Malaya Tribune, 27 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. THE NEWSPAPIR OF THE PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1945
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  • 331 4/1 Rural Householders Want Kerosene, Candle Rations HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars worth of business, according to a conservative estimate, has been lost by Singapore s manufacturers and other business concerns in the past ten days, as a result of the breakdown in
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  • 44 4/1 it ls confirmed that the reason why no Indian Troops took part in the Singapore Nov. 11 ceremonial is that no Indian combat troops were in the city at the time. Troops taking part in the parade were entirely combat troops.
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  • 113 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 26.—Sir Archibald Clarh-Kerr, 1 British Ambassador in i Moscow, is understood to, have sent a note to M. Molotov, Soviet Conimissar for Foreign Affairs, on the recent difficulties experienced by the Persian authorities in despatching troops to deal 1 with local
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 79 4/1 Reuter. CALCUTTA, Nov. 26.—A1lM^L C f nl t d its oo oVernlgnt tQ tal Of 266 for 5 to 386 before lunch in the second day's play of the (four-day match against the Sng 75 Services Modi B et h «J^ strallans h ad replied gdth
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 151 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.— The United States has proposed to the Moscow and London Governments that all foreign troops withdraw from Persia by Jan. 1, the State Department disclosed today. The Department issued the text of a note delivered in Moscow on Nov. 24 stating: "Instructions are being
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 119 4/1 Hq. Air Command, S.E.A To-day. WAAF's from Delhi, Bombay and Ceylon who volunteered and were recommended some months ago for service east of India have arrived in Singapore to work in the new offices of Headquarters, Air Command South East Asia. Airwomen were flown down from
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  • 547 4/1 'Country Mayße Turned Into Second Manchuria' Reuter. f AVAVIA Nov. 26.-A communique issued by the Indonesian Information Department states that the Indonesian National Convention at today's secret session made three decisions: tjjank the Ceylon State Conncil for it. resolution of 27 m- tO W" latitude
    Reuter.  -  547 words
  • 74 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Nov. 26.—General Douglas Mac Arthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan, welcoming the impending visit of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission to Japan, said today that deliberate misinformation about the problem of Japan has been circulated from hich sources to influence international policies. "The decision
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 160 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 25.—New York is in the grip of a crime wave, according to the News of the World correspondent. He says a "shoot to kill" order has been given to members of the special police. In the Manhattan districts of New York alone
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  • 36 4/1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.—(UP) —The House of Representatives is expected to-morrow to pass a Bill auihorising a survey to determine what structural changes are needed at the Panama Canal to reduce its vulnerability against atomic bomb attack.
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  • 208 4/1 NEW YORK, Nov 26 <UP)._While il i, evident that the .git.tion at Calcutta has been primal ily directed against tbe British, tbe attacks on American vehicles and American troops make difficult to believe that all of them can be attributed simply to mistakes
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  • 239 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 26.— When Questioned in the House of Commons today about recent happenings in Indonesia Mr. Philip Noel Baker, Minister of State, replied that he had nothing to add to Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's statement last Friday except to remind questioners that the Indonesian
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  • 151 4/1 Reuter. *5 c 26 -GweraHssimo Chiang Kishek, inaugurating China s day-old Supreme Economic Council, said: "We mast not allow internal disturbance* to make us lose light of ihe basic need of the people for a far higher standard of living than tnev now
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  • 122 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Nov. 26.— Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek personally took [the initiative in establishing a new Supreme Economic Council under the chairmanship of T. V. Soong, President of the Executive Yuan (Cabinet). The organic law creating the council stated that the purpose was to direct and promote an early
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 533 4/1 Reuter. MELBOURNE, Nov. 26—The Government inquiry into the circumstances of the departure of Lieutenant-General Gordon Bennett from Singapore in February, 1942, opened here today and Justice Ligertwood, tne Commissioner, announced that the inquiry would be held m public. Brian Clasky. General Bennett's counsel, contended that General A.
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 294 4/1 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m. 2.00—4.15--6.30 9.30 TO-DAY TO-MORROW ONLY SUSANNA FOSTER The Girl with the Golden Voice in "MAGIC l< MUSK" with Allan Jones, Margaret Lindsay. PARAMOUNT Box Office 'Phone 3400. CATHAY CINEMA BARS RESTAURANT Delightful Cuisine Experienced Service OPEN ALL DAY 'Phone 3403 ROY
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    • 317 4/1 PAL AC KG A V Phone 6223 November 26th—28th at 1-00. 3-15, 6-30 0-0(1 p.m Paramount's Modern Westerner! Randolph Scott —Joan Bennett In "THE TEXANB" GLOBE Great Word Last 3 shows at 3, 7 9 p.m Chester Morris Wendy Barrie In "FIVE CAME BACK" Opening Tomorrow: "Wallace Beery In "THUNDER
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    • 17 4/1 p i n REPAIRING Undertaken At 332, North Bridge Rd., Singapore and Branches. Y.T. LEE Phot* 7971
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    • 60 4/1 Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. Confederation Life Association Crown Life Insurance Co. (Incorporated in Canada) A Representative for the above Companies is now in Singapore, and Invites policyholders to communicate with him, quoting policy numbers and other relevant Information, in notifying death claims, the date and circumstances of death should be
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    • 13 4/1 Y.T. LEE TYPEWRITER DEALERS 332. North Bridge Rd.. Cleaning undertaken monthly Telephone 7971
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  • 737 2/3 THE attention of the whole world—a world maddened by the delay of peace and haunted by fears hitherto undreamt of—is focussed upon the Preparatory Commission of ihe United Nations now assembled in London to pave the way for the general assembly of the UNO
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  • 495 2/3 FEW people have realised the magnitude of the British Imperial effort in the recovery of Burma or have appreciated the size of the forces which were ready for the invasion of Malaya, planned for September 9. In 1944, In the 14th Army British, Indian,
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  • 560 2/3 Lt.-Col. R. G. PineCoffin, D.S.O. and Bar, M.C., a senior officer of Britain's newest fighting force, the Parachute Brigade, in a recent broadcast over Singapore Radio answers (in lighter vein, however) a question which jncmbers of t/hc public, would like to ask: "What is it
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  • 171 2/3 Letters To Editor I quite agree with "Justice before Generosity's" views regarding the Dutcn in Singapore in your issue of Nov. 21. I do not see why tnese Dutch people should be fed and clothed by the B.M.A. while 'he local population still have to struggle ior
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  • 132 2/3 The Mission school-teachers' who form a good part of the teaching profession in Singapore are still waiting for the token payment of $250. It now appears that Government Schoolteachers will be paid the Increment they would have received during the last 4 years but mission school-teachers may again
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  • 118 2/3 At a time when there is so much unemployment, Is it not scandalous to see men, with families and dependants to maintain, looking for the very Jobs held by young charming maidens, who have no such responsibilities at all? This is not a question of efficiency, but the
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  • 181 2/3 Reuter. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 25.—The liner Maureianla docked at Liverpool tonight with nearly 6.000 service personnel from the Far East.—Reuter. PEARL HARBOUR, Nov. 25 Admiral Chester Nimitz, newlyappointed United States Chief of Naval Operations, gave command of the Pacinc Fleet and the Pacific Ocean areas to-day to
    Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 195 2/3 Of seven Chinese who stood trial in the Superior Court yesterday charged with robbery of 84 picuts of rubber, three were found guilty and sentenced and four were acquitted and discharged without being called upon fo* their defence. The first, second and third accused—Khoo Teck Kian, Ng
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  • 113 2/3 At a recent meeting of the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society. Mr. 5.1.0. Alsagoff was elected President, and Haji A. Mohamed Hussein, Mr. Ismail bin Mat and Mr. S. Abubakar Taha Alsagoff. Vice-Presidents. Other office-bearers include:— Hon. Joint Secretaries: Messrs. A. Wanjor, Mohamed bin Dlab and Abdul Rahman.
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  • 987 2/3 WILL AN REVIEWS B.M.A. PROGRESS KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 25. —Further progress in all departments of B.M.A. activity was reported by Brigadier H.C. Willan, Deputy Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Maiay Peninsula, at a press conference here yesterday. Below i-> a summary of his statement: The strike at the Malayan Collieries at
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 129 2/3 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The s.s. "GLENBEG" and s.s. "EMPIRE DEE" from United Kingdom ports, are due to arrive at Singapore on or about the 28th Instant and consignees of cargo should make application for delivery of their cargo to the Malayan Shipping Unit, Ocean Building, 2nd Floor, Collyer Quay. Both
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    • 393 2/3 ttoructs TRADE MARK NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the two Trade-marks depicted above are the exclusive property Of THE CRESENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY of No. 258, Jalan Besar, Singapore, and are used by it in respect of tea, coffee, hair oils, brilliantine, and other cosmetics and articles of toilet and
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    • 315 2/3 S\ VI XT V XC XXI SAL.ESOIRLS wanted by Mctchundise. Store in Happy World. 1 Working hours. 7-11 p.m. Apply T.L.S. c/o Malaya Tribune. Wanted—Two English-speak-ing* waitresses, good salary and meals. Apply personally, Sansar Cafe, 264, Middle Road (near, Selegie Road). M)KNOWUiiGfII£Nr Mr. Mrs. V. S. James thank their relative
      315 words