Malaya Tribune, 1 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 60 1 The Malaya Tribune BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously in SingaporeKuala Lumpur, Ipoh Penang. Editorial 58iJ Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 LIGIU PAGES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947" PRICE TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune London Agents:—Messrs. Colin Turner Ltd., Talbot House,
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  • 608 1 "But We Will Become More Important" Says GOC How India Independence May Affect Us (By UM KEXG HOR, News Editor) Hew will the granting of independence to India next year affect the defence Malaya and Singapore? put this question to MajorrOeneral L.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 National Employers' j Mutual General FIRE, MOTOR. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, PERSONAL ACCIDENT and o-her classes of IXSUKANCE ASSOCIATION LTD. I: c-rporated In England) Chambers. Raffles Place, SINGAPORE y iager: N. S. WISE. PHONE 2835. j HERE IS BEAUTY! I AMERICAN M LAMBSKIN j 38" wide $4.50 per yard. RAYON CREPE DE
      74 words
    • 33 1 WATCHES^ ALL types of Watches, I Clocks—latest styles I ON SALE All timekeepers repaired 1 and serviced by EXPERT CRAFTSMEN j THIMLOCK f WATCHMAKERS! [j 401, North Bridge Road, Spore. JBl AE/RATED WATERS
      33 words
  • 151 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter.) L and thieves in the Sinsap we Harbour Board will soon tread of police boots be new iorce of special Huro jur Board police inspectors lake up duties and go on patrol. The first batch of 70 ex-Ser-ricemen recruits, 3 Eurasian*
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  • 53 1 Reuter. LONDON, Apr. 30.—Sir Almr"'h Wright, British medical vientist whose discovery of typhoid inoculation saved .over, "M* lives during the .first J«M war. died in London toatrerj 85. for 40 years, he had drawn f|, om his own body about a teasPoonful of blood daily
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 110 1 Reuter. London, April 30. —Replying to Mr. Harold Davies who asked in the Commons today wh;:t response there had been to the intention that rubber plantations should plant one per cent, of their acreage with rice and/or vegetables. Mr. Creech-Jones said: "I assume
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 116 1 (Tribune S aff Reporter) Demolition work has started on the Bank of China Building at Battery Road, former premise* of Gian S'ingn's Breaking-up gangs are working rrcm tne rear oi the building by tne riverside. Tiles are being removed and arranged in neat piles, while
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  • 254 1 sTribune Staff Reporter) For the third time in seven years, about 30,000 Singapore labourers gathered today to celebrate May Day at Farrer Park this morning. Despite the morning dilzzle, thousands had gathered long before the scheduled start at 11 o'clock. Notwithstanding the Municipal
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  • 141 1 (Tribune S.-aff Reporter) Mr. E. C. S. AaKins, Registrar of Societies, Singapore, when interviewed by the Tribune, declined to comment on the Malayan Communist (Singapore) Party's non-acceptance of and opposition to the Societies Ordinance According to the Societies Ordinance, any society or association, other than
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  • 289 1 Reuter. London. Apr. 30.—1n the House of Commons today, Mr. Harold Davie s (Labour) asked what loans had been made in Malaya for rehabilitation of tin mines and how the loans had been allocated. Mr. Creech-Joncwephed: "The Government of the Malayan Union are making
    Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 294 1 Singapore Housing Crisis (By LIM KENG HOR) Answering Singapore critics that the Army is hindering the Colony's rehabilitation, Major General L. Ĕ£ Cox, GOC, Singapore District, said in an exclusive interview: "I do not honestly think we are now hindering the rehabilitation of Singapore." He told
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  • 124 1 Reuter. LONDON. Apr. 30.—Whether Malays, Chinese or Indians in Malaya who wore jungle green battledresses which they might have bought from surplus stock would be allowed to wear it in view of the regulation passed on Mar. 10 prohibiting the wearing of uniforms, was the question
    Reuter.  -  124 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 590 2 SITUATION VACANT WANTED: Jurior Advertise- ment clerk; good salary, cost of i living allowance ;in c provident fund for bright youth; prospects for advancement —Wrlt e stating qualifications and salary exoected io Box 536, M.T. Singapore. LEADING British Import Firm requires an experienced Insurance Clerk capable of handling all elf
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    • 603 2 NOTICE NOTIFICATION Tenders will be received ai the Office of the Director of Public Works, Singapore up to noon of the 15th May. 1947 for the -following work:— Disposal of Dredgings from Dredger. Mudlark and o c Crab Dredger. 16.6.1947 to 15.12.1947 Every person applying for a form of Tender
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    • 498 2 MH!FP*NG s.s. "TJIKAMPEK" due Singapore 4th May from Amsterdam London Gere'Port Said c route fcr Batav'a Semarang Soerabaia. Makassar. Balikpapan Morotai Consignees are requested to apply for Delivery Orders to: Nederland Line Royal Dutch Mail 41. Robinson Road TEL 7128 PIANO TUNING European Specialist London Factory Experience. LEO DYE Formally
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    • 415 2 SHfPPINQ I The Ho Hong Steamship f 0 j (1032) Lid. (Incorporated in Singapore) PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For Kong: Konjr. Swatow ft Am©* S.S. "HONG SIANG" '> j Fcr Pcnang ft Rangoon jS.S. "HONG SIANG" i n port sailing i st Ma Y For Palembang :S.S. "KLANG" .sailing 9 a
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  • 28 2 MR. NEOH TOON TIT passed away peacefully on Wednesday evening 30th April, 1947 at the age of G2. a; No. 28, Pagar Road. Penang papers ple.ise copy.
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  • 505 2 Moscow's May Day Order U.P. LONDON, Apr. 30.—Radio Moscow broadcast tonight the 21st. Order of the Day for May 1 from the Minister of the Armed Forces of" the Soviet Union which said that the Soviet people, led by Stalin, were overcoming postwar difficulties while
    U.P.  -  505 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 FOMrLETE IN 26 REELS! mStmSh Madam Florence* Can reveal your future by wnderful power of intuiworth consulting her. wer miss the opportunity. M" Keeren Blrig., v..y,n Telephone *****. ii R In School Books. Stationery, Print:Wj Cod( Books etc. Gq 0 PKTKR CHONG CO. L* 9 t, R binNo!l Rd pno
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  • 394 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, April 30.—There is much demand fijr tin—the demand is for 184,000 tons, while the supply us li/,uuu tons. But how can we produce tin v.unoiu equipment?" This is what Col. M. 3. Lee, one of LL e Malayan
    394 words
  • 167 3 Col inel b. H. Ed tli" part of Bi for in the nun rj is trying 1 adaners ajdit him he Am s Br: 12 id who hared U&s c nrl O- igh »ho is now Ll yds Insurance 3: of an Export
    167 words
  • 204 3 an, a young Indian soldier, who stood his trial poi Assizes on a charge of murdering a Sepoy Abdul Latiff, at the Engineering Base ng Bharu, on the night of October 18 last, Uiity and sentenced to death yesterday. It
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  • 126 3 A colonel is to be flown from Singapore to Syci uey on the first leg of a flight to Rabual. New Guinea. He Is Sawabe Mu>ato, who was Senior Ordnance Officer in New Britain, Masato will give, evidence for the defence, m Jftahaul
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  • 75 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter.) Accosted by a young Chinese with a knife in his hand, an Indian bread vendor, cycling along Flower Road just before dawn yesterday morning, jumped off nis machine and dashed away lor Ins life- Later, he.returned, to find his bicycle and
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  • 179 3 While report early in March drom the Cameron Highlands state that the continued import Of vegetables from China and Australia into Malaya kept price, if locally grown vegetables at a very low level, and that for about a week there was practically no export
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  • 50 3 Lee Ec Senli < 17). just linished serving this* week-, in iail on a charge ol i re-pass, was sentenced in the Second Police. Court yesterday to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment lor theft. When sentence was pas-ea on him. Lee smiled from the
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  • 327 3 Sgt. S. C. Khastgir (25». attached to C.H.Q. 2nd Echelon. SEALF. was acquitted by the Third Police Magistrate. Mr. K. M. Byrne, yesterday of a charge or theft. In acquitting him Mr. Byrnes .stated that KhmstgTs explanation was consistent with innocence, and though he
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  • 287 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) An official of the Ceylon Government Treasury arrived by air in Singapore on Tuesday on an interesting mission—he brought with him about five-hundred-thous-and rupees worth of Jewellery! The jewellery belongs to various residents in Singa- pore, who, wnen the inva- sion of Singapore
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  • 155 3 (Tribune Start Reporter) Singapore's residue of 360 rickshaws saw their last days of service yesterday. From today Singaporeans cm say proudly that no more human beasts of transport can be seen along the streets. Two hundred human derelicts who used to answer to the
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  • 70 3 PENANG, Wed.—Penang polet headquarters have offered a f 1 reward of $2.000 to be paid to any person or apportioned j amongst persons giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for th<* armed gang robbery and kidnapping that took place at
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  • 721 3 BURNETT TRIAL: MORE EVIDENCE The definition of what a military vehicle is cropped up at the Fourth Criminal District Court yesterday during the continued irial of Major John Burnett, D.5.0., M.C., of the Ist Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders, who
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  • 176 3 The Netherlands Consul-Gene-ral at Singapore, Mr. M. F. Vigeveno. in a statement says: Dr. Abdul Samat upon his return from a recent visit to Java, said in an interview with a Tribune Staff Reporter that he was "most surprised at the abundance of food in the
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  • 198 3 Singapore's Buddhist coinmu■nity has made elaborate preparations to celebrate Sunday—May 4—at the Sinhalese BuddhisTemple at 96. Outram Road. Observed throughout the world by Buddhists. Ve-ak Day com memorates the day of the Bud dha's birth, enlightenment and death. It is also a lull moon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 27 4 AMERICA'S MOST ECONOMICAL Electric Keirigerator j New Shipment Just Arrived —Bock Your Order Before It is Too Late LEE 6- FLETCHER 102-106, Orchard Road, Singapore. "Phone 3338
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    • 50 4 I (BRITISH MADE) SCOOTERS from SIO.OO Prices from SIO.OO to $123« Clockwork Toys S 4.0 0 I each TRIANG MINIC CLOCKWORK TOYS Racing Cars, Lorries etc: s^ BOOKS from 5G Cents Children's Cooks;— Painting Drawing Books 50 cts. to $3. 4, 5 Story Books: 25 cts. 1» $3.25 I I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 474 4 The problem of an adequate supply of labour is likely to be to the forefront in Malaya for some considerable time. Apart from the needs of rehabilitation, now that the centre of British strategic interests in the Far East has been transferred from India to Southeast Asia, the
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  • 894 4  -  this article, specially written for lite Malaya Tribune, the author, who is the Malayan correspondent of the well known Madras newspaper, The Hindu, examines the position of Indian estate labourers in Malaya, and supports their demands for substantially higher wages. By T. Govindarajalu The Perak Estate
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  • 600 4 Letters To Editor 1 The People's Postbag Sir,—Your headline on the Scarkt Pimpernel has caused a aeep sense of satisfaction amongst the staff of the nrm l am worKing in. and the fact that you practise what >ou preach. "A Paper By the People For
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  • 320 4 Sir.—Your story of the Singapore Scarlet Pimpernel gives more exciting and. shall I say, stimulating reading than the actual fiction itself, but what I cannot quite understand is the reason why the Big Bosses should really trouble themselves to hunt for the Scarlet Pimpernel. Had Robespierre and
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  • 137 4 Sir,—I had occasion to visit the Chinese Swimming Club a few day ago. The scenery there was reminiscent of those cheerful and happy pre-war days. The galaxy of Chinese men. women and children either indulged in swimming, dancing, eating or gossiping, and an atmosphere of amity existed
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  • 378 4 NEW YORK-Amencan men are jewellery-conscious than ever, according to M i E. Haase, executive director of the Jewell*™t a Council of New York h Mr. Haase considers the war partly responsible tor the "jewellery" boom of the and observes that more men are wearing
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  • 138 4 During' the past year I several makes of ball-point-!ed fountain pens bale appeared on the Australian market. Many of them are in use, and bankers, business men and the police were all disconcerted by the discovery that some of these pens could be used to forge signatures
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 LOVELIER SKIN a^^ifi F *fc£ FROM "DRYNESS" ft If your skin looks dull and lifeless, if constant U p nas j je t jt coarse arK j dry use Damaskin -—the modern Two-Purpose Skinfood. That way V°o. too, can make your skin wonderfully smooth an d silky. See how Damaskin
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    • 52 5 SPECIAL SALE I In Commemoration of J FIRST ANNIVERSARY lAFT ER LIBERATION A Special Department has been created to sell our quality goods at I specially reduced prices beginning I from 2nd May, 1947. I! Pay us an early visit for BETTER SELECTION AURORA, LTD. j 34 40 North Bridge
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  • 520 5  -  LATEST INVENTIONS ORDERE D, INSTALLED (By Lvor, Kraal, Tribune Staff Reporter) Malaya is being provided with one of the oest ever air traffic control systems to safeguard ail aircraft ftving in the country. The system employed is in conformity with the
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  • 209 5 U.P. ,nd'sided wUh~^ a l Plii with Westana smea wim the Arabs in a drive to forre led Nations Genera AsspmMv i„» debate on the Pale 3 tinl cvtV" 2 fu and c position was disEilly tor the first time night m the Assemi]
    U.P.  -  209 words
  • 114 5 j the War Crimes Court tngi Gaol will try four accused of complicity i rimes perpetrated on a c merchant vessel, the Maru which sailed S nuapore at the end of •*2 bund for Moji, Japan At ird the vessel were 1,081 WUsh.
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  • 24 5 ••"•shirt. April 29.—Army of-r-ported that the pilot of »£W Jet propelled fighter was when h?s plane crashed army air base to-
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  • 101 5 Reuter.—A.A.P. i SYDNEY, Apr. 30.- Five Indonesians who had i married Australian girls J were being deported on orders of the Australian Government today, but their wives were not allowed to accompany them. The Indonesians who came to Australia during the war were being sent
    Reuter.—A.A.P.  -  101 words
  • 222 5 In connection with the Census that >s now in progress, and the final check-up on Sept. 28. the Public Relations Office has reissued a summary of the procedure to be adopted. Here are some point* that are I stressed in the note: No information given in
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  • 116 5 At Changi Gaol yesterday morning a Japanese Captain was hanged for his complicity in war crimes on the EurmaSiam Railway. He was Captain Wakamatsu Shjgiio, who was in charge of KUo 85 Camp at Aperon. Kilo !80 Camp and Kilo 100 Camp Anganan, at
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  • 343 5 Colour Prejudice LONDON. Apr. 30.—The British Prune Minister's sister. Miss Mary Attire, who has been a welfare worker among coloured people in the Cape Province South Africa, for over 20 years! told a meeting of the Royal Empire Society today: "1
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  • 62 5 Reuter. VATICAN CITY, April 30.The first wedding ever celebrated in St. Peter's between Chinese Catholics took place totlay when Edward Wu, son of the Chinese Minister |to the H .ly Sec, married Elisabeth Liang. The ceremony was carired out by Cardinal Tedeschini, Archbishtp of
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 63 5 Reuter. CROYDON, Surrey, April 30.— Pilot Roy Milburn and wireie*s operator J. N, Hale, members of the Air-speed Consul plane which was in contact with Croydon Aerodrome where it was due to land until three minutes before its crash, were killed last night. The plane crashed
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 50 5 Tivo pictures taken at 'he chik re''h school run by the Good Shepherd Convent at Kampong Java Riad, Si> gaper* Top picture shows >-he children assemble;, o?. he playground in front of their classr orris. Lower pic urc shows some of the chil re>* a. vluy.
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  • 599 5 At the Forces Centre, Tanglin Barracks, Major Dyce spoke to officers and other ranks of the GHQ. of the grim story of the "Death March" of British and Australian prisoner* of war. who were transfered from Sandakan to Ranau. in the Northern territories of British
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  • 236 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter.) Stating that the Indonesian Pasoendan Party has nowhere near a million members Miss Ketut Tantri, better known as 'Sourabaya Sue", who has interested herself in Indonesian affairs, declared that the statement reported by agency messages from Batavia that the ipp will declare West
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  • 127 5 U.P. FRANKFURT. Apr. 30 —Col. J Jack W. Durant was sentenced jby a seven-man General Court I Martial today to dismissal from the .irmy and 25 years' hard labour for his part >n the robbery of $1,500,000 worth of the Hesse Crown jewels from the family's
    U.P.  -  127 words
  • 79 5 Reuter. RABAUL. New Britain, April 30.—Tiu war crimes court trying Lieut.-Gen. Rinpei Kato, former Chief of Staff of the Bth Japanese Army, today found him not guilty of complicity in the murder and illtreatment of prisoners of war. His fellow accused, Gen. Hitoshi Imamura, former General
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 22 5 A tapestry containing 108 badges of the Bth Army made at the service hospital 6fc Yattendon, Berkshire, was presented to Viscount Montgomery.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 <•. 2 Shows To-Day! The Clash Of Giants In A Bayou Feud! Commencing t.-day {here wMI be 4 shows daily on week-days. On Saturdays. Sundays Holidays there will be the usual 5 Shows. to-ii ay Vj m U -ESy 11 ;1 m._ 2 p m 415 p.m. TEL t 6.3
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    • 76 6 CATII A V TO DAY 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.15, C.45, 9.30 Phone 3400 This beats even "Bathing Beauty" for new thrilling entertaiiiiiicm 1 Introducing a THE METROPOLITAN OPERA STAR LAURITZ MELCHIOR TOMMY DORSEY ORCHESTRA Saturday Midnight's Grand 3? of Paramount's Greatest j IMFFYS TAVEKX 6 30 p.m.-9 15 p.m. SJTOJY
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  • 102 6 NEW DELHI. (By Airmail).— Government have decided to take steps to erect and ojjerate two new steel works through the medmm of a State-owned CorDcratioa -n which Provincial Government are being invited to participate," announced the Hon Mr. G. Rajagopalachan. Industrie- Member, in the Central Legislative Assembly.
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  • 106 6 NEW DELHI -Pending the enactment ot an Indian Nationality Law. which U at present under consideration, the Government of India have decided to suspend the naturalisation in India of foreigners under both tne British Nationality and Status ol Aliens Act. 1914. and the Indian Naturalisation Act.
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  • 126 6 NEW DELHI, \,By Airmail*.— In a message addressed to Field Marshal Auchinleck. Command-er-in-Chiei in India, the Governor oi Borneo has expressed his appreciation of the work of the 319 Indian Railway Bridging Company. R LE., which has just returned to India. Declaring the new Paper Railway Bridge
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  • 194 6 NEW DELHI. -Replying to a question in the Central Assembly Mr. Masarrat Hu*ain Zuben. Secretary of the Communications Department, indicated that the persons belonging to Postal and Railway service who happened to join i.N.A.. while in Malaya, might be re-employed, except such ol them, if any.
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  • 96 6 NEW DELHI. (By Airmail).— From May 1, 1947 onwards. British Service families will not be moved at Government expense from the U.K. to India according to a decision reached between His Majesty's Government and the Government of India. The decision is the natural outcome
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  • 368 6 (Betty Hill, Tribune Staff Reporter) FENANG, Wed. —Mr. Claude Massey, Australian Commissioner' for Malaya, paid his first official visit to Penang to gain supporters for his Malayan Australian Association officially coming into being next month. He is also anxious to meet Australians living
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  • 127 6 A special service at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday marked the induction of the Rev. David Rosenthal as the Vicar of St. Andrew's Cathedral Parish of Singapore, by the Rt Rev. J. Leonard Wifcon, Bishop of Sin- g a pore At an installation service
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  • 140 6 -Reuter. j RANGOON. Apr. 29.—Burma's 1946 to 1947 rice trade reached the peak this month with exports of 132.000 tons up to and including today. In the first three months of this year exports were 236,000 with February registering the lowest figure at 38.700 tons
    -Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 38 6 Reuter. ATHENS, Apr. 30.--One officer was killed and seven others seriously wounded whe n guerillas fired on a Greek Air Force car on the main ljpad from Salonica to Sedes airfield. There were if, officers in trie car.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 283 6 (Tribune Financial Corr.) The local markets yesterday continued steady with interest spread mostly amongst industrials arid tins. Breweries again came to business at $22.40, Fraser and Neaves 3.75. British Malaya Trustees $8.50, Wearnes $25, Uniteers $15.15, Gammons $5.65 and Raffles Hotels were done in quantities at
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  • 100 6 < Tribune Market Reporter The rubber market opened with buyers a quarter oent below Tuesday's business done prices but by midday had regained the loss and business was recorded at the previous day'- levels. There was good inquiry for lower grades and fair business In
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  • 111 6 Under th£ auspices of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce the Singapore Chinese community will start a town cleaning drive shortly. Yesterday at the CCC meeting Mr. Yap Pheng Geek suggested that in order to assist the Municipality in keeping the town clean the Chamber
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  • 54 6 Inner-Wheel members and their friends are invited to attend the Social Meeting of their club at the Adelphi Hotel this evening at 5.15 p.m. Mrs. E. O. Sellers will speak on "Poetry in Porcelain" sud will illustrate her talk with pieces of old por- 1 celain lent by
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  • 86 6 U.P. BATAVIA. April 30- Tf bilise world price, vent decrease i n rabb r tion. the NEI Govenmenf decided as from Ma y lt0 -a 10 cent subsidy i or ak J 131 dry rubber. according to Aneta News Agency tat The Netherlands late r* ber
    U.P.  -  86 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 fOne of the Best of Tarzan Series!^^^
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    • 254 7 Last Four Shows 1.30—4—6.30—9.30 p.m. &«H JETTING Ml GURTi£s I GAP V TE^ OPENING If it s ThtlW Si Ann Come !y You V/ar t 7'icn BMk fttyw Fcr.. ftk MCTM GOIOWYM MATfH f i i .o>4«r»i Miff I I Mill MARLBOROUGH OPENING TODAY —3.30. 6.30 and 9.15 p.m.— Mumtaz
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
  • 193 7 natch played a' S;, ;apore Clarke The Johore evea wickets 3 itved a glorious lot l ie Rant out which tv 7 fours sred by btight B K!ri man 26 Moore fuJ bats- Club with r.n runs i HORE CRICKI 1 CLUB A Ahmad
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  • 153 7 30r?.\E\iouTH. Hampshire. J Bumant Misra. India's remaining representatire fritish hard court lawn unships, progress- J«r stage today when beat--2£ oaw fi 1* -1 and 9-7. with immense power waracy, particularly on f orehand. ICisra ran away 7 fim tw o sets. With the in his favour
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  • 70 7 Good Start v. Worcester Reuter. D„I J "S!* first la ss i*»te Season. KTfSnSr" for 202> Attol HoW »n taKtttt fIVe w.c-lopsTOt-cr was amateur R. Bird witH 79. 50 Wer Sir PMHaja Warner and Mr. H. D. G. Le v eson-Gewe r of M.C.C.,
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 757 7  -  (By Our Own Racing Reporter). t Uow "?S ar <? the full raelhf? statistics for thr-o-day meeting of the Perak Turf Club. Van Breukelen cessft.i e i^ St s i c^' ssful trainw > HUfery the most "stiof7: 1 1 jockey, Jackpot the most successful
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  • 309 7 NEWMARKET, Apr. 30— Tiuk-r Minstrel won the -,000 Guineas running ever a mile h*. re, by eight lengths with S*i a van second and Sayajirao third ol 15 runners. opeciaj piacc DetltUX was 4-1 Saravan. 7-1 Sayajirao. John Dewar's unbeaten colt. Tudor Minstrel by
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  • 63 7 *ne? Knowing uu chosen to play cricket for oh c C.V.m.a. against the Hiciia.ii Association on Sunday at 2 p.m. on the C.\'.M:A. ground at St. George s Road. Joan Pierre, J. Chandy. V Forer, D. Miller, C. Perry, C. James, J. Woodford, A. Jerome, J. D.
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  • 70 7 U.P. LEEDS England. Apr. 30.British heavyweight title-holder Bruce Woodcock left the Royal Hc>p.tal today, where he has been receiving treatment tor the fractured jaw he sustained in his I fight with American heavyweight Joe Bak-i. i Woodcock will proceed to the oast coast resort. Filey, in
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 54 7 The HOi,pital Youngsters wiil I meet the 59 M.T. Coy, R.A.F Changi on Saturday at Changi at soccer. Players representing the Hospital Youngster* are: •Kvvarajah. T. S. Maniyam, Moh.nidia Singh, R. Rathnam. S. Murugasu. T. N. Rajah, G. Thangavaioo. K. Thambi, Arumugam, G. Nariiraj.ih. A. P. Sumy.
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  • 391 7 (tty Out Soccer Reporter) Th#> Nfcvy with* seven points for five games will meet the S.C.F.A. (2) in the Football League today at Jalan Besar. and if they win, they will share the premier position in the league table wi',h the
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  • 129 7 Reuter. LONDON. Apr. 30,—Britain's new magic-eye camera for deciding results of horse-races has already proved its worth and oxpased tl|e great difficulty a judge has had in the past of deciding the winner with the naked eye, especially on a course like Newmarket, where hor- ses race
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 128 7 An .'nter-unit swimming and diving; meeting is to be held at Gilman Barracks Swimmin e Pool on Saturday, at 3.30 p.m. to I decide the Army championships. and help :'n the choosing of the Army Team for the inter-ser- vice? Aquatic Meeting scheduled to take place at
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  • 109 7 In a friendJy badminton match played between the Orion B.P. and the Morey B.P. the Orion B.P. beat the Morey B.P. by lour gam«s to three. Detailed results were as follows: —(.Orion B.P. players mentioned first). Singles:Felix Nonis lost to Koh Beng Swee 13-15, 12-15 Harold Desker
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  • 282 7 PARKER CUP SOCCER In the semi-final of the Parker Cup yesterday on the 8.0.D. grounds, a Combined Infantry XI, repn seining the Isi Queen's Royal Regiment and the Seaforth Highlanders, defeated the Royal Army Ordnance Corps by seven goals to three. It was a
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  • 17 8 London. April 30.—Casualties on the roads of Great Britain during March totalled 302 killed and 9.849 injured
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  • 24 8 Reuter. London, Apr. 30. —J.c. Gupta of the Bengal Congress Paity arrived at London Airport tod;iy from Calcutta to attend the British Industries Fair.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 269 8 "Bright" Says Consulate Official (Tribune Staff Reporter) That the future prospects of the trade in Chinese textiles :n Malaya are bright, was forecast lasc night by Mr. C. F. Lee, Commercial Advise.- to the ConsulGeneral in Singapore. He Was speaKing at the dinner held
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  • 301 8 Reuter LONDON. April 29.-Rebel left-wingers on the British Labour Party's executive are likely to be reinforced after the Party's annual Whitsun" Conference X^ te, x? 3 thp nominati lists of candidates just published show that some prominent rebels have good chances to be elected
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 126 8 (Tribune S aff Reporter; A Malay was arrested by the C.T.D. yesterday in connection i with the kidnapping in Tuipinß •>1 a Cn nese rubber dealer who is still held by his kidnappers. Three armed were 1 reported during the lunch hour I yesterday, and
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  • 70 8 The Naafi Sports Store at An- I son Road was broken into last night i»nd ca>es of sports materials were believed to have been stolen. Entry was gained through the front door by forcing open the padlock. The store is fully packed with cases of sports
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  • 112 8 Reuter LONDON, Apr. 30.—The joint Norwegian-Swedish-British expedition to the Antarctic, scheduled for the late autumn of 1948 at the cost of £100.000. will be a combined operation in the spirit of the United Nations," according to its leader, Major General Hjalmar Riisen Larsen. explorer and
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 22 8 Fox shoots are to be held in the Beccles district of Norfolk because of the increasing number of night raids on Doultry.
    22 words
  • 134 8 UP LONDON. Apr. 30.—The St. Pancras coroner ruled to-day that although a man had stabbed another with intent to he did not commit murder because it took more that two years for his victim to die. A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded
    UP  -  134 words
  • 154 8 Reuter. LONDON, Apr. 30.—Twelve of 15 British husbands who have been pressing for permission to bring their Soviet wives to Britain tonight despatched the following telegram to Generalissimo Stalin: "On this May Day 1947 we who married Soviet girls while servnig in the
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 59 8 These two pictures illustrate part of the work done by the various branches of Singapore's Telecommunication Department. (Top) An operator in .the 'Carrier' room in Hill Street at work on his equipment. (Bottom) At the Civil Receiving Station at St. Michael's, an operator decodes
    59 words
  • 155 8 U.P. SHANGHAI. Apr. 30.—Chin that Government forces striking captured Mengyin Docket were Taipu. reportedly the headquart Fourth Army in mountainous Sh Another column ha. c n.dva c!ed toward H-intni k> miles 1 northwest cf Mency'n i i w v a I was beh'eved
    U.P.  -  155 words
  • 271 8 Reuter. LONDON, Apr. 30.—W by are Britain's churches half empty? 'It requires a certain amount of moral courage to go to church these days," said Rev. C. B. Mortlock, member of the Commission on Evangelism, which prepared a report on the faith of
    Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 49 8 Reuter. BUENOS AIRES. Apr. 30. Reports reaching here state Ihut President Morinigo ot Paraguay has resigned and is seeking refuge at the Spanish Embassy in Asuncion. Some sources :j aid that fighting is continuing in the Paraguayan capital between the Government and insurgent forces. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 191 8 Reuter LONDON, April 29.—The Vickers rocket plane, which it is hoped will break through the barrier of sound and reach the speed of 880 miles per hour, is expected to fly in about five weeks time, Sir Ben Lockspoiser, chief scientist to the British
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 23 8 Reuter An experiment with nylon as the material for the sails of a racinvr yacht may be made on the Clyde this summer.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 21 8 The King and Queen are to visH, Edinburgh in July when a series of Royal garden parties will be held. i
    21 words
  • 148 8 U.P. was a an ii Liccii v :t| nunched duck Piayed the country d in tarm Dc.y s and T i ii v n him. j ttut b< hind bfc then WJ suia the pi < enne Ccur And Juj n ztSk J i eye glaring
    U.P.  -  148 words
  • 98 8 Shaw SUidios produc'.ioi: 1 cond Motherla d Hi be P viewed at the Bs C Sunday at 9 a m The film.which was shut* Singapore was cirec ed by ctgetic Sha ghai-bom Mr I Che on and produced by 8* Bro hers limited S ucjos. 1
    98 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 132 8 j RAFFLES HOTEL l ancing Nightly (Except Sundays) 9 p.m. to Midnight SUNDAY IN THE PALM COURT AT 9 P.M LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT BY RAFFLES ORCHESTRA Direc ed by Joe Speelman and Featuring Tibor Kunstler, Dodo Mailinger and Jean Fraser Y(ur comf:rt our constant care stay, dine A drink at:
      132 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 101 8 TODAY'S WEATHER REPORT Bright Intervals, Isola'ed Heavy Showers Singaocre weather f recast for 24 hours. Prom noon today t^mfilled by cne h.a.f. Centra. Forecasting Stat m, A:r Command. Far East: Cloudy, with few bright intervals and isolated heavj showers this afternoon. Fa r tonight an.i tomorrow morning, but isolated bnowers
      101 words