Malaya Tribune, 24 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune A&/ Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1941 FIVE CKNTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, October 24, 1941
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  • 329 1 U4PLES' 7' -hour raid on TuesnL night was one of the bigin the Central the raid on the sam,- town L previous*. of high explosive and JSStary bombs were dropped Sfrom a quarter-mile square Si in the target area, flames Eseen rising 1.000 feet in the
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  • 45 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 24 An Air Ministry untitled Canmlqut wys "Aircraft of the Fighter Command, on offensive patrol vii ThurstKf, Mtacked an e.iemy aerodrome near Ok* Blenheim alrcmlt. with a hghtff weort, bombed an cne>:iv aerodrome d Laanlon None of our aircraft la MMinf "-!Uut«r
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 268 1 Reuter. Lonclon. Oct. 24. JJR. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, replying to a House of Commons debate yesterday, reiterated the assurance that the Government would never negotiate with Hitler or his asso- dates on any subject. He revealed that at one time in this
    Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 315 1 Reuter. m» London, Oct. *M ipfCT aid for Russia by 'he dispatch of British divisions to P Caucasus front was demanded J two speakers in the Commons "bate. to. Noel Baker (Labour) said was a deep and wide%W anxiety about the war in «»n and v.hat
    Reuter.  -  315 words
  • 798 1 Reuter. Germans are being held on the Eastern Front. This morning's Soviet communique reports that j fierce German attacks on the outer defences of Moscow in the Mojaisk (HO miles west of Moscow) and MaloYaroslavets (70 miles south-west of Moscow) sectors have
    Reuter.  -  798 words
  • 410 1 Reuter. (Military Commentary by Annalist). London, Oct. 24. FIGHTING would appear to have flared up furiously along the whole Eastern Front, according to the latest communiques. Moscow once again appears at the head of the bill in the bulletins irom the German High Command with the
    Reuter.  -  410 words
  • 125 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 24. THE leader of the Free French. Gen. de Gaulle, broadcast last night (Thursday) an order to his countrymen. it was: 'In Lhe present circumstances, do not km Germans* Gen. d e Gaulle said it was only too easy for the enemy to
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 150 1 Reuter. Sierra Leone. Oct. 24. SPEAKING of the torpedoing of the American freighter Lehigh, which sank 75 miles off Freetown. Sierra Leone, on Sunday, the fit. t2 viici that the vessel, which was carrying a cargo from Wonln to New York, was struck by a
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 144 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 24THE Government lias decided to create a new post at the British Embassy in Washington. They are *o appoint a political, economic and sociological adviser and it ts learned that Piofessor R. H Twuney has been appointed to be the first
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 73 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 23. Ifcfl 55,985-milli«n Lease-Lend Bill was passed by the United States Senate to-day, and sent back to the House of Representatives for action on amendments. Om amendment is to forbid the use of any money for the purchase of foreign food. As passed by the
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 384 1 Reuter. l/.mlon, Oft. 21. "\f ODERN light infantry" is the description given to British parachute troops who gave a demonstration of their skill in the latest methods of this form of fighting—methods believed to be in advance of anything yet seen, even in the German
    Reuter.  -  384 words
  • 53 1 Reuter. London, Oct 22 The Colonial Office announoaa that Mr f\ c Olmaon ot tho <.\ I, i. .1 wMn selected for appointment la OolotUaJ SKietary, Hong Kong. In succeealon to Mr n l. Smith who la re i;tng after 31 years' service In Ok Colony Mr. Oimson is a
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 184 1 Reuter. Philadelphia, Oct. 2.'s. IAEMANDING an immediate declaration of war n Germany by the United States, Mr. William Bullitt, the former United States Ambassador to Paris, speaking at Philadelphia to-day, criticised President Roosevelt tor "not having gone hard and fast enough" to meet Hitler's
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 70 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 23. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S Navy Day speech on Monday will he broadcast to Britain as well as throughout the United States. The speech will also be translated into various languages, Includes French. Polish. German, Portuguese »nd Spanish for broadcast throughout the world. Recordings of
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 65 1 Reuter. London. Oct. 24 AN Air Ministry communique says:—During the early part of Wednesday night, a small number of enemy aircraft flew over this country. Bombs were dropped at scattered points, mainly in North Wales and the Merseyside. These did little damage There were some casualltles, including
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 82 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 23. THE United States Maritime Commission's announcement that all Russian bound cargoes are to be moved through the port of Boston brought forth an unequivocal denial by the State Department to-day that the decision was in any wav connected with the
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 33 1 Reuter. New York, Oct. 23:—The Secretary for War, Mr. Stimson, disclosed to-day that about 30 Chinese pilots and some mechanics had arrived in the United States for training.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 273 1 Reuter. Washing If". Oct ~S MR Hat old lekes, United State* Defence PeirekuHn Co ordinator, MUMMAced to day that Britain is returning the 40 tankers she borrowed from the United States tie called for an immediate lifting of all petiol restrictions in tne east,
    Reuter.  -  273 words
  • 68 1 Reuter. Washington. Oct. aTHE prospect of a severe petroleum shortage in the eastern parts of the United States has now been virtually removed acijordlng to the American Defence Petroleum Co-ordlnator. Mr. Harold Tckes, to-day. Vt The supply of petrol Is now actually above that of last year,
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 103 1 Reuter. New Delhi, Oct. 24. AN indication of India's position as a supplier of war essential, is furnished by supply figures now available which show that the Government of India's Supply Department dealt with contracts exceeding 123-miliion, during the first two years of the war Textiles headed
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 474 2 YESTERDAY Mr. S. J. Chan was decorated with the C.M.C by His Excellency the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas. The Governor who went personally to Mr. Chans residence to invest him, said in the course of a speech in which he reviewed the career of Mr. Chin
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  • 358 2 Singapore, Friday. THAT an accused person could net be convicted solely on the evidence of witnesses who were in the position of accomplices was a submission made by Mr. E. M. TampoePhilips in the high court yesterday before Sir Percy McElwaine. chief, when a
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  • 24 2 untitled Lucrative and Velocity are row equal favourites for the Melbourne Cup. Next In order of favouritism are Paul. Laureate, Bklpton, Triggerman and Rivette.
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  • 24 2 (Ceni-A-Flane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on ati irontiuv to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claim*):— FOUR
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  • 206 2 Singapore, Friday. TWO Northern Indians, Ram Chuali and Shyam Sunder Roy who had been sentenced to 12 months' rigorous imprisonment in the civil district court, the former for making a false claim for $460 and the latter for abetting that offence, appealed in the high
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  • 64 2 Central News. Chungking. Oct 23 Sir Frederick Egpleston. Australian Minister to China uaid his first official call on the Foreign Minister. Mr. Quo Tai-chl. on Tuesday afternoon when they had a talk lasting about half an hour. It Is learned that he will present his
    Central News.  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 506 2 ENTERTAIN A f V YOUR FRIENDS THERE MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE Relay of Raffles Orchestra nightly SUNDAY NIGHT f Relay of Regimental Band Concert' i"b~affles bakery m» nm iinriTV OUTSIDE CATERING AT 1 moderate TERMS. PHONE 53»! 1 lAI BLlfyfe LEE CO., LTD. VALUABLE FREEHOLD LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES To Be Sold
      506 words
    • 165 2 lAgentsI Agents:— VU.VY MOHAMED SONS, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur Penang. Bad COLDS jtSjJ CHILLS K,^nM| WHEN your throat Is sore and A A ft' jLwiißllß you're all shivery and can't stop Effßlulllll sneezing and you're thoroughly lost in a cold, then Peps will bring \^~-^^^^RHBWjj^ Dissolved In your mouth, a Peps
      165 words
    • 308 2 BREEZET\ So delicious So fragrant! When the weather is trying, the hours of heat seem long and you feel tired and jaded, the cool fresh loveliness of Atkinsons Gold Medal Eau de Cologne is sheer delight. A touch on your forehead, a few drops on your handkerchief—delicious And, of all
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  • 203 3 Plan To Feed Evacuees tm. u m ALL DETAILS WORKED OUT (Tribune Staff Reporter) difficult problem of feeding evacuees from the coastal areas of Singapore in evacuation camps, will be undertaken by the Salvation Army. Major C. Davidson, of the Salvation Army, told the Tribune to-day, that all details in
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  • 170 3 Singapore, Thursday. "THERE seems to be some misconception since June 22—the date of the attack of Germany on the Soviet—that the Malayan Communist Party has become pro British. That is not so." This statement was made by the prosecuting officer when he asked the
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  • 68 3 (From Our own Reporter Taiping, Thursday. THE Taiping Ceylonese women will stage a variety entertainment in aid of the Perak Patriotic Fund (Wool and Materials Section) in the Taiping town hall on November 15 at 9 p.m. The meeting was convened by Mrs. K. Rajaratnam and
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  • 90 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) ALL but about a dozen of the British evacuees who arrived in Singapore recently by the official evacuation, ship, "Anhui" have left the country, the Tribune reliably learnt to-day. Most of the European evacuees have left for Aus* tralia as originally scheduled,
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  • 53 3 Singapore, Thursday. SAID to have used a cheque to cheat the Hongkonn and Shanghai Bank of $JOO. Ibrahim bin Baba (17) claimed trial when he appeared before Mr. Hon Sui Sen, in the third police court today. The case was postponed for mention on Oct. 30. and police
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  • 66 3 Muar will have A.RP. exercises when black-out regulations for buildings and vehicles will be strictly enforced from sunset on Monday to sunrise the following day In order to make the Muar population more A.R.P.-minded, the local authorities plan to give lectures to various associations and clubs, so
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  • 494 3 Batavia, Oct. 18. 'PHE Portuguese-Japanese agreemenl for regular air service between Palaa and Timor Dflly is still a subject of comment in the N.E.I ores*. The Java Bode draws attention to various agreements between th? Netherlands and Portugal relating to Timor. One. made in 1898. stimulated that neither
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  • 192 3 Central News. THE Sin Chew Jit Poh, Singapore, in an editorial, strongly advocates the convocation of a Democracies' conference to cope with the threatening Pacific situation, with as many members attending as possible, including Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, etc., in addition to China, Britain. America
    Central News.  -  192 words
  • 250 3 Singapore, Thursday. HE is an incorrigible old rascal and has the most formidable record." declared Mr. E. N. I Griffith-Jones, Crown Counsel, in the High Court to-day in opposing I the appeal of a 50-year-old Indian, Vellasamy alias Vailylingam, I against a police cour> conviction
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  • 95 3 PROM 11 30 p.m. to-day to 6 a.m. tomorrow, lighting restrictions will be In force In the Colony between the erea from the mouth of Suugel Seletar to Air Base Road, thence westward following Yio Chu Kang Road to its Junction with Thomson Road, thence
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 refraqinGakd TTSIi m LTD. HIGH STREET. 'PHONE 2063. AGRICULTURAL Xro sub-soil PIPBS for drain- a» e and J^ U raiurlal Works. ~y as supplied to f ne Local Gov- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1*» E srLTS, just published award SIXTY FOUR PER S P \SSES in all subjects for which
      222 words
    • 70 3 V for VICTORY BROOCH »1.00 TIE PIN »1.00 CAR BADGE $5.00. Chromium plated, V in red, words embossed in circle. Size 5' V' x 9HBICYCLE BADGE $100 Same as Car Badge Size as depicted above. Proceeds in aid of the WAR §USW t*n sale at all leading firms, motor oarages
      70 words
    • 62 3 B When Buying Lamp* Look Out mm H H I «SQ3_L Quo/O 1 <* Wi//. H 188 mart of thh Famou* I H sfl 9> Brand Lampt. H Noted for its Cheap* I jH at". i. Brilliant Light- I inff. one/ /ou> consump- I ISb X~L ,on ero4,na _f IB
      62 words
    • 273 3 8(_JB) Sung by NKLSON EDDY I'll See You Again Tokay L 043 Dear Little Cafe jr m (a) Thr Call Of Life (b) If You Could only Come RP,S>ORC.TEL'-6958. 2?S,BATU Rg H.LUMPUR.m^O» H OLD UJHISKV" best advertisement v> N^N thiS melloW WhiSky "1871 70 YEARS OF SECURITY TO POLICY OWNERS
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  • 1058 4 Duval, Sleigh Fox To Provide Most Of The Winners Contango Best For A Double "Spectator's" Comments For To-morrow's Penang Races TRAINERS Duval, H. Sleigh and Major Fox should provide most of the winners to-morrow afternoon, the final day of the Penang Turf Club's Autumn meet I expect them to saddle
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  • 77 4 iN a water polo match played yester--1 day, the Singapore Swimming Club scored a big victory over the Manchester Regiment by seven goals to one after leading four-nil at half-time. The Club were clearly the better team. although the Tads put up a game
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  • 158 4 THE following are the scratchings and order of running for tomorrow's Penang races: Race 1: Horses Class 4, Div. 2— 7 furs. Sacrifice, Blue and White, Amazon. Race 2: Horses Class 4, Div. 1— 7 furs. Jesanne, Radasca. Race 3: Horses Class 2, Div. 1—
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  • 59 4 'PHF. following is the semi-final round 1 draw of the S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup Competition: To-mormv: R.A.F. v Spartans; Tuesday, Lovais v S.CF.A. or Argylls. The second round game between the S.CF.A. and the Argylls will be played oft on Sunday. All games will be played
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  • 204 4 Penang, To-day. EXCEPT for a few horses given fast gallops, the majority of candidates in preparation for to-morrow's races had pace work at this morning's training. The track continues to be very soft and the going for to-morrow's races is likely to remain
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  • 384 4 LARGE crowd watched the Singapore Recreation Club beat A the Singapore Cricket Club by four goals to nil in their first team hockey match on the latter's ground yesterday. While being definitely the better team, the Recs did not compare favourably with their previous
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  • 66 4 HOCKEY: Rafries College v Indian Association, Balcstier. SRC. 11, v S.C.C. 11. S.C.C Naval Police v Loyals, Naval Base; Medical College v R.A.SC. and R.I.A.S.C. M.C.U SR C. II v St. Patricks School, SRC; V.M.C.A. v Hornets. V.M.C.A.; A.C.S. v St Josephs. St. Joseph's; A.C.S. II
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  • 328 4 ALTHOUGH the Combined Schoolsrugby team suffered defeat at the hands of the Medical College by 4 points (three tries and a goal) to nil, they put up a magnificent fight. In the line-outs and scrums they held their own with the Medicos, but lacked finish in
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  • 26 4 The Singapore race course will be untitled open for training on Thursday next, at 5 45 a.m., when the usual coffee I arraneements will be made.
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  • 20 4 M eeting the second eleven of the B.C.R.C. at hockey yesterday. St. Patrick's School held them to a one-all draw.
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  • 11 4 TO-DAY: 12.59 a.m.. 9.6 ft.; 12.41 p.m., 9.9 ft.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 621 4 MP Ufr 1 CftO** I gave an asthma v.ct.m I JiCrilS l-m* reliel after I THE QUICKEST UhlwwJ WJM (o!tS and) relief-giving tablet \AKD ASTHMA/ VCLEARED/ Vmst feefore itlcaves your mouth Ephazone J has rel<ea«e .it« rk^| ce s ™^h^. K&lli»..- opened up. phlegmis Hr 1 f housed, the diaphiagm
      621 words
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    • 225 4 of HH fairer, WHITERskin! You, too, can learn the stent of EXTRA charm and glamour Don't let ugly sun-tan spoil your roraam For here is a magical new skin lotion <W makes sun-tan disappear instantly-.* vealing that fresh fair loveliness that even woman desires that every man actors Whites gives
      225 words

  • 707 5 Sequel To Evacuation Of Wives Hong Kong, Oct. 16. proceedings in an attempt to recover from the Gov- ernment of Hong Kong damages in respect of money spent toward the upkeep of evacuated wives in Australia were decided upon yesterday evening by the public
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  • 195 5 Singapore, Thursday. A THREE-YEAR-OLD girl, Loh Poh Yoke, was knocked down and killed by a motor vehicle on the morning of Oct. 10, at Jalan Sultan, while running or walking, it is assumed, across the road. At the inquest this morning, the driver of the
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  • 176 5 Singapore, Thursday. OIK charges, three of causing death by rash driving, were explained to Lim Boon I,enj, a 24-year-oid lorry driver, when he appeared before the acting district judge, Mr. H. E. Kingdon. this morning. Lim was stated to have driven rashly along Bukit Tlmah
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  • 88 5 (From Our own Reporter) Penang. Thursday. TILE 100 odd Chinese assistants of six local foundries who went on strike more than two months ago returned to work this morning. This was the result of an agreement arrived at between representatives of the strikers and employers
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  • 131 5 (From Our own Reporter) K. Lumpur, Thursday. THE Hon. Mr. N. R. Jarrett, Bri- tish Resident, Selangor, will preside at the ceremonial opening of the charity show to be staged by the Van Keng Benevolent Dramatic Association at the Chinese Assembly Hall on Saturday at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 197 5 vrrrob*D, Ipoh Mowo, Ipoh. The Oriental Trading tj KuaU Lumpur. prnanj Motors, Peiwne, Kota Bahru. Krluttm. A 'i nsures strong bones. sturdy ■Br jfiffy bodies. Give your baby ALLEN--7 HsSi!* |Sk BU f YS fi MAL^ D f R d USKS the To make sure of getting clear, spark- jtfT^
      197 words
    • 387 5 A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD, announce that they have been instructed to sell AT AUCTION BY ORDER OF Messrs. ROBINSON CO., LTD., The fixtures, fittings, furniture etc., at their old premises. The articles to be auctioned consist of Display cabinets and counters, Show cases. Teak shelves, Bevelled wall mirrors, Teak
      387 words
    • 72 5 Pain after Meals? \ou can eat what you please and digest it with ease if you take a little Bisurated Magnesia after meals. This neutralises the excess acid which causes most stomach troubles and ensures complete freedom from after-meal misery. Ybu want 'Bisurated Magnesia IN MILEAGE A v^''^; '> AND
      72 words
    • 334 5 YOUR DO6 NEEDS YOUR %£2 WrA HELP >£3\ You want your dog to be friendly, 1 [LISTLESS < fa j high-spirited, a lovable companion > JO:/ Then remember to keep him fit. The SfeN, one sure method, recommended by r&*mm breeders and fanciers everywhere, i is regular conditioning with i
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  • 187 6 Ominous Lull IT is easy to arrive at misieauing conclusions by too close an analysis of the composition jf the Tojo Cabinet. The fact that the fire-eating militarist did not tire pot-shots into the Pacific on his return from the ceremony of investiture appears to have occasioned some relief.
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  • 201 6 PREMISES based on real or fancied detection of "restraining influences" and "moderate counsels" in Japan give unjustified weight to the assumption that Japanese declarations may sometimes be taken at their face value. A glance at the public utterances of the new Premier and Foreign Minister should suffice to
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  • 141 6 T ET no false hopes be pinned upon the possibility of counsels of moderation prevailing in Tokio. Sheer funk, the certain knowledge that Japan will follow Italy into speedy oblivion, is the only factor which will restrain the aggressors. All their hopes are based on the possibility
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  • 763 6 Two great sea powers are building ships feverishly. One of them is Japan. Did you know that Great Britain gave her warships in 1857? THE delicate situation in the Pacific throws into grim relief the relative strengths of the Japanese and American Navies. To the Axis
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  • 813 6 (By A Special Correspondent) TWELVE months ago, with two hundred other 28*8, I marched across the parade ground of a south of England barracks. Barely two hours before T naci been a civilian, free to do and say as I pleased. Now I
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  • 349 6 THIS is the story of Four Messages received in throe years by a very courageous Englishwoman. Two of them told of the deaths of her husband and a son killed while riving, another of an R.A.F. son missing. The fourth told her that her
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  • 122 6 IHAVE learnt nothing from life, wrote Omar Khayyam, "except my own amazement at it. it would be a sad thing if we, in cur age of miracles, were to lose our sense of the miraculous My grandmother, who died at the age of 99, lived continually in a state
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  • 553 6 A NOTHER crisis is in the following the Japanese reshuffle, but by this time iS is beginning to get used to Nipponese antics. We are beginning to feel rathe sorry for the Japanese. There» something unfinished in all tha pet schemes. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shtt said of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 Child's Cry Is Nature's Warning Parents who Khminaaction of the bo»eN, »hirh x means that harm- W~ 7 s t ful food waste is being left in the system to set up poisons in the blood stream. In 95 cases out of a 100, Faulty Elimination will be the fault.
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    • 60 6 GREENS TOILET SOAPS Made in England the soap with a cosmetic appeal 10 Distinctive Types L Ccal Tar 6. Vitamin Oatmeal 2. Lanoline 7. Glycerine Rose 3 Turtle Oil 8. Lemon Cold Cream 4. Beauty Milk 9. Boracic Cold Cream 5. Witch Hazel 10. Magnesia Cream 12 Cakes in Box
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  • 497 7 London, Oct. 23. W HILE tn Kussians declare that the defences of Mocsow are intact for 60 miles from the city, the German communique to-day claims that the Soviet capital's defences have been broken through from the south-west and the west. The
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  • 194 7 Reuter. Kuibishev, Oct. 23. rE present German offensive against Ta,ganrog is yon Run-| stedt's second effort to take the town which is the first he is approaching after the capture of Mariupol. Except in the war of movement, perhaps he was over-confident when the rush
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 159 7 Reuter. Ankara, Oct 23. CONSIGNMENT of spare A narts fcr Heinkel aircraft Tn-ines has just been reeeivJbV Turkey. They came S from Germany, bat from EHand. Months ago the Turks the Germans for SS? spare parts, but the Germans said they were unable tc deliver them After
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 169 7 It is to ease the cares of motherhood ni to remedy the ills of childhood that Bibj's Own Tablets were devised, the prescription being originated by a British dortor wbo special sed in children's ailntnts With Baby's Own Tablets handy in Oc hem? the mother
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  • 89 7 Via Cuble and Wireless. London, Oct. 23. rE death is announced of Mr William Scott Coutts. aged SI. formerly of the Straits Settlements. The former England fast bowler, Kenneth Fames, who was killed recently in a flying accident had only received his pilot wings month.
    Via Cuble and Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 245 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 23. A SUGGESTION that Hitler will try to encourage peace feelers from the United States and Britain when the present Nazi drive in Russia achieves its object or expends its force, is made in the weekly review Foreign Correspondence. The review, quoting
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 581 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 23. I THE Labour Peer, Lord Addi- son, to-day, introduced a motion which declared that t the House, "having followed I with admiration the heroic resistance of our Russian ally t to German aggression, sup- 1 ports the Government mea- sures
    Reuter.  -  581 words
  • 145 7 Reuter. London. Oct. 23. THAT there is danger of the Indian situation deteriorating was *ug 'gested by Sir George Schuster, Member of Parliament, addressing :the Oxford University Conservatives yesterday. "We might be faced with a position analogous to that of Ireland, but immensely more difficult,"
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 122 7 Reuter. London. Oct. 23. MR. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Secretary, replying to a debate in the House of Commons on the war situation which was discussed by rank and file members to-day, emphasised: "We are determined to give Russia every help in our power,
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 532 7 Reuter. London, uci. THE British House of Lords to-day unanimously passed a resolution expressing admiration 1 for the "heroic resistance of our Russian ally,"' after Lord Beaverbrookhad told the peers that Britain and the United States had premised M. Stalin that they would immediately restore Russia's material
    Reuter.  -  532 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 94 7 JjwphkA £upA x We have in stock a wide range of E.P.NJB. or Silver Cups, Shields, Silver Medals and E.P.N.S. Tankards. Special Discounts to Clubs arid Institutions. 234-41-558 Chromium ca§e. unbreakable glass, jewelled leve: movement. (as per illuvtiaticn SS.Chrcmium case, small model. .G.iI t I Player's Sailor figure symbolises
      94 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 207 8 Acclaimed by Enthusiastic Crowds! The Yean Finest Dramatic Hit! |€Ai»nm| 3 5 T 6 Y 9 5 See LARAINE DAY in the famous role that sky-rocketted NORMA SHEARER to Screen fame! It will GRIP you!! i the one W^BI \L man who thought 18! WtLmW*' W her innocent prove it?
      207 words
    • 390 8 V— v STILL A WINNER! AGAIN WE OFFER YOU THE I OUTSTANDING IMCTURE OF THE| sfason acclaimed by packed houses during J THE LAST TWO DAYS J AS OUR J Special Hari < FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ENJOYMENT j TO-DAY -.1 SHOWS Simultaneously At SGARRICK HAPPY j I Gevlan? Happy World
      390 words
    • 205 8 ~Th7~fierJ outcasts of The SEA WOLF" i n their most exciting hit of all! OPENING TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 ■•■i""""™™""*" \fl|ry Fro~ Ni« p 'av The Gentle People by Irwin Shew /l/*> I" AT HE GAZETTE 1 MVEItSAE XEWSj I t I MHHpMMnHM| ONE POWERFUL cV FORCEJ? pwßmm Fl 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 341 9 4 Shows Daily Cfl 'PHONE 11 a m—3.15—6.15—9.15 m 3400 CATHAY fei DON AMECHE BETTY GRABLE |fJL ROBERT CUMMINGS ¥\sW Charlotte Greenwood Jock Haley Carole Landis Cobina Wright, Jr. Century Fox Latest Clamour Technicolour Musical! I »Ifl I j I Ĕ Aai 8.M.1. Documentary "ORDINARY PEOPLE" I TO-NIGHT DINE and
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    • 359 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS To Let TO LET Furnished Bungalow three bed- I rooms. Rent $100|-. Box 771 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 696 L) Situations Vacant INDIAN MILITARY NURSING SERVICE (TEMPORARY CADRE). 1 Vacancies exist and applications are invited for appointment to the temporary cadre of the Indian Military Nursing Service.
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    • 355 9 WAR CHARITIES DANCE COMMITTEE DAK C E AT THE ADELPHI ROOF GARDEN TO-NIGHT 9 P.M. UNTIL 2 A.M. TICKETS $2.00 (LADIES H. M. REGULAR FORCES HALF PRICE) Obtainable from:— 'Phone 7007 or *****. ALSO AT ENTRANCE. Tables booked in advance MUST be taken up by 10 o'clock. mm 1 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3269 10 BUY SELL LOST FOUND CLASSIFIED-ADS RENT AUCTION HIRE SERVICE Business Opportunities ADVERTISER Is Interested In purchasing retiring resident's business aa a go ng concern. Please reply In confidence giving particulars to Box 726 co Matey* Tribune, Singapore. (NO. wuw Motor Vehicles WANTED 7 or 8 HP. car. Pnone 2134, Singapore,
      3,269 words
    • 669 10 THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE. of modern European SISSK HOUSEHOUJ FUR NITURE of every description, GENERAL ELECTRIC oi U.S.A. Refrigerator G. E. radio-receiver, crockery, glassware, cooking utensUs lawi mower marker wellgrown flowering plants in pots, etc., etc. (The property of Col G. Grimsdalei To be held at No 2,
      669 words
    • 384 10 PETROL CONTROL ORDER 1941. The public Ts informed that Petrol Coupon* for November will te available for issue from Monday, 27th October, 1941, onwards. ZiUl WILLIAM HOSE, Petrol Rationing Officer, Singapore. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3% DEBENTURE STOCKS 1937 1938. Interest Due 15th November, 1941. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer
      384 words
    • 384 10 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITT TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for lowing materials or service For perttramm see Municipal Tender Room. Care Maintenance oi Chnstian Cemeteries at i3u*K Tlmah Road during x9«(Deposit $50). M mm 12 noon. 28 Oct. iwF.upplv of Precast Concrete Culvert Pipes during 19«. $50;. i 2 noon 28
      384 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 588 10 iTO-DAY'S RADIO] iw.— —^"~s^ SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 1333 k cs ZHP1 9690 k cs gSZSH Mrs S3 1 zhp2 6175 k.cs gStn" S& 1!£ SSS12 W Light recorded Uvr* from Yesterday and To-day'. 25* nX£? JE 4 J2 45 "WAR-TIME COOK" A further CRY (31.25 metres, Mje> J talk in
      588 words

  • 742 11 oC T 23 1941: 4 P.M. 9 3 3 g < 0.32 0.33 2»« 17 6 18 6 84 -88 sSsL'iii H J; r*n i 39 1.44 jSJiJ'),.. ir- 17 9 SfS*y. 113 123 Ser*» 0.22 0.24 131 134 S» 28 29 3 Tin 21 9
    742 words
  • 136 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. r pHERE wag a slightly better tone in the tin share market yesterday. Hong Patts had buyers at l'3lft. In the Australian section, Thabawleiks were wanted at 28 6, after business at 28 3. Kuala Kampafs fetched 15
    136 words
  • 25 11 Singapore, Friday. S Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon tol day were:— TIN $138i/t, down RUBBER Buyers 38%, Sellers 38%
    25 words
  • 105 11 IN connection with the brown-out and blackout exercises on the night of Monday next iOct. 27), motorists who wish to use their cars during the the. period may see just how their lights should be cbscured by visiting motor dealers' show rooms, the three Worlds, and the
    105 words
  • 58 11 Muar Cor. Contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund from the Muar District for the last month amount to $453.75. and Include amounts of $150 from "C.N.W." and Muar Boy Scout 3. The Muar European community contributed $85 and the Church collections on the Day of National Prayer amounted to $45.
    Muar Cor.  -  58 words
  • 261 11 Singapore, Thursday. "THE accounts show that the company is in an extremely sound position financially and I can assure you that the estate, even though it is old, is among the best of the small estates," declared Mr. J. I. Dawson, the chairman, in reviewing
    261 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 269 11 TONG NAM PILES CLINIC 1. No. 157, Rochore Rd., Singapore. Phone 3397 2. No. 285, Victoria St., Singapore. Branches at 3. No. 220, Batu Rd., Kuala Lumpur 4. No. 26, Hale Street, Ipoh. Piles is a very dangerous and painful disease. Early treatment Is always advisable. Mr. Lew Chin Ping
      269 words
      118 words
    • 305 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England) DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN via HONGKONG CALCUTTA via PENANG. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for Canton. Macao, Swatow. Amoy, Chefo. Tientsin. Newchwam:. Yangtse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior accommodation for saloon passengers amidships. They
      305 words

  • 651 12 London, Oct. 24. COMMENTING on the debate in the House of Commons on Wednesday on the ownership of Reuters the Daily Tele- graph says:— "Issues of far-reaching national importance were raised in the House oi* Commons debate yesterday on the question of the sale of shares
    651 words
  • 297 12 Singapore. Friday. A DOUBLE tragedy on the beach cff Frankel Estate on the afternoon of Oct. 11. when twc>ll-y£ aval j Chinese boys, Tans Sye Huat and Sim Chow La<ng. sons of labourers, were suffocated when a Ashing beat near which they were playing, tilted
    297 words
  • 361 12 Highland Convalescent Home To Cost 100,000 (From Our own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday. AIJT of the total Bint of £75.000 made by the Australian Red Cross S£JPik exacted to be?in before the month is out. the project to be completed In three months The convalescent home is ior men of the
    361 words
  • 145 12 Mr Suemasa Okamoto. former Counsellor of the Japanese Emba&sv in London, has been appointed new Japanese Consul-General at s i nKa^ re rtri st Mr Okamoto who returned only last year from London during the L s nreviouslv Consul-General in Shan gh U and Consul in
    145 words
  • 48 12 Reuter. Cairo, Oct. 23. i MIDDLE East General HeadA quarters communique issued today states that at Tobruk, thei is nothing to report. "In the frontier area enemy arj tillery was again in action withou however, interfering w-ith the acti vities of our patrols, who sustained ino casualties. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 132 12 FIGHTING DISEASES (From A Special Correspondent) Kota Bahru, Oct. 21 AMONG the Bren-gun came; army trucks and other stmt types of transport which have itcome common in the frontier area of Kelantan, another nev; rypec motor vehicle has just made a appearance. This newcomer, however, is
    132 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 526 12 prime quality i Pm^M no finer obtainable anywhere \^_J^ it has the superior flavour and quality only found in imported WTAm pork. All our Australian Pork is JJmtJmE^A obtained from selected milk and JMN99^Ti77VI wheat led pigs. We always have M'V *ILLl ĔM faJ a good stock of LEGS,
      526 words
    • 206 12 MrfHnf Til Wmr PERFECT REPAIR. PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ARE THE THREE POINTS TO REMEMBER IF YOL ENTRUST ALL YOUR CLOCKS AND WATCHES TO YICK WOH HING, 420. North Bridge Road, (Near Middle Rd.) Singapore. Tel. No. 7922. (Contractors Cor Repair of Clocks and Watches for British Army and
      206 words
    • 41 12 assurance company limitee i OF BOMBAY. INDIA.> Paid up Capital. R». 71,21,055 Total Claims P«iJ ov»r R». 8,00,00.000. Tot nt Funds- Ooc. i940: R*. 3,61.18.212 H2 A, FlNLAYSOM Gacen» Singapore Pho*E QWCANIZtRS ALL OVER MALAYA GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMIT* 1 940 Warms
      41 words