racing correspondent, telephoned from Kuala Lumpur this morning:— In Race 3, Gold Trim and Firemaster will not run, while in Race 7, Huron and Mamuse will be scratched. The going will be very heavy. Best bets: Gamelaw, Renown and Baritone. Safe each-Way bets:
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  • 39 1 U.P. LONDON. Mar. 19. —A divorce court granted a decree nisi today to Viscountess Anson, niece of Queen Elizabeth on grounds of desertion. Viscount Anson of the Grenadier Guards did not contest the suit. U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 L.X"'»' ST ECTIONS J I CHINESE (TRK'S F PKW'TKK i\ m J (-OPPF.R WArtE 1 Always Visit ii WORTH WHISTLING AT/ Elfish COTTON DRESS NET I 'n 13 shades!. $2.50 p.yd./ ''lain SI AN TUNG LINEN 7J >*' wide. $2.50 p.yd. k^J tinted HAIR CORD wide. $1.95 p.yd./ ■mmmm 4«49
      58 words
    • 185 1 r™ ——I Watches Clocks I to/ sfyfc I I Wholesale and Retail Owinj to limited siock J jj n 0 catalogue is issued. d Expert Repairs Undertaken I Yick Woh Hingj J 429. North Bridge Road, Spore. P Phone 7922 (near Middle Road) HHis Masfm\foicc SPECIAL ISSUE =s FIRST RKC'OKDING
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 466 2 "We were going to Changi looking r or girl friends at the 10th milestone", was the xplanantion given at the Assize Court yesterday by a Chinese who stands charged with two others on two counts of unlawful possession cl arms and ammunition. Ihe Chinese
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  • 99 2 Lua Cheng Kok, a young Chinese who claimed to be a ship's stevedore, was committed for trial at the next j Assizes, yesterday, on a charge ol stealing a twoj inch side lamp which had been fitted on a car "for decoration. At the preliminary inquiry which
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  • 126 2 (From Our Own Reporter) MALACCA. Mar. 19:—Near, ly 900 labourers engaged on four major estates in Jasin District staged a one-day j token strike today. There was no intimidation to the respec. j tive estate managements. The estates affected wenj Diamond Jubilee Estate. Bukit Kajang
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  • 60 2 Alleged to have participated in an armed robbery in which cash and valuables worth $2,223 were stolen from Fu Gee Tuan at No. 42 Branksome Road on Feb. 2, Kau Kian Tiong <20) appeared on a tentative charge of armed robbery before Seventh Police Magistrate A. G. Shears,
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  • 204 2 The Advisory Council yester- day passed the Transfer o: Powers and Interpretation (Amendment) Bill. The object of this Bill is to remove doubt.; in relation to the interpretation of the term "Malaya" in the Principal Ordinance and to the exercise of the rights of the Advisory
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  • 73 2 Last night, at the beautiful home of Mr. Mrs. Geo E Lee. at Pasir Panjang, Mr. Goh Soon Tioc, accompanied by Mr. David Apel. gave a recital of violin sonatas. The recital was preceeded by an excellent Chinese buffet supper. Nearly three-hundred prominent Singaporeans at. tended tlits
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  • 121 2 I Yesterday the Advisory j Council passed the Malayan Establishment Pensions Bill, which will come into operation from April 1. This Bill repeals and replaces the existing Malayan Establishment Pensions Ordinance, 1939 so as to give effect to the agreement entered into on Jan. 26, 1948 between the
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  • 43 2 The Reverend H. Kendall, who is the Warden of St. Edward School, Oxford, is staying in Singapore for a short time and will be the preacher at Matins in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday morning, March 21, nt 10 30.
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  • 209 2 In a latter to all Rural Committees. Mr. C W. Sennett. Chairman of the Rural Board, states that complaints have been made recently by Village L Committees of increases in i fees charged for the tempoj rary occupation of Crown land. He however, agrees that jin
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  • 108 2 Ration cards arc being voluntarily surrendered to the Rationing Office. Victoria Memorial Hall, at the rate of approximately 400 per day. in addition, the number of normal transactions taking place at i that office at present is parti- cularly large. In consequence, large queues are collecting
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  • 102 2 Reuter. New York. March 18.--Acti-vity quietened but most issues fluctuated around the day's best levels with traders awaiting further developments concerning rearmaments, labour disputes and tax reductions. The steel industry is already prepared to reduce production if the coal strike is prolonged. Meanwhile meatpackings hold steady despite
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 126 2 Reuter. London. Mar. 19.—Mr. K. Zilliacus, Leftwing Labour member of Parliament, told a meeting here tonight that "it was time to say openly that the aggressive expansionist and imperialist power that was threati ening peace today was none other than the United States.
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 60 2 A Special Christian Y-juth j meeting will oe held on Saturday, March 27, at 3 p.m. at the Fairfield Chapel, 178 Neil Kd., Singapore, to which memoers of all Christian Youth Organisations are cordially invited. Bishop Stephen Neill, Assistant Bishop to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and one of
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  • 90 2 UOVl. AppUHIHIIUIW Mr. M. H. Blacker. M.C.S., has boon apointed to act a.s Dy. Financial Secretary in place oC Mr. J. E. Pepper. M.C.S. Mr. G. W. Davis, M.C.S.. and Mr. R. G. K. Thomson, M.C.S., have been appointed Dy. Commissioner of Labour. Mr. J. H. Loch, Cadet.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 "TuXr bin/Lb oj\ WMJ (LWUMCPW.. mVui/L (ma CMI Uckfau 1 AN IDEAL HUSBAND j HAS TO THINK OF HIS FUTURE... A WOMAN HAS TO THINK OF HER PAST!_ CO-STARRING MICHAEL WILDING LAST 5 SHOWS V* «F Ml A.M., 2 P.M. 4.15. G.30 and 9.15 11 J You Don't Have To
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    • 138 2 DIAMOND THEATRE Return Screening By public Request for one day only. TODAY: 3.1 r >; 615; 9.15 I'M. The Nightingale of India KANAN DfcVl in "ARABIAN NIGHT" (A Grand Hindustani Musical Costumes) To-Night Midnight Premiere. The Biggest Hit Ever come to the Screen "DOOSRI SHADI" or Another Marriage. Starring Mumtaz
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    • 235 2 W GCVLfInG PHOftt eao7B Today at 3.15, 6.30, 9.15 p m "BAHADUR" (Hindustani) Tonite Midnitc: Noorjehan in Oil. (Hindustani) GREAT WORLD GLOBE 3—7—9.15 pjn. "Tarzan and His Mate" NEW WORLD LIDO 3—7—9.15 p m. "Captain Marvel" ROYAL 3—6—9 p.m. "Raj Putani" in Hindustani Tonight (11.30) Midnight "Leela" in Hindustani. "ciiinir
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  • 317 3 An open fin'ling was recorded by the Singapore Coroner. Mi W G. Porfef yesterday, at the conclusion of an inquiry 'he circumstances Of the death of the 31-year-old Chinese wsyang actor, Lee Kim Wah. Deceased was found buried !n a <fisused air-raid shelter n snort
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  • 99 3 U.P. LONDON, Mar. 10. An Imperial Conference to (Hyenas the implication* of the Brussels F>ve Power treat J is m the offing. Members of Parliament saw significance in Bev-n's pronouncement that the part was "only a beginning This is believed to have implied more definite
    U.P.  -  99 words
  • 158 3 The Singapore Union of Postal and Telecommunication: Workers has appealed to he Government in a letter that four seats to nominated by the Governor in the new Legislature be Ailed by trade unioa m te C 'arc just as deeply interested in
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  • 829 3 As the first step towards implementing certain recommendations of the Trusted Commission Report on salaries, the Advisory Council meeting yesterday approved an Immediate advance of 80 per cent. (4/sths) of one month s salary towards, a retrospective increase" to all Government servants in
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  • 74 3 The following explanatory memorandum on the motion proposed by the Colonial Secretary in the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday in circulated for information: With the exception set out in later paragraphs, the resolution adopts the salaries and salary scales recommended in Appendix t It. 111 V of the Trusted Report.
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  • 67 3 U.P. OSLO. Mar. 19.--Norway announced today it would keen army recruits under colours io:--up to three months additional military training. The call-up for training and service includes officers and men, (specially technical personnel, who have completed their regular peace time services. It is stated oflicially that such call-ups
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 54 3 LONDON, MAR. 19 A fight about an Anglo-Indian woman between two British soldiers in barracks in India was described at the Old Batley today when 24-year-old Gunner Thomas Frankso, pleading guilty to the manslaughter of another gunner, Raymond Kershaw, was sentenced to four days' imprisonment, which
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  • 75 3 Govt. Thrift Loan Society At a mirting of the Singapore Government Servants Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society held yesterday, Mr. A. Williams has been re-elected President, while Messrs. L. C. Goh and A. K. Isaac retain their positions as Vice-presi-dents. Other office-bearers are: Chairman: Mr. S. Sinnathamby: Hon Secretary: M.
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  • 230 3 A Malay woman who was found guilty of theft by the Sixth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. E. S. de Banzie yesterday, left the Court a free woman when she was discharged j few seconds later Reason, was Vhe woman. Mariamma bintc Abdullah had previously been convicted for
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  • 141 3 Detained en suspicion by a 1 detective. Lee Ah Thow, :i middle-aged Chinese, was al I legedly found to have b?en iin possession of v bicycK which had been removed from a btmb-damaged house in 11 as Street. The bicycle had be en parked in tho
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  • 107 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter' Singapore was busy with rumours yesterday regarding restrictions on sterling remittances to South Africa. Official spokesmen were not in possession of any mlormation. but clarification of th situation is expected momentarily. If restrictions have been Oi are to be imposed, there arc two
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  • 20 3 COPENHAGEN, Mar, 19: Finance Minister H. C Hansen last night called for protection of Denmark against internal and external enemies.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 Taste! Taste!! Taste!!! What else matters? Good Taste knows neither frontier nor (;ontincnts. Us Taste, and Taste alone, -«ild Leafs popularity rests. Sul- Importers: A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LIMITED the largest studio in Town for most advanced photography, see lilywhite STUDIO >bi. ROCHORE ROAD, (off Victoria Street) Singapore: Tel: 2984 Business Hrs.
      115 words
    • 149 3 MTMMi i M^"^~" SITUATIONS VACANT SERVICE ENGINEERS for Singapore and Malayti. Salary $220--$3OO including HCL, plus travelling allowance and commissionsCompany car provided. Must be of Inter B.Sc. Standard and possess City Guilds Radio Communication Certificate or equivalent with at least 2 years practical experience in Radio and Sound Engineering. Apply
      149 words
    • 791 3 WANTED Experienced Tracer cabbie of accurately measuring up and plotting buildings and ol preparing large scale and full size details. State experience and salary required. Apply Box No. A9BB* M.T.. S pore. (V.68) WANTED SINGLE CHINfcS*; MIDWIFE with at least seven years experience salary $150/- per month plus free board
      791 words
    • 533 3 ACCOMMODATION HOUSE WANTED By European couple willing pay for repairs. Apply Box No 1004. M.T., S pore. (X7O) SERVICE AND COMFORT GUARANTEE slav at NEW ASIA HOTEL (SUN AH LUI TIM) 2, Peck Seah Street, (Off Maxwell Road), Singapore. Three Storey Building, Eloctric Lift, Quiet and Airy Locality. Phone 4978
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    • 515 3 PET FOR SALE Alsatian Dog, male 20 months, excellent condition pleaic apply Box No A 905, MT.. Spore (W. 60). "toanspoot" IMMEDIATE AIR BOOKINGS Australia, Europe Le«ving, Tuesday and Thursday next respectively" Hire. 1, Laidlaw Buiidinß (X.75) PRIVATE CAR one vacant seat mornings 8.40 to Finlayson Green Battery Road. from
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  • 642 4 All those who were in Malaya during the occupation, either inside or outside the prisons and internment camps, will join in rejoicing that formal recognition has been accorded ro the splendid work of Malayan nurses during that trying period. By virtue of her calling the professional nurse is
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  • 111 4 Letter To The Editor Sir—On behalf of Mr. F. H. Bedford, Jr., President of the Atlas Supply Company, the members of his party and ourselves, i we wish to express to you our sincere appreciation for the splendid co-operation extended in regard to the excellent publicity given
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  • 22 4 TOKIO, Mar. 19.—Th« Prime Minister, Hitoshi Ashida, will deliver his policy speech at the Plenary Session of the Diet tomorrow.
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  • 1708 4  -  CONDUCTED By "OBSERVER" When Lord Listowell visited the Federal Capital, Kuala Lumpur, recently. Mr. E E. C. T h u r a i singham, Pre. sident of tne Ceylon ?ed. eration 0 I CEYLON PIONEERS A Malaya, presented His Lord, ship with a silver casket 011
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  • 141 4 Reuter. V ATlran attention of r >. s »"at*d on 1L I Assisi. n A new racade to m. wnWlng was finiSJr* P'*vr. I ami 150 feet ,r, 1 in 3 was place! v i the ss^s"; I Crowds gathered 7**** claimed that he wte her
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 133 4 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Wl* hp civil war has cost China so r may well be gauged from fc statement made by hUjor-Ge* ral Teng Wen-yi, Director of the Ministry National Defence, accordiaf to whom the Chinese Commu msts during 1947 alone des;r ov Ed mines and factories
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 64 4 CANTON. Rest! will soon be imposed by B* Canton Munic.pul authorities on the activities ol nroadcastins stations in the civ. There are at present e*W Stations, live Governine:.: owned and three run as cumn.ercial enterprises. The author .ties object to the "rfcky* songs and al carried by private
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 354 6 Reuter U.P. WINCHESTER, Hampshire Mar. 19.—James Camb, 30--years-old deck stewaid on the Liner Duban Castle, told of the events in cflbin 126 previous to the death of Eileen Patella Ronni "Gay" Gibson. 21 years old actress, he is accused of murdering on
    Reuter & U.P.  -  354 words
    Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 128 6 Reuter. Capetown. Mar. 19.—Gen eral Jan Smuts. South African Prime Minister, told the Senate here today: "The great powers should speak to another as wan to man. No one knows what Russia's position is.*' "Russia says that she Is as much in the
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 74 6 The Social Athletic Party against the Geylang Corinthians at soccer on Sunday at thGeylang Stadium at 5.15 p.m. will be chosen from the following: Anthony Yong. Lim Kirn Liang. Sim Im Peng, Teo Ban Teck. Thoeng Joeng Bong. Tan Ah Kow, Koh Beng Hoo. Tay Kirn Hin. Chow
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  • 82 6 Reuter. LONDON if J** ChmemZ; a, l f rfr ""> th. ;r I which i fears" Wi ff< cited n S*-. I l*€ umrUmt p, <* ::r HOf put 1 Cows-,-, »>"/ M 4 Mked rk n weal affenneea fa of proce3 mkort, .ifr. Keefa fee mm ufcfej
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 589 6 Agents For Malayan Railways AND glen line FOR LONDON, ANTWERP. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG. GLENAPP (Calls Oran, Tangier and Casablanca) G. fjl MEMON Calls Casablanca. Tangier Due April 6 From U K. for Straits, Hong Kong and China GLENSTRAE ETA April 1 GLENGARRY ETA Apr. (1 BRECONSHIRE ETA April 13 I.MIO-4 lII*
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    • 763 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Applications arc invited foi the following TEMPORARY Appointment in the Municipal Water Department. One Senior Draughtsman. Salary between $200 and $300 per month. Closing date Tuesday 6 April 1948. Details and application form from the Water Engineer, Municipal Offices hRe. LOVELL HAIg BARTHOLOMEW deceased. All persons having any
      763 words
    • 394 6 NOTICES TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 SALE BY TENDER No. 65 The Custodian of Property, Singapore, invites tenders ior the purchase of the following:— Dodge 24 h.p., Engine No. D *****2. Dorman Holman Compressor. No. *****, with Diesel
      394 words
    • 410 6 m.s "TALUEI" Due a||l fc enroute for Bangkok SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA I X CONTINENT m.s. "KAMBODIA" I, UP aht Mar J enroute for Manila, Hongkong Shanghai and Mt m.s. "ASIA" Due at)t Apr i enroute for Bangkok m.s. "KOREA" Due abt pr J enroute for Hongkong and Shanghai. s.s. "NIKOBAR"
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  • 573 7 FOOTBALL NEWS AND VIEWS BY "SPECTATOR" POST-MORTEM on yester day's game NBAbORTHS xh"u*d fut-in to .\n*\ivH r »"f Jtryi trw of fftt s*-umw, uhflt h>f >/>tr» «'A« in Mr" (pfijui-i irOw i/iit.c T^'»/ l"*l 4-1 tht'ir h'w?/ match, >trf tr <!-'»// ccrf/l '/m
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  • 150 7 The Singapore Indian Association lost to the Yew Chee Lai Association *> five games to two when they met at tabletennis p.layed at the latier's premises last night. RESULTS are: (Indian names mentioned first): SINGLES: -S. Suppiah lost to Soo Jeow Keng. 0- 3; D. Suppiah
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  • 395 7 ammfart*. Highlander* ...J MF. A. (Malays) 1 LEAGUE MATCH (DIV. 1 > YESTHRDAY BATING THE MALAYS (M.F.A.) BY THE ODD GOAL IN IHREE Play contrasted vavidly witn the previous match between jthe Rovers Sports Club and j the "Tigers", which thrilled from start to finish. However,
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  • 348 7 Keen and exceptionally uean righting highlighted the Air Command Far East individual, boxing championships held at; the Servicing Wing Hangar. Changi. last night. The boxing was of a nign standard and three qjick knock-outs thrilled a large crowd Perhaps the best bout of the evening was
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  • 97 7 A cricket trophy was presented recently when Don Braciman received a silver plated casket, gift of a poor Indian pony cart driver from Poona. India, named Tangawalla to tne highest scorer in the third test match. rt „r Although the man ekes out what by some standards
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  • 302 7 •By 'CELLULOID") SPECTATORS were given a good treat when they witnessed the second night Of the Singapore Chinese table lerinis trials held a t the Chines > YMCA. 6e!egie Road, last night. Lai Ying Hon. the Singapore champion. and Wong long Goon, his club mate, provided the
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  • 104 7 Four goals scored within ;he first 15 minutes of tho same gave the Jollilads XI i •onvincing victory over Ihe Singapore Recreation Club by i margin of -our goals to two n their soccer encounter clayed at the SRC grounds yesterday. Salahudin contributed two goals,
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  • 139 7 A friendly game of table-tenm* consisting of seven singles was olayed between the Singapore Chinese YM.C.A. and the CI.V.M. A (SS Peter Paul) at 107, Selegic Road on Tuesday ana ended in the Chinese V.M.C.A. trouncing the C V.M.A. by nve games to two. The
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  • 150 7 HORSE FINISHES 3RD. THEN DROPS DEAD Reuter. LIVERPOOL. Mar. VJ. Tragedy marred three-mile Champion Chase, run own- part t> in Grand National course here today, when uham Pjrfer* seven-year-old Cataliero, regarded as one of the mr, 9 l br Uant young cfwsers in Britain, dropped dead after finishing third. t>
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 520 7 (By FOREHAND") A walk over decided the Veteran Doubles h*& of the S.L.T.A indoor yes -erri-w when Roy F. Smith and R. B B Donnell oc came -he 1948 champions. Their opponents, Lim [fong Soo and Cheong Chee Tong, conceded the v.alk-over. Rartiett and Bong Soo sustained
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  • 92 7 The Mayflower Badminton Party "B' and "C" competition for this year will beg!n today, at 500 p.m. at the home court. The following will be the t cs: "C" Event: George Tan vs. Tan Peng Koon; Rang Soon Heng vs. Tan Choon Boon, Miss Lav Hui Keow
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  • 57 7 The following will represent, the Singapore c:<>it. s ai i cricket against the 5.A.0.8. I to be played at Woodsvilie tomorrow at 11 a.m. sharp: I P. Johnson, S. Dribeit. M Pereira, K. Jalleh, R Thomasz, I Kraal, J. Derbyshire, M Kraal, R. Kraal Anthony Lim. Q. Carson.
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  • 92 7 Reuter. PARIS. MAR. 19 --Aller a kngthy discussion at the annual congress of the Interna,tional Lawn Tennis Federat on in Paris today it was decided that the time was not opportune to institute a women's international competitor! on Davis Cup lines. The proposal lof
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 55 7 The following are invited to turn up for the C.V.M.A in a soccer match against the k-R.C f; nhai? Michael Hendroff William Hendroff, James Tail, U-k C«*k Lee Hud off Mosbergen. Roland Keasler, Chua Menu. Anthony do Cruz, Anthony Choong Jean Pierre. Geortre BatePUin. Ng* fc Kwang,
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  • 44 7 The following will repliant the YMCA XI against the Colonials today at Changi Transport mil leave the Association at 1 30 p.m.. E N PiUai. Hollo way. Hooper. Yogarajah. S. K. Sundram. Pat Swynv. R Lync. Suratta. R. Deliken, Ooonasesram« Ashley. Carapiet.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 273 7 f DINNER BALL TONIGHT at THE LIDO and 1 1 1 1 EVERYNIGHT 4 l i.Mile, Pasir Panj xng Road SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT HIGHEST QUALITY EUROPEAN FOOD AGAIN ON CUR MENUSteaks Chops Buffet Suppers Dfeaftn i Delicious Chinese Dishes. Dance To The Music Of Al fonso Soliano's Sextet Famous Radio Malaya
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  • 168 8  -  By ALLAN LEWIS Phil Tank.ud who received a fa front K.mtella at Penang, w I no, be rkllng until the ip..h meeting Ph»j js navmg anj ot trouble with his hack and on me deal advice is lest ing. Harry Gentles who had not kicked home
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  • 111 8 Reuter-AAP. PERTH, .VI AH. 19. —A large crowd including many cricketing personalities gathered on the to b:d larewell to Australia's tourists who today leit ior England. There was general confidence that the team would retain the Ashes and members of the touring party l.ned up tire
    Reuter-AAP.  -  111 words
  • 1294 8  -  By Allan Lewis I BEST BETS Gum claw, Renrrwn. BEST EACH WAY I/amhrion Bat If owe. BEST OUTSIDERS Syb-an La.sft, Gay Selection, and Gopeny. RACE ONE Clan 3, Div. 2, Abt. 7 Furs. Four Winds, El-Alamejn. Karman. and Helen The Fifth r**d
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  • 112 8 NEW YORK, MAR. 19. Ihe American magazine. Life, j announced today tn-c it would beg n pub Icattai* or /ml 16 of t'.-i British war i~«.der, Mr. V/ins'on cnur dvlls memoirs which it linsgaa'ne describes ?s M a *3 soral history nf World Vfal I Two." v.r. ciiur.-hdi
    112 words
  • 49 8 The following will represent the Singapore Khalsa Assoc. against the Naval Base tomorrow at the Naval l.ase ground at 10.30 a.m.:— ''h m Sineh, Sewa Sineh. Ram Singh, Kuldip Singh, Balwant Sinjrh, Mewa Singh. B g Soin, Patel, Wazir Singh. Mohinder ifWnHi. M B. Singh. Mahan Singh. jDarshan Singh.
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  • 104 8 (ALLAN LEWIS) (By "GARRICK") Race I—FOUR WINDS Race I.—FOUR WINDS Karman Howe Flying Fortress. Karman Race 2.—BULLRING Race 2.—DEMOCRAT Sheffield Plate {Race 3. RENOWN Race 3 —RENOWN Haydee Haydee Austerity Maid. Austerity Maid j Race 4. BARITONE Race 4 —ROYAL BOUNTY Royal Bounty Baritone Advantage. Bitter
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  • 894 8 Below is the full card for today's races, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club March meeting, together with the records of the last three runs, owners and trainers:— RACE ONE 2.30 P.M. Horses. Class S. Div. 2, Abt. 7 Furs 20 4 Timmo j,g rM,„..t, r*h
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  • 465 8 US withdraw Support F or Partition Reuter. LAKE SUCCESS. Mar l9_Th< delegation to the United Nation. lr that American support f or Partition proposals for Palestine h£ J A o'rawn and that a temporary trusted, e ,°l Palestine is oropo. r me united States ntatemen. was made during a Four"
    Reuter.  -  465 words
  • 120 8 U.P. Shanghai, Mar. 19. A major battle loomed in north Kiangsu the Communists moved B more than 20.000 troops in an effort to re-estarlish "a horderegion" along the eastern seaboard from which to threaten the Yangtze delta on which Shanghai and Nanking are located. Pro-government reports said
    U.P.  -  120 words
  • 89 8 Sydney lightweight, Micky Davis, knocked himself out in a recent light with Tommy Smita at Newcastle. N.S.W. He missed with a wild right, overbal anccd, and hit the canvas witn his head. He was unconscious when dragged to his corner. Smith hadn't landed a blow to knock
    89 words
  • 109 8 Paris, Mar. 19. Eight ft* iet citizens, arrested by Pte* i j security police here i n I nesday night, were l rufht speeding towards Qeraaßyi a motor-coach which m d take the in lirst t I zone and then to the Ei i zone for handin» i
    109 words
  • 66 8 The following ptpHi N! A. of 25, BWt« Smgapore .sent in for her 1947 Trinity G theory eMwt—Hll taw with honours First Steps:-J»-«-:.hiJ!' P»« loo (bom.I. J*aii ch'» A (M Ci.-ilv Chan 9C (Imbs) Preparatory:- -PUSW T8 (hens.) Tan D• (bona.). Tan KVug C* as-1 Patricb Nanev
    66 words
  • 94 8 The Mlmrißf tew ;ed to piay foi C nil P? VMCA today on the Cn* sons play 2 ~.n..:-W. Ratn,wlc'. r Fernando. B Dole. r. L* 'L. NUicmr., D. Miilt-r WA; Woilf. S. mmputk A. ii. !ajah. Anthon;~A Hipsol- m\ The foUowtof i- to play for CoioniaU, Chanyl
    94 words
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