Malaya Tribune, 17 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5817. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES oINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Saturday, November 17, 1945.
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  • 297 4/1 The opinion that synthetic rubber will never oust natural rubber rom the world's market in view of the natural product's vast jotentialities which have not yet been fully exploited, is expressed >y Mr. L. Cresson, Managing Director of the Singapore Rubber Works Ltd. Mr.
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  • 207 4/1 Remarking that it was unfortunate that some departments should send their subordinate officers to execute their duties without providing them with the necessary means of identity, Major D. P. Rees, presiding officer, first district court, acquitted C.A. Klemm, a European, of a charge of assaulting a
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  • 94 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING. Nov. 15.—The Communist paper, New China Daily News, said to-day that the United States had turned over 1,000 tanks to the Kuomintang. "In addition to enormous surplus of war supplies to be turned over to the Kuomintang, there are 15.000 motor vehicles and thousands
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 71 4/1 Reuter. LONDON. Nov. 15.—There is no foundation for any suggestion that the arrest of Pandit Nehru is contemplated, Arthur Henderson, Under-Secretary of State for India, stated In reply to a question by Stephen Davies (Labour) in the House of Commons to-day. Davies had referred to
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  • 35 4/1 All former M.A.S. members attached to the Balmoral Road and Goodwood House aid-post arid depot are requested to notify their names and addresses ,to Mr. Chua Boon Teck, of the Municipal Finance Dept., B.M.A, Singapore.
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  • 202 4/1 Local banks have been authorized to accept family remittances for transmission to China, pending official sanction from London, Mr. Chew Hock Leong, manager of the Overseas Chinese Bank, told the Tribune yesterday. This fine gesture by the B.M.A. has been received with acclamation, he said. At present
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  • 55 4/1 Royal Air Force Police, not military police, were responsible for the apprehension of a Chinese, Soh Ah Pong, who was convicted and sentenced in the Superior Court on Nov. 7, to four years' rigorous imprisonment for housebreaking. The R.A.F. Police were congratulated by the Court for
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  • 28 4/1 Dirk Kalf, Dutch violinist, will give a recital of violin music on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m in the Hall of St. Hilda's School, Ceylon Road, Katong.
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  • 189 4/1 Reuter. COLOMBO, Nov. 15.—The Headquarters of the SEAC, ALFSEA and ACS will cease to operate from Nov. 25 from Kandy, where they have been housed for the past 19 months, and start operating iron Singapore the same day. To ensure uninterrupted continuity,
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  • 43 4/1 Approval has been given by Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, for a United States bombing survey mission to visit Singapore Naval Base where American bombers caused hahoc in attacks during the stepping up of the offensive against Japan.
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  • 99 4/1 Japanese merchant vessels which cannot be employed either in bringing rice to Malaya from Siam or evacuating Japanese forces to their exile on Rembang Island, near Singapore, are gonig to be used to dump many thousands of tons of Nip ammunition in deep water.
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  • 276 4/1 Air Strafing Likely In Tientsin Area RAILROAD UNDER FIRE Reuter. SHANGHAI, Nov. 16.-Authorisation for "appropriate military action" by the United States Forces against Chinese Ccmmunists holding the railside village near Loanhsien, 100 miles northeast of Tientsin, was given by Lieut General Albert Wedemeyer, C in-C
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  • 140 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Nov. 16.—Communist troops, laying siege to the walled city of Paotou, in Suiyuan province, North China, where fierce lighting had been in progress during the week, swarmed into the sandy streets after their heavy guns had breached the north-west wall, reports from the
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 107 4/1 Reuter. BRUSSELS, Nov. 16.— Mr. Winston Churchill forecast a "United States of Europe" to save the peace of the world when after an uproarious welcome from Brussels crowds he attended the joint session of the Belgian Parliament this afternoon to become honorary member of both Houses.
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  • 107 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 15.—Russian physicists investigating cosmic rays have discovered a new group of posmic particles, reports the Moscow correspondent of the Daily Telegraph today. He says: "Some foreign circles here are asserting that the announcement of these discoveries might be linked up with the
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 426 4/1 Reuter. MANILA, Nov. 16.—A film "Orders from Tokyo" was shown at today's hearing of the trial of Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita. After the showing of this film, which purports to give an account of the capture of Manila, the defence objected vigorously to the spoken commentary, claiming
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  • 181 4/1 New Developments In France Reuter. PARIS, Nov. 16.—General Charles de Gaulle has given up attempts to form a new government, according to reports from usually well-informed circles here. These reports add that the Constituent Assembly will be called for tomorrow to elect a new head
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  • 59 4/1 Reuter. CANBERRA, Nov. 16—The Australian Government is making tentative arrangements for Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Commander-in-Chief of the South-East Asia Command to visit Australia in December, according to the Canberra correspondent of the Sydney Telegraph today. Lord Mountbatten, in accepting Prime Minister Chifletf's Invitation, said
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  • 22 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Nov. 16.—Lieut.-Ge-neral Charles Gardner, Mr. Attlee's personal representative at General Mac Arthur's Headquarters, returned to Tokyo last night from London—Reuter.
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  • 185 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA, Nov. 16.—As the battle for Sourabaya, Java naval port, entered its seventh day, Allied Headquarters announced Ito-day that Indonesian resistance was decreasing but sniping and mortar fire continues. "Our troops are extending their occupied areas to the east to include the marshalling yards from which
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 85 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING. Nov. 15.—A Central News Agency despatch from Batavia to-night said: "Reports reaching here from Sourabaya, through Indonesian sources, revealed that a formation of the 'Chinese Peace Preservation Army', which, 'flying the Chinese national flag, is now engaged in fighting against British troops.'
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 40 4/1 FOR SANITARY, WATER AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS, REPAIRS, ETC. Communicate with FONGHIN CO., LTD. 64, Wallich Street. Singapore. 'Phone No. 7557. in -n SYED MOHSEN ALSAGOFF, PH.D., PS.D., Internationally Known Health Specialist, Physical Culture Expert Consulting Psychologist. 27, The Arcade, Singapore.
      40 words
    • 226 4/1 CATHAY Where Even/body Goes 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m., 2-00, 4-15, 6-30 9-30 OitMNG 10 DA i CARMEN MIRANDA in "THAT NIGHT IN RIO" 20th Century Fox Musical, m Gorgeous Technicolour TO-NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT SUSANNA FOSrER in MAGIC IN MUSIC" Paramount BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400 cathay cinema restaurant 'Phone 3403.
      226 words
    • 256 4/1 ENTERTAINMENT I'ALACEGAY (Phone 6223) November 17—19 th 1.00 6.15 9.1 D P. hi. SCARLET PIMPERNAL (Leslie Howard) Midnight Show At 11-30 p.m. DAWN PATROL (Errol Flynn) GLOBE GREAT WORLD PARK November 16—18 th 3.00 7.00 9.00 P.M. U-BOAT 29 (Conrad Veidt) Midnight Show At 11-30 p.m. DRUMS ALONG THE MOHAWK
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    • 13 4/1 H. SENA Jeweller A Silverware Specialist 44, High Street Branch at RAFFLES HOTEL
      13 words
    • 53 4/1 CaM At I NAM KWANG 11 t I n p Electrical 324. North Bridge Rd. Phone 2315. Nearly 60 YEARS SERVICE in STATIONERY, PRINTING, BOOK-BINDING, RUBBER STAMP MAKING, AND DEALING IN PAPERS, AND DRAWING MATERIALS. E. J. Mo ti walla «>.. 2, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Telephone No. 4570. Branch at:6,
      53 words

  • 537 2/3 THE bomb that blasted Hiroshima into rubble may yet save civilization from harakiri. It weje as well, no doubt, that we should not celebrate too quickly, and yet there can be no denial that the agreement I on atomic energy reached at Washington is the most heartening news
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  • 377 2/3 Reuter. MANCHESTER, Nov. 13.—The Dutch attitude to the disturbances in the East Indies bears a striking resemblance to that of the conservative Englishman 25 years ago to Gandhi and India, says the special correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, in Amsterdam. An inquiring stranger in the Dutch capital,
    Reuter.  -  377 words
  • 54 2/3 Reuter. STOCKHOLM, Nov. 15.—Trial in Helsinki, which begins today, of Rlsto Ryti, former President of Finland, and five former Cabinet Ministers, as war criminals, appears to be unpopular except with extreme Left parties. The accused are regarded almost as martyrs undergoing trial in order to maintain present good relations between
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 677 2/3 THE War has ended just as the weariest night ends. There are problems now, thousands of them, pressing for solution. Have we been prepared for them. Woe betide us if we have not. Now the time has arrived for the "younger generation" to get
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  • 98 2/3 Members and dependents of members of the A.R.P. Organisation who have not yet registered their claims for pensions, gratuities etc. are requested to report at the following places on Sunday, at noon: "A" Central Division, Commercial Union, Robinson Road; "B" Kandang Kerbau Division, Rangoon Road School: "C"
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  • 135 2/3 Stating that the treatment of 1 the sick,is regarded by the Administration as most important Major-General Hone, Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya, at the first meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council, paid tribute to the doctors, nurses and hospital employees who had remained at their
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  • 41 2/3 Manufacturers in Singapore are asked to submit monthly requirements of rice, sugar, salt and flour needed by them to continue (heir industry. Applications should be addressed to Deputy Food Controller (Singapore Division), Municipal Buildings and should be submitted by Nov. 25.
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  • 185 2/3 Kopi- Oh Fra ternity Letters To Editor The following passage from Storry Deans' "Notable Trials" may be of interest to the KopiOh fraternity: "Then came the chief expert, the celebrated Mr. Thomas Bond, lecturer on forensic medicine at Westminster Hospital. This remarkable man was for many years the chief witness
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  • 62 2/3 May I suggest, that the Singapore Traction Company should introduce standard rates of fares, namely 5 cents and 10 cents, for all trolley buses and omnibuses? This will, I think, be the best and most convenient method of collecting fares. The issue of 4-cent, 6-cent, 8-cent tickets, etc.
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  • 153 2/3 Permit me to say a word on behalf of pensioners, against whom there appeared some correspondence in the Press, recently. Instead of discriminating against pensioners born and domiciled in this land, there appears to be more grounds for eliminating those who infiltrated into the country just priwr to
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  • 111 2/3 There were 218 deaths from suspected cholera In Kuala Kedah and Alor Star, according to a statement by the Health Officer, North Kedah, published in the Official Bulletin of No 1 Region. Of these 78 were recorded in hospitals, and the remainder outside. He
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  • 318 2/3 Efforts are being made to restore, on a temporary basis, the cargc handling facilities of the Singapore and 1 "enang Harbour Boards i. order to cope with the arrivalof consumer goods in Malaya. Both ports suffered from JaI anese and Allied bombings. Air assaults were
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  • 95 2/3 All the Registers of Titles for Land in Pahang are missing. An exhaustive search had been made for them right from Kuala Lipis down to Singapore, but they cannot be traced. These Registers cover between about 4,500 to 5,000 titles. Investigation has shown, however, that
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  • 157 2/3 I Maj-Gen. H. R. Hone. Chief I Civil Affairs Officers, has received the following message from I the Secretary of State for the Colonies: "I have arranged for the following message to be sent to the Australian Red Cross through the United Kingdom High Commissioner, Canberra:
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  • 54 2/3 Tan Meng Jim (60) described as manager of the premises of the Eastern Bar, New World Amusement Park, by the prosecuting officer, was fined $1,000. in default, six months' r.i. by Mr. R. C. Hoffman, presiding officer, fourth district court. Tan was convicted on a charge of selling liquor to
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  • 129 2/3 Mrs Levi Kirn Yin nee Bep»i Chong Neo passed away peacelully at her residence No. 234, Tembeling Road, Singapore, on Friday, 16th Nov., 1945. She leaves behind her bejoved husband Low Kirn Yin of Land Office. Singapore, 2 sons, Dow Peng Hai and Low Peng Leong. 4 daughters, Low
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 60 2/3 A NEW PREPARATION AJMERI-CHUTNEY Most Delicious Mixed Sauce For All Dishes. Manufactured by AJMERI-CHUTNEY MANUFACTURING CO., 743, North Bridge Road, Singapore. Good News for the Sick SIOW KENG NGOH, specialised in Acupuncture Cauterization (Chinese art of healing diseases without using medicine). Consultation hours from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 545,
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    • 212 2/3 SITUATIONS VACANT EXPERIENCED Lady Steno(Typist for part time work and j also a clerk of work for shipj yard. Apply personally with testimonials to Orient Trading Co. 78, Robinson Road, Singapore. WANTED urgently, two English-speaking waitresses. Good prospects and pay. Apply 1 personally to Snow White Restaurant Bar, 224, Tanjong
      212 words
    • 360 2/3 WANTED Wanted one Raleigh Sports model, complete, frame 21". Reasonable price. Reply C.O.L. c/o Malaya Tribune. NOiICES~ NOTICE is the business of building and general contractors heretofore carried on by Mr. Wu Shun Fah under the style or firm name ot Shun Fah Co., at No. 3 Coleman Street, Singapore,
      360 words
    • 363 2/3 Quick Relief Assured, RI M KJ \H" Powder for Influenza. Sore-throat Headache. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Our Speciality NANG HENG CO., Piano House, 103-105, Selegie Road, Phone 6958. KETJAP DJAWA No i. Suitable lor all kinds of dlshet Obtainable from: T. G. KIAT Co., 766, North Bridge Road, Spore SERVICE
      363 words