Malaya Tribune, 22 February 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 49 1 The Malaya Tribune TH E PEOPLE FOrt THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now taneously i n I^l^ UmpUr lpoh 'Phone Numbers: Editor 5810 Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5815 Id' 11 SINGAPORE^ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1947 TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune SATURDAY, FEB. 22, 1947.
    49 words
  • 625 1 No Surrender Reuter. SAIGON, Feb. 21. —A nigh French political authority in Indo-china to-night expressed surprise at rumours emanating from Paris that the Vietnamese nationalists had surrendered to the French. 4 We have absolutely no knowledge of it," he said. "The story probably refers to the
    Reuter.  -  625 words
  • 125 1 Tribune Staff Reporter) i] Uw eiimai of So-day *g~***A9 exnetes s aged by the R.A.F. m ere «»o »nvil Navy «h eh un -s oi the Koyai wavy mm also ItWni P ;U 5 rtei a TengaU *n* :i secretJt- roB as lcmv.a ucim
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  • 112 1 Reuter. 21 -A Belgian rhrj ried to smuggle catches past the by rrdi'g them gH and sardine has 1 prsoti tor six months I. rd £10C 1 ii Fra eoia All lt .is Gange ta wrp, who it was stated at Dover with his wife Vednesday
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 42 1 untitled 21-Unless maoa available all train shipment* to F »'ll be cut off within a tew grain officials P'lm Wer l 1(W We should W cars per d.,v to move P ram ,n official sa,d. m havt g»t is 300 to
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  • 161 1 Reuter. Washington. Feb. 21— The Soviet Foreign Minister. M Molotov. has assured General Bedell Smith. United States Ambassador to Moscow that Russia will examine the question of reaching a settlement of her $11,000.--000 000 lend-lease account with the United States the State Department spokesman said
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. CANBERRA, Fob. 21—A vote of censure moved by Report G. Menzies, ex-Premier and Opposition leader, in the Australian House of Representatives was defeated by 37 votes to 38 after Government had applied closure. Mr. Mer.zies hnt accused th? Labour administration of "political jobbery"
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 90 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The Sugapore Harbour Board clerks, who are oi a protest irom yesterday. trTs rrjrning presented a five-point demand. Mr Henry Basten. Chairman nf the Board, s discussine he demands and th* 1 cause of tnfe sr ke three of the r
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  • 89 1 Reuter. HAMBURG, Feb. 21.—Switzerland has asked the British NBlHftt? Government to po.stponr the execu Hon .of-Carmen Hoty. 'Black Angel" of Rnvensbrueck horror camp, until her case has been examined by Swiss authorities. The Swiss Consul-Ge eral hsi" has asked for al! documents an.l
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 24 1 PARIS, Feb. 21.—The police this afternoon, arrested more than thirty members of the striding Paris Printers Union for attacking newsvtndors and destroying their pap«;r--.
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  • 140 1 Reuter. TOKIO, Feb. Zl.—Uni ed States censors have stopped publication in the Japanese press of a le ter by Sir Robert CUve, former British Ambassador to Japan, published in the London "T'mes" on Feb. 14, in which he advocated that Bri am should play a
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 100 1 Reuter. RANGOON. Feb. 21.—Negotiation* to end the strike of Rangoon s bank clerks and employee* of commercial firms which ha> tied up busines- for nine day* uaclßa a deadlock today, lt was learned authoritatively. The Dobama < Burma for the Bu.mans) party led by Thakin 3 a
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 169 1 Reuter. LONDON. Feb. 21.—The Hign Court today dismissed the suit for damages brought against a trade union by Mosley Publications Ltd.. for refusing to work on their material because it wafascist. The union was the London branch of the Printing Bookbinding and Paperworkei s Union.
    Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 431 1 LONDON. Feb. 21.—One of the heaviest snowfalls of the winter blanketed southwzst England today isolating the towns, shipping and threatening new transport difficulties. Winds of gale force were ragmg through the Straits of Dover and the temperature in all of th south of England
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  • 22 1 PARIS, Feb. 21.—The French Cabinet todap appointed Jean Mons, former police prefect of Seine Department, to be French Resident General of Tunisia.
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  • 606 1 Split Over Immediate Action Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 21.—Field Marshal Wavell has been replaced as Viceroy of India because of a difference in standpoint with the British Government on how to handle the deterioration in the India administrative machine that threatened h general collapse, it was
    Reuter.  -  606 words
  • 162 1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 2L—The Jewish Agency loday released the text of a statement turning down the final British attempt to solve ih« Palestine problem. The statement which was presented to the British Government on Feb. 13 said the British proposals were incompatible with "tiiibe basic purposes
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 54 1 Reuter. CAPETOWN, Feb. 21.—The Royal family left Capetown this afternoon on the first stage of the it two months' tour of South Africa. Their special white train left from Duncan dock, opposite the battleship Vanguard and crowds along the dockside streets cheered the Royal visitors at an
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 32 1 j!* WORLD PARK 2530 I GIAN SINGH COMPANY OPENING SHORTLY 11 *M KAFFLES PLACE I C4 te: BAJAJ PHONE; 2483. C 77T\ mm 1M Iff /W6 finer fiavouTSK nSraffco 1 LANOXIA gin
      32 words
    • 53 1 I Correct Time! i I Yes Sir! If you get your watch[ serviced by craftsmen with over a quarter of a century's experience and reputation behind them. Such expert SERVICE is available ONLY at j YICK WOH HING 429. North Bridge Road, (near corner of Middle Road) Telephone: 7922. TIGER
      53 words

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  • 124 2 CTvSbune Staff Reporter) j There s a higher degree of literacy in China today than before *he war. Professor Fei Hsiaoton g tj"!d newsman at a conference yesterday thai there was "more quant ty bu 1 poorer quality" where education for the Chinese is concerned. He explained
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  • 164 2 Yesterday the Municipal Services Union received a letter from the Municipal Commissioners granting recognition of the Union as approved at their meeting on January 31, and pledging "to offer you such assistance as lies within the President's and the Commissioners' disposal. On March
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  • 39 2 U.P. SAIGON. Feb. 21 —Representatives cf United Press, Assoc!a ed Press, Reuters and the New York Times signed a petition today for submission to General Valluy protesting against the censorship of nonmilitary releases from Saigoi.— U P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 442 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The hope that when a University does come into existence in Malaya there will be facilities for me study of Chinese cultdic arid opportunities to qualify in a full Chinese course was expressed by Professor Fei Hsiaotong of the
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  • 37 2 AMSTERDAM, Feb. 21.—For joinnig the German forces to fight the* Allies three Dutchmen were sentenced to death in Amsterdam today. One of them 27-year-old J. Veenstra wa s stated to have killed nine Allied soldiers at Arnhem.
    37 words
  • 117 2 $1,000 Fine, Mill Confiscated TELUK ANSON 4 cases that came mT??*! I before the J < summons L I dg 5! mi l near Telu l Prete in J »*sm Soon rr d Defendant nWrt<.rf ing that he oPerlbelieving his E* mt. L). g. But sistant Food CoßtaSH**.* P:rak, said
    117 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 IVifsCELLA^OUS tt'tft. H. D. MIRZA >World Famous Palmist and Ajstrologter and also Horoscope. Hours: 8-12 noon and 2-8 p.m. Ost Floor —Room 4. i TIONG HOa iftorat Thone 4522 4-«, Prinsep Street, (Opposite Cathay Cinema* £<JR SALE J FOR SALE: Newly built bungalow in Branksome Road, (vacant possession). Apply: MidEast
      597 words
    • 547 2 NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given thai: Chua Boon Peng aged 29 years cf No. 32 Lloyd Road, Singapore, has applied to the Board of Licensing Justices for the issue to him of a 3rd. Class Pubic House Licence restricted to sale of ALE. BEER. PORTER and STOUT at No. 10
      547 words
    • 248 2 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Tan Siew Hong aged 46 years of No. 3 Collyer Quay Singapore has applied *o the Board of Licensing Justices, Singapore, for a 2nd. Class Public House Licence at Nos. 14 15 Dhoby Ghau\ Singapore, and that the pame or sign under which the
      248 words
    • 363 2 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Incorporated m Singapore BLUE FTIMEL LINE Sailings to and fro*> imrTFn KINGDOM Rhesus from U.K. for Hongkong and Kobe Aristomenis from USA G 2 Teucer Sails for Liverpool and Glasgow G 29 Orestes due from UK 23 Feb. I iMyrto due from U-S.A, 23 Feb. j lAtreus
      363 words
    • 336 2 agentsNOT j IN SINGAPORE Agents For Malayan Railway AND ulen iim; I FOR LONDON, ANTWERP, AMSTERDAM, ROTTERDAM CHINA AND JAPAN. FORT** 80 UK Continent March 5 LOUISBOURG from UJC. r ,7 DUKE OF v n ATHENS from UK. March SAMFORTH from U.K. SkMml l\lf«M X. (0. SAILINGS TO SAIGON, HONGKONG.
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  • 147 3 sta g Reporter) J'^ v r r serviceable and I .V rhis was the m arms case ,M P 11 „0 tor hearing at SP* cia Y. p,.hiic Prosecutor. told Mr. V- H° r ?i, he was I youth dual who {Bl Ci- *****
    147 words
  • 306 3 iona] Emergency Food Council Sub--3.E. Asia held their fifth meetmp Office of the Special Commissioner. I mmitfa c n* d that I i bin .r.v.:<-d to bew m mber i the Rice Comnwtee ol the I E.F.C. in Wash- I Sub Committee <: e•
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  • 82 3 While seeing off his friends who were leaving for India yesterday morning, 50-year old Subedar Noor Mohamed, I.G. SC., Oarangabad Centre, a staff man a tached to the 2nd Ind;an Trans t Camp, Bukit Timah, collapsed and died before any medical aid could be .summoned. The remams were
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  • 581 3 Eye-Witness' Story Of Attack On British Captain BORs X'Mas Island Mutiny Trial An eye-witness account of the attack on Capt. Williams commanding officer of the 7th Coast Regiment, H.£ S.rt.A.. stationed at Christmas Island in March 1942, ana me four 8.0.R5., was given yesterday at the continued Court-martial trial of
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  • 29 3 Reuter. NEW YORK Feb. 21.—Plane schedules have been cancelled and trains delayed along the whole Atlantic seaboard from Washington to Maine by the heaviest snowfall of the season. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 239 3 Kwek Chin Choc, an armed robber who was sentenced to death at the November Assizes, lost his appeal when he appeared before the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday. At his trial he was charged on two counts —that of committing robbery and
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  • 74 3 IPOH, Feb. 21.—1n jrder to solvo the acute labour problem for private enterprises, the Kinta Town Board decided that Town Board labour should be made available for such work in off hours at rates to i"> fixed between the employers and the labourers. The
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  • 35 3 The club promises of the Singapore pore Clerical and Administrativ. Workers' Union at 172 A, Serangoc Road, will be formally opened by Mr. P. A B. McKerron, the Colonial Secretary, at 2.30 p.m. this afternoon
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  • 379 3 In conjunction with the British authorities in Singapore and the Chinese interests, proposals are now under consideration which it is hoped will lead to a scheme which may, to a great measure., eliminate the existing inconvenience and difficulties suffered by traders. This
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  • 392 3 Kardial Singh, a partner of the firm of Messrs Gian Singh, Singapore, appeared before Mr. Paul Storr in the First District Court yesterday on a charge of wilfully disobeying an order of the Rent Assessment Board directing him to deliver up possession of premises
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  • 305 3 Prices quoted below are to: picul weight except where otherwise stated. Foodstuffs: Yesterday's quotation« were "Meehoon": &iam No. 1 $95. Rangoon $75 Rice: Siam No 1 $100: No. 2 $97; Rangoon $67 Dlutinuous rice; Siam No 1 $80; Rangoon $43. Rock sugar:—s67. 'G v 1 a"
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  • 143 3 IPOH, Feb. 21.—The Government', method of distributing clcth thi? time by ration yards through c single firm of provision dealers lerV ing the entire Kinta district sineMoi day hit a snag yesterday necessitating the use of firehoses to dispel immense crowds which bloc* Belfield
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  • 37 3 BERLIN, Feb. HO.—Fir-t report of deaths by freezing in Russia occupied Germany trickled in toda/ as the British-licensed DPD New Service reported that 127 died in the large cities of Saxony and ThurIngia during January.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 150 3 I Ir m rytning in WwoJ Booka Supplies Bttt'onery. Printing, R;;: Ho. >fc-Binding, i Code Books, etc. j fsna chong co. Bras Basah Road, Plume 4086 7 9 Robinson Road, Phor.e 4;42 f FUTURE! ~1947 is "your year if you know how ige of it Let of w alon X
      150 words
    • 422 3 WELCOME RE r XIOX I ~z After 4 Years of Separation! Personal Message to j V all Navarozl Devotees GREETINGS and all gooa wishes for a prosperous NEW YEAR. This comes from the Spiritual Hqactquarteis of NAVAROZI. During the duration you were all out of touch with me; but, thanks
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  • 513 4 The unusually lengthy summary of the latest meeting in Singapore of the Liaison Officers who attend the Special Commissioner s monthly conferences underscored the warnings which Lord Killearn and others have voiced since the new I.E.F.G. allocations were made known. There was not a single bright spot in
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  • 895 4  -  by Paul Scott Rankine Reu'er's Co-respondent). WASHINGTON.—Working through a vast pile of memoranda prepared by State Department experts. General George Marshall. U.S. Secretary of State, is studying the questions relating to the German settlement to be debated at the meeting it the Council of Foreign
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  • 286 4 Rome. —British art and the British theatre are again comir.g into their own in postwar Italy. Ui/ier the auspices of tne British Council, an cxhihiion of modern English paintings from the Tate Gallery jnd a scries of plays by the Arts Theatre company r-pen-ed simultaneously
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  • 845 4  -  by Noel Buckley CALCUTTA.—If some Indian leftist leaders mean what they say. the British will not quit India in peace. For month> past leaders of the Forward Bloc, the I Azad Hind organisation, the Congress Socialist Party and some students and labour leadi ers
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  • 395 4 Letters To The Editor The People's Postbgq Sir.—Government's method of calculating me oacK-pay ot Asiatic (Jovernment servants -s probaoly the most absuru. .stup.d anu system that could D-e tnougnt of Dy any government official aow any cfncial could eve a thin* of valuing tne banana dot
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  • 183 4 Sir. Ay, to tne report which appeared on the front page oi your oapor dated February 18th your has made an error of putting the figur° (gift, to the Traction Company strikers) amounting to $2,000. I wond r how he came to reach that figure. It is
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  • 142 4 Sir, —It is indeed arpriii;. 1 note that amonsjsi th* Asiati: nurses recently promoted h k sisters not a single Chinese nu.v has been considered woruiv that status! This not only reflects discredit on tne rm» was of Chinese nur.-es bu. aln reminds one of tne dayi whe.i
    142 words
  • 128 4 Sir—How do thus** < were meiroers of i< fort the war, cut were r ed after tne jap cunm r.< vasion oil }Via"iva J< job we were tne.* 1 c 15 sldered rx esseniir; in the rrvtter ol r;,,u j. gratia payment g- vei4 Gov. nun e^it? Tn»-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 63 4 You'll never have another pair of eyes I *o- c V AN. Your one and only pair ot eyes Irreparable, Invaluable! Guard them carefully. Have your eyes examined regularly? If not, don't forget to consult us and get a pair of Modern, Smart eye-glasses. Free service for eyesight testing! i
      63 words
    • 32 4 I I Available from stock, Wholesale and rd A of various COTTON RAGS sSTiJ per lb GUM ARABIC CORKS f r j SINCERE TRADING COMPANY Importers Exporters P.O. BOX 6CB, SINGAPORE PHPN*"-'
      32 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 47 4 7r mll MRt£ powdez PND&//TS Bf?£f?VH ft Million mf.n MAY 3E DESTROYED IN fIN HOUR'- y --THUS THE: ATOM 50M6 1 was peeoicTtD by A NEWSPAPER WCITE.R ~fs<f*~ > OF DlfcT DUG FROM AND MADE INTO BRICKS IN A /7/V »/V ELER-IRNT OFTEN REMFIINS STANDING AFTER. IT'S OBOf
      47 words

  • 577 5 HEADACHE FOR HOUSEWIVES (Tribune Staff Reporter) One of the acutest problems which Singapore is lacing at the moment is a dearth of domestic servants, especially Chinese amahs, who are returning to their homeland in large numbers. This shortage in amahs is in turn upsetting the wage-scale
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  • 123 5 Reuter. iue court hai Albert .Bl ,v Hitler s rider in Italy— v heard tne rman battasused to cam n issacra 33.> i in 1940 aenad r lislou-; EtHl j** 1 -ad una sut>X c i sS. Colonel mseli unde: ir, thta
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 87 5 Reuter. WUN< i I b. 20. UNRRA Dee in the Capital re- that the UNRRA Anwhej office in fftti v abi at 50 miles south-west Ranking) al the end of this and its Kiangsu office in C iiigkj ing (about 30 miles ol Nanking) at
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 37 5 Reuter. RANGOON Feb. 20.—Dakota* cf ii RAF will tomorrow begin 600 tons of rice and 10 MM t" fnmine-stricken areas '0 the Karon Hills. Simi'ar operations were carried "Ut Mrlkff this month.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 39 5 PAWS -°—M Paul RamaFr. nch Prime Minister, said P«*ss conference here tod-y T: .i-y operations in Indo--1 were going s o well that a •lution of the conflict aid be hoped for i n the near future.
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  • 69 5 JERUSALEM, Feb. 2C—Tile Trgunists extended their "war of nerves" to newsmen today when a person purpoting to be the spokesman for the organization telephoned the Public Information Office in T«1 Aviv during a press conference and warned that bombs had been pieced in the building. The newsmen
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  • 118 5 U.P. The cargo of the Air Franco Constellation which the crew jettisoned into the Atlantic to enable the plane to reach Casabalanca with 17 aboard, consisted two tons of peace treaties printed in the United States for European Governments. The cargo consisted of 11 cartons containing 800
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 69 5 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 20.—The volcano On. Mount Mayon in Luzon, most important of the Philippine Islands, which has given signs of unrest in the past month burst into life today, New York Radio reported. Tons of smoulering lava are pouring down the slopes towards the the town
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 31 5 RANGOON, Feb. 20 -Eighteen Burmese dacoits Were killed in n clash with a company of Gurkha troops near Pyinmana, Centn.l Burma, last week, it was officially announced here today.
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  • 412 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) IPOH—Some of the finest fishing in the world is available in Malayan streams and rivers, but unless steps are taken immediately to preserve and protect it, this popular snort will no longer be available. Sportsmen arc apprehensive for the future of
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  • 78 5 Reuter. MOSCOW, Feb. 20.—The official Soviet News Agency today described as fabricated "from Beginning to end" the report winch it said had appeared in Chinese papers that ammunition was beine transported by sea from the Russian-controlled ports of Dalny and Port Arthur in Manchuria to Chefoo for
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 97 5 ANTI ESPIONAGE PRECAUTIONS IN AUSTRALIA Reuter. SYDNEY. Feb. 20.—Extraordinary precautions against espionage will be taken before, during .md alter the rocket bomb tests in Australia, and action has begun already according to the Sydney Morning Herald's Canberra correspondent. Whenever a -hip arrives at any Australian port, a careful examination b
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 80 5 Reuter. NANKING, Feb. 20—Members nt the British Air Mission to China had a long meeting with, Chinese Government aviation authorities today, it was reliably learned, but the nature of discussions was not disclosed. However, it is expected the draft proposals, submitted by both parties. Will be
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. WELLINGTON, Feb. 20.—The »d pointment of Group Captain A. E. Clouston, —pre-war long-distance flying ace —a> Director-General <»f New Zealand's Civil Aviation, wa* announced here today.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 103 5 U.P. NUREMBERG, Feb. 20.— A maximum sentence of ten years hard labour and confiscation of his entire fortune was demanded yesterday for the aged diplomat Franz yon Papen by the prosecution in the United States deNazification Trial. "If yon Papen is not sentenced, all
    U.P.  -  103 words
  • 191 5 Reuter. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 21.—After hours of search by firemen and police in the wreckage of buildings destroyed by an electroplating plant explosion here, only 15 bodies could be found and the coroner officially recorded that number as dead. Earlier the Los Angeles police
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 54 5 12 was breakfast by candlelight for guests ,in London hotels and restaurants when electricity urns cut off in accordance wih the Government's plan to deal with the fuel cr ss, ten days ago. Photo shows a waiter bringing the candles as guess take breakfast gi the Cumberland Ho'el, London, after
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  • 70 5 U.P. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.—Char. man of the Joint Congressional Committee Senator Bourke R. Hickenlooper declared today that he will stop Senator Kenneth McKaller's "one man war" against David E. Lillienthall's appointment as Chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Hickenlooper warned McKellav against wasting his
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 96 5 BRISBANE. Feb. 20.—Queensland's Premier. Mr. E. Hanlon, has written to the Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Joseph Cnifley. recommending the replacement of Dr. H. C. Coombes. Australia's Director-General ol Reconstruction as leader of the Australian delegation to the Geneva trad? talks, owing to a statement Dr.
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  • 151 5 H. M. the King has been plea.--.-d to approve an award of Mention in Despatches to Captain Licrwl Henry Harte-Barry. An announcement to that effect appeared in the Military Supplement to the London Oatette dated Jar.v. 23. Captain Harte-Barry commanded "B" Company of Dalforce, and
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  • 82 5 After over a month's detention by the Dutch in Tanjong Priok the 400-ton British cargo ship Empire Mayrover returns to Singapore today with nine motor cars, the remainder of the original consignment of 33 shipped to CheriDon ov a Singapore Chinese firm The Empire Mayrover was
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  • 60 5 LONDON, Prb. 20.—Transjordan is included in "our plan of conquest" according to a broadcast ever the "Voice of Fighting Zion"—secret transmitter of the Jewish terrorist organisation, Irgun Zvai Leumi. ''The whole of Palestine —East and West of the River Jordan —must btours," the announcer declared "Our
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  • 43 5 U.P. SAIGON Feb. 20. Admiral thierry D'Argenlieu, the French High Commissioner to Indo-China, left Saigon today for Paris whet*' he will report to the government on the situation in Indo-China. He is expected to arrive in Paris on Monday.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 (iOoii News Io Stamp Collectors. Many Sarawak B.M.A. and North Berne* 15 M.A. mint complete sets Available if good offer. p AR EAST TRADING CO, Bex No 7. Kudat, North Borneo. Phono Rq< 71 r i0 iU2 Cables: "EXCELDA" SINGAPORE IST AND *Oj r TEW E L X .'tutor tar
      86 words
    • 161 5 BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR LONDON AND BIRMINGHAM, MAY sth-16th IMX This is your first opportunity in seven years to see your old suppliers in Britain and to meet now' ones. Overseas Buyers are invited to Britain for the 1947 British Industries Fair. It will enable them to establish personal contact with
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  • 658 6 PROTEST AGAINST PROSECUTION OF COMRADES FOR LOOTING (Tribune Staff Reporter) Approximately 350 tally clerks and godown clerks wt nt on a lightning strike at the Singapore Harbour Board at 1 p.m. yesterday as a protest against five members of the S.H.B. Staff
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  • 121 6 Nearly 15,000 cabbage- grown in Victoria have been bought for export to Singapore' and Malaya. This is the first lajge consignment since the war interrupted Australia's 30-year-old trade in vegetable* with the East. Imports into Australia from Malaya for December, 1946, amounted to 387.000. which brought the
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  • 63 6 Reuter. COLOMBO, Feb. 20.-On his return from a week's visit to India. N. W A. De Silva of Galie found that 2,000 piece* of jewel lery, which he had left locked up an aim.ii ah in charge of a servant, had been stolen during
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 76 6 At the annual general meeting the District the fpjkgwfcg wore thtf. ted office bearers for the year 197: President: Mr. Eri<- 5. B. ffT'Ht. Vice-President: Mr. Peter Lim: Eon Treasurer: Mr. Michael Wee: Hon Secretary: Mr. Victor J. Joseph: Hon. Auditor: Mr. Lecng Hong Ton: Chairman
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  • 40 6 U.P. LONDON, Feb. 20.—Mr. Arthur Greenwood, the acting government leader in the Commons, announced today that the House will debate Palestine next Tuesday, the resumption of industry and fuel distribu tion next Wednesday and Foreign Affairs next Thursday.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 121 6 Reuter. SYDNEY.—A Government official said in Canberra that more peopl? left Australia last year than arrived in the countiy. He said 16,G70 migrants arrived in Australia between January and November, 1946. But in the same period 28,047 people left Australia. Among the 28 047 Who left Weiv
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 84 6 U.P. Reply, ng to the British charges that Albania had sowed the illicit minefields wh'ch had damaged the two Brit sh warships with a loss of 44 lives, the Albanian de'egate, Hysm Kapof, complained that the British vessels had repeatedly moved into Albania's territorial waters and deliberately provoked
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • 63 6 U.P. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Ta?War Department, it Was disclosed today, has recommended L hc promotion to permanent colonelcy of acting Colonel James A. Kilian v.h, was convicted, reprimanded and fined $500 in the Liehfield, England, Army prisoner camp brutality trial. Kilian's name appears in ihe list
    U.P.  -  63 words
  • 40 6 U.P. VALESE, ITALY, Feb. 20.— Twenty-seven year-old Adamo Betti made a suicide leap from a seventh floor window here today. His body crashed through the roof of a twostorey house below. Betti was founc suffering from minor scratches.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 32 6 Many Swiss citizens are being unjustly held in French prisons for alleged collaboration with the enemy," the Parliamentary Commission of Swiss National Council for Foreign Affairs alleged at Berne on Thursday night.
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  • 254 6 OUR FINANCIAL SECTION All sections of the share market yesterday continued steady with a demand for st j iiinft tins. Kamuntings had buyers at 11/-, Ipoh Tins 21/6. Ayer H> tarns 20/6, Kinta Kellas 8/9. Southern Ktntas 12/3, 2/9, Kamras 2/71, Tronohs 21/--and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 177 6 ¥9Tg% TO-DAY >g Hf i W II a.m. —2 p.m.—4.ft p.m. 6_ 30jd ra —> 15 p M 4Q42. Qiß^COnpiTipnED; I MONTEZ Robert PAIGE [OWARO BROMBERG fl TO-NIGHT at MID-NIGHT Demon DURBIN... in her First TECHNICOLOR Triumph! "CAN'T HELP SINGING" jr\ v iV Songs J^'* itoNiu iwuti 1 Jerome KERiN
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    • 123 6 Church Services St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 tun, Holy Communum (Plain j. 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. Mattins, followed by Holy Communion at 11.15 5.30 p.m. Evensong. Christ Church; Dorset Rd.: 7 a.m. Holy Communion, 8 a.m. CJhoril Eucharist, 10.30 a.m. Hindustani Service, 5 p.m. Evenscng. St. Hilda's Church, Katong:
      123 words
    • 114 6 International Pictures presents mm mm SQNJ* DfXIE 10 r^r^N Mystery Experts IfAFFLiiiH J| NO ONE "ouid *y \jM 'he answer to the GREATEST MYSTERY.... jjr^j "WOMAN j- WINDOf I with Edward G. ROBINSON Joan BENNQI "A sure-sock hit! One of the most at ,f--tures of the year. WILL KEEt-
      114 words

  • 354 7 Reuter. SYDNEY, Feb. 21.—For the first time in this tour, Peter Smith reproduced his England county form here to-day when taking eight New South Wales wickets for 119 in 24 overs and at close of play, the Home side have scored 336
    Reuter.  -  354 words
  • 571 7 Reuter. SYDNEY, Feb. 21—The four-day match between the MCC and New South Wales opens here this morning. NeW South Wales batted first and at close of play was 336 for 9. The batsmen were not the complete masters that the pre-lunch score
    Reuter.  -  571 words
  • 142 7 Football League Army vs. Malay Foodball Association, Jalan Besar. The following will represent the Malay Foodball Association against the Army in the S.A.F.A. league game today: Jaafar b. H. Rithwan; A. Rahman b. H. Ali, Salleh; Harith, Bksan, Halim; Shariff Madon, H. Garhan. Madon, Mahmood and Hussein. Reserves:'
    142 words
  • 94 7 Raffl College met the Indian Association at table tennis last night. Results Raffles College players mentioned first: Ho Peng Yoke lost to N. Joseph i 7—21. 15 21. Bion Bury beat F. Suppiah 21-17. 18—21. 21—13. G M. Thomas bfat M. Sivan 21—16. 21—13. p. R Daniel beat
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  • 78 7 A soccer match between the S.C.C. team and the Land Office SportClub will be played on Monday, February 24th at 5.15 p.m. on the S.C.C. Pa dang. The following have been selected to play for the S.C.C. P. W. Coterell, D. Brennan, R. Smith. C. J. Bembroke, S.
    78 words
  • 47 7 Reuter. SYDNEY, Feb. 20.—Sid Barnes, Australian Test cricketer, intends sailing for England in ftfavCh. He told friends it will be mainly a business trip occupying several months. It is understood he intends to investigate possibilities of playing cricket during his visit. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 73 7 The following will play Cricket for the Indian Association Ist XI against the Medical College Union, on Sunday at 11.00 a.m. on ihe College Ground. Players are requested io assemble at Balbir Co., No. 11l North Bridge Road, Singapore at 10.00 a.m. N. Abbasbhoy (Captain), Parthasarathy, Selakan
    73 words
  • 100 7 The following are requested to turn up at Carlisle Court on Sunday at 2.30 p.m. to chose a B Team to represent the United Family Party against the Jacques B.P "B' wt Upper Serangoon: Heng Mvi Kiah, Heng Mvi Thiam; Heng Wilgie, Heng Siak Thiang. Heng Kwons
    100 words
  • 78 7 The Singapore Recreation Club soccer Xt to meet the S.C.F.A. in a game in aid of the Chinese Mechanics* Fund to be played on Sunday at Jalan Besar will be selected from the following: O. Webber, J. Ferguson, J. de Sou za, J. Sanderson, J. Lowther. J Peters
    78 words
  • 216 7 Reuter. EDINBURGH, Feb. 21.- -Snow has made it doubtful if after all the Scotland versus Ireland rugby international will take place at Murray-field to-morrow and thĕ final decision is to be left till the morrrrng. Scotland, without a win in the rl rs t
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 161 7 Reuter. London. Feb. 21.—For the fourth successive Saturday the British football prograTnthe has been bit by weather. Never before in the hfctory of the tame has such a prolonged holtf-up occurred and he powers that be. having already extended the playing season to cope with
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 59 7 The following will represent iho Singapore Clarke Rangers Cricket XI on Sunday against the Royal Engineers Singapore at the Victoria School ground. Play Will commence at 11 a.m. S. M. Ally (CapfO, A. Yunos, B. Swain, B. S. GITI, H. Snah. ft. Rodrigues, M. Shah, A Jansen. M.
    59 words
  • 30 7 A general meeting of the Devonshire B.P. will be held at the residence of Mr. Tan Hock San, 60 Koek Road, on Saturday, Inarch 1, at 4.00 p.m.
    30 words
  • 28 7 U.P. LONDON, Feb. 20.—Moscow said today that the Supreme Soviet me in a joint session today with Stalir, attending. The House cheered Stalin and Molotov. U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 141 7 (Our Own Reporter). KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 22.—The going is likely to be harj for UiceCOnd day of the Selangor Turi Club's meet to be held in Ruala Lumpur today. Following are the scratch:np:s and order of running: Race I—Horses1 —Horses class II Div.
    141 words
  • 134 7 Ball Hits Bat Eye Reuter. BRISBANE, Feb. 21—A splendid display by Bruce Dooland featured the dreary batting by South Australia in the Sheffield Shield match against Queensland which began here today. South Australia were dismissed for 224 in four hours 52 minutes and in reply Queensland had made ten for
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 106 7 U.P. NEW YORK, Feb. 20.—Racing for land with only two of Its four engines working a France constellation airliner landed safely in Casablanca, French Morocco, yesterday after a thrill-packed ti ans-Atlantic flight. Ihe last 400 miles of overdter journey was made atter its crew had
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 53 7 Reuter. SHANGHAI, feb. Chinese J.450-ton warship "Tai Koftg'' is expected to sal; g> Japan shortly to participate in the Ain-?d occupation flprtfes, it was learned today. The 'W Kong' is one of the American donated warshipsjiid has i rnrapjement of 200 officers under the commffna of
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 phone 3327 t i snows g 30. 9 .00 •Operate Journey" r Ronald r culeman. a l M dnight <£g ut Stand /..-u'iITOW 'TH- SLAKLEi HOR3E/'-AAin DV Co LiiCKy n Tpehnicolof i Dick 1"* "-'iit {a Eddie r Bracken \v<t "So Proudly We Hail" rh Ctandet o Colbert t
      148 words
    • 53 7 r in*! WW To-day: 3—7—9.15 p.m.. "KISMET" (in Technicolor) »firrrtATT To-night: 7—9.15 p.m. Last 2 Bhows"Deadwood Dick" (Filial Cha*ps.) Ooening TP-morrow (3—7—9.15 p.m.l JThia L Gun For Hire" To-day: 3—7—9.15 p.m. "Tarzan's New York Adventure" Opening To-d*ay: 3__7_9-.15 p.m. Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy in 'THE JITTERBUGS" The funniest till of
      53 words
    • 185 7 ■4 in r i ni i I ■mjk w t mrmmmi' 4n IYg i VI I I |i j f#S To-chy 5 Shows 10.30 a.m.—1.30—4 6.30—9.30 p.m. The Great Story Of A Great Woman! A WOMAN WHO DEFIED CONVENTION! Scr«eo PUjf by Au»»» i,c*/s Story by Ba!pb »roduceo B> WING
      185 words

  • 171 8 U.P. COLOMBO, Feb. 21.—The Government of Ceylon luid plans for processing domestically produced rubber in Ceylon, the Minister of Labour, Mr. Haje Sewavitrne announced to-day. The ivlinister asked the State Council for a supplementary estimate of 550,009 rupees for the purchase of the
    U.P.  -  171 words
  • 144 8 PENAN G.—The GovernorGeneral. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. speaking at the annual dinner of the Penang Medical Practitioners' Association neld at the E. and O. Hotel, recalled his experience as Minister ot Heaith in the Coalition Government. It was then, he said, that ne learned to have a
    144 words
  • 97 8 IPOH. Feb. 21.—Fire broke out in the smokehouse of a Teluk Anson rubber factory last night involving a loss estimated a: forty-thousand do'iurn It is believed that rubber shee's which hung in the smokehous f-31l on to the fire. The flames spread rapidly and before a watchman
    97 words
  • 32 8 U.P. FRANKFURT, Feb. 20—untitled Munich pub, where he staged kit famous beerhall putsch, will be nacl into a super nightclub fo r the Army the new United States aitforec paper reported today.—U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 72 8 U.P. BERLIN, Feb. 20.—Air Marshul Sir Sholto Douglas, the British military governor for Germany, announced today a compulsory labour plan for idle displaced persons in the British zone with possible imprisonment facing those who refuse to work. The "work or else" order will actually affect
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 150 8 PENANG.—A line or $1,000 j was imposed by the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. P. Blaekledge, on Mohamed Abu Baker for n-: go- j tiating bets at the Penang Turf Club on Jan. l. Mohamed was arrested by two I detectives immediately after race I four and
    150 words
  • 70 8 (From Our Ow n Reporter.) IPOH, Feb. 21.—At the monthly meeting of the Kinta Town Boa d yesterday it was decided to *tnri preliminary work immediately for the provision of a waterbome sewage system for Ipoh. It was announced that no estimates were provided in this
    70 words
  • 40 8 Reuter. RANGOON, Feb. 20.—The Burma Government announced today it Concluded negotiations with th-j India Government for import f I.bOO tons (15,000,00(1 ynru 0 lexliles from Ir dii dv;."" tV fir st half of the pr <sf»nt veil- —Reitrr.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 456 8 Reuter. (From Sydhcy Campbell, Reuters F -ancal Corresponded, LONDON. Fed. 21.—The Soviet budget for 1947 introduced last night confirms the implication cf the 1946 budget that Russia is facing at least as severe a problem of postwar inflation as any other major country. It does
    Reuter.  -  456 words
  • 67 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 21.— The present guaranteed Governnv. Nt padi purchase prices of $20 per picul for padi delivered at the mill and $19.20 for padi purchased in the field will rema. r 3 force until June 30, 1948. states a communique. This means that the above prices
    67 words
  • 36 8 Reuter. ISTANBUL, Feb. 20.-The sale of tyres so far restricted has been decreed tree with the importation of 12.000 car and lorry tyrrs. The import ot rubber :s also soon to be freed from restriction.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 308 8 Reuter. NEW YORK. Feb. 21. —Direct reaction in America to Mr. Attlee's statement on India is conspicuous by its absence in most American evening papers. The papers are filled with reports of snowstom of blizzard proportions which has been sweeping
    Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 177 8 Reuter. CANBERRA. Feb. 21.—"Whatever the future holds. Austral a wishes India well," stated Dr. H V. Evatt. Australian Minister for External Affairs, commenting on the British Government's deci--5100 on the future of India. "1 hope there will not be any severance of association between the British
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 179 8 Reuter. BIRMINGHAM Feb. 21 -Abdul old Indian pedlar, was today co i m Birmingham assizes charge.) with > year-ola English girl Mrs, Selina Ha shea Meah, an Indian of the sanii ali the three occupied in Bir At a previous hearing th; prosecutor said
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 117 8 Reuter. TOKIO. Feb. 21—Two of the Japanese counsel at the Tokio War Crimes Trial of General Hideki Tojo and 27 other former 'Japanese warleadersi have re- fused to be associated with the 60-page statement with which Dr. Ichiro Kiyose. senior defenc 1 counsel, will open
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 42 8 U.P. PEIPING, Feb. 21.—Miss Yoshike Kawashima. who was born a Manchurian princess, detainei -ince the Japanese surrender d on charges of Uav-nj; directed a JaD spy ring in China, soon will called to Nanking to testify in the war crimes trial. —UP.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 123 8 LONDON. I probably BC** d uitt Cfc. choslovakia k\ r th tier claims. An official -!> main outstanrtii g l|Oesti«ai M tria for the Cofl Foreign Mini U j First, Austria c German asset in Ans| compensation f-.i Daitcd N a w property damaged
    123 words
  • 84 8 U.P. NANKING Yb. 21. It m\ authoritatively rep rtej t*| that China two CNAC and the CATC, ground* since Jan. 30 as the of a series of disastrous air cnufca which took tota] .IW will be permitted to rewae.*guiar 1 itn [tic passenger flight; next
    U.P.  -  84 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 RAFFLES HOTEL 1 DAXCIXG MMITI.Y 9 p.m. to midnight RAFFLES ORCHESTRA %?*%&um I with JOAN FRASER and TTBOR KUNSTLER, vocalists I i Admission $1.40 mcl. Tax. WATCH FOR IQ A7 PEN AMATEUR v* DANCE COMPETITION to be held al THE Sr..%n»Y WORLD CABARET! i Organised by SA.T.D. TO-MORROW TIFFIN DANCE
      71 words
    • 37 8 I When you see this i ft i'l'lll film, please don't I v AH E B I "1; r*v~\ the climax, j p r()m T omorro She attracted men j Woman «j^9 TTii TTi i i 0
      37 words