Malaya Tribune, 13 March 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Wednesday, March 13, 1946.
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  • 317 4/1 (Tribune Correspondent) P«NANG, Ma«, 12.—The question of the B.M.A.'s legal authority was thrashed out at the Parit Buntar District Court yesterday when Mr. P. N. Sapru defended in the first Indian collaboration case in North Malaya. After evidence was given by I three prosecution
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  • 141 4/1 (Tribune Correspondent) IPOH, Mar. 12.—A communal clasn is reported to have broken out in the Degong Delta area oft' Teiuk Am-on on Friday morning, resulting in several deaths. So far nine Chinese men, women and children have been found dead. The civil police have arretted
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  • 92 4/1 LONDON. Mar. 12.-In view of Saturday's tragedy at Bolton it has been decided to make Football Association Cup semi-finals all ticket affairs. Tickets will be issued fo> 10,000 seats less than the ground capacity. At Villa Park where Bolton meet Charlton 70.000 tickets will
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  • 84 4/1 A.P. TOKYO, Mar 12.-Gen. George Marshall has arrived from China for a conference with Gen. Ma"Tintfort I?*?™ con tinuing to the United States. l sU anded at Atsu g* Airfield at 8.42 a m. and was met by Maj S f L Qt Whitlock, Assistant Chief of
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 156 4/1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 12.—1f Americans curb their I'jsty appetites in deference to a request from President Truman's Famine Emergency Committee, they will be eating: 1. Forty per cent, less wheat. 2. Twenty per cent, less fats. And the savings will be sent to hungry Europe
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 60 4/1 A.P. OTTAWA. March 12.-Mrs Emma Woikin. one of four persons charged with conspiracy and providing secret information to a Russian representative tO--d i.y withdrew her plea of guilty which she entered on March 3 The police court permitted her to be recorded as entering no
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 65 4/1 "Two Girls And a Sailor", MGM's sparkling comrdy, opened a son son to parkpd houses yesterday. With throe new star*. Van Johnson June Allyson and Gloria Dehaven topping a oriiliant cast, which includes Jimmy Durante, thp film has not a dull moment ln its entire two-hour run
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  • 314 4/1 A civilian XI captained by G Clarke drew with the Police in a fast game of hockey played at the Police Depot yesterday. The Police drew first blood when Kreuseman their inside right scored late in the first v i In the second n alf Clarke's XI had
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  • 71 4/1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.—The VS. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a senate bill authorising the transfer of 271 small warships to China. The bill was approved by 313 to 32 votes. The measure authorises the President of the U.S. to sell, lease or give China vessels
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  • 193 4/1 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN PERSIAU.S. DEMANDS EXPLANATION A.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 13.-The U.S. State Department disclosed today thit if h JC received reports that Russian armed forces and "heavy »llitw7 tiXTf TrT g S Uth fr m SOViCt fr ntier 1 Jard o and' the^w^tern The
    A.P.  -  193 words
  • 248 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA. Mar. 12.—The battle which started yesterday with an attack by Indonesian extremists on a British convoy near Sockaboemi and which today gave signs of developing into one of the heaviest engagements Involving British troops in western Java, is regarded by many observers in
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 143 4/1 A.P. NORTH-EAST CHINA COMMAND HEADQUARTERS, CHINCHOW, Mar. 13.—The tortured and scalded body of Chang Sung-fu. the noted Chinese mining engineer, who was bayoneted ,to death with seven ethers by unidentified assailants :n the middle of January, has been turned over to the municipal authorities in Mukden by the
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 163 4/1 A.P. TEHERAN, Mar. 13.—Iran yesterday became a nation without legislative direction, at the close of the final meeting of the 14th Majlis (Par- liament), leaving Premier Qavam-es-Sultaneh in the role of dictator, writes Joseph Goodwin, Associated Press correspondent. The last session, like others during the past
    A.P.  -  163 words
  • 71 4/1 A.P. LONDON. Mar. 13.—Britain is not prepared to grant trade credits to Italy, Chancellor of the Exchequer Hugh Dalton told the House of Commons on Tuesday. He also said that the British wa.» engaged in discussion with France for the purpose of improving trade but
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 297 4/1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 12.—Senator Tom Connally, Democrat of Texas who is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today called for a new meeting of the Big Three to discuss "in language clear and plain and, if need be, blunt" issues which, he said, might
    A.P.  -  297 words
  • 84 4/1 A.P. NEW DELHI, Mar. 13.—Disturbances in connection with the provincial elections now in progress resulted in the death of t-vo persons and injuring of six with police firing on" a mob at Cawnpore on Tuesday. Troops were called to patrol •ne streets and a curfew
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  • 101 4/1 Reuter. CANBERRA, Mar. 12.—The disarmed Javanese destroyer "'Yoizukif' dubbed "hell ship" whose sailing from Australia for Formosa with 200 Formosan women and children and 1,000 Japanese prisoners of war for repatriation created an outcry in Australia, arrived in Rabaul, New Britain, after a ,c perfect
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 556 4/1 A.P. CHUNGKING, Mar. 13.—An official Russian assurance was given yesterday that Soviet troops evacuated trom Mukden were scheduled for shipment out of Manchuria, reports Associated Press. The statement evoked general satisfaction and relief Irom Chinese officialdom. The precise situation in and around Mukden
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 215 4/1 Opening Tomorrow at the CATHAY You'll laugh for a Week! You'll hum the tunes for a year! DOROTHY LAMOUR 808 HOPE BING CROSBY IN ROAD TO MOROCCO A PARAMOUNT PICTURE MORE FUN THAN ALL THE OTHER HITS PUT TOGETHER BOOK NOW 'Phone 3400 4 Shows Daily: 1.30, 3.30, 6.30, 9.U
      215 words
    • 289 4/1 Daily: 3—7—9 p.m. "Big Laughs! Big Fun! Because 2 Laugh-makers Join the Silent-Service! "In The Navy" with Abbott Costello To Entertain Captain, Crew and everybody else SKY—Great World (Nightly at 7 9) "FIFTH AVENUE GIRL" (Ginger Rogers—Jarnse Ellison) Opening Tn-morrow "MOONLIGHT IN HAWAII" ATLANTIC—Great World (Nightly at 7 9) The
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    • 12 4/1 SALE NOW ON at H. SENA 44 High Bt. and Rafflea Hotel
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    • 13 4/1 For GUARANTEED REPAIRING PIANOS Catt at THE EAGLE PIANO CO, 323, Serangoon Rd
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  • 569 2/3 A few months after the Japanese occupation, a very complacent article appeared in Singapore's then only English language newspaper commenting on what was described as the marked improvement in road manners. At no time since the reoccupation would anyone have been justified in proffering a similar compliment to
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  • 579 2/3 WHEN CHURCHILL TRUSTED THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS I Readers' L—♦ Viewpoints I A.P. WASHINGTON.—Mr. Winston Churchill undertook another talk at a luncheon given by journalists, but his comments cannot be printed as his answers to questions were Htf the record." Those attending hoped he might say more of what is
    A.P.  -  579 words
  • 486 2/3 New schemes in connection with social and welfare work have been put forward from time to time at Advisory Council meetings. These schemes, if carried out successfully, will indeed bring welcome changes. At its best, welfare work of the sterner stuff is a heartbreaking job
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  • 173 2/3 A.P. WASHINGTON, Mar. 12 -Former Secretary of Staie Cord' ll Hull noiing the current "spirit of impatience" in the world ap pealed for co-operation among nations as the only means of preserving peace. He said that the success Of the United Nations depends 'm a
    A.P.  -  173 words
  • 69 2/3 A.P. PARIS, Mar. 12. The United bta'es Government has refused trances request to take the question oi the Franco regime in Spain before the United Nations Security Council, the Foreign Office announced. The Am erlcan note said that Washington did not consider the Franco Government
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  • 58 2/3 A.P. PHILADELPHIA. Mar. ll.— Stripped of much of her armaments (-he German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen sailed today for the Pacific for use as a target in the coming atomic tests. Some 275 of the original crew remained aboard but will be removed at Pearl
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 240 2/3 A.P. CHUNGKING. Mar. 12—Chines government and Chinese Communist reinforcements raced for Mukden ".•here street battles were reported to be already in progress as t result of the mysterious Russian withdrawal The Russian departure from Mukclon is still not officially confirmed although it was circumstantially roported from many
    A.P.  -  240 words
  • 254 2/3 TORTURES which residents of Car Nicobar island, arrested by the Japanese fir alleged spying, underwent, were vividly recalled in the war crimes court here yesterday by a young- Indian resident who himself was detained and beaten up for eighteen days. Witness, for the prosecution, Mohamed
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  • 66 2/3 GEORGE FERNANDEZ (left) Eurasian aqrd 35 years. Formerly detective of the Special Branch. Central Police Station. Eurasian Section, during Ten occupation K. V. VELLU (right i Irtmĕn, former jap Tutopector of Police and Chief of Indian Section of the Special Branch Central Police Station. Information is
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  • 73 2/3 A novel musical entertainment will be the "Massed Military Band Concert" to be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, at 8 p.m. The conductor will be W/O W. G. Newman, H.A F.. with the well-known English tenor Ernest Dennis as guest artist. The programme will
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  • 20 2/3 The speaker at tonight's meeting of the Rotary Club will be Mr. G. G. van Hien on 'Music in Singapore.'
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  • 242 2/3 It is announced in London that Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten has been elected President of the British Institution of Radio Engineers for the coming year. He hope 3 to attend a dinner at the Savoy Hotel next October to inaugurate Vs term as tenth President of
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  • 46 2/3 An official announcement will be made as soon as preparations are completed for the "Sea Passage to China" committee to begin its functions. The committee has been formed to facilitate the issue of permits to Chinese who wish to return to China.
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  • 28 2/3 A re-union meeting of Y.W.C.A. members and friends will be held at the Y.W.C.A. Hostel, No. 8, Fort Canning Road, on Thursday next at 5 p.m.
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  • 175 2/3 Fines ranging from $150 to $350 were imposed on several stall holders for selling beer without a licence, when they appeared on summons charges before Mr. L. C. Goh, in the second district court, yesterday. Lulu Woo Woon Ching, proprietress of a stall in the Great
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  • 164 2/3 Aircraftman Norris Harold Cymbalist, radar operator attached to Base Headquarters, Singapore, who was tried by a general court martial recently on charges of inciting to mutiny and insubordination, has been sentenced to ten years' penal servitude and dismissed with ignominy from service. Sentence was
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  • 81 2/3 On Jan. 9, while the S.S. Tung. Song was unloading cargo off the Trengganu coast, two of V\e lighters sank as a result of Very heavy seas shortly before midnight. All the crews of the I lighters succeeded in swimming ashore with one exception, Cpl.
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 522 2/3 SITUATIONS VACANT OLD established British firm re- I quires experienced Chinese Salesman for Imports. Box No. A 57, c/c Malaya Tribune. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE —28 wooden bedsteads with mattresses cushions, wooden benches It stools, 1 counter 14' long, paititione 245 running feet 7' high, buckets, drinking mugs etc. For inspection
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    • 214 2/3 NOTICES BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION SINGAPORE DISTRICT NOIIU OF SAL BY AUUKW Under ciders from the Custodian of Property (he following unclaimtd boats vsill be sold by pefbhc auction at Marine Police tiiutoon Cavanagh Bridge, Singapore at 3.00 p.m. on loth March, 1946. Dimensions. 1. 16" Xs' 2. 19* X 5'
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    • 301 2/3 CELEBRITIES CELEBRATE! The 'cream' of 'WM W All H Mfcl 8 Screen, Stage, Radio IHbIHHHhHHBHHHIBI Singers and Musicians TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! IGRACIE ALLEN'S romantic story ONE-FINGER PIANO or the $60 mffl |trn .mflflr CONCERTO POPULAR SONG NUMBERS: wfth "A Love Like Ours" Orchestral Accompaniment (Sung By June Gloria)
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