Malaya Tribune, 15 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: r >Xll. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE PEOPLE OE MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Thursday, November 15, 1945.
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  • 409 4/1 A well-deserved tribute to the peoples of Malaya for' their bravery, patience, and unshakable devotion and loyalty to the Allied cause while they were under the Japanese heel, was paid by Major General H. R. Hone, Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya, when he
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  • 44 4/1 Will members of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants please communicate with Mr. Teo Lam Hai, 2nd floor, Medeiros Building or Mr. Chan Kum Chee, 2nd floor, Sze Hai Tong Bank Building with a view to reviving the Malayan Branch of the Association.
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  • 162 4/1 Major-General H. R. Hone, C.C.A.0., Malaya, presiding at yesterday's first meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council said that despite the absence of efficient policing of the island, ithe inhabitants as a whole have been commendably lawabiding and orderly. "I would like to pay a sincere and
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  • 57 4/1 A mass rally of Indians was held at Farrer Park on the occasion of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's 58th birthday, yesterday. Before the rally, Indians marched through the streets carrying flags and slogans. In the evening the Nehru Jayanti committee of the Singapore General Labour Union held a tea
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  • 784 4/1 New "Cabinet" Brings Hope Of Early Peace INDONESIANS SAID MOVING TANKS SOUTH OF NAVAL BASE Reuter. BATAVIA, Nov. 14.-While British and Indian troops are still "methodically" battering their way through battle-torn Sourabaya against stiffening Indonesian resistance, hopes for a "cessation of bloodshed tonight centre
    Reuter.  -  784 words
  • 216 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 14.—Brigadier Pitzroy Maclean (Con.), asked Mr. John Strachey, UnderSecretary for Air. in the House of Commons to-day if he had inquired into the refusal of men of the R.A.F. unit in central India to obey orders and into the action
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  • 86 4/1 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 —The conference between Prime Minister Attlee, President Truman and Prime Minister Mackenzie King broke up after two hours, it was then disclosed that Dr. Vannevar Bush, chief American scientist in charge of atom bomb development, was called in to advise
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 141 4/1 Reuter. MANILA, Nov. 14.—How an American air-gunner was tortured and mercilessly killed by the Japanese was described by eyewitnesses called by the prosecution at the trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, formerly Japanese Commander-in-Chief in the Philippines. This airman, who was identified as "Sergeant Scott," was severely
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  • 290 4/1 Reuter. JERUSALEM, Nov. 14.-Large groups of youths, after demonstrating in Allenby Road, Tel Aviv, attacked the Government office, throwing into it blazing torches which set it on fire. The police party which arrived on the scene was building was still blazing as the attack continued
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  • 73 4/1 Reuter. PEARL HARBOUR, Nov. 14.— The British Pacific Fleet, which has been operating under the control of Admiral Chester Nlmitz, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific, will now revert to the control of the British Admiralty, the United States Navy Headquarters here announced to-day. Admiral Nimitz sent
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  • 167 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Nov. 14.—British and Indian troops in engagement north of Saigon with Strong nationalist forces sustained the largest number of casualties so far reported in action, it was unofficially reported in a delayed message from Saigon to-day. Saigon radio to-day gave the official figures of
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  • 293 4/1 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Not. U.-Heary fighting between Chinese Government rod Communist troops in the suburbs of Kweisai, capital of Sniyuan, is reported by the Chinese Central News today. Meanwhile, new Communist gains are reported from south Shansi where Government troops appear to have withdrawn from three more
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  • 49 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Nov. 14.—The Japanese Cabinet has fixed an 18-day extraordinary session of the Diet (parliament) beginning Nov. 27 to discuss a revision of election laws and possibly to dissolve in preparation for a general election early next year. The cabinet also approved reform in the civil service.— Reuter.
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  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
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    • 57 4/1 All-In Wrestling 19th Nov. at 8.30 p. m. GREAT WORLD STADIUM l Battle of the Unbeaten Giants! I Champion of India and Malaya S. KARTAR SINGH vs. The RED EAGLE Masked marvel of the Wrestling World has accepted Singh's Challenge. WILL UNMASK IF DEFEATED 200 Ringside seats available at $5
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    • 236 4/1 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes 5 SHOWS DAILY II a.m.. 2-00, 4-15, 6-30 9-30 VICTOR MATURE in ''CAPTAIN CAUTION" Action, Thrills, Excitement in Every Reel! United Artists SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT SUSANNA FOSTER rhe Girl with the Golden Voice MAGIC IN MUSIC" with &LLAN JONES, MARGARET LINDSAY Paramount BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400
      236 words
    • 171 4/1 PALACEGAY (Phone 6223) 1.00 3.15 8.15 9.15 P. It. November 14th to 16th Who is the Green Archer? Thrilling Baffling Exciting GREEN ARCHER (Chapters 8—15) (Victor Jory Iris Meredith) GLOBE GREAT WORLD PARK 3.00 7.00 9.00 P.M. (Deanna Durbln) Tomorrow U-BOAT 29 (Conrad Veidt) Saturday 17th Midnight Show DRUMS ALONG
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    • 15 4/1 I INO Undertaken At :i:i2. North Bridge Rd., Singapore and Branches. Y.T. LEE Phone 7971
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    • 20 4/1 I TYPEWRITER 1 DEALERS 1 332. North I Bridge Rd.. I Cleaning I I undertaken t monthly 1 jTelephone 7971|
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  • 610 2/3 THERE were two important P speeches by B.M. A. officials this week which throw a flood of light upon some of the most provocative problems that await solution in this country. The first was by Colonel Victor Purcell on "Malaya in Crisis" broadcast on Monday
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  • 787 2/3 MEMORANDUM OUTLINES DEFECTS OF RUBBER SCHEME A REPRESENTATIVE group of Malayan domiciled rubber estate owners has issued a memorandum criticising the proposals of the Malayan Rubber Estate Owners' Company, Ltd. (already published in the Malaya Tribune >. Pointing out that the common interest of
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  • 99 2/3 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 13.— The military forces are willing to safeguard crops against damage by elephants and wild pigs, disclosed Brigadier H. C. Willan. DCCAO, Malay Peninsula, at a press conference. In one case near Kuantan, four elephants attacked the P.W.D. coolie lines and terrified the coolies,
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  • 43 2/3 The second of the series of lectures on the History of the War will be delivered at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Victoria Memorial Hall by Lt.Col. G. G. Thomson. The title of the lecture is "1942—The Black Year."
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  • 34 2/3 Reuter. BELGRADE. Nov. 13.—It was abundantly clear to-day that Marshal Tito's National Liberation Front Government Party had obtained a clear victory in the Yugoslav election, although results from the provinces are far from complete.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 155 2/3 In the first few days of the liberation of Singapore, the B.M.A. had but a handful of Civil Affairs Officers on the spot, but progressively the Staff has been increased and there are now in Singapore 128 officers working under the able direction of Brigadier P.
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  • 23 2/3 Reuter. NAIROBI, Nov. 13.—Sir Wilfred Woods, former Financial Secretary for Ceylon, has been appointed to carry out a fiscal survey of Kenya. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 319 2/3 Officer Explains Letters To The Editor "English Evacuee's" Letter to Editor on "Dutch Hospitality" published on Oct. 27, has drawn the following reply from Lieutenant Jhr. B. N. de Vicq, icho was commandant of the coastal battery which guarded the entrance to Palembang, at the time the incidents
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  • 363 2/3 I have seen the letter irom Lt. Jhr. B. N. de Vlcq. I categorically deny the statements made in that and c»n bring hundreds of witnesses to disprove them, both in India and in Singapore. On Feb. 8 about 8 a.m., the S.S. "Ho Sang" went up the
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  • 476 2/3 AN assurance that a very wide range of essential commodities has already been ordered for the needs of Malaya and .that, with the recent favourable shipping advices received, these goods wculd increasingly How into this country within "a short time, was made by Major-General H.R.
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  • 70 2/3 The position of unemployed clerks was fully discussed at a meeting of the Committee of t lie Singapore Clerical Union on Tuesday, presided over by Mr. G. H. Kiat, a Vice-President of the Union. Among other matters discussed was the Union's clubhouse in Balestier Plain. ,It was
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  • 371 2/3 Reuter. NEW YORK, Nov. 13.—Leading promoter in the United States, Mike Jacobs, said here to-day he was agreeable to putting on matches in the Spring for the British cruiserweight champion, Freddie Mills, but thought Mills should take on some leading American cruiserweight* to proVe he was fit
    Reuter.  -  371 words
  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 136 2/3 GREAT WORLD BOXING To morrow at 8-30 p.m. 'ktoJĔL Kirn's Promotion Presents JĔmM BURR vs AIvIAN fl Important Bantamweight Contest (i Rds. CINCIER BARDSLEY vs C. Y. YIN JKLa~ (Airborne) (Singapore) mWWm By p °P ular Demand Return ?mSW Flyweight Bout—6 Rds. ROYOLIVEIRO vs BATT. KHOON dkW (Singapore) (Singapore) Special
      136 words
    • 100 2/3 All Repairs, Adjustments and Cleanings are done for Civil Engineering including Surveying and other Scientific Instruments. Our skilled technicians and our long experience are the guarantee for our efficient service. MENDEZ BROTHERS, Work shop: 408, Orchard Road, Singapore. PUNJAB RESTAURANT for TASTY FOOD INDIAN CURRY 175, Albert Street, Singapore. ALSAGOFF
      100 words
    • 286 2/3 WANTKIV F.xpcri OptWnm. able to speak English It Malay. Apply stating salary to S. T. A. c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. VACANCY in Import Firm for a young and competent Chinese lady stenographer for post of confidential nature. Good receptionist. State salary required. P.O. Box 879, Singapore. Wanted—Two English-speak-ing waitresses
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    • 358 2/3 W\ Svm<- Poart Ex Internees now 11 tig (>u tiiUe tne camp or hostels, are invited to apply by j letter to Mr. John Eber, Refugees Displaced Persons Branch tS) 8.M.A., Municipal Bldg. for certificates entitling them to draw supplies from the Australian Red Cross Mercy Ship. Letters must state
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