Malaya Tribune, 8 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 59 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Larger Sales than any Afternoon Paper in Malaya Printed Simultaneously Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang Telegrams: "Triune,Singapore." Telephone: 5811 (9 lines). EIGHT PAGES. MONDAY, 8TH MARCH, 1948 PRICE TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents: Messrs. C<rtin Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 98,
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  • 318 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Villagers in rural Singapore are much agitated over the increase in quit rents. Notices have been issued to them and land bailiffs have been visiting the villages to inform the occupiers S! Cl 2 wn ,a nds 01 higher rents tney have
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  • 100 1 Tr.' trial opened in the War ir the Singapore >urt building this M tjoi Mizuno Keichi, i sub-unit of the tai, who is accused of mas lacre of 177 civilians in February, second trial concerning the Chinese massacre and is a-o probably the last to be held
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  • 36 1 i" la Intel national Wjmen's Mayfair Musical and Association together Chinese organi- «m i celebrata the occasion wh a meert to ne held c th.« Mayfair Hall from 7.30 un. to 11
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  • 186 1 Reuter. BELIZE, Br. Honduras, Mar. 7—British Honduras »ua mala were today completely cut off from each other by land, sea and air when the ihrict-we'3KJv Guatemala Chv shuttle service of the San Salva"registered Taca Airlines was refused landing rights ><• Guatemala. At the same time United
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. BAGHDAD, Mar. 7.—Ten months after the signing of the Turkey- Iraq treaty, establishing relations on many subjects, including irrigation and border peace, instruments of ra- tification will be exchanged here this week, it was understood officially today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 76 1 YORK, Mar. 7. Two war veterans carrying reading "Red or pink xtink" broke up a pic- 1 American Labour Progresatoe Citivns of 'tionstrators. member picket line was up the Federal Build- I •ting against the deten- wont bail of four alleged J"» < "miuunists
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  • 21 1 U.P. March 7. Approxi- 800 Teheran University mbcrs and students Saturday in protest to curriculum" it was today, v.p.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • 29 1 Reuter. iJ Iar 8 —Arab states re to ftoycott Abdul I, u f' r who proclaimed himself th® Red Sea kinglast month after overI "V.rnment. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 71 1 Alio n Lexris, Tribune special racing correspondent, had another good bay on Saturday, the wind-up of the Penang Turf Club's Leap Year Meeting. He had four straif/ht wins, three indirect wins and might places. His total for the meetina therefore reads: 12 STRAIGHT WINNERS H INDIRECT
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  • 353 1 Lord Listowel left Singapore this mornintr by air for Kuching. Mr. Anthony Brooke did not accompany him, the laser's request V> do so havine; been refused by the Governor of Sarawak. Is the Government of Sarawak afraid of an in surrection if
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  • 268 1 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. 7 —More than 600 coloured and white people demonstrated outside Government quarters at Downing St. Westminster, tonight while a deputation handed in a resolution at the Prime Minister's residence orotestine against tthe Gold Coast "massacre of ex-Servicemen." A meeting at Trafalgar
    Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 43 1 Reuter. Khartoum, Mar. 7.—The Northern Sudan Advisory Council today decided that Sudanese tribal chieftains known as Nazirs should be eligible for election to the proposed new Legislative Assembly and still retain their positions as Nazirs. Voting was 18 to six.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 260 1 U.P. -HELSINKI. Mar 7— A public meeting agains* th* L Pr K )0 f d R,w> Finnis h friendship and n ud today by shouting Communists, who .surrounded sneaker and pushed him from the plat I n Wa V' he fir V ien of violence in
    U.P.  -  260 words
  • 178 1 It was revealed by the Criminal Investigation Department this morning that forged $5 (Straits Settlements) currency notes red issue and bearing the date Jan. 1 1935. and the head of King George V are in circulation. The notes are of the B/4 series and the forgery
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  • 112 1 The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge celebrated its 250 th Anniversary with a special celebration of the Holy Communion conducted by the Lord Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. J. L. Wilson, in St. Andrew's Cathedral this morning. Ministers and laymen and representatives of the various Protestand
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  • 261 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) If rabies broke out in Singapore today, the position would be serious because of the large number of stray dogs jn the Colony, said Mr. Gerald Hawkins, Chairman of tne Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 161 1 U.P. London, March 7. The Transport and General Workers Union, backbone of ftriia**'* powerful TUC, has taken the case of Alfred Cole's beard under advisement, labour officials disclosed today. Al's beard started a strike of his fellow brewery workers last week at Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. The
    U.P.  -  161 words
  • 12 1 Occasional showers or thunderstorms more especially during afternoon. Wind, N.N.E.
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  • 54 1 Reuter. Calcutta. Mar. 7. -A resolution calling for the formation of a new democratic front which would be "a fighting alliance of workers, peasants and oppressed middle classes" was passed by the second Congress of the Communist Party of India here today, before it ended with
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 194 1 (BY ALLEN LEWIS) KUALA LUMPUR, Monday EiYi f obscur ed work at Kuala Lumpur this mornin- when horses did slow work only.'^Heavv X r,ir£ SudSL BOY ?Fi a nn GOa V S Skln wpU i« ,an pr y). who still looks well after his unlucky trip to
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  • 54 1 The cruiser London, which has arrived in Singapore with ihe destroyers Consort, Concord and Constance and the despatch vessel Alert, will be open to visito-s between 3.30 and 6 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Arrangements to visit the cruiser will have to be made
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 00 I I *l#f to 0MB J I 2 LADIES' WOOLLEN CARDIGANS "SLIX" LADIES' SWIMSUITS. [J* Piece suimsuits of Printed Cotton—all-elastic, sizes. i n Bright, attractive colours. Prices iromi to $12.50 only. BI» I I Vl fl Hlmml B I fl V wjW PBw' HL fl| a B^^^B^^^a^Bp
      48 words
    • 151 1 HENG CHEUNG WATCH Co. (ESTD. 1911). PHONE ***** 195. ORCHARD RD-. SPORE. \I7HEN you awake in the morning feeling S^^Bovju^nnß and looking your best, filled with the |j vitality and rest which make light of problems vrwu j*^ difficulties you will have had a g*^T^^ Why not enjoy this kind
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  • 112 2 A motorcycle which skidded, overturn, d and caught fire in the vicinity of trie Shackle Club, Beach Road, shortly after midnight, on Saturday, resulted 1 the death of a man. It appears that the motorcyci was being ridden by a Chinese who had another
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  • 382 2 I Malacca, Mar. s.—The two Bri- tish Trade. Unionists who are touring Malaya making contact and studying conditions of the j trade union movement in the country met representatives of various trade unions in Malacca at the office of the Assistant Controller of Labour,
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  • 232 2 'From Our Own Reporter) Malacca. Mar. 6. What sounded like a solitary shell screeching through the open skies finally turned out to he 'he jet-propelled Vampire over Malacca skies. The Vampire circled over the Settlement twice giving the local population a short display of low-level flying.
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  • 102 2 U.P. PEIPINO, MAR. t. o'hma may ask the Soviet Union to extradite Henry Pu Vi, boy-king made a puppet by the Japanese, for an appearac e in the Hopei high court on charges of treason, according to Chen Teh. chief prosecutor. Chen told United Press that under
    U.P.  -  102 words
    U.P.  -  271 words
  • 79 2 Reuter. COLOMBO, MAR. 7, —Mr D S Senanayake, Prime Minuter of Ceylon, will invite the King ami Queen to visit the island on their way to Australia if they go by the eastern route instead of the Pacific. it was learned here today. i The port
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 112 2 Reuter. I Laurel. Mississippi, Mar. 7.—A young Negro. Willie McGee. was sentenced to die in the Mississippi electric chair last night, when he was again convicted of the rspe Cf a white woman on Nov 1. 1945. It was the third time be had
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 169 2 (From Our Oum Beperfa MALACCA. Saturday. strike situation affecting labourers engaged on Jasta Ul lang Estate was clarified by fa management of the Estate in a interview today. It was revealed that it had k n the practice foi some tin* labourers an extra amount m snot
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 LAST 4 SHOWS! 2 p.m., 4.15, 6.50 9.15 S TI «ZB ,0,6180% V Wanted for W MURDER INI > 15 ERIC PORTMAN Rui Mmvmm Dir«Ct«d br ta-r»n<„ Huni.ngtax HJBBL J* mmmm f'odvcd by Morel Hcllmon ILujI ._> JkS| An lr ii,:,, Piln Pr*4»ctl«ii *4jy(j(j t«'«oi*d br JOth C.n'gry F„ rWHWilllll
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    • 86 2 Performance,: 11 A.M., 1.45. 4.15. 6.15 and ».30 |777>\M.~ TODAY! ,\M)dm;, THRILL VOL WITH FIRST FULL-LENGTH fiATURi I EAI |SAYWITHTHK I VXD HIS LOVABLE Seven Dwaris I M A I ,S! AND VOL W ILI vIW WANT TO TOO DISTRIBUTED BT RKO RADIO PICTORES. WC. 1.30-4-6.30*930PM. *s phone bqos I
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  • 180 3 (Tribune Stuff Rejxjrttr) I "If you intend to work for t your country of adoption, and clo not expect to return to your native Philippines, it is advise able for you to take up citizenship of this country and woric lor its interests
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  • 267 3 The following passengers left Singapore by Malayan Airways for Palembang Messrs. Gian Beng Chong. G. Hioek Boen, Paronie Mohd. Bin Ali. Kaderi Bin Gemar. Abdullah B. Mohd. Kutty, Stauw Wing Wah, Gan Jan Seng. Siauw Tjen Tjen, S. Alwi Bin Ali Sahab. Lim Kioe Tjiang, Peh Siang
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  • 32 3 Cases prosecuted in Court, for infringements of Food Control Proclamations in the federation of Malaya for January. 1948. totalled 170. of which »8 gained convictions. The total of fines imposed was $6,470.
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  • 362 3 Kuala Lumpur, March 7. The true facts leading to the British surrender of Malaya to the Japanese were not revealed by Lt.Gen. Percivai because "it was shameful to disclose them." declared Mr. Lou Mah. spokesman Of the MPAJA Ex-Service Corn- lades' Central Association, at
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  • 34 3 Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom. Deputy Resident Commissioner, is now acting Resident Commissioner for the Settlement on the departure of Mr. S. N. King on home leave by the P. and o. lin'M "Canton."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 I OPINIM, TO-DAY :H8 6.15: and 9.15; PJt. H>RO of MILLIONS! •'Won thp SCREEN 'CAPTAIN A" i ioni the pajjes of your 1 < omic tomes ilM MN \M ERICA ;ip(I death defving! *ith DM K ITRCELL WWII I. Lorna GRAY leull be s|H-lll)ound with UPTAIN s daring. (hapters 1
      167 words
    • 860 3 SITUATIONS VACANT F OE SALt ACCOMMODATION PERSONAL WANTED immediately first class Dress maner* also goou Needlewoman lor children's clotnes SmocMng Emlaoiaeiv advantage apply Box No A 948, M.T., Spore. (M946i. WANlbij uenciai Clerk with Knowledge 01 Chinese Typewriting and booKkecpuig please app.y in own handwriting stating qualifications and remuneration required
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    • 575 3 JUST received NuttaU's Simplified Diet., Chamoers Twentieth Diutionaiy, Inorndike Junior Dictionary, Webster Pocket Dictionary, Practical Workshop Mathematics, Essential Knowledge lor all, and etc. Ying Wah Stationers 24. Ci »ss Streev, Kuala Lumpur. 1M.949). IOR SALE One Chat Wood Sale size 30"x26"x54'' Very good condition apply to 15. Purvis St., Singapore.
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    • 582 3 WANTED small Cottage or piece of !and in a decent locality in Singa- pore. Please apply Box No. A9&O, I M.T.. Spore. (M.948) WILL tome kind person rent his House to Daddy I don't k J ke Boarding houses Daddy will pay for repairs. Please reply Jennifer Box j A94b,
      582 words
    • 676 3 WHEN THE WIND is I lowing from the South and the volcanic dust comes from Java, remcmler you can always moisten a dry throat with a glass of Nespr* f, at the Nespra.v Milk Bar, Happy World. <H.943i. WILL Mr. TAN BOON JOO former.y j of Emerald Hill Road please
      676 words

  • 861 4 outrage, it will be recalled that subscriptions tio the Oversea Chinese Relief Fund were frowned upon, if not actually forbidden, in the case of* nonChinese. The final humiliation was the closing of the Burma Road for three months at a time when it was very clear
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  • 985 4 The historical background of Czechoslovakia associates that country mh R, itcan never he entirely wedded to the nest in view of its experiences firs, a, the haZsl "1 Hjs urgs and more latterly at the hands of the Democracies, who sold U at MuZ el Wickham Steed,
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  • 358 4 Sir, —I hasten to congratulate Capt. Yap Pheng Geek and yourself on account of the publication of the letter in the Malaya Tribune under the caption, "A Chinese Volunteer Replies to Percival". The Straits Chinese community of Singapore, too, are to be
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  • 210 4 Sir,—Inche Saadon bin Haji Zubir, president of the Malay Union of Singapore, js reported to have said in one of his election speeches a few days ago that the Malay Settlement (Kampong Melayu) off Changi Koad. Singapore, was established by the Government as a result of the
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  • 447 4 SIR.—There appeared recently an article headed "Black Market in Turf Club Badges" in which it was alleged, inter alia, that badges were reported missing, also that at race meetings some badges were actually snipped off th v lapels of members' coats, with scissors! The article alleges that
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  • 99 4 Sir. I thank you for snace >n your People Postbaer Column to express our heartfelt thanks to the Public Relations Department. Ipoh. for the free Cinema Show in Simpang Pulai. A very large crowd saw the films of the royal wedding, royal African tour Charlie the
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  • 113 4 T EHERAN-Ibrahim Ha** 78-year-oid Paris-traTnJif 5 of medicine be'r, l doctor Persia by his tiS. molk. meaning h for the many Sf 5 his country. m i Less than a month afltr b fTomTh t! 2L«2i from the Majlis «Persian h£ ment) on January 7 be k
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  • 65 4 WASHINGTON' Mr. Richard Nixon, Republican Representative from California, predfcli that the Umted State- i of Representatives wffl icm this year on a law to HtJ American Communists. His Hcus '-un-American Activities Sub-C >mmittee has not cosed its hearings on two tfl On? of the bills would outlaw the
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  • 62 4 TANG AIL. Eat B?rraL-R oorted to be 125 ynrs old. Sohaglni Bewa i i una I ffi i died here -re ntlv. Sh» left a 95-year <id to** tor. an SO-v rr oM v era! grands as bu I °J eit Krandaors. Bew had iII h« i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 545 4 SITUATIONS VACANT ASIATIC Engineering Assistant with knowledge of machines and draughtsmanship required for Singapore Industrial firm State salary required. Apply Bex No. «)17 co Malaya Tribune. NOTICES FOR SALE MM tin lined Malt rases lor disposal at Malayan Breweries Ltd. in daily lots of 100 cases. Inspection and offers at
      545 words
    • 42 4 Wiifn_M>ff-a_f _____x what cnn fm£tif? Eye Care consists of more than just "buying glasses". /£ye cam fort and visual efficiency depend primarily upon proftssionai sf mres of a' qualified eyesiyht Sp( lOlist, C. S. CHONG, OPT., D. Fully equipped with modern instruments.
      42 words
    • 39 4 THE NEW MjfflPHYi TYPE 128 J A 6-va've receiver. using Multl-purpo c valve*, bquiva receiver of 11 valve MBlctilH. A receive] of til. fo nuance and quality. PRICE $435.00 Available only through Murphy gcfTftoc EM I Bok Ag nk
      39 words

  • 271 5 s An Reporter) impur, March 7— h .1 member of the I> i agon Mountain b dyguard to Liew ader ol th, gang, Chinese named shot dead by inuary 6, this year near Serdang. I i ccurred when 0 was in police i daring bid to
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  • 70 5 Reuter. M 7 The Over. Ailairs Commission inning t., repatriate esidenis from n to 5 )0 repatrltw the uihcial Len- D il) N *s reported today. oe repatriate} are Formosans ainder are from C mainland prisoners ol war who repati iation, some are
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 47 5 MAR. 7 Prime Cc v. ho last night ■d< :n ol Greenwatched the F.rst footb. 11 match irlton, at home, and was accompanied and mayoress of on receiving the d m he was pres.n»ak cask .ade from d from a Jacon Charlton House".
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  • 94 5 Reuter. PARIS. Mar. 7. premier Robert Schuman's five-month-old "middle of the road" government last night saw Its majority fall to 14 when Communists right-wing and centre continued their attack on the inflation levy. After scraping through at 3 a.m. today with a majority of 16 against a
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 188 5 U.P. Washington. March 7. A now navy rocket has reached an altitude of 78 miles and a top speed of 3.000 miles per hour both new records tor American built rockets the Gove Lament disclosed yesterday. A joint navy-ar my announcement said the rocket, named
    U.P.  -  188 words
  • 73 5 Reuter. Belize. British Honduras, Mar. 7.—The King has sent a message to British Honduras through the British Colonial Secretary ,stating that "His Majesty deeply appreciates the expressions of loyalty which he has received from his people in Belize anti is glad to assure them that his
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 97 5 Mr. Pang Leong San and Miss Oon Beng Gnat, who were married in Singaptrre rcctnthi. The bride is a daughter of the late Dr. Oon Sim Kong and Mrs. Oon. while the bridegroom is a ton of Mr. and Mrs. Pang Cheng Yean. tStudio De Luxe photo)
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  • 226 5 Ipoh. March 7.-One of the biggest Malay commercial enterprises in the country was inaugurated last week when the Gajah Transport Company, Ltd.. commenced business. Started with a capital of $100.--000 the original promoter was the late Che Wan, former Datoh Panglima Kinta, who was
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  • 110 5 The Eastern Bank Limited, have received a cable from their London Office dated March 3, reading as follows:—"Net profit for year ended December 31 last .£119.357 making a total with the amount brought forward £190.192. Annual meeting will be held on March 31 Directors recommend final dividehd at
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  • 34 5 Reuter. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Mar. 7. President T/urhan's name has been entered as a Democratic candidate for President in the Pennsylvania piimary on April 27, in which state electors declare their preferances.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 443 5 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH, Mar. 7. That every local school should have its own Welfare Officer to guide "difficult" youths and investigate into their environment, etc. was the general opinion of several leading Ipoh residents including a welfare worker when interviewed by me on
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  • 159 5 Ipoh, March 7.—Arising out of a uiscussion on the constitution 01 the Perak Welfare Committe? at its meeting last week it was mentioned that efforts should be made to get voluntary welfare workers as far as possible. As a step to achieving this, it was
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  • 140 5 Taiping, Presiding at the annual general meeting cf the Oylon Association. Taiping. held last week, Mr. I). G. Jeyasekara commended the following points to local Ceytoneae Firstly to remember they were guests of a foreign Government, and as such it was
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  • 336 5 IPOH, Mar. 7.—A substantial increase in membership was revealed at the annual general meeting of the Perak Boy Scouts Local Association held at the SMI hall last week The Hon. Mr. J. Innes Miller, British Adviser. Perak. presided at the meeting. Among those
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  • 87 5 Reuter. Nanking. Mar. 7.—President Chiang Kai-shek is today reported to be considering the resignation of Gvn. Chen Cheng, the Nationalist Army's Chief of Stair, now recuperating in Shanghai. Unconformable reports mentioned Gen. So Ying-chin, wartime Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Army, as possible successor. Gen. Chang Chia-chung.
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 224 5 GREY HAIR lie Dr. AMBER'S BLACK HAIR DYE Natural Shade, No Stain, No Smell, Untraceable Oil and water proof. We have also Dr. Ambers EDDY CORN for Corn Cure. Bole-Agents: CHAW CO., 29. Rohinson Road. Sinjj: ixjre. These arc signs of what doctors call it" Bfa "Mineral-Vitamin deficiency" warnings ri
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  • 393 6 Reuter UNO UP A GALLANT FIGHT ENGLAND wfkk rfatpv rv ckTts* INDIBS ,NTHE th IR SftKv B E I «^T HE FINAL SCORES WERE WEST INDIES 297 FOR EIGHT DECLARED AND 78 FOR THREE WICKETS. ENGLAND 111 AND 263. England, who had followed on
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 203 6 yFrom Our Own Rtporivr) Malacca, Mar. 5, "We ought to, be grateful to the founders of Round Tables, which are designed to foster and promote iptcrnational friendship and goodwill and to apt as ambassadors cf understanding between East and West, and act as an antidote against
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  • 110 6 Reuter Shanghai. Mar. 5. The Chinese military authorities are setting up headquarters at Quintan, a railway city some 32 miles west of i Shanghai, preliminary to launch ing a drive against small bands of j Communist guerillas scattered in the Taihu Lake area, according to Chinese
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 65 6 Reuter. COLOMBO. Mar. 7.—A delegation headed by Mr. J. EL Jayawardene. Ceylon Finance Minister, will leave for Britain on Mar. 21 to discuss Ceylon'B sterling balances which at the end of 1947 amounted to some £53,000.000. Sir Oliver Goonetllleke, Minister for Home Affairs, will accompany the delegation which,
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 489 6 Reuter. I COMPIFGNE, Mar. 7.-Gen Chart*, n j leader of the French Peoples Rally call, I here today for 'precise and explicit \m, for Eurooe in the field of defence as w recovery". 1 uguLuing stroKo in Prague, he declared was a final j
    Reuter.  -  489 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 648 6 sm pping I IN SINGAPOR» I Agent* l or Malayan Railways I AND I FOX LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG. I GI.ENARTNFY (Calls Alexandria) 10 11 (.I.ENAPP alls Oran, Tangier and Casablanca Due Mar 13 I MEMNON (Calls Casablanca. Tangier) Due April 2 From U.K. lor Straits, Hong 1 Kong and
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    • 637 6 NOTICES TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PRO PERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 SALE BY TENDER No. 63 The Custodian of Property, Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of the following 8 cars: Austin, Morris, Vauxj hall, Dodge. Plymouth, Ford Nash, Standard. 5 vans
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    • 475 6 SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRl T ST Amendment No. 1 of 1947 to the General Improvement Plan under Section 52 of the Singapore Improvement Ordinance. Notice to owners or reputed owners of property affected by the plan. Whereas tr c Singapore Improvement Trust has considered it necessary to prepare b" way of
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    • 305 6 THE HO HONG S.S. CO. (1932) LTD. Incorporated in Kingapor?. 65. CHULIA STREET. PHOM 11 PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES. Hons sian-r Sails For Rmffoon Penani; m "Kamuning" "Kepong'' n earg* »01) 31 "Bidor" Palembang Pladjop "Hong Soon Djambi "Hong Tit" m m m M( 'Hon- Thtttf" n Riotnv I--Hong Siaru" Hkong.
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  • 222 7 pi i 1 Ainßt a. officials proposed Scottish witing the to play the I v. on j I date. The iting China i t mes in May. 1 omc 1.1 fir* "nln r /h Scottish t.,i':i takes \1 I.A. may proposed Malaya do settlefore
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  • 38 7 mi* feiHi mit s w dl play a 'occcr i gainst I flub XI on s.l\c Padang I,[' s 'eihwvs: 1' John Loh; ''it < hong (capt.); Kee; Koon i: Kian ami Lim; Weng X* Tong Whatt.
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  • 293 7 In their first cricket match for the season the Singapore Clarke Rangers defeated the C.V.M.A. 1 C.L.L.) by 27 runs, when they met at St. Gcoige's Road, on Saturday. Lav Hock Chye and A. Jansen batted forcefully to score 39 and 26 runs, respectively, for the
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  • 62 7 Reuter. Rome, Mar. 7. M<>n>ignnr Edoarad PretUler Cippico. former librarian in the Vatican archives, who escaped frum th 1 Vatican this week after being unfrocked for alleged "falsifications and swindles." has not taken refuge in the Yugoslav Legaticn here, the Legation said tonight. A spokesman
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 28 7 The soccer match between the A.A.A. and Johore State which was scheduled to hive been played in Johore. yesterday, was clicelled owing to inch ment weather.
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  • 259 7 7. fte| resen--13 Chinese met at the Li I'enapg Organi- llie National rmed while it 'hat Penang final selecetitors in the -wimming i Holidays. Penang com!"k an.i field ice on March ;;h events will J> win* ,T -"""'l'lg Ciubs in mr n Aif
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  • 785 7  -  (By "forehand" Ong Chew Bee, a fas ancl rising Junior player, displayed brilliant form when he played the best game ot his career !o beat the seasoned Malay tennis s fcr Kamis in a gruelling ihree-set con v ;s' in the S.L.T.A. Indoor
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  • 168 7 The junior team of the Hovers I Sports Club drew one-all with the Singapore Chinese Engineering Association in a keenly contested gam- at St. George's Road yesterday. Both teams were well matched and the exchanges were fast and even. Good soccer was impossible owing to
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  • 90 7 Reuter. Stockholm. March 0. The Swedish Lawn Tennis Association today decided to bar the Swedish Davis Cup players Lennart Bergelin and Torsten Johannsson from participating hi matches abroad. Unless they comply with this decision the players will have disciplinary action taken against them. At present both are
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 245 7 Reuter. Twickenham. Match 0. The King. Queen and Princess Margaret were among the 15.000 people who watched the Royal Navy beat the Army by nine points to eight in the ir.ter-service rugby tournament match here today. In the first quartet there was little incident. The
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 157 7 Reuter. TASMANIA, Mar. G. After Don Eradman had declaied the Australian touring team.; rirs: innings closed at 538 for five wickets today in reply to **as> iwmias hist innings total p! I*2. the tourists' attack failed to imp;p,,s and Tasmania hi v scored 186 icr seven wick.
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 75 7 U.P. New York. March 7. -Jcn-Kung U, 39. head of the Chinese Language Department at the Asia Institute, died here today. A noted lyric tenor, born in Szechuan, China, he graduated from the Nanking University and taugot music and line arts at Poiping schools. He
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 60 7 Reuter. ANKARA. MAR. 7 —Turkish press reports said thot Nor: Said Pasha. President of the Iraq Senate and a former Prime Minister, Is to rJve up public life and go to Istanbul t 0 live. It was stated that this decision was in connection with the
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 292 7 Only about one-hundred spectators were present at the tablc♦ennis match organised by the Singapore Table-Tennis Association on Saturday night at the Great World jn aid of the Singapore Olympic and Sports' Council Fund for sending Lloyd Valberg. Singapore's high jump champion, lo the World Olympic Games In
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  • 689 7 Reuter. LONDON. Mar. 7. Derby County had no difficulty in winning their way into ihe semifinal of the Football Associa:ion Cup today when tney completely outplayed London's Queens Park Rangers in the re-play. Bu, sympathy must be extended to tne Rangers who put up
    Reuter.  -  689 words
  • 152 7 In their first outing of Lite season, the Tribune XI defeated the Commercial High School XI by three goals to two at the Choon Guan School ground yesterday. The game was scrappy owingto the sodden field but Ihe exchanges were fast and even. The Tribune team
    152 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 "REBECCA" j Book at Robinson's, Raffles MARGARET Plate, Tel 5894 Ex 4 or at GIMSON Theatre rightly from March 10th (Mrs. de Winter) Tel. 0826. ĔMMUWĔWtMMIMWBMMMtBMtUUMMMt^ AN EXCITING OFFER! Malay in Delicacies for your Home Folks in U.K. PAPAYA CUBES (canned in COCONUT JAM light syrup) COCONUT HONEY CANNED DCRIAN
      231 words

  • 326 8 Reuter. I'rotests were made ro two Argentine ships in harbour at Deception Tsland and the protest was signalled to a Chilean base over which the Chilean ensign flew at Discovery Bay in British-owned Greenwich Island. Ice prevented the protest being delivered by hand.
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 60 8 Reuter. NANKING. Mai. 7. Mr. Raymond Ludden first secretary at the United States Embassy in Nanking has been appointed Consul General in Canton, it is announced here tonight. Mr. Ludden has been adviser in Nanking for the past two years and was formerly adviser on the
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 128 8 Reuter. Brighton. Mar. 7. British Communist leader Harry Pollitt told 2.500 people at a mooting hero tonight that Britain's political and economic situation represented a crisis greater than that of the wartime retreat from Dunkirk. He called for measures on a similar scale to those
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 114 8 Reuter-AAP. NANKING. Mar. 7. Gen. Yu Fei-ping, Minister of Food, now in Hankow, today categorically denied rumours that his wife is engaged in hoarding foodstuffs, stating '1 am willing to accept the penalty prescribed by law if this is proved trui The runrours originated with an
    Reuter-AAP.  -  114 words
  • 92 8 Reuter. Prague. Mar. 7. M. Jan Masl»ryk, Czechoslovak Foreign Minister, v: is among national leaders who today visited the grave at I«any of his father. Dr. Thomas Masaryk, first President of Czechoslovakia, on the 98th anniversary of his birth. M. Masaryk. a non-party mem'or of the
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 35 8 in a scrappy of «nec"T on the Comrrercicl High SchcoL ground yesterday, whi-h t-nrfed to be rough at times, the Bri°ht St r Range-s and th* Commercial Hgh S hool Union dregs one-all.
    35 words
  • 24 8 Ihe soccer b?tween the R.A.F Tengah and the Jollilads gche-duK-d for yesterday was cancelled owing to the sodden condition of the ground.
    24 words
  • 155 8 Ipoh. March 7.—For the purpose of raising money to swell the funds for relief work among the community, the Perak Chinese Welfare Ccmmittee. under taV chairmanship of Mr. Lav Pas Khuan. J.P.. will be holding a chanty fair at the Jubilee Park on Tuesday. Mar.
    155 words
  • 40 8 IPOH.-A Chinese squatter living in Kampong Rcmoh. off Tambun was found dead on Sundyy. hanging by a piece of rope suspended to the roof of his house. The is believed to have been ailing lor some time and was unemployed.
    40 words
  • 149 8  -  By ALLAN LEWIS PENANG. Mar. 5. A vote of thanks to the Penang Turf Club for the efficient manner In which the Press have been catered for. Afternoon tea and a cool drink, which Is supplied during the afternoon js much appreciated by all. NEAL HOBBS
    149 words
  • 787 8 (From Our Own Rcpojteri PENANG. Mar. 7. -Five hundred people died of Tuberculosis in Penang last year. That is cause enough for a TB scare. More people are consuming an ever increasing quantity of cod liver oil in some form or other. But this, being a
    787 words
  • 216 8 living an impresivo display of his prowess at the Great World Arena last night. George Pencheff. the Australian wrestling star, gave the giant Hungarian King Kong one of his hardest battles. Both wrestlers were unable to score any falls, and the bout ended abrubtly in the
    216 words
  • 82 8 U.P. r, mak. 7. Finland's top officials to.lav discussed secretly Premier Josef Stalin's proposed Soviet-Finnish alliance as small groups of rich Finns, and Baltic refugees, sought to sell their holdings and leave the country. There was no panic and r fficials emphasized that the anti-Russian refugees
    U.P.  -  82 words
  • 75 8 U.P. NANKING, MAR. 7. The Siamese Ambassador Shi Talarak in Nanking said he plans to return to Siam if his life is not in danger. Talarak's ambassadorial status was terminated yesterday when the Chinese Government announced recognition of the new Siamese
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 423 8 Reuter. That is why the small army which inhabits the white painted executive mansion in the heart of Washington vary in rank from scullery maids to speech writers and from pantrymen to private secretaries. A large proportion of the staff is accounted
    Reuter.  -  423 words
  • 139 8 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Mar. 7. Satisfaction with the Industrial and administrative progress in Taiwan was expressed by Dr. Sun Fo. Vice-President of the National Government, on his return here last evening after an inspection tour of the island. He said he was especially impressed by
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 42 8 Reuter. Arcadia. California. Mar. 7.— Salmagundi, by Hush out of Maratella. won the $100,000 Santa Anita Derby today by a bhorthead from Call Bell, by Alibhat out of Tuscan Belle, with Drumbeat, by Domingo out of iialistria 11, third.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 1363 8 Mr. Chan Yuo Hon, senior technical assistant. Klang P.W D has been transferred to the head office at Kuala Lumpur. B u ™in, Marine Superintendent, will be leaving Port Swettenham for England on long leave on Tuesday by the m/v Glenartnoy. j Lieut. Davies. Royal Engineers I
    1,363 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 79 8 BLACKOUT PRECAUTIONS STOCKS OF "FAR EAST" LANTERNS /JADE IN ENGLAND nL S H PPI K? departments can now be obtained locally. These lanterns are t0 Uff ht WMI give od iliu^nation and ar e economical in burning. Maximum Retail Price $3/AVAILABLE AT TAN CHONG HUAT VlMi imv JO 2 South
      79 words
    • 77 8 Lose Foj Socrot M.thod N*f2 By Hollywood Cinem" Now ObfolnobleatCh*" 1 A safe, secret method o. ,> ugly fat has heen dtacow California physkian In the famoui Cinema .su, wood This dl«« ov*ry. auea «J 'N' k 5 pounds a week or 1 month. Formoar;. you look and
      77 words