Malaya Tribune, 31 January 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune tH e people for the people Larger Sales Than Any Afternoon Paper In Malaya Now Printed simultaneously in Singapore. Kuala Lur./nur. Ipoh Penang. 'Phone 5811 (Three Lines) PAGES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1948 PRICE TEN VESTS. The Malaya Tribune London Agentsii Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House,
    60 words
  • 2361 1 Reuter. U.P. LONDON, .Jan. 30. —Tlie world today mourned the passing of one of ijj reatesJ figures. m ail parts of the world, from all walks of life, expressions of
    Reuter.; U.P.  -  2,361 words
  • 164 1 As a mark of respect to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi, whese death was announced teat night, all Hindu ar.d Muslim shops .n thp city remained closed th s morninT. The tri-cofour, India flag was hoisted at half-mast from all Indian 'hop windows md residences
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  • 33 1 LAKE Jan. 30.—1t was an i nounced here tonight < that because of IVIr. Gandhi's death the J United Nations flag will fly at half mast S for three consecutive days. 11
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  • 101 1 The Chinese Consul-General, Dr. W u Paak Shing, said: "The death of India's preat spiritual leader, Mahatma Gandhi, came as 2 great shock to me I wish to offer my personal condolence, as well ss that of the Chinese communities in Singapore and (hose under my administration deepest
    101 words
  • 122 1 The English language programi me of Radio Malaya was broken i into twice last night, the first time merely announcing the tra- gedy, while at 9.30 the Director of Broadcasting came on the air J and amplified the news, adding that the Governors of the Malayan Union
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  • 57 1 LONDON. Jan. 30.—Gandhi s death must inevitably entail a wide rift in the Government of India and eventual replacement of p rime Minister Nehru, responsible sources said today. The Mahatma was recognized throughout India as the sole link between Nehru and Sardar Pa tel. whose
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 Bf sT Ql AOTf '"SIDEST SELECTIOW3 OF CARPETS, 9 RUGS SWE MONEY V %4D TIME/! |L WAYS MSIT r )AS" Fadeless Fabrics presents Th« Hull-Mark of Quality, GUAKANTEED FADELESS Wnted cotton as well as cambric poplin 36 M wide 11 will wash/ It will wear/ r ■inn a^ J l
      56 words
    • 53 1 Watches Clocks All the latest styles Wholesale and Retail Owing to limited sock n Q catalogue is issued. Expert Repairs Undertaken Yick Woh King 429, North Bridge Road, Spore. Fhone 7922 (near Middle Road) Gents ENGLISH BROCADE-SILK I dressing! GOWNS DX. GREEN MA ROON N. BLUE ONLY $2.7.00 EACH. 41—43,
      53 words

  • 445 2 (From Our Own Reporter) MALACCA, F> iday.—A man whose wife deserted him after his financial crash and finally made an offer to give him $100 "to get another wife", left the Assize Court yesterday to begin a seven-year orison term. The man,
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  • 207 2 Reuter. Allotments to the "n c w money" Municipal Loan, representing the difference between the $21 million 1928 loan and the $25 million 1948, have now been issued. The application accepted totalled over $5 million, representing the above difference, plus a sum equal to the amount
    Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 247 2 An echo of the fatal sewer accident of October last year in which two Municipal workers lost their lives was heard at the Municipal Commissioners' meeting yesterday when the Commissioners agreed to pay compensation in one way or other to those connected with it. Monetary
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  • 79 2 Fan Man Ting (24\ a Hokien claimed trial at the Second Magistrate's Court yesterday to a charge of behaving in a suspicious manner in front of a shop on New Bridge Road on Jan. 30. Fan faces two other charges of loitering with intent to commit theft along
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  • 44 2 Reuter. ANKARA. Jan. 29. —Reuters reports from Palestine Arab Office today that v Turkish volunteer brigade was now being formed In Ankara to ficht for the Arabs in Palestine, was denied in authoritative quarters here tonight. Ajrentole, the Anatolian News Agency, reported.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 132 2 Roland Hunter Palmer, a British Merchant Navy engineer, who was committed for trial at the next Assizes on three cheating charges at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry held before Sevvnth Magistrate. A. G. Snears, had four other tentative charges preferred against him. The new set
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  • 49 2 The following members will represent the Singapore Advisory Council at the Inauguration ol the Malayan Federation in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday. J. B. Neilson Esq., Major General L H. Cox. Abdul Samat Esq., Mr. V. pakirisamy, Mr. R. Jumabhoy, Mr. Thio Chan Bee.
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  • 252 2 The 4.000-strong Municipal Labour Union has informed the Municipal Commissioners that it would I associate itself with the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions in staging a one-day protest strike on Sunday, "Constitution Day." At the Commissioners meeting yesterday, Mr. L. Rayman, Presi- I dent, said
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  • 496 2 (Tribune SUtfT Reporter) Twelve members of the Singa pore jPolice Force were awarded the Colonial Police Medal for "conspicuous gallantry" and 'meritorious service." by Sir Franklin Gimson, the Governor, at a Medal Presentation Parade which took place at the Police Training Depot yesterday. They
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  • 40 2 Ne Wee Swee, a young Chinese accused of cheating Teng Leong Chye of three motor car batteries worth $102, on March 6 last year, was acquitted at the Second Police Court yesterday. He pleaded not guilty to the charge.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 263 2 White Real Sharkskin 42" For Gents' Suitings Rock-bottom Prices OBTAINABLE AT:— Phone: 7238. J. I. C IIANRAI (iO t>2, NORTH BRIDGE KD., SINGAPORE. wcmmmi —p—— L ««a——— ■^ppgp———gp AIR-COOLED REX PHONE 4042 I LAST DA Y! 2 p m 415 6 30 and 915 pm !r --2» bette Olivia i
      263 words
    • 238 2 I OPENING TO-DAY 3 Shows 3, 6 and 9.15 cm. The mightiest musical hit! "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" A Technicolor Masterpiece of Songs, Dances and Romance! TO-NITE at MID-NITE j Fredic March in "THE BUCCANE.fcR'* GREAT WORLD GLOBE 3—7—9.15 pjn. "Monster and the Ape" (Chaps. I—7) NEW WORLD LIDO
      238 words
    • 106 2 •Hfci 7th great saTi GONE WITH M THE Will M. G. M's Masterpiece Release! Filmed entirely in Biilliant Technicolor Clark Vivien Leslie Olivia de GABLE LEIGH HOWARD* HAVILLAXD ONLY 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY! 12.40 P.M., 5.00 P.M., 9.20 PM, AIR-COOLED fj[ 1 HOXE 5135 NEXT CHANGE!f7\ PHONE 6909 /7| 5 TIMES
      106 words

  • 397 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The presence of thousands of lighters and less led to fierce competition along Singapore's l f r ont between the owners. Rather than leav•2 their lighters idle to rot, several owners have te( jtocut the rates to that below the gazet-
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  • 240 3 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH. Jan. 29. The following have been appointed members of the Perak State Executive Council of which the Sultan is tne President: The Mentri Besar (Datoh Panglima Bukit Gantang), British Adviser and State Secretary (Datoh Ahmad bin Osman); The Legal Adviser and State
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  • 128 3 An important arrest has been made in connection with the armed robbsry of the payroll on tne King Edward VII College of Medicine at the lunch hour on Thursday. Raiding the labourers' quarters in Nelson Road at daybreak on Thursday, a Police party headed by
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  • 77 3 The Johore Council of State will meet on Feb. 1 at the De wan. Johore Bahru at 9.30 a.m. The Legal Adviser, Johore, v-'ill move the Johore Agreement 1948 aau the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948 (Ratification) Bill 1948. The Dato Mentri Besar will move "that
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  • 89 3 For possessing a chandu pipe raid a chandu lamp, a midd.eaged Chinese, Lee Siak Soon, was fined $30 at the First District Court yesterday. The chandu smoking apparatus were found at the accused's premises, 35, Jchore Road, at 11.45 a.m. on Jan. 29 when it was searched by
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  • 294 3 The Director of the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service, Senior Controller M.J. C. Tyrwhitt. 0.8.E.. arrived in Singapore by air from England en* Wednesday to visit the A.T S in Far East Land Forces This is the first time that a Director of AT S. has visited
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  • 425 3 D. H. Deonis. a 37-yeav-old Sinhalese, was lined $250 and sentenced tn one day's siniDle imprisonment at the Second Police Court yesterday for attempting to stab a comoatrioi. Deonia was accused of attempting to voluntarily causing hurt to A. M. Adrjs with a knife
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  • 98 3 Posed As Dalforce Members —Charge I i For posing themselves as members of the Dalforce with intent to cheat a compatriot, two Chinese, Tong Kirn Yoke t 36) and Lim Ah Ang (38) were produced before the Third Police Magistrate yesterday. It was alleged that on Jan. 29 the accused
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  • 88 3 Stanislaus Emanuel De Aouza, a 36-year-old Eurasian employee of the General Post Office. Singapore, appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh, the Second Police Magistrate yesterday, on a charge of theft. De Aouza was alleged to have stolen $46 from S. W. Zacheus on Dec. 19 last year.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 ADDED dcOiltu fJJ fc <D l/J AND flvtectlCH t/ f f z=^ OBTAINABLE FROM All WATCH DE Al ERS |gfe| THE WOteT ,o^^, MOST FAMOUS MOREZ (Jura) f p a n c c CLOCKS ARRIVED j P|o 1 S You will thrill to the Iff iSS melody of accurate 111
      92 words
    • 841 3 sfssfsfs SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED. Hylam Coo*, experience for preparing European food good salary. Apply Box No. A 756, M.T-, SPore, i (E. 081). WANTED. Femnle or mal# expert Hairdressers for an up-to-date hairdressing saloon on commission or ralary basis at Calcutta Hotel 248, Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore. Interview between 3.00
      841 words
    • 580 3 SITUATIONS WANTED ENERGETIC young Englishman seeks position in Singapore or Malaya. Wide knowledge motor-engi-neering and Diesel experienced running workshop, local labour. Write to Box A 779 M. T- S'P-ore. (C. 555). TRANSLATOR typist, Chinese/ English and vice versa, seeks part time job. 5 p.m.—7 p.m. Apply Box No. A 775.
      580 words
    • 517 3 EDUCATIONAL ANGLO VERNACULAR SCHOOL. 122-Carpmael Road Katong learn English—.the Basic way vi three months. Evening classes. Tuition upto Matriculation. (C.553). EASTAFF AFTERNOON SCHOOL (for boys g»rl&) 35, Grange Rd. Singapore. Primary to Seoul Certificate Class. No age limit. School Certificate Class between 6 and 10 p.m. starts work on 2n<
      517 words

  • 690 4 It is common knowledge, though judicial prool might be difficult to i come by, that the mci!- dence of V.D. in Singa- pore, in common with other seaports, has large- ly increased as a result of j .he war. Whether easti crn seaports suffered more than European
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  • 87 4 "The British Labour Party is a Social Democratic movement. It believes in social progress by means of free speech, freedom of the Press, and free elections. "The Communist Party is utterly contemptuous of those standards, and is working everywhere for dictatorship. It does not care what
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  • 48 4 Reuter. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 29. The Amsterdam District Court today acquitted A. J. Koejemans, former editor of the Dutch communist newspaper De Waarheid on a charge of puoushimr a cartoon on Sent -6* which was alleged to be insultijag tc Dr. Louis Beel, the Dutch Premier. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 711 4  -  •by Eric Mitchell Not so long ago, lt was said by one of England's well-known do- liticians. that whether or not th<» j long-sought "New World" ot comparative Utopian existence would be communistic or demo- I cratic. depended on the relationship of the existing
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  • 618 4 The people's Postbag A "Cod-Father" For I Govern merit Clerks Letters f m Commenting on the arti- cle "A Govt. Clerk Asks: 'Have I Done Right?' which appeared recently in th e Malaya Tribune. Mr. Eu Chooi Yip, Secretary of the Malayan Democratic Union, j writes: i "The author of
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  • 230 4 Sir, —I believe that several ap- plications from Services Staffs for allocation of houses, in spite of the deterrent levy of high rent, have been rejected by the Improvement Trust on grounds that no houses will be rented out to civilian workers of the Army, Air Force
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  • 127 4 1 > Sir, —Kindly allow me space in I your People Postbag. The resid- i ents of Kobisan and Kampong Kapayang areas And it very difficult to travel by buses to Ipoh. i The buses coming from Kampar j are always crowded with pass- engers, and the
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  • 460 4 JOHN CAPTON. a twenty-one-year-old Red Indian, whose ancestors were the world's best with the tomahawk, will represent Canada in British championship ploughing matches this spring. John is a Gayuga, one of the Six Nations. They were the fellows who stuck by Sir William Johnson and Joseph
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 632 4 SITUATIONS VACANT ~~RADIO MECHANICS required. Experience of aircraft radio maintenance essential. Reply with lull details qualifications experience to Box No. A 798, M.T. Singapore. Applications are invited for 11*4 of capiain in the Marine Service of the Malayan Railway. Candidates should be mt more than 35 years of age,
      632 words
    • 40 4 r 'nil wimniini iiuinuii Zero Temperature Freezer For ice-cream dealers (holds 432 IJ.V-Cuj>s ice-cream) and home use for frozen foods. Low operating cost and low initial cost. PKICE $495 LEE FLETCHER 102-G, ORCHARD ROAD, PHONE 3338. ii mi »m 1
      40 words
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  • 437 5 POLICY OF WIDEST CONSULTATION PENANG, Jan 29.—"1t is the policy of the Govern- such time as it is possible to hold elections, ♦o hold the widest possible consultation with represenand associations in regard to the nominan nbers to the Penang Settlement Mr. S N. King,
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  • 239 5 KUALA LUMPUR. JAN. 30.—" Tw 0 Cninese, Choon ten Yew and Keng Kirn Sui, were found guilty by Mr. T. T. Russell at the Assizes yesterday, of having committed armed robbery at Utan Sim Dan Estate, Kluang, on Oct. 10, last year. Tne first accused Cheo
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  • 47 5 Reuter. FRANKFURT. Jan. 30.—Gen. Lucius Clay, the United States Military Governor in Germany, said today that April 1 had been set as the "final target date" for the operation ot all phases of the new expanded bizonal administration for the British and American zones.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
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  • 50 5 Mr. Paul Verdayne and Mr. K. T. San talk "business" at the cocktail party yiven by Mr. Lake Wan. Tho at his residence on Wednesday night in honour of Mr A. W. Green, an executive of the J. Arthur Rank organisation. There was a good gathering. present.
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  • 269 5 Reuter.- AAP. CANBERRA, Jan. 30. Australian Department of Commerce officials alleged today that some overseas Importers were deliberately making false accusations about the "poor quality" of Australian exports with the intention of claiming price adjustments. Some claims had been successfuly, they said. The officials were
    Reuter.- AAP.  -  269 words
  • 70 5 Reuter. TOKIO, JAN. 30.—The House ol Representatives has approved Prime Minister Katayama's demand for the arrest of Liberal Diet member Susumu Hara, v/ho is allegedly involved in a largescale blackmarket goods deal. This is the first time lhat an active Diet member will be arrested
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 124 5 Reuter. Manila. Jan. 30. —It has been learned at Malacanan that over 1,000 German Jews who came to th<- Philippines before the war as refugees from Nazi rule were recently found to have violated tho condition (to be law-abiding in every respect) upon which they
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 170 5 Reuter—AAP. SYDNEY, Jan. 30 When doctors despaired of his life about 15 years ago, Mr. C. H. Marshall, of Glenelg. South Australia, settled down to a diet of bone marrow and liver for 18 months and now he is
    Reuter—AAP.  -  170 words
  • 212 5 U.P. LAriE SUCCESS. Jan. 29Russia made it clear to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission today that it wants all existing atomic bombs destroyed and bomb production halted before going ahead with plans for an international atomic control machinery. Gromyko said Russia viewed the international
    U.P.  -  212 words
  • 306 5 ##Rulers: The following i s the official 1 programme of the Installation Ceremony in the Council Chamber at Kuala Lumpur, of the High Commissioner of the Malayan Union: Governor Sir FVanklin Gimson will arrive at the Council Chamber at 9.32 a.m. when a Royal Salute will be
    ##Rulers:  -  306 words
  • 26 5 U.P. ATHENS. Jan. 30 Police shot and killed Athens Communist leader Haralambos PanaEopoulos after surrounding his house in which he was hiding u.r.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 125 5 On Feb. 3. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald will proceed on leave- t() Canada after completing his of. ficial business in London. On that date, Sir Edward Gent. K.C.M.G., D.5.0.. O.B:E High Commissioner-Designate *l the Federation of Malaya, will hsworn in at King's House. Kuala Lumpur, as
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  • 233 5 KUALA LUMPUR, JAN. 29. The composition oi the Penang Settlement Council was an nounced today as follows:— Resident commissioner a» President of the Settlement Council; Crown Counsel and Settlement Treasurer (both exofflcio); Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom, Deputy Resident Commiss.onei, Mr. V. E. Dawson, Collector ol Land Revenue;
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  • 43 5 Reuter. LONDON. Jan. 30.—St. Pancra s Borough Council here will hold a reception next month in honour of Mr. V. K. Krishna MYnon. High Commissioner for India in London, who for 10 years was a Labour Councillor in the borough—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 '■5 N i for a real km /joliday v war w hat you you like—swim, sun- tennis. No embarrassmcnt.nodiscomf >rt; Tampax,worn internally, is invisible —gives you m oi action all the time. 'k ti ie and convenient. t rh m MMM MlialW, ensuring absolute cleanliness. c I riirral Divpcnvary Ltd.,
      60 words
    • 175 5 FLLI-SCANDALLI New Magnificent Piano Accordions arr on the Way to Malaya. Available in all iiSM from the SMALLEST to the MULTI-BASS AUDITORIUM model as Illustrated. EXCMTSIVI! FEATURES (1) SPEC" AL MULT I AUTOMATIC REGISTERS <2» TONE CONTROL, permit in? COMPLETE VARIATION from VIOLIN to SAXOPHONE 31 BUTTON CONTROLLED MUTE (4\
      175 words

  • 52 6 The Banff Park, which was damaged by a fire which broke out in the hold containing a cargo of cotton in Rangoon, berthed at the Singapore wharves yesterday for repairs. The damage was described as not extensive, though the vessel will be laid up for two months
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  • 330 6 Reuter. PARIS, Jan. 30. —Premier Robert Schuman's Middle of the Road" French Government went one scage nearer to winning the "Battle of the Franc" today when, at half-past two in the morning, the National Assembly adopted the Bill to withdraw The voting was
    Reuter.  -  330 words
  • 262 6 New stands in the Singapore Turf Club ar e likely to be built because of the large numbers of people who wish to be elected members and whos t applications had to be held over. this was intimated by Dr P. S. Hunter. C.8.E., who
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  • 20 6 The Rotary Club T.B. Fund has reached the $90,000 mark, which is $10,000 short of the target.
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  • 77 6 A Hy.-r. "boy,- Wo Kee (3b.. otocd in th c tne Pouith Police Court day v. nen he was I steaang 1 bootle 0 f XlS 55? j and two glasses valued I he was alleged to hav? them at 9.50 p.m cn when
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 553 6 Sll tPPtftC"\ m^ m^mm^mm mmmmm^m^^^m^^mm^mm^iml^^m^^^mmmm^^mm^mmmmm mmmmmmm^m»' j MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND U.S.A i'Titan" Due from U.K Feb. •> "Atreus" Due from U X Feb. J j "Prometheus" Due from U.S.A Fe ,n "Rhesus" Due from U.K Feb. 10 "Memnon" Due
      553 words
    • 445 6 rTTTTßrrnxTTnnrjr^rrT's SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK CONTINENT m.s. "MONGOLIA" Due abt: Feb. 9 enroute for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai and Kobe, s.s. "TRANQUEBAR" Due abt: Feb. 27 enroute for Sa.'gon and Bangkok. M.s. "ASIA" Due abt: Mar. 24 enroute for Saigon and Bangkok im.s. "KAMBODIA" Due abt Mar. 26 1 enroute for
      445 words
    • 147 6 NOTICE. ISSUE OF COLONY OF SINGAPORE TREASURY EILLS. i Tlie Government of the Colony of Singapore will inyite tenders for an issue of $5 millions by Treasury Bills on the 10th Feb. 1948 subject to the general conditions governing the issue and repayment of Colony of Singapore Treasury Bills 2.
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    • 697 6 ESTATE OF LEE CHOON GUAN m FOURTH GRAND AUCTIoFsALE Ol VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND LEASEHOLD stnp*^ PROPERTIES a^^APORr j i g To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng (v itn m Chulia Street* Singapore. 6 U Ud -No II On Wednesday, 4th> February, 1948, at >30
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  • 131 7 The Happy World Covered Stadium is offering a big wrestling attraction tonight. Toping card of four bouts Lambong, 200 lb. Chinese champion of Bangkok with the physique of an Apollo, meets 6 ft. 10 in. Dara Singh, Malayan heavyweight kingpin and pride of the Sikhs,
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  • 147 7 The Singapore Municipal Services Union scored a decisive win at table-tennis over the United Youth Table-Tennis team at the S M.S.U. premises by seven matches to nil. The representatives of the Municipal team won all their ties without conceding a single game. The results were (Municipal
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  • 105 7 The Chung Hwa Inst, met a learn from the Singapore In- I dians and managed to win by j lour games to three at table tennis played at the Inst, premises. Sardool Singh of the Indians displayed fine form to win in three straight sets. The best
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  • 1168 7 Below is the full race card for today's rages at Ipoh, together with the records of the last three runs, ag.^s. trainer and prospects of the candidates: RACE ONE 2.30 P.M. HORSES—CLASS 4—DIV 5-5 FURS. STR. 00 0 Desert King 3y 9.00 (Sullivan)
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  • 89 7 By "GARRICK" (Singapore) Race I: THE THISTLE Thirteen Race 2: PETER CON Adorable Race 3: BON AMI Renown Race 4: JOHN BULL Gracious Lady Race 5: NORFELD Skittals Race h: NO REGRETS Red Ted Race 7: ALOMA John Ham Race 8: COURTESAN Slickness By "lINITAS" (Ipoh) Race 1: RAPSEY
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  • 149 7 Russia The Olympics Reuter. L\ MORITZ. Jan. 30. The possibility of Soviet Russia entering a team for the Olympic (PUnes in London this summer was hinted at her* today by a senior Olympic official. Discussing the American ice hockey dispute, this official said the proceedings were being closely watched by
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 99 7 U.P. ST. MORITZ. Switzerland, Jan. 2y.—A makeshift solution on the Olympic Hockey mixup was leached tonight. Otto Mayer secretary of the International Olympic Committee announced that all nine nations entered in the hockey competition will play as scheduled The announcement by Mayer means that the
    U.P.  -  99 words
  • 112 7 An appeal for financial assistance to send Lloyd Valberg. Sin gapore Eurasian high jump chain pion to trie forthcoming Olympic Games in Great Britain, is shortly to be made by (be Singapore Olympic and Sports Council to its affiliated bodies. The 25-year-old high-jumper who has cleared
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  • 62 7 Reuter. LONDON, Jan 30. The Home Secretary. Mr Chuter Ede. announced in the House of Commons yesterday that tne Government pronose to extend Summer Time this year !rom March 14 to October 3! (Last yea r Summer Time started on March 16. Double Summer Time operated from April
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 159 7 rWATCH FOf l Ss FAIRBANKS. 11 EXILE i I Kjftl BOOKSf STATIONERY. jgftS RgBHC STAMPS, f n u „i: CHONG ft CO. I Bras »asah Road. i'hone 4086. i Robinson Road 1 1 i' 4142 mm UTERINE TONIC <PEM£DYfOP a[l MfNSTRUAI TROUBLES WOfflD O/fA FOR 50 YcAfiS OBTAINABLE AT All
      159 words
    • 325 7 ROXlNfi Great Wor!d AreM 1/ \J /Il 11 \J SUN Ist FEB. at 9 p.m. SPECIAL LU/HT HEAVY-WT. CONTEST 8 Rds -3 lVkin. GEORGE MALPAS vs KID WEE KID CARPENTIER W. SMITH 6 Rds. Vs. 3 Mm. 6 Rds. Vs. 3 Mm. JOHNNY MORTELL ONG HOCK BENG TOMMY CARRIE ~BOY
      325 words

  • 1024 8 Tragedy Monopolises Conversation Reuter. LONDON, Jan 30 —Mr. Clement Attlce, the Prim'. 1 Minister, and party leaders will, it is expected, pay iribute to Gandhi in the House of Commons on Monday. Tonight's official message from 10, Downing Street reflects Government's shock at Gandhi's death,
    Reuter.  -  1,024 words
  • 31 8 At 9.45 p.m. tomorrow, the day of the Jna"gu-ation °f f he Federation of Malaya, Sir Edward Gent, the first High Commissioner, will broadcast on the I significance of the s:ssion.
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  • 268 8 The marriage took place yesterday morning at St. Andrew's Cathedral, between SquadronLeader R. McLeod, Chaplain R.A.F. Seletar, and Miss Pat Hughes. R AF., N.S., of R.A.F. Hospital, Seletar. The groom is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McLeod of Barnstaple Devon,
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  • 22 8 Mr. Dowson of Gaumont-Kalec thinks it's a good jok'c and Miss Tullmt-Smith agrees they were snapped at Mr. Lake's party on Wednesday.
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  • 51 8 U.P. St. Moritz, Jan. 29. Prince Rene of Bourbon Parma said today his daughter Princess Anne and former King Michael of Romania will marry in May. The ceremony he said would take place in Copenhagen, Paris, oi at the Ville Franche on the French Rivjera.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 29 8 The Colonial Office announces that Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, Governor-General of Malaya will hold a press conrerence at the Colonial Office on Monday morning.
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  • 373 8 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Several English and vernacular schools are experiencing shortage in certain English text-books and this is retarding school lessons to a certain extent. Since the commencement of the fjist term, students have been hunting high and low for their books. The schoo' authorities
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  • 137 8 Ifleswl. Joseph Travers and I Sons. Ltd.. last night gave >a din.. rer to over a hundred of their i local distributors and retailers of "Key" brandy, at th e Happy World restaurant. In the words of Mr. C. E. Col j Unge, C3E. manager for Malaya
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  • 72 8 Mr. L. Rayman. Municipal President, tcld the Commissioners meeting yesterday tnat a me. morial would be erected to the memory of the late Mr. Tay Lian Teck, who died when the Japanese bombed the s.s. Kuala in February. 1942. The late Mr. Tay
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  • 409 8 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Malay schools today are at a premium, Hundreds of Malay boys and gills have had to be turned away from yet another year's schooling because there is no room for them. Those who have managed to secure a place musi share
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  • 100 8 The heavy downpour of rain that started yesterday afternoon causod certain sections of Orch nrd Road and other outlying highways to be flooded A number o c cars were b ggtd down at Orchard Road. Most o F the city's drains and sewers were waterlogged and
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  • 257 8 Matters relating to rice, the cost of living, and wages and hours of work were discussed at the first Regional Statte Statistical Conference held in Asia, which concluded its discussion at the Special Commissioner's Office yesterday. The main i task of the Conference was to formulate
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  • 124 8 THE HAGUE. j an foisor Pietor Gerorandv' o ol the Netheland, dnrfJ Dutch n exile in London, and 31 the rightwir.g r. V air the Realm"committee o; broadcast an at' sent Dutch Governml what he called its licy in Indonesia "This concealment of m. truth compares
    124 words
  • 166 8 U.P. OMAHA. Neon t Dr. Albert Han: loped a simple inex] lor discovering cancer died 1 that disease without fa that his own body had the positive reaction test The test was announced week in the South DabS Journal of Medicine and D jnacy. At
    U.P.  -  166 words
  • 62 8 The ee"rmo n y inn I Federation will be broaricrt m WStwo-ir wH r I Wave transmitter 141*7 metr r'rom 9 00 Ivs on Feb 1 iv. p ceremony finishes at iMd I 10 .30 i».m. From 9?r 9.40 h v s ther* I m oner "ommentnrv by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 113 8 Watch For BTTTTT^7iMi2f^ ,T 'llllil!liMll READ HOW HE CURED Dhobi U There is not th^h-^' should go on eodurii distressing sfcm dis MacUy cmni by D-D.P. I The wnter of this let! i r I says For 18 month. I ,np from Dhobi lt« h of the so-ralM reroedi. specialist
      113 words