Malaya Tribune, 25 September 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 56 1 The Malaya Tribune rH E PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA rwm printed simultaneously in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. 'Phone 5811 (Three Lines) r^ni^^L— SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1947 PRICE TEN CENTS. The Malaya Tribune London Agents: Messrs. Colin Turnir Ltd.. TalOut tiuuae, 98, !St. Martin's
    56 words
  • 12 1 .w. ti 'oijatan s;. r< He said !'.•< Bark
    12 words
  • 30 1 rims .1 a t 1h I y veto i ':ri( W. th s ses City Hi alth Office 1.179 t -tai s! ws 100 d< ad
    30 words
  • 15 1 U.P. Wins! n Ma rk Austin Se »stolen ft m its over-
    U.P.  -  15 words
  • 20 1 !»,ACCESS. Sept. 24.- mm ttee unani- Australian ;-or. recommei .Ing the P»k staj and Ye- a ;ainst.
    20 words
  • 14 1 After play- ful Mor- broadcast, at the Londen. t. few houts
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  • 193 1 Same policy with Union (Tribune Staff llejorter) A secret meeting was heid on Tuesday between officials of the Singapore Economic Anairs Department and representatives of the local Chambers of Commerce to discuss the lormation of a Joint import and Export Beard for Singapore and the Malayan
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  • 178 1 Reuter New York. Sept. 24. India sought unsuccessfully today to bring South Africa's •"failure" to submit a trusteeship agreement for Southwest Africa before the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly Trusteeship committee meeting here. In arswer to an assertion by India's
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 105 1 U.P. New York. Sept. 24.— Youn Khlehn kolt. a diplomatic consultary of the Russian United Nntiors cf-3legatton, drew a $5° ft] c, revocation on his driver's licence and a stem rebuke, when he appeared in the traffic court yes.erday, on a speeding charge. Khlebr-ikcff, who ignored a i
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. Amsterdam. Sept. 24.—Th? Sing Tao Association Football Club of Hongkong, which recent ly toured England, played the r first match on the European continent tonight when they j were beaten her? by the Blue- White (Blauwit) Club of Amster- dam by 7 goals to one.
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 100 1 (Tribune SialT Reporter). Nun* Hvblg in Ah Hood Roed werj robbed last night by two ("hint .sc. who got ay ;<y with $400 in cash and two fixed deposits certificates for sj.soo. Police warn the public to r»port any attempt to negotiate the.'> certificates, numbered 3883 for $1,000
    100 words
  • 43 1 'Tribune Staff Reporter". A two-hour fire h:oke out last nigh* in the Singapore Rive: where two days ago a tongkam, loaded with car'oide exploded. All river trattc was brought to a standstill today. Th. fire-brigade is Still standing by
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  • 86 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Commendation scripts signed by Viscount Muuntbatten. form er bupremo, SEAC, were th.s morning presented by the OAG. Mi. P. A. B. afcKerron in th<> Advisory Council Chamber, to thr c Singapore residents c or a.d rendered by them to British officers and
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  • 15 1 Registration of voters in Singapore this morning topped the 16,500-mark. Registration ends tomorrow.
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  • 28 1 Lord Nathan. Minister for Civil Aviation, is expected to arrive at Kallang Airport at 1.30 p.m. today. He will be staying with Lord Killearn.
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  • 527 1 PAKISTAN GOVT. SENDS MORE TROOPS TO LAHORE Reuter. KARACHI, Sept. 24.—The Pakistan Government today sent mill tai y reinforcements to the Lahore area I help the West Punjab civil authorities tackle the refugee problem. Ihe Governor of West Punjab ordered that all Sikh
    Reuter.  -  527 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. ROME. Sept. 24. The Strike declared yesterday by over 100.--000 farm-workeis n Lazio Province of Central Italy continued toda) as idle peasants and exSeivicomen remained in occupation of private "uncultivated" lands Officials reported that the "occupation" which was being controlled by Italian police concerned some thousands
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 47 1 U.P. till DA PEST, Sept 24. A Government spokesman announced today that a new Hungarian Cabinet has been formed with Dinnyes retaining the post of Prime Minister. Tht new coalition cabinet contains tive Communists, four Social Democrats, four small holders and two national peasants. U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • 139 1 Reuter. NANKING, Sept. 24:—Following Government capture of Laiyang, Chaoyuan and Chihia. important Communist bases in the northeastern part of the Shantung Peninsula. Nationalist forces will recapture vital Communis*? ports of Chefoo and Langkou within a fortnight. Gen. Peng Wen-yi, spokesman of the Ministry of National
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 50 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. The United states has protested to Yugoslavia agairst "irresponsible Yugoslav action" in presenting: ultimatums to Allied Military representees domandirs alterations in the provisional boundary between the Ar glo-American zone of Trieste ard Yugoslavia, Acting United States Secretary of State, Robert Lovett. declared today. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. LONDON, Sept. 24.-<This is the first I have heard of it Dr Soebandrio, London representative oi Indonesia, said today when Informed of a request received froii the Hague that Hamid the Sec* nd, Sultan of Fontianak. was on hi: way to London. Be.uter
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 24 1 Washington. Sept. 24. President T. uman today accepted the resignation of Assistant Secretary of Slate William Centon which becomes effective on Sept. 30.
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  • 133 1 Herman Rappa, third man" in dozen* of Malayan title fights pro-war and one of the. greatest authorities on the fistic game in this country, begins a thrilling scries of articles on Malayan boxing ginnts in the next issue of lh< Sunday Trililine. Rappa, who is nuiv Sjitctui
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  • 58 1 U.P. NEW YORK, Sept. 24. A Colonial Steamship Line's oil tanker exploded at St. Lawrence, near kilting at least one. and injuring scores. Fifteen or sixteen were missing according to first reports. The tanker was enroute the Montreal when a coal barge cashed into the vessel. The tanker
    U.P.  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 Not ,oncl Employers' Mutual Cejicral F UjE, oM peNSATIOR. A ct:iDBJJT :> Place. sINGAPC WISB MIRZAPORE CARPETS that walkir.g-on-air feeling" the world these carpets have turned my a house into a home. 31.50 4' x 7* 4900 S 94.50 8' x 10' $140.00 $141.75 9- x i 2' $189.00 p
      66 words
    • 26 1 rS/w//r?// I'm REGENCY JMji the dependable P*h jm SOLE IMPORTERS.— (paramount Traders) .95, CROSS STREET. SINGAPORE. ll* For Thirst Think First of i i I I
      26 words

  • 246 2 Reuter. BANGALORE, p f 24 Mjsore State second larg-st State m southern India will have a new constitution from tuly 1, I 194b. the Maharajah oi Mysore announced today. He had directed his Dewan (Prime Minister. 3il Ramaawami lludaliar, to consult unofficia] and expert opinion throughout
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 69 2 Reuter. LANARK. Scotland. Sept 21. Britain was estimated to be losing nearly 12.000 tons of coal dally as the unofficial strike in Lanarkshire pits spread today, to involve between 12.000 and 10.000 men at 20 mines. A feeling was reported to be growing throughout the area, however, that
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 133 2 Reuter. LONDON. Sept. 24. Another very quiet day was experienced in stoc! markets, the only section to show any definite trend being that for British Government securities which after sagging at first closed with small net gains. Certain Industrials were incline'! to follow this lead but busiress
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 67 2 U.P. HONGKONG, Sept. 24.—General Chars Fak-wej. Commander 1 f Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Canton arrived today from Cannon tn return an official visit from the Governor of Hongkong. General Chang, accompanied by his wfie and his aides. WS>S greeted by high-rank>rg Government officials, including the Governor, whose
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 268 2 FLUSHING, Sept. 23.— Doe,- Ru Or something better? Nobody expect the question is being asked mo 10 fret] circles today, because hints and Uinuer about the Assembly meeting nan Dv and his close supporters. Almost all responsible orhcials of west countries still felt, apparently Russia
    268 words
  • 63 2 MERGAX TOWN Eisenhow. r terest p. Ameri an,« th Wcrld depends up >n duct at borne and abroad. Speak::- to 18 See him r< v D ctoi West Vii'gina Un:v-r Army Ch el f Stall nations "whi< dem cracy the infei I terns." He said
    63 words
  • 38 2 WASHINGTON. Sept- S* With 'he a m of heliirgej European countries rrc a critical financial .tua'XUrited States three-nat on n Brusi lion no; ia-« r:wine $1< looted by Carina:" Mr. Luv Ren p
    38 words
  • 30 2 v, York. Sept. Taylor. Pres i< sona] reprcsentai tican, return 1 frcnu.j J s t ay in Europe H courtries he Vi pretty sad P-ctur; and econom
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 472 2 jjjippiiyft"" IN SINGAPORE Agents For Malayan Railways AND IBM From U.K. Continental Ports [Glengarry for Hongkong. Shanghai due Late Oct. POR LONDON, ANTWERP. AMsi'EKDAM WCiTBHUAH. jOLENARTNY (calls HAMBURG- G 12*13 iELPENOR Oct. 8 TYDEUS Early Nov. From U.K. tor Straits. Huii« Kong and China iGLENGARRY due late October. BRECONSHIRE due
      472 words
    • 474 2 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U.K. AND U.S.A "Limburg" From U.S.A G. 31 "Talthybius" Due from U.K. Sept. 25 "St. Cloud Victory" Due from U.S.A Sept. 26 "Tydeus" Due from UK Sept. 27 •'Antilochus" Due from UK. Ocj. 11 "Lvraon" Due from U.K. Oe.t.
      474 words
    • 478 2 AUCTION SALE OF Household furniture, silver platedware etc.. comprising:—Sitting Room suites, sideboards,, dressing tables with stools, centre table ice-chests, decanters, silver kettle on stand, silver pepper casters, silver sugar-caster, cutlery. 400 pieces of wall clock. 3000 bottles of ink. 63 pairs of leather shoes etc. etc. To 3e Held At
      478 words
    • 69 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE, IMPROVEMENT 1* Tendei ■> erectio, '*5 Soa.i an. An,/. Road. Ter tain d a TmD?ov°emTnt°Tfi K»pore which bona fid, tender. t Seal no. The-: 4pm-on 13 C X The lowest wai'^j not nere^^ EENH 2>. Water Def*^ Ten* 21. Octol r the "P Plates'' Dei Form 11 i
      69 words

  • 44 3 Reuter. U.P. a .24 about 150— B' n 250,000 cotton ■■■.:<. :dlc today strike and R til bay mills were complete- I trt'.aliy closed. 0»& c W.ien 30.0C0 c the drawing number oi sion ol a rei the Bomr irt, which thmjust.—Reu-
    Reuter.; U.P.  -  44 words
  • 38 3 L';; Crazilian are guaranv of 45 cent.pioduce until -:nder a law the President. -aching Lon- vpiry on Jum eemeut with a* Unite Si ur which tat Ito buy all the lout* m\rvt* rubber ;i ,ounl jfesw
    38 words
  • 62 3 U.P. 24 The King's 'es in the cause t:etd been awarded to f. Den 3 itc- o iii- r •q i ralu; rvice* to the j I] Stanlej tin Chairman qI N C mpany ol Canau [jmii d tnd in rer 40 years has played
    U.P.  -  62 words
  • 55 3 C..:., rra S< pt 24. Mr. joseprj Chiliej Prime Minister a istri lia at n lunced today Ji: Just X i by. o*. the Aus C nun nwealth Arbitration Court would be Australia's *jns ntat ye i n the three astlaa itie( Set up by the feted Nat
    55 words
  • 53 3 London Sept. 24. -An autumn Mffl D predicted fairly soon. The decision cannot be -ice .:\i th- Joint Planning iird has completed a report on k best means I -curing the n ol reducing capital investm by £200.000,000 as mdi tied by St; Stafford Cripps, hi lit Board
    53 words
  • 46 3 U.P. fcflapest Sep:. 24. —A Gov sj tesman announced jb] tha a Hungarian Ca b*s o- 3 formed with LaJDtanyes .v., ning the post M ste The new labinet contains five E "nan 11 s c4al De r I small holders and n -tsunts.—UP.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    391 3 ALAN LADD ANSWERS THIS QUESTION: What question wouli you like to ask your fans, If you couid put a question to them? There is one Important thin« I would like my fana to tell me and that is their honest opinion on this: How would they like the
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  • 195 3 Reuter. COLOMBO. Sop; 24— S- Mtiick Mas( n Moore, Gcvemcr of Ceylrn. today commissioned Mr. D. s. Ssnanayake leader ot" the Ceylcn majority United National Party, to form Ceylon's first Cabinet under the self-governing constitution granted to Ceylon in 1946 after th recommendations of the Consti
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 85 3 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Sep.. 24 -More L!:an 2.000 workers of the Ame-rican-owned Power CorriDany—supplying electricity to the largest part of Shanghai -went back this afternoon after a 24-hour strike >n protest against the arrest of six fellow workers last Saturday unaer suspicion of being alleged communist agents.
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 68 3 Reuter. Rangoon, Sept. 24.—The former Burmese Prime Minister. U Saw and nine other Burmans were formally charged before ispecial tribunal here today witn the murder of U Aung San. De puty Chairman of the Burma Executive Council, and six other members of the Council who j were assassinated
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 55 3 Reuter. LONDON, Sept. 24. Scotland is now building larger and better equipped houses than she did in the Inter-war years. J A four-apartment house was taking its place as a typical working clas3 family post-war dwelling instead of the three-roomed or less home built by the local authorities
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 50 3 Reuter. BANGKOK, Sept. 24.—The first Siamese airways plane to proceed to a foreign country will take off for Saigon on Thursday morning on a survey flight aimed at establishing Siamese international air services. Vis understood that another survey flight may proceed to Penang next month.— Reutei.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1 3 P.A.R.
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    • 799 3 Tribune SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED TEACHERS both I MEN ami LADIES for Singapore school. Apply in own handwriting Box A 298. M.T. Spore. (W. 325) JUNIOR BILL Collector wanted for Singapore office; bright young man able to furnish $500/--security or Fidelity Bond for like amount; salary and commission Writ-] Box: A.291
      799 words
    • 595 3 FOR SALE JUST arrived: Oleographs holy pictures 10 1/4 X 7 1/2" at $2.00 each. All subjects. Also prayer boo\ sizes available. The Catholic Book Crusade, Brickfields, Kuala Lun pur. (V.308) 1942—7 cubic feet Westinghouse refrigerator in perfect condition. Please apply to Box: A.293, M.T., Singapore. (V.314) HUNTER'S OPPORTUNITY! One
      595 words
    • 503 3 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Cheviolet lorries selling as scrap. Phone ***** S. E Lim. (W. 319) FOR SALE: Offering 194G American LINCOLN <or Quick Sale to Buyer, who wants the best. Apply P.O. Box: No: 809. (W. 321) FOR SALE: Chevrolet 1941 Special Deluxe Sedan, excellent condition. Radio, oiiectional
      503 words
    • 583 3 TO LET WELL FURNISHED double room with bathroom attached available. MONTROSE HOUSE, 4, Kia Peng Road. Kuala Lumpur. (T. 286) ACCOMMODATION OFFICER AND WIEF desperate for house/flat. Willing to pay renovation fee. Tel ***** or Box A 290, M.T., Spore. <W322> EUROPEAN COUPLE one child require Bungalow within few mile:,
      583 words

  • 734 4 Probably the biggest political meeting ever to assemble in Singapore was staged last Sunday when a crowd, estimated to number at least 20.000. found its way to Farrer Park to listen to speeches and resolutions of protest against the Malayan Constitutional proposals. Government and some other
    734 words
  • 1273 4  -  There's thunder in the air when local Chinese listeners tune into Malaya today. Why is this? Our commentator, taking up cudgels on behalf of a long-suffering public, analyses their grouses and asks by Oswald Henry RADIO Malaya's Chinese Section is under Are.
    1,273 words
  • 326 4 Several letters on th" 1 subject oT the Penang ban on pillion riding, which became effective on Sept. I, have appeared in the Press recently. From the tone of all of them, it is clear that the writers consider the author, tics have acted somewhat harshly in
    326 words
  • 201 4 L.P.S. Britain's army authorities are usin;, every available means to give each soldier a liberal education planned on the most modern lines. This is made clear beyond doubt by the brilliant exhibition whicl opened recently in Britain. Prior to the actual opening it was inspected by
    L.P.S.  -  201 words
  • 113 4 S.H.B. Back p ay Letters 10 Ik a/% s «*w ployees by delaying 5 three months' e v- e 9 l? gra ""'.> not following ment s policy of Back 1?down i n C £o r 24 47. U C rc 'Jla r J Compared w th tivGovernment and J
    113 words
  • 267 4 Sir.—Employees in Com ment Departments such asp£ Sanitaij Board, Municiuijj Medical, Waterworks, and Electrical have raised vo.ces fur living allciaf through (heir rsptctive da nels. Labour on the other im cuts it short with "SLrike. These organise have some scrt of r?mcdy,3? what have w "Estate Wibitt
    267 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 I FLASH I A limited number of latest I 7CU. ft. capacity AMERICAN J REFRIGERATORS 1 ARRIVED. J Come early before they are J sold out. I Lee Fletcher 102-106, Orchard Road. 1 PHONE. 3338. 111 S.P. SHOTAM6CO. RADIO AND SOUND I NCIMEEIS 12 ORCHARD RD. PHONE 6?22
      48 words
    • 90 4 lESSEN77AIS~..fqrJ* WELL TOILET PREPARATIONS- LONI^W I At last, rith the Introduction ol ~:t .s tt nii'n ;.if enered comp. to rang <-n., u re coiufo'.te lo shaving «nd hcul hair. The Shaving Preparations brine task, leaving the cool «na preparation! for the hair e*nre j tion and a smart
      90 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 536 5 U.P. Gene™Fn^tho P i 2 PaUl Anxi °«nnaz, Secretary sol Tin th- f™ r^'V ßadiCdl P«ty, which has four semMv f snCh5 nCh ?2L b net and 45 in the National AsS TbT Tne imm?^a ie danger is not Geimany. The present peril
    U.P.  -  536 words
  • 65 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter* The world-famous troopship, the 11.000-ton Dunera. berthed alongside the Singapore wharves yesterday morning from New Zealand. The Dunera. which has transported nearly 170 British and Allied ser vice regiments to the various war theatres, will, it is understood, carry 650 troops back
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  • 55 5 It is officially stated by the Army Authorities from General Headquarters of Far East Land Forces, Singapore, that the Koran will rot be in any way used during the swearing in of Moslem tecruits in future nor will it be present in the room in which
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  • 80 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) When the 9,250-ton vessel of the American President Lines, President Monrce, arrived from San Francisco alongside the Singapore wharves yesterday morn ing, sixteen passengers disemoarked here. '.The Kresicfent, Monroe also carries 23 world' tourists from America. They lost no time In sight-seeing
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  • 40 5 SIR HAN HOE LIM ELECTIONS In view of the limited time available for the people to register as voters in the coming Singapore election. Sir Han Hoe Lim nas issued a statement urging the people to act without further delay.
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  • 28 5 A total of just under $2.000 in fines was imposed at the Sec ond District Court yesterday, in connection with food control offences.
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  • 29 5 Mr. R. G. Aikman, Acting Chief Secretary, Sarawak has been appointed Temporary Governor during the visit of the Governor, Sir Charles Arden Clark to LUNDU.
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  • 113 5 gi .Ma NavigaT: Line ser- Straits to v i will recomH Bg» with the new Sangola n the Clyde. vessel of sej vu c speed will carry 20 ;n single and se < ond class u>i th cabins lasfl passen- bine together i I assengers. lined in
    113 words
  • 188 5 U.P. JUNKING Sept. 24. Hoi ling T«§ r the Govern- rati n Bureau, today ired tent n 1 the northeast fa ml government as "partireports ihat >• ent cht with Iraw 1 govern- Chang 9 r.ortl Ist mdi»- oi the area 1
    U.P.  -  188 words
  • 75 5 U.P. Raleigh. North Carolina. Sept. 24. A State convict who escaped last year and joined the army was bacK behind bats .it his own request He liked prison better than arm? life. Junior Daniel Watson (21) escape'; in May 194 C while serving two to
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 73 5 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Sept. 24:—Colonel Lit' Ching-yi, Director of the CTh na National Aviation Corporation, stated today that the petrol problem of China's two airlines—the CNAC and the CATC tCentral Air Transport Corporation) which threatened to affect operation of flights had been solved. He revealed that the Board
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 55 5 (Frcm Our Own Reporter). Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 24.—0n the grounds of misdirection of the learned trial Judge, the ap pea] of Saw Shong Hai, a Jap-r\gime police detective, against the sentence of deatn passed on him. was allowed at the Malayan Union Court o: Appeal, this morning
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  • 38 5 U.P. Rcme. Sept. 24.-An ir (terra tional scientific congress wdl be held in Rome, between Sept. 2» and Oct. 5, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of radio by Marconi. «t was announced today.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 232 5 The Chief Police Officer, Penarg and Province Wellesley, is offering a reward of $500 to any person or apportioned amongst persons g»v'ng information leading to the arrest and conviction of eight Chinese who committed armed gang robbery at Kampong Sungei KechU, Nibons: Tebal. Province Wellesley, at
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  • 85 5 U.P. SINGAPORE. Sept. 24. A spokesman for the Indonesian Republican cabinet tonight rejected the plan for Indonesia made yesterday in The Hague by Dutch Premier, Dr. Lorns Beel. over Radio Jogjakarta, mor.itored here by the United Press listening post. The Indonesian spokesman said; "Dr. Beei's
    U.P.  -  85 words
  • 140 5 U.P. BANGKOK. Sept. 24. Britain hope soon to sen«l h civil aviation mission in ouler *o negotiate a civ'l aviation agreement with the Siamese government. Lord Nathan, Minister of Civil Aviation, told a press conference at Suankularb palace where he was received as government's state
    U.P.  -  140 words
  • 65 5 Reuter. London, Sept. 24—A British Foreign Oifice spokesman said today that the Sofia execution of the Bulgarian opposition lead r Nikolai Petkov "constituted a crime against European civilization." "This execution of Mr. Petkov", he said, "is a tangible and concrete culmination of a series of oppression of
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 29 5 The M.B.E. (Military Division* has been awarded to LieutenantColonel A.F.P. Ross, who wai first commissioned in January, 1942, in the Straits GYttlements Volunteer Force.
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  • 28 5 London. Sept. 24,—After three months' search th? Army Disposal Squad has c ound the bomb which fell in the grounds of South Cathedral in 1940
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  • 79 5 U.P. SHANGHAI. Sept. 24. —A joint scaFion of the Shanghai Trade Guilds interested m export and import business has set up a spe cial committee to try free huge stocl commodities held up by customs, it was repotted today. Th'- Committee's main puipose will be to ask
    U.P.  -  79 words
  • 55 5 U.P. ROME. Sept. 24.— A led farm lahour battalion marched on to a private estate of the Roman countryside again and announced that they were taking possession ot the land. Most of them dispersed when the police arrived, but two workeis and three police were injured
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 51 5 Reuter. SHANGHAI. Sept 24. The three-day National Textile Industries Production Conference, designed to increase productive efficiency of the country's textile industry, will be opened here tomorrow. More than 50 delegates are expected to attend the meeting which is being held under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 50 5 NANKING. Sept. 24.—President Chiang Kai-shek has his approval to a five-year plan for the development of agriculture and industry in Sinkiang, China's westernmost ('province, submitted yesterday by GenChare Cheh-chung. Director of the Generalissimo's headquarters in the northwest, and Governor Masud of Sinkiarg. it was authoritatively learned here today.
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  • 53 5 Reuter. MOSCOW. Sept. 24—Soviet miners at 50 will be granted oldage pensiot t provided they have had 20 or more years experience in coal mining and pit construction., a soviet Union decree announced today. The "life-long" pension will amount to half the pay earned at the time the
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 531 5 Reuter. LONDON, Sept. 21—Mr. Robert Menzies, Australian opposition leader, bitterly attacked the Government in the Canberra House ot Representatives today for referring the Indonesian dispute to the United Nations Security Council when he said it was a domestic affair. Australia's action might rebound in
    Reuter.  -  531 words
  • 90 5 (From Our Own Reporter). Malacca, Sept. 24,—Gabriel, i two-setter monoplane attached to the 60th RAF Squadron. Tensah. Singapore, made a forced landing on the Reclamation Ground, at 3.30 p.m. today. Squadron Leader M. C. Max well, the pilot of the aircraft, declared that the landing
    90 words
  • 75 5 A 14-year-old Hokien girl, charged on Aug. 27. at the Juvenilis dim, with kidnapping a la by aged about three months from iis guardian at Boat Quay i n Au:, r 26. appeared again yesterday before Mr. B. L. Chua. tile jUVenille Magistrate. The accused
    75 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 190 5 Vigcur Restored, fend? Hade Young In U Hours to suffer nd. weak n< rvousneaa, Im- Am, depression. m American j da quick, easy in i .-.vint. easy-* absolutely m v trhind .op■t. ng new youth i lids It works dif and nerves, and v en.-rgy in ytm can see
      190 words
    • 172 5 KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE IT7! ism P <m£ WITH SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT— He are now stockists of the following famous radio-sets 9-valve set $475.00 MARCONI. 6-valve set. with bandi-pread -t r i ilfT $340 00 McMICHAEL, 6-lalve HREE SERVICE HIRE PI KCHASE I VII l>* O systej can Keller rmno
      172 words

  • 1167 6 Penang owners, trainers and jockeys enjoyed a successful meeting of the Perak Turf Club racing which concluded last Saturday. The "Levee Kong si" with three firsts heads the owners' list to win stakes of $3,360. Trainer Rodgers tied with Hobbs for first
    1,167 words
  • 85 6 Frcm Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 24.— Night visitors to X.L.'s beautiful Lake Gardens will have to be satisfied with sitting on the grass until the authorities are able to pri vide funds for the provision of seats. The Chairman, at this
    85 words
  • 52 6 A statement issued by the Government ot the Malayan Union on Tuesday morning said that, in order to conserve Dollar currency, it has been decided to reduce the consumption of petrol with effect from October 1 1947. by fifteen per cent (equal ling 300,000 gallons
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  • 176 6 The trial began in the Secom f •> terday, of Pang Wee Ngoh, accused of im katies of white rice from the Mai 7 last year. Seven other Chinese also app» dock, in connection with this eh, Counsels for four of
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  • 9 6 The management Pile I ther., STS S*,^
    9 words
  • 107 6 When A. R. K. V. Shanmugam Chettiar alias A. R. K. N. Shan mugam Cht ttiar. appeared in the Second Police Court yesterday, after two adjournments, Mr. L. C. Goh, the Magistrate, fixed Oct. 4 for the inquiry. Shar.mugam is alleged to be the man
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  • 25 6 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 24.—N0 standing pa«seng.TS in buses will be allowpd aft«»r the end ol the year
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  • 145 6 When an aged mother heard her son sentenced to eight years' rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rotan at the Singapore Assizes yesterday, she sobbed broken-heartedly and refused to be comforted by her grand-daughter. Her son, Wong Chong Kam, formerly attached to
    145 words
  • 50 6 The band of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers will play at the Rex Cinema tonight before the charity screening of the film "Thunder Rock" in aid of t.h« Good Shepherd Convent Building Fund. Patrons are request™ to he it) tlvir reats at 8 4f»
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  • 69 6 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 24.—At the last Traffic Advisory Com mitter Meeting presided over by Mr. H. T. W. Oswell. MCS. :t was revealed that an enquiry from the Trade Commissioner, in Malaya for the importation into Malaya of the "Dovacar" was considered. A:ter discussing
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  • 12 6 The Singapore Rotary Club's Anti-Tuberculosis Fund n<»w stand' at $4:>,r>o3.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 ■j j _J§ I Suspense Terror ■op] Now Showing a Nov Showin S 11, 1.45, 415 P A TT-T A V p HONE 6.45, 9.30 J. ±±i~X 1 340 f LAST DAY »I MARGARET>BR)EN l?cfts/ OPENING TO-MORROW IZ~ PARAMOUNT PRESENTS I** J|ft CECIL B. DeMILLE'S OUTSTANDING SUCCESS 'CLEOPATRA" Claudet-e Colbert
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  • 224 7 From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur. Sept 24. -The Kuala Lumnur Town Board this morning approved greyhound racing in principle. Members of the Board agre-d it would be a very popular form of sport and if Introduced would letch Government g ad revenue At th©
    224 words
  • 172 7 nd the Tiger Sports Association have the test chances of winning rh m,v SinS u ap Tabie-tenni° enampionship Tournament "A" Division. This year there are 11 teams participating in the tournament. o Chinese Sports Association, who triumphed in the last tournament, should emerge winners again
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  • 290 7 RAF Tengah 0 GHQ FARELF 2 In less than ten minutes. RAF Tengah, In their Cup match at Jalan Besar yesterday against GHQ FARELF. were fighting for the equalising goal and were unfortunate to be defeated two-nil. The game was played under a heavy drizzle
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  • 132 7 Playing last Friday night, at the former's court, the Merry Union 8.P., "B" team narrowly defeated the Bright Star Badminton Party by the odd game in seven. Results are as follow (Merry Union "B" players mentioned fnsO: SINGLES: Larry Tan lost to Willie Tay 11-15.
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  • 72 7 ERASER NEAVE SPORTS CLUB The following have been selected to represent the F. N. Sports Club at badminton against the Municipal Services Union on Sept. 30 (Tuesday) at 7 p.m. sharp at the Clerical Union Hall, Rangoon Road, in five singles and two doubles:—Messrs Ong Poh Lim, Yeo Hong Chuan,
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  • 45 7 Shanghai, Sept. 24.—Approximately 2,000 workers in the Shanghai Power Company demonstrated in front of the Social Affairs Bureau last night demand'ng the release of six colleagues reported to be arrest ed by plainclothes men. They threatened a power strike unles the were released.
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  • 85 7 Reuter -AAP SYDNEY. Sept. 23:— A clause tancmg the use of live hares at coursing meetings in New South Wales is included in amendments to the Cruelty to Animals Act which may be present to the New South Wales State Parliament this session. Another
    Reuter -AAP  -  85 words
  • 23 7 SOCCER SAFA Cup: H.M. Dockyard vs. Chinese Seniors, Jalan Besar Sta dium. 5.15 p.m. HOCKEY S.R.C. Seven-a-Side competition, Padang, 5.15 p.m.
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  • 47 7 The following will represent the Harlequins vs the Singapore Cricket Club at hockey on Friday at 5.15 p.m. on the S.C.C Padang: O. Campbell, R. Cordeiro, E. Barker, P. Pennefather G. Clarke (Capt.) H. Hoeden' H Bondweyn, r. Barker A. Watt* A. Clarke, E Ebert
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  • 73 7 ixie louowing will represent the Red Rocket B.P. against St. Patricks School badminton team on Sunday at St. Patricks School Hall at 9.30 a.m. Players and supporters are requested to assemble at No. 42 St. Patrick s Road at 9.00 ajn. Jimmy Goh. Cheong Thiam Gee, Low
    73 words
  • 181 7 The following classification of horses are announced by the Straits Racing Association TRANSFER Prom Class 2 to Clau 1.--Dou-ble Aries (late Regent*. Prom Class 2 to Class 3.—AimWell Double Scotch: LocksmithWildey. From Class 3 to Class 2.—Constance (late Cavalti). From Class 3 to Ch-ss 4.— Chundei
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  • 60 7 Members ol the Pun Kio Joo Lim Association will hold a celebration to commemorate the founding of the Association at the Happy World Tai Teng Restaurant on Saturday: The programme of the day will be as foliows: At 2 p.m. Speeches by the Association: 4 p.m. A group
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  • 159 7 Playing at the Victoria School Hall last Sunday before a large gathering of badminton enthusiasts, the O.VJL defeated the P.W.D in a badminton friendly ol 5 singles and 4 doubles by 6 games to 3 iO.V.A. players mentioned first). SINGLES:—S. Abdullah Mat--15-3; S. Hassan Mattai beat
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  • 875 7 (From Our Own Reporter) Xl T ALA LUMPUR, Sept. 24. A total of 158 entries has been received for the Selangor Turf Club October Meeting on Oct. 4, 8 and 11 Owing to pressure Of time, the Committee regrets inability to provide races for Class
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 138 7 s!?r QUEĔNS 013 p.m. jungle FBry! "JTncle |XL I 9.ig p.m. Samson in i rlirdustani) 0 DAY tid 9.15 p.m. 3. v< ur Hearxl C. I LOINS RLANTJ •Pi Tom Ast< r, Lucille iedy Melody GLOS ?JL£» m ng Lemon sKY 7 H. 15 p.m. j NEW WORLD 7 J
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    • 365 7 SINGAPORE ELECTORAL REGISTRATION ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TO REGISTER To-Day A. Ts«Msitow ifISBBSSSS3SSiS3BBIF BSC 56 s V— WHEN EVERY BOY AND GIRL NEEDS EXTRA ENERGY... EXTRA STAMINA... BETTER NOURISHMENT See that your children get the extra nourishment needed for school days NATURE'S k> serving delicious Quaker Oats. Nature has put
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  • 276 8 Reuter. LONDON Sept 24.— Dr. Sharir, former Indonesian Premier in London as the guest of the Indian High Commissioner, V. X Krishna Menem, said tonight that the purpose of his visit was to study the new political set-up between Britain and the new dominion
    Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 81 8 Reuter. LONDON. Sept. 24. Sir Archibald Carter, permanent Under s cretary of State foi the Pakistan and India Division of the Commonwealth Relations Office, and 11 Antrobus. a senior Official of the Ortiee. left London airport todaj for Delhi anil Karachi. They are to discuss routine matters of
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 68 8 Reuter. SYDNEY, Sept. 24.—The Australian Commonwealth Bank today notified the Stock Exchange that in future approval by the exchange control would not be granted for transfers of bark shares from Australian registers to registers outside Australia, whether for sale or otherwise. No official cxolai ation was given, but
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 96 8 (Tribune SiaiT Reporter). The tour man Chinese military mission to Java which arrived here yesterday left this morning for Batavia where the delegate? will assist the Consul's Investigation into violations of the U.N.O.'s -cease lire" order in Indonesia. Member* of the mission arc Capt. Wu Y'n Chin
    96 words
  • 70 8 Reuter. BANGKOK Sept. 24. The British Information Set vice here today revealed that the British Council lias awarded the first postwar scholarship to Siam for postgraduate research in England. The Council selected Slang Ifongkoisuk, a Chulalangkom University graduate, winner <uit of r»o applicants Tht winn. who
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 115 8 A .soccer match between th 1 Combined Food D stribution and Rati ning Department and the Young Muslim Bangam will b played on the Padang tomorrow. The following are the teams: FOOD CONTROL: 6. A Hussain. Razak All. Tiow Keng. Wa: Kai, Anthony Ho. Hrck Guan, Seng Kai,
    115 words
  • 490 8 U.P. Nanking, Sept. 24.—The reentry oi r. v. Soaag, stormy petrel of Chinese pol.tics, into activ. political life as the governor of Kwangtung was cited by Chinese officials here today as a Significant development in Kuomintang strategy. They asssited that Scong'< appointment represented the first
    U.P.  -  490 words
  • 66 8 The YMCA Music. Club are holding their usual recital of recoid, d music tomorrow at 8 00 p.m. Debussy—Clair di Lune. Tchaikovsky—Symphony No. (i in B. Minor < Pathetiquet. Wagner—Overture: The Flying Dutchman. Brahms—Oradle song; Waltz ill A Flat Op. 30 No. 15. Gouned—Funeral March of
    66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    141 8 First sea-going training ship for British girls is the 121-ton auxiliary ketch "English Rose' run by the' Girls Nautical Tiaining Corps. With a creW of four exWomen's Royal Naval Service girls and captained by an ex-Royal Navy commander, the ship affords seven days holidays courses in elementary seamanship
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  • 478 8 Reuter. LONDON. Sept- 24.--Millions oi Britons who spend a consiceiable amount of time and money each week in entering fcr football pools have been assured by no less an authority on soccer tha n Sir Francis Joseph, President of St;.k? City Football Club, that they
    Reuter.  -  478 words
  • 74 8 Reuter. NEW YORK. Sept. 24. -Failure Of pressure to develop and the belief in some quarters that Tuesday's selling may have been overdone inspired further cautious bidding and enabled the market to continue its rally tendency. Widespread gains of fractions to one point is continued in slow
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 54 8 A Norwegian sh p's master and a Chinese Chinchew wer: yesterday acquitted and discharged in the Tnirl Magistrate's Court on a summons charge of carrying an excess number of pas°.engeis on board th: s.s. Pront >. Tht defend its were repies .nti d by Mr. Roland Rraddell
    54 words
  • 52 8 Reuter. LONDON, Sept. 24 —Sorabjee Rustcmjee. 53-year-old Indian delegate to the United Nations Assembly, left London airport for New York loday. Rustomjee, who was described as the "United Nations Assembly leader of Passive Resistance Council of South Africa", will act as adviser to the Government of India delegation during
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 146 8 1 ho l<.ll„ W j a r ■S at, Junior ing Sept. 28 rth *l E5 Saturday s m p.m.:— 1 Veteran's iui. Pinal):, \y, p uhl aj and Charlie nS ri 9 w att (Mayflower Q Men's Junior s;„ i i I v> Bng h. I£* 1
    146 words
  • 122 8 Playing at EiKlesi C( uit last Sunday, the Ltd Strike B.i the End. avour B.P f iVf «J t« two. Results (Lucky B players mentioned flrsteS agles: Hoo Chun Ktaial Qmk Keng Chua 12-15. 7-15. H.- H..: v. Lim Y< w H v 15; Mavvi
    122 words
  • 39 8 i Members of the Old Ram Association, who ar in Table Tennis, arc k quested to get in tMkk rill Convenor. Mr. Lbs ChnJM Thus. Cook Ba. Ltd. kj mercial Dept.*. 39. Rr-ra-i, as boos as pwele,
    39 words
  • 37 8 U.P. Wa hingtcn. S pt. K-m Mit Truman has dircctedl lit ran: damage ia to j Pre<iJ.'r.r mm diat< ly I mr lrei wh c h irclu: U-"H 1 1 sn2 n Fl ridt.t*q HouseOP.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 31 8 cow in .0: -5 uimmaty news t legat. Hhm r H* r iustifi d v 1 T ft atcr so I MeN I no tre. lorn cl pr 1
    31 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 74 8 I WEATHER I REPORT Cloudy with rain at t.mos gra dualiy beet ming fair, ban set hi*. Sunrise 0G2.2 hrs. Mccnrise 1458 br& Moons:: 0317 hrt. Vest rday's temperature: Max. 88 deg. M'n. 71.9 dtg. Rainfall 3.33 mm. Humidity yesterday at 0730 05: 1330- 69; 1930—100; today at 0730 33.
      74 words