Malaya Tribune, 12 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 53 1 The Malaya Tribune v) THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously in Singapore, Kuala L umpur Ipoh (Penang office opening shortly) Phone Numbers: Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5813 HGHI PAGES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1946 TEN CENTS. The Malaya Tribune TODAY,
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  • 323 1 Portuguese Uprising Reuter. !SBON, Oct. II Unconfirmed reports 1 ite the Ar ny ha< issued an ultiTiatum Portuguese Government to hard over power otherwise it will take over. Ids that this report, although from usual- I sources, should be treaied with reserve. wore stated to be
    Reuter.  -  323 words
  • 67 1 A.P. HOLLYWOOD, Oct. ll:—Eight American film stars are to participate in a command performance before their Majesties the K> g and Queen in London on Nov. 1. the Motion Picture Association a .nounced. Headed by academy award winner Ray Milland, the group includes Pat
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. miD, Oct. v.— r :s said that mcd sou r ce> in n close contact :> r tuguese affairs that Lisbon ne>rr<->js" and iere might still be .percussions. aid that the aim troops who revolted march on Lisbon move the GovemrenlaciJia it by miiirule.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. Oct. 11: —Monsignur a Roman Catholic igoslavia who was tod to 10 years' forced Yugoslav court for ■1 -he state" will also it ion oi property and right* for five years. 0 commenting on the -entente passed on said to night: "The cathoD of
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 20 1 Reuter. IDE JANEIRO. Oct. 11:—An military plane crashed in bs today. Six people were Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 1 Freed paratroopers queue up fo> tinner immediately inter their arrival at Nee Soon Transit Camp last light. The dinner, they claimed, urns their "best for weeks." Pietme on left shows some of the men alighting from a truck on their a'rival,
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    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 54 1 A.P. DETRIOT, Oct. ll—The race between Chevrolet and Ford is apparently under way and if both can continue to get supplies, may aid .materially in bolstering the otherwise lagging output of the nation's automobile industry. The Chevrolet production since Jan. 1 was 398,000 cars while the Ford production
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 167 1 A.P. NANKING, Oct. 12:—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's troops capRued tii«? Communist regional stronghold of Kalgan. the Ministry of National Defence claimed on Friday. Chinese Communists had said the loss of Kalgan would end the last hope of a negotiated peace for China and signal all-out resistance. A Communist
    A.P.  -  167 words
  • 72 1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 President Truman has rejected the British suggestion that his latest Palestine pronouncement endangered the solution of the holy land problem in his reply to the recent note from Mr. Clement Attlee, the British Premier, it ivas learned from responsible sources here today.
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 33 1 Reuter. LONDON. Oct. 11— The international tin conference has agreed on the establishment of a study group and continuance of the combined tin committee to make allocations while supplies are short.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 288 1 Smuggled German Girl As ATS Officer A.P. HAMBURG, Oct. 12. —A British Colonel and a German girl si cod in the witness box here on Friday and told of a love which led to an illicit journey to England, prison for the girl and a
    A.P.  -  288 words
  • 89 1 Reuter. DOVER, Oct. 11:—The Duke and Duchess of Windsor arrived hentonight by steamer from France. The Duke, bare-headed, dressed in a tweed overcoat over a flannel suit, looked more boyish than ever. The were a blue costume with a hat to match. j Although the Duke gave
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 251 1 Reuter. BERLIN, Oct. 11:—Tacques Souvairan. correspondent of the French rows agency who disclosed proceedings of the Allied C ontrol Council »-x--traordinary meeting in Berlin I held to consider the pleas M behalf of the sene-ced Nazi leaders before these had been officially made known, was today expelled
    Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 66 1 Reuter. TvANGOON, Oct. 11:—Burma, re contly crippled and just begin", incr to recover from the paralytic effects of the general strike called <>ff last Saturday, will face smother —this time by L' labourer! of the Burma Oil Company a~d Government sponsored commercial projects, who arc downing tools
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 WE BUY AND SELL; ALSO s ice t a r s of Any Make Phone 4680, or i ("on suit: Celebes Motor Co. Lavender Street, j Singapore. S GI AN SIN G rTS~DESIRE TO LEAVE MEMORY BEHIND BEFORE THEY CLOSE V FULL NEW KHAKI TROUSER FOR $6/FOR EITHER SEX LIMITED
      74 words
    • 65 1 Correct Time dim**! When your timekeepers are serviced by experienced craftsmen with 28 years* reputation Give us a Trial Phone 7922 YICK WOH HING 429, North Bridge Road, Singapore, (near corner of Middle Roadl (Contractors to H.M. Forces rince 1928). This firm has no connection whatsoever with any other watchmakers,
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  • 446 2 '(By Sydney Campbell, Router's Financial Editor) LONDON, Oct. 10— The Britisli Government obviously has not yet decided what will happen now that the ending of international allocation of rubber has been announced for the end of the year. Throe alternatives nre: Firstly, a free market Secondly, Government
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  • 72 2 The announcement of a free i market in rubber from the end Of this year has not yet been fell In the local rubber share market which continued quiet yesterday with mild buying inquiries only. Tin shares continue to be freely offered from London with lower prices
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  • 69 2 Singapore, Friday. Another "People's Kestaura t" ril apencd this norninrr at the New World Boxing Arena. Ileal* for 1.000 were prepared for ihe hut later it expected that ther,< will be r.eed for meals a day since the -ituatud in a congested area. The nana t.his
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  • 79 2 A.P. BERLIN. Oct. 10.-A new Allied body called the "Combined Services Directorate" to supervise demilitarization of Germany will begin functioning ■>n Jan. 1. 1947. General Joseph McNarney. American Commander in Europe, announced today. The establishment assumes work formerly handled by the military, naval and air directorate.
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 72 2 The death took place On Wednesday, at his heme, IT St. Barnabas Road, Singapore, of Mr. F. M. Boudtwyn, well-known la newspaper ;.r.d advertising circles in Malaya. Mr. Boudewyn. who was 57 years Cf Rge, «ras formerly Production Manager oi Messrs. Warm Publicity Service* Ltd.. anc
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  • 23 2 PARIS. Oct. 11.—The French Radio Employees Union decided to ahandon the radio strike threatened for today pending further negotiations on the wage issue.
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  • 488 2 i By Our Oivn Critic As honey to the bear, carrot to the donkey, a good red-herring to the professional orator, so are Mr Noel Coward's plays to amateur theatrical companies. They just can't be resisted. Sometimes one wonders if Mr. Coward is not
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  • 32 2 JERUSALEM, Oct. 11.—Two Arab land brokers, who were said to have sold land to Jews, have been "executed" by an organisation calling itself the "Arab Hgner Fighters", posters informed the public today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 530 2 SINGAPORE DIRECTORY CO., (Established in 1936) No. 51, Thomson Road, SINGAPORE. We have started the work of compiling the "Singapore Directory" for 1917. The Firms, Institutions, the Government and Municipal Offices as well as individuals are kindly requested to ■end in their particulars for insertions free of charge. We reserve
      530 words
    • 790 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for the purchase of the following materials: 1. 6,147' L. lb Cleaning rags. 2. 1.014 lbs. Scrap leather cuttings. 3. 37m lbs. Scrap copper. 4. 1,529* lbs. scrap brass. Samples may be inspected at the Electricity Departments store ;.t the old Turf Club stable-.
      790 words
    • 704 2 NOTICES MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE Appointment of Shift Engineer in the Boiler House at St. James Power Station. Applications are invited from duly qualified Engineers between the ages of 30 and 40 years for the position of Shift Engineer in the Boiler House at St. James Power Station Commencing salary between
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    • 37 2 SHIPPING K. P. M.** UWE. m.v. TJITJALENGKA expected to sail from Singapore to HONGKONG, AMOY SHANGHAI on OCTOBER 26th. For Freight and Passage: ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION COMPANY (Incorporated in the Netherlands) 1, Finlayson Green, Singapore. Telephone 5975.
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    Reuter.  -  392 words
  • 92 3 Oum Reporter) IPOH, Friday, nicer visited the m at Ipoh this tck and told paratroopers r >heir sentence had been the War Minister, arc spending tosame camp as no > ":odatio7i is avail--1 hen I visited the re enjoying ci- and tonight the .".leer Service
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  • 488 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) S not until hall past two yesterday afterie paratroopers held in the Kluang denp as convicted ••mutineers" heard officially that their conviction had been quashed by arv of State for War. Mr Bellenger made his si. Nt in the House
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  • 124 3 On his first official visit to Malacca, the Governor-General, vlr Malcolm McDonald, was en- -eruined to a dinner by the Malice i Chinese community last light, held at the Meng Cheng \ss" ciatii a premises. About 150 cuests. including Government officials, prominent nembers of the Malacca
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  • 280 3 Reuter. revest. Jo}nt co nnll ,M!„.,- mid the aoHnnent was ar"eed I n by ProfWillem Schermerhor*, Premier Sutan Sjahrir. ar.d Lord jQHearn, because the arrival of Sjakrlrt military advisers from interior Java war- unavoidably delayed. A row date for th€ truce ta ks will be sot
    Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 45 3 A.P. Manila, Oct. U.—Sources close to President Manuel Rcxas said he is expected to fly to Bagio th's weekend to resume conversations with United States Ambassador McNutt on the American request for military bases in the Philippines. The conversations are now at a stalemate —A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 166 3 Tham Wai Yin (21), an Cantonese, who had been dischargLd from hospital on Thursday, where he had been receiving treatment for a self-inflected stomach wound for more than a fortnight, was bound over to be of good behaviour, yesterday. When Tham appeared before Mr. L.
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  • 231 3 Two private residences and a liquor shop in Singapore were visited by armed Chinese robbers on Thursday, and in all three cases the robbers managed to get away with their swag. The first robbery took plac? at a house in Kitchener Road at noon when four armed Chinese
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  • 92 3 Fines totall ng $1,450 were imposed by the District Judge. Mr. T T. Russtll yesterday on three Chinese for dealing in blackmarket rice. Chng Bi>k Hen? <33\ and Chng Ah Loy <16>. were lined $800 and $150 respectively for transportation and possession of 280 kattie;
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  • 130 3 When two lorries loaded with ground nuts packed in gunny hags arrived at the Keppel Customs Examination Station, Revenue Officers were given declaration papers purporting to show that the consignment consisted of ground nuts only: but when a probe was inserted into some bags, rice
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  • 162 3 Cathedral parishi nen arc asked to brbf to the Church gifts of fru:t. rejretablei and flowers for the decoration of the Church for the services of thanksgiving on Sunday. /U1 gifts received Will be Ukea t 1 f he Leper Hospital for the patents there.
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  • 100 3 An inqquest was neld in the Coroners Court yesterday on the gruesome death of a Chinese woman, found dead in the lallang. 40 yards off Siglap Road, with q cut throat. The woman, believed to be an amah, was discovered on the morning 3f May 5 with
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  • 154 3 To celebrate the incorporation of the Education Branch of the RA.F. into the regular Ar Fcrce a cocktail party was held at the Malcolm Club yesterday evening when tho guests of honour was the Allied Air Com-mander-in-Chief. Sir George Pirie. Host and h stesr, were Command Education
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  • 453 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) The Chinese Government, in its desire to assist the Chinese in the Netherlands East Indies, has decided to restore all its pre-war consulates in that territory and to open two new consulates, one at Pangkal Pinang in Banka island and the other
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  • 88 3 A Malay. All bin Haji Hassan, •leaded guilty before Magisrate X H. Byrne yesterday to i charge of attempted suicide, q his room at the coolie lines ,t the naval dockyard, on Thurs'aAii was ordered to a mental tospltal to be kept under obtervation for two weeks. When
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  • 48 3 A charge of armed robbery, allegedly committed on Sept. to at Havelock Road, was explained to Cheong Kek Kuan m thThird Magistrate's Court yester He was remanded in custody tU At the time of the alleged robI berv. Cheong was armed a .38 revolver.
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  • 67 3 St. Andrew's Cathedral: 7 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain) 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist 10.30 a.m. Mattir.s followed by Holy Communion, and 5-30 p.m. Evensong. Christ Church: Dorset Road: 7 l.m. -Holy Ccmmunicn .Piain) 9.30 a.m. Chora 1 Eucharist 1C .30 Hindustani tiervic: spm Evensong. St. Hilda v s Church:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 McoiChin Restaurant! No. 420. North Bridge Road j (corner of Purvis St.) Singapore j English Chinese j Dishes A SpcA iUty Wedding Birthday DINNERS ARRANGED. Tannsco j t;hia Peng Hock Co. I General Building Contractors. General Insurance Agents, General Merchants It, Winchester House. (2nd Floor), Coilyer Quay. Wee Joo Hock,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 404 4 9 >me day we may have full story of the men of 13th Parachute Bation. It is not. at the ment, a very pleasant ory except in one resIt ended well. Yet n in the ending of it here was something a little racious. The War Ofquashed the
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  • 1152 4 MALAYA'S NEW CONSTITUTION A plea for the domiciled immigrant races of Malaya was made by Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, at a dinner given In Malacca last night to the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. Unity in Malaya on the just and equitable basis of
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  • 219 4 Emperor of Japan recently asked the members of the U.S. Education Mission to recommend an American tutor for the 14 year old Crown Prince, and it was agn ed she should be a woman teacher. Taugu-no-Miy a Akihito (The i Prince of the August Succession
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  • 197 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE PEOPLE'S POSTBAG Sir.—As an employer of a large number of juvenile workers. I would like to express my appreciation of Tessie Cornelius' excellent article in the Tribune i October 8th on the subject of playing fields for Singapore. Having been associated with the
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  • 188 4 Sir. —The letter by 'Dismayed' (Kuala Lumpur) may not only have shocked the majority of the readers as Mr. Daniel rightly suggests, but it may equally have amused some. Commenting on. or rather criticising the recent Kempe* Parade held in K.L.. "Dismayed" said, that "all Christians
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  • 452 4 Sir,—When the country was in peril there Was a call to everyone to serve the flag and humanity. Many Malayan youths rallied to the defence of the country. What happened to Malaya is past history but what is happening in this country today makes one feel disgusted
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  • 275 4 Forgetting Forgiving Sir. I have read with interest In your correspondence columns a snort di-cussion by "Dismayed*' and "Daniel." If I venture to write a few lines on the subject it is merely in the hope that I may contribute something, however slight, to this aiscusslon even though my view
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  • 567 4 HOLLYWOOD. Hollywood's British accent, confined up to now to a tew suave imported stars, has broadened to include movie producers themselves. It is not a spoken accent in its latest manifestation, but a financial emphasis exerted almost wholly by one man—J. Arthur Rank. Rank rose
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  • 329 4 Washington. -Wise economic in the peace treaties are being striven lor at the Paris Peace Conference to help I "plant the seeds Of ftttßTe peace." William L. Clayton, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, said in a talk j broadcast from Paris. I Clayton is in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 per cent of headache, eye pain ft fi igue are the direct result foual defects. Are you sure that ax prospects and happiness are no! being hindered by the defective V.sion. We are the specialist with hte ye-testing equipment to d over your eye defects scientifl■nd accurately. PIN PIN OPTICAL
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 56 5 Oct. 10.—Amid with cries of Amsterdam pent away. An his nature is unihistcrp of the Stock Lxckange. followed a stateDutch Finance which he outlined obtaining the ouni of America possible iniating a large American se--1 also objected opening of free -.ran securities rdam Bourse. from Dutch
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  • 21 5 Od 11—The BuchOOUn sentenced 18 'lie Antonescu son terms ranging scu, former underStal ua- tried in abto hard labour
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  • 19 5 untitled ri > D Oct. 8 in the C 47. when they were the Chinese airforce. it revealed here Thurs-
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  • 16 5 untitled .y that 11,500,000 rails are ready for China at the Bosco Scotia, as soon a.-
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  • 502 5 Reuter Shanghai, Oct. 10.—Elaborate measures to enable food-short China to produce a record crop next year have been introduced by UNRRA. The mast important of these aside from a gradual extension of tractor ploughing—include enrichment of 1.500.000 acres of China's farmlands with American
    Reuter  -  502 words
  • 141 5 Reuter LONDON. Oct 11.-A Portuguese 1 motorised cavalry regimen! m Oporto revolted yesterday morning I and advanced about sixty miles I towards Lisbon when the rebels •voie overcome »1 Meaihaba by Government troops from Coimbra. according to information veport.-d be from official sources, Reuters Lisbon correspondent
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 84 5 A.P. NEW YORK. Oct 11. New York stock market closing trends were Irregularly higher on Thursday with mc»t leading Bteel rubber, automobile and rail issues rising one dollar or mote (UJB.) In the last hours of buying after an irregularly lower trend. Renewed buying was attributed
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 172 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 11. -The United States Government has informed Russia that the defence o i he xyi rdanelles should continue to be primarily Turkej s "sL and has insisted that Soviet-Turkish on the matter must be limited I o a n cxc
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 188 5 A.P. Tokyo. Oct- 11. -Increasing adoration of Gen. Douglas MacArthur by Japanese millions nas caused the Tokyo newspaper Jul to warn the people ediu naliy in this mornmgs edition that they should not transfer their former overwhelming reverence from the Emperor to the Supreme Commander.
    A.P.  -  188 words
  • 46 5 A.P. TOKIO. Oct. 11 —Colonel Roy M. M. McNutchen, 52 years old. Yokohama base engineer, was killed Thursday when the jeep he was driving crashed into the main highway hridge. the Xth Army announced Friday. McNutchen was alone in the jeep. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 37 5 Reuter SHANGHAI, Oct. B:—Dr. Chang Tien-cheh, chief of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry r»f Economic Affairs, has been appointed China's delegate to the In t*inationai Trade Conference scheduled to open in London in November —Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 186 5 LONDON. —Pandit Nehru's latest book, the "Discovery of India," is proving popular with discriminating readers in London. Three principal booksellers —Foyles, the largest bookstore in the world. J and C Dumpus, booksellers to the King, and Hatchetts. one of the major book distributing book companies—have given their
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  • 164 5 A.P. PARIS. Oct. 11.—Ru sian Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov said that if equal trade privileges are permitted in the Balkans, "the power of American dollar" «OUld overwhelm the W t?k local industries and "take everything* -We must take care that no postwar difficulties will be
    A.P.  -  164 words
  • 143 5 A.P. NEW YORK. Oct. 11.— Addressing T>oo Aniencan businessmen in th* mart of Wall Street district, Andrei Gromyko. Russian delegate to the United Nation* Security Council, said that the United Nations can be a valuable instrument in the struggle for m ace only if the
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 47 5 A.P. SEOUL, KOREA, Oct. LI. —One American soldier died and mXIQ her •was seriously burned in the fire at an infantry motor Wool which destroyed three building* inclnding the motor pool, several trucks and puns. The cause of the fire is unknown. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 276 5 Reuter. LONDON, Oct. 11.— Commenting on the course of events in Burma, the Times says, it has vindicated the iudsment of those who held that the cause of the recent discontent was to be found as much in political as in economic difficulties. "The new government
    Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 316 5 A.P. TOKIO, Oct. 11—A "complete picture" of Japanese preparations for attacks on Pearl Harbour, Philippines, and Singapore, culled from top-most secret documents of the Japanese Army and Navy seized by \merican counter-intelligence agents after the occuoation of Jaoan started, will be presented to the
    A.P.  -  316 words
  • 141 5 Jerusalem. Oct. 11. Police stood ready in Jerusalem to-day to stall possible Jewish troubles during the Jewish celebration of Sukoth. the Feast of the Tabernacles. The celebrations b°g:n w th a nine-day feast, the first and last days ot which are marked by the cessation
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 Join the Weil-Paid Ranks I of the I.C.S. TRAINED MEN B your future? What or the world of today? There I us opportunities, but only for those who have had H zed training. On" thing :s certain —there is no worthB place lor the untrained. I men everywhere have succeeded
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    • 138 5 —-I The Trade Mark r§>QUALITY PRODUCTIONS in SANITARY FITTINGS At last—Malaya is manufacturing it.; own Sanitary Fitting —Basins, W. C. Closets with Fluth Cisterns. Manufactured by skilled craftsmen of many years' experience in these lin<>s and approved by the Singapore Municipal Authorities, Pek Khong Service is offering these quality products
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  • 619 6 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. —Questions ranging from compensation for the 243 men of the Thirteenth (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion, whose conviction on mutiny charges in Malaya has been quashed, to calls for alteration in regulations, will be put to Mr. Frederick Bellenger, the War Minister, in the
    Reuter.  -  619 words
  • 19 6 NANKING, Oct. 11—A High Chinese Government official tonight confirmed that Nationalist troops had captured the Communist ctronghoio. of Kalgan.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 164 6 CHUNGKING IANJONG PAG AR—Phone 3327. OPENING TODAY: 1. 3.15. 6.30 i 9.00 P II Reckless adventure! Tropic Temptation s Pagar. Excitements' All that you desire in their newest Pagan Sensation in Exotic Technicolor. i 'Cobra Woman' (in technicolor) with Maria Ifontez, Jon Hall Sabu. TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT "SAN ANTONIO" •in
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    • 171 6 GEYianG PHOOE BQO7B Opening Today: 3.15. 6.15 L 9.15 Noorjehan Ghulam Mohd. in KHANDAAV (in Hindustani* with Manoram;t I Tonite Midnite: "GHULAMI" with Rer.uka Dcvi Parves (in Hindustani" Released thru United Exhibitors Syndicate. To-day: 3 p.m.—6 p.m.—8.45 p.m. To-morrow: 12 n»cn —3 —6—8.45 Big Crowds see an unusual feature! Gemini
      171 words
    • 183 6 MARLBOROUGH Dany 3 Show 3.45. 6.30 i 9.15 RttUrn Screening for a few days only "HAS A XT'* (Hindustani) Starring IfUMTAZ SHANTI and ULLHAS. Released thru, the United Exhibitors Syndicate Tonight at Midnight "CHULAMI" (Hindustani) pistpicrs, moot Mttt*a M&M3BĔĔfr To-day: 3 00. 6.30 9.15 p.m. I Thrilling, Tempestuous Adventure and
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    • 37 6 THEATRE HBflklv Phone 29G7. Today At 3.15, 7 9.15 p.m Pat O'Brien Carole Landis in "SECRET COMMAND" With Chn ter Morris SEASIDE Last-day At 7 Si 9.15 p.m Chester Morris in 4 WAGONS WESTWARD TO-MORROW: "BOY FRIEND"
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  • 652 7 Reuter. LONDON, Oct. it.—Usually reliable sources here confidently believe that X enya Colony, which is suited strategically, politically and climatically, has already been decided upon as the British base and headquarte/s for the Middle East, and that Mombasa, port for Kenya, is
    Reuter.  -  652 words
  • 88 7 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 11. Scoring four goals in extra time. Moscow torpedo team achieved one of the biggest upsets in the history of Soviet football Thursday by defeating the Red Army 4—o. in Russia cup final. The Red Army, champions of I the 1946 League
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 133 7 BOSTON, Oct. 10.— St. Louis Cardinal? beat Boston Red Sox 12 to 3 in the fourth game of the baseball World Series best cf seven final in which each club has now won twice, so interest is at high pitch. This match, played at Boslon, was the highest
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  • 117 7 «ill represent n a return frivte against the nsil Camp at at 5.15 p.m. c ai Roxy ansp at 3.30 Chi cm H.n. Leng, Charhe r Tim. Kirn I Jaffai bin ,v Eng Ch a. A V s F K>, N. K. B Krishnan. i j nave
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  • 226 7 A.P. Whitehead, Associated Press Correspondent IRL HARBOUR, Oct. 11.-A new United States ,Ucj in the Pacific calling for a strong Aleunea- Siberia and the extension of six OW--10 miles westward to Guam, has been anal a nress conference at Pearl Harbour today.
    A.P.  -  226 words
  • 205 7 Reuter. STONEHAM. Southampton. Oct 10.— Bobby Locke. South Africa. a nd James Adams. Scottish international attached to the Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire English club, tied for first place in the Dunlop Masters 1.000 guineas profsss'onal tournament here today each with an aggregate of 286. As Locks
    Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 108 7 wing have b en selsent the Singapore Inst the Rnyal Air Ii in a fr ondly n Sunday .Play at the club pre Course Lane for traa t 330 -).m. illlah Mahallngam, t Singh. Narayanar. Bui an Paul Davis. An Paul Madar Samad A Reserves: mgavelu,
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  • 250 7 ißy Our Own Correspondent*. Prices quoted below are for picul weight except where otherwise stated. Foodstuffs:- Yesterday s quotations were-"Meehoon" Siam $115: Indo-China $75; Kedah $95. Siam glutinous rice $105; Kedah glutinous rice $90. Siam rice milling $38. Rock Sugar:-Best qualty $110; medium quality $104. "Gula
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  • 86 7 Urn Kirn Yong, a five-year-old lad was going to a wayang «ritn hi s parents. Walking along Braddel Road, he «M imoeked down and killed by a military lorry carrying Jap Puw s in May An inquiry was held yesterday in tne Coroners Court. The
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  • 60 7 Alleged to have caused mis•hief by fire intending or knowng It would cause the destruction of a building in St. Francis Road. Dharma£ngam (45). an Indian, appeared before Second Police Magistrate. Mr. L. C. Don, resterdav. The charge was explained to lim and the case was
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  • 163 7 The defence in the trial if 12 Japanese oilicials of line Kudo Butai, including Major Kudo, the commandant of the Kanburi "cooMe" hospital camp, on atroci'v charges against civilian labourers ami members of the Allied medical unit, concluded yesterday, when an adjournment until P/fday next
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  • 167 7 R.A.SC. men were convicted yesterday by the District Judge. Mr. T. T. Russell on charges of dishonestly retaining $7,140 worth ol military blankets. Four of th m were further convicted on a see rod charge of threatening to shoot Inspector Chai Tzu Fong and four
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  • 82 7 A.P. ROME. Oct 11.—Calm was restored yesterday in Rome where two persons were killed and mo r e than 100 wounded in a clash on Wednesday between demonstrators, relief forces and the p i cc. Heavy police forces guarded the approaches to the Viminale scene of Wednesdays
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 47 7 A.P. White Sand-. New Mexico. Oct 11—An Army Air Forces test vent a captured German v-2 rocket 102 miles high on Thursday The rocket soared upward at a rate of 3 600 miles an hour It wi kepi aloft with special devices for 11 minutes.—A.P
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 83 7 Reuter. Nanking, Oct. 11.—Kalgan. Chinese Communist redouts in Cnahar Province. was twice bombed on Thursday morning by Government aircraft, according to reaching Communist headouarters which added that more than 100 bombs were dropped and the exact number of casualties has not y e t been
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 77 7 Reuter. BAH FRANCISCO, October 10.— A Bulletin issued Irom the Letterman General Hospital tonight reported that there is no change in the condition of General Joseph I St i'we 11, veteran of the Burma cam- paign. who was Commander of the United States Land Forces in India,
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 56 7 C. nonaish plot by Jap war lords to smuggle an into America to secure a secret formula for syntactic fuel, is excitingly dramatized l n Universalis 13-Chapter serial thi" Her "Secret Agent X-9" due at Jubilee Theatre at 11.30 p.m. tonight. Victoria Home appears in the
    56 words
  • 36 7 Can reveal your future by her wonderful power of intuition. It Is worth consulting her. Never mls> the opportunity. Address: Flat "M" lieeren Bldg.. Hours 10 a..m. to noon 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
    36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 The DISSOLVENATOR THE :AI NED SANITARY SYSTEM rons why you instal one 4. FrFtCIENCY laranteed both as to I efficiency. Over 4,500 DISSOLENATORS are service under every The Shell Oil in use. Over 100 A A P. A. rodromes, ICO t raid shelters and ivy Mobile Hospitals. 1.1.ED WHERE LACK
      66 words
      158 words

  • 1105 8 "A" DIVISION 1 liar: ('her Seng 117 Boat Quay 2 Tan Yong Luan 137 Boa Quay 3 Chin Joo Bee 75 New Bridge Road. i Lee Boon Sim 14 Upper Hokhien Street. So Hang Chit 26-27 Pekin Street. 6 Ang Kew Joo 76 Cecil
    1,105 words
  • 277 8 Reuter. London, Oct. 11.—Mr. Winston Churchill. Britain's wartime leader, stated to-day tnat it might well be that the late Pre sident Roosevelt not only anticipated history, but altered Its course in a manner which has saved freedom and earned the grat tude of the human
    Reuter.  -  277 words
  • 93 8 Reuter. ANKARA. Oe T 11. The Turkish authorities today issued a categorical denial of a repoit. stated to have been made by a "foreign press agency'" (not Reuter» that the Turkish Government should permit Franz yon Papen. who was acquitted last week by the Nuremlx rg
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 47 8 Reuter. TEHERAN, Oct. 11 -Wan icr of the Quahqai triln who three iveekt age swooped down fro n the mountairs on the cities i:i Fats province in south Teheran havt- now stopped lighting except foi skirmishes round Djnhrnn, to some repor reaching the papers bere.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 526 8 WEST AUSTRALIA SCORE FREELY <From Norman Preston, Reuters Special Correspondent with the MCC team) PERTH, Oct. 12.—TMere is jubilation in Pearth tonighl which can hardly bo wondered at because West Australia made their record score against the MCC with 310 for six wickets. This brat the
    526 words
  • 85 8 Reuter. WESTERN AUSTRALIA IST INNINGS Rigg c Edrich b Smith 34 Edward- c Hardstaff b Smith 43 Robinson c Wright b Smith 36 Barras c Washbrook b Wright 10 Watt Ibw Wright 85 Herbert c Hammond p Wright 53 Kesst v not out W Langdon not out 10
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 68 8 A.P. LONG BEACH, California, Oct 11. Howard Hughes giant $20 million flying boat is nearing completion and soon will leave Us dry dock for taxiing tests in Long Beach harbour. its eight engines which are designed to turn up an aggregate of over 24,000 horsepower have been
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 86 8 Reuter. ROME, Of t 1! —King Farouk of Egypt left Milan by air for Cairo today., the Italian news agency, AisSA. reported. He had stayed tin- night in Milan bit:? King his journey there after an infognito visit to Paris, the Agency said, adding that it
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 41 8 Reuter. NEW YORK Oct. II:—A bulletin oday <»>: Cor del I Hull, former United States Secretary of State, .-aid he was >• > 'inu bu <v show gradual improvement. He appear* to !.e out of any immediate danger," added the bulletin. —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 253 8 London. Oct. 11 —In return for four shillings sixpence spent on Littlewoods Penny points Pool, the record football pool prize of £40,747.105. has been won by twenty-three year old William Youell of Clethorp< s, Lincolnshire. Youell who works in the Nai ional Fire Service store
    253 words
  • 380 8 Reuter. LONDON. Oct. ll.—Conservative opposition in the British Parliament never keener than now upon an <wly India debate at the same time seems largely reconciled to the idea that it may be desirable to postpone the event until early next session—that is November. Talk.;
    Reuter.  -  380 words
  • 136 8 Reuter. Batavia, Oct 11.—Only 24.000 tons of rice have been sent to India from Java. Mr. X L. Punjabi, Government of India representative, told Reuters adding however the speeding up is expected as soon as the 200 trucks promised by AFNEI to the
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 187 8 Reuter. Paris. Oct. 11 -The Rumanian draft treaty was passed early this morning by the Peace Conference meeting in the plenI ary session at Luxembourg I Palace. The voting on 38 articles and j gut annexes took just under five I hours It was the second
    Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 57 8 Reuter. COPENHAGEN. Oct. 11.-Two stokers were today under arrest and the Danish police were seeking three others following incident> on board the British steamer Raloo < 1.360 tons) in Copenhagen last night. Trie five stokers were stated to have attacked the captain after he had refused to give
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 37 8 A.P. LONDON. Oct. 11.—The United Nations War Crimes Commission today reported that 718 persons have received death sentences in Europe and the Far East for wat crimes. Another 428 have been acquitted and ?32 imprisoned a P
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 91 8 WATCH REPAIRS Entrust Your Timekeepers To Expert Craftsmen. THIM LOCK WATCHMAKERS 401, North Bridge Road, B'pore SIN GIAP CO. No 51-B, Market Street, Singapore. Telephone No. 6666 Telegraphic Address. Cannedgood Singapore. Shipment expected very Boon, please book your requirements early. Anhydrous Ammonia Gas 99.99' i Evaporative Purity Suiphuric Acid 66
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    • 413 8 OiK THE AIR 1100-1200 hr.-.t Main;. S. hool s j Broadcast» Every Tuesday, Thur s day Saturday. 0900-1000 hrs.) Chinese Schools Broadcast* Every Monday. 1100-1200 hrs.) English SchoolsBroadcast.) Wednesday Friday 1200-1400 hrs.) 300 metres in tfe medium was brad T.L'J mepa. cycles per second in the 41 metre band. 1800-2300
      413 words