Malaya Tribune, 29 August 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 57 1 The Malaya Tribune 0 THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE THE ONLY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA Now printed simultaneously i n Singapore, Kuala L umpur Ipoh (Penang office ope ning shortly) 'Phone Numbers: Editorial 5811 Advertising 5812 Circulation Accounts 5813 EI( ;HT PAGES. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 38 1 Reuter. IRI S, Aug. 28. After Hussions with Yves Food Minister, the today agreed .be Assembly his "-ending the death black market ringanted reliably that 'rcatened to res gn Government did not demand.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 64 1 J,' 1 up. 28:—Nearly all Monfalcone shipyard !i work today after •>' sit-drvrn protest 'Ojtinjf CI British troops in the yards "to ""■Stain nrder." :f iber of workers were r to fear of intimiln r workers and i* certl> how loiifr the patrols j.' in the
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  • 345 1 (Tribune Start Reporter) F U wing the front-page story in the Tribune yeson laxis overcharging passengers since the busmen of the Singapore Traction Co rath Singapore Hire Cars Association, which conabout 75 per cent, of taxis in this City, has issued m at urging passengers
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  • 70 1 Scuffie at Gorizia demonstration... Italians were holding a demonstraton authorized by the authorities in Gorizia, Venezia-Giulia on August 9, when pro-Yugoslavs at- tempted t 0 break up the gathering. Photo shows:— j A Yugoslav woman has her ha< -r pulled as she and her husband tin ivhite shirt), get caugh
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  • 96 1 Reuter. BANGKOK. Aug. 29.—Nal Direk Chainam. Siamese Foreign tttttttt wf wfrmh wfrmh dwfrtn Minister, told the Siamese Parliament that consultations are going en between him and the British MliV-ster regarding the Anglo-Siamese agreement signed on Jan. 1 this year. A communique is expected. It was erroneously reported
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 109 1 Reuter. LONDON, Aug. 28—Th e Union Castle l'ne in London today stated while they managed ships for the Ministry of Transport the present position in regard to the Sam Trent was 'in no way their responsibility." A Ministry of Transport official stated in London today: "We hope
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. LONDON, Aug 29: —The Jewish Agent's decirlon on whether or not to accept Britain's invitation to the September conference on Palestine is expected to be announced nome time today, Reuters Diplomatic Correspondent learns on good authority.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. BEXILL, Aug- 28:—Lord Hilmainc found, in a collapsed condition at his Bexhill home suffering from the effects of poisoning, died soon after being taken to hospital. He was a fifth Baron and had been a representative peer for Ireland since 1911.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 541 1 Special Security Measures In Paris THEY SWORE TO 'GET" BEVIN Reuter A.P. PARIS, Aug. 28: The French police were tonight making a nation-wide search for 14 alleged Jewish terrorists reported here to have sworn ''to get" the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin. The British
    Reuter & A.P.  -  541 words
  • 137 1 UNO MEMBERSHIP A.P. NEW YORK, Aug. 29:—The United States today baulked the applications by Albania and Outer Mongolia for admission to the United Nations, after the Russian and Australian opposition had forced it to withdraw a motion for wholesale acceptance of the 8 applications filed. The United States
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 166 1 Reuter. Mister G. B. Shaw AYOT, SAINT LAWRENCE, Hertfordshire, Aug 28 —George Bernard Shaw, world famous Irish writer who is in his ninetieth year to-day became an honorary freeman of Dublin—the city of his birth As his home in this English village Shaw signed the roll
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 63 1 A.P. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29.—Replying to a question about the disposition of the UniWd States warships. Admiral of the U.S. Fleet William F. Bull' Halsey. told a Washington pros conference Wednesday: It's nobody's damn business where WC go. W e will go anywhere we please." The
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 99 1 A.P. LONDON, Aug. 29.—British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin told how he felt about the Paris Peace Conference yesterday: "I am simply anxious, like everyone else in the whole world for a settlement of these peace troubles" he said in a statement to newspapermen before returning to
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 108 1 Reuter. LONDON, Aug. 28—At the request of the London County Council, the management of the Tivoli cinema in the famous London throughfare Strand have amended two large posters advertising th e film "Anna and The King of Siam" which were considered "offensive to public taste.'' Cne seen
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 298 1 Reuter. HONGKONG. Aug. 28.—Governor Mark Young, broadcasting over Hongkong radio to-night, discussed the proposed revision of th constitution of Hangkong. Declaring that it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to carry out the revision for the purpose of giving the citizens of Hongkong population fuller
    Reuter.  -  298 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 National Employers' j Mutual General FIRE. MOTOR, ffORKMSNS' COMPENSATION. PERSONAL ACCIDENT, and other classes of |\M lt %\< lASSOCIATION LTD. rated in England) i red Bank Chambers SINGAPORE. Manager: N. S. WISE. Phone 2835. iv e Us The Pleasure To Serve Satisfy You! feadir.g cit izr Choicest Selections !nsi st
      91 words
    • 16 1 RADIOS For I RELIABLE SERVICE and SALES Call at NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, 58, Serangoon Rd. Singapore.
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  • 89 2 CHAN AH PONG. The Novelty Store, 88. North Bridge Road. Age -3 passed away on August 28th 1946, at 4.40 p.m. at General Hospital, Singapore. He leaves behind br loved wife and 3 sons. Date of Funeral not fixed yet. FOO TAI PENG passed away peacefully on 28th. August.
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  • 201 2 Reuter. LONDON. Aug. 2*i.—Preceded by two Royai Air Force motor cyclists, a truck and a 53-foot trailer carrying a 22.000-pound b imb today started the first lap cf a 210-mile journey to Saint Athan, Glamorgan, from Kingsway. London This is the fir<t leg of
    Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 102 2 Reuter. SHANGHAI (Ai T Mail > The Chinese Government fa expected to collect a total of 117.566.920 piculs U33 lbs. to a picul) of rice in land tax for th fc current year, according to estimates published here. Of tins total 71.352.600 piculs will be retained
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 1138 2 SIME ROAD CASE TRIAL CONTINUES n was accused of bringing into the camp internees' camp) anti-Japanese activities and so wa called by Kobayashi (accused No. 3) the Church 11 of the camp," stated Mr. Justice Worley a Judge of the Supreme Court, Singapore,
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  • 139 2 A.P. LONDON, Aug. 28.—The Soviet ntws agency Tass carried a Teheraan report today that "a fully armed 10.000-strong Punjab division" nas arrived in Basra, near the Khuzistan oilfields of Southern Persia. The British War Office, which has not disclosed the number of Indian troops
    A.P.  -  139 words
  • 236 2 2 More P O Ships To Be 'Demobbed' Two more P. O. liners, the ton 'Strathaird and the 16.000 ton "Canton"' are to be released this month after seven years of war service and returned to the Company after reconditioning. They will be s*.nt to their builders' yards for
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  • 65 2 Reuter. LONDON. Aug. 27.—Sikhs resident In, London at a meeting last night decided to send cables to Pandit Nehru and Sardar Baldev Singh, a member o f the Cabinet, congratulating them on the formation of the interim government. The meeting was addressed by Meharban Singh Dhupir. General
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 390 2 Reuter. LONDON, Aug. 26.—Tne "Financial Times" in an editorial says.—The scarcity oi natural rubber is being relieved so rapidly that marketing arrangements m the East is becoming embarrassed and is another argument for the re-opening of the free market. This is likely to be started
    Reuter.  -  390 words
  • 76 2 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Aug. 24 —A thorough inquiry will be held into the Calcutta Hindu-Muslim riots as soon as conditions permit by an authority that will command universal confidence, It was announced today by the Chief Minister of Bengai, H. S. Suhrawardy Over 2,000 people lost their lives. The
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 519 2 A.P. LONDON, New Hampshire, Aug. 28:—The Crown Prince ot Japan is going to learn about Washington and Longfellow and someLhing about American thought and ideals —with empnasis on a world a i oeace. These subjects will be ihe basis of the English language course of
    A.P.  -  519 words
  • 179 2 A.P. NANKING. Aug. 28.—Chinese Communists and Nationalists both have the single objective of peace for China and differ only in the means of achieving it. Dr. Sun Fo. President of the Legislative Yuan and son of the late Dr. Sun Vat-Sen» declared en Tuesday Dr. Sun, who
    A.P.  -  179 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 521 2 TRIBUNE PRE -PAID [CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Casual Advertisements: Wanted, Personal, Situations Vacant, Situations Wanted, Fox Sale. etc. at $3.00 per insertion of 20 words, 15 cts. for every additional word. Public Notices Announcements $3.50 per single column lnct per Insertion. i Domestic Occurrences: Death, Engagement, Marriage. Birth Notices, etc. at $7.00
      521 words
    • 295 2 SITUATIONS VACANT^ Chinese import firm requires a female correspondence clerk. Month v salary $120 Apply personally •,t 72-A Chulia Street. 2nd Floor. Singapore.'" "miscellaneous Pla-terite Boarding Size i' I l' x 5/16 Suitable for partitions, ceilings. insulating and acoustic boarding. Supplies now available, "enquiries also solicited from ;ipcjuntry distributors. Apply
      295 words
    • 200 2 SHIPPING JAVA~NEW YORK UNĔT MY. "TARAKAN" sailing on or about September Ml to New York. There is still excellent pa csengeraccommodation available. For particulars apply to: Netherlands-Indies Ship ping Organisation, KP.M. Building, 1, Finlayson Green. TeL 5975, Ext. 5. for NEDERLAND LINE. Silver Line KERR STEAMSHIP CO. INC. NEW YORK
      200 words

  • 90 3 to W, Leh Su, Lai Hoon Chan Joo, who appeared ntc K. M. Byrne yesaded guilty to possession tobacco in a motor tongI $2,400. $3,840, and $880 vi on Leh, Lai and Chan A it venue officers boardkang which had just arharbour from Bangkok
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  • 50 3 (Our Ow n Reporten PENANO, Wednesday. a society wedding uniting v Chinese families was L> d yesterday at th c Regi>M. l igCv ocfore Mr. W. e was Miss\ Lim Plunk V oungest daughter of Mr. 1 Liar Tenf and the groom was Hong 0 f Kuala Lumpat.
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  • 376 3 A.P. and Reuter. Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner for Southeast Asia, announced in Batavia last night he will fly to Jogjakarta today, to confer with Dr. Sharir in a renewed effort to arrange a resumption of DutchIndonesian negotiations toward a settlement of the year-old
    A.P. and Reuter.  -  376 words
  • 88 3 Ch Chong (27). who two bag s of rice had n to him by a friend wn consumption but n pleading guilty to a .hoarding rice in an shop, was nned $800 t, four months' rigorr.pnsDnment by Second idgi T. T. Russell, yesrding to the
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  • 61 3 Own Reporter' PENANtx, Wednesday. I a I Commis s ioners of ivt rejected the suggesF\nang Municipalty e» irj planner as they coatee not npe for >uch Thi -'•"i VaS arrived at when read a letter from Chief Secretary of the with regard to the
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  • 208 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Radio listeners soon will miss the familiar voices Malay announcers who will be leaving for England by air next Tuesday on a special assignment they are on a six-months contract to work with the 3 B C announcers are IdnsAhmad
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  • 101 3 His Highness the Sultan of Selangor has i-sued a message to Malays of Selangor. and of Malaya in general, urging them to exercise restraint in celebrating the Hari Raya Pussa today and tomorrow. Be understood that the Malays rcould like to celebrate the occasion fittingly, it
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  • 95 3 Th c iaw schedule of taxe* on entertainment In Singapore will be effective from Sept. 15 and not Bep:. l ,s announced earlier. The pfapoßed new rates:— "Where the payment for admi>ion (including the amount of the duiyj does not exceed 10 tents —none, but
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  • 155 3 A spquel o th e discovery of a largo quantity of Si imese ric by revenue officers at Singapore railway station on Tuesday, was heard in the Second District Court yesterday when three Chinese app c ared on charges of :ranspcrt ng rice
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  • 49 3 BATAVIA, Aug. 28.— A British spoke>ma n announced today that Major James W. Arkeil, M.C. and bar, >on of Si r N el Ark.-ll of Wiltshire, was killed on Aug. 21. hading a Gurkha Patrol i n hand-to-hand combat agai n .s» an Indonesian concentration near Bvkassi.
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  • 36 3 Three Chinese armed with pistes and two Malays armed with knives forced the occupants of a hoUs e in Haig Road to hand over $1,300 in cash and property at 9.45 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • 194 3 Tw 0 OhJnese cloth retailers, Chua Boon E »3 and T ee Ch a u who were charged in the Fourth Magistrate's Court yesterday for wrongful possession of serge belonging to the Admiralty, pleaded that they had purchased th c articles from a shop at
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  • 91 3 Rotarian Cresson, manager of the S ngapore Ruboer Works, commenting on Mr. Ferguson's speech at the Rotary luncheon yesterday, remarked thai from his observation he found that employees today were practising 'passive sabtoage' because the general tendency among them was to do as little work as possible
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  • 315 3 It is learnt that the Forest Deportment has allocated 600 acres of forest land at the 9th mile, KlangTelok Datoh Road, for cultivation. Chinese farmers are at present busily clearing the area and planting vegetables such a; tomatoes and gourds of various description on the
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  • 309 3 The type of employees employers would likt to have was defined by Mr. E. M. F. Ferguson, chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce! before Rctarians at their luncheon meeting yesterday. A In Mr. Ferguson b oPiniou, these ar c the qualities employers seek
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  • 68 3 Ap ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held today at 2.30 p.m. During the meeting the following seven will take office as Commissioners Messrs. D. K. Walters, A. Corbett, O. E. N. Oehlers, C. E. Collinge. Lien Ying Cho w T. W. Ong and R.
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  • 351 3 Found guilty by the jury by a unanimous verdict on all three charges in the first case against him, and sentenced accordingly by the Assize judge Mr. Justice N. A. Worley, Chia Kuan Con, Police Inspector during occupation in the Japanese Special Branch yesterday pleaded
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  • 74 3 Bail of $15.000 each was offered in the Third Police yesterday to two Indians, S. Ramalingam and P. Ponnanbalam. who were alleged to have attempted to commit criminal breach of trust in respect of 70 bales military clothing belonging to th* War Department valued $15.000
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  • 143 3 (Our Own Reporter) PENANG, Wednesday. Th e reclamation of the foreshore of Weld Quay is among one of the four measures far th e development of the Fort of Penang which are to be brought up by Dr. Ong Chong Keng at the next meeting
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  • 67 3 Reuter. LONDON. Aug. Fifty guards Of the Oranienburg concentration camp near Berlin will be charged with murder of more than 100,000 inmates before th e War Crimes Court opening i n Berlin this week according to the Hamburg radio. As most of the victims were Russian,
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 NEW GOODS ARRIVED Pewter Beer Mugs Lacquer Cig. Box Emb Table Cloth Silk Ccarf Dressing Gowns !li:nonos ON DISPLAY AT: PEKING L\CE CO., 63. North Bridge rtoad, Singapore: Tel. :J330. j lii pert ion Cordial 1 y invited WATCH REPAIRS Entru t Your Timekeepers To Expert Craftsmen. TRIM LOCK WATCHMAKERS
      351 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 64 3 HH K HYA\- Exclusive To The Malaya Tribune V r A mii ,raav IVTFI 5flV THIS MAN I HC MflV BE 5EARCHING FOUX BUT IF HE'S N 1 r ::t ii«5Y«VWW WtfTER PLANT K A MI55/NS LINK. YOU 7H0] WEAW ON k MU€H UM3ER T ao5S I mi MAKE Y
      64 words

  • 630 4 week-end. the Price ConI f.;i i. Kuala Lumpur, issued at he de scribed aa a final ai-nin» to tradera, c hiefly in Seor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang Malacca. The warning L ai s that until such time as pri c Control Proclama- revoked by a new
    630 words
  • 886 4 Preventive measures are much better than curative medicines urges the writer of this article on malaria. The Japanese, who are responsible tor the present prevalence of mosquitos, should be made to clear up the city and suburbs before being rep atriated. How much longer have
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  • 297 4 I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sir. —It is man's lot to struggle, but today there seems to be 110 end to our struggles in the face of the ever rising costs of living. More clerks in the mercantile firms and in Government service have left
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  • 126 4 Sir.—I have rented a store some months ago, and as I recently wanted tr» have it converted, I was told that the procedure would be to get my landlord's signature before an architect's plan for the necessary structural alteration could be submitted to the authorities concernedI then decided
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  • 131 4 Sir, —In the early days of the reoccupation, the people were greatly bucked by the BMA promise of more rice for the people and took heart from the indirect assurance that it was the British policy to give us more rice than the Japs did. Today, we are
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  • 124 4 Sir.—The S.R.C. has been resuscitated from nearly four years "internment" and a general meeting was held recently to open the club. However, as an observer I find that it is poorly patronised compared to what it used to be like in pre-war days. Last Saturday for example the
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  • 131 4 Sir, —I shall be much oblieccl to be permitted to u.«p :<"c in your much appreciated paper in its fight for the people. On August 22 in Panglima Street, Ipoh, two retailers had the time of their lives distributing 2 packets of cigarettes to each customer. It was a
    131 words
  • 105 4 Sir, —With the transport strike now on what about motorists, owner-drivers and lorry drivers cooperating by giving us lifts? I noticed a dozen cars passing by half empty on their way to town in five minutes yesterday morning, while I and several others had to wait for
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  • 92 4 Sir.—Lord Killearn's reply to criticism of his handling of the rice crisis can be boiled down to jast one sentence—he is simply passing on the baby to Whitehall. An average of 12 tahils of rice per week for the people in the Mal .yan Union is.
    92 words
  • 39 4 "Make Your Will" coos ihe Malayan Observer. the Malayan Union Department of Public Relations organ, in soo?hlng tones. Surveying conditions at the mc- ment T it is an appropriate time to heed this good advice. AJAX
    39 words
  • 211 4 The cost of nationalising Britain's coal industry was brought to £229.219.559 by the award of the Tribunal appointed io flx com pen sis I tion for the assets. The Bill for the transfer of coal royalties to the State WMM £G4,&*9,r..V.>; and £1G4,GG0.000; the sum
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  • 855 4 To the Editor. Sir,—One cannot but be painfully distressed at listening to Lord Killearn's radio address on the food position in South East Asia. There is no gainsaying the fact that in the matter of rice the Asiatic population is now worse off than
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 l;»-fei t;V? Eyesight neglect ot cur- .n. or corrected with improper j;iasse». causes headache pain ound the eyes; fatigue and dismfori upon use of the eyes for work, Blur of print etc., To Relieve The Symptoms an acm**U scientific examination by our I. ;actionist is advisable. vrs pix OPTICAL
      56 words
    • 113 4 NEW STOCKS RECEIVED AT ROBINSONS ENGLISH TRUNKS SUITCASES. Leather, Fibre Canvas. ENGLISH MOSQUITO NETTING NETS. CYCLAX BEAUTY PREPARATIONS Creams, Lotions, Skin Pood X- Powders GENTS' TIES. English. Silk, Foulard Cotton. MECCANO SETS. Size 0 to 4. LANSON CHAMPAGNE. from Reims. SILVERWARE. Tea Pots, Sugar Basins, Cream Jugs, Coffee Pots. Sweet
      113 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 79 4 STRANGE AS IT SEEMS j> By Ernest Hit c*». ~T*— Vf»« jHliffjW *XStaZ 0Cm/3#LL "oFPflR/s/ §Ĕfrt$k~~ Count Alphgnse de Toulouse- rt^a' lAUTPTEC. AMONG OTHER GAGS, MjjJ HELOA B£AV£R HUNT IN PARIS liWb WW M' STREETS WEARING &UCKSKIN WMtldiWl HBMJIllw.2. Clothes, attended dinners gnrfj SBB\\B< in A 3Alie7" skirt, washed iliiJ2M\IRP
      79 words

  • 162 5 »RK, Aug. 26.—British .->- with the Moslems, declared r ioment Attlee was not playAli Khan. General SecreIndia Moslem League, when announcing that *1 led his proposed visit order to launch a coast campaign to counteract nda that is floodVlg United State*. Khan today told Reuter: test developments in
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  • 74 5 i N. Aug. 26.—It is underthat B: itish officials have incombined Rubber Comi| sufficient natural rubber ill able from British sources to supplementary allocations third and fourth quarters i 1946 to a'-l countries waning to som< fourth quarter allocavi not yet been made, the urth quarter
    74 words
  • 607 5  -  f (By j De Witt MacKenzie, Associaated Press Foreign Affairs Analyst). A.P. ton ancTl 2' g <,7 1 Dl P «n>»ts in both Washingl""wWT frnm hf v,^ ln the "release" of Maxim J S P° slt,on as Soviet Deputy Foreign ed sitn-ftinn K g r
    A.P.  -  607 words
  • 123 5 Reuter. NEW YORK. Aug. 26.—Opened quiet but steady. International uncertainties and the cloudy labour picture in the United States kept interest at a minimum during the morning and trends wer e most mixed. Selected industrials, oils and department stores forefronted issues showing gains 0 t up
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 115 5 Reuter. LONDON. Aug. 26.—The continued uncertainty regarding the overseas situation had a retarding effect on the stock markets today. Trading in all sections has been extremely small but the undertone on, the whole was firm. Improved labour position stimulated South African goldmines and local values moved up
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 58 5 A.P. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27.—The U.S. State Department on Monday announced the appointment of Mrs. Elizabeth Gray Vining of Philadelphia as tutor for the Crown Prince of Japan. The request for a woman tutor was brought from Japan by Dr. Georg e Stoddard, chairman of th e American
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 167 5 Reuter. BIRMINGHAM, Aug. 27:— The first official intimation of Muslim rtaction to the formation of the AllTndian interim government is described oy Conservative Birmingham Post today as disappointing, if not wholly unexpected. "Jinnah's pronouncement," says the Post, •'not only makes it clear that the deep
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 30 5 HULL, Aug. 28.—A former Czech soldier, Pe;r TchoPadov.i. 26. was today sentenced to 28 days' imprisonment for entering the United Kingtorn illegally. He has an English kvifV and (Wo children.
    30 words
  • 454 5 PARIS, Aug. 27. —Australia and Russia who figured in a dispute at the Paris Conference this morning, were again in conflict fhia» evening when Soviet delegate M. Molotov declared tSiat Russia had borne greater sacrifices and made a greater contribution in the war than Australia. This clash
    454 words
  • 188 5 Reuter. WASHINGTON. An*. 27. The Acting Secretary of State Mr. Dean Acheson, at a press conference today, described tho failure of the Moslem League to take part in the interim government of India as "regrettable" but expressed the hope that it would eventually do so. The
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 109 5 A.P. BANGKOK, Aug. 28:—The Siamese Foreign Minister, Direk Chaiyaman, described as pure invention" French charges quoted by foreign news agencies that the Siamese government was involved in the Aug. 8 attack on the Cambodian village of Siem Reap. The Foreign Minister met the 7,ew Siamese premier,
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 39 5 LONDON. Aug. 28 —Yehudi Menuhin. the violinist, left by plane today for Amsterdam, where he will play at the Khur Haas Scheveningen. He said he planned concerts at Salzburg and Budapest before returning to th e U.S. next month.
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  • 542 5 How They Stand Reuter. NEW YORK, Aug. 2s.—The Membership Committee of the United Nations Security Council last night published an 89-page report of its discussions on nine applications for membership of the United Nations. The following recommendations were made: SWEDEN—Britain. China, the Netherlands, Brazil, France' and
    Reuter.  -  542 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 ANNOUNCEMENT In Compliance With the Wishes of their Innumerable Clients WASSIAMULL'S Take Pleasure in announcing the opening of their new WINES PROVISIONS DEPT. With the choicest French and Kalian Wines and Champagnes, Vermouth di Torino-Vermouth Bianco—Asti Spumante (Italian Champagne) Chianti RufTino Cointreau—Moulin A Vent—Chateauneuf du PapeMuscat de Frontignan—B e a
      147 words
    • 134 5 W M ITE'A W A Y»S WHITE A WAY, LAIDLAW 6 CO., LTD. MERLON The New Modern Series of Beauty Preparations "Merlon" Cleansing Cream $1.75 $2.80 $5.50 "Merlon" Orange Cream $1.75 $2.80 $5.50 "Merlon" Lipsticks $2.25 "Merlon" Face Powders $1.75 "Merlon" Compact Rouge $1.50 4 Merlon" Cream Rouge $1.50 "Merlon"
      134 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 Another Dramatic Triumph And As Usual It At The Where Everyone Goes For The Best In Entertainment! TODAY 5 Shows 10.30 a. m. 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 p. m. Miss Bette Davis in her supreme achievement! *A HAL B. WALLSS JCS—wn- h\ AI In C DAI M 0 GLAOYS COOPER
      180 words
    • 336 6 IkEPADA TOEAN2, NJONJ A 2 dan S'AN*K SAUDARA Dengan Segala Hormat Kita mengoetjapken Selamat Tahoen Bahroe Hari Raya Poeasa. In other words, New Year Greetings to our ISLAMIC patrons and friends. SHOWS ALSO MET R iULttjr HPPHfor action fans fffj* m&n THIS ls THE STUFF \it mSt dP whttl Sork
      336 words
    • 184 6 CAPITOL COMPLETE SERIAL A 3-HOUR SHOW MIDNIGHT TO-MORROW NAT LEVINE ptsutto VANISHING LEGION* "WOL HARRY CAREY EDWI N A BOOTH The stars* of "Trader Horn" shine brighter! They're with Frankie Dari ow. William Desmond and Rex, King of Wild Horses. 12 BIG CHAPTERS! WISHING ALL OUR MUSLIM PATRONS A SLAMAT
      184 words
    • 284 6 S ALOME (Portrayed by YVONNE DE CARLO, selected out of 20 000 girls to fit the roie of the World's Mosi Beautiful Woman') IS TO-DAY'S REAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION! (To our Muslim Patrons: "SLAMAT HARI ra\ v v PUASA"—Good Luck!) FIVE SHOWS 11 a.m.-2 PABiTfIM -915 pm. VyMl II UI J
      284 words

  • 149 7 A.P. and tg. —A Government .ays -,132 persons have D connection with the tlicial said on Tues- ,'.> bodies have been the end of rioting, proc lama t ion of the Bengal declaring and How rah to be "in a dangerous state has ded to certain
    A.P. and  -  149 words
  • 78 7 A.P. QiGTON, Aug. 26— The long an unknown soldier identified in the as that of Capt. Colin feD -landing American air pen ing days of World Ihe w Department In anthi aentification said the unidentified since r Pearl Harbour when md a companion met death in crashing
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 65 7 A Cyprus. Aug. 26.—The .r.cii of the Pan-Cyprian Fed ration has protested to I 3 of Cyprus. Sir Charles against a permanent or tF&tm ttlement of Jews in (feits b cause of the effect on I st made yesterday was after a Famagusta Oat bad laid th,.- British
    65 words
  • 558 7 COLOUR BAR EVEN IN SPORTS Reuter. New Zealand, Aug. 28.—New Zealand Rugby union's announcement that they intend to choose a team to visit South Africa in 1948 irrespective of colour has caused tremendous controversy in South Africa. Tne New Zealand announcement was made by J.
    Reuter.  -  558 words
  • 64 7 A.P. WARSAW, Aug. 28—The American Embassy said today that Mrs. Irene Dmochowska of Chicago, an Embassy translator, had been arrested by the Polish security police and htld "for questioning." She was seized last Friday, the Embassy said, and thus far American officials have been unable
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 78 7 Reuter. BERLIN. Aug. 28: —The spokesman of the British Control Commission today flatly denied reports of a cut in communications with Germany "to meet the illegal movement" which had originated in a Danish newspaper story. "No such order has been given and the whole story in sheer nonsense",
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 138 7 A.P. Jerusalem. Aug. 28. Rtdbereted troops of the British Sixth Airborne Division today cordoned off th e Jewish vi lages of Dorot and Ruhama in the Gaza district, and began a s?arch for arms. The operation is still going onThe first official announcement of
    A.P.  -  138 words
  • 154 7 Reuter. Rangoon, Aug. 28. —Major-General Aung San. president of the Anti-Fascist League, said today: "The food situation is acute in Burma and we face starvation owing to Government's lack of initiative and foresight. I "We must first help our- self and only when we I have a
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 24 7 A.P. MADRAS, Aug. 28.—One woman was lynched and another beaten to death by crowds yesterday in the ChimVleput district near Madras. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 20 7 LONDON. Aug 28.—George Marks of the Arsenal, England wartime goal-keeper, was today transferred to Blackburn Rovers for a *-substantial" sum.
    20 words
  • 158 7 Reuter. i 3 I 'I. LONDON, Aug. 28— Mrs. Arthur John Martin, bacfc in London from Hongkong Puison camp where her husband died, has been robbed of the few treasures left to her lncluding her husband's CBE. Mr. Martin was Consul-General in Chungking from 19*0
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 122 7 Reuter. COLCHESTER. Aug. 28.- Six army recruits were drowneo yesterday when an assault boa r i n which they were carrying out their first waterborne training operation capsized in a flooded gravel pi» &t Fingrin. Nine go? asiiote. ridded themselves of equipment and then went
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 66 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.—The U. S. State Department has ruled that no combat aircraft can be released from United States possession in China until She situation there has chinged, Acting Secretary of State Dean Acheson stated. This ruling includes demilitarized combat planes. Mr. Acheson discredited
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 128 7 Reuter. Hongkong. Aug. 28.—The sto Lisbon Maru torpedoed off t when over 840 Br tish and Can their lives was told at the Wa when Niimori Geneich .ro. a ci the Japanese Army in Hongko m tting atrocities against the It
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 371 7 R.A.F. (Seletar): 5. Combined V.M.C.A.: 3. Displaying marked sup priority the R.A.F. (Seletar) defeated the Combined V.M.C.A. team by five goals to three in a charity soccer match at Jalan Besar yesterday in aid of the V.M.C.A. Rehabilitation Fund. Good form was displayed by the
    371 words
  • 35 7 BURLINGTON, Vermont. Aug. 28. —Admiral Nimitz said today U.S. naval task force manoeuvres in the Mediterranean were planned "long before the Yugoslav crisis". He said U.S. ships have the right to go out without suspicion.
    35 words
  • 86 7 Reuter. OVERTON, HAMPSHIRE, Aug. Z8. —A suite and hutments of the Bank of England's wartime staff camp at Overton, Hampshire, have been presented to the local councils for housing 28 familes, by Lord Portal of Laverstokel The price is understood to be about £30,000. The
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 199 7 A large crowd turned up at the Happy World Covered Stadium last Fnday night to witness the first friendly match to be played In the park since the re-occupation, when the first strings of the Playfair B.P. met the Amateur Athletic Union. The match was a
    199 words
  • 89 7 The following are S.C.C. cricket teams for this week-end: Vs the Devons, at 2 p.m. Saturday on the Padang:—C. V. Byrde. E. Bishop, N. Bradbury. V. R. Burton. W. Cutts. K. J. Healcy. J. Luff. J. B. Potter, J. C. Reeves, G- K. Stein and J H. Wheeler.
    89 words
  • 36 7 Reuter. NEW YORK. Aug. 26.—According to recent reports. United States imports of silver bullion for the six months ended June 30 totalled 5.434,000 ounces 0 t which 202 000 ounces were from Mexico.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 f'Build up > a wonderful Food Tonic daily ration of body r »li nd Food lodine—those j Uikc3 so v;:al to health and X: C nave is tremendous. a *uppiy of Vikelp gives you as N^- 7lt of BEEF ;as much 73 lb., of AFM.ES. SODIUM aa 2,lbs. of CABBAGE.
      117 words
    • 113 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LOWEST RATES i ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PREPAID i- 5 Sma^ Ads MALAYA TRIBUNE PRESS LTD. 1.80 Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh j Town Office Write your advertisement on this form and leave it at our Town Office, GROUND FLOOR. WINCHESTER HOUSE. This office, situated right in town, will
      113 words

  • 192 8 Reuter. NEW YORK, Aug. 28:—A new demand for Pakistan has been sent in a letter to the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee. by the India Muslim Lague of Ameriica which declared: 'History has proven conclusively through hundreds of ytars that these two elements,
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 105 8 A.P. LONDON. Aug. 2S.—On their way to Ireland from the British zone in Germr.ny. 100 German children were entertained at the London Zco on Tuesday. Neariy 200 needy children have now been taken by the Irish Red Cress, which ultimately hopes to provide accommodations for
    A.P.  -  105 words
  • 519 8 Allegations Against Ex-PoW Reuter. LONDON Aug 28 —When the court martial of Major Cecil Boon, attached to the Royal Army Service Corps, Kensington, regular officer, was resumed in London to-day it was announced that the court having received further advice had decided
    Reuter.  -  519 words
  • 69 8 Reuter. CAIRO, Aug. 28—Hundreds of houses have been destroyed and a thousand acres of crops ruined by the flooding of the Nile in Egyptian Sudan, the Governor of the northern province of Sudan reported today. Wadi Haifa, Sudan's frontier town is partly inundated, while several islands in the river have
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 123 8 Reuter. DAR-ES-SALAAM. Aug. 28:—Drastic steps may have to be taken to deal with Tanganyika's serious food situation, the Tanganyika Government announced"The July/August harvest in Tanganyika has railed to a very large extent, and in Kenya an equally difficult filiation hds aji?en," the communique said
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 288 8 A.P. WASHINGTON. Aug. 7: —Jikini mice are given birth to their .ir; t oft-pring indicating the atom bomb did not blast away their fertility overnight, scientists disclosed. In fact the fertility ?f 3ne nale Which got into a harem of HUB females may have even been
    A.P.  -  288 words
  • 81 8 SCOTTISH FOOTBALL Reuter. LONDON, Aug. 28: Football results SCOTTiSH LEAGUE DIVISION B Supplementary Cup 2nd Round iiaith Rovers 2. Suint Johnstone 1; Dundee United 4. Dunfermline Athletic 1; East Fife 4, Dundee 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE DIVISION A Aberdeen 2. Hibernian 1; Clyde S, Kilmarnock 3; Hamilton
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 35 8 Reuter. Nanking, Aug. 28.—General Carton de Wiart, Mr. Attlee's special representative to Chiang Kai-shek, has denied the rumour that Britain will participate in the new Kuo-mintang-Communist peace talks, according to a Chinese press report. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 293 8 Reuter. LONDON, Aug. 28.—Rain interfered in nearly all parts of the country to-day reducing some of the county cricket games to short durations but only one match could not start and >hat was a non-champion-ship one wherein Lancashire, who hope to finish second to Yorkshire in
    Reuter.  -  293 words
  • 342 8 Reuter. CANTERBURY. Aug. 28— india made some fielding mistakes against Kent today, but mainly through iheer bad luck they did not dismiss the county cheaply. Despite the brilliant sunshine two hours before start and throughout most of ihe day's play, they were unable to ctart
    Reuter.  -  342 words
  • 175 8 Yong Kok Liong, a detective, and two police constables, A. Arumugam and Jantar bin Chien. who were t nested by members of the special constabulary on June 9, were convicted by Magistrate T. L. Tan in tie Second District Court yesterday on charges of unlawful possession of
    175 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 274 8 FIRST IN QUALITYALL BRITISH MADE LUXRAM >ff ELECTRIC .JW*^ BULBS. £i*m» I OF ALL TYPES FOR ALL U-A purposes StiSffitjl Made to riigid 4/ Specification Sole Agent MONICO, LIMITED 7 9, Robinson Road —Phone 4142. And Now Obtainable at: If. HASSAN ELECTRICAL SHOP. CHEC KONG ELECTRICAL CO. WAH SANG ELECTRICAL
      274 words
    • 257 8 DAILY: 3 7 9.15 PM. (To Our Muslim Patrom Slamat Hari Raya Puasa") OPENING TO-DAY Universal"* technicolor "Cobra Woman" featuring Maria Montez tin dual role) Jon Hall and Boy Sabu; supported by Lon Chancy Natives resent the orders of a tyrant Princess! Twin sisters' fatal quarrel over throne! See the
      257 words
    • 123 8 I < NEW WORLD P ARK Slamat Hari Ra ya P TO-DAY'S BIG HOLIDAY ATTRACTION! "Son of Robin Hood" (in featuring Cornel ,v Robin Hood, Jr. is as good "bow and arrow as with ai TO-DAY 3—6—9 pm. to our Muslim paironr. "Slamat Hari Raya Pi Here's a Slave and
      123 words