Malaya Tribune, 1 August 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune HH 1 r v 1 The Paper Of The People Of Malaya 'Phone —Editorial (only) 5811 Advertising, Circulation Accounts 5812 EIGHT PAGES. SINGAPORE,* THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1946
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  • 255 1 (Tribune SiafT Reporter) PETROL RATIONING IN SINGAPORE IS TO BE TLY ENFORCED FROM TO-DAY ONWARDS. s not mean that engaged in essen■s will no longer obtain additional upons for the per- of their duties. rict enforcement ling will deal a olow to black-mar-petrol coupons,
    -A.P.; Photo.  -  255 words
  • 50 1 Reuter. SHANGHAI, July 31:—In ipprcciation of his service: to 3hina. -he 30.000 Chinese residents of Cuba ha*e presented General!; f*l \.n.< Kai-shek with a gold fountain pen and pencil. During the war Chinese residents in Cuba subscribed over U.S. 55.000.000 to Chinas *ar chest.— Rt titer.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 286 1 A Japanese doctor who dug up two dead bodies of Indian PoWs he had killed and ate parts of the corpses, has provided yet another unbelievably disgusting example of bestiality that has made the Japanese nation the horror of the civil J zed world.
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  • 1196 1 Hearing For Small Nations Promised Reuter. PARIS, August I—V. M. Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, called on the Peace conference delegates yesterday for action by the world against Franco Spain. Summoning the -'freedom-loving nations of the world" to a conflict tmmioM Fascism, he
    Reuter.  -  1,196 words
  • 116 1 Reuter. 9 NANKING, July 31—Jewels, art objects and porcelain which formerly belonged to Pu Vi, puppet emperor of the Japan-ese-sponsored state of Manchukuo, have been recovered by American marines in North China and returned to Chinese hands. They were found in safes in a building in
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 147 1 Reuter. RIO DX JANEIRO. July 31:—Ten of the crew of the Brazilian ship Dueque de Caxias were killed when the bclier exploded early today and set the ship on fire six miles off the coast. Ambulances are standing »lone the docks'de here and the authorities have
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 33 1 Another transport strike this week-end looms over Singapore as workers of the Singapore Traction Company this week sent in a petition making certain demands. Negotiations are expected to begin soon.
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  • 74 1 Reuter. SHANGHAI, July 31:—Remittances from overseas Chinese to China are still increasing, especially frcm the United States and the South Seas. According to th the Postal Remittances and Savings Bank, approximately CN $1,000,000,000 (US$5OO,--000') is being remitted every week by overseas Chinese to Shanghai— mainly for
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 53 1 Five Chinese, three of whom armed with revolvers and one with a knife, entered a house in Kampong Siglap and robbed a compatriot of $700 and three gold rings yesterday. Last night, a Malay was waylaid and robbed of $144.15 by nine Chinese at Kitchener Road
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  • 91 1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1— 1 Informed officials yester- day reported that Pres.- J j dent Truman has tenia- lively decided against accepting the British I approved plan to divide Palestine. i These officials said the plan has not been finally rejected but the present proposals ar
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 387 1 Reuter. 5? dlVide PalesU tata large measure of au onomy fnder Pr a oVinCe S e n3 ylng a S^TSSH the British American SUrW^W? 18 f been considering the recomSlUons of tZ °AnZ* Amencan Committee of As pan of the plan the expert* suggested that it
    Reuter.  -  387 words
  • 204 1 Five fires were reported yesi terday, three of which involved j burning lallang. At 1.30 in the afternoon a i serious conflagration was avertj ed in the Beach Road reclamation opposite Sembawang Road. On arrival of th e brigade it was at once obvious that
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  • 41 1 Reuter. HONG KONG, (Air Mail)— Colonel William Darby, one of the most popular Salvation Army workers here, has been appointed to "command" the North China Area. Colonel Darby first worked in China 26 years ago.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 National Employers' Mutual General I MOTOR, WORKMENS' COMPENSATION. PERS< VNAL ACCIDENT, and other classes of I.XMIIAXCE AJSSOCIATIO* TD. rporated in SngltnA) Chartered Bank Chamber is. SINGAPORE. M;■ er N. s. wise. Phone 2835
      33 words
    • 65 1 Leading citizens insist on purchasing -.-#7 7 ,0 Of I the finest liqueurs obtainable, and WMf Jtf VICOSUIZ tO SeTVC dtld Satisfy YOU! nbw available at our WINES JS s si irits department CHOICEST SELECTIONS SWEET VERMOUTH PORT WINE CLOVE LIQUEUR-VAN DERHUM riAkl CIMfH rfn 4 battery roa* J CHI
      65 words
    • 30 1 RADIO SALES and REPAIRS Guarantee Assured Choose a Radio which gives you excellent Reception. Various Types of popular Makes of Radios Obtainable NATIONAL RADIO COMPANY, I 58, Serangoon Rd. Singapore.
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  • 343 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A Malayan Chinese has been awarded a scholarsh!D for studies in the United States by the Method st Ml^onhfnis understood this scholarship is the first of its kind to be granted by the Mission. The successful candidate, 25-year-pld Mr. Ding
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  • 80 2 Four Chinese. Oftg Hui Cheng i£l), Lim Poh Kok (tl), Sim Chun H?at (29) and Lim Chin Thiam (25), had arms and ammunition eharjptt explained to ihem in the First Police Court yesterday. They are alleged to have had io •heir possession on July 30.
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  • 43 2 Nuiemburp. July 81. —The final stmt* of the war crimes trial heran yesterday when the defence counsel opened the ease for the political le;iders of the Hip Corps first of the six nazi military and political organisations indicated as criminal.
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  • 52 2 Reuter. PARIS. Ju.y 30,-The Peace Conference sub-commit tee on rules and procedure rioted in favour of the admission of the press to plenary and committee meet ngs. The proposal wot made by ihe United State* Secretary of State, Mr. Byrnes, who ivas supported by M. Molotov. It was
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 75 2 Two Chinese Ng Ching Kee to Hew Kirn Bock arnica to -iavc I \Vtm(\ Henry Waugns store oi worm ol Cloth appearea uefore Mr. R. C. Holtman yosierda: on a charge of armed gang robbery. The incident is alleged to have taken place at 5
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  • 186 2 The first of a series of cases y will come before Mr. Paul as a result of the poller raid Jalan Minyak in the early hours July 4, was taken in the I trict Court yesterday. Kampong Minyak which to be a miniature arsenal
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  • 276 2 Six Tamils, K. Raman. Wadi Vellu, M. R. Pathy. M. Nadeson, S. Wadi Maleh and S. Sinakanu were in the dock in a preliminary inquiry held in the Second Police Court yesterday. All were charged with assembling for *he purpose of committing gang robbery. M.
    276 words
  • 65 2 A Chinese hawker. Ong Sye 1201 appeared in the Second Police Court yesterday on a charge of assaulting a public servant in the execution of his duties- It was r.lfoged that Ong assault*'*'. hawker inspector. Smith Le Merrier on Tuesday morning at Hastings Re;.d. The
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  • 86 2 ALDERSHOT, July 31—Driver L Fleury, RAMC—one ol the o!dies awaiting the court mania: dedsfa in connection with the A glas-house disturbances in Februir. —wh Q escaped from Headley detection barracks on Sunday afternco;, by clambering over 15-feet high barbed wire fences -urrounding the barrack* *'as still at large
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 547 2 TRIBUNE PRE -PAID CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Casual Advertisements: Wanted, Personal, Situations Vacant. Situation! Wanted, For Sale. etc. at $0.00 per insertion of 20 words, 15 cts. for every additional word. Public Notices Announcements: $3.50 per single column inct per Insertion. Domestic Occurrences: Dt .ah, Engagement, Marriage- Birth Notices, etc. at $7.00
      547 words
    • 795 2 NOTICES SALE BY TENDER 1. The Custodian of Property. Singapore, invites tenders ior the purchase of the following particulars of which are as follows: Lot 1. One Japanese 250 H. P. Electric motor and starter. 2. About 90 case lalcum powcer. 3. Large quantity of heavy machinery parts, winches, plates,
      795 words
    • 458 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Appointment of Five Health m the Infant Welfare Department. Application are invited for the above appointments. Candidates must be fully qualified nurses and possess the Certificate of the Central Midwives Board. A good knowledge of several Ch.nese dialect: is essential. Other things being equal preference will oe
      458 words
    • 611 2 NOTICES TENDEK FOR GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL SHV..IES IN JOHORE Tenders, in duplicate, '.re mvit... (ot supplies of 1 a > Rations .b> Firewood and charcoal (c> Burials inon-Muhamecmn paupers' to the undermentioned Hospitals 1. General Hospital. J. Bahru in.-luding 3rd Mil. Hospital. J. Bahru and the Leper Camp. Johore Bahru. 2
      611 words
    • 168 2 SHIPPING M Silver Line KERR STEAMSHIP CP INC. NEW YORK GENERAL AGENTS, SAILINGS To: Los Angeles. San Francisco I Vancouver m.v. "SILVERLARCH' Due Singapore 3rd A To: U.S.A. Atlantic Coast Ports. m.v. "SILVERASH" Expected Load Penang Wtb W Expected Load Singapore Sft M Agents: HADDEN CO (SINGAPORE) LTD. Chartered Bank
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  • 194 3 New Move To Smash Blackmarket (Tribune Staff Reporter) Government is asking the public these three questions in ls latest move to smash the black market:— 1. What is the name of your dealer? 2. Are his prices reasonable? 3 D( S> S „t??t,2 NLY SELL
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  • 186 3 A finding of suicide was returned by Coroner Poh Guan Hock at the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of Tan Moi Ke? (51), Chinese woman patient who died after falling 70 feet from a window on the secend floor of Kandang Kerbau
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  • 101 3 (Our Own Reporter* Penang. Wednesday. A verdict of suicide was recorded by the Coroner Mr. W. Foulsham at an inquiry into the death of Lt.Commander E. H. Gatwood. Sea Transport Officer-in-Charge. Penan?, who was found dead in his rojm at the Penang Club on the morning of
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  • 58 3 (Our Own Reporter). PENANG, Wednesday. About no labourers of th 1 Penang Harbour Board at Bagan Dalam shipyard, Buiterworth. struck work yesterday. This is the third group of workers on strike during the week, the other two being a group of lightermen of the Harbour Board, and
    58 words
  • 86 3 The question of repatriation of Indians was one of the major problems in Java and Sumatra, said Mr. S.K. Chettur, Represent;-.', ive of the Government of India, who recently returned from a visit there. The problem was rendered more difficult, he said, with the Dutch
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  • 78 3 Throe Indian guards. Madan Lai. I Mchamcd Hassan and Sheh Dankoor were committed" to stand their trial lat the next Aasisei firstly on a I charge of armed robbery and se- condly on a charge Of attempted exI torticn. It is alleged they rchbed
    78 words
  • 220 3 A youth's "confusion about the new political divisions in ihe Malay Peninsula"—in the words of defenc? counsel—resulted in his importing dutiable tobacco into Singapore and in his being fined $1,000 in the Third Police Court yesterday. XT_ T.-~l_ T Ng Kok Leong <.15>
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  • 121 3 As the result of representations made to him, he was negotiating to settle strikes in Singapore involving Indian labourers, said Mr. S.K. Chettur, Representative of the Government of India, during a press conference yesterday when asked if his department was taking any sp cial steps
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  • 195 3 The following passengers arrived by Q.E.A. on July 25. From Australia—Mr. M. J. Stevens, Mr. J. Wakeley. Mrs. R. Wicks. Mr. W. Sykes, Mr. G. J. Crowie. Mr. A. C. S. Patterson, Mr. B. Gross, Mrs. I. White, Miss Y. White, Std. R. G. Marlow, Mr. Fletcher.
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  • 149 3 ■Our Own Reporter*. FEN ANG. Wednesday. About -i.OOO members, including those cf the Municipal and Govtrnment Labour Union, are understood to have peUdoooxj the Municipal President and various heads of departments. th 3 Chief Secretary t 0 the Malayan Union, and the Deputy Commissioner for Labour,
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  • 402 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) II is my general impression that the Philippines despite the establishment of an independent Republic last July is facing a troubled future." declared Mr P G Peralta who attended the inauguration celebrations in Manila as representative 0 f the Filipinos of
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  • 216 3 "If Singapore i s to hav e any future it must n nto t be treated as a board-ing-house like Liverpool, which trans-Atlantic travellers treat as only an embarkation point, but as a great seaport, where people can cultivate Ihe camaraderie
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  • 106 3 How a Malay constable on 1 beat duty arrested a youth who was running along Victoria Street with $40 clutched in his hand and shortly after. Ho Yew Yee. a Johore Bahru schoolboy, claimed that the money had been picked from his pocket, was
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  • 179 3 TOKIO. July 31.—Preliminary negotiations have begun for the re-establishment of controlled trade between Japan and other Oriental countries. Two foreign purchasing missions a re already here. one mission represents Singapore. the Malayan Union, Hong Kong. Burma, Ceylon and British North Borneo and includes Mr. John
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  • 40 3 Singapore. Wedne. c dav. Mr. A. J. Rajah Singhara. Representative of the Government of Ceylon in Malaya, said today he expects to leave tomorrow 0 r Friday for a week 0 f official consultations in Ceylon.—
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  • 322 3 Revenue officers seized 19k pounds of opium which was concealed in various parts of the s.s. Rajula during a two-day search for contraband after the ship arrived in Singapore on Friday last. This was revealed by As- y sistant Superintendent of Customs, Mr.
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  • 145 3 r t was stated in court yesterday that wholesale pilfering had been .:-> ng on aboard the freighter s.s,"Scctt E. Lnnd", whe,n a Malay Aziz* b. Mohd. and a Tamil Iftffii■"(iy Co), were charged before Mv C. Hoffman for theftThe Malay Aziz b- Mohd. picaded
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  • 180 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A fourth People's Public RestauI -!-ant was opened yesterday at Hand* j Read behind the Cath:.y Car Park I nd provided 1,000 meals for workers* in this district at 35 cents a httea!. "We hope eventually to feed 2.000 persons at this Reslaurant and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 Prince's FAMED FOR FOOD HAVE YOU TRIED OUR DANCE rTX>OR? EE BEST TN TOWN? P SINGAPORE 6512 MOW and reserve a table. CON NY GREGORIOS SWING SEXTET PLAY EVERY EVENING. cultivate ihe Prince's HABIT Capitol Quick Cleaner HEEREN BUILDING 2-58-B. Orchard Road. SINGAPORE. to Grange Road. Fife House. Best Chemicals
      219 words
    • 254 3 'STRENGTH &VITAIITY/ Amazing FOOD TONIC feeds new HEALTH ENERGY into JPfjt THIN, WEAK,RUNDOWN people HES You get Rundown, Tired and Depressed only because overwork, worry or nerve strain have sapped vital Mineral Salts from J your system. You must replace these precious elements and re-nourish your W&t. .;1 body. That
      254 words

  • 537 4 The amendments recomnended to the Malayan union Leases and Tenancies (War Absentees) Bill go a long way towards meeting the objections to the proposed measure -sea i:i this column on two rcc.nt occasions. A fur. her instalment of the Bill goes even farther, and seeks to extend redress
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  • 1334 4 SLUMS CRIMES How USA Is Tackling Housing USIS. Like Europe, India and other countries in the East, j ih e United States faces an acute housing shortage be- cause of the virtual cessa- iion of construction during the war years. This has created a serious problem I for the 13
    USIS.  -  1,334 words
  • 479 4 A 41-year old mother of two children battled in the sea for eight hours in a vain attempt to save her husband and his best friend after their 16-foot yacht had capsized. She is Mrs. Joan Coriett. of King* Gap' Hovlake. and met
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  • 95 4 Another British war secret plastic armour —was disclosed •y Mr. Herbert Morrison a; the annual dinner of the Institution of Civil ESnginsers in London. This armour was made ol slabs (»i a stone-filled bituminous material, to a toad surface, backed with a thin steei
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  • 392 4 Reuter. (From Eric Down/on. Renter*g spec cl correspondent t STALINGRAD, July 21 -Living in grim hardship in underground dugouts and wooden huts Stalingrad's 350.000 population arc today rebuild'ng the industrial might of their city, left utterly destroyed In the ep c defence which turned th?
    Reuter.  -  392 words
  • 768 4 R.B. Ooi Turns The Spotlight On Pilferage from the Singapore fiarbour Board wharves and ?cdowns and military stores has oeen given wide publicity. During the past months lorry-loads i goods vanished after leaving <he harbour gates; a "shoot-*o-kill" order has been issued Piracy in Malayan waters has
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  • 112 4 On the railway station at Stc> mr.rket a young couple stood eta:* ting as they waited for a train. One wore blouse and skirt, hai blende hair stylishly dresstd. fJi make-up and lipstick- The otha was in green uniform. Railway officials noticed soir*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 Defective Eyesight neglect of correction, or corrected with improper massi causes headache pain around the eyes; fat gue and dis- i mfort upon ils, of the eyes for work, Blur of print etc., To Relieve The Symptoms an ac- > u-ate scientific examination by our Refractionist is advisable. 142, South
      53 words
    • 30 4 They are on the way! COSSOR RADIOS Top Grade Efficiency at Real! y Moderate Prices Details will be Announced Shortly "COSSOK" First m the world to produce Radar receiving equipment
      30 words

  • 817 5 Reuter. (From Eric Downton, Reiser's Correspondent) Q a^ s cow great drive has been s arted to r;s ore, improve and extend the Soviet Unions public h?al.h facilities. The war had s3riously affected public h:al h programmes in the U.S.S.R. and today there are great
    Reuter.  -  817 words
  • 69 5 Produced in the Second Magistrate's Court yesterday on a charge of attempted extortion, Wee Chim Hock (23) was ordered to be remanded for 48 hours in police custody. It was alleged that on July 22, Wee attempted to commit extortion by putting Francis de Silva in fear
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  • 172 5 A.P. July 30. Premier V thid* to-day told t of Representatives 'abinei uished to ex- p n's grat tude to the Government for the i a meni" of Japanese ien i in China, but lack natic commun cations he formal mesPn or made fhe stcteI
    A.P.  -  172 words
  • 162 5 A.P. I TOKYO, July 31. —A Japanese witness who testified day by affidavit that he had been a member of :anisation formed to lead and direct the secesmovement in Manchuria, said on the witness :oday that the group wanted to esiablish In huria
    A.P.  -  162 words
  • 73 5 LONDON, July 31.—A staff of 300 detectives is to b e employed by a new greyhound racing organisation in a drive to stamp out dog doping and tote ticket forgeries. Greyhound tracks swindle s have cost the public and track owners hundreds of
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  • 31 5 WASHINGTON, July 31.—The Department of Justice today ct siMosed that it i> investigating the activities of the Ku Klux Kian in seven states to determine Whether Federal laws are being violated.
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  • 246 5 A.P. Washington, July 30. The "American China Policy Association" has urged the American Government to throw its full support behind th? Chinese Central Government and "make no further compromises with the Chinese Commun sts. 'If the present American policy of seeking a coal
    A.P.  -  246 words
  • 482 5 Stating that he believed Tanapathy had showed marked kindness" to several political prisoners while he was Superintendent of Outram Road Jail, the Assize Judge, Mr. Jus:ice Worley sentenced him to three years' rigorous imprisonment at the Assizas yesterday in connection with a case which
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  • 132 5 LONDON, July 31—More and more cars are coming from thf factories. There is more utility furniture. Footgear is gradually mounting up to pre-war average. But local production is down and stocks are seriously diminishing. These are points from the Government's monthly digest of statistics issued today.
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  • 120 5 Jerusalem, July 31. troops and Palestine police searched workshops and ether buildings in some areas of Jerusalem today in their intensified search for member l of the Irgun Zvai Leumi and thf Stern Gang. No daylight curfew was imposed in Jerusalem as in Tel-Aviv, but the
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  • 78 5 London, July 31. The British Government today dissociated itself from a bitter anti-fraternization ban imposed by General Sir Evelyn Bar ker to his Palestinian troops, and announced that his action had been referred to Field Marshal Montgomery, Chief of the Imperial Genera' Staff. The Dominions
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  • 299 5 Reuter. Washington The United States is harvesting a n™*aV?K W P IC £J? cx P ect *<l to yield a total of 1,090,--000 000 bushels. This is unusually large and second only to last year s crop of 1,123,0 00,000 bushels. Prospects for other
    Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 183 5 Further evidence of ill-treatment of Allied PoWs by slapping, beat- ing with rifles butts and bamboo poles and kickinp was given in the Australian War Crimes Court yesterj day at the trial of IS Japanese perI scnnel of group and PoW camps lin Burma and
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  • 37 5 Mr. George Hall, Brtish Colonial Secretary, has returned to London from Paris after taking part in conversations on Palestine between Mr. Attlee. British Prime Minister, and Mr. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State.
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  • 247 5 Reuter. LONDON, July 30:—Dutch cheers greeted Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands when she arrived at Buckingham Palace shortly after 4.15 p.m. today on a visit to the King of England. Some 160 men, women and children of the Dutch colony in London formed two lines
    Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 43 5 SAN FRANCISCO, July 30.—Four firemen were killed and 20 were overcome by smoke, but 240 guests, mostly in nightdress, escaped to safety when San'G biggest b*aze in ten years occurred at Herbal t Hotel early today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Offices at: "NC PC P.C 1- Battery Rd.. P.O. Box 203 Phone Nos. 5114, 5115, 5116 *JAI LUMPUR— 1 Java St., P.O. Box 25« Phone No. 4291, 4292 J tNAiNG 31 Beach St., P.O. Box 131 Phone No. 1153 I and are represented in L PERAK i,v
      67 words
    • 108 5 Of Special Importance to Advertisers! II THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND THE I SI NDAY TRIBUNE j are again j Published Simultaneously IN SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR I IPOH j (Our PENANG office will open shortly) ADVERTISERS MAY NOW jj TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A j LOW ALL-EDITIONS RATE J WHICH WILL GIVE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 150 6 CHUNGKING Tanjong Pagar—Phone 3327 Opening Today: 1. 3.15, 6 30 9.00 p.m. "SAHARA" with Humphrey Bogart—Bruce Bennett Lloyd Bridget Tne stirring, dramatic story of epic adventure in the desert. Senfjational. .emotional, .memorable! Sat. Sun. Midnight Shows "THE FIGHTING DEVIL DO£S" Union Theatre Johore Bahru TONIGHT 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. BARI-MA
      150 words
    • 80 6 Daily: 3—7—9.15 p.m. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. Jr. in dual role played with Dashing Triumph The Twin Brothers seek vengeance for the brutal end of their parents at the hands of Corsica"'- tyrant! "The Corsi'can Brothers" with Akim Tamiroff 'as the tyrant) Ruth Warrick, H. B. Warner and John Emery. Tyrant is
      80 words
    • 356 6 3 Shows To-Day— 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. His Butler's Sister A RIM TAMIROFF <r» CVELYN ANKERS ALAN MOWBRAY j Supported by latest G.B. New:;! "ATOM BOMB TEST AT BIKINI" To-night: 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. The 3rd week and the shows strong as ever! The audience-appeai feature which up-country is
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  • 31 7 A.P. WASHINGTON, July 31.—General imshere Bahadur, senior 1 General of the Kinepal, called at tho White Tuesday and presented rruma n with a ceremonial brass idol, the Goddess Yfetory A.P. I
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 473 7 India's Sensational Collapse Reuter. (By Lean'e Constantine, Reutei, special correspondent) TAUNTON, July 31.—The Indians' ignomtnous dismissal in two hours before lunch was a complete anticlimax after a run-betting orgy against Sussex and they now have the distinction of having scored the highest and
    Reuter.  -  473 words
  • 78 7 A.P. WHITESANDS. New Mexico. July 31.—A new world's record altitude ot 104 miles was claimed to have been reached by a German V-U rocket hred by U.S. Army technicians In W'hitesands, New Mexico, on rueday. An announcement said that the instruments carried in the nose of the
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 113 7 A.P. NANKING. July r.i —Chief Communist negotiator Chou En-lai in a statement said yesterday that is? did not hear or read anything about the North China ambush in whic.i /our United States marines lest their lives but expressed the belie? that the clash resulted from marines provocation
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 50 7 Washington, July 31— Attor-ney-General Tom Clark announced that President Truman had expressed "horror" at the lynchings of the four Negroes near Monroe, Georgia, and has directed the Justice Department to investigate with all its resources. Clark in a statement said: "This crime is an affront to decent Americanism."
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  • 44 7 TRIESTE, July 31.—A United States infantry regiment lorry was hit by small arms fire on a bridge in the mountainous area near the Yugoslav-Italian frontier today. The bullet went through the Windscreen but none of the occupants was injured.
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  • 127 7 Reuter. LONDON. July 30.—The Stock Markets were little changed compared with the past few sessions although tht. iv was slightly more activity i n the afternoon. The movement led by South African goldmones where early morning dullness attracted som e local buying whil e th e
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 118 7 A.P. LONDON. July 30.—British girl cyclists are to help popularise cycle track racing for Danish girls. A request from Denmark that a team of British women should be sent over to demonstrate cycling for women has been speedily met. The National Cyclists Union of
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 184 7 LONDON. July 30 —The following is the County cricket championship standing including matches ended On July 30:— Ist Innings Leads P W L D NR L D Pts. Lt.ncs 18 12 I 2 2 11 |i| Yorks 10 12 0 1 3 0 1 14« Mdlex 18
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  • 186 7 Reuter. NUREMBERG, July Robert H. Jackson, Chief American Prosecutor at the war crimes trial, who is flying to Paris tomorrow on his to the United States, said today: Ou r general plan is to return here in the early days of September though tha*
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 253 7 A.P. Nuremberg, July 29.—Martin Bormann, Hitler's deputy, was seen in Munich only a week ago, Ameri can intelligence officers reported on Monday, and a house to house search is being made. A chauffeur whom Bormann sacked after an argument over ctolen garden vegetables provided
    A.P.  -  253 words
  • 143 7 A.P. WASHINGTON, July 30.—The U.S. Civil Production Administration (CPA) predicted that before 1949, world tin production would be restored to its pre-war level. John Croston, special CPA investigator, said after an on-the-spot survey that about 41.000 tons are available in the Par East.
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 426 7 S'PORE AAA HEATS C. Meyer (MSA) holder of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association record for javelin throw bettered his 1939 record performance of 166 ft. 1(H in. with a throw 171 ft. 2 in. at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday when heats for the
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  • 112 7 Reuter. SHANGHAI, July 30.—China has taken over enemy property in Shanghai and other parts of the country valued at CNf1,200,--000,000.000 (about £150,000,--000). according to Mr. Liv Kung-yung, director of the Alien Property Administration. Shanghai alone yielded German and Japanese property to a value of £125.000,000.
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 143 7 Reuter. MACAO, July 30.—The Bri- tish Consul, Mr. John Pownall Reeves, "the man who kept the flag flying," is on his way home to England after four years of duty in ifiis wartime isolated Portuguese colony, 40 m les from Hongkong. Generally considered a "rest
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 206 7 Owing to Rocklites inability to send a teaaa last. Sunday to play HQ 11 Port OP Group R.E., the Katong Casuals sent a team last Sunday to Changi and were beaten by 7 wickets, the scoring was as follows: CASUALS C. Da S!lva o Tallantyne SI L. Wijeweera
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  • 129 7 SHANGHAI, July 29—The people of faminestricken Hunan province are doing everything possible to help themselves in the steadily worsening crisis, according to reports reaching Shanghai. Local Government porkers and teachers are making monetary contributions, and a Meal Saving Campaign"' sponsored by the Changsha Chamber of Commerc e
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 331 7 m THE I vcrj Tuesday. Thursday I hrs English Schools' Monday, Wednesday hrs Chinese Schools' rery Monday, Wednesday hrs.l metres in the wave ''and and 4.78 mega- r w rood in the Gl metre I frcm 1045-2130 hours transmitter is carrying the Oil Sundays the Blue 0] ci at 1700
      331 words

  • 124 8 Reuter. I London, July 30. A j young Burmese boy who ivas adopted' during the Burma campaign by a Brit sh unit has now been S legally adopted by a Bri i iish soldier. Warrant Ofti- cer Henry Murfitt who S lives in southwest London. The
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 109 8 COUNTY CRICKET Reuter. LONDON. July 31. County cricket close of pla\ scores: At Chesterfield, Glamorgan' shire firsl innings IG4 (Jones 76\ Revill 3 for 13), Derbyshire first innings 12.1 for 4 i Eager n<>: out 56). At Leicester, Leicestershire 211 (Jackson 55) Gloucestershire 140 fori
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 107 8 A.P. I WASHINGTON. July 29—Rockets I capable of rising to more than 130 •.ivies above the earth are on the Army Air Forces production schedule. i Official disclosed Air forces plans to let contracts to aircraft BUUTOfactures to build 100 rockets with expected altitude ranges from 20
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 107 8 A.P. ATHENS, July 31:—Four Greek trade union executives were sentenced to four months' imprisonment on Tuesday by an Athens tribunal on a charge of having refused to surrender union urchives to the Ministry of Labour officials. The Supreme State Council ruled last month that the officers'
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 45 8 A.P. Detroit, July 31.—Friends rhd neighbours of Henry Ford in nearby Dearborn held a gala ee'ebration of his 83rd birthday .anniversary on July 30, yester('u y. A large part of Dearborn was decorated with streamers bearing ihe greeting "Happy Eirthday Mr. Ford."—A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 499 8 360 Suspects Held A.P. TEL AVIV, Aug. I.—British troops led by a guncarrying Church of England chaplain, discovered yesterday that the great synagogue of Tel Aviv, Judaism's equivalent of St. Paul's Cathedral, sits on top of a terrorist arsenal. The arms cache was discovered at
    A.P.  -  499 words
  • 28 8 The following passengers arrived by 8.0.A.C. on July 29. From India —W/Cdr. R. s. Mason. From Penang Mr. H. A. Retting. Mr. Chong Sin Bean.
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  • 99 8 (Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday. A memorandum setting out the Financial Position of Raffles College and requesting an advance of $600,000 to enable the college to reopen was tabled'at the meeting of the Adv sory Council. After discussion the Finance Committee recommended that the Government
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  • 51 8 Royal Ai r Force over New York River Lancaster ombers of the famous R.A.F. Pathfinder Squadron No. 35 in flight over the East River, New York City, on July 18. The planes are on an aerial goodwill miss on to the United States.—A.P. Photo. -A.P.
    -A.P. Photo.  -  51 words
  • 194 8 Associated Press. LONDON. Aug. I. —The British Ministry of Food reported yesterday that the world food situation "will reach its most critical phase in the last weeks of the 1945-46 crop year and before the present summer crop reaches the consumer." The report issued as
    Associated Press.  -  194 words
  • 255 8 Reuter. SHANGHAI, July 30.—Chin a and India, with their common problems and outlook, must take the leading roles in Asia, and women of the two nations will play an important part in bringing thi s about. Mis s Sosa Matthew, th e first Indian woman head
    Reuter.  -  255 words
  • 65 8 There are four changes in the Civilian XI to meet the Combined Serv:ees during the August holidays. These changes are necessitated by the four selected Chinese plaver.s being unable to play, owing to previous arrangements by :he S.C.R.C to travel to Penang. j The four
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  • 95 8 Reuter. HONG KONG, (Air Mail).— An application for a warrant for the return of furniture seized by the Japanese and sold to a Chines* the first of •its kind—was made by a British doctor in Court here. The applicant said that during the occupation his house
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 50 8 The revival cf the Nondescripts Sport- Club is being considered, and old members and those willing to be members are asked to communicate with N. Gunasekera, P.O. Box 603. Singapore. A general meeting fcr the election of office bearers will be held on Sunday at 13 Karikal Road
    50 words
  • 403 8 Reuter. LONDON, July 30.—0n their face value the m\u words of Mr. Jinnah, Moslsm League President 25 those of a hysterical man who would blow up hirnsp'f and his whole household because he cannot get w way at the table, states the editorial in to-nigrSl
    Reuter.  -  403 words
  • 46 8 London. July 31» —Diva Lall, leader of the Ind r j sion to Argentina, arrived t I don yesterday with Mission. They had ftowi I and were met at tl I Prnic* Jut Singh who is ing them to Argent in..
    46 words
  • 33 8 Washington. July II v Napal's ancient fliploiimlii is foreshadowed ir. th goodwill visit to the U of a Napalese deieg leadership of senior Co General Baber Sh tv Rana.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 351 8 This Stupendous j 'FANTASIA' Walt Disney has pioneered another continent of entertain- j ment, introducing a rich multi- i tude of new screen creations in iseven sequences:— 1 "The Nutcracker Suite" by T-chaikovsky. 2. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by Dukas. 3. "Rite Of Spring" by Stravinsky 4. "The Pastoral Symphony" by
      351 words
    • 69 8 70, WOBMSM XOAP. m//ii/ /f class |PIA^OaiIRNITWM| -f row*. NANC ICNG CO- THE TAVERN Up-To-Date Hotel in a Quiet k Cool Locality Rooms: —Luxuriously Furnished kinds of Ist. Class no ours available. K.tchen:—Under direct supervision by CHEF ex Savor I N sum Hotel, LONDON. "i-17 Tanglin Rd. Opp: Nassun Ra
      69 words