Malaya Tribune, 17 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, October 17, 1941.
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    Reuter.  -  940 words
  • 22 1 Reuter. Bombay, Oct. 17:—Mo'e Italian prisoners of war have arrived in India. The latet>; batches to arrive numbered 1.800 officers and men.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 37 1 Reuter. Bombay, Oct. 17: Sir Victor Sassoon has made a Rift, for war purposes, of one lakh of rupees which he has placed at the Bombay Governor's disposal to be used at the latter s discretion —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 352 1 Reuter. (By Fergus J. Ferguson, Renter's Diplomatic Correspondent) London, Oct. 17. rIE new resignation of the Japanese Cabinet indicates the gravity cf the struggle which has been proceeding for some time past between the chauvinist elements and those who favour peace. The official explanation
    Reuter.  -  352 words
  • 130 1 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 17. A supplement to this morning's Soviet communique reports that guerrilla warfare is intensifying all the occupied areas. In the districts of Kalinin and 25 recei »tly occupied by the J'JJjnians, guerrillas killed over *«W German, burned over 200 EE** load ed with ammunition, up
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 369 1 Reuter. Vichy, Oct. 17. ON the recommendations of the Council of Political Justice, Marshal Petain has ordered the detention in a fortress of Edouard Daladier (Prime Minister at the outbreak of War), Leon Blum (Socialist ex-Prime Minister) and Gen. Gamelin, (former Com-mander-in-Chief). Paul Reynaud (Prime Minister
    Reuter.  -  369 words
  • 194 1 Reuter. Tokio. Oct. 17. JAPAN was at present carrying on J negotiations with the United States in an attemot to maintain ueace in the Pacific, Ma;or-Gen. Kovotomi Okamoto. declared. However, the Japanese people thould be fully prepared for the worst in case the JapaneseAmerican talks end
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 131 1 Reuter. Chungking, Oct 17. THE belief that economic cooperation between China, Britain and the United States WIU soon attain greater pn (portions than ever before was expressed ty the official Central Daily News in an editorial extending a warm welcome to Sir Otto Niemeyer. who arrived
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 195 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) TV/TR. Ken Tsuruml, the Japanese Con--IVI sul-General in Singapore, interviewed this morning refused to comment on the Japanese Cabinet's resignation, stating that h e had not yet received official intimation of this fact. He was not aware of "internal happenings" in Toklo and his position
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  • 744 1 Reuter. THIS morning's Soviet communique declares that fighting continued along the whole frcnt yesterday. Heavy losses were suffered by both sides- in the central sector where the struggle has been especially fierce. On Wednesday. 43 German aircraft were destroyed; the Russians lost 28. The
    Reuter.  -  744 words
  • 88 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 16. AN Axis attack on Iceland now would meet with the joint resistance of the British and American forces, declared the United States Secretary for War, Mr. Stimscn, In a letter t 0 Senator Vandenberg today. Mr. Stimson informed Senator Vandenberg that
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 432 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 17. "|£VEN with the Western Russian armies locked in such deadly combat with the Germans, the Japanese will not find the Soviet without strong defences in the east," declares the Daily TVegraph in a leader this morning (Friday). The Battle for
    Reuter.  -  432 words
  • 70 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. IT. FIERCE fighting is In progress on the outskirts of Chengchow, an important railway junction In Northern Hcnan Province. This followed the recapture by Chinese forces of an important point to the south of Chengchow according to local Chinese pre&<: reports yesterday. The
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 21 1 Darjeelinv Oct. 17:—His Excellency. L. Liant;. former Chinese Minister to Rumania, has left on tour after a two-day ttay at Darjeelinr.
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  • 173 1 Washington, Oct. 16 COL Knox, Secretary of the Navy, has announced that two re-commissioned Navy submarines would be transferred to Britain under the Lease-Lend Act. A statement, issued by the Navy Department, .says that both submarines, at present operating In the Atlantic, would be manned
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  • 250 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 17. THE Chinese-American newspaper China Press, commenting on the J Japanese-American balks, says: Have the salt ready. There are going to be a good many peace I proposals floating about, some advanced in good faith, some less disinterested. Each will need a j pinch
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 327 2 INDEBTEDNESS CIRCULAR (Tribune Staff Reporter) CONSIDERABLE disappointment at the uncompromising attitude of Government as reflected in the Colonial Secretary's speech at Monday's meeting of the Legislative Council towards the question of clerical indebtedness, is expressed by members of the Junior Civil Service Association
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  • 71 2 i SPECIAL talk in Tamil 011 the A -Deepavali" Festival and its present significance will be given over the ZHP3 transmitter of the sincere station (41.38 metres--1.25 mcs) by Mr. 515 pm. to- morrow. The tais will be accompanied by^a .programme of Tamil music both before and after,
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  • 269 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) moan, Thursday. A RESOLUTION to make strong representation to Government to n con the abolition or a reduction of w iter meter rents was moved by Mr. Koh Lian Chin at a t'ng of Seremban Sanitary rd held at the State
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  • 194 2 AS a wartime economy measure trie Malayan Magic Circle, Singapore, is giving up Karikal Mahal, its official clubhouse, and future meetings of the members are scheduled to take place at the G. H Cafe on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Petrol rationing,
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  • 56 2 Singapore. Thursday. A LARGE .gathering attended a buffet party given by Mr. S. C. Goho, local lawyer, at his residence in Broadrlck Road. v»»st rday, on the occasion of his 50th. birthday. Almost all the leading members of the local Bar were present, as also Q rnment
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  • 412 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Thursday. SPEAKING on the motion for adjournment at yesterday's Municipal Meeting, Dr. Lee Tiang Kcng brought up the subject of the i sue of vouchers in place of small change on trolley buses, due to the shortage of copper coins. Pol
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  • 350 2 Singapore, Friday. A LOCAL money-lender, K.N.N. Manikkam Chettiar, who was A convicted and fined $30, with the alternative of five days simple imprisonment, by the fifth magistrate on a charge of theft of a notice board, had his conviction and fine set aside and a
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  • 25 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on aU fronts up to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claim*):— ONE
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  • 191 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Lumpur Thursday UIVID recollections of his experiV ences during a*i air raid n Chungking and Ws trip nvpr thp Burma Road e IC canted by Mr Patrick to S J Ch i ne C l£™& me a ßoad Um u> Rotarians
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  • 226 2 Central News. A SLIGHT relaxation in Britain and America's "watch-out" in the South Pacific will afford an opportunity for the Japanese to venture a southern thrust, starting possibility with demands for stationing troops in Thailand, the using of her harbour and air-field facilities. Thus forecast the
    Central News.  -  226 words
  • 337 2 Singapore, Thursday. FOUND dead in a piece of wasteland off the 16' 2 milestone, Urn Chu K&ng Road, near a bypatn. the mutilated body of a 35-year-old labourer. Liang Kirn Weng, bor--22 wound marks. At the inquest Into his death this morning, the Singapore Coroner Mr.
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  • 24 2 Sales of War Savings Certificates l 5 in Malaya up tc Oct. 15 totalled $8,427,540. This was an increase of $226,425 since Oct. 3.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 5 ENTERTAIN V vniTR FRIENDS THERE MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE Relay of Raffles Orchestra nightly SUNDAY NIGHT Relay of Regimental Band Concert TTa ffl c s bTk^lTv ProtectYoTr j LUNGS iJwt^ JF you suffer from coughs, coids, U in mouth a Peps I^^^ Veps are wonderfully toothing for the throat;
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    • 264 2 Try This Safeguard For Your Child's Health Baby's Own Tablets are the prescriotiof a British medical child-specialist, are an Ideal specific for the minor ht&n troubles of the young. Pleasant la there is none of the fuss so often taoSr ed with the living of medicine to ciS ren. The
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  • 270 3 "tooke-PoplM! Gelling More Bombers For S'pore Reuter. London, Oct 17. A j)i e a j)osition in the Far East, militarily and politically, fhoa improved considerably in recent months and the proMr* of an immediate attack has receded, stated Air Chief b Sir Robert
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 122 3 Reuter. Bangkok, Oct. 16. ALL is quiet on the Thai-Malaya frontier, says a special correspondent writing in the Bangkok Chronicle on his observations during a recent visit to Malaya across the land-frontier by train. The correspondent asserts that the situation on the Thai-Malaya border is normal
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 133 3 Hong Kong, Oct. 4. A T the inquiry into matters connected with the A.R.P. department of Hong Kong, the Director of A.It.P., Hong Kong, WingComdr. Steele-Perkins, in his evidence, stated that the Chief Air Raid Warden for Hong Kong, had no qualifications for his post.
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  • 187 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A STEP calculated to assist mem bers In debt is being u*:en by the Selangor Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift end Loan Society, Ltd. With the approval of the Directot of Co-operative Societies pertain amendments to the by-law* of
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  • 209 3 Medical Freshers'" New Accommodation (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE acute shortage of accommodation for resilient students of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, has led to first year students being housed at the Tan Tock Seng Hostel. This hostel has always been considered the home of students in later
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  • 139 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Thursday. Messrs Teo Staff Chuan. J.P.. and Teo Khye Tong were the hosts to a large number of friends at a dinner given on the occasion of the 70th birthday of their father. Mr. Teo Soon Lam. Congratulatory messages were received from Mr.
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  • 1104 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A SUGGESTION that Khoo 800 Gong had confessed, on July 6, his part in the 1927 Ng Gim It swindle because he was half off his head" following a quarrel with his first wife w*. made to-day when
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  • 255 3 Singapore, Thursday. "THERE have been many offences c£ this kind in this country and it is well to leave the sentence as it is as it will serve as a warning to others," declared Mr. E. N. Griffith-Jones. Crown Counsel, in opposing an appeal for
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  • 181 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Thursday. THE accused made a statement that he had never been to China under a misapprehension. "He went to China on a Chinese passport and he was advised by someone that if he disclosed the fact that he had a Chinese passport
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 146 3 H Jj^hnnjs Fonps for |NFRNTs So! Arents: BARLOW CO., LTD., r*Vj* (Incorporated In the F.MS.) Vjr Singapore, Kuala. Liunpur Ipobr mmm^^^ mmm^mm^m^m^^mm^^^m^mmmmmmm^^ m 6 APB 22 The manufacturers of STREAMLINE FILTERS now introduce a Wt which can be fitted to truck engines, enabling them to run on S~. oil at
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    • 67 3 Save yourself from tor- ment! Insist on Flit to kill i mosquitoes. Substitutes are A often worthless sometimes even dangerous and frequently waste your money. Flit is sold only in < A the sealed yellow tin with the soldier and black band. Flit spray will not stain. I J Refuse
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    • 374 3 f 7fcu is o ftnuint untouched photograph of the hands of a martyr <o rheumatism* RHEUMATISM The terrible penalty of neglect. De Witt's Pills, by restoring weak that every movement is torture. a n s d p isappears and J0 f nt _c bcCor ne That's just how badly rheumatism,
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  • 153 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, To-day. k GOOD number of candidal ates were given strong pace work when training in preparation for the Penang races was continued this morning. The track was in excellent condition, and the going was good. Among the most impressive of the
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  • 67 4 SOCCER: Challenge Cup competition, Second round tie, R.A.F. v Airport, Stadium. HOCKEY: Indian Association II v S.R.C. 11, S.R.C; ACS. v S.CR.C, S.C.R.C Post Office v Indian General Hospital. Post Office ground; Medical College Anatomists v Biologists. College ground: S.C.C. v St. Andrew's 0.8.. S.C.C; Naval Police
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  • 135 4 THE following have accepted to play rugby for the S.C.C. v. S.S. Police to-day at S.C.C.:— Lt. A. J. Martin; O. W. Wolters. R. L. Parker, S. Johnson. R. M. Harsley: D. W. Le Mare. A. N. Other; D. A. Blunt, F. W. Dunhill, Capt. C H.
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  • 1630 4 “Spectator's” Comments For To-morrow's Penang Races and Brazeno are my best bets for to-morrow's r?ues, the opening day of the Penang Turf Club's October meet. R. J. .Fenn, the Penang trainer, should have a successful afternoon and I expect him to saddle
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  • 354 4 THEIR biggest rugby defeat so J far this season was" sustained by the Medical College Union when they met the Royal Australian Air Force and lost by 32 points (four goals and four tries) to eight (one goal and a penalty) in a match on the
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  • 17 4 Members of the S.C.R.C. are notined that the tennis courts will be closed" on Sunday and Monday.
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  • 446 4 HOLDING grimly to a one-goal lead secured early in the second half through a penalty, the Spartans, "dark horses" of the Singapore Challenge Cup competition, entered the semi-final of the competition when they defeated the Singapore Recreation Club by two goals to one in
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  • 151 4 THE following are the scratchings and order of running for to-morrow's Penang races: Race L Horses: Class 4, Div. 3— 6 furs.: Beacon, Rhett Butler, Metro, Brazeno. Race 2. Horses, Class 4, Div. 2— 6 furs.: Jaguar, Sir Patrick. Race 3. Hoises, Class 4, Div.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 600 4 tVour dog will always enjoy sparkling 1 OFF HIS FOOD fitness if you condition him regularly 1 with my Condition Powders. In jtfk return for your thouyhtfulness, he JB)fijtL^B^™3 will repay you with a closer, cheerier 1 JSt'lfe^ etL companionship than you ever _y—» i f& imagined possible. 1 i
      600 words
    • 155 4 YOUR CHILD'S SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS CAREER Parents, spare your child the uncertainty of the untrainea—prevent them from wasting their time. To-day through the Singapore Branch of Pitman's College f London your child can train as a oter.ographer. Bookkeeper, Secretary; or can choose a career from the many courses available. INDIVIDUAL TUITION
      155 words
    • 171 4 TKegiriwHiy" skin has MORE sax and Allure than the gb|3 a sun-tanned complexion/ This is what leading beaurt aw say. And it's true. Men adore fair wj and smoothness of compkxioa nxwa! anything else. So don't let ugh spoil your romance. Use new magic skin lotion. It lightem*! complexion instantly
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 190 5 **ars of your youth to toU gi ven >C ,n an enervating ellJS^.^Z£*"»* thelr toll 1 Are the years robblng you of tfui «*> q force draining you of ftJ »nd vital Most men and »*LK«I n I natural out here". "and resign themthe cUm«e.
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  • 684 5 Nazi Respect For Religion A Myth (Special Cable to The Tribune) London, Oct. 15. THE Nazis pretend to respect reli--1 gion, but in reality they do everything in their power to trample on it. It is significant that they have thought it necessary to broadcast i
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  • 141 5 TEO Kirn Poey, a lorry driver, who was said to have carried a Chinese cyclist, An<* Gim Chuan 60 feet after a collision at the 6v 2 mile, Changi Road, was yesterday convicted on a charge of negligent driving and fined $200 by the acting district iudge,
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  • 151 5 "OLD BILL AND SON" (At the Pavilion) A MIXTURE of entertainment and propaganda is to be seen at the Pavilion for the next few days where "Old Bill and Son" began a season last night. We have the original Old Bill of the last war returning to the scene
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  • 265 5 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, ThursdayA RULING that the domicile o. the late Mr. Chua Ch?ng Bok. the Kuala Lumpur millionaire was In Selangor at the time of his death was Riven yesterday morning by Mr Justice A'Beckett Terrell. Judge of Appeal, delivering
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  • 236 5 WITH volunteers to assist "tnd live miniature" bombs to add a touch cf realism, another A.R.P. demonstration in putting out nrc bombs wIU be held in Raffles Place at 5.30 this evening. This is one of the series ot A.R.P. demonstrations which have been given in Raffles
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  • 273 5 THE Ratepayers' Association has been in correspondence with the Municipality on ihe question of fees changed by the latter body for the Inspection and maintenance of septic tanks. The Association i s of opinion that these feci arc rather on the high side. The Association
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  • 108 5 THE Rev. Archdeacon Graham White wr i tt »s:—Last Tuesday, many of us on rcMtlng the newspapers, must have been urprised to see Mr. Tay Lian Ticks complaint In the local parliament of a shortage of hospital accommodation in the second and third class wards. Explanations were made
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  • 74 5 YEONG Cheok Beng. a 48-year-old Khek, faced three charges in the third police court yesterday of cheating by dishonestly inducing Ong Seng Tiong at Cecil Street, Kuek Gim Poh at New Bridge R:ad. and Leong Chew at Hong Kong Street, to deliver to him on May 16.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 196 5 G^OnXTURE v, n m md or children •fi *1L*!1 suffers "n "r ping and pain constipation, restless, convulsions, None other is equal to BCPW GRIPE MIXTURE 1 S t r t Thildre a f 3» a°li S t„ m retun" d to good health. Sold everywhere: BeM Chemical Agents: Naina
      196 words
    • 25 5 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY.j THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. R A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Expedience. 1
      25 words
    • 73 5 1 1 —I I BROOCn $1.00 TIE PIN $1.00 I CAR BADGE $5.00 Chromium plated, V in red, words embossed in circle. Size 5V 2 x Mi" BICYCLE BADGE $1.00 Same as Car Badge Size as depicted above. Proceeds in aid of the WAR FIXD (*n sale at all leading
      73 words
    • 164 5 COOL FRESH iSE^S^ When the heat is stifling, when you're tired or worried, remember your Atkinsons Gold Medal Eau ilo Cologne—to cool and revive you. How refreshing is its fragrance! You'll find just a few drops on your handkerchief, or on youi forehead, as welcome as a cool breeze. And
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  • 111 6 Pacific Crisis THE dramatic developments of Thursday confirm fears that the would-be moderates in Tokio were not powerful enough to carry the day against the extremist elements. In consequence the situation in the Far East is to-day as grave as it has ever been. What hope remains of averting
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  • 201 6 CTR Robert Brooke-Popham, British Cornmarider-in-Chief, Far East, yesterday made a i statement which at once sums j up the situation in a few w r ords j and at the same time provides :an inspiring example of the j confident manner in which we i may face
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  • 117 6 JT is not necessary at this precise moment to attempt a survey of the very complete state of preparedness to which Malaya as well as other territories likely to be affected have been brought, thanks to the far-sightedness and energies of those responsible for British interests in this part
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  • 1426 6  -  By Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah (The well-knrvwn Muslim author) IF the World of Islam is fully to appreciate the value of Turkey as a bulwark against the Nazi aggression threatening th_» East— we must know her controlling minds. These are exemplified by four personalities who, though
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  • 631 6 rVEN now, the Red armies that have been struggling against the Nazis in the past five months are in many ways armies of mystery. Probably less is known about their fighting potential than about any of the world's armies. Appraisals of the Red Army vary from that of
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  • 126 6 Indiscretions Of The Great WALTER Winchell tells how H. R. Ekins, Rome representative of the United Press, was expelled from Italy. Ekins had learned that Mussolini had heart trouble and, knowing that Italian officials Msten to all telephone calls, he called his London Office and said: "Mr. Big Is
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  • 511 6 THE matter of Governf* A final decisions with reea»" indebtedness is interest among those most E to be affected. Despite the tone 0 f (w Sec retary's statement when clared that "Government's JJ' was exhausted," hopes are S pinned on the possibility 0 < quality of mercy
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 432 6 HEADACHES DISAPPEAR Beadarhes— mn-t common of .ill -< ,:fijP^. human 11 I usually come as a direct result of in- /*>3lf J^^B ternal disorders. yftSP And by far the most common of these disorders WwjĔm and the least suspected—is Faulty Elimination. Faulty Elimination means that the bowels are not completing
      432 words
    • 90 6 US, Oe/Janx aoad, Singapore. (t)|.,.'., .1.., V» The place you-can obtain < n -me with comfort. Latest Amer.can pre-heat n> machine in use. Make your appointment early. Perming prices from $3-. Shiunp** and setting SI 50. FOR GREY HAIR USF "NIGRIS COMB" (Patented) Gives immediate, natural, lasting colour black, brown,
      90 words
    • 70 6 TAN GRAIN SHOES I •Were /s a sturdy shoe specially built I >r additional heavy duty with extra I durable Rubber Soles. I •06 assured of dry feet under all I conditions fine Quality English I leather uppers. Will give excellent 1 service. I S#Z«S 5V 2 to 7V 2
      70 words

  • 15 7 f«o o/ t/ls cT-as/l llt aei cxlrl,7«e u/ Sl/cV, '<! >.'l
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  • 245 7 O TOKIO, OCT. 16. THE JAPANESE CABINET RESIGNED TO-DAY. The action is the result of the lack of complete agreement over the method of pursuing Japan s national policy. Having obtained the consent his ministers Prince Konoye, the Premier, proceeded to the Imperial Palace and
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  • 35 7 Reuter. Tokio, Oct. 16. W Japanese Embassy in Moscow was advised by the Z (,ove ™mcnt yesterday at acZJ" to evacuate, to a message reported fmSl ,>~ en re c«ived at the tor "&n Office— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 110 7 Reuter. Batavia. Oct. 16. THE Netherlands East Indies, the British and Australian Governments are keeping a watchful eye on the new Japanese airline to Portuguese Timor, states the Batavia Radio. The Java B:d? writes: "It will be lecalled that Japan was said to have requested
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 321 7 Reuter. (Special Commentary). London, Oct. 16. ITNTIL a few days ago the t v Soviet Union had lost J hardly any industrial strength but now comes a great change heavily damaging iin its effects, writes The Times diplomatic correspon- dent, discussing Russia's hidden industrial strength, j On
    Reuter.  -  321 words
  • 132 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct. In*. THE United States should immobilise Japan and destroy the Japanese. Italian and French navies," declared Senator Pepper, leading member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in an interview with the press. He said that this was necessary as a preparation for a
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 59 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 16. THREE Dutchmen have escaped from the internment camp at Ramsey. Isle of Man. They an two ship officers and a civil air pilot. It is thought that the men put to sea in a 35-foot yacht which is missing. Vessels and aircraft
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 221 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 16. U SERIOUS threat to Moscow" has arisen from the German break-through in the west of the capital, said the Soviet announcer on the Moscow Radio, speaking in Russian, early this morning. He told the Soviet people that the corpses of many tens
    Reuter.  -  221 words
  • 191 7 Reuter. Tokyo, Oct. 16. JAPANESE AMERICAN relations have "approached the final crossroad and tho fate Of the Empire is actually at hand despite the Government's efforts," warned Capt. Hiraide, Chief of the Navy press section of Imperial Headquarters, speaking at Kyoto. He asserted that "the
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 384 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 16. THE Russians are evacuating their troops from Odessa by sea, states the Swiss Uadk.. A Berlin message says: "Our troops have broken through the defence lines of Odessa and the enemy is retreating. Odessa is in flames." This is the Rumanian
    Reuter.  -  384 words
  • 36 7 British Wireless. London. Oct. 17: The Food Ministry have decided to relieve foreign vessels of the levy of 3d per stone on fish landed from toOM vessels and sold at maximum prices in Britain British Wireless.
    British Wireless.  -  36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 TOOTH PA^JE nki.2 f I? Tooth Pastes and Powders Dcrwmriil ONLY PEPSODENT CONTAINS IR,UM »^'recK. nr ,atUral br,,!,antC 0t tCCCh Th,s »-io Ui scentihc ĔRmL1 ble-quick P led"
      28 words
    • 176 7 POPULAR EVERYBODY MUSK LOVES Richard Tauber Geraldn Savoy Hotel ***** The Rosary Orchestra Farted FlB2O Along- the Santa Fe Trail —S.F.T. ***** Elegy Johny Peddler—Q S Liebestraum FlB2l When that man is dead I w Gone— Q.S. Ivor Moreton Dave Kaye Over the F T (on Two Pianos* n lOO
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    • 56 7 COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS CUT COAT STYLE. Single Cuffs to Uutlon. One Pockef. Fine Quality CoUon Poplin in Neat Coloured Stripes en Illuc, (;rey and Green Grounds. PRICE 5.».7.» EACH. SIZES 14V4" TO IT COLLAR TOOT A L Standard (Quality Ties lo Tone with Shirts. PRICE $1.25 EACH NETT mm 1610-41-783
      56 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 322 8 I **H is amoni; the best musicals to come to town for some time.. The singing of Jeanette Mac Donald and Nelson Kddv seems to improve with each picture." STRAITS TIMES (yesterday). New York audiences paid $%M a seat to see the ZIEGFELD PLAY. IT COMES TO YOU AT OCR
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 543 9 fhe Maker of "Snow White" and "Pinocchio"brings you a brand new form of Screen Entertainment TPmB B Mi mm mmm mmm wnk. Patrons are respectfully reMm m mm mm ImSI wrm Km quested to collect unpaid' S 191 MVS H M U K&w Hflj |X U MM reservations before 9.15
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  • 92 10 The marriage between M>ss Eu Gum Choo, younger daughter of Mr. Eu Kee Eng of Kuala Lumpur and the late Mrs. Eu Kee Eng and Mr. Teo Soon Hye. elder son of Mrs. Teo Kah Liam, also of Kuala Lumpur and the late Mr Teo Kah Liam,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 729 10 ESS^^cuiiiiiiip-BM^^Sa Situations Vacant WANTED Life Insurance agents on salary §40- per month. Apply P.O Box 423. Kuala Lumpur. (No. 596 D WANTED Cambridge students to be trained as insurance field and office workers. Apply Box No. 721 c,o Malaya Tribune. Kuala Lumpur. (No. o»7L) WANTED Inspector of agents for a
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    • 873 10 WANTED —Experienced Fitter for Electric Refrigeration Work. Apply Brinkmann Co., 15 Grange Road, 1 Singapore. WANTED Doctor for a free clinic in Town. Si-ate qualifications and remuneration expected for part time service (forenoon or afternoon*. Knowledge of local Chinese dialect essential. Reply to p. O. Box No. 543, Singapore. WANTED
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    • 931 10 CLEARANCE SALE; A large variety of goods including toys, gift articles, household necessities, etc. to be cleared at specially reduced prices. Clearance now on at L. M. Banerjl Cos salesroom at 248. Orchard Road. Singapore (Opposite Grange Road). (No. 34L > FOR SALE 25 tons tlnplate trimmings Singapore 16 tons
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    • 865 10 PENANG RACES: Many again MmOuJ from "Capt. Argus" selections on Meeting Letters of appreciations thanked Three selections $2 One certainty Sniper day. Write Choo. 64. Sam jgj Penang. PENANG RACES. Deslrlnz Several Winners with Best Dlvl a!££ "VoHow Captain Starling's Certain-ties-Best Outsiders. $3!- for whole JMMtine Success Is Certain. Trial
      865 words
    • 649 10 Property For bale FOR SALE. Nrw Bungalow at Dalvoy; Esload. Immediate Entry. Apply Winchester House. {No^w^t FOR SALE New Bungalows at Charlton Road and Kovan --jfe* E gXy coon Road. Immediate Entry Appiy 36-B. Winchester House. for SALE Cameron Highlands Ringlet. 4 acres 32 mile, small bungalow fullyfurnished. New Ruston
      649 words
    • 188 10 NOTICE Enrolment of new pupils for 1942 in Methodist Girls' Continuation School and Fairfield Aiternoon School: M Thursday, October 23rd—1.00— 3 Tuesday, October 28th—1.00—3.00 p.m. i SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. DEEPAVALf&IIARI RAY A PUASA HOLIDAYS Our Retail Establishments In Blngapore will open as follows during the above Holidays: Monday.
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    • 485 10 NOTICE. Notice of the 4th Quarterly Sessiti 1941 of the Board of Licensing Justices, Singapore, held under Rule 7 of the Liquors Licensing; Rules, 1937. The quarterly session of tat Board of Licensing Justices for tfc Settlement of Singapore will br held in the Court of the Rot Magistrate in
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 720 10 TO-DAY'S RADIOj j SINGAPORE LONDON ZIIL 225 metres 1333 klrs EASTERN service ZI1P1 30 96 metres 9 69 mics SV —Mies; 16.84 Z1IP2 48.58 metres 6.175 mlci £l£ 4 l!! 1 11 I p m GSD—11.75 M,cs. 25.53 metres, 1» 00 Recorded Orchestral Concert In- 6.1© p.m —11.50 12
      720 words

  • 938 11 16 1941: 4 P.M OCT.„ fliers MINING ,3 IB*\ 0 32 3 033 i5Si < 17 6 186 I^JH 1 087 Ml 14 **%«or .81' 3 119 EaTS 27 6 29 2£»C g (*> 086 0.89 1^*!1 0 29 0.31 ucUng jj. 22--f S < >
    938 words
  • 21 11 Singapore, Friday. Prices of tin and rubber Singapore at noon towere:— TIN tiqgTj., unchanged. RUBBER Buyers 38%, Sellers 38%
    21 words
  • 107 11 (From OVtt Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. rpHE tin share market was dull yesterday, with an easing tendency. Mimbans were done at QO, Kuala Kamparat 15|7% and Rawang Tin Fields at 73. Fair absorption of rubber shares continues, yesterday*, off-take including Ayer Punas. Chengkat Berdangs,
    107 words
  • 23 11 The following are rubber outputs for September. 1941: -Kuala Reman Rubber Estates Ltd. 175.000 lbs Bruseh Rubber Estates Ltd. 55.000 lbs.
    23 words
  • 118 11 Turco- German Pact In Force Reuter. Ankara, Oct. 16. THE Turco-German pact came| into force on the day it was, signed, states the Secretary-Gen-eral of the Turkish Foreign Office, M. Menemenjoglu, in an interview frith the newspaper Ulus. The agreement comprises two lists firstly. £55 million (Turkish* which covers delivery
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 99 11 Singapore Thuredsvj STAGNATION In the Singapore market continues; dealing Is practically at a standstill, and trade is confined to upcountry godown business state Stanton Nelson and CO. Ltd In fheir weekly rubber market review. Colony stocks on Sept. 30 wer e 36..82 tons, a
    99 words
  • 115 11 LEWIS Jl PEAT (Singapore* Ltd in I their rubber report dated Oct. 16. write: Again we have to report conditions completely unchanged locally. In the London market the selling price is to-day -eported to have been fixed by the Controller but actual details have not yet been received.
    115 words
  • 72 11 Singapore. Oct. 16. Gammer 7 59 Java crabe 12.00 Hamburg Cube 12 .25; Muntok Whit? Pepper 18.50 White Pepper 18.00 Elack Pepper 8.25 Sundried Copra 2.90 Mixed Copra 2.65 Small Flake Tapioca 9.00 Fair Flake Tapioca 8 .50 Medium Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Small Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Lingga Sago Flour
    72 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      29 words
    • 122 11 for a Brilliant Shim*! PRESERVES POLISHES LEATHER Obtainable from all Dealers. 140 Warms 1 A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 11, MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4646. Consult Us For All Classes Of REAL ESTATE REQUIREMENTS AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Phone 4646, C J dhn't 6e/ieve if* f j'%
      122 words
    • 64 11 4.OLD LEAF PURE CEYLON TEA In any language a good Tea wlli speak for itself. The quality, flavour and fast? of ''GOLD LEAF" need no interpreters. "GOLD LEAF" Tea is the beverage of aH nations. \lMllDs'<9W TwfBOTTLEjrtM FOR COUGHS, COLDS, tn^* 1 'I. INFLUENZA, THROAT AND Sfe- x Ilk, CHEST
      64 words
    • 116 11 "METABAIT" For exterminating SLUGS. SNAILS. CUTWORMS. ETC. 1 LB. TIN 0.75 25 LB. TIN 10.00 Stockist required. Apply: Post B>x 240. Singapore. PETROL Rationing use SOLID GAS Increases mileage by 25% to 35% Approved by the Automotive Test Laboratories of America, Canada and Australia. 10 cents per packet (Post free)
      116 words
    • 540 11 Public Notices SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particular- .see Municipal Tender Room, cupplv of 4". 6" 8" ungiazed subsoil pipes during 1942. 12 noon. 25 Oct 1941 Care Maintenance of Christian Cemeteries at Bukit Timah Road during 1942. i Deposit »50
      540 words
    • 280 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-CHLNA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England* DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN via HONGKONG CALCUTTA via PENANG. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for Canton. Macao. Swatow. Amoy, Chefo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtse ports. Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior accommodation for saloon passengers amidships. They
      280 words

  • 870 12 B.E.F. Could Have Surrendered, But Did Not Reuter. London. Oct. 17. MUCH frtsh light is thrown minating in the epic of Dun dispatches of Lord Gort which By force of contrast, the despatches servo to show how immeasurably stronger is Britain to-day than in
    Reuter.  -  870 words
  • 56 12 Central News. Hongkong, Oct. lfi: The Chinese war bonds subscriptions which were started here over five months ago have now passed the $16 000,000 Chinese currency mark, reported Sir Shouson Chow, Chairman of the Chinese War Bonds Committee of Hongkong at the committee's meeting yesterday. The campaign
    Central News.  -  56 words
  • 41 12 Central News. Chungking. Oct. 15:—General Chu Shao-chou. border commander for the Hupeh-Shensi-Kansu Area, has cabled to Gen. Chiang Kaishek that the populace of southern Shensi has donated four planes to the Government in commemoration of this year's Double Tenth anniversary.—Central News.
    Central News.  -  41 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 163 12 trie finest buffer (fou can p«f ok (four table- jc/^c^] Nourishing goodness, fine cream* If W II flavour and rich golden colour M ftUM I these -,re »he aval.ties v.,„ //Hr£ Ct€CitHPrU I will find In every Pat of S.CS. i mrf 7 I Creamery Butter. Include plenty f I
      163 words
    • 479 12 I Public Xotices JOHORE GOVERNMENT Tenders for the supply of AntiMalaria Oil in 1942. Tenders are invited for the supply of Anti-Malaria oil to the AnciMalaria Board, Johore, for the year 1942 as folic ws:A. In Bulk for delivery in the towns of: <ii Muar— (1,500 gallons». (iii Batu Pahat—.l,6oo
      479 words
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