Malaya Tribune, 30 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 4/1 The Malaya Tribune T hpheme: 581 > THE NEWSPAPER OF THi PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Friday, Nov. 30, 1945.
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  • 709 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA, Nov. -Within a few minutes of the announcement that they had completely occu pied Sourabaya, Indian troops in Java today went into action in both Bandoeng and batavia. Gurkhas with tank support went forward to clear nationalist troops from prepared defences in a factory
    Reuter.  -  709 words
  • 74 4/1 Reuter. COLOMBO, Nov. 29.—Cruisers and battleships may be able to dock at Singapore, Britain's greatest naval base In the Far East, by Spring, it is stated here. Several floating docks of different sizes are being towed from various parts of the world to make" this possible though
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 158 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Nov. 28. -The Far Easi Advisory Commission has completed its initial tasks, Dr. Evatt, Australian Foreign Minister, told a press conference! to-day on the eve of his departure for Australia. Stating that the Commission would determine the general lines of Allied policies in Japan
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 61 4/1 Reuter. NEW YORK, Nov. 29.—An Associated Press dispatch from Moscow says that Generalissimo Stalin has decided to prolong his vacation and will take a "good long rest" before returning to Moscow. The dispatch which quotes a highly reliable source adds that Generalissimo Stalin is enjoying good health
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 29 4/1 There will be a MAS healthwelfare examination tomorrow, Dec. 1, between 3 and 5 p.m. at the following centres: Pearl's Hill School, St. Joseph's Institution and St. Andrew's School.
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  • 25 4/1 TOKYO, Nov. 29.—(UP).—The Allied Command has ordered that the Japanese House of Peers must admit the press to all its sessions, it was announced today.
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  • 316 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 29.-The first sign of a major conflict in opinion in the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations Organisation became apparent this morning in the Technical Committee dealing with trusteeship. Andrei Gomyko, the Soviet delegate, outlined his country's objection to the proposal contained
    Reuter.  -  316 words
  • 678 4/1 SHARIR ON MOVE TO END WAR Reuter. (By Nod Buckley, Renter's Special Correspondent) BATAVIA, Nov. 2t>. -The Indonesian people are at present in no mood to accept dominion status, Indonesian Prime Minister Sutan Sharir told me rt today. The thirty-seven-year-old lawyer, educated at Leyden
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  • 97 4/1 Reuter LONDON, Nov. 29.— India's war casualties reported up to August 14, 1945, are 179,935 according to Prime Minister Attlee i in the House of Commons today in reply to a ques- i tion. They are made up 1 cf killed: 24J38; missing j 11,754; wounded 64,354;
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 120 4/1 Reuter. MANILA, Nov. 29.—General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the former Commander of the Japanese troops in the Philippines, now on trial for war crimes before the United States Military Commission and the last witness for the defence, stated at the end of his direct examination yesterday
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 256 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.—President Truman told his press conference that he was not in favour of any more Big Three conferences and preferred the United Nations Organisation to perform the task of clearing up international difficulties. Declaring that he believed the League of Nations had
    Reuter.  -  256 words
  • 318 4/1 Reuter. (By Jon Kimche, Reuters Special Correspondent) TEHERAN, Nov. 2y (Delayed).-The Soviet Government has presented a note to the Persian Government replying to the Persian request for permission to move troops against insurgents moving towards Teheran. The note is considered unsatisfactory by authoritative quarters
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  • 138 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.— Russians now refuse to allow Persian troops <to advance northward, declared the Persian Ambassador here, Hussein Khan All, today after a meeting with President Truman. The Persian Ambassador also disclosed he told Mr. Byrnes of two new Persian protests to Russia.
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 76 4/1 TOKYO, Nov. 29.—(UP).— Japan is expected to develop a serious food crisis next Aprilcontinuing through May and June—according to Japanese estimates, it was disclosed today by Col. H.G. Schenck, Chief of the Natural Resources Section of the Allied Command. An analysis prepared for the
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  • 37 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.— Dwight F. Davis, donor of the Davis tennis cup, is dead. He had been ill for six months and troubled with heart disease during the past few weeks.— Reuter.
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 231 4/1 War Risks Insurance Payments <>i claims under the I W;ii icKmxiaj insurance scheme win be considered and discussed by a committee which has recently been formed by ihe authorities, it is learned this morning. The flrsl silling of the committee will probably be held next week. CATHAY Where Everybody Goes
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    • 349 4/1 PA LACEGA V I 'hona 6! IS 29th Nov. to !s» Dec at l-00. '.i is, <> ;«> <v v uu p.m. Anna Neagle in "NURSE EDITH CAVELL" Midnight at 11.30 p.m. tomorrow Paul Muni Lulse Raincr In Pearl S. Buck's "THE GOOD EARTH." GLOBE Cireat World Last 3 shows
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    • 17 4/1 UiiiliTliikrn At 332, North Bridge Eld., Singapore and Hi un hes. Y.T. LEE m Phone Till I
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    • 85 4/1 11 LIU 1 Jl TYPEWRITER DEALERS 332, North I Bridge Rd.. V I Cleaning 1 undertaken I monthly I [Telephone 7971| Greetings To All Friends And Patrons Mr. S. Joseph of the American Lloyd Travel Service, 64, Robinson Road, has pleasure in announcing that he has resumed his business and
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  • 614 2/3 THE world war which ended with |he surrender of Japan on August 15th, 1945, was the second crippling defeat sustained by civilization in our (time. We are too near, the Second event to form a correct estimate of either the causes that led to it
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  • 122 2/3 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Nov. 28.—The Soviet authorities have agreed to allow Chinese Central Government troops to enter Mukden, one of the main cities in Manchuria, the Independent "Wbrjd Daily News" reported to-day. While other problems were still pending it was understood the Soviet authorities
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 189 2/3 It Is noW revealed that on the night of March 10th, 1942, after Malaya had fallen, and Sumatra and Java "were the scenes of fierce allied fighting with the Japanese, the small garrison of Indian troops stationed on Christmas Island mutinied and murdered the O.
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  • 132 2/3 Brigadier H. C. Willan, at a recent press conference in Kuala Lumpur, had this amusing story to tell of his visit to an orphanage in Jitra, Kedah: "At the orphanage I saw 29 orphans. Amongst them were two Chettiar orphans, both boys, one
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  • 227 2/3 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.—Protests against the American foreign policy made by Major-General Patrick Hurley in announcing his resignation from the post of United States Ambassador to China are greeted generally with reserve by Congressional leaders, it was learned here today. I Only armng inveterate isolationists
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  • 23 2/3 All members of the Medical Auxiliary Service, and next-of-kin of deceased M.A.S. personnel, should register at M.A.S. Headquarters on or before Dec. 15.
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  • 95 2/3 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.—1n a statement following swiftly on the sensational resignation of General Hurley and the substitution of General Marshall as envoy to China, Secretary of State James Byrnes told a press conference to-day that there had been no change in United
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 84 2/3 Reuter. TOKYO. Nov. 28 —Members of the Japanese Diet booed and jeered at Baron Shidehara, Japanese Prime Minister, today when he attempted to explain to a full House what the Government intended to do "in this dire emergency." General Sadame Shimomura, Japanese War Minister, bowing low
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 128 2/3 A Price Control Advisory Committee, consisting of three officials and seven unofflcials, has been formed. This committee, which held its first meeting last Monday, will, in due course, go through the whole question of price control and forward its recommendations to the B. M. A. authorities
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  • 93 2/3 Reuter LONDON. Nov. 28.—Sidelights on activities of the UNRRA y United Nations Relief and ReI habilitation Administration dur--1 ing the past few weeks: I Firstly, sent 5,256 white mice lin three consignments by air to Dakar, French West Africa, for yellow fever experiments. Secondly, sent
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 832 2/3  -  Columnist R. B. Ooi is i {no stranger to Tribune readers. His comments in i that popular daily feature "Through Chinese Eyes" t t jcere widely read and dis- J I cussed before the ivar. S After four years of farm- I I ing in Province Wellesley,
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  • 591 2/3 NEW DELHI, Nov. 25 —EVIDENCE relating to the forma-1 tion of the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) and of the Azad Hind Government in Singapore in October, 1943, by Subhas Chandra Bose was given by prosecution witness Lieut. Nag (who was
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  • 60 2/3 Col. V. W. W. S. Purcell, Adviser on Chinese Affairs to the C.C.A.0., will lecture on "The War in China and The Far East" at the Victoria Memorial Hall this evening at 6 o'clock. The 6 p.m. showing of War Alms is cancelled for t>o-day but
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  • 31 2/3 Reuter. MELBOURNE, Nov. 28.—The Australian Labour Party conference to-day passed a resolution re-affirming the White Australia policy (limiting immigrants to the white races) but declared that this was not racial. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 62 2/3 CHUA Chua Seng Kee, aged sb, at his residence, 75, Loron-z X, Telok Kurau Road, at 7.30 last ni*?ht, leaving behind his dearly- beloved wife, three sons. Kirn Cheng, Kirn Kiah and Thiam Swee, one adopted son. Lee Pang Seng, three daughters. Guat Imm, GUat Choo and Guat Chwee,
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 306 2/3 roTicES ARRIVAL OF COMMERCIAL CARGO With reference to cargo arriving at Singapore from overseas consigned to Commercial firms, it will be appreciated that under present circumstances of war-time working and facilities available, the same conditions and protection for cargo cannot at present be given as in peace time. Tally clerks
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    • 348 2/3 SUUA\ION> VACANI WANTED —Concert Manager and Musical Director, Musical Assistant to assist In editing musical parts, copyist preferred Reply to G. E. Taylor ENSA Garrison Theatre, Phone 6826. Wanted a European Lady Office Assistant. Good Salary and prospects. State age and qualification. Apply P.O. Box 484 (Singapore). Wanted two Chinese
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    • 229 2/3 GREM" WORLD Sunday. Dec. 2nd at 830 1 20th Century Promotions DOUBLE MAIN EVENT Charlie Gibson (The Airborne Star) vs. Manuel Oliveiro The Hard Punching Malayan. Little Abayan Official Flyweight and Bantamweight Champion of Malaya. qs. Len Bennet The fastest Boxer at his weight on the Island. Supported by 3
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    • 125 2/3 Great World '^rerra To-night at 8-30 p.m. Kirn's Promotion Presents Two SENSATIONAL HITTERS ThrHling Middleweight Contest Charlie Perry 6nh. JackieCadrpbel! (Royal Marines) (Airborne) SPECIAL REQUEST Junior Welterweight Contest Jikbar bin J*ll»rbrds ranV v%t Weil (S'pbre Pighting (Airborne) Machine) Featherweight Contest FretMie Stean vs Ronald Duties (M.N.) (Singapore) Special Bantamweight Ctmtts*
      125 words