Malaya Tribune, 16 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: SBll. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Friday, November 16, 1945.
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  • 370 4/1 ONE of the luckiest men in the world is Razak bin Abdul Hamid, who before the Japanese invasion was a student teacher in Kuala Lam pur. He survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The Japanese seeing that Abdul Razak had an ability above the
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  • 74 4/1 Mr. S. K. Chettur, Agent to the Government of India in Malaya, was last night entertained at a cocktail party at the G. H. Cafe by Mr. R. Jumabhoy, President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce. Among the guests was Brigadier P. A. B. McKerron,
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  • 192 4/1 Leading Aircraftsman J. O'Shea blinded after drinking local hooch, was led into court to give evidence as complainant in a case in which two Chinese, Ng Lian Chee and Ng Sam Hock, were charged before Mr. R. C. Hoffman, presiding officer, fourth district
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  • 101 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—Mr. James F. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State, said to-day that Moscow has returned to its earlier demand for setting up a four-power control council in Japan on the Berlin model. He said that no agreement has been reached with Moscow
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  • 190 4/1 "No shipments of sugar or salt have yet been received in the country, and we are still dependent on stocks left by the Japanese. Until imports are received, It is not possible to envisage any upward adjustment of the ration." Thus a passage in an official statement
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  • 155 4/1 Reuter. SYDNEY, Nov. 14.—The Tokyo Correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald today cabled a report from the Japanese capital that Japan wants to enter a team for the Davis Cup to be held by Australia. The Japanese have revived their Lawn Tennis Association and
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  • 584 4/1 Bomb's Mechanical Details To Remain Secret Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.- Agreement has been reached in the historic six-day parleys on the atom bomb, it was announced today. It was also announced that mechanical details of the atom bomb will be kept secret. President Truman, accompanied by British
    Reuter.  -  584 words
  • 34 4/1 Singapore Radio last night reported that a United States army spokesman said on Wednesday that 90 German scientists, including experts on atomic energy and rockets, are being taken to the United States for questioning.
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  • 45 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 15 New York radio stated today that leading American architects have decided to advocate a breaking up into smaller units of all United States cities of more than 200,000 people, as the first precaution against possible atomic attacks. Reiiter.
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  • 75 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Nov. 15.—The new Japanese Constitution will follow the pattern of the British Constitution as nearly as possible, Dr. Sunichi Matsumoto, Minister without portfolio and chairman of the Japanese Government Committee for revising the Constitution, said today. He added: "While the new Constitution will undoubtedly
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  • 52 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 15.—Conservative candidate, Mr. Harold Macmillan, retained his seat for nis party, when the result of the Bromley by-election was announced to-day. This is the sixth by-election result to be announced since the General Election, and, so far, there ha* been no change in the
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 36 4/1 Reuter. COLOMBO, Nov. 15.—Service personnel are helping in the unloading of urgent cargo in Colombo harbour to-day, following a strike of about 300 lightermen and shore labourers, who are demanding better pay and working conditions. —Reuter.
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  • 164 4/1 Reuter. TEL AVIV, Nov. 15.—There was further firing by troops this morning in Tel Aviv. One Jew was killed and three seriously and ten slightly wounded. A large army lorry, loaded with flour, was attacked and set on fire in the centre of the
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 365 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA, Nov. 15. Tonight's meeting of Dr. van Mook with Indonesian Republican le cers was cancelled at the last moment, the Netherlands news agency reported. Sntan Sharir, new Indonesian Premier, said: "I understand the British cancelled the meeting." British headquarters announced: "A
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  • 83 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA. Nov. 15.—The full list of the new Indonesian Republican "Cabinet" is as follows: Sutan Sharir, Prime Minister and the interim Minister for Foreign and Home Affairs; Amir Sjarifudin, Information and Internal Security, which will give him charge of the civil police, the TKR (Peoples Defence
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 162 4/1 Reuter. SAIGON, Nov. 15.—Considerable "rebel activity" south of Saigon is reported today in an official Anglo-French statement. The statement added that Important mopping up operations are going on in the area of Vms Long, further south, and west of Saigon. Signs of approaching trouble in
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 121 4/1 "Like Pontius Pilate.... Reuter. CANBERRA, Nov. 15.—An official Australian short-wave broadcast, under the auspices of the Departments of External Affairs and Information, said that America, "like Pontlius Pilate, is washing her hands off the Indonesian trouble," and that Britain, in her handling of the Indonesian situation in the Netherlands East
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  • 41 4/1 Reuter. SAIGON, Nov. 15.—Field Marshal Count Terauchi, former Commander of the Japanese Southern Armies, has been ordered to go to Singapore, where his presence Is necessary "for closer co-operation" with Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten. Supreme Allied Commander.-*-Reuter.
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
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    • 56 4/1 All-In Wrestling 19th Nov. at 8.30 p. m GREAT WORLD STADIUM Battle of the Unbeaten Giants! Champion of India and Malaya S. KARTAR SINGH vs. The RED EAGLE Masked marvel of the Wrestling World has accepted Singh's Challenge. WILL UNMASK IF DEFEATED 200 Ringside seats available at $5 Popular Prices:
      56 words
    • 249 4/1 2A THAY Where Everybody Goes 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m. 2.00 4.15 6.30 9.30 LAST 5 SHOWS VICTOR MATURE in "CAPTAIN CAUTION" OPENING TO-MORROW CARMEN MIRANDA In 'THAT NIGH i IN RIO" 20th Century Fox Musical. In Gorgeous Technicolour 1 TO-MORROW AT MIDNIGHT SUSANNA FOSTER in "MAGIC IN MUSIC" Paramount
      249 words
    • 222 4/1 PALAtECAI (Phone 6223) 1.00 3.15 6.15 9.15 P. At. Who is the Green Archer? Thrilling Baffling Exciting Don't Miss The Concluding Episodes GREEN ARCHER (ChaptiB—ls) (Victor Jory Iris Meredith) Tomorrow SCARLET PIMPERNAL (Leslie Howard) And At Midnight DAWN PATROL (Errol Flynn) GLOBE GREAT WORLD PARK November 16—18 th 3.00 7.00
      222 words
    • 15 4/1 PEN BEI'AIRINO Undertaken At 332, North Bridge Rd., Singapore and Branches. Y.T. LEE Phone 7971
      15 words
    • 17 4/1 TYPEWRITER DEALERS 1 332, North I Bridge Rd., I Cleaning I undertaken I monthly J Telephone *****
      17 words

  • 455 2/3 passage in MajorGeneral H. K. Hone's speech to the Advisory Council on Wednesday recalls to mind the tragic unpreparedriess of Britain, with her farflung empire, when the challenge finally came in the Far East, in 1941. It reads: "Despite all efforts to maintain the peace of the
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  • 355 2/3 LETTERS TO EIHTOIt I agree entirely with what Mr. Khoo Teng Eng had written in your paper on "Our Dead-end Kids," and I think it is high time the B.M.A. should do something about us. Just take my case. My father was killed during the Jap bombing
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  • 129 2/3 Re. the paragraph in your paper headed "First Ceylonese Anglican Bishop," I should like to point out that there is no nationality called Ceylonese. They must be either Jaffna Tamils or Sinhalese. The natives of Ceylon are Sinhalese. It is easy to insult people when they
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  • 97 2/3 I want to express my gratitude to the British authorities for the way they help and look after us Dutch ex-P.O.W.'s in Singapore. Despite their own difficulties in Malaya, they also have the problem of feeding, medical care etc. of Dutch ex-P.O.W.'s and civil internees from Java and
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  • 95 2/3 We are already far in the second week of November and our rice retailer has not yet been able to obtain his quota. If there is not enough rice to go round, the Food Controller should say so and at least dole out flour which evidently is
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  • 90 2/3 The token payment of three months pay, which the B. M. A. has sanctioned to be paid to the former established employees of Government, Municipal Services, etc., is "still denied to the employees of S. H. B.—"An Old Timer." Why not the B.M.A. pay better salaries to the
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  • 96 2/3 Immediately after the return of the British to liberate this country, the of a cup of black coffee was two cents. Last night in Albert Street I was charged ten cents for a similar cup of black coffee. I leave it 10 you to work out the percentage
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  • 704 2/3  -  Tribune To Passive Defence Services -By- Khoo Teng Eng WHEN Japan launched her treacherous attack on the U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbour on Dec. 7th. 1941, she helped to blast away some of the fallacies that had been deeply rooted in our parochial mind. One of
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  • 175 2/3 Resultant on the Administration's intention of not enforcing the Societies Ordinance during the military period, societies are free to organise and they, or their individual members, will not be interfered with unless they act in such a way as to 1 bring themselves within the or-j
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  • 78 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 14.—The trial of John Amery on charges of high treason and treachery will start on Nov. 28 at Old Bailey before Justice Humphreys. The trial is expected to last three days. Amery, who is a son of Leopold Amery, Secretary for India In the
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 337 2/3 Colonial Office Sends Survey Unit Entrusted with the task of tackling the nutritional problem of Malaya, a "Nutrition, Food and Agriculture Survey Unit a Colonial Office visiting party is due to arrive in Singapore shortly. The Chairman of the Unit, Dr. William Clyde, the
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  • 122 2/3 Economy in the use of water and electricity was urged by Major-General Hone at the first meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council on Wednesday. "Thoughtless conduct in this respect can only augment the difficulties of the Military Administration and react unfavourably upon the
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 184 2/3 TAKE YOUR TIFFIN AT TRAVANCORE CAFE BRIYANI AND INDIAN DISHES. 71 Market Street. Spore. PUBLIC BATTERY SERVICE CO., General Motor Repairers and Commission Agents. (Under the supervision of Mr. Yong Ah Oian, formerly of the Muar Motor Garage, Muar). Address: No. 77, Kallang Road, Singapore. Tel. No. 7298. Only Good
      184 words
    • 35 2/3 A NEW PREPARATION AJMERI-CHUTNEY Most Delicious Mixed Sauce For All Dishes. Manufactured by AJMERI-CHUTNEY MANUFACTURING CO., 743, North Bridge Road, Singapore. AND REPAIRING Our Speciality NANG HENG CO., Piano House. 103-105, Selegie Road, Phone 6958.
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    • 229 2/3 NOTICES CIVILIAN EX INTERNEES All si me Road Ex Internees now living outside the camp or hostels, are invited to apply by letter to Mr. John Eber, Refugees Displaced Persons Branch (S) 8.M.A., Municipal Bldg. for certificates entitling them to draw supplies from the Australian Red Cross Mercy Ship. Letters
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    • 555 2/3 SITUATIONS VACANT i Wanted—Efficient lady Typist for confidential work. Must have good knowledge of shorthand and filing. Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, to:—T.C. c/o M.T. WANTED: Expert Optician, able to speak English Malay. Apply stating salary to S. T. H. c/o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. VACANCY in Import Firm
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