Malaya Tribune, 18 December 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 57 1 The Malaya Tribune B y THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE Lar£er Sales Than Any Afternoon Paper In Malaya "%ow PrintembyMtnaneously in Singapore jHuala Ipoh Penang. 'Phone 5811 (Three Lines) T^n_£AGES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 PRICE TEN~CINTS The Malaya Tribune Ln.ruUm Agents: Messrs. CoUn Turner Ltd., Talbot House, 9H. St..
    57 words
  • 662 1 Offer By American Maritime Board (Tribune Staff Reporter) The thirty-year-old Singapore system of recruiting local sailors may be taken before the World Federation of Tra de Unions shortly. This action was promised by the National Maritime Board of America m a letteT
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  • 96 1 Reuter. HON(>KONG. Dec. 18—The »ang which p«rated the Dutch •*****-ton gUMM Van Heutz vorth of Hongkong on Sunday spent over S 100.000 on intelligence work during a planning period of several months, accord ng to statements of deck passengers to the Chinese press. The> learned
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 387 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Government thinks of the local tuberculosis problem in terms of years. We must think of it totertta nf wppks" said Mr C. L. Edwards, Manager of tne «o k ng and Shanghai Bank Singapore Anti-T.B. Association in an interview
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  • 59 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A Bill making provision lor public services for 1948 will he introduced in the Advisory Council shortly. The Bill authorises expenditure in 1948 of $79,298,607 out o! a budgeted expenditure of $90,201, 764The following deductions are made; charge of public debt $8,092,857: Pensions,
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  • 125 1 Reuter. BOMBAY. Dec. 17. Tne men s singles final *n the national badminton champion- I shins of India will be an AllMalayan affair as a result of Paul Holm (Denmark) having to concede a walkover to Samuel owing to" a strained thieh muscle in
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 88 1 LONDON. Dec. 17. The B itish Ministry of Supply announced that effective today the price of tin metal minimum 99 r r up to under 99.75«, tin content will be increased from £437 to £510 per ton f.o.b. United Kingdom port or delivered to United Kingdom consumers'
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  • 58 1 An R.A.F. Dakota aircraft took eff from Changi Airport this morning with 2.000 pounds of ra. tion s on board for 35 Army personnel who arc cut off at Grik due to the floods in Perak, and ar* 1 without food. The rations were parachuted down
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  • 89 1 Three "taxi" robberies took place in the Holland Road area last night and all three are believed to have been committed by the same person. In each case two Chinese and one Malay were held up at the point of a knife and robbed of cash and valuables.
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  • 284 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Chir<?se trading guilds in Singapore, shaken by Government's decision on income tax, are holding emergency meetings to analyze their position in the face of this threat to their financial stability. The general opinion that the Chinese commercial community has cornered the greater
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  • 401 1 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 17. Colonial Secretary Arthur Creech Jones »told the House of Commons today he toas aware of certain dissatisfaction in Singapore at the disparity in the salary scales and conditions of the Civil Service. Frederick Skinnard. Labour, had asked what was being done
    Reuter.  -  401 words
  • 697 1 Fate Of A. Brooke In Malaya Reuter. LONDON Dec 17.-Colonial Secretary Arthur LONDUiN, f Commons today Creech Jones stated in the House 01 Governthat he was ment legarding the whole 0 i sir Charles Malaya of Anthony Brooke araw ak. Vvner Brooke, former White Kajan
    Reuter.  -  697 words
  • 157 1 The committee o! the Singapore Ratepayers Association has despatched th e following telegram to the Prime Minister today: "All ton Unofficial Members of the Council of the Governor of Singapore, handpicked and admitted by him to be truly representative of the peoples of this Colony,
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  • 54 1 A shooting incident occurred in a Jap camp at 9 1/2 mile Changi Road last night. Four Chinese entered 3 huts simultaneously at 915 and held up the occupants. They were disturbed by other Japs moving about and fled after firing several shots into the air.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 Rational Employer's j Mutual General v u MOTOR fIB COMPENSATION, ACCIDENT n«l other classes of ■'association ltd. 1 .TMcoSorated In England) chambers. Raffles Place.] M eytr SINGAPORE. manager: S. WISE Ma PHONE 2835. 1 TIES THAT SERVE A PURPOSE' FOULARD Mft| JX? PURE SILK TIES £J) ..VS Assorted m» der
      66 words
    • 33 1 HELENE CURTIS World's Finest Wavin* Lotions! Sole Agents:— I (Paramount Traders) 95, Cross Street Singapore. Stay At I ATOMIC (Residential ard Non-residential Hotel) 64, LLOYD ROAD, SINGAPORE. For Comfort Service Excellent Food II
      33 words

  • 403 2 Fifty Locally Enlisted Personnel, accused of having participated in a riot at thei Rex Cinema on Nov. 17, were yesterday at the hixtn Police Court acquitted without their defence beiii ii called Two others, both Malays, had the charge against them amended. Ihey
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  • 54 2 Reuter. LONTDON. Dec 17 Lord Cotwyn left the Army yesterday when the court martial dcci- J sion sentencing him to be cas- I hiered was confirmed Lord Colwyn pleaded guilty to j live charges of "indecent be-ha vtonr" while serving In the Bri- tish Army in Italy
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 88 2 U.P Manila Dec 17.—The mornin* paper, the- Manila Chronicle. I in°an editorial entitled We May Lose the Free- United States Market", said the Philippine economy was aerlontty threaten- ed with a crisis because of a provision in the draft charter or the international Trade Organisation currently
    U.P  -  88 words
  • 87 2 U.P. fJRIMSTAD VIA OSLO, Dee. 17: Eighty-eight- year- Id N bel Priaa win.ior Knat Hansun ii 10 face trial on charges thst hi kmA turned aii pen from literature to propaganda for the Naci«. The |trosfou»i i i-« not a.kmi' for capital unishßMOf or imprisonment only that Ra
    U.P.  -  87 words
  • 83 2 Reuter. RANGOON. Dec. 17,- Prisoners in Rangoon central jail today abandoned a three day sitdown strike after the prison authorities had partially granted their demands. These demands included the transfer of the chief jailer, permission to form a prisoners welfare union, ami the donation to
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 150 2 IPOH, Dee. 17.—Holding that 4he apoiJcants, Messrs. Shum Yip Leong Rubber Works, hr.:i rot proved sufficiently that they came under the category of "dispossessed persons." the Hon. Mr. Justica Cox Evans, yesterday dismissed their appeal against the decision of the local Rent and Tenancies
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  • 124 2 BUTTER WORTH, EKe 17 A murder was suspected when the decomposed body of a Teo•hew ilshmonger, Tang Ah Chua, was found in his attap hut at Ksmpong Own ta Pj*matang Bmtiaharl, on the -ornin- of December 13 It is reported that Tan An Hoon and a iriend
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  • 142 2 TAIPING. Dec. 27 —Convicted on a charge ot assaulting a Police Constaole In the execution of his duties, two memoers oi the RAOC, Singapore, named Chan Kam Hoi and Chan Kam Weng, were on Monday fined «.25 each in the District Court by Mr. C. P.
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  • 143 2 TAPAH, Dec. 17 —A young Chinese named P'ng Oh Cheong, aged 22 years, is a patient in the local District Hospital with serious head wound. It appears that one evening last week two Custom Outdoor Officers from Tapah accompanied by a Policeman armed with i
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  • 44 2 U.P BERLIN, Dec. 17:-Twenty-three German war nlants in the British and American occupation zones which were due for dismantlement as reparations will be kept intact or partially intact as a result of German ors'Uments in their favour, a ioint British-American announcement said today.—U P.
    U.P  -  44 words
  • 117 2 Shanghai, Dec. 17. Informed sources doubted the authenticity of the report appearing in the Hong Kong newspaper that Chinese communists had signed a military agreement with Soviet Russia! The sources doubted Russia '< would put herself on record as actually signing an out
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  • 21 2 IPOa, Dec. 16 Cluo, one LL T .V stat* h«la *™»™> iff c£?2 lor weu ovei so B
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  • 157 2 (By a Military Observer*. Majcr General Cox, addressing som e three hundred officers and men o: the Ist. Bn. The Queen's Royal Regiment at Selerang yes terday mornmg called the break. ;ng-up of the Battalion M A tragicthing for a Regiment with the great of the
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  • 75 2 KUALA KANGSAR. Dec IT. —HLs Highness the Sultan of D erak in a message to the Malaya Tribune, expresses his sympathy to the victims of flood. He said that the authorities are dcing everything possible for them. His Highness thanks all those wr.o are helping the authorities in
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  • 32 2 Reuter. Sofia, Dec. 17.—The withdraw al o! aU Soviet armed forces from Bulgaria was completed on Sunday, in conformity with the peace treaty provisions, it Wai authoritatively learned her« today—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 545 2 SHIPPING MANSFIELD CO., LTD. I (Incorporated >n Singapore; BLI E FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND U S A. "Euryades' Due from U X D?c 18 ."Mentor" Due from U.S.A D*. so "Neleus" Due from U.K uu zj Sailings for LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW and CONTINENTAL PORTS "Orestes" Sails for Liverpool |J
      545 words
    • 169 2 SAILINGS FROM SC ANDINAVIA I X CONTINENT m.s. "MALAYA." Due abt: Dec. 20 tnroule let Hongkong; and Shanghai, m.s. "MALACCA" I** «M: I>cc 26 cnroute for Manila. Hongkong, Shanghai, m.s. 'T.ALANDIA** Hue abt: Jan. It enroute for Saigon and Bangkok. SAILINGS TO U.K. CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Loading at Singapore, Port Swettenham
      169 words
    • 370 2 CHIT iDce^Sf Late of No istQ gJi i Load. Singapore, who d,d th, I Pursuant to Section Trustees Ur*^ NOTICE IS BESE3Y GTntl that credit 3. and ot! having cla.w against the' tate oi the afajvename* I ed shouid give actio thei I wr.ting to Messrs da CEHLLRS AND CHOAolfcl
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  • 172 3 Reuter. Dec. 17. "Stars ami published by the Eduea[nfoj mat ion Section of M v Arthur's headquarters, ported "all residents of i Hiroshima believe a Christian university is n led in Japan by funds 1 i v the: people of the tea as
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 250 3 U.P. KIO, Dec. 17. When Hideki his stand probably on to testify for bis life beinternational Military i the Far East, he will responsibility for declargainst the Allies, execuGen. Doottttle's fliers and of thousands of British, and Allied war pri-
    U.P.  -  250 words
  • 114 3 rom Our Own Reporter) AN'G. Dec. 17:--It was m\ agreement that the I 1 Salaries report did act ip tD expectations and the ndations on the whole lisap] ointinir. except for a r i fact that seemed to lissatisfactiea was :hat a :;!e i
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  • 104 3 Reuter. EDINBURGH. Dee. 17.—Santa Claus is to make fly in.: visits this week to distribute peresents to children of officers and airmen at the annual children's Christmas parties at the Koyal Air Force station Turnhouse. Edinbugh, and No. 2 Reserve Flying: School. Cambridge. He will
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 95 3 U.P. Montana Army Field. Arizona. Dec. 17.—An army superfortress bearing 20 nrmy men crashed and burned near here tonight, killing 12 men, according to witnesses on the scene. V. M. Gibson. Ariz ::vi State highway patrolman at the crash said: "I hilped take eight bodies out
    U.P.  -  95 words
  • 98 3 Mother's Day Charity Show The Indonesian and Malay Woman Welfare Association will stage a Charity Show and Variety Entertainment of Indonesian and Malay Culture, in aid of its Benevolent Fund, on Dec. 22 and 23. at 9 p.m., at the Happy Work! Stadium. The title of the Charity Show is
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  • 93 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 17. Britain's coal miners are looking forward to a holiday on fat pay packets for Christmas because for the seventh successive week they easily passed the 4,000,000-ton weekly target. Last week they hewed and rut i 356,200 tons, the highest output for
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 105 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 17.—The British Government intends to send an official mission to India possibly m the first week of January, to discuss with representatives of the India and Pakistan governments Britain's sterling debt of over 1.100.000,000. Prior to the transfer of power the United Kingdom Government entered
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 97 3 Reuter. MOSCOW. Dec. 17.--Tas.s-. the Soviet official news agency, claimed in a Berlin message today the British authorities in Berlin had given German newspapers a report "misrepresenting the decision of the four Allied commanders" on Dec. 13 on the 14-point plan for improvement of working conditions in Berlin put
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 105 3 TAPAH, Dec. 17.—Prior to 'heir departure on transfer, Uie Ltatf of trie District and Lar.a Offices last week-end entertained inche Abdullah bin Ibrahim (Assistant District Officer, Tapah) .and Mr. M. Samuel, chief clerk of the District Office, Tapah, to a farewell dinner. Speeches were made by Inche Mustapha
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 YOU GET THE GENUINE PERFUME There are many imitations that toofe like Himalaya Bouquet Perfume; but none of then, have .tt unmistakable fragrance, the perfume of mountain flower,. Aroid disappointment by makmg sure y OU get the real jl Himalaya Bouquet. j yfimafaya THE PERF ume \wT&V& et <m ■18
      59 words
    • 794 3 *"3^^35 t I V** 1 r^^'^*>^*>^^>^>^>>^*>^'>^'^'^r,,,,, —w. 1 "J VACANT BRITISH IMPORTING HOUSE re- quires gni Junior Shorthand-typist, one with some previous experience. Apply G.P.O. Box 512. Singapore. <Q. 163, WANTED EUROPEAN LADY HAIRDRESSER —Please send photograph, capabilities and salary expected to Box A 627 c o M.T. Spore
      794 words
    • 630 3 MISCELLANEOUS PARCELS to BRITAIN? YOU Cannot send anything m«re acceptable than a tin of Neanray: either 1W ID or ilb from a ny good grocery store. Nesprav is Nestle s Full Cream PowaereO Milk. (P--ENGINEERING SERVICE. "We undertake to prepare plans and specifications of any Engineering project. Also installation of
      630 words
    • 569 3 FOR SALi one large tnmm pram and cliild's chest of drawers in pale blue dueo. Both in excellent condition $100/- 73 Holland Road. 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (N. 124». HMV 6cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR 230 v. A. C. motor complete with all trays and fittings ran j„.
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    • 311 3 PHILATELY TOR SALE New Ideal Album 1840— Mid 1936 containing about 3,000 stamps. For inspection price apply to Box No A 626 M.T. (P. 152). SALE RARE collection of stamps mounted ab«-ut 9000 in three volumes. British Colonials 6000. Many varieties unmounted. Duplicates over *****— Straits F. M. S. Jap:
      311 words

  • 55 4 Cc LEoN: ihe lamuy o: vi- ia«e mfci T\n uo bMfcu** wi.^Ai many n*ei*us 10. vv»_a.ii~., toilers oi coiiOoit-iice u»i»- ui.-euu-ance at the funerai. A Reo, ni&n iviass lor tin soul oi the laitniul departed wiL be said on peceniojr -old, Tuesoay at G. 15 a.m. at thj
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  • 673 4 Opponents of income Lax iought a clean tight and won the day; the Governors took up the veto bludgeon and as a result the public are prostrate and their pockets are at the mercy of the tax garnerer's lingers. How much of the tax receipts will
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  • 76 4 Reuter. MANILA—Two strong indications foreshadowing greater trade between this country and the rest of the world are the increasing number of foreign traders and businessmen who have been dropping off at Manila in the last several months and also the mounting inquiries received by official trade agencies
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 913 4  -  By Oswald Henry TOMORROW night at 8 o'clock the doors of yet another super cabaret— incidentally, the first of Its kind to be built after the liberation—will be thrown open to the citizens of Singapore, and the strains of a popular orchestra will greet dancers
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  • 60 4 So huge are the Nottingham factories of John Player and Sons manufacturer's of cigarettes that a man could work there for 20 or 30 years without seeing all the processes Of cigarette manufacture. In order to remedy this the management has arranged tours of other departments for ten
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  • 857 4  -  by- By Prof.T.H. Silcock in a recent Broadcast First, what Is a Social Survey? It is an attempt to study the way people live. Not everything about them of course. We want to know things that will be useful in planning social welfare policy. The
    857 words
  • 249 4 store clerk in t h e 9th drome. Kuantan action and was wortS?* 1 M trying conditions in T h g la drome while jL a J he *ro. raided the aerodroTe\l/> ed the store J*J. then evacuated and T 1 r:tles without instructions i u my
    249 words
  • 92 4 Sir, —I read with interest to 1 the local papers that Civil DeI fence Medals will be awarded to I members of the Passive Defence and Essential Services J I was a member of the Indian Passive Defence Corps and the I.P.D. personnel did man their I
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  • 103 4 Prncess Elizabeth's weddn? ring was made of f*J* mined in the Merioneth MH'SA retired West End fn Mr William BertOlle, suggested to Buckingham P*** J*£ that th- Princes might hke he wedding ring ma* tt o tn cm e nugget of W** t/iat f:om whch hT
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 SITUATION VACANT SINGAPORE DEPARTMENT Of SOCIAL WELFARE Aplications are invited for th? following posts:— CHINESE OriPHANAGL l*o primary schDol teachers to teach English and Chinese. S;iary according to qualifications and experience: free quarters at the i Orphanage will be prov.dea. Successful applicants will take up their duties early in the
      443 words
    • 56 4 FLASH: j Limited supply of LATEST j AMERICAN D C. Refrigera--1 tors arrived. Come early i before they are sold out. Lee Hetcher 102-6 ORCHARD ROAD j PHONE 3338. The Same Toning Comfort on Short Waves as on Medium Waves THE PHILIPS RX 665 X Automatic Bandspread System M. E.
      56 words
    • 65 4 I for your CHRISTMAS I and NEW YEAR TOYS I visit ROBINSON'S I 1 TOYLAND I I ON -The House of Haythi"P I FLOOR I Mead Field's Crackers M^M^ S j Koala Bears, <^^T\ Assorted Sizes. I Koala Bear Bags <ft Koala Bear Tea Cosies fiM^/M^ Assorted Puzzles laß/M Assorted
      65 words

  • 894 5 Al A LUMPUR. Dec_ -'The veil covering what happen,o the village and its inhabitant, will be lifted before you in the ol the prosecution witnesses. They will tell you nf tSf carnage of about »90 inhabitants which included Ten ami oi i
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  • 32 5 The Indonesian and Malay Women's Welfare Association In Singapore (Himwim), will hold a "Mother's .Day" on Dec. 22, at y a.m. at Istana Kampong Gelam. It will be open to the public.
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  • 339 5 PENANG Dec. 17.—The practice of smuggling tobacco, cigarettes and chandu into me Penans prison by sub-warders has become extremely prevalent and it might lead to smuggling oi arms as in the same manner which occured in Singapore "I can give evidence to prove that the
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  • 129 5 (From Our Own Reporter) B'WORTH, Dec. 17:—A mur der was suspected when the decomposed body of a Teochew fishmonger. Tang Ah Chua, was found in his atap hut at Kampong Gurun in Permatang Bendahari, on the morning of December 13. It is reported that Tan Ah Hoon
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  • 140 5 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH Dec. 16.—Two wellknown families of Ipohi and[Penang were joined by he mar riage of Mr. Tsai Kuo Yung, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. T Taiof ipoh to Miss Fok Pui Har, daughter of Mr. and Fok Chap Keng of Penang, at
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  • 256 5 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH, De~. 17:—A meeting of the Perak Branch of the FMS Chamber of Commerce was heid on Dec. 15 with the President, Mr. H. Kingdon Rowe, in the chair, when the income tax qucsti n was brought up f <r discussion.
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  • 283 5 (From Our Own Reporter) TELUK ANSON, Dec. 17 —For their unwarranted and vicious assault on two school-teachers, tour young Chinese .who appeared before Mr. J. G. Adams in the District Court neie on Saturday on a charge of rioting at the San Mm Chinese School,
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  • 75 5 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH Dec 16 Kajapathy Rao ex-Perak badminton player a storeman attached to the Drainage and Irrigation Department, Ipoh. was yesterday pro Steed in the District Court on a charge of criminal breach of r ßao was alleged to have cheated the
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  • 143 5 Reuter-AAP. SHANGHAI. Dec. 17-Sir Victor Sasoon. prominent Britisn businessman, intimated in an interview here today that he was considering transfer of some of his laree interests here to South China, especially Kwangtung ProV 'sir Victor, who arrived yesterday on his first visit in nearly
    Reuter-AAP.  -  143 words
  • 161 5 (From Our Own Reporter) PENANG, Dec. 17:—A Chinese Cabaret girl, Lucy Tan who last appeared in the District Govt in connection with an extortion case was produced before Ml. J. P. Blactyedge facing a charge of giving false evidence. The charge against her was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 M VS A NEW "AM jf at AIRPORT HOTEL IE QUICK FOR RESERVATION RING 3351 I are Quaker Ikys f:-t'.-ki GIVE YOUR YOUNGSTER BAY- LONG ENERGY WITH A j BREAKFAST OF QUAKER OATS j rr °*ing children need the whole-grain ben* /11 6ts so abundant in nature's wonder food /MM
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    • 230 5 f 1 A Mark to Remember BURROUGHS WELLCOME CO. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.) have appointed as their Sole Agent fcr the distribution ot ihe r fine products in Singapore, Malay Union, North Bornea and Sarawak. JACKSON CO., LTD. 55, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPORE 22, MOUNTBATTEN ROAD KUALA LUMPUR MALAYAN RAILWAY BUILDING
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  • 751 6 Three-Year Scheme Includes Zoning B\i P. J. JOSEPH A $40-million "Master Plan for the planning and building of the future Singapore is now recommended to Government by the Singapore Housing Committee. A three-year rehounng scheme, involving $30 to $40 millions, and an extensive, far-sight-ed planning
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  • 163 6 Kushi Mohamed. 21-year-old Indian attached to No. 2 Indian Transit Camp, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment at the Singapore Assizes yesterday by Mr. Justice Brown, who accepted the accused s plea of guilty to a charge of culpable homicide not amounting to
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  • 211 6 IN HIS REVIEW FOR THE YEAR THE GOVERNOR ENVISAGED SINGAPORE AS AN INDUSTRIAL CENIRE SUPPLYING THE NEEDS OF NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES. Singapore has political stability, cheap water and electric power, and extensive areas for factories. By having a many sided economy, it
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  • 72 6 Joseph Davles. a 42-year-old Canadian seaman, of "no fixed abode" pleaded guilty before Mi L. C. Goh at th e Second Police Court on Tuesday, to a charge of begging. Davk-s was alleged to have begged for 20 cents from Dr. William Oh. at 5. Victoria Street on
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  • 33 6 Following are the teium v- mc University ol London Examination 1947: inter-Arts July 1947:-Miss Annie Chang Chia Lin (Passed); Nathan Kesagar Vannlasingham (Passed). Leonardo Guatavo Vlera Alves (Referred "English").
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  • 366 6 THE HOPE OF THE FUTURE FOR TBin 0 THIS COUNTRY, ESPECI ALLY FOR THE s«v i, N h RATION OF TRADE UNIONS. IS TO STKF\vii!l** BRANCHES FROM BOTTOM TO TOP ~,t:N i in.ij, This advice was given to Singapore tra U W. Baltrop.
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  • 145 6 (From Our Own Rc^rter, KT'ai LUHprjR Public Sen n the j rnion fo, Lhe next yea, mated to cast «254.356,261 of this amount, Federal a v total $207,924,504 S Settlement allocations fcfi^m A bill to make this n.ovLsicn ii i be mi 1 mon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 389 7 S R C 2 C.S.C. 0 to nn h mS?vth R f/vf ati n Cub ran oUt winn b y two goais retSm^S r t/ thCy met the Cl > lon Sporta Club in ftioir Recs thoroL K?v c nc,Ain ter on the SRC
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  • 90 7 (A.I.S). Melbourne. 16.—Australi. .mi Davis Cup player. 26-year-old Dinny Pails has gone to America to negotiate his entry into professional tennis. Pails says he is to sign up with American promoter J:>ck Harris, and will probably play with Jack Kramer and Pancho Seaura (still an
    (A.I.S).  -  90 words
  • 125 7 The Geylan- Methodist Youth Fellowship beat tua "Everplow" Badminton Party i" a friendly return Table Tennis natch by 9 games to nil. Results (G. M. Y. F. mentioned first): Robert Phua beat Sse Gim Siang, 21-18. 21-15; Ho Clv« Bin beat Tommy Tan, 21-1 <, 21-11;
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  • 44 7 Tie Chinese Youth Service Assoc>aUon defeated the -Leisure. Fable-Strc-et on Monday ni fi ht frYSA Players mentioned lust). T Cf hum lost to Loe Ming KODJ J c m„niT Mitn* See lost to (Capt.) 3-0, 2?°« B Kirn Toll*
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  • 141 7 Twenty-two teams have enter-, oa the Inter District Soccer League organised by the Singapore Chinese Football Association First game in the beftgUe will be played off at Jalan Besu> Stadium on Jan. 4, between a Naval Base team and an eleven from Jellico Road. The League has
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  • 67 7 (A.I.S.) Melbourne. Dec. 16.— Women's cricket is oeeoming more ana mope popular jn Australia. More than twenty women's teams be- gan games in the Sydney metro, poll tail Inter-club cricket CJln- petition during the last week in October. Interstate matcnes wAH bo played in Victoria from
    (A.I.S.)  -  67 words
  • 121 7 The team to represent the Serangoon Association in a friendly lootball match against the Cheng Pak Football Club, on Saturday, at the Serangoon English School ground will be selected from the following-. Lim Cheng Heng. Goh Teck PHuan, Charlie Kang, Low Huck Yang, Koh Tens
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  • 115 7 The Kadayanallur Muslim Lea gue Football XI will play against The Trafalgar Youngsters XI in a return soccer match on Saturday, at the Mental Knspital ground, Yio Chu Kang Road. Singapore. Kick-off at 5.15 pm. sharp. Kadayanallur Muslim League players will be selected from the following: M. S
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  • 69 7 By four goals to one the Bank a Sports Club beat the JolhTads Athehtic Union at soccer played a the Jalan Bcsar Stadium on Tuesday. Osman scored for the Jollilads in the first half of play which was equalised by Mtcharl Low. B <nka forwards. Yong Sang and
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 X:. most prcm sln? and haul-working amateur dancer in Pcnunf. He Is zo'mi to Hongkong and other eotmtwes to a .anixt mi c skill. Joe says 'In amateur com petit urns Penang can sWief thwhole Malayan Union and Sinca#orc.
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  • 199 7 The Singapore Clarke Rangers beat the Singapore Cricket Club at hookey on the Padantr yesterday by lour goals to two. The standard of plsy was mediocre, but tbero v/ere occasional fast exchanges In the tenth minute of play de Silva look a pus* from
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  • 50 7 UP TRIEStB, pec. 17:-The former UNRRA manager in Trieste. U Emil Valerius Jansens. 1/,-ijor In the Belgian Army, was sentenced in absrnt:a by the American Military Governnent court today to one v<*ar. tight months imp-ronm-nton charges of having sold three tons nl UNRRA sttfar and peeked the money UP.
    UP  -  50 words
  • 157 7 SYDNEY Dec 17.—Australia, caught on a sticky wicket.'collapsed for 107 runs today during which 16 wickets fell for less than 150 runs. In exciting finish is promised in this Second Test which witl end tomorrow. The oilier had drastically curtailed P lay andnother day's
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  • 302 7 When the "" docks Singapore new sundy.y she wtfi have on beard one oi the worlds pe«eei heavyweight wrestlers. He i» King Konv, the Hungarian beared giant who is the official Heavyweight Champion of Europe and who is arriving for a series ot lights at
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  • 43 7 UP. LISBON, < Derived > Amy ?nd Navy offlcrs and otlians arrested in Inst April's alleged rebellion plot in Monday we-e ordered to be transferred from Lisbon Asylum where IhfJ h. aye been kept to various jails i. different parts oi tlie country —UP.
    UP.  -  43 words
  • 185 7 AUSTRALIA Ist INKINGS Prown run out ls Morris lbw. b Amarnath JJ Bradman b Hazare »3 11 assett c. Adikhari b Hazare <» .Miller lbw. b Phadkar H Flamence c Adikhari b Mankad 25 L Johnson lbw. b Phadkar 1 McCool b Phadkar Lindwall b Hazare 0 1 ..Hon
    185 words
  • 52 7 Clubs affiliated to the Singapore Hockey Association are informed that the closing date for entries in the Knock-Out Hockey Competition, which is to be run by the Association early next year, has been extended to Tan. 10. Entries are to be. accompanied by an entrance fyee of
    52 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 327 7 I 15 i.30— 9.15 p.m. T t'shok Kumar in sxnvXK- (Hindustani) I > AV -rd l>y Royal Wedding I nri sing TO-DAY 3 i,.15 and 9.11 p.m. I S REL Oliver HARDY I «THE BIG NOISE" I They're a pair of I m\ERY SHERLOCKS! 1 s with \ltrrica, Arthur Space
      327 words
    • 103 7 Agents: IPANA TOOTH PASTE IPAN'A helps your smttc by thoroughly cleaninp and brilliantly polishing your teeth. And IPANA'S refreshingly different tasteis grand—it makes your mouth feel good. >X itb massage, too, IPANA helps ensure firm, healthy gums --j- re f re sfti^t% Malaysian Traders Ltd., Singapore and 4 Pudu Road,
      103 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 305 8 UP. (By HERMAN RAPPA) So Som Pong's bid to add to his Malayn laurels has falle Details of the rtght are lacking but from the cable report, it seems obvious that Olson wisely retuseci to make a stand up fight of
    UP.  -  305 words
  • 55 8 PENANG, Dec. 17.—A meeting of the Eurasian Community held on Sunday. Dec. 14 unanimously decided to suggest the name of Mr. G Shelley for nomination as an unofficial*member for the Penang Settlement Council. Mr G Shelley is an accountant attached to the Straits Steamship Co..
    55 words
  • 456 8 Additional Afternoon Sessions Also (Tribune Staff Reporter) Bnenter prospects are in store for Singapore's thousands of school boy* and girls studies next year after the five-week the Directed of Education, Mr. J. B. Neilson told rr.e in an interview. I was discussing
    456 words
  • 131 8 LONDON. Dec. 17.—A hign Government source said today that Britain will have to reconsider the whole structure of its foreign policy in the light of the breakdown of the Foreign Minister Conference. Foreign Secretary Bevin already has discussed the implications of the breakdown on British pol-cy
    131 words
  • 50 8 The eiehth annua! peneral meeting of the Gentle Badnd»»Um Party w M hp held on Sunday, at No. 29. en nue RoVd at 1.8 p.m Lipht refreshments 5m be served and all members are veSrywith tea party Thursday. Dec 25. at 4 p.m. also at 29. uenuc Road.
    50 words
  • 327 8 -Ipoh. Dec 17. H.M.S. Amethyst a British warship has arrived at Pert Swettenham on a strange peace-time mission, that of policing the narrow waters; oi the Straits of Malacca which has during the past few months Been the main waterway for the nefarious activities
    327 words
  • 108 8 The President and general committee of the Y.W.C.A. invite all members to a Christmas Party at the Rex Hotel. Bras Basah Road, on Saturday. Dec. 20. from 5 to 7 p.m. The opportunity w'll also be taken to say farewell to Miss Gertrude Owen, acting
    108 words
  • 53 8 Reuter. ROME. Dec. 17. Mr. and Mrs Karajia. the well-known journalists now touring Italy, were granted a special individual audience by His Holiness the Pope. The Pope evinced keen interest in the Indian situation and the welfare of the large Catholic community in India and presented them with
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 196 8 SITTAWAN. Dec. 17—More details are to hand of the Indone» sian plane that crashed in the sea off Lumut on Sunday afternoon during a rain storm. It is understood that the plane was piloted by Fit -Lieut. R Iswah Joeai and carried Mr. Abdul
    196 words
  • 72 8 A.A.P. Shanghai, Dec. 17.—The Ame rican-owned 4.000-ton ship "Kurt Chily" reported today that it had run aground on a small island north of Okinawa while bound -or Shanghai from Okinawa with a cargo of scrap iron. The ship, which was com manded by an American, has i mixed
    A.A.P.  -  72 words
  • 224 8 (From Our Financial Corr.) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 17.—The Malayan Union Back Pay Com mittee is to sue the Government for full back pay for the period of Japanese occupation. Thi s was decided at a meeting o? the JCSA Council and representatives of the
    224 words
  • 36 8 Reuter. PRAGUE. Dec. 17.—Dr. Edward Benes, the Czechoslovak President, today received the newly-appointed first Czechoslovak Amiassador to India. Joroslav Sejnoha a former Ambassador in Cairo. He is shortly leaving for his new post.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 23 8 The Katong Boys' Club is holding a Charity Dance at the 9.V.C. Hall. Beach Road, on Dec. 22 at 8.30 p.m.
    23 words
  • 144 8 Reuter. COLOMBO, Dec 17 —Ceylon expects that the Duke of Gloucester will inaugurate its Dominion Parliament on February 4 r ext year when the island attains its new status as a member of the Commonwealth. This was announced .in the House
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 142 8 false (i«c'arntiA« v Jf r as rs third grade from the state J Officer, Ipoh. k n v m Kr "«S Plovee attached to the p? ar Hydro Electric Co w£? k F U three months' sonment by Mr k*, the D, strict c
    142 words
  • 84 8 Reuter. Birmingham. Dec. 17 —After i simple cremation service here today the ashes of Lord Baldwin of Bewdley. former British Pr Minister. wer t placed in a eatff containing the ashes of h: wtb Th e cremation coincided vttb a service in the village church at WUsen near
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 94 8 Inch. Dec. 17.-Prior U departure on Home tafetW Mr. J. G. Butcher, manage:,: the Pirji Estate. Lafat entertained to a tea-par; Monday evening. Mr. Abdul Rahman, :r. >••'• :ng the gu-:st-o:-hor.our "bor. voyage," eulogised his tfrf* qualities and E*id that he toed that be wouid have
    94 words
  • 82 8 IPOH. De: IT -A j hip has been offered for ionese or Indian stud langor who will be tat;Senior Cambridge in I This scholarship honou- of Wetaji by S Gill ardCO..whowiU «*w the candidate to P2V ?hooi fees for Re-istratior: f Candidates who into Ply fo- this forward
    82 words
  • 16 8 Reuter. LONDON. Hcc 1- Tni r don. HI I/*** J** 5 for todla Bxnter.
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 46 8 TODAY'S WEATHER j REPORT Weather: Bright intervals with occasional thundery showers during this afternoon. Fair tonight and tomorrow morning. Wind; North-easterly—five to 10 miles per hour. Max. Temp.: 86 deg. Mln. temp.: 72 deg. Rainfall: Nil. Humidity: 0730 yesterday morning—99; 1330—66; 1930—8b; 0730 thi s morning—99,
      46 words