Malaya Tribune, 5 January 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE FEOPLE OF MALAYA Four Pagks SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1946 Price 10 Cents The Malaya Tribune Saturday, January 5, 1910.
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  • 336 4/1 Dr. lim Han Hoe, prominent Singapore Chinese who was tortured and imprisoned by the Japanese during the occupation for listening- in to Allied broadcasts, has been created Knight Bachelor of the Order of tbv British Empire in the latest New Year Honours List for
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  • 95 4/1 Tuberculosis topped the list oi the chief causes of mortality in Singapore during the week ending Dec. 29, with pneumonia a close second. Out of a total of 2JI deaths registered, tuberculosis was icspor.sible for 42 and pneumonia 34. Malaria came third with 27. The total mortality was
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  • 95 4/1 Eighty-five per cent, of the 1,000 workers in the United Engineers' Workshops and ship yards resumed work in batches since yesterday and the other 15 per cent, are expected to return to work on Monday. The nen have been on strike since Dec. IT. It
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  • 503 4/1 Eric Woodford elected to testify on oath yesterday in the Special Court at the close of the case for tne prosecution and after a charge of disclosing the identity of certain Eurasian volunteers to the Japanese, "an act calculated to help the military operations of the
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  • 86 4/1 Reuter. PARIS, Jan. 4.—France will take part In the Far Eastern Commission proposed at the Moscow Conference provided that for all questions involving French interests she shall have the right of veto such as is already granted to Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 38 4/1 Reuter. ARCADIA (CALIFORNIA), Jan. 4.—One of America's leading jockeys and champion rider in 1944, George Woolf, died here today as the result of injuries when thrown from a mount during a race at the Santa Aniia racecourse yesterday.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 471 4/1 Bennett Inquiry Findings Reuter. CANBERRA, Jan. 4.—Although acting from a sense of hifih patriotism according to his conception of his duty to Australia, Lieut.-Gen-Henry Gordon Bennett, former Commander of the Australian forces in Malaya, was not justified in relinquishing his command and
    Reuter.  -  471 words
  • 45 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Jan. 5.—The British Ministry of Supply announces that interim allocations of tin have been made operative immediately, to India and Indian Ocean territories. In general, tin metal tonnages concerned will be made available from the United Kingdom or Belgian sources of supply.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 89 4/1 Associated Press. JL CALIFORNIA, Jan. 5.— The eight-year-old Chinese boy who arrived in Washington on Thursday night as mascot to ihe 23rd Fighter Group of the original Flying Tigers will be adopted by a family here if the immigration authorities agree. Mrs. Rose Jew
    Associated Press.  -  89 words
  • 136 4/1 LONDON, Jan. s.—Reliable sources reported that the United States. Great Britain and Russia have agreed upon a plan for controlling atomic energy and that the proposal will be suomitted to the London general assembly of the United Nations Organization, writes Associated Press Correspondent John
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  • 102 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Jan. 4.—Ten British flghing leaders of the last two wars were pallbearers today at the funeral service in Westminster Abbey of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Keyes, of Zeebrugge fame and originator of the Commandos. They included Admirals of the Fleet Sir Reginald
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 246 4/1 "ONLY WISE ACT OF C.K. IN YEARS" BOMBAY, Jan. 4.—General Sir Claude Auchinleck/ Commande r-in Chief in India, in exercise of his special powers, has ordered the remission of the sentences of life transportation passed by the Special Court Martial in
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  • 313 4/1 Associated Press. CHUNGKING, Jan. 4.—Chinese Communist and Central Government negotiators, seeking peace for strife-torn China, today discussed four specific conditions advanced by the Communists in their official reply to Generalissimo Chiang s New Year's Eve peace bid. These were: One —that the Communists
    Associated Press.  -  313 words
  • 177 4/1 Reuter. NEW DELHI, Jan. 4.—The possibility of a delay in the third court martial of officers of the Japanesesponsored "Indian National Army" was indicated today when Attah Allah, sub-judge of the Delhi Court reserved orders on an application filed by the two defendants, Subadar Sungara
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 94 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Jan. 4.—Dinendu M. Sen writing from Oxford to the New Statesman and Nation says: "The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has dismissed 7he petition by S. N. Chopra for leave of appeal against the sentence of death passed on him for his share in the activities of
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 383 4/1 Houses Burnt In Reprisal Reuter. BATAVIA, Jan. 4 (U.P.) Artillery was nsed against Indonesian terrorists in sharp skirmishes in Western Java, it was reported today. At the Semarang sector, British troops have taken preventive action. j Of the 2,000 Dutch marines which arrived off Batavia
    Reuter.  -  383 words
  • 141 4/1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Jan. 4—One person was killed and six injured in clashes yesterday when the Bombay city and suburbs polled in the primary panel election for two seats in the Bombay Legislative Assembly. The two seats were reserved for "scheduled" (depressed) classes. Trouble arose
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 118 4/1 GOOD >pening Tuesday t' |tt a.m. to midnight >"or reservations 'hone 2644 CAPITOL THEATRE BLDING. CATHAY CINEMA BARS and RESTAURANT LUNCHEONS, TEAS, DINNERS. Light Refreshments Also Open All Day. 'Phone 3403. I Happy World Stadium A To morrow Jan. 6th at 8-30 p.m. Amalgamated Sports Promotion Presents WZZ GENUINE NEW
      118 words
    • 338 4/1 Marl bt» rough Next to ALHAMBRA Beach Rd 1-30, 3-30, 8-15 9-15 p.m. Booking Office—Phone 6909 TO-DAY LAST DAY British Lion presents: •IN WHICH WE SERVE' Acclaimed as the best war film yet.. In every respect—magnificent is the only word. SEE The Ordeals, The Achievements and the Gallantry of HMS
      338 words
    • 247 4/1 PALACEGAY- Phone 6223 (I)mly: 1—3.15—6.30—9 p.m.) Record crowds turn up to meet 'THE APE' (A Monogram production with Boris Karloff in a dual role) Midnight (11.30) To-night 'THAT NIGHT IN RIO' GLOBE—Great World (Dally: 3—7—9 p.m.) •WESTERN UNION* (In technieolour) Midnight (11.30) To-night 'PENNIES FROM HEAVEN' To-morrow: 'FLYING DEUCES' (Laurel
      247 words
    • 22 4/1 H. SENA I Jeweller Siam c s c S liver war SVecla I i s 44, High Street Branch at RAFFLES HOTEL
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    • 15 4/1 Call At NAM KNVANG\ for Everything! Electrical! 324. North I Bridge Rd. Phone 2315 j
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  • 869 2/3 m HE future of the East In--1 dies hangs on the question whether Indonesians can be coaxed- to exchange the satisfaction of self-rule for the solid benefits of good rule oy tne Dutch. Now that Indonesians have survived somehow four months of the most critical period
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  • 1112 2/3 The following are extracts of Lieut.Coi. G. G. Thomson's talk jon the Colonial Development and I Welfare Act: The coming of the war emphasised one weakness of the British colonial organisation and it was one which sprang largely from
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  • 201 2/3 Reuter LONDON, Jan. 4.—Fenner Brockvav, political secretary of the nuependent Labour Party, writing n the current issue of the Party veekly "New Leader" says the recent Moscow talks have revealed as lever before that Britain has fallen ;u third place in the world scene ivhich
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 73 2/3 Associated Press. PRAGUE, Jan. 3—Czechoslovak security authorities today hunted a mystery nan tentatively identified as Hermann son who escape J lrom an easi bound prisoner-of-war transport after it had crossed the Polish frontier. Goering, twice married, has two daughters but s not known to have a
    Associated Press.  -  73 words
  • 21 2/3 SYDNEY. Jan. 3.—The Sydney Sun's Canberra correspondent says an Australian will represent the British Empire on the Allied Council for Japan.
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  • 258 2/3 ONE of Singapore's most notorious gangs which has been terrorising resident* of certain areas in this city has been smashed as a result of the police drive to "clean-up* the island. In the Coroner's Court yesterday, it was disclosed by Inspector T. C. Cheah of
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  • 217 2/3 The sale ot bread, milk, ricesugar, and wheat tlour, in any iorm, in inns, public houses, res, taurants, bullets, coffee-stalls, or any places oi refreshments open to 'the public, is prohibited from Jan. 1, 1940, according to a B.M.A. Gazette notilication under the signature
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  • 138 2/3 Twenty new motor-cycles have already arrived and another 20 are expected to be landed in a day oc two tor sale to the public according to a prioruy list worked out by the British Military Administration. This is the first batch of motor-cycles to reach
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  • 39 2/3 Mok Yew Hin, aged 67, passed away peacefully at 10-40 p.m. on 2nd January at his residence No. 32 Blair Road. Funeral will take place at noon on Sunday the 6th instant. Up-country papers please copy. Deeply regretted.
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 139 2/3 THE NEW YEAR'S FIRST BIGGEST EVENT! PERFECT I GALA OPENING FIRSTR C A I RUN SOUND SYSTEMi OF THE PICTURES CAPITOL (Singapore's Premier Cinema). I on Tuesday, 8 Jan. presenting UNIVERSALE •Jewel' and an All-Malaya Premiere "ALIBABA the 40 THIEVES" (in GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOUR) featuring JON HALL and a big cast
      139 words
    • 262 2/3 SITUATIONS VACANT ~~WANTED an experienced Brewer. AoolV in Person to The Singapore Bakers 27-29, Medeiros J3ldg.. Cecil Street. Singapore. V A VIED- Pianist. Dancers, Mu-cv-i-.ns speciality numbers to tour S n P and W **jg» every Sunday. Apply O. E. Taylor, General Theatre Manager. ENSA Garrison Theatre. WAITRESSES wanted—Must M
      262 words
    • 103 2/3 LEARN CHINESE IN THE SINGAPORE CHINESE MANDARIN SCHCOL 122-126, Prinsep Street, Singapore. 5 New Classes for absolute beginners commencing January 3rd, 4th and sth 1946. (a) M/m. Thurs. or Tues. Pri_3.4s to 5.15 p.m. Class Teacher. Miss Huang Slew Chin, B.A. (b) Mon. L Thurs.— s.7.o to 7 p.m. Class
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    • 510 2/3 NOTICES TENDERS 1. Tt nders will bo received lor the supply of the following articles to the Johore Bahru Prison for a period of 3 months commencing from 15th January, 1946; (a) Rations for Prisoners Pork per lb. Beef —fresh Mutton n •> Vegetables (Kangkong, Bayam,' or other green vegetables)
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    • 355 2/3 ftin j Up For Reliable Piano Repairs Or Correct Tuning KELLER PIANO Co., 2, ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Good News For The Sick! Slow Keng Ngoh, Chinese Acupuncture Cauterization Specialist, uses scientific methods to cure all sickness and diseases. Stubborn cases obtain almost miraculous results under his treatment. Charges moderate. Consultation
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