Malaya Tribune, 16 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 61 1 The Malaya Tribune *X THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously in Singapore Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE. FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1947 rEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House,
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  • 439 1 REFORM OR DISSOL YE (Tribune Staff Reporter) :im th > next day or two, the Singapore Federrrade Unions will make a vital administrative that this association will now delally Whettler to re-form itself Into a registered n, thus falling within the ambit of the
    439 words
  • 118 1 i S'aff Reporter) I te some time this public thought se in the cost of might make the lowworkers no more de*on the People's S for their mid:ay meal. T. E. Hughes.- Deputy Welfare, ired me of the conrat: tics, he gave. T
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  • 80 1 Staff Repo^erj iy showed a prop in Week Accident rate. H accidents comTuesdays 23 and 'Pjnesday's 20. adults and one child rare the accidents were c Pie la.Uing off motor an omnibus. In the passenger attempted ••(I biT". 'P 1 a moving, crowdhis tooting and fell,
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  • 41 1 One C f the posters displayed at the mass meeting of Singapore Government employees on Wednesday. The scale shows the difference between European and Asiatic Back Pay, and i n big letters is the question "Is This Fair?"
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  • 65 1 Reuter wj-.w deehT. May 15—A pitched battle between Hindus 1 Sikhs and Muslims broke out in Kasera bazaar in the heart Lahore to-night alter bitter il%hting in Mochi throughout •ast right. Hundreds of home-made i n cendiaiy bombs were uced in last night's disturbances. The opposing
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 203 1 (By K. E. Khoo, Tribune Staff Reporter) The Singapore Trade Marks office will it is expectvarioT f /anous owners of trade marks, after sufficient time has been given to the public to check marfcTfornUSv registered and published in the Government ffite! j A total
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  • 63 1 The Kesaluan Melayu, Johore, a founder member of the UMNO, withdrew its membership from the UMNO during the course of the general assembly session of the TTMNO at Kota Bahru, Keiantan. this v/eek. The withdrawal was caused by the refusal of the assembly to allow
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  • 53 1 The Singapore Traction company fares increase came into neratfon from this morning. The following are the nex- V eS c n three sectio^ >n T J?. ts or llve sections: and There* i for °T Ye t here is no change In the oreem maximum
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  • 27 1 A reporter from one of the ocal Chinese papers wa» robbed LtJ in s, by four Mala:- last W ,le Wltn *k girl friend on the Esplanade.
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  • 339 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) With the view to improving the conditions of pay and employment of its members and to raise the standard of efficiency, the Singapore Government Chinese Interpreters and Translators Union have forwarded a memorandum to the joint Salaries Commission proposing a revised salary scheme.
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  • 123 1 U.P. NEW YORK. May 15.--The fn lTn.n SSembly toda v an 11-natton special committee o Study tho Palestine problem the hIT to the of tne Holy Lard to observe thm I ir a sudden surge of speed j «ie Assemb'y stamped its an TpL7- the m^ersn,
    U.P.  -  123 words
  • 47 1 j SOUTHAMPTON. May 15._ I The Duke and Duchess of Windsor arrived here to-night on the J Queen Elizabeth" from the j United States for a two-week visit during which they will stay in a large mansion in SunninghilJ owned «by Mrs Frank Parkinson.
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  • 426 1 London, May 15.—The British Foreign Minister, Mr. Bevin, today called for the creation of an atmosphere before the London conference of Foreign Ministers in November which would make possible the adoption of the United States proposal for a four-power treaty which foreshadowed what could be an
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  • 27 1 General Sir Neil .Ritchie C-in-C SEALF, arrived in Sinf?pGi e this morning ov air fr<jm England, irom a conference called by FiUd Marshal Montgomery.
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  • 58 1 (Tribune Crime Reporter) Three Chinese, one armed with a pistol, held up a cashier near Kailang who had gone to the bank to draw money for his fh m. The victim was riding on a tiishdw and the robbers took f 1.900 from him. The robbery
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  • 109 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore Harbour Board clerks have submitted claims for revision of their pay schemes and conditions of service, to the SHB authorities and the Salaries Commission. Among ether items, they claim me following salary revisions: ASIATIC CLERICAL STAFF. Grade "B" $80 to $100—Increment
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  • 81 1 (Tribune Crime Reporter) At about 4.50 this morning a police patrol saw Hve suspicious looking Chinese loitering in Mscallum Street. As soon as the police approached, tbey scattered, and in thf enduing chase, one of them was observed to throw something into a dustbin.
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  • 166 1 i MALACCA. Thursday.—Addin* a ridei to a linding of death l>y misadventure, the coroner I Mr. T. F. Penny bitterly criticised the actions of a British soldier who is aileged to have tampered with valuable evidence after an accident which resulted in the death of an
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  • 109 1 (Tribune Crime Reporter) Trafalgar Street. Tanjorg Pagar. was the scene of a riot early this morning. Upon ir forma Jon received that a fight was brewirjj, a party of police arrived and' saw a number of persons armed with bottles and sticks wh > scattered immediately
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  • 113 1 Reuter. HEW DELHI, May 15.—Wage ncreases and allowances for civil servants of the Indian Central Government, recommended by to-day's report of the Pay Commission set up in May 1946 to enquire into their conditions, were estimated to vort the Government a further i 23.000.000.
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 T5 r-r-^rr-T--CAMEO RADIOS j DC 110 250 V. Price $190.00 \\'AILABLE NOW Malayan Radio Servi^ gentb; i Eye* TAILORING MATERIALS WITH THE BEST WORKMANSHIP J-ApiES' Dressmakers CREATORS OF FLATTERING FASHIONS, complete departments by themselves. INQUIRE WITHIN g, an Singh Co. J *H Raffles Place, Singapore.
      45 words
    • 80 1 f SHOES t v That wni 1 Charm Yor j READY-MADE AND I MADE TO ORDER Look what I've gPt^m i The pleasure you've been missing' so much;and 1 need not miss any more; dv Maurier are here again Choice Virginia Tobaccos, critically selected,*go into dv Maurier,*-and tip you draw
      80 words

  • 72 2 At tne annual genera* meeting ot the Singapore Rotary Club this week, tne following were elected office bearers for the year commencing July 1, 1947: President. Mr. S. S. Franklin; Vice-Presidents Mr. L. Cre>»on. Proiessor T H. Silcock; hon. secretary. Mr. L. H. Smith; Hon. Treasurer,
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  • 614 2 Penang—After overcoming a vast number of difficulties, Penang's General Hospital Staff are at last seeing the fruits of their months of hard work in establishing the most up-to-date Nurses Training School in Malaya. Miss E. M. L. Bryant, Principal Matron, Malayan Union, who is the
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  • 111 2 Thousands of shells, some without fuses or detonators, were found in a jungle in a northern district of Singapore by C.I.D. officers led by Deputy Commissioner of Police R. C. B. Wiltshire and Suprintender.t D. K. Broao.hurst yesterday, i The type of shells found included about
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  • 95 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. —Amad Boestaman, who was fined $1,400 for sedition (in default six months' imprisonment) in Kuala Lumpur and who appealed against his conviction, h:is withdrawn his appeal. Boestaman was the head of the Angkatan Permuda Insaf, a Malay political body. The charges against him were
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  • 104 2 IPOH.—Twent v year old Oh Kay Peng, convicted and sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment in the Assize Court on a charge of having had in hi-> possession a rubber stamp of the Assistant Food Controller, with the intention of using it to commit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 508 2 WANTED Agents Sell Shares on attractive terms. Apply: WILSON Co. KOTTAYAM P.O. j TRAVANCORE, S. INDIA. EDUCATION MERCANTILE INSTITUTION 209, Queen Street. Phone 2370 MONTHLY SESSIONS For Shorthand, Typewriting Book-Keeping and Commercial English in the first week of every month. MATHEMATICS: Elementary. Applied etc., for Preparatory, Senior and London Matriculation
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    • 346 2 Singapore Police Background By Rene Onraet "Singapore: A Police Background" is a fascinating, anecdotal story of Malaya, recounted as it was seen by Rene Onraet, the well-kiown Inspector General of Police. PRICE $7.50, POST FREE. ivfcLLtf ft WALfcri LID. Raffles Place, Singapore. NOTICES. TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22
      346 words
    • 69 2 Orient Airways I Plare expected to leave Singa- pore on 17th May for RANGOON CALCUTTA. I For Bookings apply to.— M. A. Namazi'e Ltd., i 19, Malacca St.. SINGAPORE. Tel.: 6448. TRT^VFLXTj^ BY AIR? CONSULT TRAVEL SERVICE I 65, Chulia Street, Spore. J Phone 2412 Gram: EANDO BOOKING AGENTS FOR:
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    • 382 2 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Slnpnpore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE "Polyphemus" sails for Liverpool and Rotterdam May 16 "Calchas" sails for Liverpool May 2o "Glenaffaric- due from U.K. May 21 "Memnon" due from U.K. May 22 "Gleniffer" due from U.K. May 23 "Kamerling- due from U.S.A. Onnes" May 23 "Glengarry" due
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    • 428 2 Agents For MalayaV Hail*. and Wa ?s GLEN LIXE ANTWBRP R07*rERDAU t From U.K. for Straits Hon* 1 MARON Kong and China. GLENAPP In Port DENBIGHSHIRE Earl vJunP SAILINGS HONGKOXC. SH^ KWAISANG from Hong Kong n B Proceeds Penang, Calcutta May 19 ESANG from Calcutta T Proceeds Hongkong, Shannon 0rt
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  • 290 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) lety of subjects—from pigs and malaria to aerodromes—was thrashed out at the meetthe Rural Board at the Land Office yesterday f. Talking about pigs, it was pointed out it was Ulegal to rear these animals in the compounds of pris s. according
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  • 147 3 iTk Advisory Council yesterpa ed the Wireless Telephj 'Amendment' and the Telegraphs Weprinter -Amendment(Rules. Al ication fcr a Wireless Re- Station (Broadcasting Wireless ages) Licence can now supplying information the applicant's business. I set proposed and other ■titers The foil-wing fee* shall be
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  • 78 3 T AXI ROBBERS TACTICS I»o stQ ff Reporter) '"I'd Chinese are tj< the same man •ithin a two taxi drivers V, couple of hours on T,; U:iV "ight. s operandi in both same They en(nrst taxi and directLow Hill Road, "at 7.30 p.m. After 1 "atm,,. a,,ver of $15 and
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  • 170 3 Five well-known Chinese merchants of Pulau Übin who were charged with house trespass and gang robbery at Pulau Übin were yesterday acquitted on both charges by Mr. H. W. Nightingale, at the Fourth Police Court. Mr. T. W. Ong. representing the accused, addressing the court
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  • 56 3 (Our Own Reporter) Malacca Wednesday.—M r Kadir bin Tamby Mahmood. Land Bailiff, Malacca, died of a heart attack on Tuesday. The funeral which took place today was attended by the Resident Commissioner, Mr. E V G Day. the Collector of Land Reverue, Mr. G. E.
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  • 45 3 The Malayalee Hincu Sama.i will present a farewell address to Mr. K. Damocaran. proprietor cf the Kamala Circus, at a sptcial show today at 6 p.m. at the circus camp at Lorong 21. Geylang. Mr. S. K. Chettur, 1.C.8.i will preside.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1054 3 Tribune SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Bookeeper and al-o Typist, apply Box 579 Malaya Tribune, Singapore WANTED Experienced mpositors machine men. Apply to: India Publishing House, 458, Race course Read, Singapore. WANTED Junior Shorthand Typist for a commercial firm salary according to qualification's. Apply -*ith copies of testmoniuj» to t.O. Bex No.
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    • 439 3 I BOOKS, PERIODICALS BUY LATEST NEWS and Books in tncmn and various Indian languages tiom the National Store 136, Serangoon Road, Singapore- T. No. 2834. SECOND HAND School Text Books also Music and other books. App.y Box 567 c/o Malaya Tribune, Kaala Lumpur. COMPLETE VOLUME Fifty-two copies "Wonders of the
      439 words
    • 794 3 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Freehold Vacant Land, Goodman Read, Grove Estate, 17.415 sq. it. Suitable for Bunga/.ows. Apply 194 Bufctt Timah Road after 5.30 p.m. LOUNGtt SUITE for sale. Settee, fi chairs, centre and 2 Pahit Tables limed teak. New. Suitable offer. Lait, Singapore Harbour Board. 1941 MODEL "ERRES 6"
      794 words
    • 673 3 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Sunbeam Bicycle, cnam Ml baTh Terry seat, used oiu monui: One winter costume 36 bust. Boy's overcoat and warm shirts. Fit 5 yeais, what offers? Box £57, Malaya Tribune. Singapore. FOR SALE: Manchurian Fony. 12 Hands High Light Brown. I Years Oil. Apply 63, Kings Road
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  • 517 4 Yesterday there were interested speculations on the probable outcome of the development of a Colonial Legislative Council partially returned by popular ballot. The precise procedure of the proposea elections has yet to be worked out, but we may safely anticipate a development of activity among existing
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  • 1221 4  -  Asia is believed to be on the eve of a gigantic increase in population such as Europe experienced during the last hundred years but without "open spaces" to which to turn for relief and with the starting handicap of 1,000,000,000 population compared with nineteenth century Europe's 188,000,000.
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  • 225 4 Letters To The Editor The People's Postbag "PRO BONO PUBLICO." l.r, -The Housing situation iindeed desperate. I hope you will kindly publi>h the following for the benefit of the Big Bpnts: Glandiose schemes of Welfare Work. Pravldent Fund?. WorkCompensation Acts, ad iiiiinitum. art- merely bits Of 'paper,
    "PRO BONO PUBLICO."  -  225 words
  • 92 4 CHIA POH THIK. Sir. —The suggestion put rorward by Mr. Lee Kong Chian to convert old and disused burial grounds for buildings is very construct ve. 1-et ra? cite a couple of cases in which disused burial grounds have been transformed into uie tttl purposes. They are
    CHIA POH THIK.  -  92 words
  • 82 4 AN OPEN VOTE EMPLOYEE Sir.—On 9-5- 47, all the monthly pay Municipal staff with the exception ot the Open Vote staffs received the'r new High Cost ot Living Allowance ($30,-, 40.() for eight morths. But, wny not the Open Vute staff? Why these discrimination? In fairness, the Open
    AN OPEN VOTE EMPLOYEE  -  82 words
  • 218 4 TAN BENGTEOW. Sir.- Despite every effort by the authorities concerned to minimise the number of road accidents during the "Safety First Week Campaign," through lilms screened at the local theatres, motor-cycle patrols and police guide-, at cross-roads besides the usual traffic police; we read in the
    TAN BENGTEOW.  -  218 words
  • 22 4 Will Mr. V. S. Varden please notify his full address in order that we may reply to his letter of May 6.
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  • 560 4  -  By LEN BARKER News that an Australian inventor has developed a water-powered artificial respirator the "Cartwright i Pulsator"—which will work from a household water supply has attracted enquiries from many parts of the world. The inventor, Mr. E. O. i Cartwright, Chief Engineer I of
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  • 42 4 Reuter. ALLAHABAD. of the Soviel defcga the Asian Relation* l ference announced public reception he r e the garlands or X > with which they had presenteci Would go au way to Russia as a Indo-Russian announcement was with loud ter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 46 4 A DELIGHT TO THE EYES THE LOVELY AMERICAN LATEST NUMOUNT RIMLESS GLASSES Glasses thct blend with beauty and sharpen appearance with clean cut good taste and style. They are cushioned against breakage. EVERBRICHT j OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians 19. Chulia Street. j Telephone 4435, Singapore. I
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    • 29 4 Punctuality Calls for a Depaulm SWISS ALARM CLC4* SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY Price 812..»» EBOSA Limited Quantity in Attractive Colours and Designs See Display at «.l A\ SIM.If &1° Raffles Place.
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  • 390 5 Singapore Housewives Buy Up Stocks (By P. H. GOH, Tribune Staff Reporter) Cons i activity in the local rice fSIS y t day When pr,ces soared ll by about $11 phvT neWS y esterd ay of a cut in the ration. I private
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  • 161 5 I S'aff Reporter j r th< first timt in l°cal tory. three Indoo ;ats. nying their ed and white nag. arbingapore from the i days ago. They by an Indonesian (Mation, Serikat vail Indonesia. els arc the La.sem (150 re me (13(1 tons* an(i ias
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  • 22 5 ol the proposed I 'ys hei,| tooay at Chamber ol ComAll who have re ii quested t 0 attend.
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  • 274 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Oic Christian Brothers' Old Boys' (Singapore) As- (vlobrated Founders Day (Feast of St. De La n i h" v 3 T i Un n dlnner last ni^nt a the Atomic to wV"rK 'rK I th AnnUal Rellnion Dinner and the Since
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  • 107 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Five thousand dollars ha:: beer spirited away from the safe in the Government Health Office, second floor, Fullerton Building. The loss was ascertaired yesterday morning The safe was not forced, and it .s bel eyed that a duplicate key has been
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  • 302 5 (From Our Own Reporter* Kuala Lumpur, May 15.—Malayan workers are organising a united front under the Pan-Malayan Federation of Trade Unions. The experience gained through n e th eC A? t StrikC TT haS resulted moves by trade unions in the Malayan Union to
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  • 85 5 The staff of the 28 Ind Base P. 0., Singapore, held a fartwell function last evening at Duxton Plain Camp in honour of their Omcer Commanding. Capt. M. A. Golandaz. The whole Unit and a number of British and Indian oncers attended the function Lt.
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  • 93 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Thirty three persons charged with contravening Food laws were convicted in the 2nd Dlst trict court yesterday and were fined a total of $3,240/- by the Magistrate, Mr. J. P. Merson. i In the raids carried out by t Food Officers yesterday
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  • 224 5 On Monday, at SEATIC H Q Johore Bahru. the trial commences of Sgt. Homma Takao, a Japanese charged with the ill-trea.ment of 3 civilian resi- der ts of Malaya, resulting in the death of one of them. It is alleged that the civilians
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  • 99 5 I The Government or Singapore Will invite tenders for an issue of $5 millions by Treasury Bills or May 27 subject to the general .conditions governing the issue and repayment of Colony of Su gapore Treasury Bills. Copies of the Condit ons together with the Forms of Tende*
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  • 37 5 Thirty thousand cases of milk products and 2,000 boxes j of freezed butter from New Zealand are expected to be landed in Singapore from the Union Steamship "Narbada" dot here on May 23.
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  • 252 5 At the Second District Court j yesterday. Abdul Rahman bin Noordin. of the Singapore Fir: Brigade, was thanked by the Judge. Mr. E. P. thanks for hs prompt action in aiding the comI plainant in arresting 22-year-old I Chan Fook Weng. who was
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  • 82 5 (Our Own Reporter) Malacca. Wednesday.—A large percentage of school-going children in Malacca kampongs still suffers from under-hourishment and emarged spleens, states the report of the special committee appointed by the Malay Welfare Association to conduct a nutritional and social survey in the Settlement. The survey was extended
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  • 399 5 A large quantity of the following types of Japanese Textiles procured by Government have been distributed to all principal textile retailers through the Chambers of Commerce, B.A.S.M. 0.P.1, for retail to the publicTotal is about U million yards These textiles will be en sale
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  • 378 5 Advocates knd SLSSS* ?nd Giedhil1 In it he states: o y occasion on which tne Police have been approached with an allegation of corrupt on on the part of Price Control officials was on March 22. 194/ when ycu gave information that i
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  • 85 5 The' Fist Singapore District Judge. Mr. Paul Storr. will leave on Sunday by the s.s. "Korea" for a holiday in England. The judge a resident in Malaya for the past 22 years—since 1925—wi1l return to Singapore after his vacation. Mr E. P. Shanks woll act in
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  • 196 5 Making his defence from the I witress box, Goh Kiar Seng. who stands charged before Mr. j Justice Jobling in the Fourth Singapore Assizes on a charge of canyii g a pistol on the night of October 18 last, at the junction of Victoria Street
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  • 206 5 A local representative of tile I British Ministry of Tran-oort Mr. Ivor E. L. McKay. wWc office is situated in Ocean Building, was yesterday awarded the American Medal of Freedom for j 'istnguishetl services to the I united State, durina the war
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  • 32 5 Naples. May 14.— Nine persons were injured today by an explosion m an Allied ammunifon lump cau-ed by a fire at Scisci ano, 12 miles east of Naples
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 with DANCE r^MT\ C LIX "VICTOR I i jjiLvt'STER" jRJf Records ECOBDS J £/vyoy 1W77/ EDMUNDO ROS ///.S CtZ&UV ORCHESTRA WEEK-END IN HAVANA" wit h me, my 0010. Tamp'co. Rumba. 857 i? rey Tico-Tico Coax me a little bit Liar era 1780. Blue Rumba Drume Negrita, Bolero Ccubanakan 1897. Tropic
      92 words
    • 56 5 I THE MARCH OF LIGHT i Queen, I to*ut i 1\ I (ver supper jL I tyUUltur we a// \i i have \Y i Qsragi /^fj the wonderful IJ A &€JR PRODUCT lamp ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD. OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG Perak Agents: The Kinta
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  • 1073 6 GOVERNOR WARNS At the meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council yesterday, H. E. the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, explained the workings of the new Legislative Council of which he said "some considerable time must elapse" before it could be established. In his speech, the
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  • 173 6 HIGHER EDUCATION The Indo-Malayan Association. Singapore. representing th c local-born element of the Indian community of Malaya, has forwarded to the Chairman of the Committee on Higher Education the Association's recommendations on the subject of higher education in Malaya which in brief are as fellows: (a) A
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  • 46 6 Mr. Nh Sui Cam, who was nominated by the Chinese Town Hall, the Chmese Chamber of Commerce and the Straits Chinese British Association, has been appointed a member of the Penang Settlement Advisory Council in place of Dr. L'm Chwee Leong. J.P.. who ha s resigned
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  • 308 6 SHARE MARKET (Tribune Financial Corr.) All sections of the share market were again very quiet and the volume of turnover was restricted. In the industrial section there were, however, a few stocks which were wanted but were difficult to locate. Alexandra Brick Ords and Prefs and
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  • 98 6 (Tribune Market Corr.> With better inquiries from London and New York the mar- I ket opened a cent up yesterday I and prices held throughout the j day with a fair amount of business passing at the new level. I The tone wa> steady at the
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  • 75 6 A bill authorising the changt of name of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve into the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve was passed by the Advisory Council yesterday. This change of name was decided upon and brought in October 1941 under tho Emergency Powers (Defence) Act. 1939. Although
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  • 215 6 Reuter LONDON, May 15.—The King, the Queen and the Princesses drove past cheering crowds from Buckingham Palace to the City of London's historic Guildhall today for a "welcome home" lunch given by the Lord Mayor of London to celebrate the Royal Family's return from the South
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 73 6 LONLX)N, May 15. Plans for building 50 large cinemas ir pricipal cities in U.S.A. for showirg films produced by j Rank Organisation of Britain I were arrourced by Mr. Anhur Rank yesterday according to New York reports. Mr. Rank said it woulj take 2-3 years
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 11 a.m.—2 p.m.—4.15 MBBBp^^WJTffIW 6.30 p.m.—9.15 p.m. (TEII 5281 A H KSSS PRECEDED By: "YOU'RE LUCKY T(TBE ALIVE" 0&f tik**aJ APViNTURBI «X 7* Only cold steel and bold hearts could jM answer that call v ,lainy wore a and waved a cutlass! Midnwht Premiere To-nipht o o ARE VOl CURIOUS
      162 words
    • 133 6 I TOMORROW AND SUn DAYaT^ SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATIMf CARTOONS AND SHORTS Upstairs Downstairs Bring Or Send The Kiddies Mono ?4 PRESSBURGER |P To-Morrow 12 p.m. Mid-Nighl BRAW FAST...OK DIE IRST! in a land where hot lead writes the law' ■:w "Rustler's Round-lip" ACTION-PACKED FAST-PACED M W w T fl fl
      133 words

  • 723 7 for l scratchin s > 0 WADDLE 9.00 Mr Khaw Chin Tiong 23 4 COURTESAN sl3 11 rvi m i tp Van 1161 1 4 0 0 TUCONEeT 8 0 r ERELETH 8.07 Mr. Mrs. A. Whittaker 0 PRPpstt Mcßae Pattie VIVACIOTICI t2 StablC FOX ioo CHTJNDFpI
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  • 20 7 SOCCER Combined Mine liesar, 5.15 p.m. Royal Engineers, 5.3C p.m. BADMINTON n vs Rex, M. U. cour 1
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  • 47 7 players will rei M A. Juniors at the St. Patrick's at their ground S 00 P.m.: Si n. James Tan I in. Wong Keng n John Loh, Tan igla s Miller. Chee a Tye Juay and Reserves: Luu In A' Lim and Tai Oue Sz<
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  • 342 7 Playing at Sembawang on Sunday last, the Indians gained a narrow victory by four runs against R.N.A.S. Sembawang. Batting first, the Indians scored 133 runs. N. Abbasbhoy played a captain's innings scoring 31, and other chief scorers were S Retnam 29, Selakan Singh 22, and Gurdial
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  • 109 7 HEX BP WIN In a badminton match played last Saturday, the Rex BP. beat the Heme B.P. by seven games to nil. SINGLES:—Khoo Soo Serg beat Joe Low 15-7, 15-2; Scow Whatt Peng beat Lim Chin Ann 14- 15. 15-10, 15-1; Voon K>m Seng beat Chua Boon Am 15-11,
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  • 105 7 Singapore Clarke Rangers will meet the Jurong Cricket Clnb at Jurong at 2 p.m. or Saturday. The following will represent the Clarke Rangers: I. Isa (capt.), S. N. Ali, a Jansen. D. Kleiman, H. Shah. M. Shah. Solakan Singh, R. Samy, R. Singh, D. Noronha and H. Hock
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  • 220 7 (by Our Soccer Reporter) Biggest soccer game this season will be the charity match between the Singapore Civilians and the Combined Services on Whit Monday, May 26, at Jaian Besar. The proceeds will go towards j S.A.F.A. Central Fund irom which allocations will be made
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  • 489 7 RvA.F, 2 &C.C. J 1 In spite of sustained pressure, practically throughout the game, the S.C.C. put up a stout defence and went down fighting to the R.A.F. by two goals to one in the Football League game yesterday at Jalan Besar. Splendid
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  • 112 7 At an inagural meeting held last week-erd, the following have been elected office-bear-ers of the Merry Makers B. P.:— President: Mr. Po Guan Yam; Vice-President: Mr. Soh Chee Tiong; Hon. Secretary: Mr. Arg Beng Siong; Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Po Guan Tee; Hon. Sports
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  • 78 7 Reuter. LONDON, May 14.—The following are results of matches played in the English Footbail League: Division II: Bradford 1, Manchester City 1. Division 111 (Northern): Accrington 1, York City 2. Because of the Government ban on midweek matches, special sanction of the Football League and the County Association
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 62 7 The following will be selected to play for the Mental Hospital XI at soccer against the S.C.C. on Monday at 5 p.m. or the S.C.C. padang:— Bah Chee, Sahat Penangah, Ahmad Thamby, Marhani Haji Tahir, Yousoff Jahir, Tan Ah Kow, Subramaniam. Mansoor Hassan, Ahmad Hussein, Omar Haji
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  • 57 7 The following will represent the J.C.S.A. against the Medical College Union in a table-tennis match of seven singles to be played at the latter's premises at Harrower Hall on SaturdaysYam Tiem Cheong. George Chen. J. Nalpon S Suppiah. A. Mallique. Lim Keng Wah and S. Q Qurk;
    57 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      268 words
    • 325 7 j Believe Us This Is The Funniest Picture To 3e Seen In Singapore/ And Will be For A Long Time!! To-day Four Shows 1.30—4—6.30—9.30 p.m. JOttHtf to* I JOHNSON* I ffOUSEI ■7)1 MARTHA 0 ORISCOLL H M THOMAS 60MEZ |gj|j and His Orchestra fP^P MARION HUTTON and i The Glenn
      325 words
    • 151 7 CHUNGKING Tanjong Pagar Phone 3327 TODAY 4 SHOWS L 3.15, 6.30, 9.00 p.m. "WILD BILL Hit KOK RIDES" With Constance Bennett, Bruce Cabot, Warren. William Thundering drama of the Old West! Tonight At Midnight "HOUSE OF DRACULA" Last 3 Shows: 3.00, 6.30, 9.15 Actions Bl:,' Three! ALAN LADD, VERONICA LAKE
      151 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 47 8 Some of the Ashtic Government servants in Singapore attending the mass meeting en Wednesday at the «CSA padang at Tessensohn Road, to support the joint Singapore and Maiayan Union Back Pay Memorial to be sent to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
    47 words
  • 256 8 Reuter. LONDON, May 15.—Professor W. R. Jones, in his presidential address to the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy here, today declared that if uranium becomes of prime importance to civilisation it will become more precious than gold and tne mining of very low grade ores
    Reuter.  -  256 words
  • 318 8 DAVIS CUP Reuter. Par s. May 15.—India finished in an unhappy position being two rubbers down with three to Play at the end of the flr>t day's play in the second round of the Davis Cup tie against France which began on the centre
    Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 332 8 PLACE LLLTS 266 NOT OUT Reuter. LONDON, May 15.—Although A. H. Kardar (Abdul Hafcez) did not shine with the ball when the Oxford University match continued today, he has shown sufficient good form previously this season to deserve his '"Blue" and this was awarded him
    Reuter.  -  332 words
  • 108 8 In a game of bacminton played on Sunday Seraqgoon Rangers B.P. beat Monks Hill B.P. by 4 games to 3: Results (Rangers first) :—John Loh bea* Koh Yew Keng (15—11, 15-4) K. L. Pang beat Lek Joo How (15-11. 15-8»; Koh Ah Bah beat
    108 words
  • 65 8 There will be a game comprising of 4 singles and 3 doubles against the 223.8.0.D. Sports Association to be played at the Happy World Covered Stadium on Sunday at 10.00 a.m. The following will represent the Mercury B.P.:—Wee Leong Sou. Chan Thin Fook. Lim Som Quee. Alfred Kang. Eddy Chan
    65 words
  • 96 8 Two greyhounds were killed by bees at Mr. F. Mutton's farm at Aberglasslyn. near Maitland. New South Wales, reports Reuter. A swarm settled on the two dogs, which were tied in a hayshed. There are eieht bee hives on the nroDerty. Mr Mutton and an
    96 words
  • 71 8 F. N. Sports Club The followirg will represent the F. and N Sporis Club against the FreflyE.P. ir a friendly return badminton match consisting of five singles ai d two to be played on Sunday 9.30 a.m. sharp at home Trafalgar Street. Yco Heng Chuan. Poh Kirn Yam. Teo Heok
    71 words
  • 62 8 "Merrilads Soccer XI will meet the Singapore Cricket Ciub at soccer on Friday May 16. at the Padang at 5 p.m. Players are: Hock Guan. Yew Tim. Teck Seng. Teng Hock, Checw Hin. Chwee Eng, Sun Leng. Ah Soo, Gim Soo, Kirn Liang. Quee Choon, Eng
    62 words
  • 212 8 Southampton vr. the KCre-board dSIJMai shire MO [or S»th Africa U S*R 3 at clcse ot ni av t-vu. =<r little prosped 0 f TLSS** suit to the cricket unless the wicS?Jsf* 4 tomorrow 1 is Pratik-, The mornm* and an* noon play was featurSi? {;er
    212 words
  • 54 8 The Recon.-Ritakiro Picture Known 1 KISMET (Hh I Still As Strong A< Ever 14 r j Shows In Singapore We Car. This Record As the Orlv picture Ye. I Midi ight S-i-Jicr'iv.i At Yo'.r Favouri.e Theatre iMarlbo- rough i 17th May. 1947 j Released Thru. The Vnitei j
    54 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 267 8 Protect your Chest and Resist Disease Without sufficient body-reserves (o resist disease, ordinary j c iest nffeciior.s ca 1 develop into more serious lung trouble To guard mi st such a oossibihtv. build ud your resistance with adeauate rutri'ion by taking Hypol regu'prW HYPO L 7. Contains 100% Cod Liver
      267 words
    • 182 8 i Thousands rely or. "Brooklax Chocolate Laxatives lor rciiei of Constipation. Try it and be co v Obtainable everywhere TUNING J" I "REPAIRING 'RONISCH' GRAND PIANO q 6 ft. in Perfect Condition P Reasonable. toNAMG HWA PIANO CO 173. Tank Roaa. S-npapcre > I acid ga STOMACH if
      182 words