Malaya Tribune, 11 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Saturday, October 11. 1911.
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  • 319 1  -  (By Maurice Lovell Reuter'a Correspondent in Moscow) Reuter. THE latest telephoned despatch from the Briansk sector to the Red Star, the Soviet Army organ, declares that the most important aim of the enemy—that of encircling- the Soviet armies in the western sector —has been frustrated.
    Reuter.  -  319 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. London. Oct. 1. THE First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander cave an undertaking at Worthing last night that the convoys which the British Navv were already esi corting to the U.S.S.R. would increase. The attack going on in Russia he said, was
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 21 1 Reuter. Calro, Oct. 11: The Maharajah of Kashmir has arrived to visit Indian and ether troops In the Middle East. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 204 1 Reuter. THIS MORNING'S Soviet communique says that during yesterday, Soviet troops fought the enemy along the whole front, the fighting being particularly fierce in the directions of Viazma, Briansk and Melitopol. During Wednesday 39 German planes were destroyed. Russian losses were 27 planes. The northward German thrust
    Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 104 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 10. THE House of Representatives has refused specifically to exclude Russia from aid under the LeaseLend appropriation. By 162 votes against 21 members defeated an amendment by a Representative Mr Rich, to provide that no part cf the fund would be used
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 137 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. -nUSSIA will get every aeroIV plane and every tank for. which they asked Britain and' the United States," declared Mr Vernon Bartlett last night speaking "on Lord Beaverbrocks own authority." Mr. Bartlett went to the u's.S.R. on a special mission
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 150 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 10. r RESIDENT Roosevelt has announced that the observance of Kavy Day on Oct. 27, would be broadened to cover the observance of all defences, and he would make broadcast address on that occasion at the Navy League dinner in Washington. Answering
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 179 1 Reuter. A London, Oct. 11. I Admiralty communique states: 'Further successful action has jeen taken by th? Royal Navy ■gainst the enemy's supplies and communications with his troops on the Northern Russian front. At dawn last Wednesday, naval ;ircraft attacked shipping and '-mmunications in
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 27 1 Reuter. y V...—V 11 J h f 19 -year.old son has Brabournp Governor of tea ant In the »"*"ed a second lieutne G JL e n«!ier Cuards.-Reuter
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 42 1 Oct n Vr~ V *«fmy air ral i nn The second moonllßht S Urred yesterday wh SUCCeBslve nl K nts ocf on Haw. W i! n some bombK *"c L 0 >Mlte7 pr mv? slight d m »8« r hm no oftsnalttes
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  • 458 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. BRITISH shock troops, who one day may storm the teaches of the eneniy-occupied countries, have shown the King the amazing technique of modern mechanical warfare during a day which His Majesty spent with the men of a combined training command,
    Reuter.  -  458 words
  • 433 1 Reuter. (Military Commentary by Annalist London, Oct. 11. BEYOND a vague and unconvincing claim that a breach in the Russian centre, already 300 miles wide, had been further extended and that the forces already enclosed were still more encircled, the German communique yesterday somewhat
    Reuter.  -  433 words
  • 26 1 fl THE BALTIC Black smoke ritlno from n Grrmi'i lanker OfifSf being hit bi/ o torpedo fired by a Auamaii u>ar*hip.
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  • 167 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. r? is no exaggeration to say that the tide of the Far Eastern struggle seems to be turning definitely in favour of China." stated Dr. Wellington Koo 'Chinese Amspeaking at a tea party at the Chinese Embassy, to the Chinese community
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 158 1 Reuter. Chungking, Oct. 11. THE Changsha areas to the south of Sintsiang River have been cleared of Japanese troops, according to the headauarters of Ge:i. Hsueh Yo_the Chinese Commander-in-Chief In Hunan Province. He claimed that they are withdrawing to the north after the Changsha battle,
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 82 1 Reuter. Rangoon, Oct. 11. y CAMPAIGN for the purchase of planes to help China is to be started by the Chinese community in Rangoon as the result of a decision taken at a meeting of Chinese residents yesterday on the occasion of the
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 585 1 Reuter. London, Oct. .11. 4tf pHERE is no doubt whatever of the Russian Government's resolution and intention to fight to the last and their faith in ultimate victory," said Mr. Averell Harriman yesterday after his return from the Moscow conference where he was the
    Reuter.  -  585 words
  • 153 1 Reuter. New York, Oct U. A FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation f* agent. Mr. William Friedman testifying to-day nt the resumption of the spy trial In New York, declared that he had heard a German spy *-ay that the contents of all British diplomatic pouches. Lound for
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 228 1 Reuter. London, Oct. U. PARTICULARLY fierce fighting in the directions of Viazma and Briansk as well as Melitopol is reported and appears to confirm the earlier news that Marshal Timoshenko's armies have frustrated the German attempt to surround them on the road to Moscow. Though it is true
    Reuter.  -  228 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 84 1 "Caterpillar" Diesel Engines are de signed and built to withstand full-lead operation day after day, bringing new standards of performance and reliability to boa t owners. They are easy to operate because of simplicity of design which elimlnVkw^:.m ates frequent tinkering and adjusting /Jmm they are economical because their exclusive
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  • 270 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE Singapore Municipality will be budgetting for an expenditure of $18,720,864 next year the draft estimates for 1942 reveal. The estimated revenue is $19,557,845 and the Municipality are thus expecting a surplus of $836,981 for 1942. The cumulative surplus up to
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  • 29 2 To facilitate the promulgation of the Trade Union Ordinance, an amendment wll be introduced at Monday's Legislative Council meeting so that all regulations of that Ordinance must be gazetted.
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  • 246 2 (From Our Own Reporter). Kuala Lumpur, Friday. AT a meeting of the Sanitary Board held yesterday morning Mr. D.T. Waring urged the Board to recommend to Government that meter rents be reconsidered. He said he had seen references in the press that the Board was
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  • 584 2 LEGAL point was the subject of considerable comment by Mr. Conrad Oldham, second magistrate, when a summons charge, believed to be the first of its kind, was brought againfit Ng Swee Chang, a petrol retailer. The summons alleged that Ng sold or delivered three gallons
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  • 29 2 ™TT*: Mu<-<rpi a nri Druma! \c. Rocioty of Raffles Institution w'" «*nco n t-intlr *Vnd nt the school hr.ll on Oct 25 at 830 p.m.
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  • 25 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight Londoii time (excluding Soviet claim»):— FIVE
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  • 184 2 HCW he received $100, and signed a pr:missory note for $1,080 in favour of a. Punjabi money-lender, was disclosed in the bankruptcy court yesterday before Sir Percy j McFlwaine, chief justice, by a Chinese clerk, Chua Beng Hoe, when he underwent his public examination. The
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  • 102 2 WHEN committed to the assizes to stand his trial on a charge of attempted murder, at the conclusion of the preliminary inquiry in the fifth court yesterday afternoon, Scow Lim Soi reserved his defence. It will be recalled, that when the inquiry was opened on Thursday, the
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  • 222 2 (From Our Own Reporter). Ipoh, Friday. IN the resumed hearing in the J Perak Assize Court yesterday, S V Lingam, described as a trusted employee of the butan Rubber Estate, was convicted by Mr. Justice Murray Aynsley on a charge cf theft of 2,800 lb of
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  • 24 2 Queensland plans to double the output of copper next year because it is a vital war material. The Federal QOyerwnent Is aiding production financially.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 589 2 MALAY Af PfttMIEB HOTCt J TO-NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER DANCE (formal) 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME ROSALIE LOUIS American Ballroom Acrobatic Dancers Dinner $3.00." Non-diners $1.00 COCKTAIL BAR MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE RAFFLES BAKERY for Best Quality Bread Cakes BATTERIES for your radio ODtainaDie from all dealers
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    • 7 2 i. p<// :A BOTTLE PHONES: 3700-3709 i
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    • 198 2 ■r DO YOU^B FSUFFER FRONII I Abdominal Pain Indigestion 1 I Loss oi Appetite Headaches I I Sleeplessness Nerves I I (olds and *Ru Weariness I I CONSTIPATION I I Can be the cause I I Banish CONSTIPATION I f Ovmigbt with I SOLO EVERYWHEBI issfc& 7~10 HAVE ROMANCE -TM
      198 words
    • 50 2 A Amfr&Jn! TIGER BALM from the finest waxes obtainable, MANSION Polish is easy and economical to use. Its antiseptic and cleansing properties maintain the highest standard of hjfgiene in the home, and ensures lasting brilliance to Floors and Furniture. OF ALL DEALERS. m m^_mmmtmmmmtmmm^m 341 Warms 8 GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL
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  • 457 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) a FTER an extensive tour of the Singapore defences and after seeing Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, C-in-C, Far Bast, Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Philippine editor and publisher, told the Tribune yesterday, on the eve of his departure for the
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  • 187 3 A 24-YEAR-OLD dock labourer. Leong Ah Kong alias Soh Chye, was found dead at the bottom of the hold of a ship lying off go-downs six and seven, Tanjong Pagar. on Sept. 29 by his colleagues, who could not throw any light on the occurrence. Medical
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  • 48 3 Central News. Shiukwan. Oct. 10. TT IS announced by the South Kwangtung edition of the Takwang Pao, published near Kwangchowwan. that the ?1-P!ane-Dtlve has. up to Sept. 15. raised $200.613.80 among the oversea? Chinese. The money has been remitted to Chungking.—Central News.
    Central News.  -  48 words
  • 247 3 UNDER the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, departmental action has boen given to various amendments of the War Tax Ordinance of 1941. The majority of these amendments conf?r substantial relief upen the subject and were approved by Legislative Council members before enactment. Legislative sanction to
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  • 53 3 The Tasmantan Budget will be presented on Tuesday. An attack by the Opposition is expected on a Bill to authorise expenditure of £1,500.000 for extension of the hydro-electric scheme. One of the most important Bills will provide for a housing scheme to enable earners of the basic wage and less
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  • 112 3 'J'HE question of clerical indebtedness in Government Service it is understood, is to be raised in Monday's meeting of the Legislature Council. Two other topics that, it is believed, will»also be raised are anti-profiteering and shortage of hospital accommodation. It will be recalled that
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  • 92 3 LEGISLATIVE sanction to various amendments of the Compulsory Service (Local Forces 1 Ordinance made by the Defence Regulations will be given under a bill to be introduced at Monday's meeting of the Legislative Council. Section 8 is so amended that the proper authority can cancel
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  • 238 3 Central News. "fjjHINA will not cease fighting so long as the peace-breaker in the Far East is not defeated," declared Mr. Kao Lingpai, Chinese Consul-General, in a speech broadcast from the M.B.C. on the occasion of the "Double Tenth" anniversary yesterday. Mr Kao pointed out
    Central News.  -  238 words
  • 358 3 rpHE names of the members of Antl-pro-fiteering Committees established in Malacca and Johore are published below for information. Any member of the public who wishes to make a complaint of profiteering is asked to communicate with his Area Supply Officer or any member of the appropriate
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  • 98 3 THE Government is now prepared to assist the immigration of labour from Java and other parts of the Netherlands Indies. To give the necessary financial assistance, the powers of the Indian Immigration Committee mast be so widened that they may collect and expend funds in respect
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  • 42 3 The Minister for the Army (Mr Fordei ha.s sent a message to Gen. Blarney conveying greetings and assurance of all support by himself and his Government to further the exploits of the A.I F., which he says have filled them with admiration.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 rppaj Phoenix Aerated Water Co., Ltd.—one of the most modern aerated water factories in Malaya --depends on Frigidaire for efficient refrigeration, such a? surface type Water Coolers, Compressors and Forced Air Evaporators. Frigidaire equipment is ideally suited to all types of commercial refrigeration. There are literally hundreds of coil and
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    • 192 3 Said: "I have not seen one who, if there were ''''.'i'l&'lfc no serious complications, no matter how long S*-!:? the duration of the Asthma, could not be BK_t*K* m cured by Wm.m£&Mz Ob How's ASTHMA CURE $rWi It relieves Asthma's choking torture, ©,A\|ft ends all Bed-time Fears. This means vjykfc--
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    • 249 3 m^m I —I to Key Brandy^^ This label is your guarantee that every bottle has been matured under the S supervision and control of the South African Government for at least ten ;pH I years. A Government certificate to rt JT|Su this effect accompanies every shipment. f'/J I Sole agents:-—
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  • 61 4 SOCCER: Div. I league replay. S.C.F.A. v R.A.F., Anson Road Stadium, 5 p.m. HOCKEY 3RC i Indian Association. BBC; Kbalsa I Colts, Khaka ground RUOBT Medical Oollepe v RAP (Seietan. Sepoy 3.C.C. v RaF, SC.C. ATHLETICS: Highland Gathering In aid 01 War Pund, .lulun Besar Stadium. 2
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  • 161 4 VERY poor hockey was witnessed on the Pa dams yesterday when the Singapore Hornets and the Singapore Recreation Club drew one-all. Play was uninteresting throughout although In all fairness to both teams, it must be..stated that neither side played thru Btrongest teams. Tlie standard
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  • 185 4 TWO goals scored after their opponents had led one-nil at the interval put the Argylls in the second round of the Challenge Cup competition when they mat the Royal Artillery (Heavy) at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. The Argylls, who were territorially far superior to their opponents, had
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  • 44 4 PLAYING at Bukit Timah yesterday, Raffles College showed great form to beat a strong Sappers and Miners team by four goals to one after leading 2-1 at the interval. Scorers were Thoy (2), and Ebert (2) for the College, and Aroklasamy for the Sappers.
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  • 195 4 King's Gambit, Radiant Annie Rooney Likely Winners Kuala Lumpur, To-day. A FEW last final gallops were witnessed this morning iK A preparM tJon tor to-days races. Outstanding workout were performed by Bosworth Park, whose chances in lhe long distance event for class one horses appear bright, Mystic Musi*, King's Gambit
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  • 311 4 *FTER a goalless first half, an R.E. XV A scored a goal and a try in the second to beat an S.C.C. side at rugger yesterday on the Padang by eight points to nil. The Sappers' tnree-quarter line was seen in some very pretty moves,
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  • 146 4 t/'EEN swimming was seen at the tenth •"■anniversary and swimming carnival of the Tiger Sporting Association, held at the Haw Par Swimming Pool yesterday. At the conclusion. Mrs. Kao Ling Pai distributed the prizes. Results of the main events were as lollows: 40 yards women's back stroke:
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  • 99 4 <By MAC) (E> SPECTATOR") I! Rice I—CVMBALONG Race I—HfcKBE FOLLE r Courting ■> THANKS Race —CONTANGO Race 2 —THANKS Blue Peter raewMrmre Race 3-ANNIE ROONFY Race 3—THE NEEDLES Mnitiit Annie Rooney i, %r n» V "r Race 4-NTCOTINE 4 ~Wn mi Turn Over SS?»» RaCC «SS?" LAND ""Cumberland Race
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  • 921 4 FOLLOWING are the handicaps for this afternoon's races at Kuala Lumpur, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club's October meet. RACE ONE Horses, Class 2, Div. 3—5 Ms Furlongs 3 0 0 HERBE FOLLE 9y 0.00 Capt. H. F. Bloxham M ?-f lH '!2 0 0
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  • 89 4 ONE of the largest crowds ever should fill Anson Road Stadium to-day when the Straits Chinese Football Association meet the Royal Air Force in their second replay to decide the issue of this year's league honours. The first replay last Saturday resulted in a draw after
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  • 110 4 THE following have been selected to A play hockey for the V.M.C.A. vs. the Indian Association on Monday at 5.10 p m. on the Anson Road ground:— V. N. Pillay; A. C. Edgar. H. Simm; Goh Chin Chye. G. Day, Gan Kee Slang; F. Ross, A C.
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  • 114 4 MAINTAINING a first half superiority over thTir opponents the Medical College Union managed tc score a 2—o victory over the second hockey string of the S C.C in a match played on the padang yesterday. The Collegians quickly settled down and did all the
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  • 54 4 THE following were he best scores returned for the Keppel Golf Club October Spoon (Stapleford' competition: Mrs. E. O Sullivan ll+9 3 4 -203/ 4 Mrs. S. A. Anderson 7+11%= 20 Vz. Mrs. R. Oswald 6+13V 2 =19V 2 Miss D. Hirst 144-5 1 4=19»/ 4 I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 deceptive cleanliness MAY SCREEN EXISTINO OECASf ®A treat ef fleavlnf wHb yoe and othm c pceosei *s! r\\V\ •I decay, until toothache sounds r YWy' _wto «I warning. Tek toothbrushes tissVjnsrf by dental surgeons, lit fcato its arch behind the teeth, removing Amm mkwfte particle* el food, which X the
      157 words
    • 156 4 SINGA WATER MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore An alkaline drink with excel.jnt corrective properties of taking P HALIBUT lir£H Oil When children get irritable and run down, giv? them a daily dose of HA LI BO RANGE. This delicious combination of the finest Halibut Liver Oil and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 170 5 Singapore, Friday. AS he had to pay for the medical 11 expenses of his wife, he could not pay the instalments, was «he Tply Given by Tan Kee Tye, a clerk in the Army Audit Depart ment, when the Officio 1 Assignee 'ipplied to Sir
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  • 128 5 ALI bin Tambi, a young Malay, rt was fined $75, in default six veeks' rigorous imprisonment, In he fourth court yesterday after•oon when he was convicted on a harge of voluntarily causing rievous hurt to a Bengali, S. Rai, )t the Kranji magazine, on Aug. 15.
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  • 74 5 LLEGED to have committed theft of two silver cups, valued at $20. the --operty of a certain Mohamed Taha. om his residence at Reformatory Road esterday morning, a 30-year-old Hokklen, Am Kirn Sent',, "of no fixed abode," apI eared before Mr. L. C. Goh,
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  • 529 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) MOCK invasion on a small scale was staged yesterday "somewhere in Singapore" tiy 56 members of the Officer Cadets Training Unit who are in the fifth week of their training. For two solid hours, wearing full army kit, these cadets carried out manoeuvres,
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  • 234 5 IN order to provide practical machinery for the administration of the Cocos Islands and for adapting lhe laws of the Colony thereto, a bill will be introduced at the next meeting of the Legislative Ccuncil on Monday. It provides for the appointment of a court to
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  • 437 5 Singapore, Friday. f |*HE vagaries of the drug, sodium chlorate, were discussed in the coroner's court this morning, at the inquiry into the death of a Hailam, Sin Koh Way, who died in hospital eight days after he had taken an overdose of
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  • 190 5 Singapore, Saturday. A BANKRUPT for 11 years, a 56--year old China-born Chinese Wong Kee, at one time a building contractor, was granted a conditional discharge by Sir Percy McElwaine, chief justice, in the bankruptcy court yesterday. The order of discharge against Wong Kee whose liabilities
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  • 60 5 SAID to have trespassed into the flat ni Inspector Raddick at Hill Street Police Station on Thursday. an Indir.u. K. K. Maniam, who described himself as the son of a village headman in India, was fined $1. by the third magistrate Mr. R. Moor. Maniam said that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 286 5 Its mtier with--3 M 3 Jllkin diseases m ni, black and white spots, bods Z£ Pimples, ring worm, itch swellin ■—n_ Jie disappear as if by ma.»t :SSfinTKASVHAS KAY A This cii wounds and boils that wer, Jrthrfd beyond t*™*** ,0 tts p t£j£ H r*» medicine is unequalled ..«rootint
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  • 214 6 Asiatic Manpower AMONG the many interesting points raised by Lieut. Gen. A. E. Perciva'l, G.0.C., Malaya, during the course of an interview on Tuesday, was the question of manpower. Having stated that a large number of Europeans were not available for volunteering owing to the fact that their civilian
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  • 144 6 r reason for Government* failure to keep such a register is said to be the difficulty of establishing the British nationality of the members of the various races. Against that can be set the argument that there must be very few British Europeans who have been called upon
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  • 183 6 in the Pacific ebbs and flows. For weeks together relations between Japan and the powers seem to be easing, but there follows a period during which uncertainty and anxiety increase to breaking point. Possibly it is all part of the war of nerves—the technique so successfully followed by
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  • 1033 6 "ENGLISHMEN liked their humour broad a hundred years ago. Consequently when engraver Ebenezer Landells got the idea of putting out a clean comic weekly sheet, modelled on the popular Paris Charivari Fleet Street turned him down. Whcr?ver he went he was solemnly assured by
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  • 938 6  - Ready, Willing Able The Passive Defence Services Of Malaya Are By C. L. CHEAH CHOULD any aggressive power, seeking to force its way into Malaya, think that in the population he would find an insignificant defence force, he would be in for a rude awakening. He would find that, far
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  • 613 6 experts were puzzled by a problem that a great American factory had asked them to tackle, that of increasing the efficiency of the workers. All scientific data was obtained by these expert investigators, who first tried increasing output by means of lighting. But apparently illumination was not
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  • 329 6 Durians Mangosteens OFKDMNG Durians,start to bear O fruit when from seven- to ten years tld and bud-grafted ones rather earlier. Mangosteens produce a few fruit after about six or seven years but do not come into full bearing until they are about ten years old or more. The Durian is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 333 6 FEDERATED M MAY STATES RAILWAYS. WHEN TRAVELLING BY RAIL REGISTER YOUR LUGGAGE. FEE 10 CTS. EACH PACKAGE. if |J M l/i lal most up-to-date instru- to discover your eye defects Sci ntlflcally and Accurately, fractionist:— C. P. CHONG. IN OPTICAL MEDICAL CO. 1 12. South Bridge Road. SINGAPORE. After his
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  • 621 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 10 THE great battle for Moscow goes on with unabated ferocity The German thrusts are being held at several points and the Nazi troops are suffering heavy losses. The German pinccr thrusts towards Moscow arc reported at some po.nts
    Reuter.  -  621 words
  • 42 7 Reuter. London. Oct. 10. T UNKERS 88 which approached the 1 south coast ypstprdav afternoon was t>!iot do'";i by British fighters. Another I British fighter, on offensive patrol In the Calais arc i. destroyed a Messerschmitt 109 1 Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 142 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 10. THE question that occupies the mind of the Chinese people I to-day is not whether China will negotiate peace with Japan but when the United States will cease to negotiate peace with Japan," said Dr. Zing Yang-kuo, lecturing at
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 300 7 Reuter. Manila, Oct. 10. J)R. Henry Grady, the United States special economic investigator told a press conference that he had received assurances during his tour of south-eastern Asia that the I Axis would be shut off comI pletely from war materials from that section.
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 76 7 Reuter. Panama City, Oct. 10. A NUMBER of new decrees have already been signed by the newly formed All-Part y Panama Government which was set up under the former Minister of Justice, M. Rioardo Adolfo de la Guardia. Ex-President Arias, in Cuba stated that he had
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 449 7  -  (By John Wallis Reuter's Correspondent) a f Reuter. whWiil. the keynote of the trade tain tZ vJi.foKi Ge an y' ,ssued las night, it is clear that the Germans have failed to obtain the valuable chrome requirements from Turkey next year as desired. The
    Reuter.  -  449 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 f dTgene 1 1 ANTACIDThe safe, sure, and scientific treatment for $X Digestive Troubles, Indigestion, Flatulence li' is unrivalle d as a bland and soothing antacid ;2§f 4& a!L t t treatment of indigestion. By restoring stomach yg&b A V na< y noi 'mal in a very short time it
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    • 101 7 WE SUPPLY VARIOUS j TYPES OF FIREWOOD To Suit Your Requirements Santi-Belungkor Forestry Company Sumbawa Road, Singapore Telephone No. 4368. "CORRECT TO THE SECOND". ISlb\^Gll£o Always on their job and doing it A^B&^f^^^ with British thoroughness, mWLw*R*& ■> I"*'^. Smith "SECTRIC" Clocks are MOT^EOW*\ modest but worthy companions of
      101 words
    • 362 7 There's nothing like fragrant cup of Kobinson's 1 Coffee, blend <>! thr jJ^^/J^'^^V^w' choicest coffees grown, RC^. carefully selected for its \^^^y_BP^^RV\ quality and rare aroma, V- 1 1-1 and skilfully toasted to Jjf bring out all its goodness lb. TLX _~~50.40 1 lb. TIN $0.76 2 lb. TLX $1.42
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 4 SHOWS TO-DAY... 1 t WITH 1000 LAUGHS IN EACH ONE! II A.M. 3.15 CAPITOL 6.15 9.15 "IN THE NAVY" IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE YEAR'S FUNNIEST PICTURE" says The "S. FREE PRESS" reviewer Those BUCK PRIVATES arc tickling the funny-bone of the Whole World! The Sensational f BUD ABBOTT and
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    • 285 8 i To-night Grand Midnight Show SIMULTANEOUSLY AT GAItKK X A HAPPY OEYLANO IHAPPY WORLD i at 12.15 at 12 Union Films 1941 Super Production "Waiiila Dan Salria" With an all star cast. Stunts, Action KfOOChongfl galore. Only the best is shown at Garrick Happy Tneatre>. mm ■HPT LAST NIGHT [GARRICK
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    • 170 8 THE SECRET R \DIO SPEAKS! Ĕ^k Sev 'Underground' SEASON'S MOST EXCITING AGAINST J fm^mWW THE HUSHED-UP TRUTH! Vl^^Y THRILL PILED UPON THRILL-' MwßH^m TO-DAY 41 Show^ >,lIIHgII' 11 A.M., 3.15, g 6.15 9.15 EXCITING? You have never seen anything more thrilling to WARNER BROS. HIT^Hh* f fl| artl^o'vd S PHILIP
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  • 105 9 Reuter. Oct. 11. DESULTS described by experts as of incalculable value for the prctecti ,ii India's frontiers have already be n obtained in the first two days of the manoeuvres, duiing Which blitzkrieg conrMticns reproduced in two important towns in Southern Punjab. A bridge over
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 83 9 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. 'po celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Republic, a ceremony was held at the Chinese Embassy yesterday at 4 p.m. In .which the entire Chinese community In London participated. The Chinese Ambassador, Dr. Wellington Koo, gave a
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 313 9 BOOK EARLY TO-DAY 'PHONE 3400 CATHAY ~s A IAUCM iflllfU, '..ONG I MRU If v ft a' IRH FOSTER MARGARET LINDSAY LYNXE OVERMAN AND PARAMOUNT BRITISH NEWS The 11 a.m. Matinee To-day and To-morrow will be preceded by a series of 8.M.1. Documentaries starting at 10.30 a.m. <^jj=i— MANfi&s www
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    • 349 9 LATEST Wanted WANTED to rent from the first of November one small bungalow furnished or unrurnlshed to Johore Bnaru railW ay tHtlon l J,efase write to Box No 081 c\o Maifaya Tribune, Singapore (No SIBLj WANTED DC. Generator in first class order, 50 to GO K.W. 230 Volts approximately,
      349 words
    • 216 9 Europe's Forbidden FREEDOM RADIO THUNDERS DEFIANCE TO TYRANTS 3 Sf 1 issass» iVlatmees To-uay lo-morrow WHOLE SERIAL "The Oregon Trail" Opening: To-morrow Night 7 9.30 p.m. "THE INyiSIBLE MAN RETURNS" ■——i^ FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Mil /t°i,o 1A w K TERRACE MALAYA S PREMIER SCHOOL OP THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF
      216 words
    • 86 9 alow 9' Spring -> ib» K«,,i j H WUNG 11 VH jffijPy heart anybody »I R iti» a I Th* ni««t» person the knew wot hertehM FRIEDA INESCORT Peggy Wood Walter 1 Woolf King BonHa Granville Beryl Mercer I A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION Directed I by AtC HIE MAYO A Warner
      86 words
      298 words

  • 93 10 TAN—Mrs. Tan Chay Yan, M.B.E. nee Madam Chua Wan Neo passed away peacefully at the 68 on Monday, 22nd September, 1941 at her Malacca residence No. 73 Heeren Street. She leaves behind her one son Tan Hoon Siang, three daughters Mrs. Chua Poh Siang Mrs. Chee Guan
    93 words
  • 65 10 ONG—Mr. Ong Boon ChWee, aged 53, of Messrs. Chan Eber, passed away peacefully at his residence No. 2-C, Veeraaamy Road, on 9-10-1941, leaving behind him his wife, two sons, Khye Hee and Khye Lim, one daughter-in-law (Mrs. Khye Hee), seven daughters, four sons-in-law and ten grand children to mourn his
    65 words
  • 57 10 MESSRS. CHIN SUN FEE, CHIN SUN SEONG and CHIN SUN KHOON wish to thank all their relatives and friends who attended the funeral, sent wreaths, scrolls, messages of condolence, lent cars and rendered service in any other way, at the funeral of their beloved father. Towkay Chin Nam Khong
    57 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3316 10 I 1 I 1 I ffl I Motor Vehicles 1 FOR*SALE OR EXCHANGE. One I M O Sports coupe In excellent condition,; 5 new tyres fitted, footwork Just renewed. Owner will accept $2,750 or take smalK-r :ar In part exchange, preferably a vwo seater M.G. Apply, Comet Electrical IService. 163.
      3,316 words
    • 648 10 Domestic Servants and Workmen I rFNERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 100. Public Notices P.W D. TENDER NOTICE TENDERS will be received at the office of the Senior Executev e Engineer, P.W.D., pistrict Office Joho c Bahru, up to noon of the lain October 1941, for the Erection of Military Camp Buildings for
      648 words
    • 270 10 I TENDERS. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of the 31st October, 1941, foi the following services for the Singapore Volunteer Corps for the year 1942:— L Clothing (making up»; 2 Transport of members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps by motor bus or lorry;
      270 words
    • 277 10 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. NOTICE In connection with the forthcoming Deepavali Festival the period of availability of Week-end Tickets will be as under; Outward Journey: Thursday IStk (after 6 a.m.) to Sunday, 19th October, 1941, inclusive. Return Journey: Friday 17th to Wednesday, 22nd October, 1941, inclusive. I Re PAPAMMAL deceased.
      277 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 642 10 Ite-BAY'S BADiej SINGAPORE LONDON ZHI 225 metres 1333 kcs MRVjci ZHP1 30.96 metres 9.69 mis £5S""H"S Mr. AS? ZHP2 48.5. metres 6-175 m,cs jSgt; SSj SSg£ Mld c£rin^ riet p y ro g ramme NORTH* Btaj&S Mvi« 1 00 M 1B p rires and An GSD (25 metres band) CBY
      642 words

  • 932 11 FRIDAY. OC T. 18. «041: 1 PM Buyers Sellers MINING 2 9 ,mß»'. I** l 1 *si 71 1 1 76 Srsl A** l Si 032 0.33 jS-W 17,6 136 *ST*W fg 090 094 •U 1 43 147 0.22 0.24 S* Tin 21 9 22 3
    932 words
  • 105 11 Reuter. Berlin. Oct. 10. THE official German News Agency says that the German-Turkish agieement, which was signed yesterday, regulates the exchange of goods for the period up to Mar. 31, 1943. The exchange of exports, to a value of nearly 200,000,000 Reichmarks in each direction, is
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 85 11 pOLLOWING are contributions collected through the All-Malayan Estate Asiatic Staffs' Association for the period ending September 1941: —Elmina Estate $15. long Penp; Estate $32.77, Siingei Tekal Estate $5.50, Arcadia Estate $9. Bungsar Estate $10. Kampong Kuantan Estate «13.80, Jasin Lalang Estate $36.55. Paya lam: Estate $53.50,
    85 words
  • 92 11 npHE following are the crop returns for September: The Ayer Kuning iF.M.S.) Rubber Co.. Ltd 99,000 lb.; The Badek Rubber Estate Ltd. (Stameld Estate). 21.000 lb.; The Bradwall (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate Ltd.. 62.500 lb.; The Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates Ltd., 69.000 lb.; Dennistown Rubber ••.states Ltd. (Dennistown Estate), 47.500
    92 words
  • 60 11 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 9. 'PHE Netherlands Government lias agreed to make full reimbursements for Lease-Lend materials and the British at present are studying a repayment system ior aid received. President Roosevelt told Senator Vandenberg. The President's letter, which was published by Senator Vandenberg. said that the basic principles for British
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 84 11 Reuter. Cairo, Oct. 10. THE Germans surrounding Tobruk are obviously most worried by our control of No Man's Land and have resorted, for the first time, to the use of tanks at night time in order to combat our patrols," declared the British mili tary spokesman
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 102 11 rpHE following details of the South British ..nsurance Company Ltd.'s accounts for the year ended Aug. 31. 1941, Cave been received by cable from the head office: Net Premium Revenue £2.145.500 Reinsurance Reserve Fund 1.180.000 Underwriting Prorit 252,900 income from Interest Rents 179.000 To Investment Fluctuation Pund
    102 words
  • 72 11 Reuter. Shanghai. Oct. 10. A NEW order has been issutd Dy the local Japanese-controlled customs banning the export of cotton yarn, pieceCoods and other cotton manufactured oods from Shanghai except under special permits Tr is nut \tt known whether permits will be issued liberally but
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 29 11 British Wireless. London, Oct, 10: The Duke of Kent on Wednesday visited n Nethrrlami brigade »omewh«.-re m the Midlands Mild wa.« received by Otn. Nc#othoven van Ckvjr— British Wireless
    British Wireless.  -  29 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 222 11 A.T.EDWARDS A CO.. LTD. AUCTION SALE OF UNCLAIMED ARTICLES FOUND AT THE SINGAPORE SWIMMING CLUB. Comprising;:— Zeiss Ikon, Ajax and Kodak Cameras, Cigarette Cases, Wrist and Pocket Watches, Bangles, Gold Rings, Opera Glasses. Sun Glasses, etc., etc., TO BE HELD AT THE SALE-ROOM OF A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD., 11,
      222 words
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    • 250 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England) DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN via HONGKONG CALCUTTA via PENANG. Taking cargo on through Bill of Lading for Canton. Macao. Swatow. Amoy, Chefo. Tientsin, Newchwanv,. Yangtse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior accommodation for saloon passengers amidships. They
      250 words

  • 524 12 EttngapciFriday. THERE was a large gathering at the "Bowl of Rice" party held at Spring Grove to-night in aid of British and Chinese air raid victims. The place was tastefully decoiafd and illuminated for the occasion and entertainment of a •varied nature
    524 words
  • 587 12 Reuter. London, Oct. 11. JTRESH from the Moscow talks with M. Stalin, Lord Beaverbrook is confident that Russia will stand even should Moscow fall. The British and American supplies were already flowing to the Soviets, he said, and they included tanks suitable for use in
    Reuter.  -  587 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 457 12 ■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■li for perfect frying and cooking use- ZZ BEEF DRIPPING I ffee most economical I fat for all cooking par poses 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3 lines), BUTTERWORTH 33 CS. 246 A Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage
      457 words
    • 133 12 sizes ss rns SS MENTS IN SHOE WHEN THEY'RE SICK, CROSS, TIRED AND OUT-OF-SORTS... KIDDIES NEED For 30 Years, Australia's Most Famous Laxative f^^^^^^^^^^^fc for Children Quickly I^K^^^l^^pS^S Relieve all Disorders of W^^mf^^^^K the Stomach and Bowels GENUINE Laxettes are the ideal laxative children. ix« system. They're SAFE; they can
      133 words