Malaya Tribune, 9 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 58 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printed Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Telegrams: "Trbune,Singapore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines). fcEIGHT PAGES. TUESDAY, 9TH MARCH, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Affints—Messrs, Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 98, St.
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  • 486 1 Reuter. JJ ifjj sh ivy. M j s.iid that pror establishment iiis were being .a d""' ~n* 'r colonies l r j, tod i\ h:is a "fnrmidjhif 11 -1 set ond only in size [Tthal the I Tiled States." said Pi Dugdale. j x
    Reuter.  -  486 words
  • 72 1 In i 9' f 7 the old Royoi Ma'ay Reserve iras disbanded tmd ways and means of creafino a Malayan Nary were taken up in discussion and ft is expected that some time, this year recruiting Will be opened The netc fore. ioh<n. it corn's into being, trill
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  • 44 1 Reuter. V iRK Mar. 8. —A Un;t-Super-fortress men on board, lias vet the Pacific o:ning and an inten- < r < v > la unicrway. of the ten flying Washington training mission, ted at 0944 GMT D heard of since, plane* all reported •y Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 44 1 Mar. B.— Mr. Harry Secretary of the nmunlst Party, has the Canadian High he will not be al'in Canada for a ectures in April, the stated tonight, ted last June that had then been refused the United States Consulate in Nnder.
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  • 21 1 rsary of the deith d-sen on March 12. will broadcast .e--speeches, name. v. Chinese Nation" rinciptea of Saving
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  • 18 1 J OE LOUIS STORY Tribtmi Mill puh- >i* J"* "n-tthe-r I*9**l- I w s of cjcc,lusi*:e "> i' Lomim.
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  • 300 1 Reuter. —Allegation LONDON, Mar. 8.—The House of Commons ordered its Committee of Privileges to investigate the publication by the London Daily Mail of allegations that some members of Parliament were "secret supporters" of the Communist Party. Labour member Francis George Bowles drew the attention of :|i*e
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 54 1 Reuter. MOSCOW, Mar. B.—The Soviet Government announced tonight that its Ambassador in Lon :on handed a note to the British foreign Office on Saturday stating that the Soviet Government c.n sidered the decisions reached at the London conference on Germany were "incapable of having legality
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 25 1 CAIRO, Mar. B—Mr. E. A. Chap-man-Andrews. British Minister in Egypt, la returning to London tomorrow morning for consultations wilh the British Government
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  • 157 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. H.- Mr. Churcjidl, attacking Government's decision to scrap five old battleships during the debate on Britain's naval strength in tne. Commons today, declared: "You arc Welcome to the sloottn of 'scrap the lot', but for ma part, when I look along the
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 39 1 Vienna, March 8. The Federation of Labour tonight banned members from Communist Action Committees and threatened explusion of all Communists who violated the ruling in an apparent atempt to forestall a Czechoslovakia type of coup in Austria.
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  • 401 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE "HOUSE FULL" NOTICE IS UP AT THE FIRST AND SECOND CLASS WARDS OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL, AND OTHER CIVILIAN HOSPITALS. Patients who sought to gain admission have been turned down. Otherwise they have been warded in third class beds. So
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  • 48 1 Reuter. MANILA, Mar. B.—Lt.8 .—Lt. Gen. Shigenori Kuroda, Commandinp General of the Japanese Forces in the Philippines from May, 1943 to September, 1944, will Ie tried for war crimes by a Philippine Army tribunal in Manila early next month, it was officially disclosed here today—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 168 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. B:—An Imperial Defence Conference on Bri tish naval strength was suggested by Earl Howe. Commodore In the Royal Naval Reserve, in the House of Lords today. He re "erred to the Government announcements on the scrapping of ships and asked -'has the Government sought,
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 63 1 The South Indian Chamber of Commerce and the Chetriars Chamber of Commerce are understood to he petitioning the local Government as well as the Colonial Office in London on the subject of voting rights for their members. As it stands the Indian Chamber of Commerce, which is
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  • 27 1 Reuter. PARIS, Mar. B—The French National Assembly to-night adopted an amended version of the Government's anti-inflation levy bill by 315 votes to 255. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 23 1 ATHENS, Mar. 8.—Press reports from Salonica today said a detachment from the United Nations Balkan Commission was shel.'ed in Macedonia near the frontier.
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  • 58 1 Three masked men who bonded a motor-powered ;<nehored off Crawford early this mornme. took away a bag of rice, an alarm clock, a magneto and $15 in cash. One man was armed with a pistol. The taikong and a crewman were locked in the
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  • 29 1 A Chinese was held up by three compatriots in a back lane off Sago Street last night and robbed of $30 in cash and valuables worth $50.
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  • 45 1 U.P. TOKIO, Mar. 8. Five thousand women marched through the streets of Tokjo singing and waving Red flags with posters "International Women's Day, We want everlasting world peace." Military police escorted the marchers. A group of Korean women residing in Japan also participated.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 68 1 Reuter. OTTAWA, Mar. B—The Canadian Government intends to tatle about 1,000.000 words of hitherto to unpublished evidence on the defence of Hung Kong in the House of Commons this week. Only one copy of the evidence, taken by a. Royal Commission in 1942. is beinp tabled because of
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 42 1 Reuter AAP. MELBOURNE, Mar 8 —Fourteen scientists of the Australian Antartic Research Expedition have reached Marquario Island, 1,300 miles south of Melbourne, where they will set up a station. H They left Australia at the end of February—Reuter—AAP.
    Reuter—AAP.  -  42 words
  • 392 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will lodge a formal pro est. with the Uni'ed Kingdom Government against me unfavourable remarks in the Percival War Despatches published recently on the part played by Malayan Chinese during 'ihe fighting, and the
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  • 84 1 U.P. Tell City (Indiana), March B.— A freak accident, in which a home-made arrow passed through the keyhole of a closed door, blinded Earl Scnn. aged 5, in the right eye. Earl's brothers were playing cowboys and Indians outside the house. Stems of dried weeds
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. MELBOURNE, Mar. B—Scotwyn, Denhot, Chatspa and Sanctus four thoroghbreds valued at A£40,000 will fly to Sydney to-morrow to compete at the Australian Jockey Club's autumn meeting. This is the greatest member of racehorses yet transported together by air in Australia—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 jslational Employer's I Mutual General V* MOTOR. 55\„n-S COMPENSATION, PERSONAL ACCIDENT -|U I other classes of ASSOCIATION LTD. porated In England) r chambers, Raffles Place, M,, I N._S. WISE^ BEDSHEETS I PEQIJOT. I lp> Ask to JAr setfu LIFEGUARD MILK S
      41 words
    • 90 1 tolfl j AND i SUN AUTOCYCLES NOW AVAILABLE I Displayed at our showroom No. 165, Selegie Rd. Sole Agents:— HUP TECK TRADING CO., No. 11, Cuff Road, Singapore, HERE'S THE NEW t WEBER REACH-IN REFRIGERATOR! Forty-seven years of successful manufacturing are behind every the Weber trademark. M l)W This is
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  • 120 2 HITCHING. MAR. ft. -THE BIGGEST ANTI CESSIONISTF 52 i^2^^sSKs^. H SS TH,S KVENtNG FROM SINGAPORE MES. SI A IKS A MESSAGE FROM UTUSAN ASSAS. i n nJ hOU ai tis t in the demonstration carrying posters hearing such slogans as COLONISATION IS
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  • 177 2 "It ha. 1 conic as no surprise to me to loam that the people of Sarawak have seised this great opportunity to show their feelings j in this powerful manner to the I highest representative of the British Government who has ever visited them," raid
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  • 111 2 i Tnl,une Staff Rejforter) Singapore manufactured in January 28,753 cwts. of Soap, of which cwts. were sold local1} and In the Fedeiation. The Federation produced 11,978 cwts. and sold to local users 11,000 cwts. Malaya imported 6,646 cwts. of washing soap, 29.004 lbs. of toilet B3ap,
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  • 38 2 PENANG, A Chinese radio mechanic figured as complainant in a case of alleged criminal breach of trust in which another Chinese was alleged to have disappeared with two Ultra radio -ets after making a part payment ot $SO.
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  • 195 2 1 he Secretary of State proposes to award a number of post graduate .studentships tenable at a British university for a period of six month s in preparation for lield research in one of the social sciences in the Colonial Empire. Ihe purpose of these studentships is
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  • 26 2 Now, Moon Day which falls today will bo celebrated at th\l Binhala Buddhist Temple, 96. Outram Road. Singapore, by The Singapore Buddhist Association
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  • 383 2 A man who claimed to be an eye-witnes s of the motor accident which resulted in fatal injjries to a 14-year-old Chinese boy Choo Keok Chiang, revealed to the Singapore Coroner Mr W g' Porter, at the resumed inquiry into ttv boy's death
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  • 87 2 How the taxi used by accused overtook a customs truck and contraband goods carried on the taxi were unknowingly exposed, was related to the Eighth Police Magistrate, Mr. R W. p. Rule, yesterday when a Chinese man ,and woman answered a charge of being in poss. ession of
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  • 120 2 A Chinese who was alleged to nave attempted suicide because his "mistress" had left him after living with him for five months, appeared before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. F. B. Oehlers, yesterday. Accused, Tan Soo Lim, a 39--year-old Hokkien pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting- to
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  • 97 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) An elderly Chinese woman wept bitterly yesterday because three Chinese gunmen who had broken into her Hat in Sim Poh Road helped themselves to $100 she kept in an altar for a religious ceremony. Besides the money from the altar, the robbers got
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  • 137 2 More than (3,000 worth of rjicaei oil is alleged to be involved in a cane in which seven Malaya ar> rMared before tho Right* police Magistrate, Mr. R. w. p Rule yesterday, charged with criminal hreaeh of tins' of about 30 gallons >< <i;esH oil
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  • 138 2 A Malay a nd a Chinese. ffahsan bin Haji Isa and Chin Yit Si a were produced at the Seventh Police Court yesterday, on a tentative charge of being in unlawful possession of 5 120 rounds Of 9 mm ammunition. The offence Is alleged to have been committed
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  • 77 2 Convicted on a charge of assistm S* n tho carrying on of a Chap Jl Xi lottery, a 58-year old Hylam Leong Wee Tong was fined $500 or six months' rigorous Imprisonment, in default, by the Eighth Police Magistrate. Mr. R VV P Rule, yesterday. Accused
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 STARTS TO-DAY! N. B. 4 SHOWS ONLY II 2 6.15 9.15 IP r I PRECEDED BY BRITISH MOVIETONE NEWS I "KANE LOSES EUROPEAN TITLE" BUZZARD" TODAY AndTOMORROVnJxL 7W<vy jW ELAVIL.IfIkI 130-4*63o*93oPMTZhoh* bqdf"M MURPHY SHIRLEY LANDIS Jack ecnny s Rad.o r J Long ;>ie JCT.jt»w<M*iJia ;i\£,v m ßeleased thru t'nttd Jtrf;st<
      147 words
    • 270 2 Si i "StapSS; r Ml Malaya,, i-,'. j 1 D,L HEAIr 1 Starring Yo U( i Gita fcW, r ami Man, 0 JIBS NALANi" Beck r««t Ticket l0 l v Pnanc 3 1 ii, ""^"'"'■■^aa^a^^^.^ J GIVUNIG f* an?c "WW lal and KaashSt v "/A8.1.V Neat Change: AfrSl KMtAV ONI.I
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  • 464 3 ft VTA VIA, Mar. S.—Joint enforcement of mueed regulations governing barter transac- currency exchange is envisaged by autho- ve purees in the NEI Economic Affairs Dept. ming an integral part of the trade agreenegotiated with Singapore and Malaya. fhese sources said the regulations
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  • 44 3 fepreaentative of the Gov- India in Malaya. Mr. J. 11 ore yesterday for 11 ttaccm, by car. to between nearly labourers and the fa lai ge rubber -> vi.' in |a .ii If' Tfei. tpecta to be back this afternoon.
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  • 50 3 Shanghaincse. wa* brought be- hp 1 Police Magistrate. I h i s yster.lay. on a ia alleged to have Wong low Chee of "fence was alleged ,ri Place in a house at 12 noon on Mar. 5. the allegation and j. witn one surety was postponed to Mar.
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  • 155 3 Overseas elections for candidates to the Congress Assembly of the Chinese Government, Legislative and Supervisory Councillors, have been deferred to a later date according to a notification issued by the Office of the Chinese Consu--la*e-General in Singapore. The Circular stated that the Chinese Government appreciates the
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  • 207 3 int team U> re|ke~*tH n»c o-«-<-."~ _jciaiu>n iteeanseu today win oe se.ecttu liem mc lOllOwaijjS: f. p. ataniani <uapt/. <j. &*u*ttrau», o K. i nonius, bom>»lUturain, suuarSliall, fe. Aiuniugani, cape. Haz.anK.a Kotei vts. —Kaiiiar.i lSiuia t*tUUU oc I Sripaihy Naiou Ahe Indian Association will proceed to Johore on
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  • 172 3 King Queen To Call On Malaya? U.P. LONDON MAR. *8. Kmo George's Australia tour next year may be extended to include. Malays. 'Ceylon,* India ond Pakistan on the return voyage, authoritative Indian quarters said today, v rites Harold Guard. United Press Correspondent. It was stressed that although no official intimation
    U.P.  -  172 words
  • 176 3 A sergeant, who is aheged to have driven away with a car, parked in Hokkien Street at about 3.45 am. on Sunday, wa.* produced on a tentative charge of stealing the vehicle at the Si venth Police Court yesterday, Tho Serviceman. William Grant. Is alleged
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  • 202 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Three warships from the United States Navy arrived in Singa pore early yesterday morning for a three-day stay here. The ships, th,- Aircraft Carrier Valley Forge and two Destroyers, the VV. C. Lawe and Lloyd Thomas, form a squadron of America's Task
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  • 130 3 At the 30th annua! general meeting of the Society the following were elected office-bearers for the year 1947 1948:—President: Dr. C. J Paglar; Vice-President: Mr. Peh Wah Kok; Hon. Secretary': Mr. Tan 'Guan Chuan; Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Lee Soo Chuan; Committee: Messrs. N. N. Leicester. Lim Seng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 21 3 VIiIXOW TOP CAM are now available to the puljlie from 7 A.M. till Micl-niKht. Rin <; .1 n .If> •> Wm\mnmmmmmm mmmm■^!J* aßa
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    • 817 3 Tribune *»U UATIONS VACANT A lypist for a Legal fu vi male or tenia.c any nationally. .Male saary alio experience. lo Box A»53. M.l-, S'po c. «N.955 i WANTED Contractor to do tapping work on Rubber estate oi ovei 2UO acres in Paiitjoer—Lingga Island, including Forest Reserve 1.271 acre,,
      817 words
    • 579 3 FOfc SALE CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR THIS VfcAK Designed and Pub.ishto i y oftc of B-itain's Foremost Art Publishers. Supplies guaranteed during Novenu ci. Complete range of samples can be seen. Dealers only. Enquiries to Representative Post Office Box 164, Kuala JLUmpur. <N.961i jrtNITURE Lounge suH~ part bedroom sui'.e and various
      579 words
    • 561 3 j ACCOMMODATION i SINGLE ROOM in small Eup. House. Breakfast ie Dinger. Moa con. .telephone off Cairnhill Rd Write to Box 954. M.T., Spore. (N 959) YOUNG EDUCATED Sumatra born Chinese bachelm, age 26, requires uniurnished airy room with respectable tamiiy, with or without board. Desire preferably in Thiam Siew
      561 words
    • 710 3 PERSONAL WHEN THE WIND is I lowing from the South and the volcanic dust comes from Java, remember > >v can always nuisten a dry throat with glass of Nespra., at the Nesprav Mi* Bar. Happy World. tH.943i. 1 WILL Mr. TAN BOON JOO ormer y j of Emerald Hill
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  • 849 4 While not only angels but even mortals fear to tread the patji of prophecy where wars are concerned, at the same ime, so far as it is humanly possible to judge, it u'oes not appear that Malaya need contemplate the possibility of external aggression for many
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  • 1245 4  -  By- C.G. Tudor Pole Condensed from the "Cronn Colonist" Socotra is the largest of .j group of Islands in the Arabian Sea. and i s situated 130 miles east of the Horn of Africa and some 200 miles south of Arabia. Its shape
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  • 160 4 Letters Editor o/ Sl o; V of th e Uniformed Staff during the week-end was focusscd on the article by C. Y. Fooi which appeared in the Penang Sunday edition of your popular journal and one and all of them express gratitude at
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  • 227 4 SIR.— in addition to the high cost of living, the Town Board. Taiping. has added 100 per cent rise in conservancy fees, i.e. from $2 to $4 per mensem. Previously $2 was not much to people of substantial means, but it was to poorer people, since $2 could
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  • 139 4 SIR,—I have received literature from candidates in my division informing me that my polling station jj a t Radin Mas Malay School, a distance of about two miles from where 1 eat and sleep. I live within about half a mile of Outram Road People's Restaurant and I
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  • 131 4 c RERUN. Pro N Germany, non-existent f^.': I t,on 5 <Mte £2 j^i-thcßri^C; I Pj°- V 7'\ ccmimented y the fact that out of 1 «f«w they had met tnej found a Nazi or a Nazi., On every Me, one m .-t women who spo ftl Nazi
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  • 131 4 MANILA. Some 8.008 Ctoae I nationals, who are 4 ftmt stranded in China ay. entry in the Philippic, m i longer considered i t. dents." according to J:: Commissioner E&gracto f recent press statement Claiming to be "das] sons" they petition, government through t: Nations, on the strength
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 241 4 Taste! Taste!! Taste!H What else matters? «»oO I (.ood Taste knows neither Frontier nor Continents. On Taste, and Taste alone. Gold Leafs popularity rests. Sole Importers; I A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LIMITED JSrassirarv PAX CHEONG TONGS Specific For Infants' Fever. Coughs, Colds, Convulsions, Vomittingr. Purging and Windy Spasm. Sole Agents: Yee Shing
      241 words
    • 52 4 Established 1872 Malaya's Leading Jewellers Diamond and Gem Merchants |B.l\ de Silva, Ltd., (Incorporated in Ceylon) Singapore, Penan*. |*9!21, High St. 1, Bishop St. Ice Cream Dealers l>o you know you can hire small freezers at a small monthly rental? COME AND SEE US. LEE FLETCHER *****b, Orchard Road, Singapore.
      52 words
    • 43 4 iG R E C I A N i* tw a i Sk i ii /Mens Slippers/"ffFj MADE IN LrffflT I ENGLAND Colours: Brown, Blue and Black. AH Sizf Manufa:turrd By CHURCH'S England's Brst Krewn Maker I £456" and j COMFORT m Pah I
      43 words

  • 1457 5  -  The Sunday Phonal, popular Sunday newspaper with a circulation of over four m.lhon, holds a "trial" by jury of the men who were at the helm of Singapore's defences just before and during the Pacific War. Readers form the jury and here is the case
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  • 30 5 SENT HOME] Fire of the Malau seamen who were forced to leave Australia under ispufliufiu* omen photographed on tliexr arrival in Singapore on Saturday. (Tribune Photograph).
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  • 182 5 IPOH, Mar. B. Three cases of sudden death In which the unfortunate victims met with fatal accidents separately, occurred during the week-end in Ipoh. All three 'lead are male Chinese adults. Tiie Brst case involved a Chinese hoy, aged 14 who fell down a hill-side while cutting
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  • 332 5 Now, at last, the record is complete, and w e have the whole story of Britain's greatest wartime humiliation. We are no strangers to defeat. Dunkirk. Norway. Greece and Crete are names written in history with British blood But it must now be frankly realised that the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 Cool M I Refreshing I fragrant GAINST IJIO k Special Introductory Offer! Iw on,y For one Month V 6x 16 czs. at $18 |9 12 x 8 czs. at $21 jp 24 x 4 ozs. at $24, jM Attractive Discounts for Dealers i Distributorship for a few
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  • 783 6  -  S.L.T.A. INDOOR TOURNEY (By FOREHAND Hignlight of yes erday's lies in the S.L T.A Indoor Championships was a gruehing duel i n the mixed doubles when Mrs. A. Purrier and Roy F. Smi h matched •heir skill against Miss I. Walker-Taylor and Lt.-Qor. M. W.
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  • 89 6 At the "annuaf general' meeting of the Cinematograph Exhibitors* Asso**«»tion of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya held at the Pavilion Restaurant on Saturday, the following Hue elected to serve on the Council for the coming yenr.~ President: Mr. Loke Wan Tho-Vice-rresident: Mr. J. Dalton: Hon' Secretary:
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  • 751 6 THE™IU. "JKr'aND *£%V?OH™O K,V?OTp WITH THE RETURN OF THE PIILL vmip iw w UHBI '-.IRRENCV AS AT THE Da™l )K THEVI'K MAY NOW EE IN A POSITION TO LTtT n, m S X HAT WE Tho above is a statement trom a five-point
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  • 82 6 Reuter. LOaNDON, Mar. s. a aght between Gas Lesnevic'i. tho American holder, and Freddie Mills, British and European champion, for th c world iightheavy weight championship. In the open air in London in July, a few days before the Olympic games, Is being negotiated by Pioniotei
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 80 6 In a cricks t match played :tt Cnnntl on Sunday between the C mbined Changi "A Team auo Indian Association "A" rerun— the Indian Assuciation Wo*2 Lh< match by 9 wickets. Two cricket bats were presented for tho best perfomance in this match by t n
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  • 74 6 U.P. OSLO. Mar. 7 —Norway's jumpet dominated the classic Holmekolh t I Ski jumping today, taking 13 firplaces in a special jump and nnneym? the combined event. Thick tog tampered more than '125 tumners In the meeting held before 80.000 spectators, including Kin-H.ia!.<-n. National ->iit!-oms of
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 102 6 Office-bearers of the Singapore Chess Club for the vcar 1948 are President: F. G. Vaux. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Tan Luang Kia (re-elected); Asst. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Lim Hee Seng i re-electedi; Committee; Teh Choon Keat (re-elected); H. Heilbut and VV. Ingold. Prizewinners m the Club's
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  • 71 6 In connection with the con cSltions in which the deport( *1 Malay seamen travelled from Japan to Singapore, the Superintendent. Sea Transport Oflic« informs us that the ratings v. re requiivd to clean their own particular quarter of a rubbc covered deck. This is in comformity with reguations
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 615 6 TN BINGAPOK» A«*«*nis I «ii- Malayan llailwar»| AMD I iim: I FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. 1 GIENARTNEY (f alls Alexandria] 10.111 GLENAPP alls (Iran. Tangier and .isablanca Due Mar 131 MI'MNON alls Casablanca, Tangier) Due April 2| From U.K. Tor Straits, Hong 1 Kong and China GLENSTRAE ETA April
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    • 405 6 NOTICES I I SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are invited for the .supply of th e following uncooked rations to the Singapore Brigade for the period 1.4.48 to 30.6.48: Fresh Fish (should be Chini charu, Tamban Besar. Terubok Parang. Sella and Kembong): Assorted Vegetables (should b e Long Beans, Bihijals, Kangkong,
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    • 302 6 S. S. Government 3% 1940 War Loan (1952-1959). Notice is hereby ffiven that the transfer register of the above loan will be closed from the 16th to 31st March, 1948, both days inch, sue, for Hie preparation of Interest Warrants HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPOK uiuv I Singapore. THE HO HONG
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  • 547 7 ti ini.i'eurism" issue has V. st.-"fay. I letters on i ilf>r cow** of 'Mis sub- I,- r-N--from fontI to maint tie- A.F.A. i nail be n vi v com Inier-statc i DOfM Hde I- Mi or r 1 .vnrch no s an i addi-
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  • 295 7 Reuter. liar. 8. -It seems that a Football League get injured *<hes? days for fear of losing first team of his club. This is just ane problems which worry both players and S tho cause of several men asking tor njjsfers. I hat
    Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 138 7 The Singapore Indians will meet the Union Jack Club at a return game of table tennis to be played at the Union Jack Club premises on Wednesday, Mar. 10. at 7 p.m. sharp. The Singapore Indians will be S. Suppiah. N. Joseph, P. S. Maniam. Sudarshan Naidu. Vincent,
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  • 33 7 In a friendly badminton encounter consisting of four singles and three doubles played at the home court last Saturday, the Avonova B.P. beat the Alsagoff BJ?. by four games to three.
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  • 282 7 Reuter. London. Mar. 8. The pioximit\ of the British swimming championships to the Olympic events thei'e is a lapse of only 19 days between the ending of the national championships and the beginning of the Olympic Games puts a big strain on British swimmers taking
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 219 7 The first ties in the Singapore Malays' Badminton champion.-hip tournament were played off at the Clerical Union hall, Rangoon Read, last night. The following are the results MEN'S DOUBLES Manstn and Rashid Giman (Kg. Glam) w.o. Siraj and Ismail Fadlj (Tenaga Muda); Omar Osman and
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  • 265 7 Sportslctters ,sv, Reference your com--,,icn' in the Malaya Tribune regarding 'he M.F.A. split, it 's hir/h time that some of Ike socalled M F A. stars awl veterans make way for the ftlers. I admit thai most ot 'ho youngsters need first-ela--:s soccer experience, but I
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  • 830 7 PETER WILSON TALKING SPORT JOE LOUIS, unquestionably the greatest heavy-weight the world has seen I'm the pa A twenty years and. in my opinion, the greatest ever, has been on Brit tail ■oil for the past four days During that period a crop
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  • 194 7 The following players qualilicd fc.r the Cluli Championship on Saturday and the Ist round matches which were played oil on Sunday morning resulted as follows:—C. A. R. Bateman heat H. Tooke 6iz 4: J A. Chippindale beat K. T. San 3 1; K. S. Murray beat J
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 40 7 I JS 1 f DUNLOr BALLS have been II chosen for exclusive use in l/_ I the 1948 Singapore Indoor Tennis Championships now in progress at the llappv Wo-rld j Uiuilop TENNIS BALLS —————I r rm 1., i n 1)2
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  • 202 8 Reuter. ANTARCTICA, Mar. 8. —An Argentine tried to deliver a protest to the British cruiser Nigeria when she arrived with the sloop Snioo at Melchior harbour, Melehoir yesterday, bu failed because the Nigeria did not anchor and kept her engines running con inually. Earlier Maim Wilson.
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 156 8 Reuter. LAUNCESTON, IASMANIA, Mar. 8: -Ernie Toshack, New South Wale s left-arm mediumpace bowler who had to pass a i panel of four doctors before he 1 could be passed fit to tour EngI land with the Australian team this summer, came right back r to form
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 143 8 Reuter. SAIGON, Mar. 8: -The chair- i ed bodies ol two American women round with bullet wounds I in the heads under the wreckage ol their jeep on the road to Saiion airport were identified t•. day tp their jean llery. They wop Mrs. Jeanne Bkewes. director
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 62 8 Reuter. N: D OXD M ar. S. All broad. .-I Persia by fore^n Cultural associations wore banned from today. Teheran Radio report 'T^ n b ~«dhad abused the facilities As it was impossible to discri-rnir-ate In such circumstances the "dec"LTl l e PerSian decided, no to
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 71 8 i r:e icilv match at the Medic, 1 College ground yesterday. trs e Sepoy Lines Eleven de eated the Hc-pital V jun g sLor 3 y on H nil. X c n .4 c X t ie Lines' centreforward, scored the solitary goal ID the first
    71 words
  • 282 8 Reuter. a JLSJNKI, Mar. B.—The Finnish Government decided today to accept Marshal Spin's recent offer to negotiate a Finnish-Russian pact of friendship and mutual assistance. A Finnish delegation will go to Moscow shor ty to open talks. A statement issued by the Finnish Foreign Office tonight
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 67 8 U.P. TOKIO, Mar. B.—A search continued today amid the charred rubble of 350 barracks at Camp Mogdl at Hayama destroyed in a Sunday morning fire which claimed two lives and burned or injured eight soldiers. A roll call of the troops quartered in the blocklong former .lap barracks
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 387 8 Reuter. Batavia. Mar. ft.- The Interim Government for Indonesia under tho chairmanship of Dr. Hubertus Van Mook. Dutch Lt. Gov.-Gen was installed today. The Government which was first anounced in Netherlands Government dee.aration in September last year will bridge the Deriod until Jan. 1 7949 when the
    Reuter.  -  387 words
  • 27 8 PEIPING, Mar. 8.-An old-time group of Manchurian generals reI turned from Nanking today after consultations with military' authorities designed to bolster the Nationalists' position in the northeast.
    27 words
  • 303 8 U.P. and Reuter. Washington, March 8. Democratic Senator Kenneth McKellar today called on the United States to serve notice on Russia that one more Soviet aggression in Europe means war. Mr. McKeller told the Senate in the second week of the debate on the Europt
    U.P. and Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 60 8 Reuter. BERLIN. Mar 8: -Tile nrst large-scale business contract be- tween India and the Soviet Milii tary Administration in Germany was concluded here today. Involving an estimated £40.--000. it calls for the delivery within the next six months of painting machinery purchased at the Leipzig Spring Fair by
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 189 8 Reuter. BRUSSELS, Mar. B.—A committee set up today by Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg will draft the proposed treaty for a Western European Unior. Representa ives of the five powers, meeting today, agreed on seven points and were brought closer together on
    Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 90 8 U.P. LONDON, Mar. 8. Eleven Labour Members of Parliament made known today that they would rebel against the GovernI ment's Palestine policy on the second reading on Wednesday of the Government bill dealing with the legal aspects of the end of the mandate. The rebels,
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 42 8 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. 8: The draw for the Scottish Cup semi-llnais was announced today as followsMorton vs Celtic (at [brox Park, Glasgow). Hibernian v s Rangers (at Hampden Park. Glasgow). The matches are to be played on Mar. 27.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 57 8 U.P. BAGHDAD (IRAN), Mar. 6.— A clash occurred today among student at a memorial service held for those killed In January demonstrations. A government communique denounced the violence as 1 "disrespectful" to the memory of those dying two months ago. The second disturbance occurred at Teachers College, where
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 463 8  -  By ALLAN LEWIS PENANG. Sunday. Owners and trainers have arrreed to gjve their full support to the ioc'revs in their endeavour to help charity. I am th» successful punters will do the same, as the racing fratprnity have always been noted for their generosity in
    463 words
  • 1149 8 The second meeting of the Pcrlis Council of State was held at the Council Chamber, Kangar, last week. Messrs, S. Rasiyah and M. A. Bakar have been appointed members of the Pcrlis Town Board for 1948. At the general meeting of the Pcrlis Transport Company Ltd.. the
    1,149 words
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    • 96 8 Dine in the Palm Court Grill at Raffles Hotel THE BEST CUISINE THE MOST DELIGHTFUL SETTING IN" TOWN. DANCE FLOOR ON THE LAWN. Music by j Raffles' Quartette with Ken Leslie. Vocalist THE TAV.ERN (European Residential Hetf Ii OPEN TO NON-RESIDENTS j Presents every Saturday from 8.30 p.m. to V"\
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