Malaya Tribune, 5 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune 0 THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously in Singapore Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Account* 5815 IK. III PAGES SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1947 TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot
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  • 40 1 I ;..r- of the "STOOGE", Britain's first radioed rocket missile mace by the Faircv Aviation mpany. It has a speed in excess of 500 mph, and is U ortbcd>* desnrn It i s fired from alO ft firing ramp
    40 words
  • 540 1 Reuter. RUSALJSM; May 4.—Two hundred and fifty-one A*ab prisoners escaped from Acre prison, lestine, tonight after Jewish terrorists had hole in the wall of the prison, destine Government stated that most of the 0 escaped were still at large late tonight, rs made their
    Reuter.  -  540 words
  • 52 1 Reuter. 4. The Fraicn JJ* Part tonight decided the iinmedlate exfrom the government of :i ministers whe thk ;it; ihot th( government i_ U;l «ng aiiti who refused 1 a consequence of The :> is subject to K by the Party s nmrobly which has
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 191 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Two Chinese, believed to be members of the "Three Stars Society' of extortion- ers, were arrested yesterday following a trap set by the C.I.D. after a report had been made by a shop-keeper In New Bridge Road. An extortion letter was
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  • 79 1 U.P. VIENNA, May, 4.—Gen. Mark Clark today accused the Ruosians of urging an Austrian Treaty "uictated by them" which would mortgage Austria's political sovereignty and economic life. Pausing to greet crowds of Austrian* while on his way to Italy, Clurk s.iid the Soviets "did not live
    U.P.  -  79 words
  • 255 1 Reuter. COLOMBO. May 4.—Trebitsch Lincoln, former British Member of Parliament who was suspected of being a German spy during the 1914-18 war. and whose death in Shanghai was reported by the Japanese in 1943. fa still alive according to a report in the Times r>|
    Reuter.  -  255 words
  • 155 1 Against SFTU Outlawing (Tribune Stall Reporter) Eighty-six Singapore labour unions affiliated to the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions are to make a sharp protest against Government's sudden decision to outlaw the SFTU. These unions, at a geneial meeting this morning, elected a
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  • 284 1 Reuter. NEW DELHI. May 4.—The Congress Working Committee adjourned to night after a day of intense political activity. Gandhi in a 90-minute interview with Viceroy Lord Mountbatten, gave him. it is believed, appraisal of the attitude of Congress High Command to general question
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 139 1 NAIROBI. May. 4.—The for- mation Of a united front with Africans against tiu Britisii Government's plan lor fUHlre administration of East Africa is bring contemplated by the I East African Indian National Congnss. it was learned today. The Congress is also cons der- ing sending
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  • 49 1 Reuter. NEW DELHI. May 4 —Women Muslim League demonstrators squatting on the railway line at Peshawar today held up the Bombay expres> to Lahore for two hours. The wooden sleepers were set on fire in an unsuccessful attempt to interfere with anoiher stretch of lineReuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 88 1 STRIP TEASED BY ROBBER Reuter. LONDON. May. 4. Tne clothing shortage in Britain had awkward consequences for a Londoner last night when gunmen stopped him shortly after dark near his home in Victoria and made him strip off his clothes in the strei t. The thief ran off with the
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 153 1 U.P. NENANA. ALASKA. May. 4. Nineteen lucky Alaskans spit a $150,000 pot when the mighty Tan ma River broke its winterlong ict jam at 7.53 p.m.. Pacific Standard time. The ice broke j unspecacuiarly with no jam- miiig pr flooding, but all lour bui> In this
    U.P.  -  153 words
  • 38 1 Reuter. untitled Cyprus. May 4. About 100.000 Greek orthodox Cypriots voted today >n the election of 1.000 representatives who will rommate a candidate for election a- Archbishop of Cyprus and of th e Autocephalotts Church of Cyprus.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 199 1  -  (By "Man-At-The Rails" PENANG Mon.—Additional in, terest wa s added to this morning's training with the arrival oC Van Breukelen's charges, who ail showed well to advantage. Another stir was caused when one of trainer Rodgers' co-tl.v importations. Prince Fred, not entered tor this meeting, threw his
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  • 144 1 Jews UNO: Compromise Plan Likely Reuter. NEW YORK. May 4 —Observers here tonight forecast a compromise plan tomorrow U> give Jewry some voice in the United Nations General Assembly discuss! ons on Palestine—the issue on which a clear wa N revtaled in the plenary session yesu j rday Soviet Russia
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. LONDON. May 4.—Lt.-General H. C. H. Robertson. C.-in-C, British Commonwealth Force? iv Japan, arrived in England by aip today to attend the Chief ol imperial General Staffs conference. With him were Ma j. -General Ersk'ne. General Officer Commanding land forces. Hongkong, and Air Vice-Marshal Bouchier, Commanding
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 That WiP Charm Yoi Rl ADV MADF AND MADE TO ORDER HERE IS BEAUTY! I AMERICAN Printed LAMBSKIN 38" wide $4.50 per yard. RAYON CREPE DE CHINE' IH" wide $3.50 per yard. I Quality always tells j i i I i <■! W Sl \<-H A 30-1 RAFFLES PLACE 2483,
      52 words
    • 141 1 For Reliable and PrecisDn Watches at Moderate prices Your C hild needs /V \y/ lIEN a hlid 8le «P 9 -->oundlv and peacefully Nature has h*r It V opportunity to restore strength anden«-iyv—which alt active for the* 1 *n52» 80 freely- and 10 b uild up reserves of vitality A
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  • 220 2 Shanghai May 4 —Chanting demanding severe punishment for speculators and hoarders about 2.000 Chinese paraded the streets in trucks and this afternoon in a demonstration against the high price Of rice and other commodities here. A top feature of the procession, which was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 576 2 SITUATION VACANT ENGLISH FIRM requires qualified experienced Engineers for installation and maintenance of sound on film reproducing and recording equipment. Apply stating experience and qualifications to Box 538, M.T. WANTED BRITISH OFFICER (Lt.-Col) will shortly require accommodation Singapore, central or vicinity Tanglfci. Family ineiudes two children 5 and 7 years.
      576 words
    • 912 2 j Holland East Asia Line s.s. "THORBEOKE" due Singapore appr. 20th May loading for Colombo Aden Port Said Genoa Antwerp Rotter cam Hamburg and further CONTINENTAL Ports If sufficient inducement offers For cargo and particulars apply to:— Nederland Line ROYAL DUTCH MAIL 41, Robinspn Road TEL: 7128. The Master Contractors
      912 words
    • 425 2 BOOKS j Giant Heme Workshop Manual $11.00 PorLunesr in Formulas 6.50 A. B. C's. of Diesel Engines 6.50' Everybody's Radio Manual 4.50 New Medical Dictionary. Illustrated by A. D. Baker F. M. Margerison 5.00 Kelly Walsh Lfd j Booksellers. Sta-ioners, Raffles Place Singapore.! NOTICE SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY The Public is notified
      425 words
    • 566 2 SHI PP] n G MANSFIELD CuTutP (Incorporated in Singapore* BLUE FUNNEL LINE j "India Mail" from U.S. A "Samuta" from U.K. for Batavia 'Diomed" saus for Genoa. Marseilles °33 Havre. Liverpool and "Ajax" saUs for Liverpool gM 8 "Calchas" sails for Liverpool *tj 13 ,w P6lyphemus" sails for Liverpool and
      566 words

  • 134 3 Sir Han Hoe Lim To Fly To London (Our Own Reporter) in ,11. May 4.—lt is reliably learnt that the CarrSaunders i emission on higher education in Malaya ,1 their renort much earlier than originally expected. I! is i eiieved that the report will
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  • 42 3 May, 4. Radio day that Mexiadr Luciano Jubian a i iv< d in Moscow on Sa: and was met at the protocol officials of Ministry and the Mine Embassy Charge d* Aff Cresp de la Serna.— U P
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  • 202 3 LONDON. May 3. -James Mullin Murray. 15-year-old son ot a Scots nnneworker. Is going to live in a Miami mansion and go to ;an American university. And all because of his smile. I which won him a fairy godfat tier. Jimmy's father, Mr.
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  • 161 3 U.P. SOUTHAMPTON. May, 4.— Seven tugboats battled for an hour today before preventh.g a south-easterly wind from blowing the giant Cur.ard V/hite Star liner Queen Mary, sister ship of the QUeen Elizabeth, into the Suuthampton Harbour quay wall The Queen Mary
    U.P.  -  161 words
  • 266 3 WHITE NEGRO PRISONERS CLASH U.P. and Reuter. FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, May 4.— One prisoner was trailed to death, another seriously stabbed and five others injured as a result of a race not between White and Negro prisoners at the "United States Army disciplinary
    U.P. and Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 183 3 Reuter. LONDON, May 4.—An atomically profiled warship which would have -no immediate refuelling problems is envisaged in a statement issued by the Admiralty which says: "Many lines of inquiry present themselves." On the dt 'ensive side "the Navy has to apply lessons learned by observers of the Bikini
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 397 3 U.P. LONDON, May 4.—-George Be rnard Shaw insiste d today that it was all a case of mistaken bewhiskered identity. "After all" he said "anybody with a grey beard may look a bit like Shaw." The controversy had arisen over whether the
    U.P.  -  397 words
  • 137 3 U.P. London, May 4.—The Sunday Chronicle reported today that the British film magnate, J j Arthur Rank, has draw.i plans for a gigantic televison stud o I from which films and live shows could be televized directly to his I chai-i of theatre. The Chronicle said
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • 90 3 Reuter. Nairobi. May. 4.--Flying boat. I are to replace the four-engined I York aircraft on 8.0.A.C. service I from Britain to South Africa by the end of the year M. Corabie. General Manager ox the Eas Afri -an Airways said here today The flying boats
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 107 3 Jap "Tiger" "Wolf" To Hang U.P. SHANGHAI, May. 3- -The Ministry of National Defence has approved the death sentences given io former Japanese military police chiefs Jiro Shimoda anu Yonemura. Ciiincse witnesses described Shiinoda as the "Tiger of Kiaiigyin" and Yonemura the "Wolf of Chailgshu" for alleged slaughter of hundreds
    U.P.  -  107 words
  • 197 3 "SAFETY FIRST" (Tribune Staff Reporter.) The curtain will go up today on the preliminary set-up in connection with Singapore's "Safety First Week", which in scheduled to be officially bunched on Monday next. May HP. At 10.30 this morning. 700 so krted teachers and senior students, picked
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  • 123 3 U.P. Hongkong. May 3 —A Pill to curtail the exhibition of American films in the colony has been re-introduced before the Legislative Council and Will >000 become law. Attorney General J. B. Griffin, introducing the measure. sa>d it is designed to "prevent
    U.P.  -  123 words
  • 172 3 U.P. MANILA. May 3.—The missing Chinese "vase", which was bchevM to contain smuggled ?inrnesc jewel hoard worth a quarter of a million do); i located today and turned out io be a silver tray with false bottom which yielded *25,00< -..•:iih cf diamonds. &ngs
    U.P.  -  172 words
  • 46 3 U.P. BERLIN. May. 4.—American Military Government has provided Russia with approximately 28. 000,000 marks worth of reparations from the advance reparations pool, allocated to the Soviets under the Potsdam Agreement. United St -tes Military Governm. Nt ofrhial aid today.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 261 3 More than 150 top ranking officers of the three Services are assembling to take part in Exercise Spearhead"—the second of Field Marshal Montgomery's series of conferences and study periods which starts at Camberley Staff College today. "Spearhead" is concerned with the study of combined operations
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  • 42 3 U.P. SAN JOSE. COSTA RICA. May 4.—Eleven persons were killed when a Central American Air Transport Company plane fTACA) en a local flight crashed and burned near Nicoya, In Guanaste Province. Taca officials confirmed the crash reports but could give no details.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 198 3 <By Tribum: Film Critic). "Second Motherland." the second film to be produced loemllv by Shaw Brother-; Studios, had a private preview before a large crowd of members of the local press, md actresses who took part, in the him and their friends, at the Rex
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 Xi(,i;;i<Mtfa2tXisMl Ji product of I tne M Froducers: Boh Plantations Li; lited Distributor.-;: Harper Gilfillan Co., Ltd. X i LumpUr and Branches Malaya. r nwmw m mww whmj mvi-- m AMERICAN OPTIC AL'S MODERN SPECTACLEWEAR Numont Fu'-Vue Rimles" Rimway Ful-Vue R'm'ess I iwe flex Ful-Vue Rimless Zv Are Ful-Vue GF
      164 words
    • 162 3 \Phone 6445 j WINMORE STORE Supplies Your Daily Needs at Controlled Prices!! I 3, Collyer Quay 14,16 De Souza Street, Singapore. <—————c—— a—w—wg I—' M —hmmmm— STORE TELE 2287 IPOH TELE 106 FOR "Kaa*li* Brantl" 3 ircular Saws; MADE IN SHEFFIELD ASK BELTING ASBESTOS CO., LIMITED IPOH SINGAPORE. r TM>
      162 words

  • 516 4 Income tax has been freed on the Colony of ng Kong in defiance of wishes of the people. Government has been "lied to abandon all ence of proceeding -.sonable constitutional es and has applied presure to get the measure through the Legislative Council with unseemly
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  • 1594 4  -  "Bring about the social and intellectual elevation of the people who belong to the country and to whom the country belongs By Eric Mitchell SPECIAL TRIBUNE COMMENTATOR "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job Those were very brave words spoken in England's dark
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  • 269 4 Although there are eightyfive thousand acres still flooded in England, it is too ?arly to state how much of land overrun by water in the recent disastrous weather will bear no useful crop this year, but it is believed some unofficial reports are now
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  • 669 4 Letters To The Editor The People's Postbag Sir,—l am very to learn from your paper that many Singapore bosses touk so much Interest to find out wiiat Lny real name is, and uhal one company even went so far as to offer a reward to any of
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  • 164 4 Russian interest in India is increasing with the British withdrawal, and the Indian question is being used in the Russian campaign against Britain. It is certain that since Britain has been trying in vain to establish, relations with India en a new basis, the Soviet Government
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  • 40 4 U.P. Rifle companies untitled equipment and supplies flown to Alaska *t approx lv o-e month Inter 1 completion of its ir.mi W J companies will be flown bj» a permanent station United States. The exen will terminate on Mi»cn —UP,
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 THE LOVELY AMERICAN LATEST NUMOUNT RIMLESS GLASSES Glasses that blend with beauty and sharpen appearance with clean cut good taste and style. They are cushioned against breakage. EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Optician* 19, Chulia Street, Telephone 4435, Singapore._
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 61 4 Strange As It Seems Thomas A EMON discovered' 7^ Kr PRINCIPLE OF ELECTRICS Am 0 Sp ■f "i I VEA( |T AS CALLED "W £OiS0Ni ef^-t ShfflNE OF THESELF-MPDE Sff/NT— H ASHEM-BAHK, WHO 5l)lLT A TOM5 i^i^T FOR HIMSELF WHO HAD TO GET j|iJ|il|«M Uf PERMISSION F0OM THE BRITISH v^^f^|W
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  • 450 5 MOTHER ON CHILD-MURDER CHARGE LONDON, May 3.—An occasion when a child's body was hidden in a suitcase while people, unaware of the fact, attended a drinking party in the same room, was described at Bow Street. The magistrate, after hearing of it,
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  • 122 5 London. May 3. i: Qder, stage star. I and nad ins licence Im ing at 44 m.p.h. road at Puriey. ed by tne police he lening to the Nuremi ar has radio (fence was Octo- i I it ion to the magis- 1
    122 words
  • 71 5 Lon on, May 3.--A warrant arrest ol Jack Doyle the j (W-weight boxer, who J a professional singer in issued by the district 1 En i ;cror».e County when Doyle failed to charge of obtaining intent to defraud a wqj r.less cheque Mrs Mary Burke, of
    71 words
  • 152 5 LONDON, May 3.—Three girls having become the ages of fourteen teen were disclosed at Juvenile Courts. In :.< case or one girl who rteen when she gave to a baby on January 5, her, a gardener's assistant, was fifteen. A resford magistrates boy over tor
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  • 95 5 STUTTGART. May, 4.—The tiial of Hitler's former financial "wizard" Hjaimwr Schacht before the denazification court adjourned to consider the verdict to be announced <>n May 9. Schacht was applauded when he defended himself in the final speech. "The prosecution is wrong if it
    95 words
  • 57 5 Reuter. VENICE. May. 4.-A hushed court hero trying FU'ld Marshal Albert Kesselring. Hitlers Commandeu-in-Chief in Italy. tat war crimes heard the judgeadvocate declare in the Bum-ming-up last night: 'These are the twilight hours of a great soldier." The court went into secret session and the verdict is expected
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 104 5 Reuter. Rangoon, May 4.—A band of about 200 dacoits yesterday held up a freight-train and carried away 27 tons of food ration- near Pegu, north of Rangoon. Meanwhile, it is learned that the police will be supplemented by "mobile striking force' of 1.000 men
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 105 5 A charge that the executioner was drunk when the electricchair failed to kill an 18-year-old Negro condemned to death is made in an affidavit submitted to Mississippi State Pardon Board. The Board is being asked to recommend the Governor to spare the condemned youth Willie Francis,
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  • 80 5 LONDON. May 4. Princess El zabeth. now half way home from South Africa .(board HMS Vanguard, has a new honour awaiting her when she returns to London—the reviewing of tne Horse Guards at the centuriesold pnrade for Trooping of the Colours The Prmcess wearing
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  • 120 5 The Ediswan direct recording Electro Encephalograph (which has become known as the "Lie-detector") was on view at an Exhibition held by the Physical Society at the Imperial College of Science, South Kensington. Tne official description of the f "Lie-detector" is an instrument for recording the electrical
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  • 423 5 From Court to Honeymoon, then to Jail In Twenty-four Hours LONDON, May 3.—Following the shock of hearing her husband sentenced at Bradford and seeing him led away to prison, a young bride, who so far has had a 20--minute honeymoon, is busy at her job as a dress machinist and
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  • 76 5 Hongkong, May 3. —Dwelling rents are to be increased 30 per cent, and rentals on business Dremises 45 r>er cent., according to a bill before the Legislative Council At the present time rents are j I HI fixed at their pre-war level. The ordinance also
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  • 72 5 TIENTSIN. May 4.—Persisi tent press reports that Chiang Kai Shek intends to visit the United States were reiterated by the Tientsin Minkuojihpao. which said that Sun Li Jen, commander of the new first army of Manchuria, is flying to Nanking in order to accompany the Generalissimo as
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  • 120 5 LONDON. May. 3.—Maybe No. 51. Lanpkycrescent. Ashton Vale Estate. Bristol, is Britain's first haunted pre-fab. Maybe it isn't. To ex-Serviceman Mr. Percy Moss, aged 32. and his wife, it's a house of dread. Night after night they have heard things that "go bump" under the
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  • 81 5 U.P. LOS ANGELES. May 3.-The nude, mutilated body of Mrs. Duroihy Montgomery. 36, missing from her home since laast night, was found sprawled under a pepper tree in a vacant lot. spatured with bluod. Her car was found early today abandoned opposite a playground where Mrs.
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 65 5 U.P. LA PAZ, Bolivia, May 3.—At least three persons were wounded and nine arrested when about 100 amud men attacked the security section of the Ministry of Defence today. The Minister of the Interior, Luis Pone Lozada. charged that Victor Paz Estensiono, the former finance minister,
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 27 5 Available for Immediate Installation "the I ATE ST and BEST in Sound-Film Pryecti^ jP GK4O PA PURCHASE TERMS ON APPLICATION S °LE AGENTS H A. O'CONNOR CO.
      27 words
    • 200 5 (%c SECRETof HEALTH. STRENGTHt-VITAIITY/ Amazing FOOD TONIC feeds new HEALTH ENERGY into Jp '~i THIN, WEAK,RUNDOWN people ■fe^J| You pet Rundown, Tired and Depressed only because overwork, worry or ner\e strain have sapped vital Mineral Salts from your system. You must replace these precious elements and re-nourish your Hk jM
      200 words

  • 295 6 The RAF were bundled off for 88 runs in their cricket fixture against the SCRC yesterday at #aya Lebar, and the Chinese passed their score ir their filth wicket partnership. Continuing to bat, .the SCRC had scored 126 runs for the fall of eight wickets at close
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  • 138 6 Reuter. New York. May 3. The dullest Saturday this year found the market ju>t bareiy able to maintain the progress made earlier this week. Price change? were mixed, well divided and mostly fractional with gai;: s slightly in the majority witn numerous operators either away or
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 26 6 Reuter. CHURCHILL DOWNS. (Ken tucky). May 4.—Jet Pilot won the Kentucky Derby, the United States most important horse race. Phalanx finished second and Faultless th rd.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 307 6 Reuter. New York, May 4.—The "New York Times,'* in a section devoted to the review of the week s news, published a dispatch from its London correspondent which declares: Tt is an actual certainty that some form of Pakistan will be forced upon between the Hindus and
    Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 36 6 Reuter. LONDON. May 4 —Lord Ismay arrived at London airport from India this afternoon and was met by representatives of tlv India Office and the War O.Tice. He refused to make any statement— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 112 6 NEW (By Airmail).— Products ranging from paper clips to road arc oeing made in India's Oranance Factories, eight of which are now largely employed in aiding the manufacture of consumer gooas for the public, which Include bTass utensil-, hurricane lanterns, toys. etc. Nearly 30 per
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  • 616 6 PRODUCE MARKETS REVIEW (Tribune Staff Reporter) The steady demand for Siam 3 per cent, white rice emanating from outstation buyers, particularly from Kuala Lumpur, and the good buying inquiries for Java tea. dried chilli and groundnuts provided the bright spots in the
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  • 516 6  -  HOW CHARLTON TRY TO "CASH IN" ON THE CUP (By Vernon Morgan, Renter's Sports Editor) LONDON, May 4.—Appalled by the ever spiralling prices in the soccer transfer market, more and more English clubs are putting away their cheque books and are
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  • 56 6 Reuter. Foliowirg are the Rugby Union results: Aberavon 20, Pontypridd 0. B;ith 8. Gloucester 3. Birkenhead Park 5. Rugby 8. BriUgend 3, Maesteg 17. Cardiff 32. Pcnarth 3. Cheltenham 3, Llanelly 17. Newport fa, Neath 12. Weston-super-Mare 8, Monmouth Police 8. Plymouth Alb on 7. Torquay AtWetic
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 49 6 Reuter. HONGKONG Ha, Mar Hard,, |r 4 Mar.t, m <- r-Kio.ns an c former Prtl i( r J the Royal Na. y ed on Frida> night j n gun battle with -inm u 6n Taishan Island a t U K mcuth ;f Pearl Riverieutor.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 61 6 U.P. LONDON. May i The Suppi.Ministry announced tonight that on and after Monday, the premium for Rnglish refined ti :i Ol 99.9 per cent minimum quality, as sold by the Directorate of Non-ferrous Metals, would b» r creased from £3.1Cj0 to £S.IIJ The customary
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 OPENS TO-DAY; ''fSll 4 shows: 2—4—«.30—0.15 wrTTTv^"?!? hot SUSPENSE! COLD HfITRHER/ EVERY KISS FROM HER UPS.... ...LED HIM NEARER ■HI JO MURDER! pulled the trlggcr th y l was f J lxfillMxl^ Edward G. Robinson r *m r 7f/t Z>v4 Y/ 11 a m P- ni —4-15 p.m. 6.30 p.m.—9.15
      158 words
    • 114 6 THE SCREEN S BIGGEST KOaIANT?( THRU 1 "«•eSr* CATHAY rhone 9.30 X AXX X A 3400 VAX JOHNSON fifcJNIWS INTRODUCING THE 4 TOGETHER 1 METROPOLITAN OPERA STAR *Mf*/ LAURITZ MELCHIOR #W' TOMMY DORSET uct"t M fi£2l<*»«L 'ML NEXT CHANGE M-G-M's Super programme! Alter the horrors of DRUNK DRIVING h&ve kncoketl
      114 words

  • 641 7  -  Establishment Of Committee Urged By GEORGE G. THOMSON < x Britain has sent out invitations to 53 tend the Olympic games of 1948. Britain i:s post-war host to the Olympics an n all her troubles she has not forgots of sport she has done
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  • 557 7 Reuter. LEICESTER, May 3 —Thanks to the splendid innings of 71 not out by their skipper Alan Melville, the South African finished the first day of their match against Leicestershire here in a very strong position being only 5 runs behind with 7
    Reuter.  -  557 words
  • 74 7 Reuter. LONDON. May 4.—The Football Association today announcer the names of 16 players to truir the Continent this month, in Switzerland, at Zurich on May 18. and Portugal, at Lisbon, on May 25. They are: SwtTt, Manchester City; Scott, Arsenal; Hardwick. Middlesbrough; Wright, Wolverhampton;
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 273 7  -  (By Vernon Morgan. Reuters sports editor) Reuter. HIGHBURY, London, May 3.—England gained ample revenge for her narrow defeat in Pans last May oy beating France 3-0 before 54,000 spectators here this afternoon. England won well, getting all the goals in the second half but an accident
    Reuter.  -  273 words
  • 150 7 Reuter. LONDON, May 4 —Great Britain s team to meet the Rest of Europe at Hampden Park. Glasgow, on May lv ha. not given universal sat-'sfaction, but selection Of such a Combination from lour nations was not expected to please everyone uespite criticisms, the
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 34 7 Reuter. DUBLIN, May 4—Portugal, showing more dash and ball control, defeated Ireland 2—o in a football international today. Both goals were scored m the first half before a capacity crowd of 35.00C—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 111 7 Jollilads PBSC Draw At Soccer The Jollilads Athletic Union drew two-ail with the Bukom Sports Club in a friendly game of soccer yesterday at Thomson Road. Osman. the left winger, opened the score for the Jollilads m the first half, and ten minutes after resumption, Bukom equalised through Hamid. their
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  • 22 7 Seaforth Highlanders first Xt vs Cosmos, Jalan Besar, 5.15 p.m VOLLEY BALL CYMA (Portuguese Mission) vs Chung Wah School.
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  • 421 7 LONDON, May 3.—With the international matcn England vs France dominating the soccer programme today there was nevertheless plenty of interest in the league fray with promotion and relegation problems still in the course of being solved. Wolverhampton's important champion sh p game drew
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  • 142 7 Reuter. LONDON, May 4. Three servicemen appear in the British team to compete in the European amateur boxing championships in Dublin from May 12 to 17. They are C.S.M.I. Johnny Ryan, A B A. and Army welterweight champion; Stoker R. Cooper, R.N. lightweight, and
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 334 7 S. K. Sundram, of the Ceylon I SDorts Club, was six shun rtf <x j century when he was caught oy j Daniel off Rajasingham in the cricket match played yes.teiday at Bukit Timah where the C.S.C., i declaring at 215 for
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  • 326 7 The following are the handicaps for the first day of the '«nang lurf Club races on May 10. HORSES. Class 1. Div. 1. 0 Furs Princess Quinevere <late Lady Charming) 10.04 Diplomat 904 Precious Stream 9.J1 Invest 3 12 Run-Rabbit-Run (late Dice Box) 8.08 High Port 8.07
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  • 68 7 SURREY, Nay 3.-His Majesty's class c col Blue Train by Blue Peter out of Sun Chariot scored a convincing victory in a four-horse race for the Sandown Park three-year-old Trial Stakes here today beatirg 61--vernake by three lengths with Permanent Way another three lengths beh nd.
    68 words
  • 39 7 GANTON. Yorkshire, May 3. —Gerald Micklem, a Lonc'on stockbroker, is the r.ew Erg and golf champ on for he beat Charles Stowe. Wolverhampton motor mechanic and former pit worker, by one hole in the 36 holes final here today.
    39 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 j{ j 30 30 p.m. Balanagamma" Thr»H Show on Earth? ' Of The Red Circle' 1 nal Chaps) Quj-ley- Herman Roa d fo Morocco" Birg Crosby OjT Dorothy Lpmour I '-morrow nL -stating Fury! he Fl V in g Tigers' hn Wayne An aa Lee And N ow Tomorrow" Sergeant"
      50 words
    • 201 7 JH > I >J I P,l Imm \MM 'y I *a ■■ill Wm^ LAST FOUR SHOWS 1.30—4—6.30—9.30 p.m. 'NIGHT TRAIN' with Rex Harrison and Margaret Lock wood (A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Release) TOMORROtY For One Day Only Columbia's Magical Musical in Miracle Technicolour "COVER GIRL" with Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly 3
      201 words

  • 126 8 Reuter. OTTAWA. May 3. After a two-day debate the Canadian House of Common* rejected the proposal to res ore prewar fishing licences to Japanese »n British Columbia. Canada's Pacific coast province. No solution was found however to the problem of what to co with
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 104 8 Reuter. TEHERAN. May. 3. -Worker, for the Anglo-Ir nian Oil Company m P. rsia will receive over A600.G00 mox< a year in their pay pacali I under Ihe new Wage; scales approved by the Persian Labour Council, Ahmad Aiamesh, Persian Labour Minist r. announced today.
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 272 8 Fats Shortage Now Very Critical Reuter. BRISTOL, May 4.—Britain has lest £200,000,000 worth of exports as a result of the fuel crisis, said Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade speaking at Bristol's Party May Day celebrations today. He declared: That
    Reuter.  -  272 words
  • 139 8 Reuter. LONDON, May 4.—Nine thousand miners in the country of Durham reporting for their first shift under the five-day week last night were sent home begone on strike after claiming that under the new system they will lose from 30 shillings to £2 per
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 16 8 Reuter. ANTWERP. May 4.—Holland defeated Belgium 2—l in International soccer. Halftime More one each.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 126 8 (From Our Own Reporter) IPOH. The 22-da> strike of employees of the Pe-rak-Hydro Electric has ended r.rd the men. it s uncerstooa, will re urn to Work today. The decision was arrived .it after the Chenderoh branch of the Unian has voted. The
    126 words
  • 70 8 Reuter. ATHENS. May 4 Fifteen villagers were killed ana 20 wounded, including women and children, by an armed banci which attacked the village o! UfeSt Noussa near the Yugoldav frontier. Greek newspaper reports from Salonika stated today. A large band was >aid to have crossed the
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 132 8 WASHINGTON, May 5.— The State Department has set July 15 as the tentative date for the resumption of private trading with Japanese as foreigners. Authoritative sources told the United Press that a combined State, War, Treasury and Commerce Department Mission is
    132 words
  • 46 8 BRITAIN'S TENNIS STAR IN THE MAKING... Miss JOY GANNON, the 19-year-old tennis star in the making, who is making a name for herself this season, photographed in acticn at Sutton during the Surrey Hard Cour- r Championships in which she has reache d the last eight.
    46 words
  • 292 8 U.P. LONDON. May 4.—The first round Davis Cup lawntennis ties have been decided as the result of weekend /Icy. Egypt by winning the doubles in Barcelona yesterday gained 3—o lead to eliminate Spain and in the second round will meet Belgium who today eliminated Luxembourg
    U.P.  -  292 words
  • 421 8 U.P. TOKIO. May 4.—Allied properti of thousands of dollars, ranging fire engines belonging to the Hone the Crown of the Sultan of Pont: ed to lightful owners through the el Allied Command Civil Property Cv P. H. Tansey. Looted items, the restoration of which
    U.P.  -  421 words
  • 290 8 U.P. Regular relays of Brahmms and Sadhus. carrying yellow flags, marked with '«-he sacred swastika of Hinduissm, implemented this protest by squatting outside the residences of felloe Brahmin Jawaharlal Nehru, head of India's interim government. While Sikh policemen stand watch in Nehru's garden, defenders
    U.P.  -  290 words
  • 88 8 Reuter. ROME, May, 4.—ltalian police operations were continuing today to round up men responsible for the "May Day massacre" In which nine people were killec near Palermo, Sicily. So far 120 persons have been detained. The police captured 2* men aftxr a fierce gun battle
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 138 8 U.P. LONDON, ftfe 4 R Old S' P [lil .v!. w WtL all isim*< Stalin tuti J lc pticiim. 1 TI. F neifu Omst&km. commi lit, bu w i „"< Hm Briti ;h soura s said tie V' liiiyi i I Dl VDC it ofers
    U.P.  -  138 words
  • 96 8 Reuter. NANKING. >I. 1 Imbaa* i dor K. P. S. Ifen< n has receta no notification tie will b»- recalled i to India, the spokesman ftl to Indian Embas iay declared day. He made this sUtemeet reply to an Indian rw report that Ambassador mm
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 53 8 A dinner »nd iance a many \r. m nen< guesis present was held l!v pore Chinese Swimi last Saturday even* J orat, ih, Ben, Soon, son ol Wg* Geok Choo. and M:ss K!W Nec, cni: d Hens Keng ai d the Khoo. The J£«s' tached
    53 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 147 8 Protect tfmrr Chest and Resist Disease WUhout sufficient body-reserves resist disease ordinary Tn7 n 2* tl T. ra into more serious fug^ubie I To ,r ai 9f?;, J st surh a oossibilitv. build un your resiatance I W1 h adequate nutrition by taking Hypol HYP O L Contains 100% Cod
      147 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 106 8 '**'>•* WEATHER REPORT Considerable Bn§ht i^^k Periods rf^S^ Singapore weather i «recast for 24 hours, rrom nooa today, compnea by tne R.A.F Central jfturecasLng Station, A*, Comma. ia Far East; Connioerable bright periods at first this afternoon, isolated thundery showers later Fine toright and fair tomorrow morning, with long bright
      106 words