Malaya Tribune, 2 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune II) THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 LIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1947 PRICE TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot
    60 words
  • 243 1 Property Once 'Worth' 50 cts. (By R. B. 001, Tril uoc Ht?if Reporter) A piece of iaad of about 2,000 acres in one of the Best ie&oenUaJ districts of Singapore the Oup area m asu ranjang has been sold to the Army in Singaii<*ik!
    243 words
  • 82 1 London. May I.—The Chinese Embassy announced today that Gen. Hueng Cni-Chiang. had been appointed chief of the Chinese military mission in Germany and will take up his post shortly. The new chief is described as a diplomatic general and official Chinese circles consider the appointment as a
    82 words
  • 44 1 :i. c S uff Repor e>) V off i and another nirat'v hours yes- the police I. Ik same gang l Chinese, stols. 'c ut in two k ca-.ii .«nd T i -> _i\ ws to the it S3.00U in ail.
    44 words
  • 55 1 guards were inis opened fire it 9 lust night C .ua CI m Kang R'.H- tui 11- ci the fire, nr. d and no >" r port-, d. v.. soldiers are in ARREST A r i w Chinese was ar- rday by the C.I.D. with the
    55 words
  • 109 1 Reuter. M..v I.—The Briii Minister. Mr Beoe< ih here tonigh rrom disease m i' v f n m Nazi perseV c '''dossal. he wa* m Poland on on his way back n Mi is ers' conthe Prime Minister him that Poland's which was formerly today only ro through
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 58 1 Reuter. BANGKOK. May 1. Stem's n<>\\ immigration quo as. effective today onwards, tixes Chinese immigration a t and □th*»r foreign countries 200 annually. The Chinese Embassy here is a* present nego-if for r-s--1 s the qucta to 18.000 allowing 10.000 at present in China
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 72 1 Reuter. Bangkok, May I. —The Chinese Embassy here revealed tarn China paid £573.313 through a Ba.ik of England ransfer in payment for 23,000 to -s cf rice shipped to China uncer the triparcke agreement I- is understood America paid U.S. $4500.000 for rice shipped to the
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 58 1 HONGKONG. May 2. Sir Mark Youne left tor Can.on this mor ing to decora c Gei-t--ral "Ironsic.e' Cha; g Fa-kuei, Director of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's headquarters in Canton, with the C BE. This was awarded Gen. Cha' g in connec ion with his assistance to the British
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  • 54 1 PcrthcavU. Glamorgan. Ma? 2. The Mumbles lifeboat "Eaward Pr:» cc of Wales', wrecke' off Skor Port&cawl, la:t week fa ;.n attempt to rescue the crew of the "Sam Tampa" was jurnt today. Tne Swansea Mayor's Fund for the dead tffeboatmen's dependents today reached nearly ?20,000, wl tk cou'but
    54 words
  • 213 1 Reuter. MOSCOW, May I.—The Russians were told in a longMay Day article in Pravda, the Soviet Communist Party newspaper, today that in every country they had many enemies "in one country hundreds, in others hundreds of thousands". The article, written by the top-ranking Soviet writer,
    Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 54 1 U.P. HARRISBURG. PA.. May 1. The Pennsylvar al Railroad New York to St. Louis "American Express" sideswiped a sidetracked freight train sending ah inch thick steel piite slashing through passenger coaches. A railroad spokesman said that four persons *ore killed and 34 injured, eight
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 234 1  -  (By NOR KRAAL. Tribune Staff Reporter Mrs. Rose Kong. Borneo Chinese widow with lour children, whose trtrjpc story was first told exclusively in the Tribune bst Saturday, received very many offers, both verbal and in v of joos and help after the publication.
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  • 119 1 What Britons Think London, May I.—The British public is convinced that Americans are physically attractive and mentally immature adolescents and not very pleasant adolescents at that—Mass Observation, a regularly distributed public opinion leaflet said today. Most people when they think ol Americans have in mind certain
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  • 116 1 U.P. I BATAVIA. May 2—A fire un- officially estimated to have caus|ed one million NEI guilders dam.ige broke cut in a rubber i godown in Tanjong Priok yesI terday evening, and is still ragI ln I The burning godown contains I rubber from the American
    U.P.  -  116 words
  • 243 1 NEW DELHI. May I.—Mr. Gandh'j came to New Delhi today in answer to an urgent summons to meet the powerful working committee of the all-India National Congress in what are probably the most decisive deliberations in the group's 61-year history. Gandhi conferred with. I Mr.
    243 words
  • 46 1 Reuter. NEW DELHI, May. I.—Slight earthquake tremers were felt here early this morning. Effects of the earthquake were felt for over five seconds during which time buildings were shaken. No casualties or damage were reported. The centre of the earthquake is not yet known.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 107 1 Reuter. NEW YORK. May I.—A suit for $5 000,000 brought by Konrad Berccvici. United States author, charging Charles Chaplin, film ac or and producer with plagiarism and breach oi contract in the film "Great Dictator", was today se tied for $95.000 (about $190,000 Maiayan Currency. >
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 39 1 Reuter. Ottawa. May I.—The Canadian Prime Minister. MacKenzie King, announced in the House of Commons here today that Canada had no intention of admitting a large number ot orientals and would allow no Japanese immigration Reuter
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 CAMEO RADIOS lioasor. |>rice SlflO.OO |VAILABL£ NOW. Malayan Radio Service Co., Road, Singapore. *****. HERE IS BEAUTY! I AMERICAN Printed LAMBSKIN 38 w wide 54.50 per yard. RAYON CREPE DE CHINE' 36 M wide $3.50 per yard. Quality always tells Wax si\«.ii Co. 30-1 RAFFLES PLACE s im% ***** CABLES:
      51 words
    • 83 1 V SHOES PPT That Will Charm You READY-MADE AND MADE TO ORDER i I "Look what I've got'^m The pleasure you've been missing so much: and need v not; more; dv Maurier are here again r Choice) Virginia Tobaccos, critically selected, 4go into dv Maurier, and through the filter Jip
      83 words

  • 387 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Federations are necessary to remove the anomalies existing in the various industries throughout Malaya, declared Mr. S. P. Garrett, Trade Union Adviser in Singapore, speaking at a reception given by the PanMalayan Federation of Trade Unions culminating May Day celebrations in
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  • 85 2 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Apr. 30.—The Federal Grand Jury to-day indicted Eugene Dennis, Secretary of the Communist Party ol I the United States, on charges of contempt of Congress. The jury also returned a similar indictment against Leon Josephson New York lawyer, who was accused by the House
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 SITUATION VACANT ENGLISH FIRM requires qualified experienced Engineers for installation and maintenance or sound on film reproducing and reccrding equipment. Apply staging experience and qualifications to Box 538. M.T. WANTED:— Junior Advertisement clerk; good salary, cost of living allowance and provident fund for bright youth: prospects for advancement —Writ e
      631 words
    • 641 2 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 of 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945 Notice is hereby given that any perso i or persons having a claim to the property described in the Schedule he-e'o are requested to forward such claims to the Cus olian of Prop-rty
      641 words
    • 448 2 ill BOOKS I Giant Home Workshop Manual $11.00 Fortunes* in Formulas 6.50 A. B. C's. of Diesel Engines 6.50 Everybody's Radio Manual 4.50 New Medical Dictionary. Illustrated by A. D. Baker F. M. Margerison 5.00 Kelly Walsh Ltd Booksellers. Sta loners, Raffles Place Singapore. j j 1 SRTjprrNG Holland East
      448 words
    • 574 2 SHIPPINg MANSFIELD CoTutT^ (Incorporated in Si iff&noxfi BLUE FUNNEL LINK "Meiampus" from U.S.A.. for Batavia "India Mail" from U.S.A Roads rSamuta" from U.K. for Batavia G 42 |<Diomed" sails for Genoa. Marseilles G33 I Havre. Liverpool avd G!as«m«: "Ajax" sails for Liverpool S **ay 7 I -Polyphemus" sails for Liverpool
      574 words

  • 296 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) igapore Harbour board auxiliary police oused keen public interest, was formthe first batch of ove: 6J .nen enngapore Volunteer Drill Hall. i few days the men will go on patrol duty rboUJ Board Area and assist the regular n f 0T" o
    296 words
  • 157 3 Reuter. MW YORK. May Th»- N»u York Times, in* a leader on the abolish- 1 of untouc liability in India, saw; "Passage of I th<- measure marks one of j 4m most drastic internal 1 reforms undertaken am nation. The decree wip'nv
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 33 3 Reuter. rnment House, top.m., H.E. The overr: will present Cards of tti to those whose gazetted on April tn mj will take place wb m !ront of GovernHouse.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 272 3 CROSS ST. GANG WAR EPISODE A finding of culpable homicide amounting to murder against an unknown person was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter at an inquiry yesterday into the death of Lim Scan Kee, a coffeeshop assistant, who was wounded
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  • 49 3 Reuter. Bangkok. May I,—The British m'litary establishment will close on Thursday, when Colonel Heslop. Commandant, assumes the mhitarv attacheship of the British Embassy here. Five remaining officers will be absorbed in the attache's establishment, and seven N.C.O.s are scheduled to cave for Britain soon. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 32 3 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce will be held at the premises of the Chamber, 4. Raffles Quay, on Saturday, at 4 p.m.
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  • 21 3 U.P. Munich. April 30.—Trade umonh planned mammoth celebrations with parade, music and speeches but. unlike the past, no tme beer —U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • 139 3 Stated to be a memner of -Gam* 303." Lim Chua Quan. a 19-year old Hokkien. was found guilty on three charges of attempted extortion and sentenced on each charge to four months rigorous imprisonment and a fine of $50 (in default four months' r.i.» by Mr. H.
    139 words
  • 126 3 The Malayan Airways have notified the Postal Authorities that the regular scheduled 11: gnu previously announced for the carrying of Ltttersal air mailt will be modiliecj mding the arrival of addit:aircraft. The oi th< se schedulej arc as follow.-: (a) A direct service from Singapore to
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  • 93 3 (From Tribune Reporter) PENANG. May 1 —An Indian coconut plucker Karuppiah. who was on trial for the alleged murder of his close friend MaI rimuthu. was acquitted today following a four-day trial at the Penang Assizes. KaruDpiah was alleged to have taken the life of Marimuthu six
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  • 288 3 Arthur Johnson, a stoker on HMS Derby Haven, claimed trial' at the Singapore Court yesterday before Mr. justice Brown and a cornnvjn rap to charges of roboery. possession of an automatic and unlawful possesion of ammuniU Outlining the case pr tne prosecution. Mr. M
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  • 31 3 Reuter. LONDON. May 2.— Fourteenhundred deckers returned to work atWWe- t India Dock today, but the geoeral resumption was delayed owing to a split Jast night among ihe Glasgow s*rike leaders.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 336 3 "We have been impressed by the keen, informed, and serious interest this subject (university) has attracted in Malaya," says Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, Chairman of the Higher Education Commission, in a farewell message to Malaya, the land t will serve." The message says: "As 1 leave
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  • 462 3 In sentencing two British naval ratings to four years* rigorous imprisonment each at the Singapore ;iss.ze Uourt yesterday for possession of firearms, Mr. Justice Brown uttered some caustic comments on their conduct. Mr. Justice Brown said, "I Una i% a matter for shame that people of
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  • 149 3 Mure than 23.000 men and women of all ranks in the forces have chosen to be released in overseas stations at the end of their service, to settle tht-re. Of this total 7,013 came from the Army, 8,433 from the Navy and
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  • 169 3 A popular resident in Singapore in pre-war days has just returned to the Colony to take over managership of the KLP.M. in Singapore: he is Mr. A. van Bochove. who it will be recalled, first came to this country in 1927. Mr. van Bochove left
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  • 448 3 "Poetry in Porcelain" was the subject of an interesting and instructive talk given by Mrs. E. G. Sellers to Inner-Wheel members and their guests at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday afternoon Standing behind a long table of exquisite pieces of old porcelain, lent for the occasion
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  • 141 3 F.I.C. Massacre Echo Twenty Japanese NCO \s and civilians will sail today for Saigon aboard the French naval auxiliary vessel "La Char.-mte" now lying at the Naval Ba>e. Singapore. The Japanese were taken on board yesterday. These men. who recently arrived
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 42 3 JUST RECEIVED RACING MODEL "CLYDE CYCLES" (PRECISION BUILT) PRICE—SIBS/--■i. A E. XATIIAX *****. ORCHARD RD. Thone--4(r73 j I Tele ICG Spore Tele 2287 j FOR •ASBESTOS* Packings—Jointings—Door Joints—Mill Board of all descriptions ASK I BELTING ASBESTOS CO., LIMITED L IPQH SINGAPORE J
      42 words
    • 308 3 'J* i' i» 11 < sm ir s HAIR DRESSING SALOON Has Now Opened At JOHN LITTLES RAFFLES PLACE FIRST CLASS. FULLY TRAINED INDIAN BARBERS IN ATTENDANCE. PfiIMAWRt AGFIHC Finest of all revi- n talising gland j tonics, to revive glandular activity, to recharge brain and nerve cells and to
      308 words

  • 500 4 c Singapore Bar is presg the Government to raise the moratorium which has een in force since the rew pupation of Malaya and continues to exercise a restraint on business generally and on some sections in particular. The action of the Singapore Bar serves as a reminder that
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  • 596 4 Jn view of the growth and cost of Public Relations Departments in Malaya, the following details of the expenditure of Public Relations in the United Kingdom are of interest. It should be noted that the UK. organisation is inclusive of all P. R. Offices.
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  • 219 4 The Russians need the fullest possible reparations from Germany, and they need them now. For months their policy has been dictated by this fact. The greatness of their need is fully understood in Britain. British are aware 0 f fearful devastation suffered by Russia in the
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  • 432 4 Letters To The Editor The People's Postbag CARLTON A HIRE, Lieut, R.N.R (Rtd.). Sir—Why all the fuss about income tax a s a source of revenue? To anyone, even comparative Grangers to Malaya, and particularly Singapore, it is obvious that the mixed population and their
    CARLTON A HIRE, Lieut, R.N.R (Rtd.).  -  432 words
  • 280 4 A REALIST. Sir, -A new order for Malaya has been proclaimed, one based on non -racial discrimination. A few believe in this new order; many are incredulous; while some suspend their judgment. The latest manifestation of the new order is the Leases and Tenancies (Adjustment) Bill, which was published
    A REALIST.  -  280 words
  • 1110 4  -  By Derek Jameson Reuter Correspondent Next to the cinema and sport the most popular pastime with British boys and girls today is writing letters to hundreds c.f thousands of pen-friends in all parts of the world. These pen-friendships are not confined to correspondence. British youths, many
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 43 4 A OEUGHT TO Till!; fcxiss THE LOVELY AMERICAN LATEST NUMOUNT RIMLESS GLASSES Glasses that blend with beauty and sharpen appearance with Clean cut good taste and style. (They are cushioned against breakage. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians 19, Chulia Street, Telephone 4435, Singapore.
      43 words

  • 271 5  -  10-YEAR-OLD SAYS »fr ENJOYED IT^ (liv Harry Fang Tribune Staff Reporter) v vv nty-fight members of the 3rd Company, Girls' accompanied by two officers and three sp-'nt live days in a "haunted" bungalow at K-tong this week. bungalow is in the area where
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  • 140 5 KUALA LUMPUR.—Celebrating the first anniversary of the formation of the Confucian Middle School Scouts, members of the scout troop gave a unique performance in an open air concert at their school premises. The concert was attended by Mr. G. D. Muir, District Commissioner for Scouts,
    140 words
  • 139 5 ft rji Our Own Reporter*. f jang Mm I.—Two Chin- j apprehended in th the alleged kid- K( c Hup Hor. J.P.. a the Penang Settleme„l v Council, who was I j tr >in his house. 1 .it: >n Road. SUngei 1 Baiap,
    139 words
  • 98 5 Tribune S'aff Reporter) PENANG. May 1. The Penang Chinese Consul. Mr. N. X Lee, will be visiting Kulim w days to investigate the recent Dublin Estate clash between the Pohce and labourers on the estate which resulted in a Ch nese being killed ;ind
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  • 61 5 Lt.-Gen. Sir Neil M. Ritchie. C.-in-C SEALF. has been promoted to full General. These two Tribune pictures show the General leaving Kallang airport on Wednesday to attend the Generals' Conference called by Field Marshal Montgomery (Top left) Gen. Sir Neil Ritchie enters the Lancastrian. (Bottom)
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  • 155 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) At the Juvenile Court yesterday, a 15 year old boy was charged with the theft of a wallet containing. $90 from an airman in an RAF camp. When the case was postponed for mention, the RAF man claimed for the return of his
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  • 229 5 London. April 30.—The Archbishop of York. Dr. Cyril Garbett. warned the House of Lords today that unless atomic energy could be controlled, the present day civilisation might ioin the 'pathetic and trag:c wreckage of 20 other civilisations wnose ruins lay "beneath the sands oi
    229 words
  • 97 5 SHANGHAI. Apr. 30.—Views on the promotion of Chinese-Indian friendly relations were exchanged last night between Dr. Lo Chia-lun, first Chinese Ambassador to India, and K. P. 8. Menon, Indian Ambassador, a few hours before the latter returned to Nanking. Dr. Lo Chia-lun is leaving lor the new post
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  • 46 5 U.P. WASHINGTON, Apr. 29 UNRRA announced to-day the appointment of Jack N. Gilbert, the United States commercial fisheries expert to "see over the fishing, boat building, marketing and processing activities of UNRRA leading to the rehabilitation of the Chinese fishing industry."—U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 300 5 BACK PAY MEMORIAL (Tribune Staff Reporter) Mass meetings of Asiatic Government servants will be held throughout the Malayan Union and Singapore on May 14 when a register will be signed to mark their approval of, and support for, the Back Pay Memorial and
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  • 125 5 NANKING. Apr. 30. Observers tonight expressed grave disappointment on the results of the two-day price control conference called into an emergency session by Premier Chang Chun to cope with the latest upsurge of China's runaway inflation. These observers said the conference wound up after drafting lay
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  • 34 5 The next luncheon meeting of the V's Men's Cluo will be held on Saturday, at 1.15 p.m. at Cecil's Restaurant. Mr Tan Thoon Lip of the Supreme Court will speak on "Katong Boys' Club.
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  • 109 5 Reuter. Washington, Apr. 30. The House of Representatives on roll call today reaffirmed by 225 vc'es to 165 its decison to to $200,000,000 American lunds for post-UNRRA relief in war devastated countries between now and the end of June 1948. The i Government had sought
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 79 5 Reuter. LONDON, Apr. 30.—Flags on the House of Commons and other public buildings in London were flown at half mast today on the occasion of the funeral of King Christian of Denmark in Copenhagen. A hundred-strong bodyguard of the Royal Marines with 50 members of Portsmouth Division
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 406 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Whether departmentally sanctioned or not, about 90 per cent, of Singapore's labour force took time out yesterday to participate in the third May Day celebrations here in seven years. No incidents were reported. Loading and unloading activities at the
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  • 223 5 The Soviet Union today sympathised with the struggles of the colonial peoples, said Miss Olga Tchetchetkina. of the Sov'et Union, who is here with the World Democratic Federation of Youth League. Greeting the local workers, she thought of the parade at the Red Square, also in celebration of
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  • 97 5 KUALA LUMPUR. May I.— About five-thousand turned up on the Dato Kramat ground today in celebration of Labour Day. Six resolutions, the first of which asks the Government to recognise May Ist as a public holiday with pay. were adonted. The resolutions ask Government to enforce insurance
    97 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 120 5 ttt//J tone. Boettf one/ Muscle with 1 HYPO L" i •Ivpol supplies health-giving food-vitamins A and D —proved by medical science as essential dietary needs to huild bone, body and muscle...and build up constitutional resistance to illness and disease. flypol contains 100% Pure N|||#m|| irr I C°d Liver Oil with
      120 words
    • 58 5 I THE MARCH OF LIGHT y '^^^^Ancient l Ĕ£ had to go ml/ to ted, by tmkUglu... we all *w i have i Qsrarg f! the wonderful AsejdPQODua lam P ADVT OF THE GENERAL ELE CTRIC CO.. LTD. OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR "PENANG. Perak Agents: The Kinta Electrical Distribution
      58 words

  • 93 6 NEW DELHI. (By Airmail).— The Central Government have decided to establish a Central College of Agriculture in Delhi with a view to oroviding facilities for training in scientific agriculture up to the B.Sc. degree standard. The Central College will open in July 1947
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  • 113 6 NEW DELHI. <By Airmail).— The Government of Madras and Bengal produced 85.029 lb. of quinine salt. as against 98.577 lb. in the previous year, according to the report oi the Principal Quinine Officer. Government of India, on Cinchona and Quinine lor 1945-46. Distribution, from Central Reserve Stocky and
    113 words
  • 133 6 NEW DELHI. .By Airmail).— The parent's <=hare of cost of training R.I.N, cadets in the United Krngdom. has bee.i reduced by more than half, says an announcement by the Government of India. The parents or guardians ot candidates selected for the ofticer cadre of the
    133 words
  • 44 6 CALCUTTA. (By Airmail;.— Mr. A. D. Azhar. till recently Deputy Financial Adviser (.Communications*, has been appointed Government of India's Trade Commissioner in Australia. Before he proceeds to take up his .lew appointment, he will visit important commercial centres m India.
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  • 104 6 NEW DELHI. (By Airmail).— In order to allow bona fide traders to participate in exports of varion s controlled articles, trie Government of India have decided to allot to "new comers" 25 per cent, of quotas of various commodities, licences to export which have hitherto been granted generally
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  • 80 6 While lifting the ban on private export of tea from Jan. 1, 1947, the Government of India had imposed a quantitative restriction on the monthly exports of tea on private account to ensure adequate reserve of tea for internal consumption. As the new tea crop is now available
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  • 642 6 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Four Japanese, accused of complicity in war crimes commiUed on board the Japanese hell ship "Singapore j Maru" which carried 1,081 prisoners-of-war from Sin- gapore to Moji, Japan, in October 1942, were tried be- fore a War Crimes Court at
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  • 137 6 UP. NANKING, Apr. 30.—Chinese vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs. Mr. George Yeh, said the Chinese Government has assured the British Government that effective measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident, i n which training planes of the Far Eastern Aviation Training School at
    UP.  -  137 words
  • 339 6 (Tribune Financial Corr.) The share markets on the whole yesterday were quiet in all sections and there was a tendency in a tew instances for prices to sag. There were persistent buyers in the industrial section ft r Bnck Ords and Brick Prefs. Smelters Ords. Estate Trust
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  • 211 6 (Tribune Financial Corr.) The local rubber commodity market opened very steady yesterday morning with a fair weight of buying orders, but sellers failed to meet the market until buyers raised their prices about a quarter cent above the previous day's close when fair quantities of all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 TO-DAY Terror! Torture! J It's the picture that has the j p. m. MID-NIGHT It's the Mightiest of Edgarßiceßurrough's Tarzan Series! Firs: Instalment I Chaps I—6 Brand-new Thrills! /i You never saw anything (14 REELS* like it! V I The all-time best of the long <| line of Tarzan Films!
      89 words
    • 162 6 I TO-DAY Mid-Night Premiere To-morrow' SATURDAY EVENING POST SERIAL! BEST-SELLING NOVEL! w Patricia ROC mmmwm DEVINE STANLEY RIDGES LLOYD BRIDGES PAY HOtOEN VICTOR CUTLER ond the Devine Kids. lAD ,;nd DENNY BOOKINGS NOW Oi*Ĕl\ Reservations no taken up by 10.30 p.m. will be leleased. a deadly battle of the bayous!
      162 words

  • 565 7 :> the lost in an excitirg finish. the Rockhtes "3 hich J Oalis an ig hiring two n to bat paya Lebar their oDponen.'s their last wicket n and H Swybowlirg honou r s 12 and 4 for 27 Tham Khoon Doner v 0. w
    565 words
  • 151 7 UP. RK, April 30.-- The !native to the ting at Stockholm [1 Korea's application Iti hi in the 1948 m in London, it by Dan Feiris. ta -treasurer of the j Ann item Atliletic Cnl ;pport was agreed al a met ting between id
    UP.  -  151 words
  • 74 7 The team to represent the "Old j n cans" against the 1 r V M A (Juniors) in a friend- 1 fame ol ocer on Saturday Joseph*! ground, will be from the fo 1 lowing=— Muurcp Sobrieto, F. A. RoiriDj Wong Ah Teck, Tham 1 i n.
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  • 150 7 (By Our Soccer Reporter) The SAFA League fixture tomorrow between the Malay Football Association and the j Airmen has been postponed due to the Air Command sports meet at Seletar. The MFA have, however, taken the opportunity to stage their first trial game at
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  • 992 7 S.C.F.A. <2> 4- Navy 1. After successfully holding the S.p.F.A. (2) the senior Chinese team, to a goalless first half, in the football league match at Jalan Besar yesterday, the Navy defence collapsed after the resumption and the Chinese found enugh gaps
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  • 214 7 Reuter. LONDON, Apr. 30.-Two interLeague matches were played in Ireland tonight, the Scottish League beating the Irish League by 7-4 in Belfast, while the English Football League beat the League of Ireland 3-1 in Dublin. A feature of the Belfast game was five goals from Flavell,
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 150 7 The Royal Johore International Club has once again opened facilities to its members for golf, tennis, and social amenities including dinner dances at the week-end. M In the meantime Saturday dinner dances are being arranged by the Johore Officers' Club and all members of the
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  • 67 7 A billiards match between the YMCA. and the Chinese Swimming Club on Friday ended in a 2-aU draw The results were: Gan Kee Tian (YMCA) beat Lim Chuan Geok (CSC) 200—195; G. Culwick (YMCA) lost to Teo Siew Sun 'CSC> 127—200; Robert Lim fYMCA)
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  • 29 7 SOCCER Haikowyu vs. REME, "D" Coy., at Vicoria School, 5.15 P m. CRICKET I.A. vs. Jchore Cricket Club, Johore Bahru, .ransport leaves Rex Cinema 1 P m
    29 words
  • 211 7 The following will play Cricket for the Indian Association against Johore Cricket Club on Friday, at 2.00 p.m. at Johore Bahru (Players to meet near Rex Cinema at 1.00 p.m.): D. Dharmaraj S. Ratnam, Ram Singh, Retnasamy, S. D. Williams, Chandra, R. Sitharam, Kevin Mallal, Z.
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  • 83 7 j LONDON. May tr- Probable runners and jockeys for the 1.000 Guineas running ove oae mile at Newmarket tomorrow are: At Once—P. Evans. Lalita— i E Britt; Saucy Sal-T. Weston; Miss Stripes -J. Simpson; Finn-amcnt-E. Smith: Rona-D. Smith: Netherton Maid—WRickaby. Mlssolonghi-W. Nevett- Tropical Splendour- S.
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  • 117 7 The following will represent the Merridale Youth againso Diwruiitlt f a return badminton matcn ot 4 singles. a douoies and 2 «SSSi?SSfoSiS be played at the bpprUight Coux. at So 11, Sirat Court on Saturday at 4 p.m sharp. TSon Kirn Van. Chan Swee Lam, Lim Cneng
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  • 122 7 The following will represent the SCRC at cricket against the RAF (Pays Leban next Sunday:— Seah Keng Siew, Chun Boon Unn, Cheung Thiam Siew, Swee LimSeang. Chung Kow Chye, Ong Chew Bee. Ong Tong Bee. rlo Teng Bin. Low Kee P Khoo Ong Lee. and Wee Chong
    122 words
  • 142 7 (By Our Sports Reporter) The Sin Wah Basket-ball piiy trs ard six members of the Chinese Athletic (Chung Wah FC.) returned by plane yesteiday after a successful tour in Bangkok, where they played a series of games in aid of the Chiang Kai-shek Park which
    142 words
  • 161 7 Under the auspices cf Lb* Malacca Badminton Association, an Inter-Party Tournament lor 1947. open to all affiliates of the Association will be shortly stared. This gesture en the pai v of the Park Officials will create a flilip for tlie feather game in Malacca. Compe.ii.g teams
    161 words
  • 147 7 There will be games of badminton and table tennis between the Geylang Methodist Youth Fellowship and the Straits Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship on Saturday, at 2 p.m. at the former's grounds. Aljunied Road. The following will represent: G. M. Y. F. Badminton—Phillip Ng, fan Keng Kiat,
    147 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 18 7 Look Who Is Back An 4 WhaT A Cast! -ense Thrilfs Comedy Opens Today 4 Shows BASII, RADFORD
      18 words
    • 332 7 MARLBOROUGH Daily: 3.30, 6.30 and 9.15 p.m Your favourite MTJMTAZ SHANTI (Of "Kismet" Stan a-»d SURENDRA Proudly Present you 'CHAND CHAKORI' (Hindustani > Is the Best En ertainmer.t with Sengs. Dances, and Drama. Released by Alliance Fihn Agency, SINGAPORE. Midnight Tomorrow "DUNIYA- DIWANI (Hi icustani) ■i* BSBSSSt BS3OL POPU V
      332 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 302 8  -  Insecticide Product (By S.Y. Ng. Tribune Staff Reporter) A little-know.i industry of Malaya, but a nevertheless very Important one, has shown a remarkable recovery in recent months. It is the tuba root industry, which supplies foreign manufacturers With toxins in the preparation of insecticides, and
    302 words
  • 118 8 (Tribune Staff Reporter) An ingenious invent'on i a miniature uccket-ladder —made with thin slicks of bakau-tire-w cod. tied together with stringabout a foot apart -was an exhibit in the Juvenile Court where it was alleged that it wa- used by a gang of ycuths to remove
    118 words
  • 146 8 (Tribune Stuff Reporter) A 16--ye old lad was brought to the Jui rule t >un yesterday and charg I with escaping from legal ens* The med.cJl c ri'flcate issued by the General it <pita| stated that his agi Was ar >und 17. He was transferred to
    146 words
  • 206 8 Reuter. London. May I.—The Indian National Congress want the transfer of power to be made to one central government with a strong centre and a united army, said J C. Gupta. Congres> member of the Bengal Civil Liberties Committee, who arrived here j yesterday by
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 64 8 (From Our Own Correspondent I KLANG. -A fata] accident teck place at the Simpang Lima junction. Klang. when Mi-s Yeng. a y< ung Chinese girl of 20 years of age. collided aga nst a lorry coming towards Klang from Port Swettenham. She sustained severe injuries en
    64 words
  • 246 8 Echo Of Jap Invasion Of Malaya A treasure hunt sequel to the Japanese invasion of Malaya in 1942 has just been successfully concluded. When the Japs were approaching Singapore. Brigadier Robert Moir. Commander of the Federated Malay States Volunteer Forces, put his valuables and
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  • 117 8 U.P. LONDON. May I.—Sir Douglas Mawson. no ed Antarctic expert hinted today that Australia may send a task force to the South Polar regions during the coming season, accordingmg tc the Australian News and Information Bureau. Mawsen was appointed adviser to the proposed Australia
    U.P.  -  117 words
  • 81 8 U.P. PARIS. May I.— New distrubances broke out on the island of Madagascar where antiFrench rebels last night attacked and ransacked the post office at Moramanga, 80 miles east of the capital city of Tananarive. A dispatch from Tananarive said that rebels were reported also to
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 241 8 Reuter. GLASGOW, May 1. The announcement yesterday regarding the position of British-born and Indian officials after the transfer of power in India is more satisfactory than had at one time been anticipated, states the Independent Glasgow Herald in an editorial today. "lt now appears."
    Reuter.  -  241 words
  • 322 8 KOALA LUMPUR—The Government of the Malayan Union ,s now offering one veterinary scholarship to enable a selected student to receive veterinary training in the United Kingdom This scholarship is in addition to the ones advertised earlier this year for students to receive veterinary
    322 words
  • 115 8 Reuter. NANKING. May 1 India', ftrsl war-hip to visit Nanking the 1.400-ton sloop Godavari. arrived here today firing a 21 gun salute a s it stood in the Yangtse River. The Godavari. under the command eJ Captain Karmarka reached the Chinese capital for a c)urte>y call
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 105 8 U.P. BANDUNG. May 1. Numerous NEi civil servants who havi been sew out from tne Netherlands have -rganizou themselves into a society to strengthen their complaints Lhat mdo them in Holland when they were assigned j .bs in tlie Indies nave not b n met.
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 34 8 Reuter. LEOPOLDSVILL* Belgion Congo. May 1 A landslide, caused by exceptional rams, partly buried an African village near Nyodo in the Belgian Congo today Fifty Africars are missing. Airstrips m the district are flooded.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 498 8 Reuter. BOURNEMOUTH, Hampshire, May I.—The British hard courts lawn tennis championships are heading towards international finals with overseas players appearing Ukeiy to dominate matters. The men.-, singles Semi-final tomorrow will find no home player in action, as Eric Sturgess (South Africa), John Harper (Australia's holder
    Reuter.  -  498 words
  • 280 8 7 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Addressing a session of the Student r. Movement (SCM) at the V.M.C A Hall tip rist *Jtt nis-Claude Hearle, 8.D., R.A.F. padr. D'nhis audience, composed chiefly of stihi< s local colleges, on an enlightening and lion the part of Christianity in
    280 words
  • 59 8 Reuter. Worcester. May I.—South Africa scored 167 in reply to Worcester s first innings total of 209 when the season's fir<t first-c]ass cricket match continued today. Perks. Worcester last bowler, took five wickets for 65 runs and Jackson four for 63. Worcester were 83 for seven wickets
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 97 8 Tee JCSA the aw Musical AssociiUou 6 y j table-tennis Butch t the Associates prr m i SC!i T c day evening. IV i Results USCA play» rs Uoned firs? >: J. Nalpoii beat y,. v* j 3 -0; Yam Tin Cheoof 2 j
    97 words
  • 52 8 The following will repre*rr A M.D.G.W. Chin- SoorU Club XI against Selection xi (Selera-gi a' soccci at th Selerang Groun I C':;mci. on Sa'urday at 515 p m Ranka Dollah. Jagger, Marutham I Toft (Capt She- v-ooc, Gov :v dnsamy, Karuppiah, Awang. George. Tunkn Pae*D Re At on.
    52 words
  • 61 8 The foUowinc will repraori St. Andrew's Old B Q ke i Oi Sa Urday, 111 Police: A G (Capt I S M. Hope. J. Anc'.ant. far Ron, J. Dudos. X EbeTt, Q Bog;iars. H. Humphries. H< sah, A. Jansjen. V VancerDut Reserve- C Da Si Ira.
    61 words
  • 59 8 A tennis match has b on arranged between the graduates and undergraduate of Medical College, Sing-pore on Friday and Saturday at 4.30 p.m at the residence of Dr. Chen Su Lan. All graduates arc invited to attend. The match will b played for. the Mnotatamby
    59 words
  • 69 8 The following represent Merrilads in a roe**: taste* I .-iganist the Men'al Hosp**! Sunday at Mento Hosp»*>, 5 pirn, sharp. Players He meet corner of Komi Sens and Jco Chiat Road at I P m sharp for tnr «por< Kun Liang. Yew Tun J Hock Qoan. Tecic 8*
    69 words
  • 75 8 At Uw .nnuul leneraJ ng uf the Diehard Badmait." Ipart-MS at NO 408. Road. Singapore, the folk** i were elected oflto -beams !he year 1947: President: (fesfcm; Vice-Pri nts im. Pennefather and Mr. I ten Chew; Hon. EkereUry treasurer Mr. E. J W ssistant secretary and i ports
    75 words
  • 16 8 LONDON. April W Union results Bristol 9: Bath 0. DevonoortS r 16 B
    16 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 56 8 sidwiy TOLER 61ACK MACK 11 i ii i Ml—^ i^—^«^— i i V ur comfort our constant care stay. Cine drink at:— LUXURIOUSLY THE TAVERN KITCHEN* FURNISHED a 1" BAR THE NEWEST EUROPEAN RESIDENTIAL HOTEL the Coolest Healthiest District of Singapore I Tel CKratn. Tavern" Telephone 4948. I 7 l7
      56 words
    • 5 8 cUfitMt O» tl BATTERY RD
      5 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 96 8 TODAY'S I WEATHER REPORT i FAIR 5* Singapore weatucf i Tecas'C for 24 hours. From QOo3 today. compiled by the RAF Central 1 Forecasting Station Ait Command. Far East Fair with bright periods, beeomtng tine tonight. thundery s'nower, early tomorrow Fair lar r Wind: Light s uth t.. sotthwest. Sunset:
      96 words