Malaya Tribune, 10 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 61 1 The Malaya Tribune B y THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA printed simultaneously in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 BGHT I'AU.S 1 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1947 TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—- Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd.,
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  • 159 1 "NO RETRENCHMENT IN SINGAPORE" OFFICIAL Depts Understaffed--2 Have Been Merged (By P. J. JOSEPH, Tribune Staff Reporter) Government and Municipal Departments in re still understaffed and in much the same tion as they were six months ago. This being the lestion of retrenchment does not at all arise !i< n
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  • 130 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Four vacation bungalows a" TanjOng Rhu. for the benefit of the Junior Civil Sevice, have just been repainted and re-furnished by ihe P.W.D. and are now back m full use again. The Public Works Department is at present working on tw)
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  • 87 1 U.P. Par:." 9. The "world's i e> •> have been to science alter the ncr, Isu Miranda, the Ral ar. f Im actress, who announcer) today :hat she had sHpr«H a contract with the Italian League against blindness to her eyes to ecience. b Pans
    U.P.  -  87 words
  • 77 1 Tribune Staff Reporter/ Building will start next week cl on ol the first of the P'nWDore Improvement Trust Do jkin* projects. :i dern two-storied block of n Owen Road is to costing nearly $250.000 ited that 150 people A T •>< accommodated in these, wh
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  • 179 1 (By S. Y. Ng, Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore Fire Chief, Mr. J. Shaw, warns that unless the public are more careful and better precautions are taken in the storage of benzine in boats and premises, outbreaks of fires can be alarmingly high as we appioach
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  • 359 1 U.P. CAMBERLEY, Eng. May 9.—Britain's future armed forces Will be lightweight, scientifically planned and a fast moving group with all the three branches geared to move as one. Field Marshal Montgomery told a press conference at the General Staff College here tonight. Behind thai
    U.P.  -  359 words
  • 83 1 Reuter. LONDON. May 9.—Next Monday the Labour member Frederick Skinnard will ask the Prime Minister in the House r*t Commons whether, when treatment of non-European communities by the South African Government is discussed at ihe next meeting of the General Assembly ol the Unitea
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 49 1 Reuter. Nanking. May 9. -Wage readjustment for civil servants, military and teachers was agreed by the Executive Yuan today at a special meeting held to consider economic problems. Earlier Premier Chang Chun reported to the PeopJ°\ Political Council on the cost Qf living index and price control.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 55 1 Reuter. LONDON, May 9. British warships are to visit the Crimean port for the first time since the war. The Comman-der-in-Chief of the Mediterranean, Admiral Sir Algernon Willis with units of the Mediterranean Fleets is to visit Istanbul during July after which he will also
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 34 1 U.P. Toulouse. May 9.—Police today tracked down and shot to death Stani Wazelewski, who escaped Saturday from his death cell in Toulouse prison, where he was waiting execution for 19 murd-er^.-U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 32 1 U.P. Yokohama. May 9.—A precious cargo of 25 purebred Holstein bulls arrived aboard the s.s. Alfred Dupont in Yokohama on Friday to replenish and improve Japan*, existing dairy herds.U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 148 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Of the eight local doctors who joined the Singapoie Government Medical Staff after graduating from Medical College last year one has resigned, while two more handed in their resignations at the beginning of this month. Insufficient pay and inadequate scope for progress
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  • 364 1 (By P. k. GOH, Tribune Stall Reporter) Although plans for the distribution of the large initial shipment of Japanese textiles recently landed in Singapore have not yet been officially divulged, it is reliably understood that the target date for the release of
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  • 158 1 Air. Creech-Jones Enters Fray U.P. London, May 9.—The Colonial Secretary, Mr. CreechJones' today asked the British Boxing Board of Control to permit Colonial Office representatives to participate in the scheduled discussion on Britain's alleged colour bar in boxing. The public and press criticism recently over
    U.P.  -  158 words
  • 19 1 Cairo, May 8—A case filled with hand grenades was citscovered by the Egyptian police today in a Cairo street.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 MANUFACTURERS CARVED Teak Furniture CAMPHOR CHEST LAMP SHADES A ETC. PEIPING STORL ORCHARD RD.*|f U I f •i SINGAF QR^^^- J 'Prin ted A merican RAYON Dress Fabric at its best!" 42" Wide 55.25 Per Yard, j j.W TERESA WtTkThT, ALSO A row appeariri? in MEN'S I £^JI? VA SUITING
      57 words
    • 49 1 All the latest styles WATCHES CLOCKS Wholesale Retail Owng to limited stock no catalogue is issued .Expert Repairs Undertaken j Yick Woh Hing 429. North Bridge Road, Spore. 'Phone 7922 (near Middle Road) I Mac ham Tadi! TIME FOR A TIGER j FULL STRENGTH Look for the Tiger Label
      49 words

  • 42 2 GOH BOH TECK. aged 58 years passed away peacefully on 9.5.47 at his residence, 37, Kinta Road, leaving his beloved wife, five sons, on e daughter-in-law and one grand-daughter to mourn the loss. Funeral will take place on 11.5.47. Deeply regretted.
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  • 182 2 The Malayan Veterinary Association, in its memorandum to the Salaries Commission, asks that locally recruited veterinary Surgeons should be given a commencing salary of $400 with annual increments of $15. After completing the third year of their probation, the surgeons ask to be placed
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  • 140 2 Reuter. LONDON. May 8.- City of London Corporation workers who have been on strike for ten days passed a resolution by an overwhelming vote today on the advice of tlie strike committee to return to wof£ tomorrow. Th:> leturn of the strikers, who include road sweepers,
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 83 2 U.P. STUTTGART, May 7,-Capt Vincent F. Cochran was sentenced life imprisonment Tuesday for the murder of an enlisted man in a bar room brawl March 25, constabulary officers reportes. Testimony at the trial indicated that Cochran entered an enlisted man's argument at a beer hall
    U.P.  -  83 words
  • 79 2 Reuter. Nanking, May. B.— Reports that Dr. T. V. Soong. ex-Pre-mier, will be sent to the United States as the special representative of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek to negotiate on the earmarked US $310,000,000 Import-Export Bank loan could not be confirmed here today by
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 363 2 ENGAGEMENT The engagement too* place on 9th May 1947 between Mr. Jimmy Tan Keng Van, elder son of Mr. aid Mrs. Tan Choo Tiang, and Miss Polly Kho Kok Neo, elder daughter of Mr. and Lean Cheng. SITUATION VACANT WANTED experienced capable Derail Mechanic. Good salary, orly skilled men need
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    • 662 2 NOTICES f MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE NOTICE TO CONSUMERS, OF ELECTRICITY. Consumers of electricity connected to the Municipal Supply Mains are hereby rotified that it is proposed, to irspect the etectnc*al installation, and meters in all consumers' premises. Any consumer of electricity who is aware or who has reason to believe
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    • 534 2 SHIPPING Holland East Asia Line &s, BREDERO due Singapore 15th May loading alongside S.H.B. wharf for Port Said]Genoa)Marseilles Barcelona! Antwerp Rotterdam Hamburg and further Continental .ports. if sufficient inducements offers. For cargo and particulars apply to: NEDERLAND LINE ROYAJL DUTCH MAIL 41, Robinson Road. HSL 7l2jL Holland East Asia Line
      534 words
    • 391 2 The Ho Hong (1932) Ltd. I (Incorporated in Sirgaporei PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For Hbni? Kong, Swatow Amoy ,S.S. "HONG KHENG" due 17th S.S. "HONG SIANG" ilin I *m* about 28th For Palembang *8 "KLANG" sailing 9am and thereafter at «JS 10 day interv .ls. approxi^tely For Bagan Si Api via
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  • 244 3 (Our Own Reporter) tw MALACCA Friday.—One thousand members of l Mela yu Melaka will initiate a communal Icrmmg scheme in Malacca on May 15, fnibJlM? bCheme is brin S financed by the karnpont JLT S l S, are of m* youth organization which is
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  • 56 3 the Governor- brocccast a mesand congratu'aZ to their Majesties the Kirg r j Queen at apfrc Ornately D m on Monday, the 10th ol Their Majesties' Coronation. The Governor-Ger<erar» mesA will be the culminating ramme recalling Ceremony in Abbey, to
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  • 56 3 The current issue of the Sarank iren ment Gazette (a is abatable in pR O Office) contains the text of two bi'Ls about to be introduced to the Council Negri: (j) a ordinance to regucontro] prospecting for radio-active the rxport thereof A- ordinance to provide ng of a
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  • 538 3 The story of how a mobile Police patrol, headed by A.S i Johnson, of the Beach Road Division, surprised a of young South Indian Muslims who were travelling axi along North Bridge Road on the evening of Dell last and found two fully loaded revolvers
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  • 95 3 The annual Founder's Day dinner cf the Old Raffles ans Association Singapore, will be held at t£s' Atomi Club on Friday June 6. For the first time since the dinners started some 50 years ago ladies can be invited. There U a charge of $4 a head,
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  • 174 3 Driver Arthur Charles Emery of the R.AJ3.C, in the Second Police Court yesterday, in the uniform of a j,aiatrooper, pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of 17 jeep tyres. According to the prosecution, Dvr. Emery was said
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  • 119 3 The th>:l meeting of the Singapore Joint Wages Commission will be held to-day (Saturday). The commission has expressed itself grateful for the mass of evidence which has already been received from Governments and private firms. Forty private firms have already sumbitted their wages table. Because of
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  • 105 3 Ships of the round-the-world service of the American, President Lines will be calling at Singapore attain soon. The twi ships now put on this run are the Presidents Polk and Monroe. The Company is also planning to use C-3 freighters on its Atlan-tic-Straits
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  • 175 3 That the Orthopaedic Hospital at Siglap was converted into a radar station by the Japanese dv.rintr the occupation is disclosed in a report just issued by the St. Andrew's Mission and Orthopa* die Ho.-Dital.-. This hospital is now being run by the
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  • 96 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter). Mass meetings by Government servants in Singapore and in every district in the Malayan Unicn w'll >imultaneously be held next Wednesday afternoon. The meeting is arranged to get the approval of Government servants throughout the country for joint action in
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  • 400 3 Malacca Price Control Racket (From Our Owa Reporter) Malacca, May 9. —Fuller on the Complaints made to the Police and the Assistant .Price Cu.v.r die; were released by Mr. M B. Brash, a legal practitionj Malacca, in the course of an atervjew v.U. the I obune
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  • 266 3 Crippled Ship Here (Tribune Staff Reporter) After being adrift most of the night because her engine was put out of commission by pirates who robbed her crew of approximately $7,000 in cash and valuables in the Strait oi Sugi, about 30 miles from Singapore, the
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  • 144 3 The Sub-Committee on rice for South East Asia of the International Emergency Food Council held their seventh meeting on Friday, May 9, at the Office of the Special Commissioner in South East Asia, in Singapore. The Sub-Committee examined and approved the June
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  • 129 3 Wfcq men. the youngest aged were arraigned before the Sinnraoore Magistral, Mr. W. w. Nightingale, yesterday on a charge of being in unlawful Dossession of 1,095 hrnd?renades. The men. Mydin bin Varosai f *4L Kurnaran Vslli! <30k "flfcp.ft bin Kfdir '30), |fc e:id two
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  • 104 3 (By a Military Observer). Airborne units of the new Territorial Army have been instructed not to enlist any more men who are without previous experience and who wish to learn parachuting. A War Office spokesman has explained that: 'it taxes two weeks physical fitness training and four
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  • 109 3 i The Admiralty announces thai officers released locally in a British dominion or colony may retain Che right to return to iihe United Kingdom at the nublic expense for two years after tHe date of release, except that when defendants have been granted a passage to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 Wl SPECIALISE IN FULI| CIRCLE RETREADING! TYREc AND BATTERY'S) SERVICE AND DEALER S IN) ■IW TYRES AND TUBES I DC Prices Moderate. Work-I Kanshin Guaranteed. Enqui-' Phone 4255 HOCK HIN ca 177 Tank Road, Singapore Madam Florence it Can reveal your future by J*r wonderful power of inuiiw is worth
      122 words
    • 313 3 Phone 6445 WIMORE STORE Preserved Ginger in Fancy Jars 3, Collyer Quay 6z 14/16 De Scuza Street, Singapore. I ,i i For Superb Tailoring •CROP AT PAKMAN A i\ D S LADIES GENTS TAILORS 42, High Street. j C hfn your who!* Sody ij pain-rick*d with mus. J|k I clt
      313 words

  • 500 4 Gent Gomes If His Excellency the /nor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, iired to convey the impression that his Government was not interested in nearing allegations of corruption unless the alleged victims had practically prepared a case, he could have hardly phrased his reply to Mr. Gomes in
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  • 1129 4  -  Are condemned war criminals likely to be regarded by their compatriots as martyrs? is the question posed by this article by a Tribune commentator by Tan Beng Hong In various parts of the world today, in the East and the West, trials of war
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  • 276 4 j Letters' To' The Editor? I The People's Pos.tbag I Sir—Again "International"' is trying to rap my knuckles for nothing. It is rather strange that "International" fails to appreciate my points in their true perspective and consequently he is labouring under a delusion. His reply avoids the
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  • 342 4 Sir,—The recommendations of Mr. justice woney in regard to me treatment to be accorded to the non-interned memoers oi the Local armed forces ana Civil L/elence Services have oeen gazetted and these recommendationj, nave been recently approved by tne Government in s lar as
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  • 121 4 Sir—As a non-interned Volunteer, I understand that the Malayan Union Advisory Committee has agreed to accept the recommendations of the Worley Report, viz., 21 months* back pay or to quote the report 50 per cent, back pay against 100 per cent, paid to interned Volunteers. En
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  • 590 4 (From Hubert Harrison, Reuters Vienna Correspondent) The course of the Conference of the Big Four in Moscow has brought gloom to Vienna —and has evoked strong criticism of Russia. Austrians are pessimistic not only regarding the prospects of an agreement being reached but as to the final
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 39 4 Jewellery Diamond Watches TRY G.C DeSilva&Bros. 3 RAFFLES PLACE. Singapore Phono *****._ AMERICA'S MOST ECONOMICAL Electric Refrigerator New Shipment Just Arrived —Book Your Order Before It is Too Late LEE FLETCHER 102-106. Orchard Road, Suigapore I Thone 3338 I
      39 words
    • 27 4 Punctuality Calls for a DeptniM i SWISS ALARM I'MM* SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY j Price 512..»0 EBOSA Limited Quantity in Attractive Colours and Designs See Display at Raffles Place.
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  • 224 5 PUTERA CJA PROTEST Tribune Staff Reporter) rotes! against the re-enforce-ol the Societies Ordinal, been made by the pusai Tenaga Ra'ayat (Peoples united Front), and the PanMalayan Council of Joint Ac- following similar action by the Malayan Communist party .Singapore Branch) m a ioint letter to the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P.
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  • 134 5 FUtewing are Singapore successes in the London Matricu•"on Examination* FIRST DIVISION »18 Chan Swan Tong: 5828 Sit chee; 5929 Yin Thru 5936 Woon Sioe Tiang; Syn Wai Sum; 5943 Tan lai En^. SECOND DIVISION »19 David Cheiliah; 5920 JJMUa B. Jayaratnam; 5923 JjMch Choo Hoe Loh;
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  • 54 5 U.P. LONDON, May 9.—Acccrding to well-informed sources i n political circles. Winston Churchill has decided to abandon leadership of the Conservative Party as soon a? the present economic crisis is ended. Both Churchill and Herbert Morrision have resigned from the Commons Committee of Privileges. Both will be
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 280 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The announcement was made yesterday that full co-operation in next week's "Safety First" campaign will be forthcoming from the Services. The "Safety First" committee welcomes this cooperation since service drivers too, who make use of Singapore's highways to a very considerable
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  • 54 5 Q —What is the corre c t procedure when turning or reversing a vehicle. A—Never turn or reverse your vehicle unless you have satisfied yourself that it is safe to do so. It is better to back into a side road or entrance and then come forward
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  • 89 5 Reuter. Tokio, May B.—Japan's Liberal Premier Shigeru Yoshidi* met the Social Democrat leader Tetsu Katayama today and asked him to form a new Government. Katayama told correspondents afterwards he would consult the head of the four major political parties tomorrow. Yoshida had
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 67 5 The Vietnam delegation to the Inter-Asian Conference, in a message to the people of Malaya, urged them to support their fight for independence "by prevent)n all French warships, merchant ships and planes from passing through Penang and Singapore on their way to Vietnam." The message also
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  • 51 5 Broadcasts to English Schools, which open again on Monday will be on wavelengths of 485 metres and 44 metres. Broadcasts to Malay Schools for Tuesday will be on wavelengths of 225 metres and 62 metres Broadcasts to Chinese Schools continue on 225 metres and 62
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  • 43 5 U.P. LONDON, May 8—A Daily Telegraph dispatch from Teheran tonight said Russia was reported to be building military installations on the Iranian island of Ash ur ad a and Phirouzeh in the Caspian Sea. The Soviet troops occupied the islands during the war.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 709 5 Legal Status Question The Singapore Federation of Trade Unions has just submitted a memorandum to His Excellency the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, soliciting "your Excellency's invaluable assistance" in reconsidering the action taken by the Registrar of Societies in rejecting the Federations application
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  • 96 5 Reuter. New York. May 7.—The newspaper PM published a report from its London correspondent today saying Mr. Ernest Bevin told a private meeting of the Labour Party foreign affairs committee that Generalissimo Stalin assured him m Moscow the Soviet Government had no objection to the stationing
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 258 5 NEW DELHI, Air Mail:—The man who fed thousands of 14th Army troops during the advance frum Kalewa to Mandalay, Colonel Sirdar Bakshi Singh Chimni. 0.8.E.. R.1.A.5.C., Colonel-in Charge Administration, Bombay Sub-Area, will be the Indian officer to take up. shortly, tne
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  • 130 5 U.P. New Delhi, May B.—The Muslim League newspaper. "Dawn." of which Indian Interim Finance Minister Liaquat Al: Khan is director said today that India cannot and will not ever agree to any down-scaling of her legitimate dues from Britain. Commenting on British Chancellor of Exchequer Hugh Dalton's
    U.P.  -  130 words
  • 150 5 Reuter. London. May B.—The Indian Trade Exhibition, for "advance publicity until restrictions on imports into Britain are relaxed,'* was opened in London today by the Indian Trade Commissioner B. C. A. Cook. "Of course," the Trade Commissioner told Reuter, "as most of the exhibits are classed as
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 711 5 A legal tussle for the sites on which stand the Alhambra and Marlborough Theatres began at the Fourth Singapore Magistrate's Court yesterday afternoon. The case is between the Commissioner of Land versus the Executor and Trustees of the Estate of Tan Cheng Kee
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  • 185 5 Reuter. London. May B.—lf Indian leaders would acknowledge the profound advantages of running inland road and rail transport as a truly public utility undertaking. India would reap a rich harvest of the courageous enterprise. Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Slaughter f.ormer ector of the
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 30 5 A good attendance marked the reopening of the Volunteer H.Q. Mess yesterday. The Mess is open to all members, past and ure-ent. of the M.R.N.V.R. SJB. V.F.. F.M.S.V.F., and M.V.A.F.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 KEGuLAR SHIPMENTS OF CHEVROLET TRUCKS Arriving .H'XE onwards Orders may be booked direct at any of our Branches B <>R\EO MOTORS LTD. RTMr Tyapnpir MALACCA —MEREMBAN KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENANG
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    • 101 5 Cool Fragra nt M for your daily use Dab your brow, your neck, your arms with Tata's Eau-de-Cologne on a hot day! Its cool astringent touch brings you relief from heat aird fatigue, for its delicate scent is like a breath of cool air from the HillsIt helps you to
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  • 654 6 'Legs' For Sale In Ipoh! (From Our Own Correspondent) IPOH. Necessity is the mother of invention. This age-old adage has never been better exemplified than by local ingenuity which has resulted in the manufacture of artificial limbs, not mere stumps, to replace legs that have
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  • 173 6 U.P. I ONDON. May B.—Sir Stafford J Chops, the President of the Board of Trade, announced tonight the details of a three-year £35 000,000 provisional trade agreement with Poland. In an official report circulated in the Commons he reported that Poland has agreed provisionally to
    U.P.  -  173 words
  • 287 6 Follow ing on the departure next Saturday. May 17, ol His Excellency the Governor on heme leave. Mr P. A. B. McKerron. Colonial Secretary, be officially installed as Orhcer Administering the Government Of Singapore. The in>tallation ceremony win take place at 10 a.m. on
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  • 58 6 Produced on a charge of having posed as a detective and searched the person of Ho Cheng Huat at Kailang Road on Thursday morning, 35-year-old Ong Boon Tang pleaded not guilty before the Second Police Magistrate. Mr. L. C. roh. yesterday. He was ordered to be remanded till
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  • 56 6 Kang Koon Seng (37) wa s ordered yesterday at the Second Magistrate's Court to be remanded in custody till to-day. Kang had appeared on a charge of extorting $25 from R Renganathan at the Happy World at 7.30 p.m. on May 9. The accused U alleged to have
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  • 335 6 SHARE MARKET (Tribune Financial Corr.) The local share markets were quieter all round yesterday with a reduction in turnover. The industrial market generally was firm and the inactivity in this section was due more to scarcity of scrip than to lack of support. Breweries were being soughi,
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  • 98 6 Market Reporter The rubber market opened quietly yesterday morn ins with very few buyers in evidence. Later, considerable Quantities were offered in the market and prices dropped half a cent to three-quarters of a cent with further sellers left over. The S.C.C.R.A.a rubber prices at noon yesterday
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  • 58 6 Reuter. NEW YORK. May B.—The disappointing General Motors first quarter earnings exerte a dampening effect causing stocks to decline slightly. Later a quiet selective rally left the market irrognlar. Narrow and dull trading lowed after which slightly increased pressure brought an easier tendency. The market closed
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 21 6 The Notts County Council approved a £19,000,000 education development plan, which will be put into effect in the next is years.
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  • 109 6 Reuter. London, May 8 —Decreased animation, counted with some pro-fit-taking made for little irregularity in the final dealings, but nevertheless the understone wa* generally firm. British Funds held Arm throughout, except old Consols which were finally unaltered while Foreign Bonds recorded >little movement, apart from a slight
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 188 6 Don Juan was a piker flPl^^P^^^^**' in comparison! Come and learn *fIH, JDrOWn" more from CASANOVA! j Midnight T ui^^j^^ Voted v: nnimouslv as 7 I TARZAN ever produced! j "THIS IS THE BEST PICTURE I HAVE V EVER SEEN' *v J s*ys Edgar Rice Burroughs, author of Tarzan, thrills.
      188 words
    • 129 6 I GALA OPENING TImJT^ j "'5 SHOWS 1-15, 3-30, 6-30,9; I 12 p.m. MID-NICHT SHO\yi j Concluding Instalment C hapter j1 \r^J^ 5 MORE thrills: j of Featuring: gfiK WORLD FAMOUS OLYMPirx 1 CHAMPION! 4 5 j CONDEMNED! ij FLOGGED!! j TORTURED!!; BUT TO-DAYjlllßi ftt 1 UL 4 15p m
      129 words

  • 222 7  -  CHANCES DISCUSSED... (By "MAN-AT-THE-RAILS" P> F -i.—With the going likely to be good, keen r inn s rxpected foi the first day of the Penang Turf r jb H« s> which is scheduled to commence at 2.30 njn tonv>! row. V Rolen's candidates, who
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  • 66 7 ii to represent the ins in a game of linst the Changi Cirta Club at Changi ill be selected from ng: Maurice SobrieR drifues, Dr. Wong Hr i rham Clue Choon. 1 Silva. Soon Chee, Danker, A. A. Beins, *tulin Chin, Balan. S. M. M T a-'do, E.
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  • 29 7 Due to a last minute hitch in tfoc arrangements, tonight's boxing scheduled to be held at the Happy World Stadium has been postponed, probably t*> next Saturday.
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  • 141 7 The Junior Civil Services Association held the REME 'B' Coy to a goalless draw in a friendly soccer match played on the McNair Road ground yesterday. Exchanges were more or less even, although the REME displayed.! a sligh superiority in speed. Midway through the
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  • 79 7 The Merrilads will meet the Trafalgar Football XI at soccer tomorrow at Mental Hospital ground at 5 p.m. Player s and supporters are requested to meet at corner of Joo Chiat Road and Koon Seng Road at 4 p.m. for transport. Players: Yew Tim, Hock Guan, Teck Seng,
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  • 54 7 The Jollilads Athletic Union yesterday beat Singapore District at soccer at Fort Canning by two goals to one. Exchanges were even in the first half, with neither side oelng able to score. Krishnan, the Jollilads leftwinger, netted in both goals while Chapman scored for the
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  • 44 7 The Hospital Youngsters beat the Ceylon Sports Club fourone in a game of soccer payed on the Medical College ground. Scorers for the Youngsters were D. Marimuthu two; G. Nadarajah one, and K. Thambl one. A. Shegaran scored the only goal for the CSC.
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  • 879 7 RACE ONE HORSES, CLASSES 3& 4 (Combd) DIV. 2— o\ FURS. 0 0 PAGEANT 9.04 Mr. S. C. Wong and "Madam Chan" Van Breukeien 1 1 3 WYNMALEN 9.04 "Nonya Kongsi" Van Breukeien 0 0 0 HARLEM PRINCESS 9.01 Mr. Cheah Hock Heng Van Breukeien 2 4 BITTER
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  • 123 7 Football League SCFA (1) vs SCFA (2». Jalan Besar, 5 p.m. Soccer Old Franciscans v s Changi "Hvilian Sports Club, at Changi transport 95 Waterloo St., 4 p.m. Menial Hospital vs Seaforth Highlanders, M.H. ground, 5 p.m. Cricket Selangor Eurasians vs SRC, Padang, 2 p.m. (and tomorrow 11
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  • 123 7 (By "Celluloid") Singapore's Table Tennis champions will be seen in action at the Great World Sports Hall at eight o'clock tonight when the Singapore Amateur Table Tennis Association will open the season with an exhibition match between the Chinese Sports Association, winners of the 1946 inter-club
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  • 116 7 Reuter. ST. HELIER, Jersey, May B.— Thousands of people watched exciting duels and high speed dashes in the Jersey international road race today and saw R. ParnelL, British driver, flash past the winning post at the wheel of an Italian Maserati. Frenchman L. Chiron, also driving a
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 46 7 U.P. YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio, May 9. —Tony Zale, world's middleweight chtmpion, of Gary, Indiana, registered a 5-round technical knock-out over Cliff Becket, a pugilist from Montreal. It was a tune-up for Zlae for his proposed erturn to a title fight with Rocky Garzlano this summer.—UP.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 539 7 STADIUM SOCCER Peafortli Highlanders Ist. 3. Singapore Rovers U The Seaforth Highlanders have proved themselves one of the strongest Service soccer sides at present in Singapore and yesterday, at Jalan Besar, they lived up to their reputation when they outplayed the Singapore
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  • 55 7 Reuter. LONDON. May B.—George Allison, wellknown secretary manager of Arsenal Football Club, is retiring from football management at the end of May and is to return to jourralism. When Allison succeeded the late Herbert Chapman as Arsenal manager 13 years ago he became the highest
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 22 7 Reuter. PARES, May 8 —Gustave Degouve beat Vince HaWfcins or polnts in a 10-round middleweight boxing contest here tonight—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 MARIA MONTEZ v try To i FUTURE! 1947~is~your *;Una c year if you know how I c Vantage of it. Let J guide you a!o::g the Road PROF. T. B LAM. Occulist 11, Malacca t Singapore. Hours: 10 M. to 5 30 P.M ODEON CABARET TAKES THE LEAD to GIVE
      97 words
    • 229 7 MARLBOROUGH Daily: 3.30. 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. Your favourites stars: SITARA. PRITHVIRAJ with Nazir, Gope ard Kumar IN "BHA LAI" (Hindustani) AU new dances songs and also full of comedy. Released by South-East Asia Film Co SINGAPORE. TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT: ASHOK KUMAR and MUMTAZ SHANTI In "KISMET" (Hindustani>_ OPENING TODAY
      229 words

  • 54 8 U.P. LONDON. May 9. The Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch from Istanbul, said tonight that the first deliveries of 500 British fighter-planes to Turkey were expected to arrive soon. The dispatch said, "The consignment will make Turkey the strongest air-power in this part of
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 104 8 There will be ;i short musical recital immediately after Evenscng in the St. Andrew's Cathedra; en Sunday from 6.30 p.m. to 7 p.m.: The programme will be as follows:---1. a. The Question b. The Answer W. Wolstenholnie Organ Ist—Miss S. If. Foster 2. "It is enough"
    104 words
  • 81 8 U.P. GENEVA. May B.—Russia today blocked a measure suggested by America and sup ported by Britain and France which would allow the immediate admission to the Eurooean Economic Commission on a consultative ba&is of all nonmember Euiooean nations except Spain. The Soviet Ambassador to Prague and
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 170 8 Missing Persons Certificates Of Death 'Tribune Staff Reporter) I People who have lost their relatives during the Japanese occupation and who have witnesses to testify that their relatives were last seen at a concentration camp can apply at the Singapore Social Welfare Department for a Certificate of Deatn. They need
    170 words
  • 422 8 Lord Templewood Says Reuter. OXFORD. May 9.—Despite the Viceroy's almost superhuman efforts the state of Indian affairs was growing: worse, declared Lord Templewood. former British Ambassador in Spain and former Secretary of State for India, when he addressed the Oxford University Cons< rvative Association tonight.
    Reuter.  -  422 words
  • 364 8 Reuter. LONDON, May 9.—Agreements on India's and Egypt s sterling balances, if and when reached will almost certainly contain a clause entitling those 'countries to use their blocked sterling to buy out British investments and other assets there. This does not mean that all such
    Reuter.  -  364 words
  • 464 8 (Tribune Staff Reporter) There are 17 air services to the United Kingdom from or via Singapore per week—six services operating from Australia to the United Kingdom via Singapore and one from Singapore direct, under the management of the 8.0.A.C. and Quantas Empire Airways; five
    464 words
  • 118 8 Reuter. LONDON. May 9. Jean Ridge. 21. of no occupation or lixed home, who was alleged to have posed as an airman calling herself Air Commodore David Blake, to obtain £00 'rem Sister Simpson of thr Prince of Wales Hospital, was at
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 33 8 New-York May 9. —The recently appointed Chinese Ambassador to Turkey. Dr. Ti Tsun. sailed for Ankara aboard the U.S. liner American-accompanied by Mme. Li and their two sons. John. 14. and Jame>. 11.
    33 words
  • 81 8 Reuter. LONDON. May 9.—Streets of the city of London were swept this morning for the first time in ten days when 1.000 Corporation workmen, including dustmen, cleaners and grave diggers went b ck to work. Last night it decided to resume work this morning.
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 225 8 CLARKE RANGERS The following will represent the Singapore Clarke Rangers in a game of cricket against th Royal Engineers, at Ayer Rajah Roaa on Sunday, 11 a.m..—a. Jansen icapt.i, F. M. Ali, M, Shah. H. Shah.- M. S. Gill. M: Wilson. A. R a Omar. R. Samy. Ali
    225 words
  • 42 8 A sucial will be held at the Colonials Cricket Club Chambers on Sunday at 6 p.m in honour of the Ex-Convener Mr. Aryachandra's departure to Ceylon, and two other Colonialites, going on furlough. All members are requested to be present.
    42 words
  • 17 8 Reuter. LONDON, May 8. Rugby League results: Hull and Kingston Rovers 31 Keighly 7 Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 242 8 Reuter. LONDON, May 8-Tudor M nstrel m 1( winner is a hotter favourite than eve, l and at tonight s Victoria Club call, at 6-5 after all offers of 5-4 had wanted. He was backed to win £5,000 Blue Train also short-endeu irom his previous price 01
    Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 146 8 Reuter. CAMBRIDGE, May 9-—Cam-beaten by South Africa by an bridge University batsmen never looked like making any sort of innings and 153 run s after less than an hour's play today. Cambridge were in a practically hopeless position when they resumed their second innings
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 49 8 The following will represent Smgipore Renger s again>t Parker Cup IX on Sunday at Telck Kurau English School ground Kick-off at 5.15 n m. Rangers team: Khamis Hakim. Kader M K. Hussain. Bujang. Ibrahim. Ah Leong. T. Peters. P. Peters. Toourney. Ha~him. Ahmad Yativa. Bakar Sulong.
    49 words
  • 38 8 Reuter. COPENHAGEN. May Denmark, who were due to play in the 2nd round of the European zone Davis Cup next week, have withdrawn following the inability to play of one of theii leading lawn tennis players. Jannik Ibse.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 72 8 Reuter. PARIS Ife, 8 France may com??* stunt French lor larger fleß among French d'scussea at a 2£j «U* next al allege to be inadel,' 1 ol Finance asking increase fr„ m rfx 2Tl??«5 cent.-wlrch w 72t}° 2*3 additional 4,ooo.o«? tn£* :n viae money ran x «;.>
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 42 8 Players are iiweSdtoS? l at H.nta Road at 9 am on Sunday to P X cer against the Vfa r ß w Pfhat: L pet, Thurai mgam See J-S Thanga, Men* (SJ oSS £hariff, and ChandS*
    42 words
  • 66 8 The following will team the Mental Hospital in a a* of soccer against the Sea'oHighlanders today .and ■gainst Uu Wireless on Wedn Bda} it the Men:* Hospital ground, 5 p.m. Bar Ciiee. Cheong Yong Chin. Sahai Penengah, IfcrhaaL Haji Tahir. Yousuff Tain: Ahmad Thamby. Eng Kee, P Balleh,
    66 words
  • 55 8 Th Cosmos Xi rill be select cv from the following to play j friendly soccer match at tht Jal n Besar Btadimo on Monday against the RAF < Kick off at 5.15 p.m. A. Rahim Sattii. Tob Chin Geok. Goh Guar, C:.u> Harith, Hj. Appaw Lloyd. Jaffar
    55 words
  • 51 8 Tiic foil twing pia. m \u!l bf selected lay football forH Cay naugii Youngsters the REME a IfeNair W ground lomortow. Osman. :,g Gee Krfcb* samy, S attar, Ltoyd, B i j R. nni Arthu Ibrahim, Bariv. b< og Soo, Balsa G- and Mulhia. Itahmood and Motad.
    51 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 Church Services St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain), 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist, 10.30 D.m., Matins, following by Holy Communion at 11.15, 5.30 pin Evensong. St. Hilda's Church, Katong: 8 a.m. Holy 4 Communion 530 p.m. Evensong. St. Paul's Church, Upper .Serangoon: 8 a.m. Holy Communion. Evensong: 5.30 p.m.
      147 words
    • 57 8 A y HE'S yfv back: A THE SAINT (J 3EWARE I PEKING LACE <<> 66. North Bridge Ro.<d (near High Streetj CAMPHORWOOD CHESTS ALL CAMPHORWOOD ALL CARVED JUST ARRIVED FROM CHINA CHARGES MODERATE. JUST RECEIVE 0 i RAYON PIECE GOODS and other articles of the l atest Derff* A I
      57 words