Malaya Tribune, 24 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: SHII THE NEWSPAPER OP THE PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Saturday, November 24, 1945.
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  • 186 4/1 NOW that people have starred ti return to Malaya in large numbers, and more information is becoming available, the B M A hare decided to intensify the drive to fhd those people missing since Jap occupation. The Refugees and Displaced Persons Bureau is responsible I
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  • 51 4/1 Permits to purchase petrol for essential services for the month of December, will be issued from the Registrar of Vehicles Office, Middle Road, between Nov. 29 and Dec. 3. New permits will only be issued on receipt of the November permit. Previous holders need not re-apply through their
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  • 28 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Nov. 23.—General Kuniaki Kolso, Japanese Prime Minister during the latter part, of war. told press correspondents that he is surrendering to the Allied authorities today Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 157 4/1 MALACCA, Not. 22.—Repre- 1 pentatives from the Indian Association of Malacca interviewed Mr. S. K. Chettur, the new Agent to the Government of India, at Kuala Lumpur. Among the subjects discussed were £hose regarding persons detained without any charges being preferred against them
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  • 165 4/1 Following up its policy of bringing the story of the last 3± years to the people of Singapore, the Publicity and Printing Department are showing information Alms every evening next week in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 6 p.m., 7.30 p.m. and 9 p.m. There
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  • 71 4/1 Remarking that the Court was of the opinion that there were several discrepancies in the evidence of the prosecution. Major D. P. Rees, presiding officer, first district court, discharged Poh Hong Guan, a .rice retailer, who jstood trial yesterday on a charire of theft of 20 bags
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  • 38 4/1 All members of the former Rescue Service, Singapore, are asked to contact Mr. V. K. Nair, (the elected representative at M. A. S. Headquarters. Old Supreme Court Building, Singapore, for the purpose of preparing nominal rolls.
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  • 20 4/1 CHUNGKING, Nov. 23.—(UP) 7-It is reported here that Halpaong in northern Indo-China iwill soon be made into a free port.
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  • 225 4/1 LONDON, Nov. 24—(UP). Sources close to Buckingham Palace said yesterday that "it was quite probable" that an announcement of the appointment of the Duke of Windsor to a government post would soon be forthcoming. Winston Churchill, former prime minister, who is on excellent terms
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  • 33 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 23.—A committee to watch developments in the utilisation of atomic energy for industrial and domestic purposes, has been appointed by the International Executive Council of the World Power Conference.— Reuter
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 443 4/1 MR. S. X Chettur, 1.C.5., Agent to the Government of India in S?SStJC M ,ng Vu ft* Parly iven b > the ,ndian community at the Victoria Memorial HjII yesterday evening, said he hoped that all Indians detained on collaboration charges would receive
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  • 734 4/1 SAYS SOLUTION LIES IN RESUMPTION OF TALKS Reuter. Frn«^ D N N r V 23 Foreign Secretary ai frankness when ha spoke in the foreign affairs delate in the House of Commons today. "If any larje or small nation in the world," he said,
    Reuter.  -  734 words
  • 176 4/1 CHUNGKING, Nov. 24. —(UP) —Tanks, artillery, and armoured cars of the Chinese Government forces are spearheading through the Great Wall toward Chinchow, first stronghold in Southern Manchuria of the Communist 16th Military Zone, it was reported by well-informed military sources. The drive through the
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  • 99 4/1 CHUNGKING, To-day, (UP).—Two well-known fighters, both of whom were ousted from Manchuria by the Japanese in 1932 and who toured Europe before returning to Free China, are now reported back in Manchuria—on opposing sides of the fence. The veteran anti-Japa-nese national hero General Ma
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  • 200 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Nov. 23. —A joint Chinese-Soviet communique, dealing wi»h the status and control of Manchuria, is expected to be issued was reported today in the "New Szechwan Daily i News." The "Citizens Daily News," organ of Chungking financiers, says, "Cordial Sino-Soviet negotiations are
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 44 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov: 23.—It is officially announced from Buckingham Palace this morning that Princess Margaret, flfteen-year-old younger daughter of the King and Queen, who had her appendix removed yesterday morning, spent a comfortable night and continues to make satisfactory progress.— Renter. I
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 381 4/1 Battle Of Semarang Reuter. BATAVIA, Nov. 23.-The struggle on Java has I shifted west from shell-torn Sourabaya, and Indian and British troops were tonight fighting the battle of Semarang and Ambarawa in north central part of the island. Men of the 13th Gurkhas are strongly
    Reuter.  -  381 words
  • 35 4/1 LONDON, Nov. 23.—(UP)—The British Communist party whose 18th Congress takes place next Sunday in London, has planned a resolution concerning India asking the British government to abandon the Cripps proposals as a basis for negotiations.
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 30 4/1 Marlborough REVISED STARTING TIME 4 Shows daily: 1-30. 3-30. 6-15 9-15 p.m. Box Office Phone 6909. LAST DAY "ST. MARTIN'S LANE" featuring Charles Laughton OPENING TO-MORROW "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC"
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    • 579 4/1 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m. 2.00—4.15—6.30 9.30 TO-DAY TO-MORROW DEANNA DURBIN Universale Singing Star in "IT STARTED WITH EVE" with Charles Laughton Robert Cumtnlngs. BOOK NOW TO-NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT GENE AUTRY The Singing Cowboy in RANCHO GRANDE M with June Storey, Smiley Burnette, Mary Lee Box
      579 words
    • 22 4/1 H. SENA] Jeweller and Dealer ml High Class Ladi«.\s a q v Gents' Watches 44, ii 0.. cci Branch at RAFFLES HOTEL
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    • 130 4/1 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. This Company is temporarily registered in London and a Clerical Staff has been working at the Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore, since the re-occupation of Malaya, getting records up-to-date. The Company welcomes this opportunity of again establishing contact with its Assureds
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    • 13 4/1 Call At MAM KWANG tor Everything Electrical 324, North Bridge Rd. Phone 2315
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  • 573 2/3 A strange and almost disconcerting silence has followed the first meeting in Washington of the Far Eastern Advisory Commission. Just before the meeting convened |t was announced that, although Russia had not signified her intention of attending, it was hoped that a lastminute decision would produce
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  • 685 2/3 LABOUR STAND CLARIFIED Reuter. (By Fraser Wighton, Reuters Political Correspondent) LONDON, Fw. 20: —A belief that if Indian leaders woul em ure patiently for six mere nths, they mjgut have happiness i seeing the late of the -tiia-conUnant sett ltd titrrf nctorily
    Reuter.  -  685 words
  • 126 2/3 Reuter. KANDY, Nov. 22.—Admiral Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander in Southeast Asia, presented a Japanese gun captured in Burma to the town of Kandy, which for over 19 months was the headquarters of SEAC. Bidding farewell to Ceylon and Kandy, Admiral Mountbatten said that next
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 44 2/3 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Nov. 23. —(UP).—Two Vanderbilt University doctors yesterday announced the discovery of a new vitamin which can be used in the treatment of pernicious anaemia and other vitamin deiiciencies. The discoverers are Dr. William J. Dardy and Dr. Edgar Jones.
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  • 126 2/3 A small number of new cars will shortly be arriving in Singapore, and these will be sold under permit to be issued by Controller, lioad Transport. Further consignments are expected later. It is the policy of the B.M.A. to grant permits to
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  • 87 2/3 About 19 members of the Royal Malay Navy, besides Chine se ships' crew, and Malayan evacuees totalling in all about 56, are expected hi Singapore shortly from Banka and Muntok where they have been in forced exile since February. 1942, when they managed to get away, some
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  • 25 2/3 A meeting of those interested in Rotary will be held at the G. H. Cafe in Hattery Road at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 28.
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  • 1204 2/3 Here is the second part of Pearl S. Buck's interesting article on "Imperialism in A«ia", the first was published in yesterday's issue. I am well aware that as I say these things, I lay myself open to the shallow judgment which to-day would condemn
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  • 605 2/3 A project to erect a memorial in Singapore in honour oi the late Mr. Lim Bo Seng, who sacrificed his life in the struggle gainst the Japanese fur the liberation of i. >a, is r.eing considered by the local authorities. Mr. Lim was chosen
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 121 2/3 WANTED TO BUY PIANOS. RADIOS. DOUBLE BASS REFRIGERATORS. Offers to be sent to KELLER PIANO CO. 2, Orchard Road, Singapore. Catering for TEA or DINNER PARTY has been our specialised Job. Let us look after your next one. TA TONG RESTAURANT, 18, ChuHa St., 'Phone 4803. SERVICE LIBRARY 19 J
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    • 118 2/3 NOTICES Information leading to the recovery of floating equipment, office equipment, office records and any other property belonging to this company will be appreciated and a suitable reward will be given. Royal Packet Navigation Coy. (K. P. M. Line" 1 Finlayson Green. BRING BACK MALAYAN PROSPERITY by reviving Malaya's Basic
      118 words
    • 251 2/3 NOTrCES. Free Dancing lessons given to girls at Tanjong Katong Cabaret daily. Further particulars apply 312/6, Tanjong Katong Road. THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA LIMITED. The Association is pleased So advise that it has now been possible to arrange for repreT sentation in Malaya pending ,the re-opening of
      251 words
    • 191 2/3 SITUATION WANTED Qualified Lady Teacher undertakes to give private tuition in English to children in afternoons; also music lessons in piano. Apply M.L. c/o Malaya Tribune. WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE A PUNKT ROLLER ADDRESS V.P. c/o Malaya Tribune. GREAT WORLD Monday, 26th. Nov. At 8.30 p.m. 20th Century Promotions Present
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    • 106 2/3 BOXING HAPPY WORLD TO-MORROW AT 8-30 PM. Amalgamated Sports Promotion CHARLIE TOMMY PERRY vs CARJUE (Royal Marines) 6 Rds. (Spore) BERTIE Kfc ATIE vs KERSEBOOM < Airborne 6 Rds. (Dutch) R.AJ.R.) FIGHTING STENT A FORD vs HASSAN (Royal Navy) 6 Rds. (Spore) SEAMAN P. LITTLE LAW vs wn (Royal Navy)
      106 words