Malaya Tribune, 13 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune B Y THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA ™>w printed simultaneously in Singapore Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 n'.iiT p^rf^ SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1947 TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot
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  • 440 1 Demand For Strong Protest To London RESIGNATION OF GREAT IMPORTANCE (Tribune Staff Reporter) In the first Singapore trade union comment on the recent resignation of Mr. S. P. GarreU, Assistant Trade Union Advisor, the Singapore Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers, with 720 members,
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  • 251 1 ion, May 13.—The British Government was putvery strong pressure on the Siamese Government export more rice than hitherto, declared Mr. John h< y. British Food Minister, in the House of Commons last night. Replying to a question, Mr. Strachey said that t id,sou tons of rice
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  • 485 1 U.P. i-ceGS, May 12.--The defence witness in a murder .uiuueniy coniesseu from trie stana toaay that he, t the uefuidciiil, stabbed to death the woman Vieoived, because "a strange whispering in my nead tola me to." Private Dennis Wood, i 9, adnitted that he stabbed
    U.P.  -  485 words
  • 189 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Firms billing Government Departments fjr miscellaneous services or supply of goods are complaining of great delay in payment. There have been cases where payment was met only after four months. One firm submitted a bill of $350 to a certain department
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  • 94 1 Tribune Crime Reporter A number of shots fired by unknown persons sent pedestrians hurryirg away in Kitchener Road last night. A Chinese bystander was hit on the arm and stomach by one of the shots. While walking along South Bridge Road at 7.30 last night a
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  • 55 1 (Tribune Crime Reporter). At 12.30 yesterday afternoon an Indian, carrinyg a box of 36 000 vitamin pills valued at $150. was stopped by 6 Chinese at the junction of South Bridge Road and Boat Quay and robbed. Finding no cash or other valuables on him. the
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  • 205 1 JERUSALEM, May 12.—The murder of two British policemen in the crowded centre of Jerusalem's Jewish area tonight was followed by a last-minute postponement of the announcement by Brigarier J. G. Bedford Roberts that out of bounds restrictions on British troops in Jewish areas
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  • 33 1 Reuter. ROME, May 12.—United States tanks, armoured cars, lciries and other war material were on board two Greek ships which sailed to-day from Leghorn for Greece, Ansa, the Italian news agency reported.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 132 1  -  (By Man-At-The Rails Penang. Tues.—Some outstanding gailops weae witnessed this morning's track work, although with soft gomg. due to last night's heavy rain, no attempt was made to clock good times. Except lor a few given strong pace work, the majority all went round either slow or medium
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  • 408 1  -  "GOVT. BACK PAY STATEMENT CANNOT BE TAKEN AS FINAL" (By Tribune Staff Reporter Feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment over the Colonial Secretary's statement yesterday, reiterating the Government's decision not to take any further steps in the master of back pay as well as determination not to take
    408 words
  • 46 1 tribune Staff Reporter) There were twenty traffic accidents yesterday—first day of s b;g "Safety First" camnaign. This numbers four more tnarj, the figure tor Monday ast week; When there were 16 accidents. Seven were injured and two killed in yesterday's collisions.
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  • 41 1 Reuter. CAIRO. May 12,—Forty men. v.v.nv.-n and ehfldr&n wpre orowned in the Nile canal near 40 miles Northeast or Cairo when a motor bus to wrieh they wore traveHin; skid-d and dived into cana". yesterday.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 National Employers' I Mutual General FIRE. MOTOR. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, PERSONAL ACCIDENT and o-her c'asses of INSURANCE ASSOCIATION LTD. 4 (Incorporated In England) Men- Chambers, Raffles ftace, SINGAPORE. V Manager: Nj^WlgEVi Symbol of Modern Time attractive accwate dependable SWISS ALARM CLOCKS SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE j I Attractive colours "mtted quantity $12.50
      68 words
    • 74 1 BOOKS ON RADIO -a.: i THE KADIP MAN&Afc H3 G. E. Sterling 21 00 j RADIO ENGINEERING By 1 F. E. Terman 21 00 MATHEMATICS FOR RADIO COMMUNICATION By Vol. ft 2. 29.70 ELECTRICAL RADIO DICTIONARY 5.4« HIGH FREQUENCY THERMIONIC TUBES By A. F. Harvey 10 80 Postage -30 extra.
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  • 31 2 MRS. CHOO TECK GUAN and FAMILY to thank all relatives and friends for attending tie funeral of DR. CHOO TECK GUAN and all those who sert wreaths and cor/Jolences
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  • 429 2 (Tribune StirY Reporter) More than 120 persons, leading members of the Chinese community, members of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, representatives of the various public bodies, and friends, attended a farewell tea party at the Assembly Hall of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday
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  • 224 2 Russian Cliarge Reuter and U.P. Moscow. May 12.—Fravda. the Soviet Communist Party newspaper, today quoted its Sakhalin correspondent for a report tna. j the United States occupation authorities in Japan were recnuiing Japanese pilots, including "kamikaze" (suicide pilots). fc r the all-Japanese air formation
    Reuter and U.P.  -  224 words
  • 39 2 Reuter. KINGSTOWN. Jamaica. May 11.—Water shortage has agair deveiooed in the corporation area as a result of drought. The 600.0G0.000-e.dlon storage reservo r. completed 'ast Oet- at the cost to the British Treasury of £500.000. is st*l! enrntv —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 500 2 SITUATION VACANT WANTED IMMEDIATELY Com petent Stenographer for British Mercantile Firm. Good salary ard H.C.L. Apply Box No. 553. M. T., Singapore. WANTED. Educated local girt between age of 17 and 25 to look after girl of 5. Own quarters with English family. Apply Box 550, M.T. "education SHOI THAND
      500 words
    • 352 2 NOTICES. SINGAPORE GOVERMENT SERVANTS RACK PAY COUNCIL. NOTICE OF MASS MEETING There will be a KUbSS meeting of Government Servants on Wednesday. May 14th 1947. at 5 p.m. the JCSA erou Tessensohn Road when the Memorial to the Secretary oi State will be read and adopted. All Government servants a*e
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    • 570 2 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. jt (Incorporated in Singapore BEUE FUNNEL LINE "Samuta"' from U.K. for Ba'avia "Caichas" sails for Liverpool V. 33 "Maron" due from U.K. 2c due from U.K. .7' 20 •Polyphemus" **sails for |rVerpool and Rotter- '21 "Gleniffer" culllfcm U.K *1 t"Kamerling due frOrrfU.S.A. 1,y 23 Onnes" "Glerii.irry" due
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  • 551 3 Singapore Girl Dies Under Anaesthetic In Hospital "I can only assume that her death was due to unexplainable re-actions eithei from one, or the other, or the combination of the drags used," said Dr. B. M. Johns, surgeon at the General Hospital,
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  • 61 3 I, v i ordinances have T> Mto force iv cc May 9. ilos vee i AmendAr 'o- ance 1947, Fire„n( Ammunitior (Unjrn U p ;ioni Ordinance House To House ctreei Collections Ordijr.c ac* W T i( v House and t! peim mus' btain«d ■>■ m th> ,'1 of
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  • 32 3 Ihe foltoirtag Singapore awards of ft«M«'i Scholarships and Fellowships for 194G have been made; QUEEN'S SCHOLARSHIPS: Mr. E. W. Barker and Dr. Ho Yuen. QUEEN'S FELLOWSHIP- Mrs. M. Knight.
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  • 131 3 The Rev. R. K. S. Adams m stressing the importance of the Boy Scout Association yes terday said: 'Sometimes I think that the King's Scout badge might well replace the Cambridge School certificates as the mark of a sound youthful training. He was addressing
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  • 406 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) With the message from His Excellency the Governor wishing the campaign every success, "Safety First Week got well into its stride yesterday. The series of posters and photographs relating t mad hazards attracted the attention of members of the public at.
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  • 51 3 Q—Why is more care required When travelling fast? A.—The faster you are travcllinfr, the smaller is the margin of safety should an emergency arise and the more serious must be the result of an accident. SAFETY FIRST PUZZLE Solution to yesterday's Word Square. ERASE RAVEN AVERT SERVE
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  • 81 3 Pleading guilty to attempting to export wheat flour without the permission of the Food Control Officer. Tar Chee Seng, a Chinese was fined $2,000 yesterday in the Second District Court. Tar. was arrested on board the s.s. 'Combar" where the flour, which he
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  • 14 3 U.P. LONDON, May 11—Yugoslavia and Bulgaria have signed a cultural agreement in Belgrade -P.P.
    U.P.  -  14 words
  • 87 3 Mr. Lim Chan Kuan of the Assistant Commissioner's Office. Muar. was recently appointed by the Boy Scouts Association of China to be their Malayan Liaison Officer. It is understood that this the cor«currenc< of the Scout Commissiorer for Malaya. j Mr. Lim has just received m-
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  • 341 3 Sailing Permission Refused (Tribune Staff Reporter) The Trans-Ocean Trading Company's ss "Trans Ccean" (6,202 tons) was refused permission to sail from Singapore yesterday. She is only licensed to carry 300 passengers, but approximately 1.000 passengers were crowded on board. It appears, from a
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  • 194 3 Registration and licensing of Trisha Riders will commence on Ist June. 1947. Application forms are now available at the Bencoolen Street inspection yard attached to the Vehicles Department, and applicants for licences must apply in person for these forms. Upon issue of each individual
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  • 45 3 Reuter. WASHINGTON. May 12 —Mr Dean Acheson. U.S. Under-Secre-tary of State, resigned today. President Truman has appointed Mr. Robert A. Lovett New York and former Assistant Secretary of War for Air to replace him. Mr. Acheson will remain in office until June 30.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 219 3 IPOH Marking the close o* their first Refresher Course, teachers of Ipoh ard South. Peruk schools were hosts a f dinner at the Station Hote! attended by the Hon Mr A V. Aston, perak Resiue I Commissioner. Mr. F C. He!-: Senior Inspector of 3ch f als
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 ffff ism i i itvm If yon want to know TO-BAY YVhat'U tMadam Florence* Can reveal your future by fcr wonderful power of intui:;or. It is worth co?;suiting her. ftiei miss the opportunity. Mfe< s Plat "M" Keeren Blrig. fcfipore. Telephone *****. Tor everything in School Books. Medical Books. 81
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  • 574 4 The most Important pronouncement yet made on Income Tax was uttered by His Excellency the Governor. Sir Franklin Gimson, on Saturday when he told pressmen that there was no insistence upon Income T a x if the necessary revenue could be obtained by other means, and that he
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  • 487 4 Letters reaching the Tribune Postbag indicate that opponents of income tax are becoming alive to the danger of the imposition being precipitately forced upon a reluctant country. We print a selection of correspondence on the subject in today's. PEOPLES' POSTBAG F.S. Sir,—Congratulations for the masterly way in
    F.S.  -  487 words
  • 230 4 CHANDROS. Sir,—lt is either tax or none at all. We are here, especially the capitalists, industrialists, commercial firm-, land and estate owners, tin miners, the rich folks, to help the Government to get more income to meet legitimate expenditures, especially at this time of rehabilitation after
    CHANDROS.  -  230 words
  • 911 4 "NORTHERNER". Sir.—There are grounds for the belief, and they are not altogether without foundation, that income tax will be imposed on the Colony ot Singapore in much the same manner as it has been foisted on Hongkong. In the latter, it wa s put through the Legislature
    "NORTHERNER".  -  911 words
  • 321 4 K. Sir, —The registration of rice recently introduced into the Colony, while having its merits has also* certain disadvantages which the individual person must >uffer. Since the aim of the scheme was not to cause inconvenience to the public, it is to be hoped that the system will
    K.  -  321 words
  • 270 4 PRO BONO PUBLICO. Sir.—Now that the strike is over, I would ask the travelling public to remember that the Traction Company employees are satisfied with their lot. I hope. This being so. it is highly desirable that each member of the travelling public insists: (1) That he or
    PRO BONO PUBLICO.  -  270 words
  • 442 4 S. KENSINGTON. Sir—With reference to R.l.P.'s advice to Looker-On to forget about back pay and be satisfied that he has done a thankless job well, may I be allowed a little of your valuable space to say that in some cases it is not as easy
    S. KENSINGTON.  -  442 words
  • 167 4 MEDANITE. Sir,—Your paper is daily improving and I am beginning u like it more and more, just because it i> more for the proletarian where I belong than lor the aristocratic clas>es I do nor mean that your paper is procommunist but what I do imply is that it
    MEDANITE.  -  167 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 AMERICA'S MOST ECONOMICAL Electric Kefrigerator New Shipment Just Arrived —Book Your Order Before It is Too Late. L.EE FLETCHER 102-106, Orchard Road, Singapore. Thone 3338 iii11"iii^i
      26 words
    • 73 4 Keep Footwear m^fi Smart, Neat, vT^lB New-looking '^P9I with these Metonian Shoe Cream C A* in Black, Medium Brown, Dark Brown r> > f?d?r White. Ss^fK^r, *i^ r Price per jar «0 cts. *Jj|k'-" Liquid Suede Shoes in Medium Brovn a: *****. Price per jar II I ,s White Renovator
      73 words

  • 1449 5 Back Pay Conditions "Unfair Unjust" In a joint 15-page memorandum to be despatched through the local authorities to the Secretary of State for Colonies (Mr. Creech-Jones), the Singapore Government Back Pay Council and the Government Junior Services Association, Malayan Union—representing VC ry backbone
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  • 55 5 Kakei Takeshigi (31), of the Woodlands' Japanese Camp, appeared in the Fourth Police Court yesterday and faced a charge of alleged murder with a knife, of a compatriot named Umeno at the 14 mile Woodlands Road on May 10. Bail was opposed and the case postponed
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  • 40 5 The second lecture on "Three Invasion Penetration into Jap-anese-held Territory", by Mr. J. M. Taylor, will be held at the V.M.C.A. tomorrow (May 14) at 8 p.m. The address is organised by the V.M.C.A Literary and Debating Society.
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  • 42 5 U.P. VIENNA. May 11.—The Socialist Party announced to night that two communist workers were killed and seven others were arrested by the Russian commandant of the Sankt Poelten. 50 miles west of Vienna in the Soviet zone following the May Day riot.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 208 5 Despite fie Gopemment's decision not to re-oper the question of Back-Pay. it is expected that over 4,000 Goverrment servants will attend a meeting to-morrow at the J.C.S.A Ktnunds at Tessensohn Road. Pinal preparations discussed last night by the B:tck Pay Council indicates that the meeting
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  • 106 5 U.P. I PARIS. May 12.—French police today were investigating the I mysterious disappearance of a I 44-carat diamond, valued at 1 thirty million francs, which was j given to. the celebrated World i War I singer Marthe Chenal byt Henri de Rothschild. I Marthe Chenal became famous
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 104 5 Reuter. UTRECHT. May I?.—Professor Carl Romme. leader of the I Catholic Parliamentary Party* who recently returned from the Netherlands Indies accused the j Republic of Indonesia of violat- ing the Linggadjati agreement jat a Party meeting held in j Utrecht this weekend. He said there were
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 24 5 A Japanese officer has been found suspended by a rope round his neck from a rubber 1 tree at Jurong J.S.P. camp.
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  • 638 5 Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, the Colonial Secretary, yesterday issued a statement in which he reiterated the Government's decision not to take any further steos in the matter of Back Pay. Letters have been sent to Government Junior Civil Services Association in the
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  • 86 5 Reuter. LONDON, May 12 —A Polishborn Londoner, 33-year-old Israel Goldberg, was today fined .'25.0C0 for smuggling 4,206 watches into Britain. The prosecuting counsel told the Thames police court that Goldberg was liable to more than a quarter million sterling fines. Customs officers found the watches concealed
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 43 5 Reuter. FRANKFURT. May 11.—More machine tools and parts from German factories in the United States zone are to be sent to countries entitled to reparations and needing them for industrial reconstruction, Dena, German news agency in the United States zone, reported to-day.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 279 5 PORTSMOUTH, May 12.—The people of Portsmouth and thousands of visitors who flacked into the town were up early this morning to greet the King and Queen and the two Princesses when they Stepped ashore on English soil, after their three and a half months' tour
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  • 542 5 LONDON, May 12 —The Royal train slid into Waterloo station, London, from Portsmouth to the thurdarous cheers of crowds massed at the barriers. The route to Buckingham Palace was packed by people many of whom had stood there since early morning. The Royal tour of South Africa finally
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  • 91 5 U.P. GREENVILLE. S.C.. May 12,— In the biggest trial for lynching, a Negro ever held. 31 men. including 28 taxi drivers, go on trial today for the lynching, on Feb. 17, of Willie Earle. who had bfen accused of stabbing and robbing a Greenville taxi
    U.P.  -  91 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 Punctuality Calls for a Dependable I SWISS ALARM CLOCK I SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY I Price $12.50 EBOSA limited Quantity in Attractive 8* Iv Colours and Designs I)is Play at f -IAX IXGH Co. Raffles Place.
      34 words
    • 34 5 CORK-TIPPED J) M^y r VciGARETTES Made specially to prevent sore throats jj&SsW w ithi "La iy-Access inner foil .Jl A and "Cellophane" wrapping. mwMttVff Imported from London, England CABRERAS ISO YEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUALITY
      34 words

  • 202 6 Premier's Assurance Reuter. LONDON. May 12.- India's application to the United Nations regarding treatment of Indians in South Africa was referred to r.t question time in the House of Commons today when Frederick skinnard asked the Prime Minister whether when the treatment
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 127 6 Reuter. BANGALORE. May 11.—India faces a difficult food situation because of the failure of her crops and inadequate imports. Doctor Rajendra Prasad. Food Member of the Indian Interim Gnvrrnmrnt. declared at a Press Conference here today. Dr. Pra-ad who said he did net want to
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 110 6 U.P. SIMLA. May 11.—Viceroy Mour.tbatten will further disc.iss the Fritish plan for the transfer cf truver to India at a conference with Indian leader- in New Delhi on June 2, a communique announced to-night. The earlier communique said that representatives of Indian states
    U.P.  -  110 words
  • 53 6 Reuter. i CALCUTTA. (Air Mail).—One hundred and seventy-five peri sons were killed and 216 injured as a result of enemy action In Feni sub-division (Noakhali). East Bengal, during the war. according to an official statement in the Bengal Assembly. Twelve oerson.s were disabled I and 666 homesteads damaged,
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 351 6 Declaring that the re-introduction of the Societies Ordinance would gravely prejudice the value of future elections, 12 leading Malayan political organisations in petitioning the Colonial Secretary of Singapore, called for the repeal of the Ordinance. "It has been stated officially that the reason of reintroducing
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  • 98 6 (Tribune Market Corr.) I The rubber market was weak jat the opening yesterday and j sellers marked down their prices j a further three-quarters ci a cent i and fair business in all R.SS. j grades was transacted at the new level. The local market was
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  • 957 6 Echo Of Patrol Firing At Car Major John Burnett, D.5.0.. M.C.. whose trial on a charge of causing death by rash act resumed yesterday, stated that, in the circumstances, he considered himself fully justified in the action he took Major Burnett, who was in
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  • 57 6 Commencing on Saturday next, the Pavilion Theatre will resume the popular pre-war shows for children. These are to be held or* Saturdays and Sundays at eleven a.m. when the programme will consist of shorts and cartoons suitable for yourg audiences. Admission to the balcony will be $1
    57 words
  • 173 6 The respond 0 i I notHication that all w ar "'ust not the of I continued existence I that S ooietio s and fa. or t££ from JT fore 15th May has very satisfactory. han J i tneu- records during the war. and tmm* f«M I s.nce
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 201 6 liiFJiijd lo llvv Chapters 7-12 (It Reels) Houses Packed! Houses Packed! REC ORD I ROW lIS IIAILY! You never saw anything like it! Breath-taking Thousands Old and Young Alike have seen ard thrilled by the Most Amazing Tarzan of Tarzans! featuring: HERMAN Brix—WORLD OLYMPICS C HAMPFON! and a tre:i!enrloi!3 supporting
      201 words
    • 112 6 FOR THE FIRST TIME! ...CLAMOROUS MARIA gSQm. SEEN AS A FLESH-AND-BLOOD WOMAN I REX TO-DAY I Tel: 4042 6.30—r» 15 p.m COOK Preceded by Traffic BboK "YOU'RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE" Given in Co-oneration with the Public Re I ors cmco. SINGAPORE i aefc^nrißtti aOQggfc last i snows/ adventure: Meet
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  • 548 7  -  (Bv ti,~ j Our Sports Reporter M idiiim i1f e f0r the of an international sports stadium in Singapore- and a tfmttar Madwim i„ ki.'i. aiTmceC/ff r Th 6^ by M K C C 0kL at a prtftmlnclatim, h"1d Amat^r Athletic Assonosed ih
    548 words
  • 11 7 FOOTBALL LEAGUE. in Association, "j ai 5 15 p.m.
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  • 114 7 p, are requested I "The R< J. r Sunduy on th° 1 ~f_' cLAHKK-S XI: C. Thu- J Thiam 0%w. j If y 1 < r. Chia Keng s akan »i gh. r sep«-'t <. Retrain. S j gu: r m C Schubert
    114 words
  • 42 7 A c.a -cal c. ncert in which :> will take par»: ;e v. by Mr. Dark Kali \:r r a Memorial Hall on at 8.30 p.m. 7." r > w.ll be donated :.r V M C A. Fund.
    42 words
  • 58 7 IgNJjCN. May 12,—The Bri- L.iwn T nniv Association fcnounccl today that the *$.'man Cup matches beta*:. tn»- British and American 1st.-; will he piayt-d Hills. New York on IT.- U.P. Panjang Rovers i: the Combined Christian l;! by three goals to ore .'Stcrria' or the St. Joseph
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  • 82 7 The annual general ceeting of the St. Andrew's Mission and Orthopaedic Hospitals is to be held at the V.M.C.A., Stamford Road at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow. The Hon. Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, Colonial Secretary, will attend and propose the .idoptior of the accounts It is hoped that
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  • 185 7 Reuter. GLASGOW, May 12: The ink could hardly been dry on the agreement whereby Stanley Matthews signed for Blackpool for the next session, wher another British star footballer, B lly Steel, of Morton and Scotland, had his name linked with ar even higher
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 208 7 Cosmos did well to be it RAF (Changii 5—4 ir a thrilling soccer match at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Taha opened score for the Cosmos five minutes from thf st ;l rt when he sidestepped Hartiand, i'.ic RAF goalkeeper. This herak'.Lv
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  • 249 7 Reuter. An.t S v° W 'v Ma j V 10 —Canada, the Sudan, Guernsey Austria, Zealand, Gold Coast, Iran and Kore will be admitted to the International Football Federation, v was decided at a meeting of the Federation Other decisions of the meeting were: That for the
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 55 7 U.P. London. May 11. —THij week's Davis Cup ties are a> follows: Great Britain v. Poland at Cracow; South Africa v. The Netherlands at Holland; Ireland v. Yugoslavia at Belgrade; Belgium v. Egypt at Brussels: Czechoslovakia v. Switzerland at Prague; New Zealand y. Norway at Oslo; France
    U.P.  -  55 words
  • 81 7 Wfth the pan-Malayan Olympics, and. if possible, the World Games next year in view, the Singapore A.A.A. is going ahead with its Plans for the Singapore championship meeting scheduled to be held oft the Padang on July 19. The Services will be included The Singapore body will in
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  • 860 7 NEW DELHI.—A "vastly better side than that which toured England last year" is the verdict of sports critics on the personnel of the Indian cricket team visiting Australia next winter. The team consists of V. M. Merchant (Captain), L. Amarnath (Vice-Captain),
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  • 469 7  -  SAFA Soccer League (By ATOMIC The S.A.F.A. league fixture today between the Navy and ih; Indian., wili ring down the curtain on the nrst roUrtd, which however remains incomplete with Tour games postponed. The Airmen still have to meet the Indians and the Malays;
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  • 171 7 Chinese sports in Singaj pore and the mainland have ius i received the official "GO" from the Singapore Chinese Amateur Sports Federation a. s well as from their Malayan counterpart, and all states are preparing for their respective state championships in readiness for the allMalayan Chinese Olympics
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  • 61 7 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Major C. K. Stuart left Singapore by <raip last rsight to take up the appointment of Deputy Assistant Director of Public Relations, Malaya Command, in place of Capt. j. Watson who is returtiirg home He was wen off by the Acting
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 IHE NORTHWEST *H VH 1» POLICE IN ACTION! I chumgking" Ik Pt i Phone 3327 ljit, :i shows"Vfrj/ 1 1! W p.m. ARABIA" ers t'ratirg :r 11 g mm ii iv i J* VA N" jor Superb Tailoring j DROP AT A It !H A X A D S
      87 words
    • 249 7 SEASON EXTfcXftft) OWING TO TREttEtfDOFS SUCCESS! The Picture Everyone Should See mmmrn To-day Four Shows 1.30—4—6.30—9.30 p.m. John Mills and Hobson %m»mm "> CHARLES DICKENS' BERNARD MILES jm[ FRANCIS t .SUILIVAN AIfIHOKY WAGE* f|L j »J{A» SIMMONS nto^ o,,rr, t DAVID LEAN NEXT CHANGE Here They Are Again! The Funniest
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 311 8 "There Might Be Earthquakes, But My Love Will Never Die" PENANG. —Evidence that she had slept with the defendant because he had promised to marry her was given by Goh Geok Lan, a Chinese dressmaker, in the civil suit, before Mr. Justice C.
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  • 90 8 Enticement: U.P. RAM AS AY, ISLE OF MAN, May 12.—Miss Lynn 1 Carlyle was charged to- day with enticing two wives away from .their husbands. j Hugh Cowell Kin red. an osteopath, demanded I damages and an mjuntion restrain 3Uss Carlyle S from persuading his
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 352 8 a *V° H A soear was the chief exhibit in A™ d nqUl X y held before Che Shamsuddin bin to thi h^k l^? 06 CoUrt into the leading ho 9? 3 y l o g Slkh named Such Singh at the 2{
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  • 312 8 County Cricket Reuter. LONDON. May. 12 —On a I wearing wicket which had little j preparation Sm.ules and Robin- son with off spi-uncrs skittled j cut Glamorgan tv/ice at Swan- sea today for Yorkshire to win their first county cricket cham- j piorship match of the
    Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 59 8 U.P. ROME. May 11. —Professor of Le ters Salvatore Farina, Professor of Theology Viencenzo Giodano, and High School instructor Francesco Par**»rm\ were arrested today on a charge of selling false hieh school dh»lomas and university credentials for 200,000 lire each. The Carbinieri believed the arrested men were members
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • 136 8 The Singapore Joint Wages Commission held its third meeting on May 10. Reports were read from the sub-committees examining the cost of hvirg and the classification of wages The Commission heard evidence from Mr. Oakley on the function of the Permanent Labour Committee. The
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  • 44 8 Reuter. BAGDAD Mnv 12. A Lan Mister iUr-raU nf&gtpd to-dav «hile landing at H-3 pipeline station in the ctesvrt between Iraq md Palestine. The phine ffto ext^nshei r damaged but •here were no casualties. Th«PQOietogets w» i rt- flown on immediately m Basra R«M,t».r
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 86 8 Mr. Thio Chan Bee, a senior master of the AngloChinese School, has been appointed a member of the Singapore Advisory Council. Mr. Thio served as Senior Inspector of Schools during the BMA regime. He went to Switzerland last year as a Malayan delegate to the
    86 words
  • 958 8 Order was reserved by the Fourth Magistrate yesterday in the case in which the Commissioner of Lands, Singapore, is seeking to get back possession of the sites on which the Alhambra and the Marlborough theatres stand. The action was brought against
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  • 42 8 Mr. Man Guan Leong, who played front row forward for the Singapore "All Blues" Asiatic Rugger XV which be a t Perak at Fuala Lumpur last season, with his bride (Miss Soon Geok Lan) after their marriage at the Registry last week.
    42 words
  • 273 8 Bedser Takes 6 For 65 LONDON, May 12.—A grand iVush is likely at Kensington Oval where Surrey with eight wickets standing want 224 to beat the South African touring cricket team. Alan Melville, South African captain, extricated his side from a desperate position today when four
    273 words
  • 151 8 PENANG r, Caapper of K e d h turned for a iVOrce g P*tL Justice CW v r !or Supreme Court JfJ li decree t 0 bo m Lf within three months absoiCtt The petitioner, *L Ployed at the 1 tion. Royal Patani, wife had
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 59 8 IT MI ST BE GOOD! YOl LOVED hij: AS GILDA NOW roirix ADOBE IDS 11 PLAY A Stf. tlK* >* L HAYWORTH -NEXT HAN( Highßloodg Dangerous lo^ 40 face in and j peopi.- mW jVr indlKestton the.h.a-l of n«;..i XIUI 5 abort r h ri „ry and •r" 1 j
      59 words